diff --git a/SOURCES/0564-Revert-udev-run-link_update-with-increased-retry-cou.patch b/SOURCES/0564-Revert-udev-run-link_update-with-increased-retry-cou.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca9c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0564-Revert-udev-run-link_update-with-increased-retry-cou.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 43c0bcb8b24edb83bc265cdde264e6d2a36d1cea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michal Sekletar <msekleta@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 15:49:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "udev: run link_update() with increased retry count in
+ second invocation"
+This reverts commit 1f3165bda13c8572c8c31d23c998835c4e2ad8f3.
+Related: #1963980
+ src/udev/udev-event.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/udev/udev-event.c b/src/udev/udev-event.c
+index eaec05523b..9004634f65 100644
+--- a/src/udev/udev-event.c
++++ b/src/udev/udev-event.c
+@@ -934,13 +934,14 @@ void udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event,
+                 /* (re)write database file */
+                 udev_device_tag_index(dev, event->dev_db, true);
+                 udev_device_update_db(dev);
+-                udev_device_set_is_initialized(dev);
+                 /* Yes, we run update_devnode() twice, because in the first invocation, that is before update of udev database,
+                  * it could happen that two contenders are replacing each other's symlink. Hence we run it again to make sure
+                  * symlinks point to devices that claim them with the highest priority. */
+                 update_devnode(event);
++                udev_device_set_is_initialized(dev);
+                 event->dev_db = udev_device_unref(event->dev_db);
+         }
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0565-Revert-udev-make-algorithm-that-selects-highest-prio.patch b/SOURCES/0565-Revert-udev-make-algorithm-that-selects-highest-prio.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9c38cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0565-Revert-udev-make-algorithm-that-selects-highest-prio.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+From 612773fa8b6333dcdac382849e81fa5a473dd1f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michal Sekletar <msekleta@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 15:50:31 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "udev: make algorithm that selects highest priority
+ devlink less susceptible to race conditions"
+This reverts commit 1d5f966c1758eb620755fcae54abd07a1ac36d3d.
+Related: #1963980
+ src/udev/udev-event.c |  71 +++++-------
+ src/udev/udev-node.c  | 244 ++++++++++++------------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/udev/udev-event.c b/src/udev/udev-event.c
+index 9004634f65..fd8406d959 100644
+--- a/src/udev/udev-event.c
++++ b/src/udev/udev-event.c
+@@ -833,41 +833,6 @@ static int rename_netif(struct udev_event *event) {
+         return 0;
+ }
+-static void update_devnode(struct udev_event *event) {
+-        struct udev_device *dev = event->dev;
+-        if (major(udev_device_get_devnum(dev)) > 0) {
+-                bool apply;
+-                /* remove/update possible left-over symlinks from old database entry */
+-                if (event->dev_db != NULL)
+-                        udev_node_update_old_links(dev, event->dev_db);
+-                if (!event->owner_set)
+-                        event->uid = udev_device_get_devnode_uid(dev);
+-                if (!event->group_set)
+-                        event->gid = udev_device_get_devnode_gid(dev);
+-                if (!event->mode_set) {
+-                        if (udev_device_get_devnode_mode(dev) > 0) {
+-                                /* kernel supplied value */
+-                                event->mode = udev_device_get_devnode_mode(dev);
+-                        } else if (event->gid > 0) {
+-                                /* default 0660 if a group is assigned */
+-                                event->mode = 0660;
+-                        }
+-                        else {
+-                                /* default 0600 */
+-                                event->mode = 0600;
+-                        }
+-                }
+-                apply = streq(udev_device_get_action(dev), "add") || event->owner_set || event->group_set || event->mode_set;
+-                udev_node_add(dev, apply, event->mode, event->uid, event->gid, &event->seclabel_list);
+-        }
+ void udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event,
+                               usec_t timeout_usec, usec_t timeout_warn_usec,
+                               struct udev_list *properties_list,
+@@ -926,7 +891,35 @@ void udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event,
+                         }
+                 }
+-                update_devnode(event);
++                if (major(udev_device_get_devnum(dev)) > 0) {
++                        bool apply;
++                        /* remove/update possible left-over symlinks from old database entry */
++                        if (event->dev_db != NULL)
++                                udev_node_update_old_links(dev, event->dev_db);
++                        if (!event->owner_set)
++                                event->uid = udev_device_get_devnode_uid(dev);
++                        if (!event->group_set)
++                                event->gid = udev_device_get_devnode_gid(dev);
++                        if (!event->mode_set) {
++                                if (udev_device_get_devnode_mode(dev) > 0) {
++                                        /* kernel supplied value */
++                                        event->mode = udev_device_get_devnode_mode(dev);
++                                } else if (event->gid > 0) {
++                                        /* default 0660 if a group is assigned */
++                                        event->mode = 0660;
++                                } else {
++                                        /* default 0600 */
++                                        event->mode = 0600;
++                                }
++                        }
++                        apply = streq(udev_device_get_action(dev), "add") || event->owner_set || event->group_set || event->mode_set;
++                        udev_node_add(dev, apply, event->mode, event->uid, event->gid, &event->seclabel_list);
++                }
+                 /* preserve old, or get new initialization timestamp */
+                 udev_device_ensure_usec_initialized(event->dev, event->dev_db);
+@@ -934,12 +927,6 @@ void udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event,
+                 /* (re)write database file */
+                 udev_device_tag_index(dev, event->dev_db, true);
+                 udev_device_update_db(dev);
+-                /* Yes, we run update_devnode() twice, because in the first invocation, that is before update of udev database,
+-                 * it could happen that two contenders are replacing each other's symlink. Hence we run it again to make sure
+-                 * symlinks point to devices that claim them with the highest priority. */
+-                update_devnode(event);
+                 udev_device_set_is_initialized(dev);
+                 event->dev_db = udev_device_unref(event->dev_db);
+diff --git a/src/udev/udev-node.c b/src/udev/udev-node.c
+index 2eeeccdd3a..333dcae6b9 100644
+--- a/src/udev/udev-node.c
++++ b/src/udev/udev-node.c
+@@ -13,27 +13,19 @@
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include "device-nodes.h"
+-#include "device-private.h"
+ #include "dirent-util.h"
+-#include "fd-util.h"
+ #include "format-util.h"
+ #include "fs-util.h"
+-#include "sd-device.h"
+ #include "selinux-util.h"
+ #include "smack-util.h"
+-#include "stat-util.h"
+ #include "stdio-util.h"
+ #include "string-util.h"
+ #include "udev.h"
+-#include "libudev-device-internal.h"
+-static int node_symlink(sd_device *dev, const char *node, const char *slink) {
++static int node_symlink(struct udev_device *dev, const char *node, const char *slink) {
+         struct stat stats;
+         char target[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
+         char *s;
+-        const char *id_filename;
+         size_t l;
+         char slink_tmp[UTIL_PATH_SIZE + 32];
+         int i = 0;
+@@ -97,10 +89,7 @@ static int node_symlink(sd_device *dev, const char *node, const char *slink) {
+         }
+         log_debug("atomically replace '%s'", slink);
+-        err = device_get_id_filename(dev, &id_filename);
+-        if (err < 0)
+-                return log_error_errno(err, "Failed to get id_filename: %m");
+-        strscpyl(slink_tmp, sizeof(slink_tmp), slink, ".tmp-", id_filename, NULL);
++        strscpyl(slink_tmp, sizeof(slink_tmp), slink, ".tmp-", udev_device_get_id_filename(dev), NULL);
+         unlink(slink_tmp);
+         do {
+                 err = mkdir_parents_label(slink_tmp, 0755);
+@@ -120,187 +109,104 @@ static int node_symlink(sd_device *dev, const char *node, const char *slink) {
+         if (err != 0) {
+                 log_error_errno(errno, "rename '%s' '%s' failed: %m", slink_tmp, slink);
+                 unlink(slink_tmp);
+-        } else
+-                /* Tell caller that we replaced already existing symlink. */
+-                return 1;
++        }
+ exit:
+         return err;
+ }
+ /* find device node of device with highest priority */
+-static int link_find_prioritized(sd_device *dev, bool add, const char *stackdir, char **ret) {
+-        _cleanup_closedir_ DIR *dir = NULL;
+-        _cleanup_free_ char *target = NULL;
++static const char *link_find_prioritized(struct udev_device *dev, bool add, const char *stackdir, char *buf, size_t bufsize) {
++        struct udev *udev = udev_device_get_udev(dev);
++        DIR *dir;
+         struct dirent *dent;
+-        int r, priority = 0;
+-        assert(!add || dev);
+-        assert(stackdir);
+-        assert(ret);
++        int priority = 0;
++        const char *target = NULL;
+         if (add) {
+-                const char *devnode;
+-                r = device_get_devlink_priority(dev, &priority);
+-                if (r < 0)
+-                        return r;
+-                r = sd_device_get_devname(dev, &devnode);
+-                if (r < 0)
+-                        return r;
+-                target = strdup(devnode);
+-                if (!target)
+-                        return -ENOMEM;
++                priority = udev_device_get_devlink_priority(dev);
++                strscpy(buf, bufsize, udev_device_get_devnode(dev));
++                target = buf;
+         }
+         dir = opendir(stackdir);
+-        if (!dir) {
+-                if (target) {
+-                        *ret = TAKE_PTR(target);
+-                        return 0;
+-                }
+-                return -errno;
+-        }
++        if (dir == NULL)
++                return target;
+         FOREACH_DIRENT_ALL(dent, dir, break) {
+-                _cleanup_(sd_device_unrefp) sd_device *dev_db = NULL;
+-                const char *devnode, *id_filename;
+-                int db_prio = 0;
++                struct udev_device *dev_db;
+                 if (dent->d_name[0] == '\0')
+                         break;
+                 if (dent->d_name[0] == '.')
+                         continue;
+-                log_debug("Found '%s' claiming '%s'", dent->d_name, stackdir);
+-                if (device_get_id_filename(dev, &id_filename) < 0)
+-                        continue;
++                log_debug("found '%s' claiming '%s'", dent->d_name, stackdir);
+                 /* did we find ourself? */
+-                if (streq(dent->d_name, id_filename))
+-                        continue;
+-                if (sd_device_new_from_device_id(&dev_db, dent->d_name) < 0)
++                if (streq(dent->d_name, udev_device_get_id_filename(dev)))
+                         continue;
+-                if (sd_device_get_devname(dev_db, &devnode) < 0)
+-                        continue;
+-                if (device_get_devlink_priority(dev_db, &db_prio) < 0)
+-                        continue;
+-                if (target && db_prio <= priority)
+-                        continue;
+-                if (DEBUG_LOGGING) {
+-                        const char *syspath = NULL;
+-                        (void) sd_device_get_syspath(dev_db, &syspath);
+-                        log_debug("Device '%s' claims priority %i for '%s'", strnull(syspath), db_prio, stackdir);
++                dev_db = udev_device_new_from_device_id(udev, dent->d_name);
++                if (dev_db != NULL) {
++                        const char *devnode;
++                        devnode = udev_device_get_devnode(dev_db);
++                        if (devnode != NULL) {
++                                if (target == NULL || udev_device_get_devlink_priority(dev_db) > priority) {
++                                        log_debug("'%s' claims priority %i for '%s'",
++                                                  udev_device_get_syspath(dev_db), udev_device_get_devlink_priority(dev_db), stackdir);
++                                        priority = udev_device_get_devlink_priority(dev_db);
++                                        strscpy(buf, bufsize, devnode);
++                                        target = buf;
++                                }
++                        }
++                        udev_device_unref(dev_db);
+                 }
+-                r = free_and_strdup(&target, devnode);
+-                if (r < 0)
+-                        return r;
+-                priority = db_prio;
+         }
+-        if (!target)
+-                return -ENOENT;
+-        *ret = TAKE_PTR(target);
+-        return 0;
++        closedir(dir);
++        return target;
+ }
+ /* manage "stack of names" with possibly specified device priorities */
+-static int link_update(sd_device *dev, const char *slink, bool add) {
+-        _cleanup_free_ char *filename = NULL, *dirname = NULL;
+-        char name_enc[PATH_MAX];
+-        const char *id_filename;
+-        int i, r, retries;
+-        assert(dev);
+-        assert(slink);
+-        r = device_get_id_filename(dev, &id_filename);
+-        if (r < 0)
+-                return log_debug_errno(r, "Failed to get id_filename: %m");
++static void link_update(struct udev_device *dev, const char *slink, bool add) {
++        char name_enc[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
++        char filename[UTIL_PATH_SIZE * 2];
++        char dirname[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
++        const char *target;
++        char buf[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
+         util_path_encode(slink + STRLEN("/dev"), name_enc, sizeof(name_enc));
+-        dirname = path_join(NULL, "/run/udev/links/", name_enc);
+-        if (!dirname)
+-                return log_oom();
+-        filename = path_join(NULL, dirname, id_filename);
+-        if (!filename)
+-                return log_oom();
+-        if (!add) {
+-                if (unlink(filename) == 0)
+-                        (void) rmdir(dirname);
+-        } else
+-                for (;;) {
+-                        _cleanup_close_ int fd = -1;
+-                        r = mkdir_parents(filename, 0755);
+-                        if (!IN_SET(r, 0, -ENOENT))
+-                                return r;
+-                        fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC|O_TRUNC|O_NOFOLLOW, 0444);
+-                        if (fd >= 0)
+-                                break;
+-                        if (errno != ENOENT)
+-                                return -errno;
+-                }
+-        /* If the database entry is not written yet we will just do one iteration and possibly wrong symlink
+-         * will be fixed in the second invocation. */
+-        (void) sd_device_get_is_initialized(dev, &r);
+-        retries = r > 0 ? LINK_UPDATE_MAX_RETRIES : 1;
++        strscpyl(dirname, sizeof(dirname), "/run/udev/links/", name_enc, NULL);
++        strscpyl(filename, sizeof(filename), dirname, "/", udev_device_get_id_filename(dev), NULL);
+-        for (i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
+-                _cleanup_free_ char *target = NULL;
+-                struct stat st1 = {}, st2 = {};
++        if (!add && unlink(filename) == 0)
++                rmdir(dirname);
+-                r = stat(dirname, &st1);
+-                if (r < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
+-                        return -errno;
+-                r = link_find_prioritized(dev, add, dirname, &target);
+-                if (r == -ENOENT) {
+-                        log_debug("No reference left, removing '%s'", slink);
+-                        if (unlink(slink) == 0)
+-                                (void) rmdir_parents(slink, "/");
+-                        break;
+-                } else if (r < 0)
+-                        return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to determine highest priority symlink: %m");
++        target = link_find_prioritized(dev, add, dirname, buf, sizeof(buf));
++        if (target == NULL) {
++                log_debug("no reference left, remove '%s'", slink);
++                if (unlink(slink) == 0)
++                        rmdir_parents(slink, "/");
++        } else {
++                log_debug("creating link '%s' to '%s'", slink, target);
++                node_symlink(dev, target, slink);
++        }
+-                r = node_symlink(dev, target, slink);
+-                if (r < 0) {
+-                        (void) unlink(filename);
+-                        break;
+-                } else if (r == 1)
+-                        /* We have replaced already existing symlink, possibly there is some other device trying
+-                         * to claim the same symlink. Let's do one more iteration to give us a chance to fix
+-                         * the error if other device actually claims the symlink with higher priority. */
+-                        continue;
++        if (add) {
++                int err;
+-               /* Skip the second stat() if the first failed, stat_inode_unmodified() would return false regardless. */
+-                if ((st1.st_mode & S_IFMT) != 0) {
+-                        r = stat(dirname, &st2);
+-                        if (r < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
+-                                return -errno;
++                do {
++                        int fd;
+-                        if (stat_inode_unmodified(&st1, &st2))
++                        err = mkdir_parents(filename, 0755);
++                        if (!IN_SET(err, 0, -ENOENT))
+                                 break;
+-                }
++                        fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC|O_TRUNC|O_NOFOLLOW, 0444);
++                        if (fd >= 0)
++                                close(fd);
++                        else
++                                err = -errno;
++                } while (err == -ENOENT);
+         }
+-        return i < LINK_UPDATE_MAX_RETRIES ? 0 : -ELOOP;
+ }
+ void udev_node_update_old_links(struct udev_device *dev, struct udev_device *dev_old) {
+@@ -327,7 +233,7 @@ void udev_node_update_old_links(struct udev_device *dev, struct udev_device *dev
+                 log_debug("update old name, '%s' no longer belonging to '%s'",
+                      name, udev_device_get_devpath(dev));
+-                link_update(dev->device, name, false);
++                link_update(dev, name, false);
+         }
+ }
+@@ -432,16 +338,11 @@ void udev_node_add(struct udev_device *dev, bool apply,
+         xsprintf_dev_num_path(filename,
+                               streq(udev_device_get_subsystem(dev), "block") ? "block" : "char",
+                               udev_device_get_devnum(dev));
+-        node_symlink(dev->device, udev_device_get_devnode(dev), filename);
++        node_symlink(dev, udev_device_get_devnode(dev), filename);
+         /* create/update symlinks, add symlinks to name index */
+-        udev_list_entry_foreach(list_entry, udev_device_get_devlinks_list_entry(dev)) {
+-                int r;
+-                r = link_update(dev->device, udev_list_entry_get_name(list_entry), true);
+-                if (r < 0)
+-                        log_info_errno(r, "Failed to update device symlinks: %m");
+-        }
++        udev_list_entry_foreach(list_entry, udev_device_get_devlinks_list_entry(dev))
++                        link_update(dev, udev_list_entry_get_name(list_entry), true);
+ }
+ void udev_node_remove(struct udev_device *dev) {
+@@ -449,13 +350,8 @@ void udev_node_remove(struct udev_device *dev) {
+         char filename[DEV_NUM_PATH_MAX];
+         /* remove/update symlinks, remove symlinks from name index */
+-        udev_list_entry_foreach(list_entry, udev_device_get_devlinks_list_entry(dev)) {
+-                int r;
+-                r = link_update(dev->device, udev_list_entry_get_name(list_entry), false);
+-                if (r < 0)
+-                        log_info_errno(r, "Failed to update device symlinks: %m");
+-        }
++        udev_list_entry_foreach(list_entry, udev_device_get_devlinks_list_entry(dev))
++                link_update(dev, udev_list_entry_get_name(list_entry), false);
+         /* remove /dev/{block,char}/$major:$minor */
+         xsprintf_dev_num_path(filename,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0566-test-udev-test.pl-drop-test-cases-that-add-mutliple-.patch b/SOURCES/0566-test-udev-test.pl-drop-test-cases-that-add-mutliple-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eb0e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0566-test-udev-test.pl-drop-test-cases-that-add-mutliple-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+From bc21daeb780911d586de7ff0004ed2bc515b8826 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michal Sekletar <msekleta@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 15:54:10 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] test/udev-test.pl: drop test cases that add mutliple devices
+[msekleta: It is easier to delete test-cases that would make
+udev test fail. Once we reintroduce the fix for link_update()
+we will revert this commit.]
+Related: #1963980
+ test/udev-test.pl | 179 ----------------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 179 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/test/udev-test.pl b/test/udev-test.pl
+index 0612859cda..343d9c01ae 100755
+--- a/test/udev-test.pl
++++ b/test/udev-test.pl
+@@ -2041,185 +2041,6 @@ TAGS=="foo", SYMLINK+="found"
+ TAGS=="aaa", SYMLINK+="bad"
+         },
+-        {
+-                desc            => "multiple devices",
+-                devices => [
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-1"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-5"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda6",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-6"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda7",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-7"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda8",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-8"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda9",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-9"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda10",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-10"],
+-                        },
+-                    ],
+-                rules          => <<EOF
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sda?*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", SYMLINK+="part-%n"
+-        },
+-        {
+-                desc            => "multiple devices, same link name, positive prio",
+-                repeat          => 100,
+-                devices => [
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-1"],
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-5"],
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda6",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-6"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda7",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-7", "partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda8",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-8"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda9",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-9"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda10",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-10"],
+-                        },
+-                    ],
+-                rules          => <<EOF
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sda?*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", SYMLINK+="part-%n"
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sda?*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", SYMLINK+="partition"
+-KERNEL=="*7", OPTIONS+="link_priority=10"
+-        },
+-        {
+-                desc            => "multiple devices, same link name, negative prio",
+-                devices => [
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-1"],
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-5"],
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda6",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-6"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda7",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-7", "partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda8",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-8"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda9",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-9"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda10",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-10"],
+-                        },
+-                    ],
+-                rules          => <<EOF
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sda?*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", SYMLINK+="part-%n"
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sda?*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", SYMLINK+="partition"
+-KERNEL!="*7", OPTIONS+="link_priority=-10"
+-        },
+-        {
+-                desc            => "multiple devices, same link name, positive prio, sleep",
+-                devices => [
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-1"],
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-5"],
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda6",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-6"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda7",
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-7", "partition"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda8",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-8"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda9",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-9"],
+-                        },
+-                        {
+-                                devpath         => "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda10",
+-                                not_exp_links   => ["partition"],
+-                                exp_links       => ["part-10"],
+-                        },
+-                    ],
+-                sleep_us       => 10000,
+-                rules          => <<EOF
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sda?*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", SYMLINK+="part-%n"
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sda?*", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", SYMLINK+="partition"
+-KERNEL=="*7", OPTIONS+="link_priority=10"
+-        },
+-        {
+-                desc           => 'all_block_devs',
+-                generator      => expect_for_some("\\/sda6\$", ["blockdev"]),
+-                repeat         => 10,
+-                rules          => <<EOF
+-SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYMLINK+="blockdev"
+-KERNEL=="sda6", OPTIONS+="link_priority=10"
+-        }
+ );
+ sub create_rules {
diff --git a/SPECS/systemd.spec b/SPECS/systemd.spec
index 23e5b66..b9879ee 100644
--- a/SPECS/systemd.spec
+++ b/SPECS/systemd.spec
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 Name:           systemd
 Url:            http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd
 Version:        239
-Release:        45%{?dist}
+Release:        45%{?dist}.1
 # For a breakdown of the licensing, see README
 License:        LGPLv2+ and MIT and GPLv2+
 Summary:        System and Service Manager
@@ -613,6 +613,9 @@ Patch0560: 0560-test-add-ratelimiting-test.patch
 Patch0561: 0561-core-prevent-excessive-proc-self-mountinfo-parsing.patch
 Patch0562: 0562-udev-run-link_update-with-increased-retry-count-in-s.patch
 Patch0563: 0563-pam-systemd-use-secure_getenv-rather-than-getenv.patch
+Patch0564: 0564-Revert-udev-run-link_update-with-increased-retry-cou.patch
+Patch0565: 0565-Revert-udev-make-algorithm-that-selects-highest-prio.patch
+Patch0566: 0566-test-udev-test.pl-drop-test-cases-that-add-mutliple-.patch
 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64
@@ -1241,6 +1244,11 @@ fi
 %files tests -f .file-list-tests
+* Tue May 25 2021 systemd maintenance team <systemd-maint@redhat.com> - 239-45.1
+- Revert "udev: run link_update() with increased retry count in second invocation" (#1963980)
+- Revert "udev: make algorithm that selects highest priority devlink less susceptible to race conditions" (#1963980)
+- test/udev-test.pl: drop test cases that add mutliple devices (#1963980)
 * Thu Mar 11 2021 systemd maintenance team <systemd-maint@redhat.com> - 239-45
 - Revert "test: add test cases for empty string match" and "test: add test case for multi matches when use ||" (#1931947)
 - test/sys-script.py: add missing DEVNAME entries to uevents (#1931947)