diff --git a/SOURCES/tuna-Adapt-show_threads-cgroup-output-to-terminal-si.patch b/SOURCES/tuna-Adapt-show_threads-cgroup-output-to-terminal-si.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8bcca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/tuna-Adapt-show_threads-cgroup-output-to-terminal-si.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+From 9dfaafe278f6cccf6911cddef413dc59e87722e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 10:38:10 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] tuna: Adapt show_threads cgroup output to terminal size
+Passing the --cgroup flag for the --show_threads command currently displays
+long cgroup strings on the thread output and decreases readability.
+Adapt the show_threads output to account for output string and terminal
+size, and format output accordingly to improve readability. Add
+--spaced flag to --show_threads to print cgroups spacing in
+between thread outputs.
+Signed-off-by: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+target branch: getopt
+Signed-off-by: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/docs/tuna.8 b/docs/tuna.8
+index 3a06556..218ba14 100644
+--- a/docs/tuna.8
++++ b/docs/tuna.8
+@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ Disable display of selected CPUs in \fB--gui\fR. Requires \fB-c\R.
+ \fB\-G\fR, \fB\-\-cgroup\fR
+ Display the processes with the type of cgroups they are in. Requires \fB-P\R.
+ .TP
++\fB\-z\fR, \fB\-\-spaced\fR
++Display spaced view for cgroups. Requires \fB-G\R.
+ \fB\-K\fR, \fB\-\-no_kthreads\fR
+ Operations will not affect kernel threads.
+ .TP
+diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
+index 75b63da..54dc567 100755
+--- a/tuna-cmd.py
++++ b/tuna-cmd.py
+@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ def usage():
+     print(fmt % ('-g, --gui',                   _('Start the GUI')))
+     print(fmt % ('-G, --cgroup',
+                  _('Display the processes with the type of cgroups they are in')))
++    print(fmt % ('-z, --spaced',
++                "Display spaced view for cgroups"))
+     print(fmt % ('-c, --cpus=' + _('CPU-LIST'), _('%(cpulist)s affected by commands') %
+                  {"cpulist": _('CPU-LIST')}))
+     print(fmt % ('-C, --affect_children',
+@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ def format_affinity(affinity):
+     return ",".join(str(hex(a)) for a in procfs.hexbitmask(affinity, get_nr_cpus()))
+ def ps_show_thread(pid, affect_children, ps, has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes,
+-                   sock_inode_re, cgroups):
++                   sock_inode_re, cgroups, columns=None, compact=True):
+     global irqs
+     try:
+         affinity = format_affinity(os.sched_getaffinity(pid))
+@@ -286,10 +288,20 @@ def ps_show_thread(pid, affect_children, ps, has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes,
+                                           nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches)
+     # Indent affected children
+-    print(" %-5d " % pid if affect_children else "  %-5d" % pid, end=' ')
+-    print("%6s %5d %8s%s %15s %s" % (sched, rtprio, affinity,
+-                                     ctxt_switch_info, cmd, users), end=' ')
+-    print(" %9s" % cgout if cgroups else "")
++    s1 = " %-5d " % pid if affect_children else "  %-5d" % pid
++    print(s1, end=' ')
++    s2 = "%6s %5d %8s%s %15s     %s" % (sched, rtprio, affinity,
++                                     ctxt_switch_info, cmd, users)
++    print(s2, end=' ')
++    if cgroups:
++        length = int(columns) - len(s1 + " ") - len(s2 + " ")
++        if len(" %9s" % cgout) <= length:
++            print("%s" % cgout)
++        else:
++            print("\n %s" % cgout + ("" if compact else "\n"))
++    else:
++        print()
+     if sock_inodes:
+         ps_show_sockets(pid, ps, sock_inodes, sock_inode_re,
+@@ -298,12 +310,12 @@ def ps_show_thread(pid, affect_children, ps, has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes,
+         for tid in list(ps[pid]["threads"].keys()):
+             ps_show_thread(tid, False, ps[pid]["threads"],
+                            has_ctxt_switch_info,
+-                           sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups)
++                           sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups, columns, compact)
+ def ps_show(ps, affect_children, thread_list, cpu_list,
+             irq_list_numbers, show_uthreads, show_kthreads,
+-            has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups):
++            has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups, compact):
+     ps_list = []
+     for pid in list(ps.keys()):
+@@ -340,9 +352,14 @@ def ps_show(ps, affect_children, thread_list, cpu_list,
+     ps_list.sort()
++    # Width of terminal in columns
++    columns = None
++    if cgroups:
++        _, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
+     for pid in ps_list:
+         ps_show_thread(pid, affect_children, ps, has_ctxt_switch_info,
+-                       sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups)
++                       sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups, columns, compact)
+ def load_socktype(socktype, inodes):
+@@ -363,7 +380,7 @@ def load_sockets():
+ def do_ps(thread_list, cpu_list, irq_list, show_uthreads, show_kthreads,
+-          affect_children, show_sockets, cgroups):
++          affect_children, show_sockets, cgroups, compact):
+     ps = procfs.pidstats()
+     if affect_children:
+         ps.reload_threads()
+@@ -380,7 +397,7 @@ def do_ps(thread_list, cpu_list, irq_list, show_uthreads, show_kthreads,
+             ps_show_header(has_ctxt_switch_info, cgroups)
+         ps_show(ps, affect_children, thread_list,
+                 cpu_list, irq_list, show_uthreads, show_kthreads,
+-                has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups)
++                has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes, sock_inode_re, cgroups, compact)
+     except IOError:
+         # 'tuna -P | head' for instance
+         pass
+@@ -535,13 +552,13 @@ def main():
+     i18n_init()
+     try:
+-        short = "a:c:dDCfgGhiIKlmNp:PQq:r:R:s:S:t:UvWxL:"
++        short = "a:c:dDCfgGzhiIKlmNp:PQq:r:R:s:S:t:UvWxL:"
+         long = ["cpus=", "affect_children", "filter", "gui", "help",
+                 "isolate", "include", "no_kthreads", "move", "nohz_full",
+                 "show_sockets", "priority=", "show_threads",
+                 "show_irqs", "irqs=",
+                 "save=", "sockets=", "threads=", "no_uthreads",
+-                "version", "what_is", "spread", "cgroup", "config_file_apply=",
++                "version", "what_is", "spread", "cgroup", "spaced", "config_file_apply=",
+                 "config_file_list", "run=", "refresh=", "disable_perf", "logging=", "debug"]
+         if have_inet_diag:
+             short += "n"
+@@ -556,6 +573,7 @@ def main():
+     kthreads = True
+     uthreads = True
+     cgroups = False
++    compact = True
+     cpu_list = None
+     debug = False
+     irq_list = None
+@@ -623,6 +641,8 @@ def main():
+             affect_children = True
+         elif o in ("-G", "--cgroup"):
+             cgroups = True
++        elif o in ("-z", "--spaced"):
++            compact = False
+         elif o in ("-t", "--threads"):
+             # The -t - will reset thread list
+             if a == '-':
+@@ -691,7 +711,7 @@ def main():
+                 if thread_list_str or irq_list_str:
+                     continue
+             do_ps(thread_list, cpu_list, irq_list, uthreads,
+-                  kthreads, affect_children, show_sockets, cgroups)
++                  kthreads, affect_children, show_sockets, cgroups, compact)
+         elif o in ("-Q", "--show_irqs"):
+             # If the user specified IRQ names that weren't
+             # resolved to IRQs, don't show all IRQs.
diff --git a/SOURCES/tuna-Fix-matching-irqs-in-ps_show_thread.patch b/SOURCES/tuna-Fix-matching-irqs-in-ps_show_thread.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d7cf16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/tuna-Fix-matching-irqs-in-ps_show_thread.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From 3f1fbb092f5ef07d04fef7ddec9e538f36d84450 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 11:55:07 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] tuna: Fix matching irqs in ps_show_thread
+The new format to match irqs is "irqs/"
+We already test this when we call is_irq_thread(cmd):
+With this fix if you do
+tuna show_threads
+You will get nic information that was previously missed such as
+  986     FIFO    50        9     69286            2 irq/164-iwlwifi:default_que
+ue iwlwifi:default_queue
+Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+ tuna-cmd.py | 15 +++++----------
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
+index b13b25b8a801..80e27523acc6 100755
+--- a/tuna-cmd.py
++++ b/tuna-cmd.py
+@@ -351,17 +351,12 @@ def ps_show_thread(pid, affect_children, ps, has_ctxt_switch_info, sock_inodes,
+         try:
+             if not irqs:
+                 irqs = procfs.interrupts()
+-            if cmd[:4] == "IRQ-":
+-                users = irqs[tuna.irq_thread_number(cmd)]["users"]
+-                for u in users:
+-                    if u in get_nics():
+-                        users[users.index(u)] = "%s(%s)" % (
+-                            u, ethtool.get_module(u))
+-                users = ",".join(users)
+-            else:
+-                u = cmd[cmd.find('-') + 1:]
++            users = irqs[tuna.irq_thread_number(cmd)]["users"]
++            for u in users:
+                 if u in get_nics():
+-                    users = ethtool.get_module(u)
++                    users[users.index(u)] = "%s(%s)" % (
++                        u, ethtool.get_module(u))
++            users = ",".join(users)
+         except:
+             users = "Not found in /proc/interrupts!"
diff --git a/SOURCES/tuna-Fix-show_threads-cgroup-without-a-term.patch b/SOURCES/tuna-Fix-show_threads-cgroup-without-a-term.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21fdc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/tuna-Fix-show_threads-cgroup-without-a-term.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From 613bc73f6ad821db682e9efc097c29af9cb40858 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 14:14:36 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] tuna: Fix --show_threads --cgroup without a term
+When tuna --show_threads --cgroups is run without a term,
+provide a default column size of 80 to fix a traceback
+that occurred when querying the terminal size.
+Signed-off-by: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+- Edited the commit title
+- Edited the description
+Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
+index 54dc567..f5dafa7 100755
+--- a/tuna-cmd.py
++++ b/tuna-cmd.py
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import procfs
+ from tuna import tuna, sysfs
+ import logging
+ import time
++import shutil
+ def get_loglevel(level):
+     if level.isdigit() and int(level) in range(0,5):
+@@ -353,9 +354,10 @@ def ps_show(ps, affect_children, thread_list, cpu_list,
+     ps_list.sort()
+     # Width of terminal in columns
+-    columns = None
++    columns = 80
+     if cgroups:
+-        _, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
++        if os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()):
++            columns = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns
+     for pid in ps_list:
+         ps_show_thread(pid, affect_children, ps, has_ctxt_switch_info,
diff --git a/SOURCES/tuna-Replace-python_ethtool-with-builtin-funtionalit.patch b/SOURCES/tuna-Replace-python_ethtool-with-builtin-funtionalit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a5542e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/tuna-Replace-python_ethtool-with-builtin-funtionalit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+From ff1963daf4d5a23e5f9476710e983ab781210608 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:59:54 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] tuna: Replace python_ethtool with builtin funtionality
+This patch replaces the dependency on python_ethtool with some
+simplified functions to achieve the same result.
+Reviewed-by: Federico Pellegrin <fede@evolware.org>
+- return 'tun' only if tun_flags exists
+Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+ tuna-cmd.py         |  2 +-
+ tuna/gui/irqview.py |  2 +-
+ tuna/new_eth.py     | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tuna/tuna.py        |  2 +-
+ 4 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100755 tuna/new_eth.py
+diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
+index bdaa70ffc156..21a70cf1d37d 100755
+--- a/tuna-cmd.py
++++ b/tuna-cmd.py
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import fnmatch
+ import gettext
+ import locale
+ from functools import reduce
+-import ethtool
++import tuna.new_eth as ethtool
+ import tuna.tuna_sched as tuna_sched
+ import procfs
+ from tuna import tuna, sysfs
+diff --git a/tuna/gui/irqview.py b/tuna/gui/irqview.py
+index 35fc3fd0b0ca..5143d6dc0df5 100755
+--- a/tuna/gui/irqview.py
++++ b/tuna/gui/irqview.py
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from gi.repository import Gtk
+ from gi.repository import GObject
+ import os
+ from functools import reduce
+-import ethtool
++import tuna.new_eth as ethtool
+ import tuna.tuna_sched as tuna_sched
+ import gi
+diff --git a/tuna/new_eth.py b/tuna/new_eth.py
+new file mode 100755
+index 000000000000..98f9179d5695
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tuna/new_eth.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2022 John Kacur
++""" A few functions similar to ethtool """
++import os
++import socket
++def get_active_devices():
++    """ return a list of network devices """
++    ret = []
++    for device in socket.if_nameindex():
++        ret.append(device[1])
++    return ret
++def get_module(intf):
++    """ return the kernel module for the given network interface """
++    if intf == 'lo':
++        return ""
++    myp = f'/sys/class/net/{intf}/device/driver'
++    if os.path.exists(myp):
++        return os.path.basename(os.readlink(myp))
++    if os.path.exists(f'/sys/class/net/{intf}/bridge'):
++        return 'bridge'
++    if os.path.exists(f'/sys/class/net/{intf}/tun_flags'):
++        return 'tun'
++    return ""
++if __name__ == "__main__":
++    nics = get_active_devices()
++    print(f'nics = {nics}')
++    for intf in nics:
++        driver = get_module(intf)
++        if driver:
++            print(f'{intf}, {driver}')
++        else:
++            print(f'{intf}')
+diff --git a/tuna/tuna.py b/tuna/tuna.py
+index 31707c9cb69c..84419c957b1b 100755
+--- a/tuna/tuna.py
++++ b/tuna/tuna.py
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import sys
+ import shlex
+ import fnmatch
+ import platform
+-import ethtool
++import tuna.new_eth as ethtool
+ import procfs
+ from procfs import utilist
+ from tuna import help
diff --git a/SOURCES/tuna-tuna-cmd.py-use-fstrings.patch b/SOURCES/tuna-tuna-cmd.py-use-fstrings.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08437a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/tuna-tuna-cmd.py-use-fstrings.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From e9f60274865475c4e9081ee356ffbc61d1df2ade Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 10:57:19 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] tuna: tuna-cmd.py use fstrings
+Add fstrings where possible to improve readabilty
+Due to the discussion regarding dropping the language feature, gettext
+shorthand _() have been removed.
+Signed-off-by: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
+index 79e33371837e..75b63da972c2 100755
+--- a/tuna-cmd.py
++++ b/tuna-cmd.py
+@@ -176,13 +176,16 @@ def thread_help(tid):
+         ps = procfs.pidstats()
+     if tid not in ps:
+-        print("tuna: " + _("thread %d doesn't exists!") % tid)
++        print(f"tuna: thread {tid} doesn't exist!")
+         return
+     pinfo = ps[tid]
+     cmdline = procfs.process_cmdline(pinfo)
+     help, title = tuna.kthread_help_plain_text(tid, cmdline)
+-    print("%s\n\n%s" % (title, _(help)))
++    print(title, "\n\n")
++    if help.isspace():
++        help = "No help description available."
++    print(help)
+ def save(cpu_list, thread_list, filename):
+@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ def ps_show_header(has_ctxt_switch_info, cgroups=False):
+ def ps_show_sockets(pid, ps, inodes, inode_re, indent=0):
+     header_printed = False
+-    dirname = "/proc/%s/fd" % pid
++    dirname = f"/proc/{pid}/fd"
+     try:
+         filenames = os.listdir(dirname)
+     except:  # Process died
+@@ -650,7 +653,7 @@ def main():
+             try:
+                 gui_refresh=int(a)
+             except Exception as err:
+-                print("tuna: --refresh %s" % err)
++                print(f"tuna: --refresh {err}")
+                 sys.exit(2)
+         elif o in ("-d", "--disable_perf"):
+             run_gui = True
+@@ -679,7 +682,7 @@ def main():
+                 try:
+                     tuna.threads_set_priority(thread_list, a, affect_children)
+                 except OSError as err:
+-                    print("tuna: %s" % err)
++                    print(f"tuna: {err}")
+                     sys.exit(2)
+         elif o in ("-P", "--show_threads"):
+             # If the user specified process names that weren't
diff --git a/SOURCES/tuna-tuna.py-use-fstrings.patch b/SOURCES/tuna-tuna.py-use-fstrings.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83b42a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/tuna-tuna.py-use-fstrings.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+From 5f90d8b80a259884d3ca2a647fdf9471b7d7091c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:15:07 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] tuna: tuna.py use fstrings
+Add fstrings where possible to improve readabilty
+Signed-off-by: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/tuna/tuna.py b/tuna/tuna.py
+index 84419c957b1b..e64211b88fc3 100755
+--- a/tuna/tuna.py
++++ b/tuna/tuna.py
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def iskthread(pid):
+     # in this function, so that they know that the thread vanished and
+     # can act accordingly, removing entries from tree views, etc
+     try:
+-        f = open("/proc/%d/smaps" % pid)
++        f = open(f"/proc/{pid}/smaps")
+     except IOError:
+         # Thread has vanished
+         return True
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def is_irq_thread(cmd):
+     return cmd[:4] in ("IRQ-", "irq/")
+ def threaded_irq_re(irq):
+-    return re.compile("(irq/%s-.+|IRQ-%s)" % (irq, irq))
++    return re.compile(f"(irq/{irq}-.+|IRQ-{irq})")
+ # FIXME: Move to python-linux-procfs
+ def has_threaded_irqs(ps):
+@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ def has_threaded_irqs(ps):
+     return len(ps.find_by_regex(irq_re)) > 0
+ def set_irq_affinity_filename(filename, bitmasklist):
+-    pathname = "/proc/irq/%s" % filename
++    pathname = f"/proc/irq/{filename}"
+     f = open(pathname, "w")
+     text = ",".join(["%x" % a for a in bitmasklist])
+-    f.write("%s\n" % text)
++    f.write(f"{text}\n")
+     try:
+         f.close()
+     except IOError:
+@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ def move_threads_to_cpu(cpus, pid_list, set_affinity_warning=None, spread=False)
+             if pid not in ps:
+                 continue
+-            threads = procfs.pidstats("/proc/%d/task" % pid)
++            threads = procfs.pidstats(f"/proc/{pid}/task")
+             for tid in list(threads.keys()):
+                 try:
+                     curr_affinity = os.sched_getaffinity(tid)
+@@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ def affinity_remove_cpus(affinity, cpus, nr_cpus):
+ # Should be moved to python_linux_procfs.interrupts, shared with interrupts.parse_affinity, etc.
+ def parse_irq_affinity_filename(filename, nr_cpus):
+     try:
+-        f = open("/proc/irq/%s" % filename)
++        f = open(f"/proc/irq/{filename}")
+     except IOError as err:
+         if procfs.is_s390():
+             print("This operation is not supported on s390", file=sys.stderr)
+-            print("tuna: %s" % err, file=sys.stderr)
++            print(f"tuna: {err}", file=sys.stderr)
+             sys.exit(2)
+     line = f.readline()
+@@ -627,19 +627,19 @@ def run_command(cmd, policy, rtprio, cpu_list):
+             try:
+                 thread_set_priority(pid, policy, rtprio)
+             except (SystemError, OSError) as err:
+-                print("tuna: %s" % err)
++                print(f"tuna: {err}")
+                 sys.exit(2)
+         if cpu_list:
+             try:
+                 os.sched_setaffinity(pid, cpu_list)
+             except (SystemError, OSError) as err:
+-                print("tuna: %s" % err)
++                print(f"tuna: {err}")
+                 sys.exit(2)
+         try:
+             os.execvp(cmd_list[0], cmd_list)
+         except (SystemError, OSError) as err:
+-            print("tuna: %s" % err)
++            print(f"tuna: {err}")
+             sys.exit(2)
+     else:
+         os.waitpid(newpid, 0)
diff --git a/SOURCES/tuna-tuna_gui.py-use-fstrings.patch b/SOURCES/tuna-tuna_gui.py-use-fstrings.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86db926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/tuna-tuna_gui.py-use-fstrings.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From f53f77f73199f398713f8edfdfa417cf8b9e1a74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 13:14:04 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] tuna: tuna_gui.py use fstrings
+Add fstrings where possible to improve readabilty
+Signed-off-by: Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/tuna/tuna_gui.py b/tuna/tuna_gui.py
+index f1f2caacbcba..459f90303ed5 100755
+--- a/tuna/tuna_gui.py
++++ b/tuna/tuna_gui.py
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class main_gui:
+         if self.check_root():
+             sys.exit(1)
+         for dir in tuna_glade_dirs:
+-            tuna_glade = "%s/tuna_gui.glade" % dir
++            tuna_glade = f"{dir}/tuna_gui.glade"
+             if os.access(tuna_glade, os.F_OK):
+                 break
+         self.wtree = Gtk.Builder()
diff --git a/SPECS/tuna.spec b/SPECS/tuna.spec
index 736259e..5a8522a 100644
--- a/SPECS/tuna.spec
+++ b/SPECS/tuna.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Name: tuna
 Version: 0.18
-Release: 1%{?dist}
+Release: 6%{?dist}
 License: GPLv2
 Summary: Application tuning GUI & command line utility
 Group: Applications/System
@@ -9,13 +9,19 @@ URL: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/tuna/tuna.git
 BuildArch: noarch
 BuildRequires: python3-devel, gettext
-Requires: python3-ethtool
 Requires: python3-linux-procfs >= 0.6
 # This really should be a Suggests...
 # Requires: python-inet_diag
 BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
+Patch1: tuna-Replace-python_ethtool-with-builtin-funtionalit.patch
+Patch2: tuna-Fix-matching-irqs-in-ps_show_thread.patch
+Patch3: tuna-tuna.py-use-fstrings.patch
+Patch4: tuna-tuna_gui.py-use-fstrings.patch
+Patch5: tuna-tuna-cmd.py-use-fstrings.patch
+Patch6: tuna-Adapt-show_threads-cgroup-output-to-terminal-si.patch
+Patch7: tuna-Fix-show_threads-cgroup-without-a-term.patch
 Provides interface for changing scheduler and IRQ tunables, at whole CPU and at
@@ -27,7 +33,7 @@ Can be used as a command line utility without requiring the GUI libraries to be
-%setup -q
+%autosetup -p1
 %{__python3} setup.py build
@@ -74,6 +80,26 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Wed Nov 23 2022 Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com> - 0.18-6
+- Fix show_threads --cgroups without a term
+Resolves: rhbz#2121518
+* Fri Nov 18 2022 Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com> - 0.18-5
+- Adapt show_threads cgroup output to terminal size
+Resolves: rhbz#2121518
+* Wed Nov 02 2022 Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com> - 0.18-4
+- Use f-strings in tuna where possible
+Resolves: rhbz#2120805
+* Mon Oct 03 2022 John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com> - 0.18-3
+- Match irqs with "irqs/"
+Resolves: rhbz#2131353
+* Fri Sep 30 2022 John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com> - 0.18-2
+- Replace dependency on python-ethtool with built-in functionality
+Resolves: rhbz#2123753
 * Wed Jun 29 2022 Leah Leshchinsky <lleshchi@redhat.com> - 0.18-1
 - Rebase to upstream version 0.18
 Resolves: rhbz#2073555