diff --git a/valgrind-3.13.0-ppc64-diag.patch b/valgrind-3.13.0-ppc64-diag.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eba0acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.13.0-ppc64-diag.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c b/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
+index e16e837..a8d4926 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
++++ b/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
+@@ -29356,62 +29356,70 @@ DisResult disInstr_PPC_WRK (
+    decode_noF:
+       vassert(!allow_F);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Floating Point instruction 0x%x that\n"
+-		 "can't be handled by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction\n"
+-		 "requires a host that supports Floating Point instructions.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Floating Point instruction 0x%x that\n"
++		    "can't be handled by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction\n"
++		    "requires a host that supports Floating Point instructions.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_noV:
+       vassert(!allow_V);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found an AltiVec or an e500 instruction 0x%x\n"
+-		 "that can't be handled by Valgrind.  If this instruction is an\n"
+-		 "Altivec instruction, Valgrind must be run on a host that supports"
+-		 "AltiVec instructions.  If the application was compiled for e500, then\n"
+-		 "unfortunately Valgrind does not yet support e500 instructions.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found an AltiVec or an e500 instruction 0x%x\n"
++		    "that can't be handled by Valgrind.  If this instruction is an\n"
++		    "Altivec instruction, Valgrind must be run on a host that supports"
++		    "AltiVec instructions.  If the application was compiled for e500, then\n"
++		    "unfortunately Valgrind does not yet support e500 instructions.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_noVX:
+       vassert(!allow_VX);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the instruction 0x%x that is defined in the\n"
+-		 "Power ISA 2.06 ABI but can't be handled by Valgrind on this host.\n"
+-		 "This instruction \nrequires a host that supports the ISA 2.06 ABI.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the instruction 0x%x that is defined in the\n"
++		    "Power ISA 2.06 ABI but can't be handled by Valgrind on this host.\n"
++		    "This instruction \nrequires a host that supports the ISA 2.06 ABI.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_noFX:
+       vassert(!allow_FX);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the General Purpose-Optional instruction 0x%x\n"
+-		 "that can't be handled by Valgrind on this host. This instruction\n"
+-		 "requires a host that supports the General Purpose-Optional instructions.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the General Purpose-Optional instruction 0x%x\n"
++		    "that can't be handled by Valgrind on this host. This instruction\n"
++		    "requires a host that supports the General Purpose-Optional instructions.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_noGX:
+       vassert(!allow_GX);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Graphics-Optional instruction 0x%x\n"
+-		 "that can't be handled by Valgrind on this host. This instruction\n"
+-		 "requires a host that supports the Graphic-Optional instructions.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Graphics-Optional instruction 0x%x\n"
++		    "that can't be handled by Valgrind on this host. This instruction\n"
++		    "requires a host that supports the Graphic-Optional instructions.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_noDFP:
+       vassert(!allow_DFP);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the decimal floating point (DFP) instruction 0x%x\n"
+-		 "that can't be handled by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction\n"
+-		 "requires a host that supports DFP instructions.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the decimal floating point (DFP) instruction 0x%x\n"
++		    "that can't be handled by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction\n"
++		    "requires a host that supports DFP instructions.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_noP8:
+       vassert(!allow_isa_2_07);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Power 8 instruction 0x%x that can't be handled\n"
+-		 "by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction requires a host that\n"
+-		 "supports Power 8 instructions.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Power 8 instruction 0x%x that can't be handled\n"
++		    "by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction requires a host that\n"
++		    "supports Power 8 instructions.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_noP9:
+       vassert(!allow_isa_3_0);
+-      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Power 9 instruction 0x%x that can't be handled\n"
+-                 "by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction requires a host that\n"
+-		 "supports Power 9 instructions.\n",
+-		 theInstr);
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): found the Power 9 instruction 0x%x that can't be handled\n"
++                    "by Valgrind on this host.  This instruction requires a host that\n"
++		    "supports Power 9 instructions.\n",
++		    theInstr);
+       goto not_supported;
+    decode_failure:
diff --git a/valgrind.spec b/valgrind.spec
index 77ccb47..e8c04a9 100644
--- a/valgrind.spec
+++ b/valgrind.spec
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ Patch4: valgrind-3.13.0-ppc64-check-no-vsx.patch
 # KDE#381289 epoll_pwait can have a NULL sigmask.
 Patch5: valgrind-3.13.0-epoll_pwait.patch
+# KDE#381274 powerpc too chatty even with --sigill-diagnostics=no
+Patch6: valgrind-3.13.0-ppc64-diag.patch
 %if %{build_multilib}
 # Ensure glibc{,-devel} is installed for both multilib arches
 BuildRequires: /lib/libc.so.6 /usr/lib/libc.so /lib64/libc.so.6 /usr/lib64/libc.so
@@ -217,6 +220,7 @@ Valgrind User Manual for details.
 %patch3 -p1
 %patch4 -p1
 %patch5 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
 # We need to use the software collection compiler and binutils if available.
@@ -422,6 +426,7 @@ echo ===============END TESTING===============
 * Sat Jun 17 2017 Mark Wielaard <mjw@fedoraproject.org>
 - Add valgrind-3.13.0-ppc64-check-no-vsx.patch
 - Add valgrind-3.13.0-epoll_pwait.patch (#1462258)
+- Add valgrind-3.13.0-ppc64-diag.patch
 * Thu Jun 15 2017 Mark Wielaard <mjw@fedoraproject.org> - 3.13.0-1
 - valgrind 3.13.0 final.