diff --git a/28479.patch b/28479.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/28479.patch
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/28812.patch b/28812.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f5150..0000000
--- a/28812.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-From 28008eb0bafcb3765e0ece7cb78710066f0ac2b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Daan De Meyer <daan.j.demeyer@gmail.com>
-Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 13:28:10 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/3] mkfs-util: Set sector size environment variables when
- invoking mkfs.ext4
-Let's inform mkfs.ext4 about the sector size we're using.
- src/shared/mkfs-util.c | 16 +++++++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/shared/mkfs-util.c b/src/shared/mkfs-util.c
-index 179bce6af6..8038abb945 100644
---- a/src/shared/mkfs-util.c
-+++ b/src/shared/mkfs-util.c
-@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ int make_filesystem(
-                 char * const *extra_mkfs_args) {
-         _cleanup_free_ char *mkfs = NULL, *mangled_label = NULL;
--        _cleanup_strv_free_ char **argv = NULL;
-+        _cleanup_strv_free_ char **argv = NULL, **env = NULL;
-         _cleanup_(unlink_and_freep) char *protofile = NULL;
-         char vol_id[CONST_MAX(SD_ID128_UUID_STRING_MAX, 8U + 1U)] = {};
-         int r;
-@@ -385,6 +385,15 @@ int make_filesystem(
-                 if (root && strv_extend_strv(&argv, STRV_MAKE("-d", root), false) < 0)
-                         return log_oom();
-+                if (sector_size > 0)
-+                                if (strv_extend(&env, s) < 0)
-+                                        return log_oom();
-+                                if (strv_extendf(&env, "%"PRIu64, sector_size) < 0)
-+                                        return log_oom();
-+                        }
-         } else if (streq(fstype, "btrfs")) {
-                 argv = strv_new(mkfs,
-                                 "-q",
-@@ -496,6 +505,11 @@ int make_filesystem(
-         if (r == 0) {
-                 /* Child */
-+                STRV_FOREACH_PAIR(k, v, env)
-+                        if (setenv(*k, *v, /* replace = */ true) < 0) {
-+                                log_error_errno(r, "Failed to set %s=%s environment variable: %m", *k, *v);
-+                                _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-+                        }
-                 execvp(mkfs, argv);
-                 log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to execute %s: %m", mkfs);
-From 8a2ee7ec8c200464302693456561f99bf92f0df4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Daan De Meyer <daan.j.demeyer@gmail.com>
-Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 13:29:50 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] mkfs-util: Pass sector size to mkfs.f2fs
-Let's pass the sector size to mkfs.f2fs as well.
- src/shared/mkfs-util.c | 8 ++++++++
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/shared/mkfs-util.c b/src/shared/mkfs-util.c
-index 8038abb945..1f73ff3742 100644
---- a/src/shared/mkfs-util.c
-+++ b/src/shared/mkfs-util.c
-@@ -419,6 +419,14 @@ int make_filesystem(
-                                 "-t", one_zero(discard),
-                                 node);
-+                if (sector_size > 0) {
-+                        if (strv_extend(&argv, "-w") < 0)
-+                                return log_oom();
-+                        if (strv_extendf(&argv, "%"PRIu64, sector_size) < 0)
-+                                return log_oom();
-+                }
-         } else if (streq(fstype, "xfs")) {
-                 const char *j;
-From 8ecfc1f65ae27c0a44afd2e28a30a9fa03377cdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Daan De Meyer <daan.j.demeyer@gmail.com>
-Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 13:30:46 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] repart: Use 4096 as the fallback sector size for
- verity/luks/filesystems
-When we don't know the sector size of the actual block device, because
-we're building an image in a loopback file and no sector size was specified
-explicitly, let's use 4096 as the sector size for filesystems, verity and
-LUKS. This should be the most compatible option, since 4096 will also work
-on devices with sector size 512 or 2048.
-For the actual GPT partition table size, we stick with 512 as the default
-value since UEFI firmware and the kernel will only try to read the GPT
-partition table from the first LBA on the device and the sector size for
-most devices is still 512. It can also be trivially modified when copying
-the image to another device using --copy-from + --sector-size.
- src/partition/repart.c | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/partition/repart.c b/src/partition/repart.c
-index 0431c6a86b..1796b9ed35 100644
---- a/src/partition/repart.c
-+++ b/src/partition/repart.c
-@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@
- /* LUKS2 volume key size. */
- #define VOLUME_KEY_SIZE (512ULL/8ULL)
-+/* Use 4K as the default filesystem sector size because as long as the partitions are aligned to 4K, the
-+ * filesystems will then also be compatible with sector sizes 512, 1024 and 2048. */
- /* Note: When growing and placing new partitions we always align to 4K sector size. It's how newer hard disks
-  * are designed, and if everything is aligned to that performance is best. And for older hard disks with 512B
-  * sector size devices were generally assumed to have an even number of sectors, hence at the worst we'll
-@@ -267,8 +271,7 @@ typedef struct Context {
-         uint64_t start, end, total;
-         struct fdisk_context *fdisk_context;
--        uint64_t sector_size;
--        uint64_t grain_size;
-+        uint64_t sector_size, grain_size, fs_sector_size;
-         sd_id128_t seed;
-@@ -1988,7 +1991,7 @@ static int context_load_partition_table(Context *context) {
-         sd_id128_t disk_uuid;
-         size_t n_partitions;
-         unsigned long secsz;
--        uint64_t grainsz;
-+        uint64_t grainsz, fs_secsz = DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_SECTOR_SIZE;
-         int r;
-         assert(context);
-@@ -2002,20 +2005,31 @@ static int context_load_partition_table(Context *context) {
-         if (!c)
-                 return log_oom();
--        if (arg_sector_size > 0)
-+        if (arg_sector_size > 0) {
-                 r = fdisk_save_user_sector_size(c, /* phy= */ 0, arg_sector_size);
--        else {
-+                fs_secsz = arg_sector_size;
-+        } else {
-                 uint32_t ssz;
-+                struct stat st;
-                 r = context_open_and_lock_backing_fd(context, context->node);
-                 if (r < 0)
-                         return r;
-+                if (fstat(context->backing_fd, &st) < 0)
-+                        return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to stat %s: %m", context->node);
-                 /* Auto-detect sector size if not specified. */
-                 r = probe_sector_size_prefer_ioctl(context->backing_fd, &ssz);
-                 if (r < 0)
-                         return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to probe sector size of '%s': %m", context->node);
-+                /* If we found the sector size and we're operating on a block device, use it as the file
-+                 * system sector size as well, as we know its the sector size of the actual block device and
-+                 * not just the offset at which we found the GPT header. */
-+                if (r > 0 && S_ISBLK(st.st_mode))
-+                        fs_secsz = ssz;
-                 r = fdisk_save_user_sector_size(c, /* phy= */ 0, ssz);
-         }
-         if (r < 0)
-@@ -2041,8 +2055,9 @@ static int context_load_partition_table(Context *context) {
-                         return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to stat block device '%s': %m", context->node);
-                 if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && st.st_size == 0) {
--                        /* User the fallback values if we have no better idea */
--                        context->sector_size = arg_sector_size ?: 512;
-+                        /* Use the fallback values if we have no better idea */
-+                        context->sector_size = fdisk_get_sector_size(c);
-+                        context->fs_sector_size = fs_secsz;
-                         context->grain_size = 4096;
-                         return /* from_scratch = */ true;
-                 }
-@@ -2318,6 +2333,7 @@ add_initial_free_area:
-         context->end = last_lba;
-         context->total = nsectors;
-         context->sector_size = secsz;
-+        context->fs_sector_size = fs_secsz;
-         context->grain_size = grainsz;
-         context->fdisk_context = TAKE_PTR(c);
-@@ -3271,7 +3287,7 @@ static int partition_encrypt(Context *context, Partition *p, const char *node) {
-         struct crypt_params_luks2 luks_params = {
-                 .label = strempty(ASSERT_PTR(p)->new_label),
--                .sector_size = ASSERT_PTR(context)->sector_size,
-+                .sector_size = ASSERT_PTR(context)->fs_sector_size,
-                 .data_device = node,
-         };
-         struct crypt_params_reencrypt reencrypt_params = {
-@@ -3310,7 +3326,7 @@ static int partition_encrypt(Context *context, Partition *p, const char *node) {
-                 return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to create temporary LUKS header file: %m");
-         /* Weird cryptsetup requirement which requires the header file to be the size of at least one sector. */
--        r = ftruncate(fileno(h), context->sector_size);
-+        r = ftruncate(fileno(h), luks_params.sector_size);
-         if (r < 0)
-                 return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to grow temporary LUKS header file: %m");
-@@ -3549,8 +3565,8 @@ static int partition_format_verity_hash(
-                                 .flags = CRYPT_VERITY_CREATE_HASH,
-                                 .hash_name = "sha256",
-                                 .hash_type = 1,
--                                .data_block_size = context->sector_size,
--                                .hash_block_size = context->sector_size,
-+                                .data_block_size = context->fs_sector_size,
-+                                .hash_block_size = context->fs_sector_size,
-                                 .salt_size = 32,
-                         });
-         if (r < 0) {
-@@ -4090,7 +4106,7 @@ static int context_mkfs(Context *context) {
-                 }
-                 r = make_filesystem(partition_target_path(t), p->format, strempty(p->new_label), root,
--                                    p->fs_uuid, arg_discard, context->sector_size, NULL);
-+                                    p->fs_uuid, arg_discard, context->fs_sector_size, NULL);
-                 if (r < 0)
-                         return r;
-@@ -5423,8 +5439,14 @@ static int context_minimize(Context *context) {
-                                 return r;
-                 }
--                r = make_filesystem(d ? d->node : temp, p->format, strempty(p->new_label), root, fs_uuid,
--                                    arg_discard, context->sector_size, NULL);
-+                r = make_filesystem(d ? d->node : temp,
-+                                    p->format,
-+                                    strempty(p->new_label),
-+                                    root,
-+                                    fs_uuid,
-+                                    arg_discard,
-+                                    context->fs_sector_size,
-+                                    NULL);
-                 if (r < 0)
-                         return r;
-@@ -5477,8 +5499,14 @@ static int context_minimize(Context *context) {
-                 if (r < 0 && r != -ENOENT && !ERRNO_IS_PRIVILEGE(r))
-                         return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to make loopback device of %s: %m", temp);
--                r = make_filesystem(d ? d->node : temp, p->format, strempty(p->new_label), root, p->fs_uuid,
--                                    arg_discard, context->sector_size, NULL);
-+                r = make_filesystem(d ? d->node : temp,
-+                                    p->format,
-+                                    strempty(p->new_label),
-+                                    root,
-+                                    p->fs_uuid,
-+                                    arg_discard,
-+                                    context->fs_sector_size,
-+                                    NULL);
-                 if (r < 0)
-                         return r;
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 5d1dcda..9d6b12d 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA512 (systemd-hs-253.7.tar.gz) = b3c2ad35480f53bd21f8bd73db643bd4ae43934ce17ab340f4af6243d77718c35b78ff71380875232f16bf374609bde1170f96d640b5a7bda74cf8c1cc7bad1e
-SHA512 (systemd-hs+fb-253.7.tar.gz) = 06de7f4e3d674a5fb07b490a4e9f72d9bfde022ad04140142ed83a5f7bee3273af2f924bf46a3cdbaa7bc17399327c7ae5802b76ce0a6dfaba6a2b85ed6dbab4
+SHA512 (systemd-hs-253.7.tar.gz) = d2d44425776f3e54bafa35e8cd6a82ca092d0bd861d6d0bd1b99c984527b85022b3e88cc554ee1938804d09e13e5fdedb6c785da7b4b847f48a45337b174d84c
+SHA512 (systemd-hs+fb-253.7.tar.gz) = d3280fc95b37bfa1dfe352be61d291f55bb91d90193bd6f8b07b47c2dde1b04290f5dc2ba048bd9425403987acab0d78f9b50f7d00dd3f1907213b74bcb19b41
diff --git a/systemd.spec b/systemd.spec
index cf82992..5d160d1 100644
--- a/systemd.spec
+++ b/systemd.spec
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 %{?commit:%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})}
 %if 0%{?facebook}
-%global hs_commit 8e75d008578374de1ed2b8da60e5885f7866d5e5
+%global hs_commit dc22e2f4c654d485d3eaf2b3074fb5d9b5d06aa9
-%global hs_commit 23abb83a514c7fee38207630c8f2e544933121a7
+%global hs_commit b3b10ef59604e8fb7d657f70a32bb56cea972f1e
 # We ship a .pc file but don't want to have a dep on pkg-config. We
@@ -106,12 +106,6 @@ Patch0001:      https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/26494.patch
 # Adjust upstream config to use our shared stack
 Patch0491:      fedora-use-system-auth-in-pam-systemd-user.patch
-#repart: Use 4096 as the fallback sector size for verity/luks/filesystems
-Patch0492:      28812.patch
-# repart: Set sector size of loopback devices
-Patch0493:      28479.patch
 %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64
 %global have_gnu_efi 1
@@ -586,7 +580,11 @@ BuildRequires:  bzip2
 BuildRequires:  make
 BuildRequires:  selinux-policy
 BuildRequires:  selinux-policy-devel
+%if 0%{?facebook}
+Requires(post): selinux-policy-base
 Requires(post): selinux-policy-base >= %{_selinux_policy_version}
 Requires(post): policycoreutils
 Requires(pre):  libselinux-utils
 Requires(post): libselinux-utils
@@ -1282,6 +1280,10 @@ rm -f .file-list-*
 rm -f %{name}.lang
+* Sun Aug 20 2023 Anita Zhang <the.anitazha@gmail.com> - 253.7-1.4
+- Gate out selinux-policy-base versioning for facebook
+- Move repart fixes to staging repo (#28479, #28812)
 * Wed Aug 16 2023 Anita Zhang <the.anitazha@gmail.com> - 253.7-1.3
 - Backport 2 fixes for repart.