diff --git a/SOURCES/0096-sc-escape-special-chars.patch b/SOURCES/0096-sc-escape-special-chars.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff191df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0096-sc-escape-special-chars.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1172 @@
+From 045a27604d0df6e6215776c4b3a27eac2906dc4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 16:40:01 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] certmap: add sss_certmap_display_cert_content()
+To make debugging and writing certificate mapping and matching rules
+more easy a new function is added to libsss_certmap to display the
+certificate content as seen by libsss_certmap. Please note that the
+actual output might change in future.
+Reviewed-by: Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com>
+(cherry picked from commit 1c40208aa1e0f9a17cc4f336c99bcaa6977592d3)
+Reviewed-by: Alexey Tikhonov <atikhono@redhat.com>
+Reviewed-by: Justin Stephenson <jstephen@redhat.com>
+ Makefile.am                              |   2 +-
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c            | 142 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports      |   5 +
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h            |  18 +++
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_int.h        |  31 ++++-
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_krb5_match.c | 145 +++++++++++------------
+ 6 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index ac234ed..87eb571 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ libsss_certmap_la_LIBADD = \
+     $(NULL)
+ libsss_certmap_la_LDFLAGS = \
+     -Wl,--version-script,$(srcdir)/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports \
+-    -version-info 0:0:0
++    -version-info 1:0:1
+ libsss_certmap_la_SOURCES += \
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c
+index f6f6f98..c60ac24 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c
+@@ -914,3 +914,145 @@ void sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains(char *filter, char **domains)
+     talloc_free(filter);
+     talloc_free(domains);
+ }
++static const char *sss_eku_oid2name(const char *oid)
++    size_t c;
++    for (c = 0; sss_ext_key_usage[c].name != NULL; c++) {
++        if (strcmp(sss_ext_key_usage[c].oid, oid) == 0) {
++            return sss_ext_key_usage[c].name;
++        }
++    }
++    return NULL;
++struct parsed_template san_parsed_template[] = {
++    { NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* SAN_OTHER_NAME handled separately */
++    { "subject_rfc822_name", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_dns_name", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_x400_address", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_directory_name", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_ediparty_name", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_uri", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_ip_address", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_registered_id", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_pkinit_principal", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_nt_principal", NULL, NULL},
++    { "subject_principal", NULL, NULL},
++    { NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* SAN_STRING_OTHER_NAME handled separately */
++    { NULL, NULL, NULL }  /* SAN_END */
++int sss_cert_dump_content(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sss_cert_content *c,
++                          char **content_str)
++    char *out = NULL;
++    size_t o;
++    struct san_list *s;
++    struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx = NULL;
++    char *expanded = NULL;
++    int ret;
++    char *b64 = NULL;
++    const char *eku_str = NULL;
++    ret = sss_certmap_init(mem_ctx, NULL, NULL, &ctx);
++    if (ret != EOK) {
++        return ret;
++    }
++    out = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, "sss cert content (format might change):\n");
++    if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++    out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, "Issuer: %s\n", c->issuer_str != NULL
++                                                         ? c->issuer_str
++                                                         : "- not available -");
++    if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++    out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, "Subject: %s\n", c->subject_str != NULL
++                                                         ? c->subject_str
++                                                         : "- not available -");
++    if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++    out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, "Key Usage: %u(0x%04x)", c->key_usage,
++                                                               c->key_usage);
++    if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++    if (c->key_usage != 0) {
++        out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, " (");
++        if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++        for (o = 0; sss_key_usage[o].name != NULL; o++) {
++            if ((c->key_usage & sss_key_usage[o].flag) != 0) {
++                out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, "%s%s",
++                                             o == 0 ? "" : ",",
++                                             sss_key_usage[o].name);
++                if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++            }
++        }
++        out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, ")");
++        if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++    }
++    out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, "\n");
++    if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++    for (o = 0; c->extended_key_usage_oids[o] != NULL; o++) {
++        eku_str = sss_eku_oid2name(c->extended_key_usage_oids[o]);
++        out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, "Extended Key Usage #%zu: %s%s%s%s\n",
++                                          o, c->extended_key_usage_oids[o],
++                                          eku_str == NULL ? "" : " (",
++                                          eku_str == NULL ? "" : eku_str,
++                                          eku_str == NULL ? "" : ")");
++        if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++    }
++    DLIST_FOR_EACH(s, c->san_list) {
++        out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, "SAN type: %s\n",
++                                     s->san_opt < SAN_END
++                                                ? sss_san_names[s->san_opt].name
++                                                : "- unsupported -");
++        if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++        if (san_parsed_template[s->san_opt].name != NULL) {
++            ret = expand_san(ctx, &san_parsed_template[s->san_opt], c->san_list,
++                             &expanded);
++            if (ret != EOK) {
++                return ret;
++            }
++            out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, " %s=%s\n\n",
++                                         san_parsed_template[s->san_opt].name,
++                                         expanded);
++            talloc_free(expanded);
++            if (out == NULL) return ENOMEM;
++        } else if (s->san_opt == SAN_STRING_OTHER_NAME) {
++            b64 = sss_base64_encode(mem_ctx, s->bin_val, s->bin_val_len);
++            out = talloc_asprintf_append(out, " %s=%s\n\n", s->other_name_oid,
++                                              b64 != NULL ? b64
++                                                          : "- cannot encode -");
++            talloc_free(b64);
++        }
++    }
++    *content_str = out;
++    return EOK;
++int sss_certmap_display_cert_content(TALLOC_CTX *mem_cxt,
++                                     const uint8_t *der_cert, size_t der_size,
++                                     char **desc)
++    int ret;
++    struct sss_cert_content *content;
++    ret = sss_cert_get_content(mem_cxt, der_cert, der_size, &content);
++    if (ret != EOK) {
++        return ret;
++    }
++    ret = sss_cert_dump_content(mem_cxt, content, desc);
++    if (ret != EOK) {
++        return ret;
++    }
++    return 0;
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports
+index 8b5d536..a9e48d6 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports
+@@ -11,3 +11,8 @@ SSS_CERTMAP_0.0 {
+     local:
+         *;
+ };
++    global:
++        sss_certmap_display_cert_content;
++} SSS_CERTMAP_0.0;
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h
+index 646e0f3..7da2d1c 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h
+@@ -146,6 +146,24 @@ int sss_certmap_get_search_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+  */
+ void sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains(char *filter, char **domains);
++ * @brief Get a string with the content of the certificate used by the library
++ *
++ * @param[in]  mem_ctx    Talloc memory context, may be NULL
++ * @param[in]  der_cert   binary blog with the DER encoded certificate
++ * @param[in]  der_size   size of the certificate blob
++ * @param[out] desc       Multiline string showing the certificate content
++ *                        which is used by libsss_certmap
++ *
++ * @return
++ *  - 0:      success
++ *  - EINVAL: certificate cannot be parsed
++ *  - ENOMEM: memory allocation failure
++ */
++int sss_certmap_display_cert_content(TALLOC_CTX *mem_cxt,
++                                     const uint8_t *der_cert, size_t der_size,
++                                     char **desc);
+ /**
+  * @}
+  */
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_int.h b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_int.h
+index 479cc16..b1155e2 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_int.h
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_int.h
+@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ enum comp_type {
+ };
+ struct parsed_template {
+-    char *name;
+-    char *attr_name;
+-    char *conversion;
++    const char *name;
++    const char *attr_name;
++    const char *conversion;
+ };
+ struct ldap_mapping_rule_comp {
+@@ -166,6 +166,28 @@ struct san_list {
+ #define SSS_KU_ENCIPHER_ONLY        0x0001
+ #define SSS_KU_DECIPHER_ONLY        0x8000
++struct sss_key_usage {
++    const char *name;
++    uint32_t flag;
++extern const struct sss_key_usage sss_key_usage[];
++struct sss_ext_key_usage {
++    const char *name;
++    const char *oid;
++extern const struct sss_ext_key_usage sss_ext_key_usage[];
++struct sss_san_name {
++    const char *name;
++    enum san_opt san_opt;
++    bool is_string;
++extern const struct sss_san_name sss_san_names[];
+ struct sss_cert_content {
+     char *issuer_str;
+     const char **issuer_rdn_list;
+@@ -183,6 +205,9 @@ int sss_cert_get_content(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+                          const uint8_t *der_blob, size_t der_size,
+                          struct sss_cert_content **content);
++int sss_cert_dump_content(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sss_cert_content *c,
++                          char **content_str);
+ char *check_ad_attr_name(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *rdn);
+ char *openssl_2_nss_attr_name(const char *attr);
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_krb5_match.c b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_krb5_match.c
+index 125e925..398d3d2 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_krb5_match.c
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap_krb5_match.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,59 @@
+ #include "lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h"
+ #include "lib/certmap/sss_certmap_int.h"
++const struct sss_key_usage sss_key_usage[] = {
++    {"digitalSignature" , SSS_KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE},
++    {"nonRepudiation"   , SSS_KU_NON_REPUDIATION},
++    {"keyEncipherment"  , SSS_KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT},
++    {"dataEncipherment" , SSS_KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT},
++    {"keyAgreement"     , SSS_KU_KEY_AGREEMENT},
++    {"keyCertSign"      , SSS_KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN},
++    {"cRLSign"          , SSS_KU_CRL_SIGN},
++    {"encipherOnly"     , SSS_KU_ENCIPHER_ONLY},
++    {"decipherOnly"     , SSS_KU_DECIPHER_ONLY},
++    {NULL ,0}
++const struct sss_ext_key_usage sss_ext_key_usage[] = {
++    /* RFC 3280 section */
++    {"serverAuth",      ""},
++    {"clientAuth",      ""},
++    {"codeSigning",     ""},
++    {"emailProtection", ""},
++    {"timeStamping",    ""},
++    {"OCSPSigning",     ""},
++    /* RFC 4556 section 3.2.2 */
++    {"KPClientAuth",    ""},
++    {"pkinit",          ""},
++    /* https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/287547/object-ids-associated-with-microsoft-cryptography*/
++    {"msScLogin",       ""},
++    {NULL ,0}
++const struct sss_san_name sss_san_names[] = {
++    /* https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3280.txt section */
++    {"otherName", SAN_OTHER_NAME, false},
++    {"rfc822Name", SAN_RFC822_NAME, true},
++    {"dNSName", SAN_DNS_NAME, true},
++    {"x400Address", SAN_X400_ADDRESS, false},
++    {"directoryName", SAN_DIRECTORY_NAME, true},
++    {"ediPartyName", SAN_EDIPART_NAME, false},
++    {"uniformResourceIdentifier", SAN_URI, true},
++    {"iPAddress", SAN_IP_ADDRESS, true},
++    {"registeredID", SAN_REGISTERED_ID, true},
++    /* https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4556.txt section 3.2.2 */
++    {"pkinitSAN", SAN_PKINIT, true},
++    /* https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/287547/object-ids-associated-with-microsoft-cryptography */
++    {"ntPrincipalName", SAN_NT, true},
++    /* both previous principal types */
++    {"Principal", SAN_PRINCIPAL, true},
++    {"stringOtherName", SAN_STRING_OTHER_NAME, true},
++    {NULL, SAN_END, false}
+ static bool is_dotted_decimal(const char *s, size_t len)
+ {
+     size_t c = 0;
+@@ -145,28 +198,6 @@ static int parse_krb5_get_eku_value(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+     size_t e = 0;
+     int eku_list_size;
+-    struct ext_key_usage {
+-        const char *name;
+-        const char *oid;
+-    } ext_key_usage[] = {
+-        /* RFC 3280 section */
+-        {"serverAuth",      ""},
+-        {"clientAuth",      ""},
+-        {"codeSigning",     ""},
+-        {"emailProtection", ""},
+-        {"timeStamping",    ""},
+-        {"OCSPSigning",     ""},
+-        /* RFC 4556 section 3.2.2 */
+-        {"KPClientAuth",    ""},
+-        {"pkinit",          ""},
+-        /* https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/287547/object-ids-associated-with-microsoft-cryptography*/
+-        {"msScLogin",       ""},
+-        {NULL ,0}
+-    };
+     ret = get_comp_value(mem_ctx, ctx, cur, &comp);
+     if (ret != 0) {
+         CM_DEBUG(ctx, "Failed to parse regexp.");
+@@ -188,11 +219,11 @@ static int parse_krb5_get_eku_value(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+     }
+     for (c = 0; eku_list[c] != NULL; c++) {
+-        for (k = 0; ext_key_usage[k].name != NULL; k++) {
+-CM_DEBUG(ctx, "[%s][%s].", eku_list[c], ext_key_usage[k].name);
+-            if (strcasecmp(eku_list[c], ext_key_usage[k].name) == 0) {
++        for (k = 0; sss_ext_key_usage[k].name != NULL; k++) {
++CM_DEBUG(ctx, "[%s][%s].", eku_list[c], sss_ext_key_usage[k].name);
++            if (strcasecmp(eku_list[c], sss_ext_key_usage[k].name) == 0) {
+                 comp->eku_oid_list[e] = talloc_strdup(comp->eku_oid_list,
+-                                                      ext_key_usage[k].oid);
++                                                      sss_ext_key_usage[k].oid);
+                 if (comp->eku_oid_list[e] == NULL) {
+                     ret = ENOMEM;
+                     goto done;
+@@ -202,7 +233,7 @@ CM_DEBUG(ctx, "[%s][%s].", eku_list[c], ext_key_usage[k].name);
+             }
+         }
+-        if (ext_key_usage[k].name == NULL) {
++        if (sss_ext_key_usage[k].name == NULL) {
+             /* check for an dotted-decimal OID */
+             if (*(eku_list[c]) != '.') {
+                 o = eku_list[c];
+@@ -252,23 +283,6 @@ static int parse_krb5_get_ku_value(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+     size_t c;
+     size_t k;
+-    struct key_usage {
+-        const char *name;
+-        uint32_t flag;
+-    } key_usage[] = {
+-        {"digitalSignature" , SSS_KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE},
+-        {"nonRepudiation"   , SSS_KU_NON_REPUDIATION},
+-        {"keyEncipherment"  , SSS_KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT},
+-        {"dataEncipherment" , SSS_KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT},
+-        {"keyAgreement"     , SSS_KU_KEY_AGREEMENT},
+-        {"keyCertSign"      , SSS_KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN},
+-        {"cRLSign"          , SSS_KU_CRL_SIGN},
+-        {"encipherOnly"     , SSS_KU_ENCIPHER_ONLY},
+-        {"decipherOnly"     , SSS_KU_DECIPHER_ONLY},
+-        {NULL ,0}
+-    };
+     ret = get_comp_value(mem_ctx, ctx, cur, &comp);
+     if (ret != 0) {
+         CM_DEBUG(ctx, "Failed to get value.");
+@@ -283,14 +297,14 @@ static int parse_krb5_get_ku_value(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+     }
+     for (c = 0; ku_list[c] != NULL; c++) {
+-        for (k = 0; key_usage[k].name != NULL; k++) {
+-            if (strcasecmp(ku_list[c], key_usage[k].name) == 0) {
+-                comp->ku |= key_usage[k].flag;
++        for (k = 0; sss_key_usage[k].name != NULL; k++) {
++            if (strcasecmp(ku_list[c], sss_key_usage[k].name) == 0) {
++                comp->ku |= sss_key_usage[k].flag;
+                 break;
+             }
+         }
+-        if (key_usage[k].name == NULL) {
++        if (sss_key_usage[k].name == NULL) {
+             /* FIXME: add check for numerical ku */
+             CM_DEBUG(ctx, "No matching key usage found.");
+             ret = EINVAL;
+@@ -342,31 +356,6 @@ done:
+     return ret;
+ }
+-struct san_name {
+-    const char *name;
+-    enum san_opt san_opt;
+-    bool is_string;
+-} san_names[] = {
+-    /* https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3280.txt section */
+-    {"otherName", SAN_OTHER_NAME, false},
+-    {"rfc822Name", SAN_RFC822_NAME,true},
+-    {"dNSName", SAN_DNS_NAME, true},
+-    {"x400Address", SAN_X400_ADDRESS, false},
+-    {"directoryName", SAN_DIRECTORY_NAME, true},
+-    {"ediPartyName", SAN_EDIPART_NAME, false},
+-    {"uniformResourceIdentifier", SAN_URI, true},
+-    {"iPAddress", SAN_IP_ADDRESS, true},
+-    {"registeredID", SAN_REGISTERED_ID, true},
+-    /* https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4556.txt section 3.2.2 */
+-    {"pkinitSAN", SAN_PKINIT, true},
+-    /* https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/287547/object-ids-associated-with-microsoft-cryptography */
+-    {"ntPrincipalName", SAN_NT, true},
+-    /* both previous principal types */
+-    {"Principal", SAN_PRINCIPAL, true},
+-    {"stringOtherName", SAN_STRING_OTHER_NAME, true},
+-    {NULL, SAN_END, false}
+ static int parse_krb5_get_san_option(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+                                      struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+                                      const char **cur,
+@@ -388,12 +377,12 @@ static int parse_krb5_get_san_option(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+     if (len == 0) {
+         c= SAN_PRINCIPAL;
+     } else {
+-        for (c = 0; san_names[c].name != NULL; c++) {
+-            if (strncasecmp(*cur, san_names[c].name, len) == 0) {
++        for (c = 0; sss_san_names[c].name != NULL; c++) {
++            if (strncasecmp(*cur, sss_san_names[c].name, len) == 0) {
+                 break;
+             }
+         }
+-        if (san_names[c].name == NULL) {
++        if (sss_san_names[c].name == NULL) {
+             if (is_dotted_decimal(*cur, len)) {
+                 c = SAN_STRING_OTHER_NAME;
+                 *str_other_name_oid = talloc_strndup(mem_ctx, *cur, len);
+@@ -408,7 +397,7 @@ static int parse_krb5_get_san_option(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+         }
+     }
+-    *option = san_names[c].san_opt;
++    *option = sss_san_names[c].san_opt;
+     *cur = end + 1;
+     return 0;
+@@ -432,7 +421,7 @@ static int parse_krb5_get_san_value(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+         }
+     }
+-    if (san_names[san_opt].is_string) {
++    if (sss_san_names[san_opt].is_string) {
+         ret = parse_krb5_get_component_value(mem_ctx, ctx, cur, &comp);
+         if (ret != 0) {
+             goto done;
+From 136858b1a5f7ed011287293fdf35cc7142ee3cf1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 11:31:14 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] certmap: sanitize LDAP search filter
+The sss_certmap_get_search_filter() will now sanitize the values read
+from the certificates before adding them to a search filter. To be able
+to get the plain values as well sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule() is
+Reviewed-by: Alexey Tikhonov <atikhono@redhat.com>
+(cherry picked from commit a2b9a84460429181f2a4fa7e2bb5ab49fd561274)
+Reviewed-by: Alexey Tikhonov <atikhono@redhat.com>
+Reviewed-by: Justin Stephenson <jstephen@redhat.com>
+ Makefile.am                         |  2 +-
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c       | 42 ++++++++++--
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports |  5 ++
+ src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h       | 35 ++++++++--
+ src/responder/pam/pamsrv_p11.c      |  5 +-
+ src/tests/cmocka/test_certmap.c     | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ src/util/util.c                     | 95 ---------------------------
+ src/util/util_ext.c                 | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 8 files changed, 272 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index 87eb571..d1568fb 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ libsss_certmap_la_LIBADD = \
+     $(NULL)
+ libsss_certmap_la_LDFLAGS = \
+     -Wl,--version-script,$(srcdir)/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports \
+-    -version-info 1:0:1
++    -version-info 2:0:2
+ libsss_certmap_la_SOURCES += \
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c
+index c60ac24..d7bc992 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.c
+@@ -441,10 +441,12 @@ static int expand_san(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+ static int expand_template(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+                            struct parsed_template *parsed_template,
+                            struct sss_cert_content *cert_content,
++                           bool sanitize,
+                            char **expanded)
+ {
+     int ret;
+     char *exp = NULL;
++    char *exp_sanitized = NULL;
+     if (strcmp("issuer_dn", parsed_template->name) == 0) {
+         ret = rdn_list_2_dn_str(ctx, parsed_template->conversion,
+@@ -455,6 +457,8 @@ static int expand_template(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+     } else if (strncmp("subject_", parsed_template->name, 8) == 0) {
+         ret = expand_san(ctx, parsed_template, cert_content->san_list, &exp);
+     } else if (strcmp("cert", parsed_template->name) == 0) {
++        /* cert blob is already sanitized */
++        sanitize = false;
+         ret = expand_cert(ctx, parsed_template, cert_content, &exp);
+     } else {
+         CM_DEBUG(ctx, "Unsupported template name.");
+@@ -471,6 +475,16 @@ static int expand_template(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+         goto done;
+     }
++    if (sanitize) {
++        ret = sss_filter_sanitize(ctx, exp, &exp_sanitized);
++        if (ret != EOK) {
++            CM_DEBUG(ctx, "Failed to sanitize expanded template.");
++            goto done;
++        }
++        talloc_free(exp);
++        exp = exp_sanitized;
++    }
+     ret = 0;
+ done:
+@@ -485,7 +499,7 @@ done:
+ static int get_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+                       struct ldap_mapping_rule *parsed_mapping_rule,
+-                      struct sss_cert_content *cert_content,
++                      struct sss_cert_content *cert_content, bool sanitize,
+                       char **filter)
+ {
+     struct ldap_mapping_rule_comp *comp;
+@@ -503,7 +517,7 @@ static int get_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+             result = talloc_strdup_append(result, comp->val);
+         } else if (comp->type == comp_template) {
+             ret = expand_template(ctx, comp->parsed_template, cert_content,
+-                                  &expanded);
++                                  sanitize, &expanded);
+             if (ret != 0) {
+                 CM_DEBUG(ctx, "Failed to expanded template.");
+                 goto done;
+@@ -791,8 +805,9 @@ done:
+     return ret;
+ }
+-int sss_certmap_get_search_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
++static int expand_mapping_rule_ex(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+                                   const uint8_t *der_cert, size_t der_size,
++                                  bool sanitize,
+                                   char **_filter, char ***_domains)
+ {
+     int ret;
+@@ -819,7 +834,8 @@ int sss_certmap_get_search_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+             return EINVAL;
+         }
+-        ret = get_filter(ctx, ctx->default_mapping_rule, cert_content, &filter);
++        ret = get_filter(ctx, ctx->default_mapping_rule, cert_content, sanitize,
++                         &filter);
+         goto done;
+     }
+@@ -829,7 +845,7 @@ int sss_certmap_get_search_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+             if (ret == 0) {
+                 /* match */
+                 ret = get_filter(ctx, r->parsed_mapping_rule, cert_content,
+-                                 &filter);
++                                 sanitize, &filter);
+                 if (ret != 0) {
+                     CM_DEBUG(ctx, "Failed to get filter");
+                     goto done;
+@@ -873,6 +889,22 @@ done:
+     return ret;
+ }
++int sss_certmap_get_search_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
++                                  const uint8_t *der_cert, size_t der_size,
++                                  char **_filter, char ***_domains)
++    return expand_mapping_rule_ex(ctx, der_cert, der_size, true,
++                                  _filter, _domains);
++int sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
++                                    const uint8_t *der_cert, size_t der_size,
++                                    char **_expanded, char ***_domains)
++    return expand_mapping_rule_ex(ctx, der_cert, der_size, false,
++                                  _expanded, _domains);
+ int sss_certmap_init(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+                      sss_certmap_ext_debug *debug, void *debug_priv,
+                      struct sss_certmap_ctx **ctx)
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports
+index a9e48d6..7d76677 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.exports
+@@ -16,3 +16,8 @@ SSS_CERTMAP_0.1 {
+     global:
+         sss_certmap_display_cert_content;
+ } SSS_CERTMAP_0.0;
++    global:
++        sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule;
++} SSS_CERTMAP_0.1;
+diff --git a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h
+index 7da2d1c..058d4f9 100644
+--- a/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h
++++ b/src/lib/certmap/sss_certmap.h
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ int sss_certmap_add_rule(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+  *
+  * @param[in] ctx      certmap context previously initialized with
+  *                     @ref sss_certmap_init
+- * @param[in] der_cert binary blog with the DER encoded certificate
++ * @param[in] der_cert binary blob with the DER encoded certificate
+  * @param[in] der_size size of the certificate blob
+  *
+  * @return
+@@ -119,10 +119,11 @@ int sss_certmap_match_cert(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+  *
+  * @param[in] ctx      certmap context previously initialized with
+  *                     @ref sss_certmap_init
+- * @param[in] der_cert binary blog with the DER encoded certificate
++ * @param[in] der_cert binary blob with the DER encoded certificate
+  * @param[in] der_size size of the certificate blob
+- * @param[out] filter  LDAP filter string, caller should free the data by
+- *                     calling sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains
++ * @param[out] filter  LDAP filter string, expanded templates are sanitized,
++ *                     caller should free the data by calling
++ *                     sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains
+  * @param[out] domains NULL-terminated array of strings with the domains the
+  *                     rule applies, caller should free the data by calling
+  *                     sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains
+@@ -136,8 +137,32 @@ int sss_certmap_get_search_filter(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
+                                   const uint8_t *der_cert, size_t der_size,
+                                   char **filter, char ***domains);
++ * @brief Expand the mapping rule by replacing the templates
++ *
++ * @param[in] ctx        certmap context previously initialized with
++ *                       @ref sss_certmap_init
++ * @param[in] der_cert   binary blob with the DER encoded certificate
++ * @param[in] der_size   size of the certificate blob
++ * @param[out] expanded  expanded mapping rule, templates are filled in
++ *                       verbatim in contrast to sss_certmap_get_search_filter,
++ *                       caller should free the data by
++ *                       calling sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains
++ * @param[out] domains   NULL-terminated array of strings with the domains the
++ *                       rule applies, caller should free the data by calling
++ *                       sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains
++ *
++ * @return
++ *  - 0:      certificate matches a rule
++ *  - ENOENT: certificate does not match
++ *  - EINVAL: internal error
++ */
++int sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(struct sss_certmap_ctx *ctx,
++                                    const uint8_t *der_cert, size_t der_size,
++                                    char **_expanded, char ***_domains);
+ /**
+  * @brief Free data returned by @ref sss_certmap_get_search_filter
++ *        and @ref sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule
+  *
+  * @param[in] filter  LDAP filter strings returned by
+  *                    sss_certmap_get_search_filter
+@@ -150,7 +175,7 @@ void sss_certmap_free_filter_and_domains(char *filter, char **domains);
+  * @brief Get a string with the content of the certificate used by the library
+  *
+  * @param[in]  mem_ctx    Talloc memory context, may be NULL
+- * @param[in]  der_cert   binary blog with the DER encoded certificate
++ * @param[in]  der_cert   binary blob with the DER encoded certificate
+  * @param[in]  der_size   size of the certificate blob
+  * @param[out] desc       Multiline string showing the certificate content
+  *                        which is used by libsss_certmap
+diff --git a/src/responder/pam/pamsrv_p11.c b/src/responder/pam/pamsrv_p11.c
+index c58a8be..f01566e 100644
+--- a/src/responder/pam/pamsrv_p11.c
++++ b/src/responder/pam/pamsrv_p11.c
+@@ -1044,9 +1044,10 @@ static char *get_cert_prompt(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+         goto done;
+     }
+-    ret = sss_certmap_get_search_filter(ctx, der, der_size, &filter, &domains);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, der, der_size,
++                                          &filter, &domains);
+     if (ret != 0) {
+-        DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "sss_certmap_get_search_filter failed.\n");
++        DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule failed.\n");
+         goto done;
+     }
+diff --git a/src/tests/cmocka/test_certmap.c b/src/tests/cmocka/test_certmap.c
+index c882202..232ff78 100644
+--- a/src/tests/cmocka/test_certmap.c
++++ b/src/tests/cmocka/test_certmap.c
+@@ -1431,6 +1431,15 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+                                         &filter, &domains);
+     assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
+     assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule100=<I>CN=Certificate\\20Authority,O=IPA.DEVEL"
++                                "<S>CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel,O=IPA.DEVEL");
++    assert_null(domains);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "rule100=<I>CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.DEVEL"
+                                 "<S>CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel,O=IPA.DEVEL");
+     assert_null(domains);
+@@ -1445,6 +1454,17 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+                                         &filter, &domains);
+     assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
+     assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule99=<I>CN=Certificate\\20Authority,O=IPA.DEVEL"
++                                "<S>CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel,O=IPA.DEVEL");
++    assert_non_null(domains);
++    assert_string_equal(domains[0], "test.dom");
++    assert_null(domains[1]);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "rule99=<I>CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.DEVEL"
+                                 "<S>CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel,O=IPA.DEVEL");
+     assert_non_null(domains);
+@@ -1466,6 +1486,16 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+     assert_string_equal(domains[0], "test.dom");
+     assert_null(domains[1]);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule98=userCertificate;binary=" TEST_CERT_BIN);
++    assert_non_null(domains);
++    assert_string_equal(domains[0], "test.dom");
++    assert_null(domains[1]);
+     ret = sss_certmap_add_rule(ctx, 97,
+                             "KRB5:<ISSUER>CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.DEVEL",
+                             "LDAP:rule97=<I>{issuer_dn!nss_x500}<S>{subject_dn}",
+@@ -1476,6 +1506,17 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+                                         &filter, &domains);
+     assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
+     assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule97=<I>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=Certificate\\20Authority"
++                                "<S>CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel,O=IPA.DEVEL");
++    assert_non_null(domains);
++    assert_string_equal(domains[0], "test.dom");
++    assert_null(domains[1]);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "rule97=<I>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=Certificate Authority"
+                                 "<S>CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel,O=IPA.DEVEL");
+     assert_non_null(domains);
+@@ -1492,6 +1533,17 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+                                         &filter, &domains);
+     assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
+     assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule96=<I>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=Certificate\\20Authority"
++                                "<S>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel");
++    assert_non_null(domains);
++    assert_string_equal(domains[0], "test.dom");
++    assert_null(domains[1]);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "rule96=<I>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=Certificate Authority"
+                                 "<S>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel");
+     assert_non_null(domains);
+@@ -1510,6 +1562,14 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "(userCertificate;binary=" TEST_CERT_BIN ")");
+     assert_null(domains);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "(userCertificate;binary=" TEST_CERT_BIN ")");
++    assert_null(domains);
+     ret = sss_certmap_add_rule(ctx, 94,
+                       "KRB5:<ISSUER>CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.DEVEL",
+                       "LDAP:rule94=<I>{issuer_dn!ad_x500}<S>{subject_dn!ad_x500}",
+@@ -1520,12 +1580,22 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+                                         &filter, &domains);
+     assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
+     assert_non_null(filter);
+-    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule94=<I>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=Certificate Authority"
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule94=<I>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=Certificate\\20Authority"
+                                 "<S>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel");
+     assert_non_null(domains);
+     assert_string_equal(domains[0], "test.dom");
+     assert_null(domains[1]);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule94=<I>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=Certificate Authority"
++                                "<S>O=IPA.DEVEL,CN=ipa-devel.ipa.devel");
++    assert_non_null(domains);
++    assert_string_equal(domains[0], "test.dom");
++    assert_null(domains[1]);
+     ret = sss_certmap_add_rule(ctx, 89, NULL,
+                             "(rule89={subject_nt_principal})",
+@@ -1539,6 +1609,14 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "(rule89=tu1@ad.devel)");
+     assert_null(domains);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert2_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert2_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "(rule89=tu1@ad.devel)");
++    assert_null(domains);
+     ret = sss_certmap_add_rule(ctx, 88, NULL,
+                             "(rule88={subject_nt_principal.short_name})",
+                             NULL);
+@@ -1560,6 +1638,15 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+                                         &filter, &domains);
+     assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
+     assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule87=<I>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=ad-AD-SERVER-CA"
++                  "<S>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=Users,CN=t\\20u,E=test.user@email.domain");
++    assert_null(domains);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert2_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert2_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "rule87=<I>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=ad-AD-SERVER-CA"
+                   "<S>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=Users,CN=t u,E=test.user@email.domain");
+     assert_null(domains);
+@@ -1573,6 +1660,15 @@ static void test_sss_certmap_get_search_filter(void **state)
+                                         &filter, &domains);
+     assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
+     assert_non_null(filter);
++    assert_string_equal(filter, "rule86=<I>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=ad-AD-SERVER-CA"
++                  "<S>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=Users,CN=t\\20u,E=test.user@email.domain");
++    assert_null(domains);
++    ret = sss_certmap_expand_mapping_rule(ctx, discard_const(test_cert2_der),
++                                          sizeof(test_cert2_der),
++                                          &filter, &domains);
++    assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
++    assert_non_null(filter);
+     assert_string_equal(filter, "rule86=<I>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=ad-AD-SERVER-CA"
+                   "<S>DC=devel,DC=ad,CN=Users,CN=t u,E=test.user@email.domain");
+     assert_null(domains);
+diff --git a/src/util/util.c b/src/util/util.c
+index 4051c1f..9327f97 100644
+--- a/src/util/util.c
++++ b/src/util/util.c
+@@ -436,101 +436,6 @@ errno_t sss_hash_create(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, unsigned long count,
+     return sss_hash_create_ex(mem_ctx, count, tbl, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+-errno_t sss_filter_sanitize_ex(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+-                               const char *input,
+-                               char **sanitized,
+-                               const char *ignore)
+-    char *output;
+-    size_t i = 0;
+-    size_t j = 0;
+-    char *allowed;
+-    /* Assume the worst-case. We'll resize it later, once */
+-    output = talloc_array(mem_ctx, char, strlen(input) * 3 + 1);
+-    if (!output) {
+-        return ENOMEM;
+-    }
+-    while (input[i]) {
+-        /* Even though this character might have a special meaning, if it's
+-         * expliticly allowed, just copy it and move on
+-         */
+-        if (ignore == NULL) {
+-            allowed = NULL;
+-        } else {
+-            allowed = strchr(ignore, input[i]);
+-        }
+-        if (allowed) {
+-            output[j++] = input[i++];
+-            continue;
+-        }
+-        switch(input[i]) {
+-        case '\t':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '0';
+-            output[j++] = '9';
+-            break;
+-        case ' ':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '2';
+-            output[j++] = '0';
+-            break;
+-        case '*':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '2';
+-            output[j++] = 'a';
+-            break;
+-        case '(':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '2';
+-            output[j++] = '8';
+-            break;
+-        case ')':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '2';
+-            output[j++] = '9';
+-            break;
+-        case '\\':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '5';
+-            output[j++] = 'c';
+-            break;
+-        case '\r':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '0';
+-            output[j++] = 'd';
+-            break;
+-        case '\n':
+-            output[j++] = '\\';
+-            output[j++] = '0';
+-            output[j++] = 'a';
+-            break;
+-        default:
+-            output[j++] = input[i];
+-        }
+-        i++;
+-    }
+-    output[j] = '\0';
+-    *sanitized = talloc_realloc(mem_ctx, output, char, j+1);
+-    if (!*sanitized) {
+-        talloc_free(output);
+-        return ENOMEM;
+-    }
+-    return EOK;
+-errno_t sss_filter_sanitize(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+-                            const char *input,
+-                            char **sanitized)
+-    return sss_filter_sanitize_ex(mem_ctx, input, sanitized, NULL);
+ /* There is similar function ldap_dn_normalize in openldap.
+  * To avoid dependecies across project we have this own func.
+  * Also ldb can do this but doesn't handle all the cases
+diff --git a/src/util/util_ext.c b/src/util/util_ext.c
+index 04dc02a..a89b60f 100644
+--- a/src/util/util_ext.c
++++ b/src/util/util_ext.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
+ #define EOK 0
++#ifndef HAVE_ERRNO_T
++#define HAVE_ERRNO_T
++typedef int errno_t;
+ int split_on_separator(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *str,
+                        const char sep, bool trim, bool skip_empty,
+                        char ***_list, int *size)
+@@ -141,3 +146,97 @@ bool string_in_list(const char *string, char **list, bool case_sensitive)
+     return false;
+ }
++errno_t sss_filter_sanitize_ex(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
++                               const char *input,
++                               char **sanitized,
++                               const char *ignore)
++    char *output;
++    size_t i = 0;
++    size_t j = 0;
++    char *allowed;
++    /* Assume the worst-case. We'll resize it later, once */
++    output = talloc_array(mem_ctx, char, strlen(input) * 3 + 1);
++    if (!output) {
++        return ENOMEM;
++    }
++    while (input[i]) {
++        /* Even though this character might have a special meaning, if it's
++         * explicitly allowed, just copy it and move on
++         */
++        if (ignore == NULL) {
++            allowed = NULL;
++        } else {
++            allowed = strchr(ignore, input[i]);
++        }
++        if (allowed) {
++            output[j++] = input[i++];
++            continue;
++        }
++        switch(input[i]) {
++        case '\t':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '0';
++            output[j++] = '9';
++            break;
++        case ' ':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '2';
++            output[j++] = '0';
++            break;
++        case '*':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '2';
++            output[j++] = 'a';
++            break;
++        case '(':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '2';
++            output[j++] = '8';
++            break;
++        case ')':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '2';
++            output[j++] = '9';
++            break;
++        case '\\':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '5';
++            output[j++] = 'c';
++            break;
++        case '\r':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '0';
++            output[j++] = 'd';
++            break;
++        case '\n':
++            output[j++] = '\\';
++            output[j++] = '0';
++            output[j++] = 'a';
++            break;
++        default:
++            output[j++] = input[i];
++        }
++        i++;
++    }
++    output[j] = '\0';
++    *sanitized = talloc_realloc(mem_ctx, output, char, j+1);
++    if (!*sanitized) {
++        talloc_free(output);
++        return ENOMEM;
++    }
++    return EOK;
++errno_t sss_filter_sanitize(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
++                            const char *input,
++                            char **sanitized)
++    return sss_filter_sanitize_ex(mem_ctx, input, sanitized, NULL);
diff --git a/SPECS/sssd.spec b/SPECS/sssd.spec
index 28908f9..a8052e3 100644
--- a/SPECS/sssd.spec
+++ b/SPECS/sssd.spec
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 Name: sssd
 Version: 1.16.5
-Release: 10%{?dist}.14
+Release: 10%{?dist}.15
 Group: Applications/System
 Summary: System Security Services Daemon
 License: GPLv3+
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ Patch0092: 0092-IFP-reset-idle-timer-on-any-DBUS-activity.patch
 Patch0093: 0093-RESPONDER-fixed-condition-in-responder_idle_handler.patch
 Patch0094: 0094-SUDO-Fix-timezone-issues-with-sudoNotBefore-and-sudo.patch
 Patch0095: 0095-BACKEND-Reload-resolv.conf-after-initialization.patch
+Patch0096: 0096-sc-escape-special-chars.patch
 #Those patches should not be removed in RHEL-7
 Patch0999: 0999-NOUPSTREAM-Default-to-root-if-sssd-user-is-not-spec
@@ -1329,6 +1330,10 @@ systemctl try-restart sssd >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+* Fri Jan  6 2023 Alexey Tikhonov <atikhono@redhat.com> 1.16.5-10.15
+- Resolves: rhbz#2149703 - smartcards: special characters must be escaped when building search filter [rhel-7.9.z]
+- Resolves: rhbz#2149902 - EMBARGOED CVE-2022-4254 sssd: libsss_certmap fails to sanitise certificate data used in LDAP filters [rhel-7.9.z]
 * Tue Nov 15 2022 Alexey Tikhonov <atikhono@redhat.com> 1.16.5-10.14
 - Resolves: rhbz#2097014 - SSSD -> sssd_be and sssd_ifp coredump [rhel-7.9.z]
 - Resolves: rhbz#2107380 - sssd timezone issues sudonotafter [rhel-7.9.z]