diff --git a/SOURCES/squid-CVE-2016-10002.patch b/SOURCES/squid-CVE-2016-10002.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce76f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/squid-CVE-2016-10002.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+revno: 14109
+revision-id: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161111060325-yh8chavvnzuvfh3h
+parent: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161101112231-k77st4up2sekl5zx
+fixes bug: http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3379
+author: Garri Djavadyan <garryd@comnet.uz>, Amos Jeffries <squid3@treenet.co.nz>
+committer: Amos Jeffries <squid3@treenet.co.nz>
+branch nick: 3.5
+timestamp: Fri 2016-11-11 19:03:25 +1300
+  Bug 3379: Combination of If-Match and a Cache Hit result in TCP Connection Failure
+# Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
+# revision_id: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161111060325-yh8chavvnzuvfh3h
+# target_branch: http://bzr.squid-cache.org/bzr/squid3/3.5
+# testament_sha1: 50d66878a765925d9a64569b3c226bebdee1f736
+# timestamp: 2016-11-11 06:10:37 +0000
+# source_branch: http://bzr.squid-cache.org/bzr/squid3/3.5
+# base_revision_id: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161101112231-\
+#   k77st4up2sekl5zx
+# Begin patch
+=== modified file 'src/client_side_reply.cc'
+--- src/client_side_reply.cc  2016-10-09 19:47:26 +0000
++++ src/client_side_reply.cc  2016-11-11 06:03:25 +0000
+@@ -589,6 +589,7 @@
+         debugs(88, 5, "negative-HIT");
+         http->logType = LOG_TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT;
+         sendMoreData(result);
++        return;
+     } else if (blockedHit()) {
+         debugs(88, 5, "send_hit forces a MISS");
+         http->logType = LOG_TCP_MISS;
+@@ -641,27 +642,29 @@
+             http->logType = LOG_TCP_MISS;
+             processMiss();
+         }
++        return;
+     } else if (r->conditional()) {
+         debugs(88, 5, "conditional HIT");
+-        processConditional(result);
+-    } else {
+-        /*
+-         * plain ol' cache hit
+-         */
+-        debugs(88, 5, "plain old HIT");
++        if (processConditional(result))
++            return;
++    }
++    /*
++     * plain ol' cache hit
++     */
++    debugs(88, 5, "plain old HIT");
+-        if (e->store_status != STORE_OK)
+-            http->logType = LOG_TCP_MISS;
+-        else
++    if (e->store_status != STORE_OK)
++        http->logType = LOG_TCP_MISS;
++    else
+ #endif
+-            if (e->mem_status == IN_MEMORY)
+-                http->logType = LOG_TCP_MEM_HIT;
+-            else if (Config.onoff.offline)
+-                http->logType = LOG_TCP_OFFLINE_HIT;
++        if (e->mem_status == IN_MEMORY)
++            http->logType = LOG_TCP_MEM_HIT;
++        else if (Config.onoff.offline)
++            http->logType = LOG_TCP_OFFLINE_HIT;
+-        sendMoreData(result);
+-    }
++    sendMoreData(result);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -755,17 +758,16 @@
+ }
+ /// process conditional request from client
+ clientReplyContext::processConditional(StoreIOBuffer &result)
+ {
+     StoreEntry *const e = http->storeEntry();
+     if (e->getReply()->sline.status() != Http::scOkay) {
+-        debugs(88, 4, "clientReplyContext::processConditional: Reply code " <<
+-               e->getReply()->sline.status() << " != 200");
++        debugs(88, 4, "Reply code " << e->getReply()->sline.status() << " != 200");
+         http->logType = LOG_TCP_MISS;
+         processMiss();
+-        return;
++        return true;
+     }
+     HttpRequest &r = *http->request;
+@@ -773,7 +775,7 @@
+     if (r.header.has(HDR_IF_MATCH) && !e->hasIfMatchEtag(r)) {
+         // RFC 2616: reply with 412 Precondition Failed if If-Match did not match
+         sendPreconditionFailedError();
+-        return;
++        return true;
+     }
+     bool matchedIfNoneMatch = false;
+@@ -786,14 +788,14 @@
+             r.header.delById(HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE);
+             http->logType = LOG_TCP_MISS;
+             sendMoreData(result);
+-            return;
++            return true;
+         }
+         if (!r.flags.ims) {
+             // RFC 2616: if If-None-Match matched and there is no IMS,
+             // reply with 304 Not Modified or 412 Precondition Failed
+             sendNotModifiedOrPreconditionFailedError();
+-            return;
++            return true;
+         }
+         // otherwise check IMS below to decide if we reply with 304 or 412
+@@ -805,19 +807,20 @@
+         if (e->modifiedSince(&r)) {
+             http->logType = LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT;
+             sendMoreData(result);
+-            return;
+-        }
+-        if (matchedIfNoneMatch) {
++        } else if (matchedIfNoneMatch) {
+             // If-None-Match matched, reply with 304 Not Modified or
+             // 412 Precondition Failed
+             sendNotModifiedOrPreconditionFailedError();
+-            return;
++        } else {
++            // otherwise reply with 304 Not Modified
++            sendNotModified();
+         }
+-        // otherwise reply with 304 Not Modified
+-        sendNotModified();
++        return true;
+     }
++    return false;
+ }
+ /// whether squid.conf send_hit prevents us from serving this hit
+=== modified file 'src/client_side_reply.h'
+--- src/client_side_reply.h 2016-09-23 15:28:42 +0000
++++ src/client_side_reply.h 2016-11-11 06:03:25 +0000
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
+     bool alwaysAllowResponse(Http::StatusCode sline) const;
+     int checkTransferDone();
+     void processOnlyIfCachedMiss();
+-    void processConditional(StoreIOBuffer &result);
++    bool processConditional(StoreIOBuffer &result);
+     void cacheHit(StoreIOBuffer result);
+     void handleIMSReply(StoreIOBuffer result);
+     void sendMoreData(StoreIOBuffer result);
+revno: 14126
+revision-id: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161215103357-827wow3k1y3k9yql
+parent: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161215093634-ykbs6tv8pdusz7cj
+fixes bug: http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4169
+author: Garri Djavadyan <garryd@comnet.uz>
+committer: Amos Jeffries <squid3@treenet.co.nz>
+branch nick: 3.5
+timestamp: Thu 2016-12-15 23:33:57 +1300
+  Bug 4169: HIT marked as MISS when If-None-Match does not match
+# Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
+# revision_id: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161215103357-827wow3k1y3k9yql
+# target_branch: http://bzr.squid-cache.org/bzr/squid3/3.5
+# testament_sha1: 258cd3e400bcb137a7bcdf6e7e0240287ea581a3
+# timestamp: 2016-12-15 10:34:30 +0000
+# source_branch: http://bzr.squid-cache.org/bzr/squid3/3.5
+# base_revision_id: squid3@treenet.co.nz-20161215093634-\
+#   ykbs6tv8pdusz7cj
+# Begin patch
+=== modified file 'src/LogTags.h'
+--- src/LogTags.h 2016-10-09 19:47:26 +0000
++++ src/LogTags.h 2016-12-15 10:33:57 +0000
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+     LOG_TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED,   // refresh from origin replaced existing entry
+@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
+     return
+         (code == LOG_TCP_HIT) ||
+         (code == LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT) ||
++        (code == LOG_TCP_INM_HIT) ||
+         (code == LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL_OLD) ||
+         (code == LOG_TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED) ||
+         (code == LOG_TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT) ||
+=== modified file 'src/client_side.cc'
+--- src/client_side.cc  2016-12-09 01:58:33 +0000
++++ src/client_side.cc  2016-12-15 10:33:57 +0000
+@@ -429,6 +429,7 @@
+         statCounter.client_http.nearHitSvcTime.count(svc_time);
+         break;
++    case LOG_TCP_INM_HIT:
+     case LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT:
+         statCounter.client_http.nearMissSvcTime.count(svc_time);
+         break;
+=== modified file 'src/client_side_reply.cc'
+--- src/client_side_reply.cc  2016-12-15 09:36:34 +0000
++++ src/client_side_reply.cc  2016-12-15 10:33:57 +0000
+@@ -778,40 +778,27 @@
+         return true;
+     }
+-    bool matchedIfNoneMatch = false;
+     if (r.header.has(HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
+-        if (!e->hasIfNoneMatchEtag(r)) {
+-            // RFC 2616: ignore IMS if If-None-Match did not match
+-            r.flags.ims = false;
+-            r.ims = -1;
+-            r.imslen = 0;
+-            r.header.delById(HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE);
+-            http->logType = LOG_TCP_MISS;
+-            sendMoreData(result);
+-            return true;
+-        }
++        // RFC 7232: If-None-Match recipient MUST ignore IMS
++        r.flags.ims = false;
++        r.ims = -1;
++        r.imslen = 0;
++        r.header.delById(HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE);
+-        if (!r.flags.ims) {
+-            // RFC 2616: if If-None-Match matched and there is no IMS,
+-            // reply with 304 Not Modified or 412 Precondition Failed
++        if (e->hasIfNoneMatchEtag(r)) {
+             sendNotModifiedOrPreconditionFailedError();
+             return true;
+         }
+-        // otherwise check IMS below to decide if we reply with 304 or 412
+-        matchedIfNoneMatch = true;
++        // None-Match is true (no ETag matched); treat as an unconditional hit
++        return false;
+     }
+     if (r.flags.ims) {
+         // handle If-Modified-Since requests from the client
+         if (e->modifiedSince(&r)) {
+-            http->logType = LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT;
+-            sendMoreData(result);
+-        } else if (matchedIfNoneMatch) {
+-            // If-None-Match matched, reply with 304 Not Modified or
+-            // 412 Precondition Failed
+-            sendNotModifiedOrPreconditionFailedError();
++            // Modified-Since is true; treat as an unconditional hit
++            return false;
+         } else {
+             // otherwise reply with 304 Not Modified
+@@ -1974,7 +1961,12 @@
+     StoreEntry *e = http->storeEntry();
+     const time_t timestamp = e->timestamp;
+     HttpReply *const temprep = e->getReply()->make304();
+-    http->logType = LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT;
++    // log as TCP_INM_HIT if code 304 generated for
++    // If-None-Match request
++    if (!http->request->flags.ims)
++        http->logType = LOG_TCP_INM_HIT;
++    else
++        http->logType = LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT;
+     removeClientStoreReference(&sc, http);
+     createStoreEntry(http->request->method, RequestFlags());
+     e = http->storeEntry();
diff --git a/SPECS/squid.spec b/SPECS/squid.spec
index 500f78b..45576a9 100644
--- a/SPECS/squid.spec
+++ b/SPECS/squid.spec
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Name:     squid
 Version:  3.5.20
-Release:  2%{?dist}.1
+Release:  2%{?dist}.2
 Summary:  The Squid proxy caching server
 Epoch:    7
 # See CREDITS for breakdown of non GPLv2+ code
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ Patch208: squid-3.5.10-ssl-helper.patch
 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1378025
 # http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~squid/squid/3.4/revision/12713
 Patch209: squid-3.5.20-conf-casecmp.patch
+# http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.5/changesets/SQUID-2016_11.patch
+Patch210: squid-CVE-2016-10002.patch
 Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
 Requires: bash >= 2.0
@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@ migration and script which prepares squid for downgrade operation.
 %patch207 -p1 -b .active-ftp-2
 %patch208 -p1 -b .ssl-helper
 %patch209 -p1 -b .conf-casecmp
+%patch210 -p0 -b .CVE-2016-10002
 %ifarch sparcv9 sparc64 s390 s390x
@@ -340,6 +343,10 @@ fi
     chgrp squid /var/cache/samba/winbindd_privileged >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+* Fri Jan 13 2017 Luboš Uhliarik <luhliari@redhat.com> - 7:3.5.20-2.2
+- Resolves: #1412735 - CVE-2016-10002 squid: Information disclosure in HTTP
+  request processing
 * Tue Dec 20 2016 Luboš Uhliarik <luhliari@redhat.com> - 7:3.5.20-2.1
 - Resolves: #1406288 - icap support has been disabled on squid 3.5.20-2.el7