# Use system nspr/nss? %define system_nss 1 # Build as a debug package? %define debug_build 0 # %if 0%{?fedora} %define system_libvpx 1 %else %define system_libvpx 0 %endif %if 0%{?fedora} < 20 %define system_sqlite 0 %else %define system_sqlite 1 %endif %define build_langpacks 1 %if %{?system_nss} %global nspr_version 4.10.6 %global nspr_build_version %(pkg-config --silence-errors --modversion nspr 2>/dev/null || echo 65536) %if 0%{?fedora} %global nss_version %global nss_build_version %(pkg-config --silence-errors --modversion nss 2>/dev/null || echo 65536) %else %global nss_version %global nss_build_version %(pkg-config --silence-errors --modversion nss 2>/dev/null || echo 65536) %endif %endif %define cairo_version 1.8.8 %define freetype_version 2.1.9 %if %{?system_sqlite} %define sqlite_version # The actual sqlite version (see #480989): %global sqlite_build_version %(pkg-config --silence-errors --modversion sqlite3 2>/dev/null || echo 65536) %endif %define libnotify_version 0.4 %global libvpx_version 1.3.0 %define _default_patch_fuzz 2 %define thunderbird_app_id \{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6\} # The tarball is pretty inconsistent with directory structure. # Sometimes there is a top level directory. That goes here. # # IMPORTANT: If there is no top level directory, this should be # set to the cwd, ie: '.' %define tarballdir comm-esr31 %define objdir objdir %define mozappdir %{_libdir}/%{name} %define official_branding 1 # enable crash reporter only for iX86 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 %define enable_mozilla_crashreporter 0 %else %define enable_mozilla_crashreporter 0 %endif Summary: Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client Name: thunderbird Version: 31.7.0 Release: 1%{?dist} URL: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/ License: MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+ Group: Applications/Internet #ExcludeArch: s390x s390 ppc ppc64 i686 Source0: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/%{version}%{?pre_version}/source/thunderbird-%{version}%{?pre_version}.source.tar.bz2 %if %{build_langpacks} Source1: thunderbird-langpacks-%{version}-20150510.tar.bz2 %endif Source10: thunderbird-mozconfig Source11: thunderbird-mozconfig-branded Source12: thunderbird-centos-default-prefs.js Source20: thunderbird.desktop Source21: thunderbird.sh.in Source100: find-external-requires # Mozilla (XULRunner) patches Patch0: thunderbird-install-dir.patch Patch9: mozilla-build-arm.patch Patch10: webm.patch Patch11: remove-ogg.patch Patch12: mozilla-1129859-dictfix2.patch # Build patches Patch100: thunderbird-objdir.patch # Linux specific Patch200: thunderbird-enable-addons.patch # PPC fixes Patch300: xulrunner-24.0-jemalloc-ppc.patch # Fedora specific patches Patch400: rhbz-966424.patch Patch401: mozilla-858919.patch # Epel patches: # Arch patches Patch600: ppc64le-build.patch %if %{official_branding} # Required by Mozilla Corporation %else # Not yet approved by Mozillla Corporation %endif %if %{?system_nss} BuildRequires: nss-static >= %{nss_version} BuildRequires: nspr-devel >= %{nspr_version} BuildRequires: nss-devel >= %{nss_version} Requires: nspr >= %{nspr_build_version} Requires: nss >= %{nss_build_version} %endif BuildRequires: cairo-devel >= %{cairo_version} BuildRequires: libnotify-devel >= %{libnotify_version} BuildRequires: libpng-devel BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel BuildRequires: zip BuildRequires: bzip2-devel BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRequires: libIDL-devel BuildRequires: gtk2-devel BuildRequires: krb5-devel BuildRequires: pango-devel BuildRequires: freetype-devel >= %{freetype_version} BuildRequires: libXt-devel BuildRequires: libXrender-devel BuildRequires: hunspell-devel %if %{?system_sqlite} BuildRequires: sqlite-devel >= %{sqlite_version} Requires: sqlite >= %{sqlite_build_version} %endif BuildRequires: startup-notification-devel BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel BuildRequires: autoconf213 BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: libcurl-devel BuildRequires: mesa-libGL-devel %if %{?system_libvpx} BuildRequires: libvpx-devel >= %{libvpx_version} Requires: libvpx >= %{libvpx_version} %endif BuildRequires: pulseaudio-libs-devel BuildRequires: libicu-devel Requires: mozilla-filesystem BuildRequires: libffi-devel %define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0 %define __find_requires %{SOURCE100} %description Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client. %if %{enable_mozilla_crashreporter} %global moz_debug_prefix %{_prefix}/lib/debug %global moz_debug_dir %{moz_debug_prefix}%{mozappdir} %global uname_m %(uname -m) %global symbols_file_name %{name}-%{version}.en-US.%{_os}-%{uname_m}.crashreporter-symbols.zip %global symbols_file_path %{moz_debug_dir}/%{symbols_file_name} %global _find_debuginfo_opts -p %{symbols_file_path} -o debugcrashreporter.list %global crashreporter_pkg_name mozilla-crashreporter-%{name}-debuginfo %package -n %{crashreporter_pkg_name} Summary: Debugging symbols used by Mozilla's crash reporter servers Group: Development/Debug %description -n %{crashreporter_pkg_name} This package provides debug information for XULRunner, for use by Mozilla's crash reporter servers. If you are trying to locally debug %{name}, you want to install %{name}-debuginfo instead. %files -n %{crashreporter_pkg_name} -f debugcrashreporter.list %defattr(-,root,root) %endif %prep %setup -q -c cd %{tarballdir} %patch0 -p2 -b .dir %patch100 -p2 -b .objdir # Mozilla (XULRunner) patches cd mozilla %patch9 -p2 -b .arm %patch10 -p1 -b .web-m %patch11 -p1 -b .remove-ogg %patch12 -p1 -b .dict-fix %patch300 -p2 -b .852698 %patch400 -p1 -b .966424 %patch401 -p1 -b .858919 cd .. %patch200 -p1 -b .addons %patch600 -p1 -b .ppc64le %if %{official_branding} # Required by Mozilla Corporation %else # Not yet approved by Mozilla Corporation %endif %{__rm} -f .mozconfig %{__cp} %{SOURCE10} .mozconfig %if %{official_branding} %{__cat} %{SOURCE11} >> .mozconfig %endif %if %{?system_nss} echo "ac_add_options --with-system-nspr" >> .mozconfig echo "ac_add_options --with-system-nss" >> .mozconfig %else echo "ac_add_options --without-system-nspr" >> .mozconfig echo "ac_add_options --without-system-nss" >> .mozconfig %endif # s390(x) fails to start with jemalloc enabled %ifarch s390 s390x echo "ac_add_options --disable-jemalloc" >> .mozconfig %endif %if %{?system_sqlite} echo "ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite" >> .mozconfig %else echo "ac_add_options --disable-system-sqlite" >> .mozconfig %endif %if %{?debug_build} echo "ac_add_options --enable-debug" >> .mozconfig echo "ac_add_options --disable-optimize" >> .mozconfig %else echo "ac_add_options --disable-debug" >> .mozconfig echo "ac_add_options --enable-optimize" >> .mozconfig %endif %ifarch %{arm} echo "ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack" >> .mozconfig %endif %ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64 echo "ac_add_options --disable-webrtc" >> .mozconfig %endif %if %{?system_libvpx} echo "ac_add_options --enable-system-libvpx" >> .mozconfig %else echo "ac_add_options --disable-webm" >> .mozconfig echo "ac_add_options --disable-webrtc" >> .mozconfig %endif %if %{enable_mozilla_crashreporter} echo "ac_add_options --enable-crashreporter" >> .mozconfig %else echo "ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter" >> .mozconfig %endif #=============================================================================== %build %if %{?system_sqlite} # Do not proceed with build if the sqlite require would be broken: # make sure the minimum requirement is non-empty, ... sqlite_version=$(expr "%{sqlite_version}" : '\([0-9]*\.\)[0-9]*\.') || exit 1 # ... and that major number of the computed build-time version matches: case "%{sqlite_build_version}" in "$sqlite_version"*) ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac %endif cd %{tarballdir} # -fpermissive is needed to build with gcc 4.6+ which has become stricter # # Mozilla builds with -Wall with exception of a few warnings which show up # everywhere in the code; so, don't override that. # # Disable C++ exceptions since Mozilla code is not exception-safe # MOZ_OPT_FLAGS=$(echo "$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fpermissive" | \ %{__sed} -e 's/-Wall//') #rhbz#1037353 MOZ_OPT_FLAGS="$MOZ_OPT_FLAGS -Wformat-security -Wformat -Werror=format-security" %if %{?debug_build} MOZ_OPT_FLAGS=$(echo "$MOZ_OPT_FLAGS" | %{__sed} -e 's/-O2//') %endif %ifarch s390 MOZ_OPT_FLAGS=$(echo "$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" | %{__sed} -e 's/-g/-g1/') %endif %ifarch s390 %{arm} ppc MOZ_LINK_FLAGS="-Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads" %endif export CFLAGS=$MOZ_OPT_FLAGS export CXXFLAGS="$MOZ_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" export LDFLAGS=$MOZ_LINK_FLAGS export PREFIX='%{_prefix}' export LIBDIR='%{_libdir}' MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j1 # On x86 architectures, Mozilla can build up to 4 jobs at once in parallel, # however builds tend to fail on other arches when building in parallel. %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" ] && \ RPM_BUILD_NCPUS="`/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`" [ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -ge 2 ] && MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j2 [ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -ge 4 ] && MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j4 [ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -ge 8 ] && MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j8 %endif make -f client.mk build STRIP="/bin/true" MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="$MOZ_SMP_FLAGS" # create debuginfo for crash-stats.mozilla.com %if %{enable_mozilla_crashreporter} make -C %{objdir} buildsymbols %endif #=============================================================================== %install cd %{tarballdir}/%{objdir} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install cd .. # install icons for s in 16 22 24 32 48 256; do %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/${s}x${s}/apps %{__cp} -p other-licenses/branding/%{name}/mailicon${s}.png \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/${s}x${s}/apps/thunderbird.png done desktop-file-install --vendor mozilla \ --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \ %{SOURCE20} # set up the thunderbird start script rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/thunderbird %{__cat} %{SOURCE21} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/thunderbird %{__chmod} 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/thunderbird # set up our default preferences %{__cat} %{SOURCE12} | %{__sed} -e 's,THUNDERBIRD_RPM_VR,%{version}-%{release},g' > \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/rh-default-prefs %{__install} -D $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/rh-default-prefs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/greprefs/all-redhat.js %{__install} -D $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/rh-default-prefs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/defaults/pref/all-redhat.js %{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/rh-default-prefs %{__rm} -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/thunderbird-config # own mozilla plugin dir (#135050) %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins # own extension directories %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mozilla/extensions/%{thunderbird_app_id} %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/mozilla/extensions/%{thunderbird_app_id} # Install langpacks %{__rm} -f %{name}.lang # Delete for --short-circuit option touch %{name}.lang %if %{build_langpacks} %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mozappdir}/langpacks %{__tar} xf %{SOURCE1} for langpack in `ls thunderbird-langpacks/*.xpi`; do language=`basename $langpack .xpi` extensionID=langpack-$language@thunderbird.mozilla.org language=`echo $language | sed -e 's/-/_/g'` %{__install} -m 644 ${langpack} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mozappdir}/langpacks/${extensionID}.xpi echo "%%lang($language) %{mozappdir}/langpacks/${extensionID}.xpi" >> %{name}.lang done %{__rm} -rf thunderbird-langpacks %endif # build_langpacks # Get rid of devel package and its debugsymbols %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}-devel-%{version} # Copy over the LICENSE cd mozilla install -c -m 644 LICENSE $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mozappdir} cd - # Use the system hunspell dictionaries %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/dictionaries ln -s %{_datadir}/myspell $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mozappdir}/dictionaries # ghost files %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mozappdir}/components touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mozappdir}/components/compreg.dat touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mozappdir}/components/xpti.dat # Add debuginfo for crash-stats.mozilla.com %if %{enable_mozilla_crashreporter} %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{moz_debug_dir} %{__cp} %{objdir}/mozilla/dist/%{symbols_file_name} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{moz_debug_dir} %endif #=============================================================================== %post update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : %postun update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : fi %posttrans gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : #=============================================================================== %files -f %{tarballdir}/%{name}.lang %defattr(-,root,root,-) %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/thunderbird %attr(644,root,root) %{_datadir}/applications/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop %dir %{_datadir}/mozilla/extensions/%{thunderbird_app_id} %dir %{_libdir}/mozilla/extensions/%{thunderbird_app_id} %dir %{mozappdir} %doc %{mozappdir}/LICENSE %{mozappdir}/chrome %dir %{mozappdir}/components %ghost %{mozappdir}/components/compreg.dat %ghost %{mozappdir}/components/xpti.dat %{mozappdir}/components/components.manifest %{mozappdir}/components/libdbusservice.so %{mozappdir}/components/libmozgnome.so %{mozappdir}/omni.ja %{mozappdir}/plugin-container %{mozappdir}/defaults %{mozappdir}/dictionaries %dir %{mozappdir}/extensions %{mozappdir}/extensions/{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} %dir %{mozappdir}/langpacks %{mozappdir}/greprefs %{mozappdir}/isp %{mozappdir}/mozilla-xremote-client %{mozappdir}/run-mozilla.sh %{mozappdir}/thunderbird-bin %{mozappdir}/thunderbird %{mozappdir}/*.so %{mozappdir}/platform.ini %{mozappdir}/application.ini %{mozappdir}/blocklist.xml %exclude %{mozappdir}/removed-files %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/thunderbird.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/thunderbird.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/thunderbird.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/thunderbird.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/thunderbird.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/thunderbird.png %if %{enable_mozilla_crashreporter} %{mozappdir}/crashreporter %{mozappdir}/crashreporter.ini %{mozappdir}/Throbber-small.gif %endif %if !%{?system_nss} %{mozappdir}/*.chk %endif %exclude %{_datadir}/idl/%{name}-%{version} %exclude %{_includedir}/%{name}-%{version} %{mozappdir}/chrome.manifest %{mozappdir}/searchplugins %{mozappdir}/dependentlibs.list #=============================================================================== %changelog * Mon May 11 2015 Johnny Hughes 31.7.0-1 - Roll in CentOS Branding * Sun May 10 2015 Jan Horak - 31.7.0-1 - Update to 31.7.0 * Tue Mar 31 2015 Jan Horak - 31.6.0-1 - Update to 31.6.0 * Mon Feb 23 2015 Jan Horak - 31.5.0-2 - Update to 31.5.0 * Sat Jan 10 2015 Jan Horak - 31.4.0-1 - Update to 31.4.0 * Mon Dec 22 2014 Jan Horak - 31.3.0-2 - Fixed problems with dictionaries (mozbz#1097550) * Fri Nov 28 2014 Jan Horak - 31.3.0-1 - Update to 31.3.0 * Thu Oct 30 2014 Jan Horak - 31.2.0-2 - Update to 31.2.0 * Wed Oct 1 2014 Martin Stransky - 31.1.1-5 - Sync preferences with Firefox * Thu Sep 18 2014 Yaakov Selkowitz - 31.1.1-4 - Fix dependency generation for internal libraries (#1140471) * Fri Sep 12 2014 Jan Horak - 31.1.1-3 - Update to 31.1.1 * Tue Sep 9 2014 Jan Horak - 31.1.0-4 - Use system libffi * Wed Sep 3 2014 Jan Horak - 31.1.0-2 - Added fix for ppc64le * Mon Sep 1 2014 Jan Horak - 31.1.0-1 - Update to 31.1.0 * Wed Jul 30 2014 Martin Stransky - 31.0-2 - Added patch for mozbz#858919 * Tue Jul 29 2014 Martin Stransky - 31.0-1 - Update to 31.0 * Tue Jul 22 2014 Jan Horak - 24.7.0-1 - Update to 24.7.0 * Mon Jun 9 2014 Jan Horak - 24.6.0-1 - Update to 24.6.0 * Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 24.5.0-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Fri May 23 2014 Brent Baude - 24.5.0-5 - Moving the ppc64 conditional up before the cd so it will - apply cleanly * Fri May 23 2014 Martin Stransky - 24.5.0-4 - Added a build fix for ppc64 - rhbz#1100495 * Mon May 5 2014 Jan Horak - 24.5.0-3 - Fixed find requires * Mon Apr 28 2014 Jan Horak - 24.5.0-1 - Update to 24.5.0 * Tue Apr 22 2014 Jan Horak - 24.4.0-2 - Added support for ppc64le * Tue Mar 18 2014 Jan Horak - 24.4.0-1 - Update to 24.4.0 * Mon Feb 3 2014 Jan Horak - 24.3.0-1 - Update to 24.3.0 * Mon Dec 16 2013 Martin Stransky - 24.2.0-4 - Fixed rhbz#1024232 - thunderbird: squiggly lines used for spelling correction disappear randomly * Fri Dec 13 2013 Martin Stransky - 24.2.0-3 - Build with -Werror=format-security (rhbz#1037353) * Wed Dec 11 2013 Martin Stransky - 24.2.0-2 - rhbz#1001998 - added a workaround for system notifications * Mon Dec 9 2013 Jan Horak - 24.2.0-1 - Update to 24.2.0 * Sat Nov 02 2013 Dennis Gilmore - 24.1.0-2 - remove ExcludeArch: armv7hl * Wed Oct 30 2013 Jan Horak - 24.1.0-1 - Update to 24.1.0 * Thu Oct 17 2013 Martin Stransky - 24.0-4 - Fixed rhbz#1005611 - BEAST workaround not enabled in Firefox * Wed Sep 25 2013 Jan Horak - 24.0-3 - Update to 24.0 * Mon Sep 23 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.9-1 - Update to 17.0.9 ESR * Mon Aug 5 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.8-1 - Update to 17.0.8 * Sun Aug 04 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 17.0.7-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jun 25 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.7-1 - Update to 17.0.7 * Wed Jun 12 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.6-2 - Fixed rhbz#973371 - unable to install addons * Tue May 14 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.6-1 - Update to 17.0.6 * Tue Apr 2 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.5-1 - Update to 17.0.5 * Mon Mar 11 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.4-1 - Update to 17.0.4 * Tue Feb 19 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.3-1 - Update to 17.0.3 * Fri Feb 15 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 17.0.2-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jan 15 2013 Martin Stransky - 17.0.2-3 - Added fix for NM regression (mozbz#791626) * Tue Jan 15 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.2-2 - Added mozilla-746112 patch to fix crash on ppc(64) * Thu Jan 10 2013 Jan Horak - 17.0.2-1 - Update to 17.0.2 * Mon Nov 19 2012 Jan Horak - 17.0-1 - Update to 17.0 * Mon Oct 29 2012 Jan Horak - 16.0.2-1 - Update to 16.0.2 * Tue Oct 16 2012 Jan Horak - 16.0.1-2 - Fixed nss and nspr versions * Thu Oct 11 2012 Jan Horak - 16.0.1-1 - Update to 16.0.1 * Tue Oct 9 2012 Jan Horak - 16.0-1 - Update to 16.0 * Tue Sep 18 2012 Dan Horák - 15.0.1-3 - Added fix for rhbz#855923 - TB freezes on Fedora 18 for PPC64 * Fri Sep 14 2012 Martin Stransky - 15.0.1-2 - Added build flags for second arches * Tue Sep 11 2012 Jan Horak - 15.0.1-1 - Update to 15.0.1 * Fri Sep 7 2012 Jan Horak - 15.0-2 - Added workaround fix for PPC (rbhz#852698) * Mon Aug 27 2012 Jan Horak - 15.0-1 - Update to 15.0 * Wed Aug 1 2012 Martin Stransky - 14.0-4 - Removed StartupWMClass (rhbz#844863) - Fixed -g parameter - Removed thunderbird-devel before packing to avoid debugsymbols duplicities (rhbz#823940) * Sat Jul 21 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 14.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 17 2012 Jan Horak - 14.0-1 - Update to 14.0 * Fri Jun 15 2012 Jan Horak - 13.0.1-1 - Update to 13.0.1 * Tue Jun 5 2012 Jan Horak - 13.0-1 - Update to 13.0 * Mon May 7 2012 Martin Stransky - 12.0.1-2 - Fixed #717245 - adhere Static Library Packaging Guidelines * Mon Apr 30 2012 Jan Horak - 12.0.1-1 - Update to 12.0.1 * Tue Apr 24 2012 Jan Horak - 12.0-1 - Update to 12.0 * Mon Apr 16 2012 Peter Robinson - 11.0.1-2 - Add upstream patch to fix FTBFS on ARM * Thu Mar 29 2012 Jan Horak - 11.0.1-1 - Update to 11.0.1 * Thu Mar 22 2012 Jan Horak - 11.0-6 - Added translations to thunderbird.desktop file * Fri Mar 16 2012 Martin Stransky - 11.0-5 - gcc 4.7 build fixes * Wed Mar 14 2012 Peter Robinson - 11.0-4 - Add ARM configuration options * Wed Mar 14 2012 Martin Stransky - 11.0-3 - Build with system libvpx * Tue Mar 13 2012 Martin Stransky - 11.0-1 - Update to 11.0 * Thu Feb 23 2012 Jan Horak - 10.0.1-3 - Added fix for proxy settings mozbz#682832 * Thu Feb 16 2012 Martin Stransky - 10.0.1-2 - Added fix for mozbz#727401 * Thu Feb 9 2012 Jan Horak - 10.0.1-1 - Update to 10.0.1 * Mon Feb 6 2012 Martin Stransky - 10.0-2 - gcc 4.7 build fixes * Tue Jan 31 2012 Jan Horak - 10.0-1 - Update to 10.0 * Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 9.0-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 05 2012 Dan Horák - 9.0-6 - disable jemalloc on s390(x) (taken from xulrunner) * Wed Jan 04 2012 Dan Horák - 9.0-5 - fix build on secondary arches (cherry-picked from 13afcd4c097c) * Thu Dec 22 2011 Jan Horak - 9.0-4 - Update to 9.0 * Fri Dec 9 2011 Martin Stransky - 8.0-4 - enabled gio support (#760644) * Tue Nov 29 2011 Jan Horak - 8.0-3 - Fixed s390x issues * Thu Nov 10 2011 Jan Horak - 8.0-2 - Enable Mozilla's crash reporter again for all archs - Temporary workaround for langpacks - Disabled addon check UI (#753551) * Tue Nov 8 2011 Jan Horak - 8.0-1 - Update to 8.0 * Tue Oct 18 2011 Martin Stransky - 7.0.1-3 - Added NM patches (mozbz#627672, mozbz#639959) * Wed Oct 12 2011 Dan Horák - 7.0.1-2 - fix build on secondary arches (copied from xulrunner) * Fri Sep 30 2011 Jan Horak - 7.0.1-1 - Update to 7.0.1 * Tue Sep 27 2011 Jan Horak - 7.0-1 - Update to 7.0 * Tue Sep 6 2011 Jan Horak - 6.0.2-1 - Update to 6.0.2 * Wed Aug 31 2011 Jan Horak - 6.0-3 - Distrust a specific Certificate Authority * Wed Aug 31 2011 Dan Horák - 6.0-2 - add secondary-ipc patch from xulrunner * Tue Aug 16 2011 Jan Horak - 6.0-1 - Update to 6.0 * Tue Aug 16 2011 Remi Collet 5.0-4 - Don't unzip the langpacks * Mon Aug 15 2011 Jan Horak - 5.0-3 - Rebuild due to rhbz#728707 * Wed Jul 20 2011 Dan Horák - 5.0-2 - add xulrunner patches for secondary arches * Tue Jun 28 2011 Jan Horak - 5.0-1 - Update to 5.0 * Tue Jun 21 2011 Jan Horak - 3.1.11-1 - Update to 3.1.11 * Wed May 25 2011 Caolán McNamara - 3.1.10-2 - rebuild for new hunspell * Thu Apr 28 2011 Jan Horak - 3.1.10-1 - Update to 3.1.10 * Thu Apr 21 2011 Christopher Aillon - 3.1.9-7 - Make gvfs-open launch a compose window (salimma) - Spec file cleanups (salimma, caillon) - Split out mozilla crashreporter symbols to its own debuginfo package (caillon) * Sat Apr 2 2011 Christopher Aillon - 3.1.9-6 - Drop gio support: the code hooks don't exist yet for TB 3.1.x * Fri Apr 1 2011 Orion Poplawski - 3.1.9-5 - Enable startup notification * Sun Mar 20 2011 Dan Horák - 3.1.9-4 - updated the s390 build patch * Fri Mar 18 2011 Jan Horak - 3.1.9-3 - Removed gnome-vfs2, libgnomeui and libgnome from build requires * Wed Mar 9 2011 Jan Horak - 3.1.9-2 - Disabled gnomevfs, enabled gio * Mon Mar 7 2011 Jan Horak - 3.1.9-1 - Update to 3.1.9 * Tue Mar 1 2011 Jan Horak - 3.1.8-3 - Update to 3.1.8 * Wed Feb 9 2011 Christopher Aillon - 3.1.7-6 - Drop the -lightning subpackage, it needs to be in its own SRPM * Mon Feb 7 2011 Christopher Aillon - 3.1.7-5 - Bring back the default mailer check but fix up the directory * Wed Dec 15 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.7-4 - Mozilla crash reporter enabled * Thu Dec 9 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.7-2 - Fixed useragent * Thu Dec 9 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.7-1 - Update to 3.1.7 * Sat Nov 27 2010 Remi Collet - 3.1.6-8 - fix cairo + nspr required version - lightning: fix thunderbird version required - lightning: fix release (b3pre) - lightning: clean install * Mon Nov 22 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.6-7 - Added x-scheme-handler/mailto to thunderbird.desktop file * Mon Nov 8 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.6-4 - Added libnotify patch - Removed dependency on static libraries * Fri Oct 29 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.6-2 - Move thunderbird-lightning extension from Sunbird package to Thunderbird * Wed Oct 27 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.6-1 - Update to 3.1.6 * Tue Oct 19 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.5-1 - Update to 3.1.5 * Thu Sep 16 2010 Dan Horák - 3.1.3-2 - fix build on s390 * Tue Sep 7 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.3-1 - Update to 3.1.3 * Fri Aug 6 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.2-1 - Update to 3.1.2 - Disable updater * Tue Jul 20 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1.1-1 - Update to 3.1.1 * Thu Jun 24 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1-1 - Thunderbird 3.1 * Fri Jun 11 2010 Jan Horak - 3.1-0.3.rc2 - TryExec added to desktop file * Wed Jun 9 2010 Christopher Aillon 3.1-0.2.rc2 - Thunderbird 3.1 RC2 * Tue May 25 2010 Christopher Aillon 3.1-0.1.rc1 - Thunderbird 3.1 RC1 * Fri Apr 30 2010 Jan Horak - 3.0.4-3 - Fix for mozbz#550455 * Tue Apr 13 2010 Martin Stransky - 3.0.4-2 - Fixed langpacks (#580444) * Tue Mar 30 2010 Jan Horak - 3.0.4-1 - Update to 3.0.4 * Sat Mar 06 2010 Kalev Lember - 3.0.3-2 - Own extension directories (#532132) * Mon Mar 1 2010 Jan Horak - 3.0.3-1 - Update to 3.0.3 * Thu Feb 25 2010 Jan Horak - 3.0.2-1 - Update to 3.0.2 * Wed Jan 20 2010 Martin Stransky - 3.0.1-1 - Update to 3.0.1 * Mon Jan 18 2010 Martin Stransky - 3.0-5 - Added fix for #480603 - thunderbird takes unacceptably long time to start * Wed Dec 9 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-4 - Update to 3.0 * Thu Dec 3 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-3.13.rc2 - Update to RC2 * Wed Nov 25 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-3.12.rc1 - Sync with Mozilla latest RC1 build * Thu Nov 19 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-3.11.rc1 - Update to RC1 * Thu Sep 17 2009 Christopher Aillon - 3.0-3.9.b4 - Update to 3.0 b4 * Thu Aug 6 2009 Martin Stransky - 3.0-3.8.beta3 - Added fix for #437596 - Removed unused patches * Thu Aug 6 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-3.7.beta3 - Removed unused build requirements * Mon Aug 3 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-3.6.beta3 - Build with system hunspell * Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.0-3.5.b3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jul 24 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-2.5.beta3 - Use system hunspell * Tue Jul 21 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-2.4.beta3 - Update to 3.0 beta3 * Mon Mar 30 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-2.2.beta2 - Fixed open-browser.sh to use xdg-open instead of gnome-open * Mon Mar 23 2009 Christopher Aillon - 3.0-2.1.beta2 - Disable the default app nag dialog * Tue Mar 17 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-2.beta2 - Fixed clicked link does not open in browser (#489120) - Fixed missing help in thunderbird (#488885) * Mon Mar 2 2009 Jan Horak - 3.0-1.beta2 - Update to 3.0 beta2 - Added Patch2 to build correctly when building with --enable-shared option * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 07 2009 Christopher Aillon - - Disable the crash dialog * Wed Nov 19 2008 Christopher Aillon - Update to * Thu Oct 9 2008 Christopher Aillon - Update to * Wed Jul 23 2008 Christopher Aillon - Update to * Thu May 1 2008 Christopher Aillon - Update to - Use the system dictionaries * Fri Apr 18 2008 Christopher Aillon - Icon belongs in _datadir/pixmaps * Fri Apr 18 2008 Christopher Aillon - rebuilt * Mon Apr 7 2008 Christopher Aillon - Add %%lang attributes to langpacks * Sat Mar 15 2008 Christopher Aillon - Avoid conflict between gecko debuginfos * Mon Mar 03 2008 Martin Stransky - Updated starting script (#426331) * Tue Feb 26 2008 Christopher Aillon - Update to - Fix up icon location and some scriptlets * Sun Dec 9 2007 Christopher Aillon - Fix some rpmlint warnings - Drop some old patches and obsoletes * Thu Nov 15 2007 Christopher Aillon - Update to * Wed Sep 26 2007 Martin Stransky - Fixed #242657 - firefox -g doesn't work * Tue Sep 25 2007 Christopher Aillon - Removed hardcoded MAX_PATH, PATH_MAX and MAXPATHLEN macros * Tue Sep 11 2007 Christopher Aillon - Fix crashes when using GTK+ themes containing a gtkrc which specify GtkOptionMenu::indicator_size and GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing * Mon Sep 10 2007 Martin Stransky - added fix for #246248 - firefox crashes when searching for word "do" * Mon Aug 13 2007 Christopher Aillon - Update the license tag * Wed Aug 8 2007 Christopher Aillon - Update to - Own the application directory (#244901) * Tue Jul 31 2007 Martin Stransky - added pango ligature fix * Thu Apr 19 2007 Christopher Aillon - Update to Final * Fri Apr 13 2007 Christopher Aillon - Fix the desktop file - Clean up the files list - Remove the default client stuff from the pref window * Thu Apr 12 2007 Christopher Aillon - Rebuild into Fedora * Wed Apr 11 2007 Christopher Aillon - Update langpacks * Thu Apr 5 2007 Christopher Aillon - Build option tweaks - Bring the install section to parity with Firefox's * Thu Apr 5 2007 Christopher Aillon - Update to RC1 * Sun Mar 25 2007 Christopher Aillon - Update to * Fri Mar 2 2007 Martin Stransky - Update to * Mon Feb 12 2007 Martin Stransky - added fix for #227406: garbage characters on some websites (when pango is disabled) * Tue Jan 30 2007 Christopher Aillon - Updated cursor position patch from tagoh to fix issue with "jumping" cursor when in a textfield with tabs. * Tue Jan 30 2007 Christopher Aillon - Fix the DND implementation to not grab, so it works with new GTK+. * Thu Dec 21 2006 Behdad Esfahbod - Added firefox-1.5-pango-underline.patch * Wed Dec 20 2006 Behdad Esfahbod - Added firefox-1.5-pango-justified-range.patch * Tue Dec 19 2006 Behdad Esfahbod - Added firefox-1.5-pango-cursor-position-more.patch * Tue Dec 19 2006 Matthias Clasen - Add a Requires: launchmail (#219884) * Tue Dec 19 2006 Christopher Aillon - Update to - Take firefox's pango fixes - Don't offer to import...nothing. * Tue Nov 7 2006 Christopher Aillon - Update to - Allow choosing of download directory - Take the user to the correct directory from the Download Manager. - Patch to add support for printing via pango from Behdad. * Sun Oct 8 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Default to use of system colors * Wed Oct 4 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Bring the invisible character to parity with GTK+ * Wed Sep 27 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Fix crash when changing gtk key theme - Prevent UI freezes while changing GNOME theme - Remove verbiage about pango; no longer required by upstream. * Wed Sep 13 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Update to * Thu Sep 7 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Shuffle order of the install phase around * Thu Sep 7 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Let there be art for Alt+Tab again - s/tbdir/mozappdir/g * Wed Sep 6 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Fix for cursor position in editor widgets by tagoh and behdad (#198759) * Tue Sep 5 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Update nopangoxft.patch - Fix rendering of MathML thanks to Behdad Esfahbod. - Update start page text to reflect the MathML fixes. - Enable pango by default on all locales - Build using -rpath - Re-enable GCC visibility * Thu Aug 3 2006 Kai Engert - - Fix a build failure in mailnews mime code. * Tue Aug 1 2006 Matthias Clasen - - Rebuild * Thu Jul 27 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Update to * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating - - rebuild * Mon Jun 12 2006 Kai Engert - - Update to - Fix desktop-file-utils requires * Wed Apr 19 2006 Christopher Aillon - - Update to * Thu Mar 16 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-7 - Bring the other arches back * Mon Mar 13 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5.6 - Temporarily disable other arches that we don't ship FC5 with, for time * Mon Mar 13 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-5 - Add a notice to the mail start page denoting this is a pango enabled build. * Fri Feb 10 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-3 - Add dumpstack.patch - Improve the langpack install stuff * Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating - 1.5-2.1 - rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes * Fri Jan 27 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-2 - Add some langpacks back in - Stop providing MozillaThunderbird * Thu Jan 12 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-1 - Official 1.5 release is out * Wed Jan 11 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-0.5.6.rc1 - Fix crash when deleting highlighted text while composing mail within plaintext editor with spellcheck enabled. * Tue Jan 3 2006 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-0.5.5.rc1 - Looks like we can build on ppc64 again. * Fri Dec 16 2005 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-0.5.4.rc1 - Rebuild * Fri Dec 16 2005 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-0.5.3.rc1 - Once again, disable ppc64 because of a new issue. See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=175944 - Use the system NSS libraries - Build on ppc64 * Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating - rebuilt * Mon Nov 28 2005 Christopher Aillon - 1.5-0.5.1.rc1 - Fix issue with popup dialogs and other actions causing lockups * Sat Nov 5 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.5-0.5.0.rc1 - Update to 1.5 rc1 * Sat Oct 8 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.5-0.5.0.beta2 - Update to 1.5 beta2 * Wed Sep 28 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.5-0.5.0.beta1 - Update to 1.5 beta1 - Bring the install phase of the spec file up to speed * Sun Aug 14 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.6-4 - Rebuild * Sat Aug 6 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.6-3 - Add patch to make file chooser dialog modal * Fri Jul 22 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.6-2 - Update to 1.0.6 * Mon Jul 18 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.6-0.1.fc5 - 1.0.6 Release Candidate * Fri Jul 15 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.2-8 - Use system NSPR - Fix crash on 64bit platforms (#160330) * Thu Jun 23 2005 Kristian Høgsberg 1.0.2-7 - Add firefox-1.0-pango-cairo.patch to get rid of the last few Xft references, fixing the "no fonts" problem. * Fri May 13 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.2-6 - Change the Exec line in the desktop file to `thunderbird` * Fri May 13 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.2-5 - Update pango patche, MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO now works as advertised. * Mon May 9 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.2-4 - Add temporary workaround to not create files in the user's $HOME (#149664) * Wed May 4 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.2-3 - Don't have downloads "disappear" when downloading to desktop (#139015) - Fix for some more cursor issues in textareas (149991, 150002, 152089) - Add upstream patch to fix bidi justification of pango - Add patch to fix launching of helper applications - Add patch to properly link against libgfxshared_s.a - Fix multilib conflicts * Wed Apr 27 2005 Warren Togami - correct confusing PANGO vars in startup script * Wed Mar 23 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0.2-1 - Thunderbird 1.0.2 * Tue Mar 8 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0-5 - Add patch to compile against new fortified glibc macros * Sat Mar 5 2005 Christopher Aillon 1.0-4 - Rebuild against GCC 4.0 - Add execshield patches - Minor specfile cleanup * Mon Dec 20 2004 Christopher Aillon 1.0-3 - Rebuild * Thu Dec 16 2004 Christopher Aillon 1.0-2 - Add RPM version to useragent * Thu Dec 16 2004 Christopher Blizzard - Port over pango patches from firefox * Wed Dec 8 2004 Christopher Aillon 1.0-1 - Thunderbird 1.0 * Mon Dec 6 2004 Christopher Aillon 1.0-0.rc1.1 - Fix advanced prefs * Fri Dec 3 2004 Christopher Aillon - Make this run on s390(x) now for real * Wed Dec 1 2004 Christopher Aillon 1.0-0.rc1.0 - Update to 1.0 rc1 * Fri Nov 19 2004 Christopher Aillon - Add patches to build and run on s390(x) * Thu Nov 11 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.9.0-2 - Rebuild to fix file chooser * Fri Nov 5 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.9.0-1 - Update to 0.9 * Fri Oct 22 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.8.0-10 - Prevent inlining of stack direction detection (#135255) * Tue Oct 19 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.8.0-9 - More file chooser fixes (same as in firefox) - Fix for upstream 28327. * Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard 0.8.0-8 - Update the pango patch * Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard 0.8.0-8 - Pull over patches from firefox build: - disable default application dialog - don't include software update since it doesn't work - make external app support work * Thu Oct 14 2004 Christopher Blizzard 0.8.0-7 - Use pango for rendering * Tue Oct 12 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.8.0-6 - Fix for 64 bit crash at startup (b.m.o #256603) * Sat Oct 9 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.8.0-5 - Add patches to fix xremote (#135036) * Fri Oct 8 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.8.0-4 - Add patch to fix button focus issues (#133507) - Add patch for fix IMAP race issues (bmo #246439) * Fri Oct 1 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.8.0-3 - filter out library Provides: and internal Requires: * Tue Sep 28 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.8.0-2 - Backport the GTK+ File Chooser. - Add fix for JS math on x86_64 systems - Add pkgconfig patch * Thu Sep 16 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.8.0-1 - Update to 0.8.0 - Remove enigmail - Update BuildRequires - Remove gcc34 and extension manager patches -- they are upstreamed. - Fix for gnome-vfs2 error at component registration * Fri Sep 03 2004 Christopher Aillon 0.7.3-5 - Build with --disable-xprint * Wed Sep 01 2004 David Hill 0.7.3-4 - remove all Xvfb-related hacks * Wed Sep 01 2004 Warren Togami - actually apply psfonts - add mozilla gnome-uriloader patch to prevent build failure * Tue Aug 31 2004 Warren Togami 0.7.3-3 - rawhide import - apply NetBSD's freetype 2.1.8 patch - apply psfonts patch - remove BR on /usr/bin/ex, breaks beehive * Tue Aug 31 2004 David Hill 0.7.3-0.fdr.2 - oops, fix %%install * Thu Aug 26 2004 David Hill 0.7.3-0.fdr.1 - update to Thunderbird 0.7.3 and Enigmail 0.85.0 - remove XUL.mfasl on startup, add Debian enigmail patches - add Xvfb hack for -install-global-extension * Wed Jul 14 2004 David Hill 0.7.2-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.7.2, just because it's there - update gcc-3.4 patch (Kaj Niemi) - add EM registration patch and remove instdir hack * Sun Jul 04 2004 David Hill 0.7.1-0.fdr.1 - re-add Enigmime 1.0.7, omit Enigmail until the Mozilla EM problems are fixed * Wed Jun 30 2004 David Hill 0.7.1-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.7.1 - remove Enigmail * Mon Jun 28 2004 David Hill 0.7-0.fdr.1 - re-enable Enigmail 0.84.1 - add gcc-3.4 patch (Kaj Niemi) - use official branding (with permission) * Fri Jun 18 2004 David Hill 0.7-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.7 - temporarily disable Enigmail 0.84.1, make ftp links work (#1634) - specify libdir, change BR for apt (V. Skyttä, #1617) * Tue May 18 2004 Warren Togami 0.6-0.fdr.5 - temporary workaround for enigmail skin "modern" bug * Mon May 10 2004 David Hill 0.6-0.fdr.4 - update to Enigmail 0.84.0 - update launch script * Mon May 10 2004 David Hill 0.6-0.fdr.3 - installation directory now versioned - allow root to run the program (for installing extensions) - remove unnecessary %%pre and %%post - remove separators, update mozconfig and launch script (M. Schwendt, #1460) * Wed May 05 2004 David Hill 0.6-0.fdr.2 - include Enigmail, re-add release notes - delete %%{_libdir}/thunderbird in %%pre * Mon May 03 2004 David Hill 0.6-0.fdr.1 - update to Thunderbird 0.6 * Fri Apr 30 2004 David Hill 0.6-0.fdr.0.rc1 - update to Thunderbird 0.6 RC1 - add new icon, remove release notes * Thu Apr 15 2004 David Hill 0.6-0.fdr.0.20040415 - update to latest CVS, update mozconfig and %%build accordingly - update to Enigmail 0.83.6 - remove x-remote and x86_64 patches - build with -Os * Thu Apr 15 2004 David Hill 0.5-0.fdr.12 - update x-remote patch - more startup script fixes * Tue Apr 06 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.11 - startup script fixes, and a minor cleanup * Sun Apr 04 2004 Warren Togami 0:0.5-0.fdr.10 - Minor cleanups * Sun Apr 04 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.8 - minor improvements to open-browser.sh and startup script - update to latest version of Blizzard's x-remote patch * Thu Mar 25 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.7 - update open-browser.sh, startup script, and BuildRequires * Sun Mar 14 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.6 - update open-browser script, modify BuildRequires (Warren) - add Blizzard's x-remote patch - initial attempt at x-remote-enabled startup script * Sun Mar 07 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.5 - refuse to run with excessive privileges * Fri Feb 27 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.4 - add Mozilla x86_64 patch (Oliver Sontag) - Enigmail source filenames now include the version - modify BuildRoot * Thu Feb 26 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.3 - use the updated official tarball * Wed Feb 18 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.2 - fix %%prep script * Mon Feb 16 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.1 - update Enigmail to 0.83.3 - use official source tarball (after removing the CRLFs) - package renamed to thunderbird * Mon Feb 09 2004 David Hill 0:0.5-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.5 - check for lockfile before launching * Fri Feb 06 2004 David Hill - update to latest cvs - update to Enigmail 0.83.2 * Thu Jan 29 2004 David Hill 0:0.4-0.fdr.5 - update to Enigmail 0.83.1 - removed Mozilla/Firebird script patching * Sat Jan 03 2004 David Hill 0:0.4-0.fdr.4 - add startup notification to .desktop file * Thu Dec 25 2003 Warren Togami 0:0.4-0.fdr.3 - open-browser.sh release 3 - patch broken /usr/bin/mozilla script during install - dir ownership - XXX: Source fails build on x86_64... fix later * Tue Dec 23 2003 David Hill 0:0.4-0.fdr.2 - update to Enigmail 0.82.5 - add Warren's open-browser.sh (#1113) * Tue Dec 09 2003 David Hill 0:0.4-0.fdr.1 - use Thunderbird's mozilla-xremote-client to launch browser * Sun Dec 07 2003 David Hill 0:0.4-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.4 - make hyperlinks work (with recent versions of Firebird/Mozilla) * Thu Dec 04 2003 David Hill - update to 0.4rc2 * Wed Dec 03 2003 David Hill - update to 0.4rc1 and Enigmail 0.82.4 * Thu Nov 27 2003 David Hill - update to latest CVS and Enigmail 0.82.3 * Sun Nov 16 2003 David Hill - update to latest CVS (0.4a) - update Enigmail to 0.82.2 - alter mozconfig for new build requirements - add missing BuildReq (#987) * Thu Oct 16 2003 David Hill 0:0.3-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.3 * Sun Oct 12 2003 David Hill 0:0.3rc3-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.3rc3 - update Enigmail to 0.81.7 * Thu Oct 02 2003 David Hill 0:0.3rc2-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.3rc2 * Wed Sep 17 2003 David Hill 0:0.2-0.fdr.2 - simplify startup script * Wed Sep 10 2003 David Hill 0:0.2-0.fdr.1 - add GPG support (Enigmail 0.81.6) - specfile fixes (#679) * Thu Sep 04 2003 David Hill 0:0.2-0.fdr.0 - update to 0.2 * Mon Sep 01 2003 David Hill - initial RPM (based on the fedora MozillaFirebird-0.6.1 specfile)