diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a6605b3..8b6cba8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/.thunderbird.metadata b/.thunderbird.metadata
index 39e0dab..a2f29a0 100644
--- a/.thunderbird.metadata
+++ b/.thunderbird.metadata
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 2a430d6252dbea45482ba316a6e9fa605c15e747 SOURCES/cbindgen-vendor.tar.xz
 af58b3c87a8b5491dde63b07efaeb3d7f1ec56c1 SOURCES/nspr-4.34.0-3.el8_1.src.rpm
 fc5297c6830f0a1e88f84b94b0b066487664061b SOURCES/nss-3.79.0-6.el8_1.src.rpm
-0b99105b54e286eaa8a73dd0127d64227f0aa542 SOURCES/thunderbird-102.8.0.b2.processed-source.tar.xz
-9107592a6a66136b9ba56e7a4ed4649ebfb01687 SOURCES/thunderbird-langpacks-102.8.0-20230215.tar.xz
+10edc62b58b08102848b1bfb5ffa9ce674ffc64b SOURCES/thunderbird-102.7.1.processed-source.tar.xz
+666c3e157269f9655be845852280d9d8e6a787bf SOURCES/thunderbird-langpacks-102.7.1-20230131.tar.xz
 42e80b86948cdba0f69af5b15a69bc6a1274d938 SOURCES/thunderbird-symbolic.svg
diff --git a/README.debrand b/README.debrand
deleted file mode 100644
index 01c46d2..0000000
--- a/README.debrand
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Warning: This package was configured for automatic debranding, but the changes
-failed to apply.
diff --git a/SOURCES/D161379.diff b/SOURCES/D161379.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8469bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/D161379.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+diff -up comm/third_party/moz.build.D161379.diff comm/third_party/moz.build
+--- comm/third_party/moz.build.D161379.diff	2022-10-14 21:45:15.000000000 +0200
++++ comm/third_party/moz.build	2022-11-10 11:49:44.194016978 +0100
+@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ if CONFIG["TB_LIBOTR_PREBUILT"]:
+     DIRS += [
+-        "botan",
+         "bzip2",
+         "json-c",
+         "rnp",
+         "zlib",
+     ]
++    if CONFIG["MZLA_LIBRNP_BACKEND"] == "botan":
++        DIRS += [ "botan" ]
+diff -up comm/third_party/openpgp.configure.D161379.diff comm/third_party/openpgp.configure
+--- comm/third_party/openpgp.configure.D161379.diff	2022-11-10 11:49:37.605024129 +0100
++++ comm/third_party/openpgp.configure	2022-11-10 11:49:44.194016978 +0100
+@@ -199,16 +199,136 @@ with only_when(in_tree_librnp):
+         set_config("MZLA_BZIP2_CFLAGS", bzip2_flags.cflags)
+         set_config("MZLA_BZIP2_LIBS", bzip2_flags.ldflags)
+-    # BOTAN --with-system-botan
+-    system_lib_option(
+-        "--with-system-botan",
+-        help="Use system Botan for librnp (located with pkgconfig)",
+-    )
+-    botan_pkg = pkg_check_modules(
+-        "MZLA_BOTAN", "botan-2 >= 2.8.0", when="--with-system-botan"
+-    )
+-    set_config("MZLA_SYSTEM_BOTAN", depends_if(botan_pkg)(lambda _: True))
++    # librnp crypto backend selection
++    option("--with-librnp-backend",
++           help="Build librnp with the selected backend: {botan, openssl}",
++           default="botan")
++    @depends("--with-librnp-backend")
++    def librnp_backend(backend):
++        allowed = ("botan", "openssl")
++        if backend[0] in allowed:
++            return backend[0]
++        else:
++            die(f"Unsupported librnp backend {backend[0]}.")
++    set_config("MZLA_LIBRNP_BACKEND", librnp_backend)
++    @depends(librnp_backend)
++    def rnp_botan(backend):
++        return backend == "botan"
++    @depends(librnp_backend)
++    def rnp_openssl(backend):
++        return backend == "openssl"
++    # Botan backend (--with-system-botan)
++    with only_when(rnp_botan):
++        system_lib_option(
++            "--with-system-botan",
++            help="Use system Botan for librnp (located with pkgconfig)",
++        )
++        botan_pkg = pkg_check_modules(
++            "MZLA_BOTAN", "botan-2 >= 2.8.0", when="--with-system-botan"
++        )
++        set_config("MZLA_SYSTEM_BOTAN", depends_if(botan_pkg)(lambda _: True))
++    # OpenSSL backend
++    with only_when(rnp_openssl):
++        option(
++            "--with-openssl",
++            nargs=1,
++            help="OpenSSL library prefix (when not found by pkgconfig)"
++        )
++        openssl_pkg = pkg_check_modules(
++            "MZLA_LIBRNP_OPENSSL",
++            "openssl > 1.1.1",
++            allow_missing=True,
++            config=False
++        )
++        @depends_if("--with-openssl", openssl_pkg)
++        @imports(_from="os.path", _import="isdir")
++        @imports(_from="os.path", _import="join")
++        def openssl_flags(openssl_prefix, openssl_pkg):
++            if openssl_prefix:
++                openssl_prefix = openssl_prefix[0]
++                include = join(openssl_prefix, "include")
++                lib = join(openssl_prefix, "lib")
++                if not isdir(lib):
++                    lib = join(openssl_prefix, "lib64")
++                if isdir(include) and isdir(lib):
++                    log.info(f"Using OpenSSL at {openssl_prefix}.")
++                    return namespace(
++                        cflags=(f"-I{include}",),
++                        ldflags=(f"-L{lib}", "-lssl", "-lcrypto"),
++                    )
++            if openssl_pkg:
++                return namespace(
++                    cflags=openssl_pkg.cflags,
++                    ldflags=openssl_pkg.libs,
++                )
++        set_config("MZLA_LIBRNP_OPENSSL_CFLAGS", openssl_flags.cflags)
++        set_config("MZLA_LIBRNP_OPENSSL_LIBS", openssl_flags.ldflags)
++        @depends(c_compiler, openssl_flags)
++        @imports(_from="textwrap", _import="dedent")
++        def openssl_version(compiler, openssl_flags):
++            log.info("Checking for OpenSSL >= 1.1.1")
++            if openssl_flags is None:
++                die("OpenSSL not found. Must be locatable with pkg-config or use --with-openssl.")
++            def ossl_hexver(hex_str):
++                # See opensshlv.h for description of OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER
++                MIN_OSSL_VER = 0x1010100f  # Version 1.1.1
++                ver_as_int = int(hex_str[:-1], 16)
++                ossl_major = (ver_as_int & 0xf0000000) >> 28
++                ossl_minor = (ver_as_int & 0x0ff00000) >> 20
++                ossl_fix = (ver_as_int & 0x000ff000) >> 12
++                ossl_patch = chr(96 + (ver_as_int & 0x00000ff0) >> 4)  # as a letter a-z
++                ver_as_str = f"{ossl_major}.{ossl_minor}.{ossl_fix}{ossl_patch}"
++                if ver_as_int < MIN_OSSL_VER:
++                    die(f"OpenSSL version {ver_as_str} is too old.")
++                return ver_as_str
++            check = dedent(
++                """\
++            #include <openssl/opensslv.h>
++            #ifdef OPENSSL_VERSION_STR
++            #elif defined(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER)
++            #else
++            #error Unable to determine OpenSSL version.
++            #endif
++                """
++            )
++            result = try_preprocess(
++                compiler.wrapper
++                + [compiler.compiler]
++                + compiler.flags
++                + list(openssl_flags.cflags),
++                "C",
++                check
++            )
++            if result:
++                openssl_ver = result.splitlines()[-1]
++                if openssl_ver.startswith("0x"):
++                    # OpenSSL 1.x.x - like 0x1010107fL
++                    openssl_ver = ossl_hexver(openssl_ver)
++                else:
++                    # OpenSSL 3.x.x - quoted version like "3.0.7"
++                    openssl_ver = openssl_ver.replace('"', "")
++                    major_version = openssl_ver.split(".")[0]
++                    if major_version != "3":
++                        die("Unrecognized OpenSSL version {openssl_version} found. Require >= 1.1.1 or 3.x.x")
++                log.info(f"Found OpenSSL {openssl_ver}.")
++                return openssl_ver
++        set_config("MZLA_LIBRNP_OPENSSL_VERSION", openssl_version)
+     # Checks for building librnp itself
+     # =================================
+diff -up comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build.D161379.diff comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build
+--- comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build.D161379.diff	2022-11-10 11:49:43.682017534 +0100
++++ comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build	2022-11-10 11:51:22.878909880 +0100
+@@ -36,17 +36,53 @@ if CONFIG["CC_TYPE"] == "clang-cl":
+         "/EHs",
+     ]
++    "include",
++    "src",
++    "src/common",
++    "src/lib",
++    "{}/src/lib".format(OBJDIR),
++    "{}/src/lib".format(SRCDIR),
++# Set up defines for src/lib/config.h
+ rnp_defines = {
+     "HAVE_BZLIB_H": True,
+     "HAVE_ZLIB_H": True,
+-    "ENABLE_AEAD": True,
+-    "ENABLE_TWOFISH": True,
+     "ENABLE_IDEA": True,
+     "PACKAGE_BUGREPORT": '"https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Thunderbird"',
+ }
++if CONFIG["MZLA_LIBRNP_BACKEND"] == "botan":
++    LOCAL_INCLUDES += ["!../botan/build/include"]
++    rnp_defines.update({
++        "CRYPTO_BACKEND_BOTAN": True,
++        "ENABLE_AEAD": True,
++        "ENABLE_TWOFISH": True,
++        "ENABLE_BRAINPOOL": True,
++    })
++elif CONFIG["MZLA_LIBRNP_BACKEND"] == "openssl":
++    rnp_defines.update({
++        # Not supported with RNP+OpenSSL https://github.com/rnpgp/rnp/issues/1642
++        "ENABLE_AEAD": False,
++        # Not supported by OpenSSL https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/2046
++        "ENABLE_TWOFISH": False,
++        # Supported, but not with RHEL's OpenSSL, disabled for now;
++        "ENABLE_BRAINPOOL": False,
++    })
++        rnp_defines["CRYPTO_BACKEND_OPENSSL3"] = True
+ GeneratedFile(
+     "src/lib/config.h",
+     script="/comm/python/rocbuild/process_cmake_define_files.py",
+@@ -57,23 +93,6 @@ GeneratedFile(
+     ],
+ )
+-    "include",
+-    "src",
+-    "src/common",
+-    "src/lib",
+-    "{}/src/lib".format(OBJDIR),
+-    "{}/src/lib".format(SRCDIR),
+-    LOCAL_INCLUDES += ["!../botan/build/include"]
+ else:
+@@ -109,29 +128,16 @@ SOURCES += [
+     "src/common/time-utils.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/backend_version.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/bn.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/cipher.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/cipher_botan.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/dsa.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/ec.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/ec_curves.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/ecdh.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/ecdh_utils.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/ecdsa.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/eddsa.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/elgamal.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/hash.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/hash_common.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/hash_sha1cd.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/mem.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/mpi.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/rng.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/rsa.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/s2k.cpp",
+     "src/lib/crypto/sha1cd/sha1.c",
+     "src/lib/crypto/sha1cd/ubc_check.c",
+     "src/lib/crypto/signatures.cpp",
+-    "src/lib/crypto/symmetric.cpp",
+     "src/lib/fingerprint.cpp",
+     "src/lib/generate-key.cpp",
+     "src/lib/json-utils.cpp",
+@@ -159,4 +165,40 @@ SOURCES += [
+     "src/librepgp/stream-write.cpp",
+ ]
++if CONFIG["MZLA_LIBRNP_BACKEND"] == "botan":
++    SOURCES += [
++        "src/lib/crypto/bn.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/cipher_botan.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/dsa.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/ec.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/ecdh.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/ecdsa.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/eddsa.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/elgamal.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/hash.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/mem.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/rng.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/rsa.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/symmetric.cpp",
++    ]
++if CONFIG["MZLA_LIBRNP_BACKEND"] == "openssl":
++    SOURCES += [
++        "src/lib/crypto/bn_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/cipher_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/dl_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/dsa_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/ec_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/ecdh_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/ecdsa_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/eddsa_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/elgamal_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/hash_crc24.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/hash_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/mem_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/rng_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/rsa_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/s2k_ossl.cpp",
++        "src/lib/crypto/symmetric_ossl.cpp",
++    ]
+ DIRS += ["src/rnp", "src/rnpkeys"]
diff --git a/SOURCES/D161895.diff b/SOURCES/D161895.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd0953f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/D161895.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+diff --git a/third_party/openpgp.configure b/third_party/openpgp.configure
+--- a/third_party/openpgp.configure
++++ b/third_party/openpgp.configure
+@@ -198,21 +198,27 @@
+         )
+         set_config("MZLA_BZIP2_CFLAGS", bzip2_flags.cflags)
+         set_config("MZLA_BZIP2_LIBS", bzip2_flags.ldflags)
+     # librnp crypto backend selection
++    @depends(target_is_linux)
++    def librnp_backend_choices(is_linux):
++        if is_linux:
++            return ("botan", "openssl")
++        else:
++            return ("botan",)
+     option("--with-librnp-backend",
+-           help="Build librnp with the selected backend: {botan, openssl}",
++           help="Build librnp with the selected backend",
++           choices=librnp_backend_choices,
++           nargs=1,
+            default="botan")
+     @depends("--with-librnp-backend")
+     def librnp_backend(backend):
+-        allowed = ("botan", "openssl")
+-        if backend[0] in allowed:
++        if backend:
+             return backend[0]
+-        else:
+-            die(f"Unsupported librnp backend {backend[0]}.")
+     set_config("MZLA_LIBRNP_BACKEND", librnp_backend)
+     @depends(librnp_backend)
+     def rnp_botan(backend):
+@@ -273,10 +279,11 @@
+         set_config("MZLA_LIBRNP_OPENSSL_LIBS", openssl_flags.ldflags)
+         @depends(c_compiler, openssl_flags)
+         @imports(_from="textwrap", _import="dedent")
++        @imports(_from="__builtin__", _import="chr")
+         def openssl_version(compiler, openssl_flags):
+             log.info("Checking for OpenSSL >= 1.1.1")
+             if openssl_flags is None:
+                 die("OpenSSL not found. Must be locatable with pkg-config or use --with-openssl.")
diff --git a/SOURCES/backport-rnp-use-openssl.patch b/SOURCES/backport-rnp-use-openssl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a529758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/backport-rnp-use-openssl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -up thunderbird-102.4.0/comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build.rnp-openssl thunderbird-102.4.0/comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build
+--- thunderbird-102.4.0/comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build.rnp-openssl	2022-11-01 14:36:02.940726858 +0100
++++ thunderbird-102.4.0/comm/third_party/rnp/moz.build	2022-11-01 14:36:23.091726917 +0100
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if CONFIG["CC_TYPE"] == "clang-cl":
+ rnp_defines = {
+     "HAVE_BZLIB_H": True,
+     "HAVE_ZLIB_H": True,
+     "ENABLE_AEAD": True,
+     "ENABLE_TWOFISH": True,
diff --git a/SPECS/thunderbird.spec b/SPECS/thunderbird.spec
index 9129b2c..67485ad 100644
--- a/SPECS/thunderbird.spec
+++ b/SPECS/thunderbird.spec
@@ -165,17 +165,11 @@ end}
 Summary:        Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
 Name:           thunderbird
-Version:        102.8.0
+Version:        102.7.1
 Release:        2%{?dist}
 URL:            http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/
 License:        MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+
-# Workaround the dreaded "upstream source file changed content" rpminspect failure.
-# If set to .b2 or .b3 ... the processed source file needs to be renamed before upload, e.g.
-# thunderbird-102.8.0.b2.processed-source.tar.xz
-# When unset use processed source file name as is.
-%global buildnum .b2
 %if 0%{?rhel} == 9
 ExcludeArch:    %{ix86}
@@ -191,9 +185,9 @@ ExcludeArch:    aarch64 s390 ppc
 #Source0:        https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/%{version}%{?pre_version}/source/thunderbird-%{version}%{?pre_version}.processed-source.tar.xz
-Source0:        thunderbird-%{version}%{?pre_version}%{?buildnum}.processed-source.tar.xz
+Source0:        thunderbird-%{version}%{?pre_version}.processed-source.tar.xz
 %if %{build_langpacks}
-Source1:        thunderbird-langpacks-%{version}-20230215.tar.xz
+Source1:        thunderbird-langpacks-%{version}-20230131.tar.xz
 Source2:        cbindgen-vendor.tar.xz
 Source3:        process-official-tarball
@@ -251,6 +245,9 @@ Patch422:        mozilla-s390x-skia-gradient.patch
 Patch423:        one_swizzle_to_rule_them_all.patch
 Patch424:        svg-rendering.patch
 Patch425:        D158770.diff
+Patch5439:        backport-rnp-use-openssl.patch
+Patch5479:        D161379.diff
+Patch5480:        D161895.diff
 # PGO/LTO patches
 Patch600:        pgo.patch
@@ -620,7 +617,13 @@ echo "use_rustts            %{?use_rustts}"
 %patch424 -p1 -b .svg-rendering
 %patch425 -p1 -b .D158770.diff
-%if !%{?use_openssl_for_librnp}
+%if %{?use_openssl_for_librnp}
+%patch5439 -p1 -b .backport-rnp-use-openssl
+pushd comm
+%patch5479 -p1 -b .D161379.diff
+%patch5480 -p1 -b .D161895.diff
 %patch230 -p1 -b .disable-openpgp-in-thunderbird
@@ -1255,15 +1258,6 @@ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
-* Thu Feb 23 2023 CentOS Sources <bugs@centos.org> - 102.8.0-2.el9.centos
-- Apply debranding changes
-* Wed Feb 15 2023 Eike Rathke <erack@redhat.com> - 102.8.0-2
-- Update to 102.8.0 build2
-* Fri Feb 10 2023 Eike Rathke <erack@redhat.com> - 102.8.0-1
-- Update to 102.8.0 build1
 * Tue Jan 31 2023 Eike Rathke <erack@redhat.com> - 102.7.1-2
 - Update to 102.7.1 build2