diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bcb6c81..e1c87ce 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.sos.metadata b/.sos.metadata
index 74f14fe..2c23a8f 100644
--- a/.sos.metadata
+++ b/.sos.metadata
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-6d443271a3eb26af8fb400ed417a4b572730d316 SOURCES/sos-4.3.tar.gz
+56a9d499cfef6ffbe5b39f09b64e3146cc8f3d20 SOURCES/sos-4.4.tar.gz
 9d478b9f0085da9178af103078bbf2fd77b0175a SOURCES/sos-audit-0.3.tgz
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2055002-rebase-sos-add-sos-help.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2055002-rebase-sos-add-sos-help.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b8af24..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2055002-rebase-sos-add-sos-help.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-From b5389aa195675f473acdd22f20017a8854ff82d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2022 08:43:32 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] [man] Mention sos-help in main sos manpage
-Related to #2860
-Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
- man/en/sos.1 | 8 ++++++++
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/man/en/sos.1 b/man/en/sos.1
-index ce4918f99..c335b7e10 100644
---- a/man/en/sos.1
-+++ b/man/en/sos.1
-@@ -67,6 +67,14 @@ May be invoked via either \fBsos clean\fR, \fBsos cleaner\fR, \fBsos mask\fR,
- or via the \fB--clean\fR, \fB--cleaner\fR or \fB --mask\fR options
- for \fBreport\fR and \fBcollect\fR.
-+.B help
-+This subcommand is used to retrieve more detailed information on the various SoS
-+commands and components than is directly available in either other manpages or
-+--help output.
-+See \fB sos help --help\fR and \fB man sos-help\fR for more information.
- sos components provide their own set of options, however the following are available
- to be set across all components.
-From ac4eb48fa35c13b99ada41540831412480babf8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2022 08:44:16 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] [setup] Add sos-help to build process
-Resolves: #2860
-Closes: #2861
-Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
- setup.py | 5 +++--
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
-index 25e87a71b..8db8641f0 100644
---- a/setup.py
-+++ b/setup.py
-@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def copy_file (self, filename, dirname):
-         ('share/man/man1', ['man/en/sosreport.1', 'man/en/sos-report.1',
-                             'man/en/sos.1', 'man/en/sos-collect.1',
-                             'man/en/sos-collector.1', 'man/en/sos-clean.1',
--                            'man/en/sos-mask.1']),
-+                            'man/en/sos-mask.1', 'man/en/sos-help.1']),
-         ('share/man/man5', ['man/en/sos.conf.5']),
-         ('share/licenses/sos', ['LICENSE']),
-         ('share/doc/sos', ['AUTHORS', 'README.md']),
-@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ def copy_file (self, filename, dirname):
-         'sos.policies.package_managers', 'sos.policies.init_systems',
-         'sos.report', 'sos.report.plugins', 'sos.collector',
-         'sos.collector.clusters', 'sos.collector.transports', 'sos.cleaner',
--        'sos.cleaner.mappings', 'sos.cleaner.parsers', 'sos.cleaner.archives'
-+        'sos.cleaner.mappings', 'sos.cleaner.parsers', 'sos.cleaner.archives',
-+        'sos.help'
-     ],
-     cmdclass=cmdclass,
-     command_options=command_options,
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2058279-ocp-backports.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2058279-ocp-backports.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cfaa91..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2058279-ocp-backports.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1113 +0,0 @@
-From d0f9d507b0ec63c9e8f3e5d7b6507d9d0f97c038 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 16:24:47 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] [runtimes] Allow container IDs to be used with
- `container_exists()`
-As container runtimes can interchange container names and container IDs,
-sos should also allow the use of container IDs when checking for the
-presence of a given container.
-In particular, this change unblocks the use of `Plugin.exec_cmd()` when
-used in conjunction with `Plugin.get_container_by_name()` to pick a
-container based on a provided regex that the container name may match.
-Related: #2856
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py | 17 +++++++++++++++++
- sos/report/plugins/__init__.py    |  6 +++---
- 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
-index 5ac67354..d2837349 100644
---- a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
-@@ -147,6 +147,23 @@ class ContainerRuntime():
-                     vols.append(ent[-1])
-         return vols
-+    def container_exists(self, container):
-+        """Check if a given container ID or name exists on the system from the
-+        perspective of the container runtime.
-+        Note that this will only check _running_ containers
-+        :param container:       The name or ID of the container
-+        :type container:        ``str``
-+        :returns:               True if the container exists, else False
-+        :rtype:                 ``bool``
-+        """
-+        for _contup in self.containers:
-+            if container in _contup:
-+                return True
-+        return False
-     def fmt_container_cmd(self, container, cmd, quotecmd):
-         """Format a command to run inside a container using the runtime
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-index 2988be08..cc5cb65b 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-@@ -2593,7 +2593,7 @@ class Plugin():
-         """If a container runtime is present, check to see if a container with
-         a given name is currently running
--        :param name:    The name of the container to check presence of
-+        :param name:    The name or ID of the container to check presence of
-         :type name: ``str``
-         :returns: ``True`` if `name` exists, else ``False``
-@@ -2601,8 +2601,8 @@ class Plugin():
-         """
-         _runtime = self._get_container_runtime()
-         if _runtime is not None:
--            con = _runtime.get_container_by_name(name)
--            return con is not None
-+            return (_runtime.container_exists(name) or
-+                    _runtime.get_container_by_name(name) is not None)
-         return False
-     def get_all_containers_by_regex(self, regex, get_all=False):
-From 2ae16e0245e1b01b8547e507abb69c11871a8467 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:37:09 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] [sosnode] Handle downstream versioning for runtime option
- check
-First, adds parsing and formatting for an sos installation's release
-version according to the loaded package manager for that node.
-Adds a fallback version check for 4.2-13 for RHEL downstreams that
-backport the `container-runtime` option into sos-4.2.
-Carry this in upstream to account for use cases where a workstation used
-to run `collect` from may be from a different stream than those used by
-cluster nodes.
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/collector/sosnode.py | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
- 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
-index 7bbe0cd1..d9b998b0 100644
---- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
-@@ -275,21 +275,34 @@ class SosNode():
-     def _load_sos_info(self):
-         """Queries the node for information about the installed version of sos
-         """
-+        ver = None
-+        rel = None
-         if self.host.container_version_command is None:
-             pkg = self.host.package_manager.pkg_version(self.host.sos_pkg_name)
-             if pkg is not None:
-                 ver = '.'.join(pkg['version'])
--                self.sos_info['version'] = ver
-+                if pkg['release']:
-+                    rel = pkg['release']
-         else:
-             # use the containerized policy's command
-             pkgs = self.run_command(self.host.container_version_command,
-                                     use_container=True, need_root=True)
-             if pkgs['status'] == 0:
--                ver = pkgs['output'].strip().split('-')[1]
--                if ver:
--                    self.sos_info['version'] = ver
--            else:
--                self.sos_info['version'] = None
-+                _, ver, rel = pkgs['output'].strip().split('-')
-+        if ver:
-+            if len(ver.split('.')) == 2:
-+                # safeguard against maintenance releases throwing off the
-+                # comparison by LooseVersion
-+                ver += '.0'
-+            try:
-+                ver += '-%s' % rel.split('.')[0]
-+            except Exception as err:
-+                self.log_debug("Unable to fully parse sos release: %s" % err)
-+        self.sos_info['version'] = ver
-         if self.sos_info['version']:
-             self.log_info('sos version is %s' % self.sos_info['version'])
-         else:
-@@ -381,9 +394,37 @@ class SosNode():
-         """Checks to see if the sos installation on the node is AT LEAST the
-         given ver. This means that if the installed version is greater than
-         ver, this will still return True
-+        :param ver: Version number we are trying to verify is installed
-+        :type ver:  ``str``
-+        :returns:   True if installed version is at least ``ver``, else False
-+        :rtype:     ``bool``
-         """
--        return self.sos_info['version'] is not None and \
--            LooseVersion(self.sos_info['version']) >= ver
-+        def _format_version(ver):
-+            # format the version we're checking to a standard form of X.Y.Z-R
-+            try:
-+                _fver = ver.split('-')[0]
-+                _rel = ''
-+                if '-' in ver:
-+                    _rel = '-' + ver.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0]
-+                if len(_fver.split('.')) == 2:
-+                    _fver += '.0'
-+                return _fver + _rel
-+            except Exception as err:
-+                self.log_debug("Unable to format '%s': %s" % (ver, err))
-+                return ver
-+        _ver = _format_version(ver)
-+        try:
-+            _node_ver = LooseVersion(self.sos_info['version'])
-+            _test_ver = LooseVersion(_ver)
-+            return _node_ver >= _test_ver
-+        except Exception as err:
-+            self.log_error("Error checking sos version: %s" % err)
-+            return False
-     def is_installed(self, pkg):
-         """Checks if a given package is installed on the node"""
-@@ -587,7 +628,8 @@ class SosNode():
-                 sos_opts.append('--cmd-timeout=%s'
-                                 % quote(str(self.opts.cmd_timeout)))
--        if self.check_sos_version('4.3'):
-+        # handle downstream versions that backported this option
-+        if self.check_sos_version('4.3') or self.check_sos_version('4.2-13'):
-             if self.opts.container_runtime != 'auto':
-                 sos_opts.append(
-                     "--container-runtime=%s" % self.opts.container_runtime
-From cc60fa5ee25bffed9203a4f786256185b7fe0115 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 11:49:57 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Add ovs datapath and groups collection commands Add
- ct-zone-list command for openshift-ovn
-Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py | 4 ++++
- sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py   | 3 +++
- 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py b/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
-index 168f1dd3..b4787b8e 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
-@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ class OpenshiftOVN(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-             'ovn-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.ctl ' +
-             'cluster/status OVN_Southbound'],
-             container='ovnkube-master')
-+        self.add_cmd_output([
-+            'ovs-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovn-controller.*.ctl ' +
-+            'ct-zone-list'],
-+            container='ovnkube-node')
-         self.add_cmd_output([
-             'ovs-appctl -t ovs-monitor-ipsec tunnels/show',
-             'ipsec status',
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py b/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py
-index 179d1532..159b0bd2 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py
-@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ class OpenVSwitch(Plugin):
-             "ovs-vsctl -t 5 list interface",
-             # Capture OVS detailed information from all the bridges
-             "ovs-vsctl -t 5 list bridge",
-+            # Capture OVS datapath list
-+            "ovs-vsctl -t 5 list datapath",
-             # Capture DPDK queue to pmd mapping
-             "ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show",
-             # Capture DPDK pmd stats
-@@ -229,6 +231,7 @@ class OpenVSwitch(Plugin):
-                     "ovs-ofctl queue-get-config %s" % br,
-                     "ovs-ofctl queue-stats %s" % br,
-                     "ovs-ofctl show %s" % br,
-+                    "ovs-ofctl dump-groups %s" % br,
-                 ])
-                 # Flow protocols currently supported
-From af40be92f502b35fa9d39ce4d4fea7d80c367830 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 13:09:55 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Improve sos collect for OCP: 1. wait for sos tmp project to
- be deleted (just calling delete changes project state to Terminating, and
- running a new sos collect is not possible before this project is fully
- deleted) 2. use --retries flag to copy sos reports from the nodes more
- reliably. The flag has been recently added to kubectl, and the most reliable
- way to check if it's available or not is to check command error output for
- "unknown flag" substring
-Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
- sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py  | 5 +++++
- sos/collector/transports/oc.py | 6 +++++-
- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
-index f1714239..9beb2f9b 100644
---- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
-@@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
-             if not ret['status'] == 0:
-                 self.log_error("Error deleting temporary project: %s"
-                                % ret['output'])
-+            ret = self.exec_primary_cmd("oc wait namespace/%s --for=delete "
-+                                        "--timeout=30s" % self.project)
-+            if not ret['status'] == 0:
-+                self.log_error("Error waiting for temporary project to be "
-+                               "deleted: %s" % ret['output'])
-             # don't leave the config on a non-existing project
-             self.exec_primary_cmd("oc project default")
-             self.project = None
-diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
-index 0fc9eee8..90a802b2 100644
---- a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
-@@ -231,5 +231,9 @@ class OCTransport(RemoteTransport):
-                 % (self.project, self.pod_name))
-     def _retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
--        cmd = self.run_oc("cp %s:%s %s" % (self.pod_name, fname, dest))
-+        # check if --retries flag is available for given version of oc
-+        result = self.run_oc("cp --retries", stderr=True)
-+        flags = '' if "unknown flag" in result["output"] else '--retries=5'
-+        cmd = self.run_oc("cp %s %s:%s %s"
-+                          % (flags, self.pod_name, fname, dest))
-         return cmd['status'] == 0
-From 3b0676b90ff65f20eaba3062775ff72b89386ffc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:25:24 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] [Plugin] Allow plugins to define default command environment
- vars
-Adds the ability for plugins to define a default set of environment vars
-to pass to all commands executed by the plugin. This may be done either
-via the new `set_default_cmd_environment()` or
-`add_default_cmd_environment()` methods. The former will override any
-previously set values, whereas the latter will add/update/modify any
-existing values.
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/__init__.py                | 55 ++++++++++++++++++-
- .../plugin_tests/plugin_environment.py        | 44 +++++++++++++++
- .../fake_plugins/default_env_test.py          | 28 ++++++++++
- tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py               | 15 +++++
- 4 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 tests/report_tests/plugin_tests/plugin_environment.py
- create mode 100644 tests/test_data/fake_plugins/default_env_test.py
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-index 336b4d22..74b4f4be 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-@@ -571,6 +571,7 @@ class Plugin():
-         self.manifest = None
-         self.skip_files = commons['cmdlineopts'].skip_files
-         self.skip_commands = commons['cmdlineopts'].skip_commands
-+        self.default_environment = {}
-         self.soslog = self.commons['soslog'] if 'soslog' in self.commons \
-             else logging.getLogger('sos')
-@@ -624,6 +625,52 @@ class Plugin():
-         self.manifest.add_field('strings', {})
-         self.manifest.add_field('containers', {})
-+    def set_default_cmd_environment(self, env_vars):
-+        """
-+        Specify a collection of environment variables that should always be
-+        passed to commands being executed by this plugin.
-+        :param env_vars:    The environment variables and their values to set
-+        :type env_vars:     ``dict{ENV_VAR_NAME: ENV_VAR_VALUE}``
-+        """
-+        if not isinstance(env_vars, dict):
-+            raise TypeError(
-+                "Environment variables for Plugin must be specified by dict"
-+            )
-+        self.default_environment = env_vars
-+        self._log_debug("Default environment for all commands now set to %s"
-+                        % self.default_environment)
-+    def add_default_cmd_environment(self, env_vars):
-+        """
-+        Add or modify a specific environment variable in the set of default
-+        environment variables used by this Plugin.
-+        :param env_vars:    The environment variables to add to the current
-+                            set of env vars in use
-+        :type env_vars:     ``dict``
-+        """
-+        if not isinstance(env_vars, dict):
-+            raise TypeError("Environment variables must be added via dict")
-+        self._log_debug("Adding %s to default environment" % env_vars)
-+        self.default_environment.update(env_vars)
-+    def _get_cmd_environment(self, env=None):
-+        """
-+        Get the merged set of environment variables for a command about to be
-+        executed by this plugin.
-+        :returns: The set of env vars to use for a command
-+        :rtype: ``dict``
-+        """
-+        if env is None:
-+            return self.default_environment
-+        if not isinstance(env, dict):
-+            raise TypeError("Command env vars must be passed as dict")
-+        _env = self.default_environment.copy()
-+        _env.update(env)
-+        return _env
-     def timeout_from_options(self, optname, plugoptname, default_timeout):
-         """Returns either the default [plugin|cmd] timeout value, the value as
-         provided on the commandline via -k plugin.[|cmd-]timeout=value, or the
-@@ -2258,6 +2305,8 @@ class Plugin():
-         _tags = list(set(_tags))
-+        _env = self._get_cmd_environment(env)
-         if chroot or self.commons['cmdlineopts'].chroot == 'always':
-             root = self.sysroot
-         else:
-@@ -2282,7 +2331,7 @@ class Plugin():
-         result = sos_get_command_output(
-             cmd, timeout=timeout, stderr=stderr, chroot=root,
--            chdir=runat, env=env, binary=binary, sizelimit=sizelimit,
-+            chdir=runat, env=_env, binary=binary, sizelimit=sizelimit,
-             poller=self.check_timeout, foreground=foreground,
-             to_file=out_file
-         )
-@@ -2510,6 +2559,8 @@ class Plugin():
-         else:
-             root = None
-+        _env = self._get_cmd_environment(env)
-         if container:
-             if self._get_container_runtime() is None:
-                 self._log_info("Cannot run cmd '%s' in container %s: no "
-@@ -2522,7 +2573,7 @@ class Plugin():
-                                "container is running." % (cmd, container))
-         return sos_get_command_output(cmd, timeout=timeout, chroot=root,
--                                      chdir=runat, binary=binary, env=env,
-+                                      chdir=runat, binary=binary, env=_env,
-                                       foreground=foreground, stderr=stderr)
-     def _add_container_file_to_manifest(self, container, path, arcpath, tags):
-diff --git a/tests/report_tests/plugin_tests/plugin_environment.py b/tests/report_tests/plugin_tests/plugin_environment.py
-new file mode 100644
-index 00000000..3158437a
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/tests/report_tests/plugin_tests/plugin_environment.py
-@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
-+# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
-+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
-+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
-+# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
-+# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
-+import os
-+from sos_tests import StageTwoReportTest
-+class PluginDefaultEnvironmentTest(StageTwoReportTest):
-+    """
-+    Ensure that being able to set a default set of environment variables is
-+    working correctly and does not leave a lingering env var on the system
-+    :avocado: tags=stageone
-+    """
-+    install_plugins = ['default_env_test']
-+    sos_cmd = '-o default_env_test'
-+    def test_environment_used_in_cmd(self):
-+        self.assertFileHasContent(
-+            'sos_commands/default_env_test/env_var_test',
-+            'Does Linus play hockey?'
-+        )
-+    def test_environment_setting_logged(self):
-+        self.assertSosLogContains(
-+            'Default environment for all commands now set to'
-+        )
-+    def test_environment_not_set_on_host(self):
-+        self.assertTrue('TORVALDS' not in os.environ)
-+        self.assertTrue('GREATESTSPORT' not in os.environ)
-+    def test_environment_not_captured(self):
-+        # we should still have an empty environment file
-+        self.assertFileCollected('environment')
-+        self.assertFileNotHasContent('environment', 'TORVALDS')
-+        self.assertFileNotHasContent('environment', 'GREATESTSPORT')
-diff --git a/tests/test_data/fake_plugins/default_env_test.py b/tests/test_data/fake_plugins/default_env_test.py
-new file mode 100644
-index 00000000..d1d1fb78
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/tests/test_data/fake_plugins/default_env_test.py
-@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-+# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
-+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
-+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
-+# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
-+# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
-+from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, IndependentPlugin
-+class DefaultEnv(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
-+    plugin_name = 'default_env_test'
-+    short_desc = 'Fake plugin to test default env var handling'
-+    def setup(self):
-+        self.set_default_cmd_environment({
-+            'TORVALDS': 'Linus',
-+            'GREATESTSPORT': 'hockey'
-+        })
-+        self.add_cmd_output(
-+            "sh -c 'echo Does '$TORVALDS' play '$GREATESTSPORT'?'",
-+            suggest_filename='env_var_test'
-+        )
-+        self.add_env_var(['TORVALDS', 'GREATESTSPORT'])
-diff --git a/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py b/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py
-index 0dfa243d..e469b78e 100644
---- a/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py
-+++ b/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py
-@@ -305,6 +305,21 @@ class PluginTests(unittest.TestCase):
-         p.postproc()
-         self.assertTrue(p.did_postproc)
-+    def test_set_default_cmd_env(self):
-+        p = MockPlugin({
-+            'sysroot': self.sysroot,
-+            'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
-+            'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
-+            'devices': {}
-+        })
-+        e = {'TORVALDS': 'Linus'}
-+        p.set_default_cmd_environment(e)
-+        self.assertEquals(p.default_environment, e)
-+        add_e = {'GREATESTSPORT': 'hockey'}
-+        p.add_default_cmd_environment(add_e)
-+        self.assertEquals(p.default_environment['GREATESTSPORT'], 'hockey')
-+        self.assertEquals(p.default_environment['TORVALDS'], 'Linus')
- class AddCopySpecTests(unittest.TestCase):
-From 1e12325efaa500d304dcbfbeeb50e72ed0f938f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Vladislav Walek <22072258+vwalek@users.noreply.github.com>
-Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 14:10:26 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] [openshift] Adding ability to use the localhost.kubeconfig
- and KUBECONFIG env to use system:admin
-Signed-off-by: Vladislav Walek <22072258+vwalek@users.noreply.github.com>
- sos/report/plugins/openshift.py | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py b/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py
-index 5ae38178..d643f04c 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py
-@@ -53,12 +53,19 @@ class Openshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-     profiles = ('openshift',)
-     packages = ('openshift-hyperkube',)
-+    master_localhost_kubeconfig = (
-+        '/etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/'
-+        'kube-apiserver-certs/secrets/node-kubeconfigs/localhost.kubeconfig'
-+        )
-     option_list = [
-         PluginOpt('token', default=None, val_type=str,
-                   desc='admin token to allow API queries'),
-+        PluginOpt('kubeconfig', default=None, val_type=str,
-+                  desc='Path to a locally available kubeconfig file'),
-         PluginOpt('host', default='https://localhost:6443',
-                   desc='host address to use for oc login, including port'),
--        PluginOpt('no-oc', default=False, desc='do not collect `oc` output'),
-+        PluginOpt('no-oc', default=True, desc='do not collect `oc` output'),
-         PluginOpt('podlogs', default=True, desc='collect logs from each pod'),
-         PluginOpt('podlogs-filter', default='', val_type=str,
-                   desc='only collect logs from pods matching this pattern'),
-@@ -73,6 +80,10 @@ class Openshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-         """Check to see if we can run `oc` commands"""
-         return self.exec_cmd('oc whoami')['status'] == 0
-+    def _check_localhost_kubeconfig(self):
-+        """Check if the localhost.kubeconfig exists with system:admin user"""
-+        return self.path_exists(self.get_option('kubeconfig'))
-     def _check_oc_logged_in(self):
-         """See if we're logged in to the API service, and if not attempt to do
-         so using provided plugin options
-@@ -80,8 +91,38 @@ class Openshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-         if self._check_oc_function():
-             return True
--        # Not logged in currently, attempt to do so
-+        if self.get_option('kubeconfig') is None:
-+            # If admin doesn't add the kubeconfig
-+            # use default localhost.kubeconfig
-+            self.set_option(
-+                'kubeconfig',
-+                self.master_localhost_kubeconfig
-+            )
-+        # Check first if we can use the localhost.kubeconfig before
-+        # using token. We don't want to use 'host' option due we use
-+        # cluster url from kubeconfig. Default is localhost.
-+        if self._check_localhost_kubeconfig():
-+            self.set_default_cmd_environment({
-+                'KUBECONFIG': self.get_option('kubeconfig')
-+            })
-+            oc_res = self.exec_cmd(
-+                "oc login -u system:admin "
-+                "--insecure-skip-tls-verify=True"
-+            )
-+            if oc_res['status'] == 0 and self._check_oc_function():
-+                return True
-+            self._log_warn(
-+                "The login command failed with status: %s and error: %s"
-+                % (oc_res['status'], oc_res['output'])
-+            )
-+            return False
-+        # If kubeconfig is not defined, check if token is provided.
-         token = self.get_option('token') or os.getenv('SOSOCPTOKEN', None)
-         if token:
-             oc_res = self.exec_cmd("oc login %s --token=%s "
-                                    "--insecure-skip-tls-verify=True"
-From 61765992812afb785e9552e01e3b5579118a6963 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 12:05:36 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Add one more container for plugin enablement
-Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py b/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
-index b4787b8e..98522b1e 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class OpenshiftOVN(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-     """
-     short_desc = 'Openshift OVN'
-     plugin_name = "openshift_ovn"
--    containers = ('ovnkube-master', 'ovn-ipsec')
-+    containers = ('ovnkube-master', 'ovnkube-node', 'ovn-ipsec')
-     profiles = ('openshift',)
-     def setup(self):
-From d3aa071efc85507341cf65dd61414a734654f50a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 14:47:09 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] [presets] Adjust OCP preset options
-Adjust the options used by the 'ocp' preset to better reflect the
-current collection needs and approach.
-This includes disabling the `cgroups` plugin due to the large amount of
-mostly irrelevant data captured due to the high number of containers
-present on OCP nodes, ensuring the `--container-runtime` option is set
-to `crio` to align container-based collections, disabling HTML report
-generation and increasing the base log size rather than blindly enabling
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py | 13 +++++++++----
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py b/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py
-index 865c9b6b..0b9f6f11 100644
---- a/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py
-@@ -36,10 +36,15 @@ RHOSP_OPTS = SoSOptions(plugopts=[
- RHOCP = "ocp"
- RHOCP_DESC = "OpenShift Container Platform by Red Hat"
--RHOCP_OPTS = SoSOptions(all_logs=True, verify=True, plugopts=[
--                             'networking.timeout=600',
--                             'networking.ethtool_namespaces=False',
--                             'networking.namespaces=200'])
-+RHOCP_OPTS = SoSOptions(
-+    verify=True, skip_plugins=['cgroups'], container_runtime='crio',
-+    no_report=True, log_size=100,
-+    plugopts=[
-+        'crio.timeout=600',
-+        'networking.timeout=600',
-+        'networking.ethtool_namespaces=False',
-+        'networking.namespaces=200'
-+    ])
- RH_CFME = "cfme"
- RH_CFME_DESC = "Red Hat CloudForms"
-From f2b67ab820070063995689fed03492cdaa012d01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 17:01:35 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Use /etc/os-release instead of /etc/redhat-release as the
- most compatible way to find host release
-Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
- sos/policies/distros/redhat.py | 5 ++---
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
-index 0c72a5e4..2e117f37 100644
---- a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
-+++ b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
-@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ class RedHatPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
-         ('Distribution Website', 'https://www.redhat.com/'),
-         ('Commercial Support', 'https://www.access.redhat.com/')
-     ]
--    _redhat_release = '/etc/redhat-release'
-     _tmp_dir = "/var/tmp"
-     _in_container = False
-     default_scl_prefix = '/opt/rh'
-@@ -471,7 +470,7 @@ support representative.
-         atomic = False
-         if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT not in os.environ:
-             return atomic
--        host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + cls._redhat_release
-+        host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + OS_RELEASE
-         if not os.path.exists(host_release):
-             return False
-         try:
-@@ -558,7 +557,7 @@ support representative.
-         coreos = False
-         if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT not in os.environ:
-             return coreos
--        host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + cls._redhat_release
-+        host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + OS_RELEASE
-         try:
-             for line in open(host_release, 'r').read().splitlines():
-                 coreos |= 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS' in line
-From ee0dd68199a2c9296eafe64ead5b2263c8270e4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2022 11:56:41 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Use --force-pull-image option for pods created with oc. Set
- --force-pull-image=True by default, can be turned off with
- --force-pull-image=False
-Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
- man/en/sos-collect.1           | 16 +++++++++++-----
- sos/collector/__init__.py      |  9 +++++----
- sos/collector/transports/oc.py |  2 ++
- sos/options.py                 | 20 ++++++++++++++------
- 4 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/man/en/sos-collect.1 b/man/en/sos-collect.1
-index 9b0a5d7b..2f60332b 100644
---- a/man/en/sos-collect.1
-+++ b/man/en/sos-collect.1
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sos collect \- Collect sosreports from multiple (cluster) nodes
-     [\-\-no\-local]
-     [\-\-primary PRIMARY]
-     [\-\-image IMAGE]
--    [\-\-force-pull-image]
-+    [\-\-force-pull-image TOGGLE, --pull TOGGLE]
-     [\-\-registry-user USER]
-     [\-\-registry-password PASSWORD]
-     [\-\-registry-authfile FILE]
-@@ -262,10 +262,16 @@ Specify an image to use for the temporary container created for collections on
- containerized host, if you do not want to use the default image specifed by the
- host's policy. Note that this should include the registry.
- .TP
--Use this option to force the container runtime to pull the specified image (even
--if it is the policy default image) even if the image already exists on the host.
--This may be useful to update an older container image on containerized hosts.
-+\fB\-\-force-pull-image TOGGLE, \-\-pull TOGGLE\fR
-+When collecting an sos report from a containerized host, force the host to always
-+pull the specified image, even if that image already exists on the host.
-+This is useful to ensure that the latest version of that image is always in use.
-+Disabling this option will use whatever version of the image is present on the node,
-+and only attempt a pull if there is no copy of the image present at all.
-+Enable with true/on/yes or disable with false/off/no
-+Default: true
- .TP
- \fB\-\-registry-user USER\fR
- Specify the username to authenticate to the registry with in order to pull the container
-diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
-index d898ca34..66c3d932 100644
---- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from pipes import quote
- from textwrap import fill
- from sos.cleaner import SoSCleaner
- from sos.collector.sosnode import SosNode
--from sos.options import ClusterOption
-+from sos.options import ClusterOption, str_to_bool
- from sos.component import SoSComponent
- from sos.utilities import bold
- from sos import __version__
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
-         'encrypt_pass': '',
-         'group': None,
-         'image': '',
--        'force_pull_image': False,
-+        'force_pull_image': True,
-         'jobs': 4,
-         'keywords': [],
-         'keyword_file': None,
-@@ -357,8 +357,9 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
-         collect_grp.add_argument('--image',
-                                  help=('Specify the container image to use for'
-                                        ' containerized hosts.'))
--        collect_grp.add_argument('--force-pull-image', '--pull', default=False,
--                                 action='store_true',
-+        collect_grp.add_argument('--force-pull-image', '--pull',
-+                                 default=True, choices=(True, False),
-+                                 type=str_to_bool,
-                                  help='Force pull the container image even if '
-                                       'it already exists on the host')
-         collect_grp.add_argument('--registry-user', default=None,
-diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
-index 90a802b2..8f6aa9b4 100644
---- a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
-@@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ class OCTransport(RemoteTransport):
-                         "tty": True
-                     }
-                 ],
-+                "imagePullPolicy":
-+                    "Always" if self.opts.force_pull_image else "IfNotPresent",
-                 "restartPolicy": "Never",
-                 "nodeName": self.address,
-                 "hostNetwork": True,
-diff --git a/sos/options.py b/sos/options.py
-index 4846a509..2d5a5135 100644
---- a/sos/options.py
-+++ b/sos/options.py
-@@ -18,6 +18,16 @@ def _is_seq(val):
-     return val_type is list or val_type is tuple
-+def str_to_bool(val):
-+    _val = val.lower()
-+    if _val in ['true', 'on', 'yes']:
-+        return True
-+    elif _val in ['false', 'off', 'no']:
-+        return False
-+    else:
-+        return None
- class SoSOptions():
-     def _merge_opt(self, opt, src, is_default):
-@@ -153,15 +163,13 @@ class SoSOptions():
-         if isinstance(self.arg_defaults[key], list):
-             return [v for v in val.split(',')]
-         if isinstance(self.arg_defaults[key], bool):
--            _val = val.lower()
--            if _val in ['true', 'on', 'yes']:
--                return True
--            elif _val in ['false', 'off', 'no']:
--                return False
--            else:
-+            val = str_to_bool(val)
-+            if val is None:
-                 raise Exception(
-                     "Value of '%s' in %s must be True or False or analagous"
-                     % (key, conf))
-+            else:
-+                return val
-         if isinstance(self.arg_defaults[key], int):
-             try:
-                 return int(val)
-From ce289a3ae7101a898efdb84ddfd575576ba5819b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2022 11:32:11 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] [ocp, openshift] Re-align API collection options and rename
- option
-Previously, in #2888, the `openshift` plugin was extended to allow API
-collections by using a default-available kubeconfig file rather than
-relying on user-provided tokens. This also included flipping the default
-value of the `no-oc` plugin option to `True` (meaning do not collect API
-output by default).
-This worked for the plugin, but it introduced a gap in `sos collect`
-whereby the cluster profile could no longer reliably enable API
-collections when trying to leverage the new functionality of not
-requiring a user token.
-Fix this by updating the cluster profile to align with the new
-default-off approach of API collections.
-Along with this, add a toggle to the cluster profile directly to allow
-users to toggle API collections on or off (default off) directly. This
-is done via a new `with-api` cluster option (e.g. `-c ocp.with-api`).
-Further, rename the `openshift` plugin option from `no-oc` to
-`with-api`. This change not only makes the option use case far more
-obvious, it will also align the use of the option to both `collect` and
-`report` so that users need only be aware of a single option for either
-The cluster profile also has logic to detect which plugin option,
-`no-oc` or `with-api` to use based on the (RHEL) sos version installed
-on the nodes being inspected by the `ocp` cluster profile.
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py   | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
- sos/report/plugins/openshift.py | 26 +++++++-----
- 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
-index 9beb2f9b..e31d1903 100644
---- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
-@@ -30,7 +30,11 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
-     clusterAdmin privileges.
-     If this requires the use of a secondary configuration file, specify that
--    path with the 'kubeconfig' cluster option.
-+    path with the 'kubeconfig' cluster option. This config file will also be
-+    used on a single master node to perform API collections if the `with-api`
-+    option is enabled (default disabled). If no `kubeconfig` option is given,
-+    but `with-api` is enabled, the cluster profile will attempt to use a
-+    well-known default kubeconfig file if it is available on the host.
-     Alternatively, provide a clusterAdmin access token either via the 'token'
-     cluster option or, preferably, the SOSOCPTOKEN environment variable.
-@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
-     option mentioned above.
-     To avoid redundant collections of OCP API information (e.g. 'oc get'
--    commands), this profile will attempt to enable the openshift plugin on only
-+    commands), this profile will attempt to enable the API collections on only
-     a single master node. If the none of the master nodes have a functional
-     'oc' binary available, *and* the --no-local option is used, that means that
-     no API data will be collected.
-@@ -63,7 +67,8 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
-         ('label', '', 'Colon delimited list of labels to select nodes with'),
-         ('role', 'master', 'Colon delimited list of roles to filter on'),
-         ('kubeconfig', '', 'Path to the kubeconfig file'),
--        ('token', '', 'Service account token to use for oc authorization')
-+        ('token', '', 'Service account token to use for oc authorization'),
-+        ('with-api', False, 'Collect OCP API data from a master node')
-     ]
-     def fmt_oc_cmd(self, cmd):
-@@ -219,13 +224,52 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
-             return False
-         return 'master' in self.node_dict[sosnode.address]['roles']
-+    def _toggle_api_opt(self, node, use_api):
-+        """In earlier versions of sos, the openshift plugin option that is
-+        used to toggle the API collections was called `no-oc` rather than
-+        `with-api`. This older plugin option had the inverse logic of the
-+        current `with-api` option.
-+        Use this to toggle the correct plugin option given the node's sos
-+        version. Note that the use of version 4.2 here is tied to the RHEL
-+        release (the only usecase for this cluster profile) rather than
-+        the upstream version given the backports for that downstream.
-+        :param node:    The node being inspected for API collections
-+        :type node:     ``SoSNode``
-+        :param use_api: Should this node enable API collections?
-+        :type use_api:  ``bool``
-+        """
-+        if node.check_sos_version('4.2-16'):
-+            _opt = 'with-api'
-+            _val = 'on' if use_api else 'off'
-+        else:
-+            _opt = 'no-oc'
-+            _val = 'off' if use_api else 'on'
-+        node.plugopts.append("openshift.%s=%s" % (_opt, _val))
-     def set_primary_options(self, node):
-         node.enable_plugins.append('openshift')
-+        if not self.get_option('with-api'):
-+            self._toggle_api_opt(node, False)
-+            return
-         if self.api_collect_enabled:
-             # a primary has already been enabled for API collection, disable
-             # it among others
--            node.plugopts.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
-+            self._toggle_api_opt(node, False)
-         else:
-+            # running in a container, so reference the /host mount point
-+            master_kube = (
-+                '/host/etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/'
-+                'kube-apiserver-certs/secrets/node-kubeconfigs/'
-+                'localhost.kubeconfig'
-+            )
-+            _optconfig = self.get_option('kubeconfig')
-+            if _optconfig and not _optconfig.startswith('/host'):
-+                _optconfig = '/host/' + _optconfig
-+            _kubeconfig = _optconfig or master_kube
-             _oc_cmd = 'oc'
-             if node.host.containerized:
-                 _oc_cmd = '/host/bin/oc'
-@@ -244,17 +288,21 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
-                                       need_root=True)
-             if can_oc['status'] == 0:
-                 # the primary node can already access the API
-+                self._toggle_api_opt(node, True)
-                 self.api_collect_enabled = True
-             elif self.token:
-                 node.sos_env_vars['SOSOCPTOKEN'] = self.token
-+                self._toggle_api_opt(node, True)
-+                self.api_collect_enabled = True
-+            elif node.file_exists(_kubeconfig):
-+                # if the file exists, then the openshift sos plugin will use it
-+                # if the with-api option is turned on
-+                if not _kubeconfig == master_kube:
-+                    node.plugopts.append(
-+                        "openshift.kubeconfig=%s" % _kubeconfig
-+                    )
-+                self._toggle_api_opt(node, True)
-                 self.api_collect_enabled = True
--            elif self.get_option('kubeconfig'):
--                kc = self.get_option('kubeconfig')
--                if node.file_exists(kc):
--                    if node.host.containerized:
--                        kc = "/host/%s" % kc
--                    node.sos_env_vars['KUBECONFIG'] = kc
--                    self.api_collect_enabled = True
-             if self.api_collect_enabled:
-                 msg = ("API collections will be performed on %s\nNote: API "
-                        "collections may extend runtime by 10s of minutes\n"
-@@ -264,6 +312,6 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
-     def set_node_options(self, node):
-         # don't attempt OC API collections on non-primary nodes
--        node.plugopts.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
-+        self._toggle_api_opt(node, False)
- # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py b/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py
-index d643f04c..a41ab62b 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/openshift.py
-@@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ class Openshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-     further extending the kubernetes plugin (or the OCP 3.x extensions included
-     in the Red Hat version of the kube plugin).
--    By default, this plugin will collect cluster information and inspect the
-+    This plugin may collect OCP API information when the `with-api` option is
-+    enabled. This option is disabled by default.
-+    When enabled, this plugin will collect cluster information and inspect the
-     default namespaces/projects that are created during deployment - i.e. the
-     namespaces of the cluster projects matching openshift.* and kube.*. At the
-     time of this plugin's creation that number of default projects is already
-@@ -34,16 +37,20 @@ class Openshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-     Users will need to either:
--        1) Provide the bearer token via the `-k openshift.token` option
--        2) Provide the bearer token via the `SOSOCPTOKEN` environment variable
--        3) Otherwise ensure that the root user can successfully run `oc` and
-+        1) Accept the use of a well-known stock kubeconfig file provided via a
-+           static pod resource for the kube-apiserver
-+        2) Provide the bearer token via the `-k openshift.token` option
-+        3) Provide the bearer token via the `SOSOCPTOKEN` environment variable
-+        4) Otherwise ensure that the root user can successfully run `oc` and
-            get proper output prior to running this plugin
--    It is highly suggested that option #2 be used first, as this will prevent
--    the token from being recorded in output saved to the archive. Option #1 may
-+    It is highly suggested that option #1 be used first, as this uses well
-+    known configurations and requires the least information from the user. If
-+    using a token, it is recommended to use option #3 as this will prevent
-+    the token from being recorded in output saved to the archive. Option #2 may
-     be used if this is considered an acceptable risk. It is not recommended to
--    rely on option #3, though it will provide the functionality needed.
-+    rely on option #4, though it will provide the functionality needed.
-     """
-     short_desc = 'Openshift Container Platform 4.x'
-@@ -65,7 +72,8 @@ class Openshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-                   desc='Path to a locally available kubeconfig file'),
-         PluginOpt('host', default='https://localhost:6443',
-                   desc='host address to use for oc login, including port'),
--        PluginOpt('no-oc', default=True, desc='do not collect `oc` output'),
-+        PluginOpt('with-api', default=False,
-+                  desc='collect output from the OCP API'),
-         PluginOpt('podlogs', default=True, desc='collect logs from each pod'),
-         PluginOpt('podlogs-filter', default='', val_type=str,
-                   desc='only collect logs from pods matching this pattern'),
-@@ -212,7 +220,7 @@ class Openshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-         self.add_copy_spec('/etc/kubernetes/*')
-         # see if we run `oc` commands
--        if not self.get_option('no-oc'):
-+        if self.get_option('with-api'):
-             can_run_oc = self._check_oc_logged_in()
-         else:
-             can_run_oc = False
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2062908-tigervnc-update-collections.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2062908-tigervnc-update-collections.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f2767c9..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2062908-tigervnc-update-collections.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-From 4c92968ce461cdfc6a5d913748b2ce4f148ff4a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 12:31:49 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] [tigervnc] Update collections for newer versions of TigerVNC
-First, relaxes the file specifications for collection by capturing the
-entire `/etc/tigervnc/` directory.
-Second, adds collection of service status and journal output for each
-configured vnc server. Collection of `vncserver -list` is kept for
-backwards compatibility.
-Finally, add a short docstring for the plugin for --help output.
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/tigervnc.py | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/tigervnc.py b/sos/report/plugins/tigervnc.py
-index 1302f6d4..e31aee25 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/tigervnc.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/tigervnc.py
-@@ -12,17 +12,35 @@ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
- class TigerVNC(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-+    """
-+    This plugin gathers information for VNC servers provided by the tigervnc
-+    package. This is explicitly for server-side collections, not clients.
-+    By default, this plugin will capture the contents of /etc/tigervnc, which
-+    may include usernames. If usernames are sensitive information for end
-+    users of sos, consider using the `--clean` option to obfuscate these
-+    names.
-+    """
-     short_desc = 'TigerVNC server configuration'
-     plugin_name = 'tigervnc'
-     packages = ('tigervnc-server',)
-     def setup(self):
--        self.add_copy_spec([
--            '/etc/tigervnc/vncserver-config-defaults',
--            '/etc/tigervnc/vncserver-config-mandatory',
--            '/etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users'
--        ])
-+        self.add_copy_spec('/etc/tigervnc/')
-+        # service names are 'vncserver@$port' where $port is :1,, :2, etc...
-+        # however they are not reported via list-unit-files, only list-units
-+        vncs = self.exec_cmd(
-+            'systemctl list-units --type=service --no-legend vncserver*'
-+        )
-+        if vncs['status'] == 0:
-+            for serv in vncs['output'].splitlines():
-+                vnc = serv.split()
-+                if not vnc:
-+                    continue
-+                self.add_service_status(vnc[0])
-+                self.add_journal(vnc[0])
-         self.add_cmd_output('vncserver -list')
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2065805-collect-pacemaker-cluster.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2065805-collect-pacemaker-cluster.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d573ea2..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2065805-collect-pacemaker-cluster.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-From 3b84b4ccfa9e4924a5a3829d3810568dfb69bf63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 16:25:35 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [pacemaker] Redesign node enumeration logic
-It has been found that `pcs status` output is liable to change, which
-ends up breaking our parsing of node lists when using it on newer
-Instead, first try to parse through `crm_mon` output, which is what `pcs
-status` uses under the hood, but as a stable and reliable xml format.
-Failing that, for example if the `--primary` node is not functioning as
-part of the cluster, source `/etc/corosync/corosync.conf` instead.
-Related: RHBZ2065805
-Related: RHBZ2065811
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py | 110 +++++++++++++++++++---------
- 1 file changed, 76 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py b/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
-index 55024314..49d0ce51 100644
---- a/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
-@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
- #
- # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
-+import re
- from sos.collector.clusters import Cluster
-+from setuptools._vendor.packaging import version
-+from xml.etree import ElementTree
- class pacemaker(Cluster):
-@@ -18,42 +22,80 @@ class pacemaker(Cluster):
-     packages = ('pacemaker',)
-     option_list = [
-         ('online', True, 'Collect nodes listed as online'),
--        ('offline', True, 'Collect nodes listed as offline')
-+        ('offline', True, 'Collect nodes listed as offline'),
-+        ('only-corosync', False, 'Only use corosync.conf to enumerate nodes')
-     ]
-     def get_nodes(self):
--        self.res = self.exec_primary_cmd('pcs status')
--        if self.res['status'] != 0:
--            self.log_error('Cluster status could not be determined. Is the '
--                           'cluster running on this node?')
--            return []
--        if 'node names do not match' in self.res['output']:
--            self.log_warn('Warning: node name mismatch reported. Attempts to '
--                          'connect to some nodes may fail.\n')
--        return self.parse_pcs_output()
--    def parse_pcs_output(self):
--        nodes = []
--        if self.get_option('online'):
--            nodes += self.get_online_nodes()
--        if self.get_option('offline'):
--            nodes += self.get_offline_nodes()
--        return nodes
--    def get_online_nodes(self):
--        for line in self.res['output'].splitlines():
--            if line.startswith('Online:'):
--                nodes = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]
--                return [n for n in nodes.split(' ') if n]
--    def get_offline_nodes(self):
--        offline = []
--        for line in self.res['output'].splitlines():
--            if line.startswith('Node') and line.endswith('(offline)'):
--                offline.append(line.split()[1].replace(':', ''))
--            if line.startswith('OFFLINE:'):
--                nodes = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]
--                offline.extend([n for n in nodes.split(' ') if n])
--        return offline
-+        self.nodes = []
-+        # try crm_mon first
-+        try:
-+            if not self.get_option('only-corosync'):
-+                try:
-+                    self.get_nodes_from_crm()
-+                except Exception as err:
-+                    self.log_warn("Falling back to sourcing corosync.conf. "
-+                                  "Could not parse crm_mon output: %s" % err)
-+            if not self.nodes:
-+                # fallback to corosync.conf, in case the node we're inspecting
-+                # is offline from the cluster
-+                self.get_nodes_from_corosync()
-+        except Exception as err:
-+            self.log_error("Could not determine nodes from cluster: %s" % err)
-+        _shorts = [n for n in self.nodes if '.' not in n]
-+        if _shorts:
-+            self.log_warn(
-+                "WARNING: Node addresses '%s' may not resolve locally if you "
-+                "are not running on a node in the cluster. Try using option "
-+                "'-c pacemaker.only-corosync' if these connections fail."
-+                % ','.join(_shorts)
-+            )
-+        return self.nodes
-+    def get_nodes_from_crm(self):
-+        """
-+        Try to parse crm_mon output for node list and status.
-+        """
-+        xmlopt = '--output-as=xml'
-+        # older pacemaker had a different option for xml output
-+        _ver = self.exec_primary_cmd('crm_mon --version')
-+        if _ver['status'] == 0:
-+            cver = _ver['output'].split()[1].split('-')[0]
-+            if not version.parse(cver) > version.parse('2.0.3'):
-+                xmlopt = '--as-xml'
-+        else:
-+            return
-+        _out = self.exec_primary_cmd(
-+            "crm_mon --one-shot --inactive %s" % xmlopt,
-+            need_root=True
-+        )
-+        if _out['status'] == 0:
-+            self.parse_crm_xml(_out['output'])
-+    def parse_crm_xml(self, xmlstring):
-+        """
-+        Parse the xml output string provided by crm_mon
-+        """
-+        _xml = ElementTree.fromstring(xmlstring)
-+        nodes = _xml.find('nodes')
-+        for node in nodes:
-+            _node = node.attrib
-+            if self.get_option('online') and _node['online'] == 'true':
-+                self.nodes.append(_node['name'])
-+            elif self.get_option('offline') and _node['online'] == 'false':
-+                self.nodes.append(_node['name'])
-+    def get_nodes_from_corosync(self):
-+        """
-+        As a fallback measure, read corosync.conf to get the node list. Note
-+        that this prevents us from separating online nodes from offline nodes.
-+        """
-+        self.log_warn("WARNING: unable to distinguish online nodes from "
-+                      "offline nodes when sourcing from corosync.conf")
-+        cc = self.primary.read_file('/etc/corosync/corosync.conf')
-+        nodes = re.findall(r'((\sring0_addr:)(.*))', cc)
-+        for node in nodes:
-+            self.nodes.append(node[-1].strip())
- # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
-From 6701a7d77ecc998b018b54ecc00f9fd102ae9518 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 12:05:59 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [clusters] Allow clusters to not add localhost to node
- list
-For most of our supported clusters, we end up needing to add the
-local host executing `sos collect` to the node list (unless `--no-local`
-is used) as that accounts for the primary node that may otherwise be
-left off. However, this is not helpful for clusters that may reports
-node names as something other than resolveable names. In those cases,
-such as with pacemaker, adding the local hostname may result in
-duplicate collections.
-Add a toggle to cluster profiles via a new `strict_node_list` class attr
-that, if True, will skip this addition. This toggle is default `False`
-to preserve existing behavior, and is now enabled for `pacemaker`
-Related: RHBZ#2065821
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/collector/__init__.py           | 3 ++-
- sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py  | 4 ++++
- sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py | 1 +
- 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
-index a8bb0064..d898ca34 100644
---- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
-@@ -1073,7 +1073,8 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
-             for node in self.node_list:
-                 if host == node.split('.')[0]:
-                     self.node_list.remove(node)
--            self.node_list.append(self.hostname)
-+            if not self.cluster.strict_node_list:
-+                self.node_list.append(self.hostname)
-         self.reduce_node_list()
-         try:
-             _node_max = len(max(self.node_list, key=len))
-diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
-index f3f550ad..f00677b8 100644
---- a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
-@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ class Cluster():
-     sos_plugin_options = {}
-     sos_preset = ''
-     cluster_name = None
-+    # set this to True if the local host running collect should *not* be
-+    # forcibly added to the node list. This can be helpful in situations where
-+    # the host's fqdn and the name the cluster uses are different
-+    strict_node_list = False
-     def __init__(self, commons):
-         self.primary = None
-diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py b/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
-index 49d0ce51..bebcb265 100644
---- a/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
-+++ b/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class pacemaker(Cluster):
-     cluster_name = 'Pacemaker High Availability Cluster Manager'
-     sos_plugins = ['pacemaker']
-     packages = ('pacemaker',)
-+    strict_node_list = True
-     option_list = [
-         ('online', True, 'Collect nodes listed as online'),
-         ('offline', True, 'Collect nodes listed as offline'),
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079187-honor-default-plugin-timeout.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2079187-honor-default-plugin-timeout.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 822565d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079187-honor-default-plugin-timeout.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-From 7069e99d1c5c443f96a98a7ed6db67fa14683e67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 09:14:15 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] [report] Honor plugins' hardcoded plugin_timeout
-Currently, plugin's plugin_timeout hardcoded default is superseded by
-whatever --plugin-timeout value, even when this option is not used and
-we eval it to TIMEOUT_DEFAULT.
-In this case of not setting --plugin-timeout either -k plugin.timeout,
-honour plugin's plugin_timeout instead.
-Resolves: #2863
-Closes: #2864
-Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-index cc5cb65b..336b4d22 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-@@ -636,7 +636,10 @@ class Plugin():
-             if opt_timeout is None:
-                 _timeout = own_timeout
-             elif opt_timeout is not None and own_timeout == -1:
--                _timeout = int(opt_timeout)
-+                if opt_timeout == TIMEOUT_DEFAULT:
-+                    _timeout = default_timeout
-+                else:
-+                    _timeout = int(opt_timeout)
-             elif opt_timeout is not None and own_timeout > -1:
-                 _timeout = own_timeout
-             else:
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079484-list-plugins-ignore-options.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2079484-list-plugins-ignore-options.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f0bda41..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079484-list-plugins-ignore-options.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-From f3dc8cd574614572d441f76c02453fd85d0c57e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 10:40:55 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] [report] --list-plugins should report used, not default,
- option values
-When using `--list-plugins`, sos should report the values that will be
-used in a given command, or with a given config file, not what the
-default values are.
-By reporting the set value, users can be sure their configuration or
-commandline settings are being honored correctly before executing a
-report collection.
-Closes: #2921
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/report/__init__.py | 22 +++++++++++++++-------
- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
-index 74c7973a..8735c903 100644
---- a/sos/report/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
-@@ -868,24 +868,32 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
-             _defaults = self.loaded_plugins[0][1].get_default_plugin_opts()
-             for _opt in _defaults:
-                 opt = _defaults[_opt]
--                val = opt.default
--                if opt.default == -1:
--                    val = TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-+                val = opt.value
-+                if opt.value == -1:
-+                    if _opt == 'timeout':
-+                        val = self.opts.plugin_timeout or TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-+                    elif _opt == 'cmd-timeout':
-+                        val = self.opts.cmd_timeout or TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-+                    else:
-+                        val = TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-+                if opt.name == 'postproc':
-+                    val = not self.opts.no_postproc
-                 self.ui_log.info(" %-25s %-15s %s" % (opt.name, val, opt.desc))
-             self.ui_log.info("")
-             self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugin options are available:"))
-             for opt in self.all_options:
-                 if opt.name in ('timeout', 'postproc', 'cmd-timeout'):
--                    continue
-+                    if opt.value == opt.default:
-+                        continue
-                 # format option value based on its type (int or bool)
--                if isinstance(opt.default, bool):
--                    if opt.default is True:
-+                if isinstance(opt.value, bool):
-+                    if opt.value is True:
-                         tmpopt = "on"
-                     else:
-                         tmpopt = "off"
-                 else:
--                    tmpopt = opt.default
-+                    tmpopt = opt.value
-                 if tmpopt is None:
-                     tmpopt = 0
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079485-plugopts-valtype-str.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2079485-plugopts-valtype-str.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf42ab..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079485-plugopts-valtype-str.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 9b10abcdd4aaa41e2549438d5bc52ece86dcb21f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
-Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 14:23:04 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] [plugins] Allow 'str' PlugOpt type to accept any value
-For PlugOpt type 'str', we should allow any content including e.g.
-numbers, and interpret it as a string.
-Resolves: #2922
-Closes: #2935
-Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 4 ++++
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-index d6be42b9..2a42e6b0 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-@@ -452,6 +452,10 @@ class PluginOpt():
-         return self.__str__()
-     def set_value(self, val):
-+        # 'str' type accepts any value, incl. numbers
-+        if type('') in self.val_type:
-+            self.value = str(val)
-+            return
-         if not any([type(val) == _t for _t in self.val_type]):
-             valid = []
-             for t in self.val_type:
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079486-timeouted-exec-cmd-exception.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2079486-timeouted-exec-cmd-exception.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dc58a67..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2079486-timeouted-exec-cmd-exception.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From 5e27b92a8a9f066af4c41ddd0bedc7c69187ff52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 2 May 2022 22:13:34 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] [utilities] Close file only when storing to file
-Call _output.close() only when to_file=true.
-Closes: #2925
-Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
- sos/utilities.py | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/sos/utilities.py b/sos/utilities.py
-index d2f73d86..1075d1d4 100644
---- a/sos/utilities.py
-+++ b/sos/utilities.py
-@@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ def sos_get_command_output(command, timeout=TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, stderr=False,
-                 p.wait(timeout if timeout else None)
-             except Exception:
-                 p.terminate()
--                _output.close()
-+                if to_file:
-+                    _output.close()
-                 # until we separate timeouts from the `timeout` command
-                 # handle per-cmd timeouts via Plugin status checks
-                 return {'status': 124, 'output': reader.get_contents(),
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2092969-openshift-ovn-disabled.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2092969-openshift-ovn-disabled.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 29241ba..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2092969-openshift-ovn-disabled.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-From c2e66fa4dae51f03c7310ba5278897ddecac1aad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2022 15:43:09 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] crio: switch from parsing output in table format to json
-Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
- sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py b/sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py
-index 55082d07..4cae1ecc 100644
---- a/sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py
-+++ b/sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py
-@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- # version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
- #
- # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
-+import json
- from sos.policies.runtimes import ContainerRuntime
- from sos.utilities import sos_get_command_output
-@@ -29,14 +30,15 @@ class CrioContainerRuntime(ContainerRuntime):
-         :type get_all: ``bool``
-         """
-         containers = []
--        _cmd = "%s ps %s" % (self.binary, '-a' if get_all else '')
-+        _cmd = "%s ps %s -o json" % (self.binary, '-a' if get_all else '')
-         if self.active:
-             out = sos_get_command_output(_cmd, chroot=self.policy.sysroot)
--            if out['status'] == 0:
--                for ent in out['output'].splitlines()[1:]:
--                    ent = ent.split()
-+            if out["status"] == 0:
-+                out_json = json.loads(out["output"])
-+                for container in out_json["containers"]:
-                     # takes the form (container_id, container_name)
--                    containers.append((ent[0], ent[-3]))
-+                    containers.append(
-+                        (container["id"], container["metadata"]["name"]))
-         return containers
-     def get_images(self):
-@@ -47,13 +49,21 @@ class CrioContainerRuntime(ContainerRuntime):
-         """
-         images = []
-         if self.active:
--            out = sos_get_command_output("%s images" % self.binary,
-+            out = sos_get_command_output("%s images -o json" % self.binary,
-                                          chroot=self.policy.sysroot)
-             if out['status'] == 0:
--                for ent in out['output'].splitlines():
--                    ent = ent.split()
--                    # takes the form (image_name, image_id)
--                    images.append((ent[0] + ':' + ent[1], ent[2]))
-+                out_json = json.loads(out["output"])
-+                for image in out_json["images"]:
-+                    # takes the form (repository:tag, image_id)
-+                    if len(image["repoTags"]) > 0:
-+                        for repo_tag in image["repoTags"]:
-+                            images.append((repo_tag, image["id"]))
-+                    else:
-+                        if len(image["repoDigests"]) == 0:
-+                            image_name = "<none>"
-+                        else:
-+                            image_name = image["repoDigests"][0].split("@")[0]
-+                        images.append((image_name + ":<none>", image["id"]))
-         return images
-     def fmt_container_cmd(self, container, cmd, quotecmd):
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2093993-vdsm-set-use-devicesfile-zero.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2093993-vdsm-set-use-devicesfile-zero.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 15feb15..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2093993-vdsm-set-use-devicesfile-zero.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-From 7d1ee59fc659467e6860e72322e976ddc5c17db3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juan Orti Alcaine <jortialc@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2022 16:35:51 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] [vdsm] Set LVM option use_devicesfile=0
-Since RHV 4.4 SP1, vdsm configures LVM to use devicesfile, causing that
-the LVM filter configuration used by sos is ignored.
-This change disables the use of the devicesfile, so that the information
-of the devices used for RHV storage domains can be collected.
-Fixes: RHBZ#2093993
-Signed-off-by: Juan Orti <jortialc@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/vdsm.py | 4 +++-
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/vdsm.py b/sos/report/plugins/vdsm.py
-index ee5befbb1..146d223c2 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/vdsm.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/vdsm.py
-@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
- # use_lvmetad is set to 0 in order not to show cached, old lvm metadata.
- # use_lvmetad=0
- #
--# preferred_names and filter config values are set to capture Vdsm devices.
-+# preferred_names, use_devicesfile and filter config values are set to
-+# capture Vdsm devices.
- # preferred_names=[ '^/dev/mapper/' ]
- # filter=[ 'a|^/dev/mapper/.*|', 'r|.*|' ]
- LVM_CONFIG = """
-@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
-     ignore_suspended_devices=1
-     write_cache_state=0
-     disable_after_error_count=3
-+    use_devicesfile=0
-     filter=["a|^/dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-mpath-|", "r|.+|"]
- }
- """
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2095263-ovirt-answer-files-passwords.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2095263-ovirt-answer-files-passwords.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 67eb6a0..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2095263-ovirt-answer-files-passwords.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-From 5fd872c64c53af37015f366295e0c2418c969757 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Yedidyah Bar David <didi@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 16:43:21 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] [ovirt] answer files: Filter out all password keys
-Instead of hard-coding specific keys and having to maintain them over
-time, replace the values of all keys that have 'password' in their name.
-I think this covers all our current and hopefully future keys. It might
-add "false positives" - keys that are not passwords but have 'password'
-in their name - and I think that's a risk worth taking.
-Sadly, the engine admin password prompt's name is
-'OVESETUP_CONFIG_ADMIN_SETUP', which does not include 'password', so has
-to be listed specifically.
-A partial list of keys added since the replaced code was written:
-- grafana-related stuff
-- keycloak-related stuff
-- otopi-style answer files
-Signed-off-by: Yedidyah Bar David <didi@redhat.com>
-Change-Id: I416c6e4078e7c3638493eb271d08d73a0c22b5ba
- sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py | 23 +++++++++++++----------
- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py b/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py
-index 09647bf1..3b1bb29b 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py
-@@ -241,19 +241,22 @@ class Ovirt(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
-                 r'{key}=********'.format(key=key)
-             )
--        # Answer files contain passwords
--        for key in (
--            'OVESETUP_CONFIG/adminPassword',
--            'OVESETUP_CONFIG/remoteEngineHostRootPassword',
--            'OVESETUP_DWH_DB/password',
--            'OVESETUP_DB/password',
--            'OVESETUP_REPORTS_CONFIG/adminPassword',
--            'OVESETUP_REPORTS_DB/password',
-+        # Answer files contain passwords.
-+        # Replace all keys that have 'password' in them, instead of hard-coding
-+        # here the list of keys, which changes between versions.
-+        # Sadly, the engine admin password prompt name does not contain
-+        # 'password'... so neither does the env key.
-+        for item in (
-+            'password',
-         ):
-             self.do_path_regex_sub(
-                 r'/var/lib/ovirt-engine/setup/answers/.*',
--                r'{key}=(.*)'.format(key=key),
--                r'{key}=********'.format(key=key)
-+                re.compile(
-+                    r'(?P<key>[^=]*{item}[^=]*)=.*'.format(item=item),
-+                    flags=re.IGNORECASE
-+                ),
-+                r'\g<key>=********'
-             )
-         # aaa profiles contain passwords
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2099598-forbidden-path-efficient.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2099598-forbidden-path-efficient.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5322765..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2099598-forbidden-path-efficient.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-From 1dc3625fabea7331570f713fd1c87ac812d72d92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 13:39:38 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] [Plugin] Make forbidden path checks more efficient
-Forbidden path checks have up until now worked by taking a given file
-path (potentially with globs), expanding that against all discovered
-files that actually exist on the system, and then comparing a potential
-collection path against that list.
-While this works, and works reasonably fast for most scenarios, it isn't
-very efficient and causes significant slow downs when a non-standard
-configuration is in play - e.g. thousands of block devices which sos
-would individually have to compare against tens of thousands of paths
-for every path the `block` plugin wants to collect.
-Improve this by first not expanding the forbidden path globs, but taking
-them as distinct patterns, translating from shell-style (to maintain
-historical precedent of using globs to specify paths to be skipped) to
-python regex patterns as needed. Second, use `re` to handle our pattern
-matching for comparison against the distinct patterns provided by a
-plugin to skip.
-Closes: #2938
-Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
- sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 20 +++++++++-----------
- sos/report/plugins/cgroups.py  |  6 ++----
- sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py |  2 +-
- sos/report/plugins/rhui.py     |  2 +-
- 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-index 2a42e6b0a..ba1397a8a 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
-@@ -46,11 +46,6 @@ def _mangle_command(command, name_max):
-     return mangledname
--def _path_in_path_list(path, path_list):
--    return any((p == path or path.startswith(os.path.abspath(p)+os.sep)
--                for p in path_list))
- def _node_type(st):
-     """ return a string indicating the type of special node represented by
-     the stat buffer st (block, character, fifo, socket).
-@@ -1407,7 +1402,9 @@ def _get_dest_for_srcpath(self, srcpath):
-         return None
-     def _is_forbidden_path(self, path):
--        return _path_in_path_list(path, self.forbidden_paths)
-+        return any(
-+            re.match(forbid, path) for forbid in self.forbidden_paths
-+        )
-     def _is_policy_forbidden_path(self, path):
-         return any([
-@@ -1495,14 +1492,12 @@ def _do_copy_path(self, srcpath, dest=None):
-             'symlink': "no"
-         })
--    def add_forbidden_path(self, forbidden, recursive=False):
-+    def add_forbidden_path(self, forbidden):
-         """Specify a path, or list of paths, to not copy, even if it's part of
-         an ``add_copy_spec()`` call
-         :param forbidden: A filepath to forbid collection from
-         :type forbidden: ``str`` or a ``list`` of strings
--        :param recursive: Should forbidden glob be applied recursively
-         """
-         if isinstance(forbidden, str):
-             forbidden = [forbidden]
-@@ -1512,8 +1507,11 @@ def add_forbidden_path(self, forbidden, recursive=False):
-         for forbid in forbidden:
-             self._log_info("adding forbidden path '%s'" % forbid)
--            for path in glob.glob(forbid, recursive=recursive):
--                self.forbidden_paths.append(path)
-+            if "*" in forbid:
-+                # calling translate() here on a dir-level path will break the
-+                # re.match() call during path comparison
-+                forbid = fnmatch.translate(forbid)
-+            self.forbidden_paths.append(forbid)
-     def set_option(self, optionname, value):
-         """Set the named option to value. Ensure the original type of the
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
-index 6c4237cae..f6bc194c7 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
-@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class PulpCore(Plugin, IndependentPlugin
-             "/etc/pki/pulp/*"
-         ])
-         # skip collecting certificate keys
--        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/pulp/**/*.key", recursive=True)
-+        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/pulp/**/*.key")
-         self.add_cmd_output("rq info -u redis://localhost:6379/8",
-                             env={"LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8"},
-diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
-index add024613..8063fd51c 100644
---- a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
-+++ b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def setup(self):
-             "/var/log/rhui/*",
-         ])
-         # skip collecting certificate keys
--        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/rhui/**/*.key", recursive=True)
-+        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/rhui/**/*.key")
-         # call rhui-manager commands with 1m timeout and
-         # with an env. variable ensuring that "RHUI Username:"
diff --git a/SPECS/sos.spec b/SPECS/sos.spec
index 85612ab..ed13942 100644
--- a/SPECS/sos.spec
+++ b/SPECS/sos.spec
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 Summary: A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
 Name: sos
-Version: 4.3
-Release: 3%{?dist}
+Version: 4.4
+Release: 1%{?dist}
 Group: Applications/System
 Source0: https://github.com/sosreport/sos/archive/%{version}/sos-%{version}.tar.gz
 Source1: sos-audit-%{auditversion}.tgz
@@ -14,25 +14,13 @@ BuildArch: noarch
 Url: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
 BuildRequires: python3-devel
 BuildRequires: gettext
-Requires: libxml2-python3
 Requires: bzip2
 Requires: xz
+Requires: python3-magic
+Requires: python3-requests
+Recommends: python3-pexpect
 Conflicts: vdsm < 4.40
 Obsoletes: sos-collector
-Recommends: python3-pexpect
-Recommends: python3-requests
-Patch1: sos-bz2055002-rebase-sos-add-sos-help.patch
-Patch2: sos-bz2095263-ovirt-answer-files-passwords.patch
-Patch3: sos-bz2079485-plugopts-valtype-str.patch
-Patch4: sos-bz2062908-tigervnc-update-collections.patch
-Patch5: sos-bz2065805-collect-pacemaker-cluster.patch
-Patch6: sos-bz2079187-honor-default-plugin-timeout.patch
-Patch7: sos-bz2079484-list-plugins-ignore-options.patch
-Patch8: sos-bz2079486-timeouted-exec-cmd-exception.patch
-Patch9: sos-bz2058279-ocp-backports.patch
-Patch10: sos-bz2092969-openshift-ovn-disabled.patch
-Patch11: sos-bz2093993-vdsm-set-use-devicesfile-zero.patch
-Patch12: sos-bz2099598-forbidden-path-efficient.patch
@@ -44,18 +32,6 @@ support technicians and developers.
 %setup -qn %{name}-%{version}
 %setup -T -D -a1 -q
-%patch1 -p1
-%patch2 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
-%patch5 -p1
-%patch6 -p1
-%patch7 -p1
-%patch8 -p1
-%patch9 -p1
-%patch10 -p1
-%patch11 -p1
-%patch12 -p1
@@ -124,6 +100,48 @@ of the system. Currently storage and filesystem commands are audited.
 %ghost /etc/audit/rules.d/40-sos-storage.rules
+* Fri Sep 09 2022 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.4-1
+- Rebase on upstream 4.4
+  Resolves: bz2082614
+- [redhat] Honour credential-less --upload-url on RedHat distro properly
+  Resolves: bz2059572
+- [sos] Fix unhandled exception when concurrently removing temp dir
+  Resolves: bz2088439
+- [specfile] drop python3-libxml2 dependency
+  Resolves: bz2125486
+- [md] Restrict data capture to raid members
+  Resolves: bz2125485
+- [cleaner] Use compiled regex lists for parsers by default
+  Resolves: bz2043233
+- [cgroups] not collect memory.kmem.slabinfo
+  Resolves: bz1995120
+- [report] Fix loop devices data gathering
+  Resolves: bz2010735
+- [insights] Collect /var/lib/insights
+  Resolves: bz2103233
+- [candlepin] collect information about SCA
+  Resolves: bz2060925
+- [manpages] Clarify --upload-directory applicable to FTP protocol only
+  Resolves: bz2063259
+- [cleaner] Dont obfuscate tmpdir path of local private_map
+  Resolves: bz2064815
+- [fibrechannel] collect Cisco fnic statistics
+  Resolves: bz2074715
+- [pulpcore] Collect db_tables_sizes
+  Resolves: bz2081433
+- [fibrechannel]: Update fibrechannel plugin to collect HBA logs
+  Resolves: bz2089591
+- [arcconf]: Update arcconf plugin to collect UART logs
+  Resolves: bz2090283
+- [pulpcore] Stop collecting commands relevant to old taskig system
+  Resolves: bz2093191
+- [dnf,yum] Merge plugins into dnf, remove yum plugin
+  Resolves: bz2100154
+- [policies] Simplify flow in _container_init()
+  Resolves: bz2100480
+- [pacemaker] Update collect cluster profile for pacemaker
+  Resolves: bz2065821
 * Mon Aug 29 2022 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.3-3
 - [vdsm] Set LVM option use_devicesfile=0
   Resolves: bz2093993