c22f5f |
# erAck: backport of expat CVE-2023-52425 DoS fix
c22f5f |
# https://github.com/libexpat/libexpat/commit/34b598c5f594b015c513c73f06e7ced3323edbf1
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
--- thunderbird-115.9.0/parser/expat/lib/expat.h.expat-CVE-2023-52425 2024-03-11 20:36:11.000000000 +0100
c22f5f |
+++ thunderbird-115.9.0/parser/expat/lib/expat.h 2024-03-13 20:46:45.648505015 +0100
c22f5f |
@@ -1045,6 +1045,10 @@ XMLPARSEAPI(const XML_Feature *)
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+/* Added in Expat 2.6.0. */
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+XML_SetReparseDeferralEnabled(XML_Parser parser, XML_Bool enabled);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
/* Expat follows the semantic versioning convention.
c22f5f |
See http://semver.org.
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
--- thunderbird-115.9.0/parser/expat/lib/internal.h.expat-CVE-2023-52425 2024-03-11 20:36:11.000000000 +0100
c22f5f |
+++ thunderbird-115.9.0/parser/expat/lib/internal.h 2024-03-14 00:14:39.334319725 +0100
c22f5f |
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
c22f5f |
# endif
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+#include "expat.h" // so we can use type XML_Parser below
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
#ifdef __cplusplus
c22f5f |
extern "C" {
c22f5f |
@@ -90,6 +91,9 @@ void
c22f5f |
align_limit_to_full_utf8_characters(const char * from, const char ** fromLimRef);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+extern XML_Bool g_reparseDeferralEnabledDefault; // written ONLY in runtests.c
c22f5f |
+extern unsigned int g_parseAttempts; // used for testing only
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
#ifdef __cplusplus
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
--- thunderbird-115.9.0/parser/expat/lib/xmlparse.c.expat-CVE-2023-52425 2024-03-11 20:36:11.000000000 +0100
c22f5f |
+++ thunderbird-115.9.0/parser/expat/lib/xmlparse.c 2024-03-13 22:55:14.844756009 +0100
c22f5f |
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* syscall prototype */
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+#include <stdbool.h>
c22f5f |
#include <stddef.h>
c22f5f |
#include <string.h> /* memset(), memcpy() */
c22f5f |
#include <assert.h>
c22f5f |
@@ -89,6 +90,9 @@ typedef char ICHAR;
c22f5f |
/* Round up n to be a multiple of sz, where sz is a power of 2. */
c22f5f |
#define ROUND_UP(n, sz) (((n) + ((sz) - 1)) & ~((sz) - 1))
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+/* Do safe (NULL-aware) pointer arithmetic */
c22f5f |
+#define EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(p, q) (((p) && (q)) ? ((p) - (q)) : 0)
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
/* Handle the case where memmove() doesn't exist. */
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
@@ -98,6 +102,8 @@ typedef char ICHAR;
c22f5f |
#endif /* HAVE_BCOPY */
c22f5f |
#endif /* HAVE_MEMMOVE */
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+#define EXPAT_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
#include "internal.h"
c22f5f |
#include "xmltok.h"
c22f5f |
#include "xmlrole.h"
c22f5f |
@@ -476,6 +482,9 @@ parserInit(XML_Parser parser, const XML_
c22f5f |
? 0 \
c22f5f |
: ((*((pool)->ptr)++ = c), 1))
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+XML_Bool g_reparseDeferralEnabledDefault = XML_TRUE; // write ONLY in runtests.c
c22f5f |
+unsigned int g_parseAttempts = 0; // used for testing only
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
struct XML_ParserStruct {
c22f5f |
/* The first member must be userData so that the XML_GetUserData
c22f5f |
macro works. */
c22f5f |
@@ -491,6 +500,9 @@ struct XML_ParserStruct {
c22f5f |
const char *m_bufferLim;
c22f5f |
XML_Index m_parseEndByteIndex;
c22f5f |
const char *m_parseEndPtr;
c22f5f |
+ size_t m_partialTokenBytesBefore; /* used in heuristic to avoid O(n^2) */
c22f5f |
+ XML_Bool m_reparseDeferralEnabled;
c22f5f |
+ int m_lastBufferRequestSize;
c22f5f |
XML_Char *m_dataBuf;
c22f5f |
XML_Char *m_dataBufEnd;
c22f5f |
XML_StartElementHandler m_startElementHandler;
c22f5f |
@@ -647,6 +659,9 @@ struct XML_ParserStruct {
c22f5f |
#define bufferEnd (parser->m_bufferEnd)
c22f5f |
#define parseEndByteIndex (parser->m_parseEndByteIndex)
c22f5f |
#define parseEndPtr (parser->m_parseEndPtr)
c22f5f |
+#define partialTokenBytesBefore (parser->m_partialTokenBytesBefore)
c22f5f |
+#define reparseDeferralEnabled (parser->m_reparseDeferralEnabled)
c22f5f |
+#define lastBufferRequestSize (parser->m_lastBufferRequestSize)
c22f5f |
#define bufferLim (parser->m_bufferLim)
c22f5f |
#define dataBuf (parser->m_dataBuf)
c22f5f |
#define dataBufEnd (parser->m_dataBufEnd)
c22f5f |
@@ -887,6 +902,47 @@ get_hash_secret_salt(XML_Parser parser)
c22f5f |
return parser->m_hash_secret_salt;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+static enum XML_Error
c22f5f |
+callProcessor(XML_Parser parser, const char *start, const char *end,
c22f5f |
+ const char **endPtr) {
c22f5f |
+ const size_t have_now = EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(end, start);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ if (parser->m_reparseDeferralEnabled
c22f5f |
+ && ! parser->m_parsingStatus.finalBuffer) {
c22f5f |
+ // Heuristic: don't try to parse a partial token again until the amount of
c22f5f |
+ // available data has increased significantly.
c22f5f |
+ const size_t had_before = parser->m_partialTokenBytesBefore;
c22f5f |
+ // ...but *do* try anyway if we're close to causing a reallocation.
c22f5f |
+ size_t available_buffer
c22f5f |
+ = EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(parser->m_bufferPtr, parser->m_buffer);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ available_buffer -= EXPAT_MIN(available_buffer, XML_CONTEXT_BYTES);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ available_buffer
c22f5f |
+ += EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(parser->m_bufferLim, parser->m_bufferEnd);
c22f5f |
+ // m_lastBufferRequestSize is never assigned a value < 0, so the cast is ok
c22f5f |
+ const bool enough
c22f5f |
+ = (have_now >= 2 * had_before)
c22f5f |
+ || ((size_t)parser->m_lastBufferRequestSize > available_buffer);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ if (! enough) {
c22f5f |
+ *endPtr = start; // callers may expect this to be set
c22f5f |
+ return XML_ERROR_NONE;
c22f5f |
+ }
c22f5f |
+ }
c22f5f |
+ g_parseAttempts += 1;
c22f5f |
+ const enum XML_Error ret = parser->m_processor(parser, start, end, endPtr);
c22f5f |
+ if (ret == XML_ERROR_NONE) {
c22f5f |
+ // if we consumed nothing, remember what we had on this parse attempt.
c22f5f |
+ if (*endPtr == start) {
c22f5f |
+ parser->m_partialTokenBytesBefore = have_now;
c22f5f |
+ } else {
c22f5f |
+ parser->m_partialTokenBytesBefore = 0;
c22f5f |
+ }
c22f5f |
+ }
c22f5f |
+ return ret;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
static XML_Bool /* only valid for root parser */
c22f5f |
startParsing(XML_Parser parser)
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
@@ -1075,6 +1131,9 @@ parserInit(XML_Parser parser, const XML_
c22f5f |
bufferEnd = buffer;
c22f5f |
parseEndByteIndex = 0;
c22f5f |
parseEndPtr = NULL;
c22f5f |
+ partialTokenBytesBefore = 0;
c22f5f |
+ reparseDeferralEnabled = g_reparseDeferralEnabledDefault;
c22f5f |
+ lastBufferRequestSize = 0;
c22f5f |
declElementType = NULL;
c22f5f |
declAttributeId = NULL;
c22f5f |
declEntity = NULL;
c22f5f |
@@ -1232,6 +1291,7 @@ XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(XML_Parse
c22f5f |
to worry which hash secrets each table has.
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
unsigned long oldhash_secret_salt;
c22f5f |
+ XML_Bool oldReparseDeferralEnabled;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
/* Validate the oldParser parameter before we pull everything out of it */
c22f5f |
if (oldParser == NULL)
c22f5f |
@@ -1276,6 +1336,7 @@ XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(XML_Parse
c22f5f |
to worry which hash secrets each table has.
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
oldhash_secret_salt = hash_secret_salt;
c22f5f |
+ oldReparseDeferralEnabled = reparseDeferralEnabled;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
#ifdef XML_DTD
c22f5f |
if (!context)
c22f5f |
@@ -1330,6 +1391,7 @@ XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(XML_Parse
c22f5f |
defaultExpandInternalEntities = oldDefaultExpandInternalEntities;
c22f5f |
ns_triplets = oldns_triplets;
c22f5f |
hash_secret_salt = oldhash_secret_salt;
c22f5f |
+ reparseDeferralEnabled = oldReparseDeferralEnabled;
c22f5f |
parentParser = oldParser;
c22f5f |
#ifdef XML_DTD
c22f5f |
paramEntityParsing = oldParamEntityParsing;
c22f5f |
@@ -1850,39 +1912,8 @@ XML_Parse(XML_Parser parser, const char
c22f5f |
ps_parsing = XML_PARSING;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- if (len == 0) {
c22f5f |
- ps_finalBuffer = (XML_Bool)isFinal;
c22f5f |
- if (!isFinal)
c22f5f |
- return XML_STATUS_OK;
c22f5f |
- positionPtr = bufferPtr;
c22f5f |
- parseEndPtr = bufferEnd;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- /* If data are left over from last buffer, and we now know that these
c22f5f |
- data are the final chunk of input, then we have to check them again
c22f5f |
- to detect errors based on that fact.
c22f5f |
- */
c22f5f |
- errorCode = processor(parser, bufferPtr, parseEndPtr, &bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- if (errorCode == XML_ERROR_NONE) {
c22f5f |
- switch (ps_parsing) {
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- XmlUpdatePosition(encoding, positionPtr, bufferPtr, &position);
c22f5f |
- positionPtr = bufferPtr;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- ps_parsing = XML_FINISHED;
c22f5f |
- /* fall through */
c22f5f |
- default:
c22f5f |
- return XML_STATUS_OK;
c22f5f |
- }
c22f5f |
- }
c22f5f |
- eventEndPtr = eventPtr;
c22f5f |
- processor = errorProcessor;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- }
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- else if (bufferPtr == bufferEnd) {
c22f5f |
+ if (bufferPtr == bufferEnd) {
c22f5f |
const char *end;
c22f5f |
int nLeftOver;
c22f5f |
enum XML_Status result;
c22f5f |
@@ -1899,11 +1930,14 @@ XML_Parse(XML_Parser parser, const char
c22f5f |
processor = errorProcessor;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ // though this isn't a buffer request, we assume that `len` is the app's
c22f5f |
+ // preferred buffer fill size, and therefore save it here.
c22f5f |
+ lastBufferRequestSize = len;
c22f5f |
parseEndByteIndex += len;
c22f5f |
positionPtr = s;
c22f5f |
ps_finalBuffer = (XML_Bool)isFinal;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- errorCode = processor(parser, s, parseEndPtr = s + len, &end;;
c22f5f |
+ errorCode = callProcessor(parser, s, parseEndPtr = s + len, &end;;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
if (errorCode != XML_ERROR_NONE) {
c22f5f |
eventEndPtr = eventPtr;
c22f5f |
@@ -1930,6 +1964,8 @@ XML_Parse(XML_Parser parser, const char
c22f5f |
XmlUpdatePosition(encoding, positionPtr, end, &position);
c22f5f |
nLeftOver = s + len - end;
c22f5f |
if (nLeftOver) {
c22f5f |
+#if 0
c22f5f |
+// erAck: replace with XML_GetBuffer() below.
c22f5f |
if (buffer == NULL || nLeftOver > bufferLim - buffer) {
c22f5f |
/* avoid _signed_ integer overflow */
c22f5f |
char *temp = NULL;
c22f5f |
@@ -1939,6 +1975,28 @@ XML_Parse(XML_Parser parser, const char
c22f5f |
? (char *)MALLOC(bytesToAllocate)
c22f5f |
: (char *)REALLOC(buffer, bytesToAllocate));
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+#if 1
c22f5f |
+// erAck: the original patch context had a call to XML_GetBuffer() instead:
c22f5f |
+ // Back up and restore the parsing status to avoid XML_ERROR_SUSPENDED
c22f5f |
+ // (and XML_ERROR_FINISHED) from XML_GetBuffer.
c22f5f |
+ const enum XML_Parsing originalStatus = ps_parsing;
c22f5f |
+ ps_parsing = XML_PARSING;
c22f5f |
+ void *const temp = XML_GetBuffer(parser, nLeftOver);
c22f5f |
+ ps_parsing = originalStatus;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ // GetBuffer may have overwritten this, but we want to remember what the
c22f5f |
+ // app requested, not how many bytes were left over after parsing.
c22f5f |
+ lastBufferRequestSize = len;
c22f5f |
+#if 1
c22f5f |
+ if (temp == NULL) {
c22f5f |
+ // NOTE: parser->m_errorCode has already been set by XML_GetBuffer().
c22f5f |
+ eventPtr = eventEndPtr = NULL;
c22f5f |
+ processor = errorProcessor;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ }
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+#if 0
c22f5f |
if (temp == NULL) {
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
eventPtr = eventEndPtr = NULL;
c22f5f |
@@ -1948,6 +2006,7 @@ XML_Parse(XML_Parser parser, const char
c22f5f |
buffer = temp;
c22f5f |
bufferLim = buffer + bytesToAllocate;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
memcpy(buffer, end, nLeftOver);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
bufferPtr = buffer;
c22f5f |
@@ -1959,15 +2018,14 @@ XML_Parse(XML_Parser parser, const char
c22f5f |
return result;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
#endif /* not defined XML_CONTEXT_BYTES */
c22f5f |
- else {
c22f5f |
- void *buff = XML_GetBuffer(parser, len);
c22f5f |
- if (buff == NULL)
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- else {
c22f5f |
- memcpy(buff, s, len);
c22f5f |
- return XML_ParseBuffer(parser, len, isFinal);
c22f5f |
- }
c22f5f |
+ void *buff = XML_GetBuffer(parser, len);
c22f5f |
+ if (buff == NULL)
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ if (len > 0) {
c22f5f |
+ assert(s != NULL); // make sure s==NULL && len!=0 was rejected above
c22f5f |
+ memcpy(buff, s, len);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+ return XML_ParseBuffer(parser, len, isFinal);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
enum XML_Status XMLCALL
c22f5f |
@@ -2001,7 +2059,7 @@ XML_ParseBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int l
c22f5f |
parseEndByteIndex += len;
c22f5f |
ps_finalBuffer = (XML_Bool)isFinal;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- errorCode = processor(parser, start, parseEndPtr, &bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
+ errorCode = callProcessor(parser, start, parseEndPtr, &bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
if (errorCode != XML_ERROR_NONE) {
c22f5f |
eventEndPtr = eventPtr;
c22f5f |
@@ -2047,7 +2105,11 @@ XML_GetBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int len
c22f5f |
default: ;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- if (len > bufferLim - bufferEnd) {
c22f5f |
+ // whether or not the request succeeds, `len` seems to be the app's preferred
c22f5f |
+ // buffer fill size; remember it.
c22f5f |
+ lastBufferRequestSize = len;
c22f5f |
+ if (len > EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(bufferLim, bufferEnd)
c22f5f |
+ || buffer == NULL) {
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
int keep;
c22f5f |
#endif /* defined XML_CONTEXT_BYTES */
c22f5f |
@@ -2063,7 +2125,9 @@ XML_GetBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int len
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
neededSize += keep;
c22f5f |
#endif /* defined XML_CONTEXT_BYTES */
c22f5f |
- if (neededSize <= bufferLim - buffer) {
c22f5f |
+ if (buffer && bufferPtr
c22f5f |
+ && neededSize
c22f5f |
+ <= EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(bufferLim, buffer)) {
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
if (keep < bufferPtr - buffer) {
c22f5f |
int offset = (int)(bufferPtr - buffer) - keep;
c22f5f |
@@ -2072,8 +2136,11 @@ XML_GetBuffer(XML_Parser parser, int len
c22f5f |
bufferPtr -= offset;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- memmove(buffer, bufferPtr, bufferEnd - bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
- bufferEnd = buffer + (bufferEnd - bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
+ memmove(buffer, bufferPtr,
c22f5f |
+ EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(bufferEnd, bufferPtr));
c22f5f |
+ bufferEnd
c22f5f |
+ = buffer
c22f5f |
+ + EXPAT_SAFE_PTR_DIFF(bufferEnd, bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
bufferPtr = buffer;
c22f5f |
#endif /* not defined XML_CONTEXT_BYTES */
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
@@ -2171,7 +2238,7 @@ XML_ResumeParser(XML_Parser parser)
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
ps_parsing = XML_PARSING;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
- errorCode = processor(parser, bufferPtr, parseEndPtr, &bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
+ errorCode = callProcessor(parser, bufferPtr, parseEndPtr, &bufferPtr);
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
if (errorCode != XML_ERROR_NONE) {
c22f5f |
eventEndPtr = eventPtr;
c22f5f |
@@ -2481,6 +2548,15 @@ MOZ_XML_ProcessingEntityValue(XML_Parser
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
+XML_SetReparseDeferralEnabled(XML_Parser parser, XML_Bool enabled) {
c22f5f |
+ if (parser != NULL && (enabled == XML_TRUE || enabled == XML_FALSE)) {
c22f5f |
+ parser->m_reparseDeferralEnabled = enabled;
c22f5f |
+ return XML_TRUE;
c22f5f |
+ }
c22f5f |
+ return XML_FALSE;
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
c22f5f |
/* Initially tag->rawName always points into the parse buffer;
c22f5f |
for those TAG instances opened while the current parse buffer was
c22f5f |
processed, and not yet closed, we need to store tag->rawName in a more