diff --git a/valgrind-3.7.0-debug-types.patch b/valgrind-3.7.0-debug-types.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b7895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.7.0-debug-types.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/Makefile.am	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/Makefile.am	(revision 12491)
+@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
+ 	deep_templates.stdout.exp deep_templates.stderr.exp \
+ 	describe-block.stderr.exp describe-block.vgtest \
+ 	doublefree.stderr.exp doublefree.vgtest \
++	dw4.vgtest dw4.stderr.exp dw4.stdout.exp \
+ 	err_disable1.vgtest err_disable1.stderr.exp \
+ 	err_disable2.vgtest err_disable2.stderr.exp \
+ 	err_disable3.vgtest err_disable3.stderr.exp \
+@@ -281,6 +282,9 @@ check_PROGRAMS = \
+ 	wrap1 wrap2 wrap3 wrap4 wrap5 wrap6 wrap7 wrap7so.so wrap8 \
+ 	writev1
++if DWARF4
++check_PROGRAMS += dw4
+ AM_CFLAGS   += $(AM_FLAG_M3264_PRI)
+@@ -299,6 +303,8 @@ endif
+ deep_templates_SOURCES	= deep_templates.cpp
+ deep_templates_CXXFLAGS	= $(AM_CFLAGS) -O -gstabs
++dw4_CFLAGS		= $(AM_CFLAGS) -gdwarf-4 -fdebug-types-section
+ err_disable3_LDADD 	= -lpthread
+ err_disable4_LDADD 	= -lpthread
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/dw4.c	(revision 0)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/dw4.c	(revision 12491)
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++/* Check of variable location identification when using .debug_types.  */
++/* Relevant compile flags are:
++   -Wall -g -I$prefix/include/valgrind -gdwarf-4 -fdebug-types-section
++   eg -Wall -g -I`pwd`/Inst/include/valgrind -gdwarf-4 -fdebug-types-section
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include "memcheck/memcheck.h"
++/* Cause memcheck to complain about the address "a" and so to print
++   its best guess as to what "a" actually is.  a must be
++   addressible. */
++void croak ( void* aV )
++  char* a = (char*)aV;
++  char* undefp = malloc(1);
++  char saved = *a;
++  assert(undefp);
++  *a = *undefp;
++  *a = saved;
++  free(undefp);
++struct s1
++  char c;
++  short s;
++  int i;
++  long l;
++  float f;
++  double d;
++struct s1 S2[30];
++int main ( void )
++  struct s1 local;
++  struct s1* onheap = malloc(sizeof (struct s1));
++  assert(onheap);
++  croak(&onheap->i);
++  croak( &S2[0].i );
++  croak( &local.i );
++  return 0;
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/dw4.stderr.exp	(revision 0)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/dw4.stderr.exp	(revision 12491)
+@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
++Uninitialised byte(s) found during client check request
++   at 0x........: croak (dw4.c:27)
++   by 0x........: main (dw4.c:49)
++ Address 0x........ is 4 bytes inside a block of size 32 alloc'd
++   at 0x........: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
++   by 0x........: main (dw4.c:47)
++Uninitialised byte(s) found during client check request
++   at 0x........: croak (dw4.c:27)
++   by 0x........: main (dw4.c:51)
++ Location 0x........ is 0 bytes inside S2[0].i,
++ a global variable declared at dw4.c:42
++Uninitialised byte(s) found during client check request
++   at 0x........: croak (dw4.c:27)
++   by 0x........: main (dw4.c:52)
++ Location 0x........ is 0 bytes inside local.i,
++ declared at dw4.c:46, in frame #1 of thread 1
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/dw4.vgtest	(revision 0)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/memcheck/tests/dw4.vgtest	(revision 12491)
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++prog: dw4
++vgopts: --read-var-info=yes -q
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/configure.in	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/configure.in	(revision 12491)
+@@ -1453,6 +1453,26 @@ AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
++# does this compiler support -gdwarf-4 -fdebug-types-section ?
++AC_MSG_CHECKING([if gcc accepts -gdwarf-4 -fdebug-types-section])
++CFLAGS="-gdwarf-4 -fdebug-types-section"
++  return 0;
++]])], [
++], [
++AM_CONDITIONAL(DWARF4, test x$ac_have_dwarf4 = xyes)
+ # does the linker support -Wl,--build-id=none ?  Note, it's
+ # important that we test indirectly via whichever C compiler
+ # is selected, rather than testing /usr/bin/ld or whatever
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readdwarf.c	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readdwarf.c	(revision 12491)
+@@ -1166,6 +1166,7 @@ void read_unitinfo_dwarf2( /*OUT*/UnitIn
+ void ML_(read_debuginfo_dwarf3)
+         ( struct _DebugInfo* di,
+           UChar* debug_info_img, Word debug_info_sz, /* .debug_info */
++          UChar* debug_types_img, Word debug_types_sz, /* .debug_types */
+           UChar* debug_abbv_img, Word debug_abbv_sz, /* .debug_abbrev */
+           UChar* debug_line_img, Word debug_line_sz, /* .debug_line */
+           UChar* debug_str_img,  Word debug_str_sz ) /* .debug_str */
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readelf.c	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readelf.c	(revision 12491)
+@@ -2072,6 +2072,7 @@ Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _
+       UChar*     stabstr_img      = NULL; /* .stabstr      (stabs)  */
+       UChar*     debug_line_img   = NULL; /* .debug_line   (dwarf2) */
+       UChar*     debug_info_img   = NULL; /* .debug_info   (dwarf2) */
++      UChar*     debug_types_img  = NULL; /* .debug_types  (dwarf4) */
+       UChar*     debug_abbv_img   = NULL; /* .debug_abbrev (dwarf2) */
+       UChar*     debug_str_img    = NULL; /* .debug_str    (dwarf2) */
+       UChar*     debug_ranges_img = NULL; /* .debug_ranges (dwarf2) */
+@@ -2093,6 +2094,7 @@ Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _
+       SizeT      stabstr_sz      = 0;
+       SizeT      debug_line_sz   = 0;
+       SizeT      debug_info_sz   = 0;
++      SizeT      debug_types_sz   = 0;
+       SizeT      debug_abbv_sz   = 0;
+       SizeT      debug_str_sz    = 0;
+       SizeT      debug_ranges_sz = 0;
+@@ -2168,6 +2170,7 @@ Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _
+          FIND(".debug_line",    debug_line_sz,   debug_line_img)
+          FIND(".debug_info",    debug_info_sz,   debug_info_img)
++         FIND(".debug_types",   debug_types_sz,  debug_types_img)
+          FIND(".debug_abbrev",  debug_abbv_sz,   debug_abbv_img)
+          FIND(".debug_str",     debug_str_sz,    debug_str_img)
+          FIND(".debug_ranges",  debug_ranges_sz, debug_ranges_img)
+@@ -2425,6 +2428,8 @@ Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _
+             FIND(need_stabs,  ".stabstr",      stabstr_sz,    stabstr_img)
+             FIND(need_dwarf2, ".debug_line",   debug_line_sz, debug_line_img)
+             FIND(need_dwarf2, ".debug_info",   debug_info_sz, debug_info_img)
++            FIND(need_dwarf2, ".debug_types",  debug_types_sz,
++		                                            debug_types_img)
+             FIND(need_dwarf2, ".debug_abbrev", debug_abbv_sz, debug_abbv_img)
+             FIND(need_dwarf2, ".debug_str",    debug_str_sz,  debug_str_img)
+             FIND(need_dwarf2, ".debug_ranges", debug_ranges_sz, 
+@@ -2516,6 +2521,7 @@ Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _
+          /* The old reader: line numbers and unwind info only */
+          ML_(read_debuginfo_dwarf3) ( di,
+                                       debug_info_img, debug_info_sz,
++                                      debug_types_img, debug_types_sz,
+                                       debug_abbv_img, debug_abbv_sz,
+                                       debug_line_img, debug_line_sz,
+                                       debug_str_img,  debug_str_sz );
+@@ -2528,6 +2534,7 @@ Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _
+              || VG_(clo_read_var_info) /* the user asked for it */) {
+             ML_(new_dwarf3_reader)(
+                di, debug_info_img,   debug_info_sz,
++                   debug_types_img,   debug_types_sz,
+                    debug_abbv_img,   debug_abbv_sz,
+                    debug_line_img,   debug_line_sz,
+                    debug_str_img,    debug_str_sz,
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/priv_readdwarf.h	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/priv_readdwarf.h	(revision 12491)
+@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ extern
+ void ML_(read_debuginfo_dwarf3)
+         ( struct _DebugInfo* di,
+           UChar* debug_info_img, Word debug_info_sz,  /* .debug_info */
++          UChar* debug_types_img, Word debug_types_sz,  /* .debug_types */
+           UChar* debug_abbv_img, Word debug_abbv_sz,  /* .debug_abbrev */
+           UChar* debug_line_img, Word debug_line_sz,  /* .debug_line */
+           UChar* debug_str_img,  Word debug_str_sz ); /* .debug_str */
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readdwarf3.c	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readdwarf3.c	(revision 12491)
+@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
+ #include "pub_core_libcassert.h"
+ #include "pub_core_libcprint.h"
+ #include "pub_core_libcsetjmp.h"   // setjmp facilities
++#include "pub_core_hashtable.h"
+ #include "pub_core_options.h"
+ #include "pub_core_tooliface.h"    /* VG_(needs) */
+ #include "pub_core_xarray.h"
+@@ -415,6 +416,9 @@ typedef
+       /* Where is .debug_info? */
+       UChar* debug_info_img;
+       UWord  debug_info_sz;
++      /* Where is .debug_types? */
++      UChar* debug_types_img;
++      UWord  debug_types_sz;
+       /* --- Needed so we can add stuff to the string table. --- */
+       struct _DebugInfo* di;
+       /* --- a cache for set_abbv_Cursor --- */
+@@ -422,10 +426,57 @@ typedef
+       struct { ULong abbv_code; UWord posn; } saC_cache[N_ABBV_CACHE];
+       UWord saC_cache_queries;
+       UWord saC_cache_misses;
++      /* True if this came from .debug_types; otherwise it came from
++         .debug_info.  */
++      Bool is_type_unit;
++      /* For a unit coming from .debug_types, these hold the TU's type
++         signature and the uncooked DIE offset of the TU's signatured
++         type.  For a unit coming from .debug_info, these are unused.  */
++      ULong type_signature;
++      ULong type_offset;
++      /* Signatured type hash; computed once and then shared by all
++         CUs.  */
++      VgHashTable signature_types;
+    }
+    CUConst;
++/* Return the cooked value of DIE depending on whether CC represents a
++   .debug_types unit.  To cook a DIE, we pretend that the .debug_info
++   and .debug_types sections form a contiguous whole, so that DIEs
++   coming from .debug_types are numbered starting at the end of
++   .debug_info.  */
++static UWord cook_die( CUConst* cc, UWord die )
++   if (cc->is_type_unit)
++      die += cc->debug_info_sz;
++   return die;
++/* Like cook_die, but understand that DIEs coming from a
++   DW_FORM_ref_sig8 reference are already cooked.  */
++static UWord cook_die_using_form( CUConst *cc, UWord die, DW_FORM form)
++   if (form == DW_FORM_ref_sig8)
++      return die;
++   return cook_die( cc, die );
++/* Return the uncooked offset of DIE and set *FLAG to true if the DIE
++   came from the .debug_types section.  */
++static UWord uncook_die( CUConst *cc, UWord die, /*OUT*/Bool *flag )
++   if (die >= cc->debug_info_sz) {
++      *flag = True;
++      die -= cc->debug_info_sz;
++   } else {
++      *flag = False;
++   }
++   return die;
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*---                                                      ---*/
+ /*--- Helper functions for Guarded Expressions             ---*/
+@@ -778,7 +829,8 @@ static __attribute__((noinline))
+ void parse_CU_Header ( /*OUT*/CUConst* cc,
+                        Bool td3,
+                        Cursor* c, 
+-                       UChar* debug_abbv_img, UWord debug_abbv_sz )
++                       UChar* debug_abbv_img, UWord debug_abbv_sz,
++		       Bool type_unit )
+ {
+    UChar  address_size;
+    UWord  debug_abbrev_offset;
+@@ -816,6 +868,13 @@ void parse_CU_Header ( /*OUT*/CUConst* c
+       cc->barf( "parse_CU_Header: invalid address_size" );
+    TRACE_D3("   Pointer Size:  %d\n", (Int)address_size );
++   cc->is_type_unit = type_unit;
++   if (type_unit) {
++      cc->type_signature = get_ULong( c );
++      cc->type_offset = get_Dwarfish_UWord( c, cc->is_dw64 );
++   }
+    /* Set up so that cc->debug_abbv points to the relevant table for
+       this CU.  Set the szB so that at least we can't read off the end
+       of the debug_abbrev section -- potentially (and quite likely)
+@@ -926,6 +985,50 @@ void set_abbv_Cursor ( /*OUT*/Cursor* c,
+    cc->saC_cache[N_ABBV_CACHE/2].posn = get_position_of_Cursor(c);
+ }
++/* This represents a single signatured type.  It maps a type signature
++   (a ULong) to a cooked DIE offset.  Objects of this type are stored
++   in the type signature hash table.  */
++   struct D3SignatureType {
++      struct D3SignatureType *next;
++      UWord data;
++      ULong type_signature;
++      UWord die;
++   }
++   D3SignatureType;
++/* Record a signatured type in the hash table.  */
++static void record_signatured_type ( VgHashTable tab,
++                                     ULong type_signature,
++                                     UWord die )
++   D3SignatureType *dstype = ML_(dinfo_zalloc) ( "di.readdwarf3.sigtype",
++                                                 sizeof(D3SignatureType) );
++   dstype->data = (UWord) type_signature;
++   dstype->type_signature = type_signature;
++   dstype->die = die;
++   VG_(HT_add_node) ( tab, dstype );
++/* Given a type signature hash table and a type signature, return the
++   cooked DIE offset of the type.  If the type cannot be found, call
++   BARF.  */
++static UWord lookup_signatured_type ( VgHashTable tab,
++                                      ULong type_signature,
++                                      void (*barf)( HChar* ) __attribute__((noreturn)) )
++   D3SignatureType *dstype = VG_(HT_lookup) ( tab, (UWord) type_signature );
++   /* This may be unwarranted chumminess with the hash table
++      implementation.  */
++   while ( dstype != NULL && dstype->type_signature != type_signature)
++      dstype = dstype->next;
++   if (dstype == NULL) {
++      barf("lookup_signatured_type: could not find signatured type");
++      /*NOTREACHED*/
++      vg_assert(0);
++   }
++   return dstype->die;
+ /* From 'c', get the Form data into the lowest 1/2/4/8 bytes of *cts.
+@@ -1164,14 +1267,20 @@ void get_Form_contents ( /*OUT*/ULong* c
+       }
+       case DW_FORM_ref_sig8: {
+          ULong  u64b;
+-         UChar* block = get_address_of_Cursor(c);
++         ULong  signature = get_ULong (c);
++         ULong  work = signature;
+          TRACE_D3("8 byte signature: ");
+          for (u64b = 8; u64b > 0; u64b--) {
+-            UChar u8 = get_UChar(c);
++            UChar u8 = work & 0xff;
+             TRACE_D3("%x ", (UInt)u8);
++            work >>= 8;
+          }
+-         *cts = (ULong)(UWord)block;
+-         *ctsMemSzB = 8;
++         /* Due to the way that the hash table is constructed, the
++            resulting DIE offset here is already "cooked".  See
++            cook_die_using_form.  */
++         *cts = lookup_signatured_type (cc->signature_types, signature,
++                                        c->barf);
++         *ctsSzB = sizeof(UWord);
+          break;
+       }
+       case DW_FORM_indirect:
+@@ -1468,10 +1577,11 @@ static void parse_var_DIE (
+    UWord saved_die_c_offset  = get_position_of_Cursor( c_die );
+    UWord saved_abbv_c_offset = get_position_of_Cursor( c_abbv );
++   Bool  debug_types_flag;
+    varstack_preen( parser, td3, level-1 );
+-   if (dtag == DW_TAG_compile_unit) {
++   if (dtag == DW_TAG_compile_unit || dtag == DW_TAG_type_unit) {
+       Bool have_lo    = False;
+       Bool have_hi1   = False;
+       Bool have_range = False;
+@@ -1685,7 +1795,7 @@ static void parse_var_DIE (
+             VG_(addToXA)(gexprs, &gexpr);
+          }
+          if (attr == DW_AT_type && ctsSzB > 0) {
+-            typeR = (UWord)cts;
++            typeR = cook_die_using_form( cc, (UWord)cts, form );
+          }
+          if (attr == DW_AT_external && ctsSzB > 0 && cts > 0) {
+             external = True;
+@@ -1917,7 +2027,12 @@ static void parse_var_DIE (
+    set_position_of_Cursor( c_die,  saved_die_c_offset );
+    set_position_of_Cursor( c_abbv, saved_abbv_c_offset );
+    VG_(printf)("\nparse_var_DIE: confused by:\n");
+-   VG_(printf)(" <%d><%lx>: %s\n", level, posn, ML_(pp_DW_TAG)( dtag ) );
++   posn = uncook_die( cc, posn, &debug_types_flag );
++   VG_(printf)(" <%d><%lx>: %s", level, posn, ML_(pp_DW_TAG)( dtag ) );
++   if (debug_types_flag) {
++      VG_(printf)(" (in .debug_types)");
++   }
++   VG_(printf)("\n");
+    while (True) {
+       DW_AT   attr = (DW_AT)  get_ULEB128( c_abbv );
+       DW_FORM form = (DW_FORM)get_ULEB128( c_abbv );
+@@ -2097,6 +2212,7 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+    TyEnt atomE;
+    TyEnt fieldE;
+    TyEnt boundE;
++   Bool  debug_types_flag;
+    UWord saved_die_c_offset  = get_position_of_Cursor( c_die );
+    UWord saved_abbv_c_offset = get_position_of_Cursor( c_abbv );
+@@ -2111,7 +2227,7 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+       its children. */
+    typestack_preen( parser, td3, level-1 );
+-   if (dtag == DW_TAG_compile_unit) {
++   if (dtag == DW_TAG_compile_unit || dtag == DW_TAG_type_unit) {
+       /* See if we can find DW_AT_language, since it is important for
+          establishing array bounds (see DW_TAG_subrange_type below in
+          this fn) */
+@@ -2272,7 +2388,7 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+             typeE.Te.TyPorR.szB = cts;
+          }
+          if (attr == DW_AT_type && ctsSzB > 0) {
+-            typeE.Te.TyPorR.typeR = (UWord)cts;
++            typeE.Te.TyPorR.typeR = cook_die_using_form( cc, (UWord)cts, form );
+          }
+       }
+       /* Do we have something that looks sane? */
+@@ -2317,8 +2433,23 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+           /* we must know the size */
+           /* but not for Ada, which uses such dummy
+              enumerations as helper for gdb ada mode. */
+-          && parser->language != 'A')
+-         goto bad_DIE;
++          && parser->language != 'A') {
++         /* GCC has been seen to put an odd DIE like this into
++            .debug_types:
++            <1><cb72>: DW_TAG_enumeration_type (in .debug_types)
++            DW_AT_name        : (indirect string, offset: 0x3374a): exec_direction_kind
++            DW_AT_declaration : 1	
++            It isn't clear what this means, but we accept it and
++            assume that the enum is int-sized.  */
++         if (cc->is_type_unit) {
++            typeE.Te.TyEnum.szB = sizeof(int);
++         } else {
++            goto bad_DIE;
++         }
++      }
+       /* On't stack! */
+       typestack_push( cc, parser, td3, &typeE, level );
+       goto acquire_Type;
+@@ -2487,7 +2618,7 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+                                     (UChar*)(UWord)cts );
+          }
+          if (attr == DW_AT_type && ctsSzB > 0) {
+-            fieldE.Te.Field.typeR = (UWord)cts;
++            fieldE.Te.Field.typeR = cook_die_using_form( cc, (UWord)cts, form );
+          }
+          /* There are 2 different cases for DW_AT_data_member_location.
+             If it is a constant class attribute, it contains byte offset
+@@ -2567,7 +2698,8 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+          get_Form_contents( &cts, &ctsSzB, &ctsMemSzB,
+                             cc, c_die, False/*td3*/, form );
+          if (attr == DW_AT_type && ctsSzB > 0) {
+-            typeE.Te.TyArray.typeR = (UWord)cts;
++            typeE.Te.TyArray.typeR = cook_die_using_form( cc, (UWord)cts,
++                                                          form );
+          }
+       }
+       if (typeE.Te.TyArray.typeR == D3_INVALID_CUOFF)
+@@ -2690,7 +2822,8 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+                                     (UChar*)(UWord)cts );
+          }
+          if (attr == DW_AT_type && ctsSzB > 0) {
+-            typeE.Te.TyTyDef.typeR = (UWord)cts;
++            typeE.Te.TyTyDef.typeR = cook_die_using_form( cc, (UWord)cts,
++                                                          form );
+          }
+       }
+       /* Do we have something that looks sane? */
+@@ -2733,7 +2866,7 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+          get_Form_contents( &cts, &ctsSzB, &ctsMemSzB,
+                             cc, c_die, False/*td3*/, form );
+          if (attr == DW_AT_type && ctsSzB > 0) {
+-            typeE.Te.TyQual.typeR = (UWord)cts;
++            typeE.Te.TyQual.typeR = cook_die_using_form( cc, (UWord)cts, form );
+             have_ty++;
+          }
+       }
+@@ -2813,7 +2946,12 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+    set_position_of_Cursor( c_die,  saved_die_c_offset );
+    set_position_of_Cursor( c_abbv, saved_abbv_c_offset );
+    VG_(printf)("\nparse_type_DIE: confused by:\n");
+-   VG_(printf)(" <%d><%lx>: %s\n", level, posn, ML_(pp_DW_TAG)( dtag ) );
++   posn = uncook_die( cc, posn, &debug_types_flag );
++   VG_(printf)(" <%d><%lx>: %s", level, posn, ML_(pp_DW_TAG)( dtag ) );
++   if (debug_types_flag) {
++      VG_(printf)(" (in .debug_types)");
++   }
++   VG_(printf)("\n");
+    while (True) {
+       DW_AT   attr = (DW_AT)  get_ULEB128( c_abbv );
+       DW_FORM form = (DW_FORM)get_ULEB128( c_abbv );
+@@ -3186,7 +3324,7 @@ static void read_DIE (
+    UWord  after_die_c_offset, after_abbv_c_offset;
+    /* --- Deal with this DIE --- */
+-   posn      = get_position_of_Cursor( c );
++   posn      = cook_die( cc, get_position_of_Cursor( c ) );
+    abbv_code = get_ULEB128( c );
+    set_abbv_Cursor( &abbv, td3, cc, abbv_code );
+    atag      = get_ULEB128( &abbv );
+@@ -3284,6 +3422,7 @@ void new_dwarf3_reader_wrk (
+    struct _DebugInfo* di,
+    __attribute__((noreturn)) void (*barf)( HChar* ),
+    UChar* debug_info_img,   SizeT debug_info_sz,
++   UChar* debug_types_img,  SizeT debug_types_sz,
+    UChar* debug_abbv_img,   SizeT debug_abbv_sz,
+    UChar* debug_line_img,   SizeT debug_line_sz,
+    UChar* debug_str_img,    SizeT debug_str_sz,
+@@ -3310,6 +3449,8 @@ void new_dwarf3_reader_wrk (
+    Word  i, j, n;
+    Bool td3 = di->trace_symtab;
+    XArray* /* of TempVar* */ dioff_lookup_tab;
++   Int pass;
++   VgHashTable signature_types;
+ #if 0
+    /* This doesn't work properly because it assumes all entries are
+       packed end to end, with no holes.  But that doesn't always
+@@ -3443,13 +3584,6 @@ void new_dwarf3_reader_wrk (
+    }
+    TRACE_SYMTAB("\n");
+-   /* Now loop over the Compilation Units listed in the .debug_info
+-      section (see D3SPEC sec 7.5) paras 1 and 2.  Each compilation
+-      unit contains a Compilation Unit Header followed by precisely
+-      one DW_TAG_compile_unit or DW_TAG_partial_unit DIE. */
+-   init_Cursor( &info, debug_info_img, debug_info_sz, 0, barf,
+-                "Overrun whilst reading .debug_info section" );
+    /* We'll park the harvested type information in here.  Also create
+       a fake "void" entry with offset D3_FAKEVOID_CUOFF, so we always
+       have at least one type entry to refer to.  D3_FAKEVOID_CUOFF is
+@@ -3511,158 +3645,234 @@ void new_dwarf3_reader_wrk (
+    VG_(memset)( &varparser, 0, sizeof(varparser) );
+    varparser.sp = -1;
+-   TRACE_D3("\n------ Parsing .debug_info section ------\n");
+-   while (True) {
+-      UWord   cu_start_offset, cu_offset_now;
+-      CUConst cc;
+-      /* It may be that the stated size of this CU is larger than the
+-         amount of stuff actually in it.  icc9 seems to generate CUs
+-         thusly.  We use these variables to figure out if this is
+-         indeed the case, and if so how many bytes we need to skip to
+-         get to the start of the next CU.  Not skipping those bytes
+-         causes us to misidentify the start of the next CU, and it all
+-         goes badly wrong after that (not surprisingly). */
+-      UWord cu_size_including_IniLen, cu_amount_used;
+-      /* It seems icc9 finishes the DIE info before debug_info_sz
+-         bytes have been used up.  So be flexible, and declare the
+-         sequence complete if there is not enough remaining bytes to
+-         hold even the smallest conceivable CU header.  (11 bytes I
+-         reckon). */
+-      /* JRS 23Jan09: I suspect this is no longer necessary now that
+-         the code below contains a 'while (cu_amount_used <
+-         cu_size_including_IniLen ...'  style loop, which skips over
+-         any leftover bytes at the end of a CU in the case where the
+-         CU's stated size is larger than its actual size (as
+-         determined by reading all its DIEs).  However, for prudence,
+-         I'll leave the following test in place.  I can't see that a
+-         CU header can be smaller than 11 bytes, so I don't think
+-         there's any harm possible through the test -- it just adds
+-         robustness. */
+-      Word avail = get_remaining_length_Cursor( &info );
+-      if (avail < 11) {
+-         if (avail > 0)
+-            TRACE_D3("new_dwarf3_reader_wrk: warning: "
+-                     "%ld unused bytes after end of DIEs\n", avail);
+-         break;
+-      }
++   signature_types = VG_(HT_construct) ("signature_types");
++   /* Do an initial pass to scan the .debug_types section, if any, and
++      fill in the signatured types hash table.  This lets us handle
++      mapping from a type signature to a (cooked) DIE offset directly
++      in get_Form_contents.  */
++   if (debug_types_img != NULL) {
++      init_Cursor( &info, debug_types_img, debug_types_sz, 0, barf,
++                   "Overrun whilst reading .debug_types section" );
++      TRACE_D3("\n------ Collecting signatures from .debug_types section ------\n");
+-      /* Check the varparser's stack is in a sane state. */
+-      vg_assert(varparser.sp == -1);
+-      for (i = 0; i < N_D3_VAR_STACK; i++) {
+-         vg_assert(varparser.ranges[i] == NULL);
+-         vg_assert(varparser.level[i] == 0);
+-      }
+-      for (i = 0; i < N_D3_TYPE_STACK; i++) {
+-         vg_assert(typarser.qparentE[i].cuOff == D3_INVALID_CUOFF);
+-         vg_assert(typarser.qparentE[i].tag   == Te_EMPTY);
+-         vg_assert(typarser.qlevel[i] == 0);
++      while (True) {
++         UWord   cu_start_offset, cu_offset_now;
++         CUConst cc;
++         cu_start_offset = get_position_of_Cursor( &info );
++         TRACE_D3("\n");
++         TRACE_D3("  Compilation Unit @ offset 0x%lx:\n", cu_start_offset);
++         /* parse_CU_header initialises the CU's set_abbv_Cursor cache
++            (saC_cache) */
++         parse_CU_Header( &cc, td3, &info,
++                          (UChar*)debug_abbv_img, debug_abbv_sz,
++                          True );
++         /* Needed by cook_die.  */
++         cc.debug_info_sz    = debug_info_sz;
++         record_signatured_type( signature_types, cc.type_signature,
++                                 cook_die( &cc, cc.type_offset ));
++         /* Until proven otherwise we assume we don't need the icc9
++            workaround in this case; see the DIE-reading loop below
++            for details.  */
++         cu_offset_now = (cu_start_offset + cc.unit_length
++                          + (cc.is_dw64 ? 12 : 4));
++         if (cu_offset_now == debug_types_sz)
++            break;
++         set_position_of_Cursor ( &info, cu_offset_now );
+       }
++   }
+-      cu_start_offset = get_position_of_Cursor( &info );
+-      TRACE_D3("\n");
+-      TRACE_D3("  Compilation Unit @ offset 0x%lx:\n", cu_start_offset);
+-      /* parse_CU_header initialises the CU's set_abbv_Cursor cache
+-         (saC_cache) */
+-      parse_CU_Header( &cc, td3, &info,
+-                       (UChar*)debug_abbv_img, debug_abbv_sz );
+-      cc.debug_str_img    = debug_str_img;
+-      cc.debug_str_sz     = debug_str_sz;
+-      cc.debug_ranges_img = debug_ranges_img;
+-      cc.debug_ranges_sz  = debug_ranges_sz;
+-      cc.debug_loc_img    = debug_loc_img;
+-      cc.debug_loc_sz     = debug_loc_sz;
+-      cc.debug_line_img   = debug_line_img;
+-      cc.debug_line_sz    = debug_line_sz;
+-      cc.debug_info_img   = debug_info_img;
+-      cc.debug_info_sz    = debug_info_sz;
+-      cc.cu_start_offset  = cu_start_offset;
+-      cc.di = di;
+-      /* The CU's svma can be deduced by looking at the AT_low_pc
+-         value in the top level TAG_compile_unit, which is the topmost
+-         DIE.  We'll leave it for the 'varparser' to acquire that info
+-         and fill it in -- since it is the only party to want to know
+-         it. */
+-      cc.cu_svma_known = False;
+-      cc.cu_svma       = 0;
+-      /* Create a fake outermost-level range covering the entire
+-         address range.  So we always have *something* to catch all
+-         variable declarations. */
+-      varstack_push( &cc, &varparser, td3, 
+-                     unitary_range_list(0UL, ~0UL),
+-                     -1, False/*isFunc*/, NULL/*fbGX*/ );
+-      /* And set up the file name table.  When we come across the top
+-         level DIE for this CU (which is what the next call to
+-         read_DIE should process) we will copy all the file names out
+-         of the .debug_line img area and use this table to look up the
+-         copies when we later see filename numbers in DW_TAG_variables
+-         etc. */
+-      vg_assert(!varparser.filenameTable );
+-      varparser.filenameTable 
+-         = VG_(newXA)( ML_(dinfo_zalloc), "di.readdwarf3.ndrw.5",
+-                       ML_(dinfo_free),
+-                       sizeof(UChar*) );
+-      vg_assert(varparser.filenameTable);
++   /* Perform two DIE-reading passes.  The first pass reads DIEs from
++      .debug_info, and the second pass reads DIEs from .debug_types.
++      Moving the body of this loop into a separate function would
++      require a large number of arguments to be passed in, so it is
++      kept inline instead.  */
++   for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
++      UWord section_size;
++      if (pass == 0) {
++         /* Now loop over the Compilation Units listed in the .debug_info
++            section (see D3SPEC sec 7.5) paras 1 and 2.  Each compilation
++            unit contains a Compilation Unit Header followed by precisely
++            one DW_TAG_compile_unit or DW_TAG_partial_unit DIE. */
++         init_Cursor( &info, debug_info_img, debug_info_sz, 0, barf,
++                      "Overrun whilst reading .debug_info section" );
++         section_size = debug_info_sz;
+-      /* Now read the one-and-only top-level DIE for this CU. */
+-      vg_assert(varparser.sp == 0);
+-      read_DIE( rangestree,
+-                tyents, tempvars, gexprs,
+-                &typarser, &varparser,
+-                &info, td3, &cc, 0 );
+-      cu_offset_now = get_position_of_Cursor( &info );
+-      if (0) VG_(printf)("Travelled: %lu  size %llu\n",
+-                         cu_offset_now - cc.cu_start_offset,
+-                         cc.unit_length + (cc.is_dw64 ? 12 : 4));
+-      /* How big the CU claims it is .. */
+-      cu_size_including_IniLen = cc.unit_length + (cc.is_dw64 ? 12 : 4);
+-      /* .. vs how big we have found it to be */
+-      cu_amount_used = cu_offset_now - cc.cu_start_offset;
+-      if (1) TRACE_D3("offset now %ld, d-i-size %ld\n",
+-                      cu_offset_now, debug_info_sz);
+-      if (cu_offset_now > debug_info_sz)
+-         barf("toplevel DIEs beyond end of CU");
+-      /* If the CU is bigger than it claims to be, we've got a serious
+-         problem. */
+-      if (cu_amount_used > cu_size_including_IniLen)
+-         barf("CU's actual size appears to be larger than it claims it is");
+-      /* If the CU is smaller than it claims to be, we need to skip some
+-         bytes.  Loop updates cu_offset_new and cu_amount_used. */
+-      while (cu_amount_used < cu_size_including_IniLen
+-             && get_remaining_length_Cursor( &info ) > 0) {
+-         if (0) VG_(printf)("SKIP\n");
+-         (void)get_UChar( &info );
+-         cu_offset_now = get_position_of_Cursor( &info );
+-         cu_amount_used = cu_offset_now - cc.cu_start_offset;
++         TRACE_D3("\n------ Parsing .debug_info section ------\n");
++      } else {
++         if (debug_types_img == NULL)
++            continue;
++         init_Cursor( &info, debug_types_img, debug_types_sz, 0, barf,
++                      "Overrun whilst reading .debug_types section" );
++         section_size = debug_types_sz;
++         TRACE_D3("\n------ Parsing .debug_types section ------\n");
+       }
+-      /* Preen to level -2.  DIEs have level >= 0 so -2 cannot occur
+-         anywhere else at all.  Our fake the-entire-address-space
+-         range is at level -1, so preening to -2 should completely
+-         empty the stack out. */
+-      TRACE_D3("\n");
+-      varstack_preen( &varparser, td3, -2 );
+-      /* Similarly, empty the type stack out. */
+-      typestack_preen( &typarser, td3, -2 );
++      while (True) {
++         UWord   cu_start_offset, cu_offset_now;
++         CUConst cc;
++         /* It may be that the stated size of this CU is larger than the
++            amount of stuff actually in it.  icc9 seems to generate CUs
++            thusly.  We use these variables to figure out if this is
++            indeed the case, and if so how many bytes we need to skip to
++            get to the start of the next CU.  Not skipping those bytes
++            causes us to misidentify the start of the next CU, and it all
++            goes badly wrong after that (not surprisingly). */
++         UWord cu_size_including_IniLen, cu_amount_used;
++         /* It seems icc9 finishes the DIE info before debug_info_sz
++            bytes have been used up.  So be flexible, and declare the
++            sequence complete if there is not enough remaining bytes to
++            hold even the smallest conceivable CU header.  (11 bytes I
++            reckon). */
++         /* JRS 23Jan09: I suspect this is no longer necessary now that
++            the code below contains a 'while (cu_amount_used <
++            cu_size_including_IniLen ...'  style loop, which skips over
++            any leftover bytes at the end of a CU in the case where the
++            CU's stated size is larger than its actual size (as
++            determined by reading all its DIEs).  However, for prudence,
++            I'll leave the following test in place.  I can't see that a
++            CU header can be smaller than 11 bytes, so I don't think
++            there's any harm possible through the test -- it just adds
++            robustness. */
++         Word avail = get_remaining_length_Cursor( &info );
++         if (avail < 11) {
++            if (avail > 0)
++               TRACE_D3("new_dwarf3_reader_wrk: warning: "
++                        "%ld unused bytes after end of DIEs\n", avail);
++            break;
++         }
++         /* Check the varparser's stack is in a sane state. */
++         vg_assert(varparser.sp == -1);
++         for (i = 0; i < N_D3_VAR_STACK; i++) {
++            vg_assert(varparser.ranges[i] == NULL);
++            vg_assert(varparser.level[i] == 0);
++         }
++         for (i = 0; i < N_D3_TYPE_STACK; i++) {
++            vg_assert(typarser.qparentE[i].cuOff == D3_INVALID_CUOFF);
++            vg_assert(typarser.qparentE[i].tag   == Te_EMPTY);
++            vg_assert(typarser.qlevel[i] == 0);
++         }
++         cu_start_offset = get_position_of_Cursor( &info );
++         TRACE_D3("\n");
++         TRACE_D3("  Compilation Unit @ offset 0x%lx:\n", cu_start_offset);
++         /* parse_CU_header initialises the CU's set_abbv_Cursor cache
++            (saC_cache) */
++         parse_CU_Header( &cc, td3, &info,
++                          (UChar*)debug_abbv_img, debug_abbv_sz,
++                          pass != 0 );
++         cc.debug_str_img    = debug_str_img;
++         cc.debug_str_sz     = debug_str_sz;
++         cc.debug_ranges_img = debug_ranges_img;
++         cc.debug_ranges_sz  = debug_ranges_sz;
++         cc.debug_loc_img    = debug_loc_img;
++         cc.debug_loc_sz     = debug_loc_sz;
++         cc.debug_line_img   = debug_line_img;
++         cc.debug_line_sz    = debug_line_sz;
++         cc.debug_info_img   = debug_info_img;
++         cc.debug_info_sz    = debug_info_sz;
++         cc.debug_types_img  = debug_types_img;
++         cc.debug_types_sz   = debug_types_sz;
++         cc.cu_start_offset  = cu_start_offset;
++         cc.di = di;
++         /* The CU's svma can be deduced by looking at the AT_low_pc
++            value in the top level TAG_compile_unit, which is the topmost
++            DIE.  We'll leave it for the 'varparser' to acquire that info
++            and fill it in -- since it is the only party to want to know
++            it. */
++         cc.cu_svma_known = False;
++         cc.cu_svma       = 0;
++         cc.signature_types = signature_types;
++         /* Create a fake outermost-level range covering the entire
++            address range.  So we always have *something* to catch all
++            variable declarations. */
++         varstack_push( &cc, &varparser, td3, 
++                        unitary_range_list(0UL, ~0UL),
++                        -1, False/*isFunc*/, NULL/*fbGX*/ );
++         /* And set up the file name table.  When we come across the top
++            level DIE for this CU (which is what the next call to
++            read_DIE should process) we will copy all the file names out
++            of the .debug_line img area and use this table to look up the
++            copies when we later see filename numbers in DW_TAG_variables
++            etc. */
++         vg_assert(!varparser.filenameTable );
++         varparser.filenameTable 
++            = VG_(newXA)( ML_(dinfo_zalloc), "di.readdwarf3.ndrw.5",
++                          ML_(dinfo_free),
++                          sizeof(UChar*) );
++         vg_assert(varparser.filenameTable);
++         /* Now read the one-and-only top-level DIE for this CU. */
++         vg_assert(varparser.sp == 0);
++         read_DIE( rangestree,
++                   tyents, tempvars, gexprs,
++                   &typarser, &varparser,
++                   &info, td3, &cc, 0 );
+-      if (cu_offset_now == debug_info_sz)
+-         break;
+-      /* else keep going */
++         cu_offset_now = get_position_of_Cursor( &info );
+-      TRACE_D3("set_abbv_Cursor cache: %lu queries, %lu misses\n",
+-               cc.saC_cache_queries, cc.saC_cache_misses);
++         if (0) VG_(printf)("Travelled: %lu  size %llu\n",
++                            cu_offset_now - cc.cu_start_offset,
++                            cc.unit_length + (cc.is_dw64 ? 12 : 4));
++         /* How big the CU claims it is .. */
++         cu_size_including_IniLen = cc.unit_length + (cc.is_dw64 ? 12 : 4);
++         /* .. vs how big we have found it to be */
++         cu_amount_used = cu_offset_now - cc.cu_start_offset;
+-      vg_assert(varparser.filenameTable );
+-      VG_(deleteXA)( varparser.filenameTable );
+-      varparser.filenameTable = NULL;
++         if (1) TRACE_D3("offset now %ld, d-i-size %ld\n",
++                         cu_offset_now, section_size);
++         if (cu_offset_now > section_size)
++            barf("toplevel DIEs beyond end of CU");
++         /* If the CU is bigger than it claims to be, we've got a serious
++            problem. */
++         if (cu_amount_used > cu_size_including_IniLen)
++            barf("CU's actual size appears to be larger than it claims it is");
++         /* If the CU is smaller than it claims to be, we need to skip some
++            bytes.  Loop updates cu_offset_new and cu_amount_used. */
++         while (cu_amount_used < cu_size_including_IniLen
++                && get_remaining_length_Cursor( &info ) > 0) {
++            if (0) VG_(printf)("SKIP\n");
++            (void)get_UChar( &info );
++            cu_offset_now = get_position_of_Cursor( &info );
++            cu_amount_used = cu_offset_now - cc.cu_start_offset;
++         }
++         /* Preen to level -2.  DIEs have level >= 0 so -2 cannot occur
++            anywhere else at all.  Our fake the-entire-address-space
++            range is at level -1, so preening to -2 should completely
++            empty the stack out. */
++         TRACE_D3("\n");
++         varstack_preen( &varparser, td3, -2 );
++         /* Similarly, empty the type stack out. */
++         typestack_preen( &typarser, td3, -2 );
++         TRACE_D3("set_abbv_Cursor cache: %lu queries, %lu misses\n",
++                  cc.saC_cache_queries, cc.saC_cache_misses);
++         vg_assert(varparser.filenameTable );
++         VG_(deleteXA)( varparser.filenameTable );
++         varparser.filenameTable = NULL;
++         if (cu_offset_now == section_size)
++            break;
++         /* else keep going */
++      }
+    }
+    /* From here on we're post-processing the stuff we got
+@@ -3973,14 +4183,10 @@ void new_dwarf3_reader_wrk (
+    ML_(dinfo_free)( tyents_to_keep_cache );
+    tyents_to_keep_cache = NULL;
+-   /* and the file name table (just the array, not the entries
+-      themselves).  (Apparently, 2008-Oct-23, varparser.filenameTable
+-      can be NULL here, for icc9 generated Dwarf3.  Not sure what that
+-      signifies (a deeper problem with the reader?)) */
+-   if (varparser.filenameTable) {
+-      VG_(deleteXA)( varparser.filenameTable );
+-      varparser.filenameTable = NULL;
+-   }
++   vg_assert( varparser.filenameTable == NULL );
++   /* And the signatured type hash.  */
++   VG_(HT_destruct) ( signature_types, ML_(dinfo_free) );
+    /* record the GExprs in di so they can be freed later */
+    vg_assert(!di->admin_gexprs);
+@@ -4011,6 +4217,7 @@ void
+ ML_(new_dwarf3_reader) (
+    struct _DebugInfo* di,
+    UChar* debug_info_img,   SizeT debug_info_sz,
++   UChar* debug_types_img,  SizeT debug_types_sz,
+    UChar* debug_abbv_img,   SizeT debug_abbv_sz,
+    UChar* debug_line_img,   SizeT debug_line_sz,
+    UChar* debug_str_img,    SizeT debug_str_sz,
+@@ -4034,6 +4241,7 @@ ML_(new_dwarf3_reader) (
+       /* try this ... */
+       new_dwarf3_reader_wrk( di, barf,
+                              debug_info_img,   debug_info_sz,
++                             debug_types_img,  debug_types_sz,
+                              debug_abbv_img,   debug_abbv_sz,
+                              debug_line_img,   debug_line_sz,
+                              debug_str_img,    debug_str_sz,
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readmacho.c	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readmacho.c	(revision 12491)
+@@ -1068,6 +1068,7 @@ Bool ML_(read_macho_debug_info)( struct
+          /* The old reader: line numbers and unwind info only */
+          ML_(read_debuginfo_dwarf3) ( di,
+                                       debug_info_img, debug_info_sz,
++				      NULL,           0,
+                                       debug_abbv_img, debug_abbv_sz,
+                                       debug_line_img, debug_line_sz,
+                                       debug_str_img,  debug_str_sz );
+@@ -1080,6 +1081,7 @@ Bool ML_(read_macho_debug_info)( struct
+              || VG_(clo_read_var_info) /* the user asked for it */) {
+             ML_(new_dwarf3_reader)(
+                di, debug_info_img,   debug_info_sz,
++	           NULL,             0,
+                    debug_abbv_img,   debug_abbv_sz,
+                    debug_line_img,   debug_line_sz,
+                    debug_str_img,    debug_str_sz,
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/priv_readdwarf3.h	(revision 12490)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/priv_readdwarf3.h	(revision 12491)
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ void
+ ML_(new_dwarf3_reader) (
+    struct _DebugInfo* di,
+    UChar* debug_info_img,   SizeT debug_info_sz,
++   UChar* debug_types_img,  SizeT debug_types_sz,
+    UChar* debug_abbv_img,   SizeT debug_abbv_sz,
+    UChar* debug_line_img,   SizeT debug_line_sz,
+    UChar* debug_str_img,    SizeT debug_str_sz,
diff --git a/valgrind-3.7.0-enable-armv5.patch b/valgrind-3.7.0-enable-armv5.patch
index 38dba50..845111e 100644
--- a/valgrind-3.7.0-enable-armv5.patch
+++ b/valgrind-3.7.0-enable-armv5.patch
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-diff -r -u valgrind-3.7.0.old/configure valgrind-3.7.0/configure
 --- valgrind-3.7.0.old/configure	2012-03-05 15:16:23.000000000 -0500
 +++ valgrind-3.7.0/configure	2012-03-05 13:49:04.000000000 -0500
 @@ -5279,7 +5279,7 @@
diff --git a/valgrind-3.7.0-ldso-supp.patch b/valgrind-3.7.0-ldso-supp.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f999b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.7.0-ldso-supp.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/glibc-2.X.supp.in.jj	2011-10-26 23:24:45.000000000 +0200
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/glibc-2.X.supp.in	2012-05-07 10:55:20.395942656 +0200
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+    glibc-2.5.x-on-SUSE-10.2-(PPC)-2a
+    Memcheck:Cond
+    fun:index
+-   obj:*ld-@GLIBC_VERSION@.*.so
++   obj:*ld-@GLIBC_VERSION@*.so
+ }
+ {
+    glibc-2.5.x-on-SuSE-10.2-(PPC)-2b
+@@ -136,14 +136,14 @@
+    glibc-2.5.5-on-SuSE-10.2-(PPC)-2c
+    Memcheck:Addr4
+    fun:index
+-   obj:*ld-@GLIBC_VERSION@.*.so
++   obj:*ld-@GLIBC_VERSION@*.so
+ }
+ {
+    glibc-2.3.5-on-SuSE-10.1-(PPC)-3
+    Memcheck:Addr4
+    fun:*wordcopy_fwd_dest_aligned*
+    fun:mem*cpy
+-   obj:*lib*@GLIBC_VERSION@.*.so
++   obj:*lib*@GLIBC_VERSION@*.so
+ }
+ {
diff --git a/valgrind-3.7.0-unspecified-type.patch b/valgrind-3.7.0-unspecified-type.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1940cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.7.0-unspecified-type.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readdwarf3.c	(revision 12337)
++++ valgrind-3.7.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readdwarf3.c	(revision 12338)
+@@ -2723,6 +2723,21 @@ static void parse_type_DIE ( /*MOD*/XArr
+          goto bad_DIE;
+    }
++   /*
++    * Treat DW_TAG_unspecified_type as type void. An example of DW_TAG_unspecified_type:
++    *
++    * $ readelf --debug-dump /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.16.debug
++    *  <1><10d4>: Abbrev Number: 53 (DW_TAG_unspecified_type)
++    *     <10d5>   DW_AT_name        : (indirect string, offset: 0xdb7): decltype(nullptr)
++    */
++   if (dtag == DW_TAG_unspecified_type) {
++      VG_(memset)(&typeE, 0, sizeof(typeE));
++      typeE.cuOff           = D3_INVALID_CUOFF;
++      typeE.tag             = Te_TyQual;
++      typeE.Te.TyQual.typeR = D3_FAKEVOID_CUOFF;
++      goto acquire_Type;
++   }
+    /* else ignore this DIE */
+    return;
diff --git a/valgrind.spec b/valgrind.spec
index 1afbc4d..94052ba 100644
--- a/valgrind.spec
+++ b/valgrind.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs
 Name: valgrind
 Version: 3.7.0
-Release: 2%{?dist}
+Release: 3%{?dist}
 Epoch: 1
 License: GPLv2
 URL: http://www.valgrind.org/
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ Patch9: valgrind-3.7.0-tests.patch
 Patch10: valgrind-3.7.0-f-sgetown-ex.patch
 Patch11: valgrind-3.7.0-scsi-ioctls.patch
 Patch12: valgrind-3.7.0-enable-armv5.patch
+Patch13: valgrind-3.7.0-ldso-supp.patch
+Patch14: valgrind-3.7.0-unspecified-type.patch
+Patch15: valgrind-3.7.0-debug-types.patch
 Obsoletes: valgrind-callgrind
 %ifarch x86_64 ppc64
@@ -110,7 +113,10 @@ for details.
 %patch9 -p1
 %patch10 -p1
 %patch11 -p1
-%patch12 -p1 -b .arm
+%patch12 -p1
+%patch13 -p1
+%patch14 -p1
+%patch15 -p1
@@ -205,7 +211,12 @@ echo ===============END TESTING===============
-* Sun Mar  4 2012 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> - 3.7.0-2
+* Mon May  7 2012 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.7.0-3
+- adjust suppressions so that it works even with ld-2.15.so (#806854)
+- handle DW_TAG_unspecified_type (#810284, KDE#278313)
+- handle .debug_types sections (#810286, KDE#284124)
+* Sun Mar  4 2012 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 3.7.0-2
 - Fix building on ARM platform
 * Fri Jan 27 2012 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.7.0-1