diff --git a/tests/Squashfs-compression-test.sh b/tests/Squashfs-compression-test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64322f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Squashfs-compression-test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# We need rpmdev-vercmp
+dnf install -y rpmdevtools
+rpm -q rpmdevtools > /dev/null 2>&1 || (echo 'rpmdev-vercmp from rpmdevtools is needed to run this script, aborting (failed).'; exit 1)
+# Define block sizes
+blocks=(4K 1M)
+# Define fill files
+fill=(/dev/zero /dev/urandom)
+# Define number of iterations
+# Define fragment sizes
+frags=(0 1 2047 4095)
+# Define test directory
+# Define mount point
+# Define data directory
+# Check for squashfs-tools version and set compression types to test
+sqfsver=`rpm -q --qf '%{EVR}' squashfs-tools`
+if rpmdev-vercmp 4.1 ${sqfsver} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  ucomp=('gzip')
+elif rpmdev-vercmp 4.2 ${sqfsver} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  ucomp=(gzip lzo lzma)
+elif rpmdev-vercmp 4.3-1 ${sqfsver} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  ucomp=(gzip lzo lzma xz)
+elif rpmdev-vercmp 4.3-21 ${sqfsver} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  ucomp=(gzip lzo lzma xz lz4)
+  ucomp=(gzip lzo lzma xz lz4 zstd)
+# Check for kernel verion and set mount test compression types
+kernel=`uname -r`
+if rpmdev-vercmp 2.6.36 ${kernel} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  mcomp=('gzip')
+elif rpmdev-vercmp 2.6.38 ${kernel} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  mcomp=(gzip lzo)
+elif rpmdev-vercmp 3.19 ${kernel} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  mcomp=(gzip lzo xz)
+elif rpmdev-vercmp 4.14 ${kernel} > /dev/null; [ $? == '11' ]; then
+  mcomp=(gzip lzo xz lz4)
+  mcomp=(gzip lzo xz lz4 zstd)
+# Check for uid 0 and print a warning if not
+[ ${UID} -ne 0 ] && echo 'Mount tests will not be performed when not running as root'
+# Check if test directory exists and make if not
+[ -d ${testdir} ] || mkdir ${testdir}
+[ -d ${testdir} ] || (echo "Unable to make '${testdir}', aborting (failed)."; exit 1)
+# Check if mount point directory exists and make if not
+[ -d ${mp} ] || mkdir ${mp}
+[ -d ${mp} ] || (echo "Unable to make '${mp}', aborting (failed)."; exit 1)
+# Check if data directory exists and make if not
+if [ -d ${datadir} ]; then
+  echo "Using existing data directory."
+  echo "Building data directory."
+  mkdir ${datadir}
+  [ -d ${datadir} ] || (echo "Unable to make '${datadir}', aborting (failed)."; exit 1)
+  for size in ${frags[*]}; do
+    for file in ${fill[*]}; do
+      dd if=${file} of=${datadir}/frag-`basename ${file}`-${size} bs=1 count=${size} > /dev/null 2>&1
+    done
+  done
+  for size in ${blocks[*]}; do
+    for ((count=1;${count}<=${iter};count++)); do
+      for file in ${fill[*]}; do
+        dd if=${file} of=${datadir}/file-`basename ${file}`-${size}-${count} bs=${size} count=${count} > /dev/null 2>&1
+      done
+    done
+  done
+  for size1 in ${frags[*]}; do
+    for file1 in ${fill[*]}; do
+      for size2 in ${blocks[*]}; do
+        for ((count=1;${count}<=${iter};count++)); do
+          for file2 in ${fill[*]}; do
+            cat ${datadir}/file-`basename ${file2}`-${size2}-${count} ${datadir}/frag-`basename ${file1}`-${size1} > ${datadir}/combined-`basename ${file2}`-${size2}-${count}-`basename ${file1}`-${size1}
+          done
+        done
+      done
+    done
+  done
+# Run unmounted tests
+for comp in ${ucomp[*]}; do
+  echo "Building squashfs image using ${comp} compression."
+  if [ "${comp}" == gzip ]; then
+    mksquashfs ${datadir} ${testdir}/sq.img || (echo "mksquashfs failed for ${comp} compression."; continue)
+  else
+    mksquashfs ${datadir} ${testdir}/sq.img -comp ${comp} || (echo "mksquashfs failed for ${comp} compression."; continue)
+  fi
+  echo "Testing unmounted extract using ${comp} compression."
+  unsquashfs -d ${testdir}/sq ${testdir}/sq.img  || echo "unsquashfs failed for ${comp} compression."
+  diff -r -q ${testdir}/sq ${datadir} || (echo "Extract test failed for ${comp} compression."; exit)
+  rm -rf ${testdir}/sq
+  if [ ${UID} == 0 ]; then
+    for kern in ${mcomp[*]}; do
+      if [ ${kern} == ${comp} ]; then
+        echo "Testing mounted image using ${comp} compression."
+        mount -r -o loop ${testdir}/sq.img ${mp} || echo "Mount failed.";
+        diff -r -q ${mp} ${datadir} || echo "Mounted test failed for ${comp} compression."
+        umount ${mp}
+        break
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+  rm -f ${testdir}/sq ${testdir}/sq.img
diff --git a/tests/test_working.yml b/tests/test_working.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c542b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_working.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+- hosts: localhost
+  vars:
+  - artifacts: ./artifacts
+  tags:
+  - classic
+  remote_user: root
+  tasks:
+  - name: Install the test files
+    copy: src={{ item.file }} dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item.dest }} mode=0755
+    with_items:
+    - {file: Squashfs-compression-test.sh, dest: Squashfs-compression-test.sh }
+  - name: Test block
+    block:
+      - name: Execute the tests
+        shell: |
+          /usr/local/bin/Squashfs-compression-test.sh &> /tmp/test.log; grep -iq failed /tmp/test.log && result=fail || result=pass
+          echo -e "results:\n- {result: $result, test: working}" > /tmp/results.yml
+    always:
+      - name: Pull out the logs
+        fetch:
+          dest: "{{ artifacts }}/"
+          src: "{{ item }}"
+          flat: yes
+        with_items:
+          - /tmp/test.log
+          - /tmp/results.yml
diff --git a/tests/tests.yml b/tests/tests.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce4a407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+- import_playbook: test_working.yml