diff --git a/19950.patch b/19950.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fc08006..0000000
--- a/19950.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-From 420ae742ef584fbe5b98780c3cdada528a45ad67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Zbigniew=20J=C4=99drzejewski-Szmek?= <zbyszek@in.waw.pl>
-Date: Sun, 23 May 2021 22:00:22 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] meson: allow "soft-static" allocations for uids and gids in
- the initrd
-The general idea with users and groups created through sysusers is that an
-appropriate number is picked when the allocation is made. The number that is
-selected will be different on each system based on the order of creation of
-users, installed packages, etc. Since system users and groups are not shared
-between installations, this generally is not an issue. But it becomes a problem
-for initrd: some file systems are shared between the initrd and the host (/run
-and /dev are probably the only ones that matter). If the allocations are
-different in the host and the initrd, and files survive switch-root, they will
-have wrong ownership.
-This makes the gids build-time-configurable for all groups and users where
-state may survive the switch from initrd to the host.
-In particular, all "hardware access" groups are like this: files in /dev will
-be owned by them.  Eventually the new udev would change ownership, but there
-would be a momemnt where the files were owned by the wrong group. The
-allocations are "soft-static" in the language of Fedora packaging guidelines:
-the uid/gid will be used if possible, but we'll fall back to a different
-one. TTY_GID is the exception, because the number is used directly.
-Similarly, the possibility to configure "soft-static" uids is added for daemons
-which may usefully run in the initramfs: systemd-network (lease information and
-interface state is serialized to /run), systemd-resolve (stub files and
-interface state), systemd-timesync (/run/systemd/timesync).
-Journal files are owned by the group systemd-journal, and acls are granted
-for wheel and adm.
-systemd-oom and systemd-coredump are excluded from this patch: I assume that
-oomd is not useful in the initrd, and coredump leaves no state (it only creates
-a pipe in /run?).
-The defaults are not changed: if nothing is configured, dynamic allocation will
-be used. I looked at a Debian system, and the numbers are all different than
-on Fedora.
-For Fedora, see the list of uids and gids at https://pagure.io/setup/blob/master/f/uidgid.
-In particular, systemd-network and systemd-resolve got soft-static numbers to
-make it easy to transition from a non-host-specific initrd to a host system
-already a few years back (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1102002).
-I also requested static allocations for sgx, input, render in
- meson.build                | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
- meson_options.txt          | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
- sysusers.d/basic.conf.in   | 38 +++++++++++++++---------------
- sysusers.d/systemd.conf.in |  8 +++----
- 4 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
-index 0b136529e3a1..3634ce0a3cb0 100644
---- a/meson.build
-+++ b/meson.build
-@@ -793,12 +793,37 @@ endif
- conf.set_quoted('NOBODY_USER_NAME', nobody_user)
- conf.set_quoted('NOBODY_GROUP_NAME', nobody_group)
--tty_gid = get_option('tty-gid')
--conf.set('TTY_GID', tty_gid)
--# Ensure provided GID argument is numeric, otherwise fall back to default assignment
--users_gid = get_option('users-gid')
--conf.set('USERS_GID', users_gid < 0 ? '-' : users_gid)
-+static_ugids = []
-+foreach option : ['adm-gid',
-+                  'audio-gid',
-+                  'cdrom-gid',
-+                  'dialout-gid',
-+                  'disk-gid',
-+                  'input-gid',
-+                  'kmem-gid',
-+                  'kvm-gid',
-+                  'lp-gid',
-+                  'render-gid',
-+                  'sgx-gid',
-+                  'tape-gid',
-+                  'tty-gid',
-+                  'users-gid',
-+                  'utmp-gid',
-+                  'video-gid',
-+                  'wheel-gid',
-+                  'systemd-journal-gid',
-+                  'systemd-network-uid',
-+                  'systemd-resolve-uid',
-+                  'systemd-timesync-uid']
-+        name = option.underscorify().to_upper()
-+        val = get_option(option)
-+        # Ensure provided GID argument is numeric, otherwise fall back to default assignment
-+        conf.set(name, val >= 0 ? val : '-')
-+        if val >= 0
-+                static_ugids += '@0@:@1@'.format(option, val)
-+        endif
- conf.set10('ENABLE_ADM_GROUP', get_option('adm-group'))
- conf.set10('ENABLE_WHEEL_GROUP', get_option('wheel-group'))
-@@ -3713,14 +3738,13 @@ status = [
-         'extra start script:                @0@'.format(get_option('rc-local')),
-         'debug shell:                       @0@ @ @1@'.format(get_option('debug-shell'),
-                                                               get_option('debug-tty')),
--        'TTY GID:                           @0@'.format(tty_gid),
--        'users GID:                         @0@'.format(conf.get('USERS_GID')),
-         'system UIDs:                       <=@0@ (alloc >=@1@)'.format(conf.get('SYSTEM_UID_MAX'),
-                                                                         conf.get('SYSTEM_ALLOC_UID_MIN')),
-         'system GIDs:                       <=@0@ (alloc >=@1@)'.format(conf.get('SYSTEM_GID_MAX'),
-                                                                         conf.get('SYSTEM_ALLOC_GID_MIN')),
-         'dynamic UIDs:                      @0@…@1@'.format(dynamic_uid_min, dynamic_uid_max),
-         'container UID bases:               @0@…@1@'.format(container_uid_base_min, container_uid_base_max),
-+        'static UID/GID allocations:        @0@'.format(' '.join(static_ugids)),
-         '/dev/kvm access mode:              @0@'.format(get_option('dev-kvm-mode')),
-         'render group access mode:          @0@'.format(get_option('group-render-mode')),
-         'certificate root directory:        @0@'.format(get_option('certificate-root')),
-diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
-index fc58e888d939..5048de755d91 100644
---- a/meson_options.txt
-+++ b/meson_options.txt
-@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ option('status-unit-format-default', type : 'combo',
-        description : 'use unit name or description in messages by default')
- option('time-epoch', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-        description : 'time epoch for time clients')
- option('system-alloc-uid-min', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-        description : 'minimum system UID used when allocating')
- option('system-alloc-gid-min', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-@@ -220,10 +221,6 @@ option('container-uid-base-min', type : 'integer', value : 0x00080000,
-        description : 'minimum container UID base')
- option('container-uid-base-max', type : 'integer', value : 0x6FFF0000,
-        description : 'maximum container UID base')
--option('tty-gid', type : 'integer', value : 5,
--       description : 'the numeric GID of the "tty" group')
--option('users-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
--       description : 'the numeric GID of the "users" group')
- option('adm-group', type : 'boolean',
-        description : 'the ACL for adm group should be added')
- option('wheel-group', type : 'boolean',
-@@ -234,6 +231,49 @@ option('nobody-user', type : 'string',
- option('nobody-group', type : 'string',
-        description : 'The name of the nobody group (the one with GID 65534)',
-        value : 'nobody')
-+option('adm-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "adm" group')
-+option('audio-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "audio" group')
-+option('cdrom-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "cdrom" group')
-+option('dialout-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "dialout" group')
-+option('disk-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "disk" group')
-+option('input-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "input" group')
-+option('kmem-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "kmem" group')
-+option('kvm-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "kvm" group')
-+option('lp-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "lp" group')
-+option('render-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "render" group')
-+option('sgx-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "sgx" group')
-+option('tape-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "tape" group')
-+option('tty-gid', type : 'integer', value : 5,
-+       description : 'the numeric GID of the "tty" group')
-+option('users-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "users" group')
-+option('utmp-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "utmp" group')
-+option('video-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "video" group')
-+option('wheel-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "wheel" group')
-+option('systemd-journal-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the systemd-journal group')
-+option('systemd-network-uid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the systemd-network user')
-+option('systemd-resolve-uid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the systemd-resolve user')
-+option('systemd-timesync-uid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',
-+       description : 'soft-static allocation for the systemd-timesync user')
- option('dev-kvm-mode', type : 'string', value : '0666',
-        description : '/dev/kvm access mode')
- option('group-render-mode', type : 'string', value : '0666',
-diff --git a/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in b/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in
-index 9da02514216d..8cc1a7cad218 100644
---- a/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in
-+++ b/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in
-@@ -12,28 +12,28 @@ u root    0     "Super User" /root
- u {{NOBODY_USER_NAME}}  65534 "Nobody"     -
- # Administrator group: can *see* more than normal users
--g adm     -     -            -
-+g adm     {{ADM_GID    }}     -            -
- # Administrator group: can *do* more than normal users
--g wheel   -     -            -
-+g wheel   {{WHEEL_GID  }}     -            -
--# Access to certain kernel and userspace facilities
--g kmem    -     -            -
--g tty     {{TTY_GID}}     -            -
--g utmp    -     -            -
-+# Access to shared database of users on the system
-+g utmp    {{UTMP_GID   }}     -            -
--# Hardware access groups
--g audio   -     -            -
--g cdrom   -     -            -
--g dialout -     -            -
--g disk    -     -            -
--g input   -     -            -
--g kvm     -     -            -
--g lp      -     -            -
--g render  -     -            -
--g sgx     -     -            -
--g tape    -     -            -
--g video   -     -            -
-+# Physical and virtual hardware access groups
-+g audio   {{AUDIO_GID  }}     -            -
-+g cdrom   {{CDROM_GID  }}     -            -
-+g dialout {{DIALOUT_GID}}     -            -
-+g disk    {{DISK_GID   }}     -            -
-+g input   {{INPUT_GID  }}     -            -
-+g kmem    {{KMEM_GID   }}     -            -
-+g kvm     {{KVM_GID    }}     -            -
-+g lp      {{LP_GID     }}     -            -
-+g render  {{RENDER_GID }}     -            -
-+g sgx     {{SGX_GID    }}     -            -
-+g tape    {{TAPE_GID   }}     -            -
-+g tty     {{TTY_GID    }}     -            -
-+g video   {{VIDEO_GID  }}     -            -
- # Default group for normal users
--g users   {{USERS_GID}}     -            -
-+g users   {{USERS_GID  }}     -            -
-diff --git a/sysusers.d/systemd.conf.in b/sysusers.d/systemd.conf.in
-index 9905eb596c61..9941ef8ef4f7 100644
---- a/sysusers.d/systemd.conf.in
-+++ b/sysusers.d/systemd.conf.in
-@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@
- #  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
- #  (at your option) any later version.
--g systemd-journal   - -
-+g systemd-journal   {{SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_GID}} -
--u systemd-network   - "systemd Network Management"
-+u systemd-network   {{SYSTEMD_NETWORK_UID}} "systemd Network Management"
- {% endif %}
- {% if ENABLE_OOMD %}
- u systemd-oom       - "systemd Userspace OOM Killer"
- {% endif %}
--u systemd-resolve   - "systemd Resolver"
-+u systemd-resolve   {{SYSTEMD_RESOLVE_UID}} "systemd Resolver"
- {% endif %}
--u systemd-timesync  - "systemd Time Synchronization"
-+u systemd-timesync  {{SYSTEMD_TIMESYNC_UID}} "systemd Time Synchronization"
- {% endif %}
- u systemd-coredump  - "systemd Core Dumper"
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index fcb0ef4..3d957a7 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-SHA512 (systemd-249-rc1.tar.gz) = dd75fd6a2f63ce296973c7052ebd199619c99805935e9e04a65b58b0de6053f51157233070f32a4731c43cb65e8d232051a0b5c26508256218ae63f11cd24f1b
+SHA512 (systemd-249-rc2.tar.gz) = 97570607fb3262cbcf9c956eb6a05d83877de411b6de90d2b359e85fa4cc0e14fe7efd6e71e135f9922374fb69ee7f328c3d2240bf736d0016b8fbb68e3f0725
diff --git a/systemd.spec b/systemd.spec
index 0f0f169..f7e9921 100644
--- a/systemd.spec
+++ b/systemd.spec
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 Name:           systemd
 Url:            https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd
 %if %{without inplace}
-Version:        249~rc1
-Release:        2%{?dist}
+Version:        249~rc2
+Release:        1%{?dist}
 # determine the build information from local checkout
 Version:        %(tools/meson-vcs-tag.sh . error | sed -r 's/-([0-9])/.^\1/; s/-g/_g/')
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ GIT_DIR=../../src/systemd/.git git diffab -M v233..master@{2017-06-15} -- hwdb/[
 # Any patches which are "in preparation" upstream should be listed
 # here, rather than in the next section. Packit CI will drop any
 # patches in this range before applying upstream pull requests.
-Patch0001:      https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/19950.patch
 # Downstream-only patches (5000–9999)
 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1738828
@@ -995,12 +995,17 @@ fi
 %files standalone-sysusers -f .file-list-standalone-sysusers
+* Fri Jun 25 2021 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> - 249~rc2-1
+- Latest upstream prerelease with various bugfixes, see
+  https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/v248-rc2/NEWS.
+- Ignore FORCERENEW DHCP packets (TALOS-2020-1142, CVE-2020-13529, #1959398)
 * Thu Jun 17 2021 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 249~rc1-2
 - Stop systemd providing systemd-resolved, now the subpackage exists (#1973462)
 * Wed Jun 16 2021 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> - 249~rc1-1
 - Latest upstream prerelease, see
-  https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/v248-rc4/NEWS.
+  https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/v249-rc1/NEWS.
   Fixes #1963428.
 - Use systemd-sysusers to create users (#1965815)
 - Move systemd-resolved into systemd-resolved subpackage (#1923727)