diff --git a/README.debrand b/README.debrand
deleted file mode 100644
index 01c46d2..0000000
--- a/README.debrand
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Warning: This package was configured for automatic debranding, but the changes
-failed to apply.
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2011537-estimate-only-option.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2011537-estimate-only-option.patch
index 968bdde..c780809 100644
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2011537-estimate-only-option.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz2011537-estimate-only-option.patch
@@ -363,3 +363,57 @@ index 10952566..a4c92acc 100644
+From c6a5bbb8d75aadd5c7f76d3f469929aba2cf8060 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2022 10:33:58 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [report] Provide better warning about estimate-mode
+As --estimate-only calculates disk usage based on `stat` data that
+differs from outputs of other commands like `du`, enhance the warning
+about reliability of the calculated estimation.
+Also add a rule-of-thumb recommendation of real disk space requirements.
+Resolves: #2815
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ man/en/sos-report.1    | 10 +++++++---
+ sos/report/__init__.py |  3 ++-
+ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-report.1 b/man/en/sos-report.1
+index 464a77e54..e34773986 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-report.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-report.1
+@@ -343,9 +343,13 @@ is available at the end.
+ Plugins will be collected sequentially, size of collected files and commands outputs
+ will be calculated and the plugin files will be immediatelly deleted prior execution
+-of the next plugin. This still can consume whole free disk space, though. Please note,
+-size estimations may not be accurate for highly utilized systems due to changes between
+-an estimate and a real execution.
++of the next plugin. This still can consume whole free disk space, though.
++Please note, size estimations may not be accurate for highly utilized systems due to
++changes between an estimate and a real execution. Also some difference between
++estimation (using `stat` command) and other commands used (i.e. `du`).
++A rule of thumb is to reserve at least double the estimation.
+ .TP
+ .B \--upload
+ If specified, attempt to upload the resulting archive to a vendor defined location.
+diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
+index ef61fb344..e0617b45e 100644
+--- a/sos/report/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
+@@ -1330,7 +1330,8 @@ def final_work(self):
+             self.ui_log.info("Please note the estimation is relevant to the "
+                              "current options.")
+             self.ui_log.info("Be aware that the real disk space requirements "
+-                             "might be different.")
++                             "might be different. A rule of thumb is to "
++                             "reserve at least double the estimation.")
+             self.ui_log.info("")
+         # package up and compress the results
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2024893-cleaner-hostnames-improvements.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2024893-cleaner-hostnames-improvements.patch
index cceb1de..d257fdf 100644
--- a/SOURCES/sos-bz2024893-cleaner-hostnames-improvements.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz2024893-cleaner-hostnames-improvements.patch
@@ -1595,3 +1595,205 @@ index 5cd8e9857..33b0e6c80 100644
          ob_domain = self._new_obfuscated_domain(dname)
          ob_domain = '.'.join([ob_domain, top_domain])
          self.dataset['.'.join(domain)] = ob_domain
+From f5e1298162a9393ea2d9f5c4df40dfece50f5f88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 13:15:15 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] [hostname] Fix loading and detection of long base domains
+Our domain matching has up to now assumed that users would be providing
+'base' domains such as 'example.com' whereby something like
+'foo.bar.example.com' is a subdomain (or host) within that base domain.
+However, the use case exists to provide 'foo.bar.example.com' as the
+base domain, without wanting to obfuscate 'example.com' directly.
+This commit fixes our handling of both loading these longer domains and
+doing the 'domain is part of a domain we want to obfuscate' check.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py | 9 ++++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py b/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
+index 33b0e6c8..7a7cf6b8 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
+@@ -50,10 +50,14 @@ class SoSHostnameMap(SoSMap):
+         in this parser, we need to re-inject entries from the map_file into
+         these dicts and not just the underlying 'dataset' dict
+         """
+-        for domain in self.dataset:
++        for domain, ob_pair in self.dataset.items():
+             if len(domain.split('.')) == 1:
+                 self.hosts[domain.split('.')[0]] = self.dataset[domain]
+             else:
++                if ob_pair.startswith('obfuscateddomain'):
++                    # directly exact domain matches
++                    self._domains[domain] = ob_pair.split('.')[0]
++                    continue
+                 # strip the host name and trailing top-level domain so that
+                 # we in inject the domain properly for later string matching
+@@ -102,9 +106,12 @@ class SoSHostnameMap(SoSMap):
+         and should be obfuscated
+         """
+         host = domain.split('.')
++        no_tld = '.'.join(domain.split('.')[0:-1])
+         if len(host) == 1:
+             # don't block on host's shortname
+             return host[0] in self.hosts.keys()
++        elif any([no_tld.endswith(_d) for _d in self._domains]):
++            return True
+         else:
+             domain = host[0:-1]
+             for known_domain in self._domains:
+From e241cf33a14ecd4e848a5fd857c5d3d7d07fbd71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 13:18:44 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] [cleaner] Improve parser-specific file skipping
+This commit improves our handling of skipping files on a per-parser
+basis, by first filtering the list of parsers that `obfuscate_line()`
+will iterate over by the parser's `skip_file` class attr, rather than
+relying on higher-level checks.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py | 17 ++++++++++++++---
+ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index 3f530d44..5686e213 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import hashlib
+ import json
+ import logging
+ import os
++import re
+ import shutil
+ import tempfile
+@@ -640,10 +641,16 @@ third party.
+             self.log_debug("Obfuscating %s" % short_name or filename,
+                            caller=arc_name)
+             tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', dir=self.tmpdir)
++            _parsers = [
++                _p for _p in self.parsers if not
++                any([
++                    re.match(p, short_name) for p in _p.skip_files
++                ])
++            ]
+             with open(filename, 'r') as fname:
+                 for line in fname:
+                     try:
+-                        line, count = self.obfuscate_line(line)
++                        line, count = self.obfuscate_line(line, _parsers)
+                         subs += count
+                         tfile.write(line)
+                     except Exception as err:
+@@ -713,7 +720,7 @@ third party.
+                 pass
+         return string_data
+-    def obfuscate_line(self, line):
++    def obfuscate_line(self, line, parsers=None):
+         """Run a line through each of the obfuscation parsers, keeping a
+         cumulative total of substitutions done on that particular line.
+@@ -721,6 +728,8 @@ third party.
+             :param line str:        The raw line as read from the file being
+                                     processed
++            :param parsers:         A list of parser objects to obfuscate
++                                    with. If None, use all.
+         Returns the fully obfuscated line and the number of substitutions made
+         """
+@@ -729,7 +738,9 @@ third party.
+         count = 0
+         if not line.strip():
+             return line, count
+-        for parser in self.parsers:
++        if parsers is None:
++            parsers = self.parsers
++        for parser in parsers:
+             try:
+                 line, _count = parser.parse_line(line)
+                 count += _count
+From 96c9a833e77639a853b7d3d6f1df68bbbbe5e9cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 13:20:32 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [cleaner] Add skips for known files and usernames
+Adds skips for `/proc/kallsyms` which should never be obfuscated, as
+well as any packaging-related log file for the IP parser. Further, do
+not obfuscate the `stack` users, as that is a well-known user for many
+configurations that, if obfuscated, could result in undesired string
+substitutions in normal logging.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/archives/__init__.py       | 2 ++
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py       | 3 ++-
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py | 1 +
+ 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/archives/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/archives/__init__.py
+index 795c5a78..cbf1f809 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/archives/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/archives/__init__.py
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+     type_name = 'undetermined'
+     description = 'undetermined'
+     is_nested = False
++    skip_files = []
+     prep_files = {}
+     def __init__(self, archive_path, tmpdir):
+@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+         Returns: list of files and file regexes
+         """
+         return [
++            'proc/kallsyms',
+             'sosreport-',
+             'sys/firmware',
+             'sys/fs',
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py
+index 71d38be8..b007368c 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py
+@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ class SoSIPParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+         'sos_commands/snappy/snap_list_--all',
+         'sos_commands/snappy/snap_--version',
+         'sos_commands/vulkan/vulkaninfo',
+-        'var/log/.*dnf.*'
++        'var/log/.*dnf.*',
++        'var/log/.*packag.*'  # get 'packages' and 'packaging' logs
+     ]
+     map_file_key = 'ip_map'
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+index 229c7de4..3208a655 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class SoSUsernameParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+         'nobody',
+         'nfsnobody',
+         'shutdown',
++        'stack',
+         'reboot',
+         'root',
+         'ubuntu',
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz2037350-ocp-backports.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz2037350-ocp-backports.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a47dc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz2037350-ocp-backports.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,5650 @@
+From 676dfca09d9c783311a51a1c53fa0f7ecd95bd28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 13:38:19 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [collect] Abstract transport protocol from SoSNode
+Since its addition to sos, collect has assumed the use of a system
+installation of SSH in order to connect to the nodes identified for
+collection. However, there may be use cases and desires to use other
+transport protocols.
+As such, provide an abstraction for these protocols in the form of the
+new `RemoteTransport` class that `SoSNode` will now leverage. So far an
+abstraction for the currently used SSH ControlPersist function is
+provided, along with a psuedo abstraction for local execution so that
+SoSNode does not directly need to make more "if local then foo" checks
+than are absolutely necessary.
+Related: #2668
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ setup.py                                    |   4 +-
+ sos/collector/__init__.py                   |  54 +--
+ sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py          |   4 +-
+ sos/collector/clusters/jbon.py              |   2 +
+ sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py        |   4 +-
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py               |   6 +-
+ sos/collector/clusters/ovirt.py             |  10 +-
+ sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py         |   8 +-
+ sos/collector/clusters/satellite.py         |   4 +-
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py                    | 388 +++++---------------
+ sos/collector/transports/__init__.py        | 317 ++++++++++++++++
+ sos/collector/transports/control_persist.py | 199 ++++++++++
+ sos/collector/transports/local.py           |  49 +++
+ 13 files changed, 705 insertions(+), 344 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+ create mode 100644 sos/collector/transports/control_persist.py
+ create mode 100644 sos/collector/transports/local.py
+diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
+index 7653b59d..25e87a71 100644
+--- a/setup.py
++++ b/setup.py
+@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ setup(
+         'sos.policies.distros', 'sos.policies.runtimes',
+         'sos.policies.package_managers', 'sos.policies.init_systems',
+         'sos.report', 'sos.report.plugins', 'sos.collector',
+-        'sos.collector.clusters', 'sos.cleaner', 'sos.cleaner.mappings',
+-        'sos.cleaner.parsers', 'sos.cleaner.archives'
++        'sos.collector.clusters', 'sos.collector.transports', 'sos.cleaner',
++        'sos.cleaner.mappings', 'sos.cleaner.parsers', 'sos.cleaner.archives'
+     ],
+     cmdclass=cmdclass,
+     command_options=command_options,
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index b2a07f37..da912655 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import re
+ import string
+ import socket
+ import shutil
+-import subprocess
+ import sys
+ from datetime import datetime
+@@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ from pipes import quote
+ from textwrap import fill
+ from sos.cleaner import SoSCleaner
+ from sos.collector.sosnode import SosNode
+-from sos.collector.exceptions import ControlPersistUnsupportedException
+ from sos.options import ClusterOption
+ from sos.component import SoSComponent
+ from sos import __version__
+@@ -154,7 +152,6 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+             try:
+                 self.parse_node_strings()
+                 self.parse_cluster_options()
+-                self._check_for_control_persist()
+                 self.log_debug('Executing %s' % ' '.join(s for s in sys.argv))
+                 self.log_debug("Found cluster profiles: %s"
+                                % self.clusters.keys())
+@@ -437,33 +434,6 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                                  action='extend',
+                                  help='List of usernames to obfuscate')
+-    def _check_for_control_persist(self):
+-        """Checks to see if the local system supported SSH ControlPersist.
+-        ControlPersist allows OpenSSH to keep a single open connection to a
+-        remote host rather than building a new session each time. This is the
+-        same feature that Ansible uses in place of paramiko, which we have a
+-        need to drop in sos-collector.
+-        This check relies on feedback from the ssh binary. The command being
+-        run should always generate stderr output, but depending on what that
+-        output reads we can determine if ControlPersist is supported or not.
+-        For our purposes, a host that does not support ControlPersist is not
+-        able to run sos-collector.
+-        Returns
+-            True if ControlPersist is supported, else raise Exception.
+-        """
+-        ssh_cmd = ['ssh', '-o', 'ControlPersist']
+-        cmd = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+-                               stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+-        out, err = cmd.communicate()
+-        err = err.decode('utf-8')
+-        if 'Bad configuration option' in err or 'Usage:' in err:
+-            raise ControlPersistUnsupportedException
+-        return True
+     def exit(self, msg, error=1):
+         """Used to safely terminate if sos-collector encounters an error"""
+         self.log_error(msg)
+@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+             'cmdlineopts': self.opts,
+             'need_sudo': True if self.opts.ssh_user != 'root' else False,
+             'tmpdir': self.tmpdir,
+-            'hostlen': len(self.opts.master) or len(self.hostname),
++            'hostlen': max(len(self.opts.primary), len(self.hostname)),
+             'policy': self.policy
+         }
+@@ -1020,9 +1020,10 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+             self.node_list.append(self.hostname)
+         self.reduce_node_list()
+         try:
+-            self.commons['hostlen'] = len(max(self.node_list, key=len))
++            _node_max = len(max(self.node_list, key=len))
++            self.commons['hostlen'] = max(_node_max, self.commons['hostlen'])
+         except (TypeError, ValueError):
+-            self.commons['hostlen'] = len(self.opts.master)
++            pass
+     def _connect_to_node(self, node):
+         """Try to connect to the node, and if we can add to the client list to
+@@ -1068,7 +1039,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                 client.set_node_manifest(getattr(self.collect_md.nodes,
+                                                  node[0]))
+             else:
+-                client.close_ssh_session()
++                client.disconnect()
+         except Exception:
+             pass
+@@ -1077,12 +1048,11 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         provided on the command line
+         """
+         disclaimer = ("""\
+-This utility is used to collect sosreports from multiple \
+-nodes simultaneously. It uses OpenSSH's ControlPersist feature \
+-to connect to nodes and run commands remotely. If your system \
+-installation of OpenSSH is older than 5.6, please upgrade.
++This utility is used to collect sos reports from multiple \
++nodes simultaneously. Remote connections are made and/or maintained \
++to those nodes via well-known transport protocols such as SSH.
+-An archive of sosreport tarballs collected from the nodes will be \
++An archive of sos report tarballs collected from the nodes will be \
+ generated in %s and may be provided to an appropriate support representative.
+ The generated archive may contain data considered sensitive \
+@@ -1230,10 +1200,10 @@ this utility or remote systems that it connects to.
+             self.log_error("Error running sosreport: %s" % err)
+     def close_all_connections(self):
+-        """Close all ssh sessions for nodes"""
++        """Close all sessions for nodes"""
+         for client in self.client_list:
+-            self.log_debug('Closing SSH connection to %s' % client.address)
+-            client.close_ssh_session()
++            self.log_debug('Closing connection to %s' % client.address)
++            client.disconnect()
+     def create_cluster_archive(self):
+         """Calls for creation of tar archive then cleans up the temporary
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+index 2b5d7018..64ac2a44 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ class Cluster():
+         :rtype: ``dict``
+         """
+         res = self.master.run_command(cmd, get_pty=True, need_root=need_root)
+-        if res['stdout']:
+-            res['stdout'] = res['stdout'].replace('Password:', '')
++        if res['output']:
++            res['output'] = res['output'].replace('Password:', '')
+         return res
+     def setup(self):
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/jbon.py b/sos/collector/clusters/jbon.py
+index 488fbd16..8f083ac6 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/jbon.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/jbon.py
+@@ -28,3 +28,5 @@ class jbon(Cluster):
+         # This should never be called, but as insurance explicitly never
+         # allow this to be enabled via the determine_cluster() path
+         return False
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py b/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py
+index cdbf8861..99f788dc 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class kubernetes(Cluster):
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+             nodes = []
+             roles = [x for x in self.get_option('role').split(',') if x]
+-            for nodeln in res['stdout'].splitlines()[1:]:
++            for nodeln in res['output'].splitlines()[1:]:
+                 node = nodeln.split()
+                 if not roles:
+                     nodes.append(node[0])
+@@ -44,3 +44,5 @@ class kubernetes(Cluster):
+             return nodes
+         else:
+             raise Exception('Node enumeration did not return usable output')
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index 5479417d..ad97587f 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+         res = self.exec_master_cmd(self.fmt_oc_cmd(cmd))
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+             roles = [r for r in self.get_option('role').split(':')]
+-            self.node_dict = self._build_dict(res['stdout'].splitlines())
++            self.node_dict = self._build_dict(res['output'].splitlines())
+             for node in self.node_dict:
+                 if roles:
+                     for role in roles:
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+                     nodes.append(node)
+         else:
+             msg = "'oc' command failed"
+-            if 'Missing or incomplete' in res['stdout']:
++            if 'Missing or incomplete' in res['output']:
+                 msg = ("'oc' failed due to missing kubeconfig on master node."
+                        " Specify one via '-c ocp.kubeconfig=<path>'")
+             raise Exception(msg)
+@@ -168,3 +168,5 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+     def set_node_options(self, node):
+         # don't attempt OC API collections on non-primary nodes
+         node.plugin_options.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ovirt.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ovirt.py
+index 079a122e..bd2d0c74 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ovirt.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ovirt.py
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class ovirt(Cluster):
+             return []
+         res = self._run_db_query(self.dbquery)
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+-            nodes = res['stdout'].splitlines()[2:-1]
++            nodes = res['output'].splitlines()[2:-1]
+             return [n.split('(')[0].strip() for n in nodes]
+         else:
+             raise Exception('database query failed, return code: %s'
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class ovirt(Cluster):
+         engconf = '/etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/10-setup-database.conf'
+         res = self.exec_primary_cmd('cat %s' % engconf, need_root=True)
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+-            config = res['stdout'].splitlines()
++            config = res['output'].splitlines()
+             for line in config:
+                 try:
+                     k = str(line.split('=')[0])
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class ovirt(Cluster):
+                '--batch -o postgresql {}'
+                ).format(self.conf['ENGINE_DB_PASSWORD'], sos_opt)
+         db_sos = self.exec_primary_cmd(cmd, need_root=True)
+-        for line in db_sos['stdout'].splitlines():
++        for line in db_sos['output'].splitlines():
+             if fnmatch.fnmatch(line, '*sosreport-*tar*'):
+                 _pg_dump = line.strip()
+                 self.master.manifest.add_field('postgresql_dump',
+@@ -180,5 +180,7 @@ class rhhi_virt(rhv):
+         ret = self._run_db_query('SELECT count(server_id) FROM gluster_server')
+         if ret['status'] == 0:
+             # if there are any entries in this table, RHHI-V is in use
+-            return ret['stdout'].splitlines()[2].strip() != '0'
++            return ret['output'].splitlines()[2].strip() != '0'
+         return False
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py b/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
+index 034f3f3e..55024314 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/pacemaker.py
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class pacemaker(Cluster):
+             self.log_error('Cluster status could not be determined. Is the '
+                            'cluster running on this node?')
+             return []
+-        if 'node names do not match' in self.res['stdout']:
++        if 'node names do not match' in self.res['output']:
+             self.log_warn('Warning: node name mismatch reported. Attempts to '
+                           'connect to some nodes may fail.\n')
+         return self.parse_pcs_output()
+@@ -41,17 +41,19 @@ class pacemaker(Cluster):
+         return nodes
+     def get_online_nodes(self):
+-        for line in self.res['stdout'].splitlines():
++        for line in self.res['output'].splitlines():
+             if line.startswith('Online:'):
+                 nodes = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]
+                 return [n for n in nodes.split(' ') if n]
+     def get_offline_nodes(self):
+         offline = []
+-        for line in self.res['stdout'].splitlines():
++        for line in self.res['output'].splitlines():
+             if line.startswith('Node') and line.endswith('(offline)'):
+                 offline.append(line.split()[1].replace(':', ''))
+             if line.startswith('OFFLINE:'):
+                 nodes = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]
+                 offline.extend([n for n in nodes.split(' ') if n])
+         return offline
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/satellite.py b/sos/collector/clusters/satellite.py
+index e123c8a3..7c21e553 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/satellite.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/satellite.py
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class satellite(Cluster):
+         res = self.exec_primary_cmd(cmd, need_root=True)
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+             nodes = [
+-                n.strip() for n in res['stdout'].splitlines()
++                n.strip() for n in res['output'].splitlines()
+                 if 'could not change directory' not in n
+             ]
+             return nodes
+@@ -38,3 +38,5 @@ class satellite(Cluster):
+         if node.address == self.master.address:
+             return 'satellite'
+         return 'capsule'
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 4b1ee109..f79bd5ff 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -12,22 +12,16 @@ import fnmatch
+ import inspect
+ import logging
+ import os
+-import pexpect
+ import re
+-import shutil
+ from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+ from pipes import quote
+ from sos.policies import load
+ from sos.policies.init_systems import InitSystem
+-from sos.collector.exceptions import (InvalidPasswordException,
+-                                      TimeoutPasswordAuthException,
+-                                      PasswordRequestException,
+-                                      AuthPermissionDeniedException,
++from sos.collector.transports.control_persist import SSHControlPersist
++from sos.collector.transports.local import LocalTransport
++from sos.collector.exceptions import (CommandTimeoutException,
+                                       ConnectionException,
+-                                      CommandTimeoutException,
+-                                      ConnectionTimeoutException,
+-                                      ControlSocketMissingException,
+                                       UnsupportedHostException)
+@@ -61,34 +61,25 @@ class SosNode():
+             'sos_cmd': commons['sos_cmd']
+         }
+         self.sos_bin = 'sosreport'
+-        filt = ['localhost', '']
+         self.soslog = logging.getLogger('sos')
+         self.ui_log = logging.getLogger('sos_ui')
+-        self.control_path = ("%s/.sos-collector-%s"
+-                             % (self.tmpdir, self.address))
+-        self.ssh_cmd = self._create_ssh_command()
+-        if self.address not in filt:
+-            try:
+-                self.connected = self._create_ssh_session()
+-            except Exception as err:
+-                self.log_error('Unable to open SSH session: %s' % err)
+-                raise
+-        else:
+-            self.connected = True
+-            self.local = True
+-            self.need_sudo = os.getuid() != 0
++        self._transport = self._load_remote_transport(commons)
++        try:
++            self._transport.connect(self._password)
++        except Exception as err:
++            self.log_error('Unable to open remote session: %s' % err)
++            raise
+         # load the host policy now, even if we don't want to load further
+         # host information. This is necessary if we're running locally on the
+         # cluster master but do not want a local report as we still need to do
+         # package checks in that instance
+         self.host = self.determine_host_policy()
+-        self.get_hostname()
++        self.hostname = self._transport.hostname
+         if self.local and self.opts.no_local:
+             load_facts = False
+         if self.connected and load_facts:
+             if not self.host:
+-                self.connected = False
+-                self.close_ssh_session()
++                self._transport.disconnect()
+                 return None
+             if self.local:
+                 if self.check_in_container():
+@@ -103,11 +88,26 @@ class SosNode():
+                 self.create_sos_container()
+             self._load_sos_info()
+-    def _create_ssh_command(self):
+-        """Build the complete ssh command for this node"""
+-        cmd = "ssh -oControlPath=%s " % self.control_path
+-        cmd += "%s@%s " % (self.opts.ssh_user, self.address)
+-        return cmd
++    @property
++    def connected(self):
++        if self._transport:
++            return self._transport.connected
++        # if no transport, we're running locally
++        return True
++    def disconnect(self):
++        """Wrapper to close the remote session via our transport agent
++        """
++        self._transport.disconnect()
++    def _load_remote_transport(self, commons):
++        """Determine the type of remote transport to load for this node, then
++        return an instantiated instance of that transport
++        """
++        if self.address in ['localhost', '']:
++            self.local = True
++            return LocalTransport(self.address, commons)
++        return SSHControlPersist(self.address, commons)
+     def _fmt_msg(self, msg):
+         return '{:<{}} : {}'.format(self._hostname, self.hostlen + 1, msg)
+@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         self.manifest.add_field('policy', self.host.distro)
+         self.manifest.add_field('sos_version', self.sos_info['version'])
+         self.manifest.add_field('final_sos_command', '')
++        self.manifest.add_field('transport', self._transport.name)
+     def check_in_container(self):
+         """
+@@ -160,13 +161,13 @@ class SosNode():
+             res = self.run_command(cmd, need_root=True)
+             if res['status'] in [0, 125]:
+                 if res['status'] == 125:
+-                    if 'unable to retrieve auth token' in res['stdout']:
++                    if 'unable to retrieve auth token' in res['output']:
+                         self.log_error(
+                             "Could not pull image. Provide either a username "
+                             "and password or authfile"
+                         )
+                         raise Exception
+-                    elif 'unknown: Not found' in res['stdout']:
++                    elif 'unknown: Not found' in res['output']:
+                         self.log_error('Specified image not found on registry')
+                         raise Exception
+                     # 'name exists' with code 125 means the container was
+@@ -181,11 +182,11 @@ class SosNode():
+                     return True
+                 else:
+                     self.log_error("Could not start container after create: %s"
+-                                   % ret['stdout'])
++                                   % ret['output'])
+                     raise Exception
+             else:
+                 self.log_error("Could not create container on host: %s"
+-                               % res['stdout'])
++                               % res['output'])
+                 raise Exception
+     def get_container_auth(self):
+@@ -204,18 +205,11 @@ class SosNode():
+     def file_exists(self, fname, need_root=False):
+         """Checks for the presence of fname on the remote node"""
+-        if not self.local:
+-            try:
+-                res = self.run_command("stat %s" % fname, need_root=need_root)
+-                return res['status'] == 0
+-            except Exception:
+-                return False
+-        else:
+-            try:
+-                os.stat(fname)
+-                return True
+-            except Exception:
+-                return False
++        try:
++            res = self.run_command("stat %s" % fname, need_root=need_root)
++            return res['status'] == 0
++        except Exception:
++            return False
+     @property
+     def _hostname(self):
+@@ -223,18 +217,6 @@ class SosNode():
+             return self.hostname
+         return self.address
+-    @property
+-    def control_socket_exists(self):
+-        """Check if the SSH control socket exists
+-        The control socket is automatically removed by the SSH daemon in the
+-        event that the last connection to the node was greater than the timeout
+-        set by the ControlPersist option. This can happen for us if we are
+-        collecting from a large number of nodes, and the timeout expires before
+-        we start collection.
+-        """
+-        return os.path.exists(self.control_path)
+     def _sanitize_log_msg(self, msg):
+         """Attempts to obfuscate sensitive information in log messages such as
+         passwords"""
+@@ -264,12 +246,6 @@ class SosNode():
+         msg = '[%s:%s] %s' % (self._hostname, caller, msg)
+         self.soslog.debug(msg)
+-    def get_hostname(self):
+-        """Get the node's hostname"""
+-        sout = self.run_command('hostname')
+-        self.hostname = sout['stdout'].strip()
+-        self.log_info('Hostname set to %s' % self.hostname)
+     def _format_cmd(self, cmd):
+         """If we need to provide a sudo or root password to a command, then
+         here we prefix the command with the correct bits
+@@ -280,19 +256,6 @@ class SosNode():
+             return "sudo -S %s" % cmd
+         return cmd
+-    def _fmt_output(self, output=None, rc=0):
+-        """Formats the returned output from a command into a dict"""
+-        if rc == 0:
+-            stdout = output
+-            stderr = ''
+-        else:
+-            stdout = ''
+-            stderr = output
+-        res = {'status': rc,
+-               'stdout': stdout,
+-               'stderr': stderr}
+-        return res
+     def _load_sos_info(self):
+         """Queries the node for information about the installed version of sos
+         """
+@@ -306,7 +269,7 @@ class SosNode():
+             pkgs = self.run_command(self.host.container_version_command,
+                                     use_container=True, need_root=True)
+             if pkgs['status'] == 0:
+-                ver = pkgs['stdout'].strip().split('-')[1]
++                ver = pkgs['output'].strip().split('-')[1]
+                 if ver:
+                     self.sos_info['version'] = ver
+             else:
+@@ -321,18 +284,21 @@ class SosNode():
+                 self.log_error('sos is not installed on this node')
+             self.connected = False
+             return False
+-        cmd = 'sosreport -l'
++        # sos-4.0 changes the binary
++        if self.check_sos_version('4.0'):
++            self.sos_bin = 'sos report'
++        cmd = "%s -l" % self.sos_bin
+         sosinfo = self.run_command(cmd, use_container=True, need_root=True)
+         if sosinfo['status'] == 0:
+-            self._load_sos_plugins(sosinfo['stdout'])
++            self._load_sos_plugins(sosinfo['output'])
+         if self.check_sos_version('3.6'):
+             self._load_sos_presets()
+     def _load_sos_presets(self):
+-        cmd = 'sosreport --list-presets'
++        cmd = '%s --list-presets' % self.sos_bin
+         res = self.run_command(cmd, use_container=True, need_root=True)
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+-            for line in res['stdout'].splitlines():
++            for line in res['output'].splitlines():
+                 if line.strip().startswith('name:'):
+                     pname = line.split('name:')[1].strip()
+                     self.sos_info['presets'].append(pname)
+@@ -372,21 +338,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         """Reads the specified file and returns the contents"""
+         try:
+             self.log_info("Reading file %s" % to_read)
+-            if not self.local:
+-                res = self.run_command("cat %s" % to_read, timeout=5)
+-                if res['status'] == 0:
+-                    return res['stdout']
+-                else:
+-                    if 'No such file' in res['stdout']:
+-                        self.log_debug("File %s does not exist on node"
+-                                       % to_read)
+-                    else:
+-                        self.log_error("Error reading %s: %s" %
+-                                       (to_read, res['stdout'].split(':')[1:]))
+-                    return ''
+-            else:
+-                with open(to_read, 'r') as rfile:
+-                    return rfile.read()
++            return self._transport.read_file(to_read)
+         except Exception as err:
+             self.log_error("Exception while reading %s: %s" % (to_read, err))
+             return ''
+@@ -400,7 +352,8 @@ class SosNode():
+                           % self.commons['policy'].distro)
+             return self.commons['policy']
+         host = load(cache={}, sysroot=self.opts.sysroot, init=InitSystem(),
+-                    probe_runtime=True, remote_exec=self.ssh_cmd,
++                    probe_runtime=True,
++                    remote_exec=self._transport.remote_exec,
+                     remote_check=self.read_file('/etc/os-release'))
+         if host:
+             self.log_info("loaded policy %s for host" % host.distro)
+@@ -422,7 +375,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         return self.host.package_manager.pkg_by_name(pkg) is not None
+     def run_command(self, cmd, timeout=180, get_pty=False, need_root=False,
+-                    force_local=False, use_container=False, env=None):
++                    use_container=False, env=None):
+         """Runs a given cmd, either via the SSH session or locally
+         Arguments:
+@@ -433,58 +386,37 @@ class SosNode():
+             need_root - if a command requires root privileges, setting this to
+                         True tells sos-collector to format the command with
+                         sudo or su - as appropriate and to input the password
+-            force_local - force a command to run locally. Mainly used for scp.
+             use_container - Run this command in a container *IF* the host is
+                             containerized
+         """
+-        if not self.control_socket_exists and not self.local:
+-            self.log_debug('Control socket does not exist, attempting to '
+-                           're-create')
++        if not self.connected and not self.local:
++            self.log_debug('Node is disconnected, attempting to reconnect')
+             try:
+-                _sock = self._create_ssh_session()
+-                if not _sock:
+-                    self.log_debug('Failed to re-create control socket')
+-                    raise ControlSocketMissingException
++                reconnected = self._transport.reconnect(self._password)
++                if not reconnected:
++                    self.log_debug('Failed to reconnect to node')
++                    raise ConnectionException
+             except Exception as err:
+-                self.log_error('Cannot run command: control socket does not '
+-                               'exist')
+-                self.log_debug("Error while trying to create new SSH control "
+-                               "socket: %s" % err)
++                self.log_debug("Error while trying to reconnect: %s" % err)
+                 raise
+         if use_container and self.host.containerized:
+             cmd = self.host.format_container_command(cmd)
+         if need_root:
+-            get_pty = True
+             cmd = self._format_cmd(cmd)
+-        self.log_debug('Running command %s' % cmd)
+         if 'atomic' in cmd:
+             get_pty = True
+-        if not self.local and not force_local:
+-            cmd = "%s %s" % (self.ssh_cmd, quote(cmd))
+-        else:
+-            if get_pty:
+-                cmd = "/bin/bash -c %s" % quote(cmd)
++        if get_pty:
++            cmd = "/bin/bash -c %s" % quote(cmd)
+         if env:
+             _cmd_env = self.env_vars
+             env = _cmd_env.update(env)
+-        res = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
+-        if need_root:
+-            if self.need_sudo:
+-                res.sendline(self.opts.sudo_pw)
+-            if self.opts.become_root:
+-                res.sendline(self.opts.root_password)
+-        output = res.expect([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT],
+-                            timeout=timeout)
+-        if output == 0:
+-            out = res.before
+-            res.close()
+-            rc = res.exitstatus
+-            return {'status': rc, 'stdout': out}
+-        elif output == 1:
+-            raise CommandTimeoutException(cmd)
++        return self._transport.run_command(cmd, timeout, need_root, env)
+     def sosreport(self):
+-        """Run a sosreport on the node, then collect it"""
++        """Run an sos report on the node, then collect it"""
+         try:
+             path = self.execute_sos_command()
+             if path:
+@@ -497,109 +429,6 @@ class SosNode():
+             pass
+         self.cleanup()
+-    def _create_ssh_session(self):
+-        """
+-        Using ControlPersist, create the initial connection to the node.
+-        This will generate an OpenSSH ControlPersist socket within the tmp
+-        directory created or specified for sos-collector to use.
+-        At most, we will wait 30 seconds for a connection. This involves a 15
+-        second wait for the initial connection attempt, and a subsequent 15
+-        second wait for a response when we supply a password.
+-        Since we connect to nodes in parallel (using the --threads value), this
+-        means that the time between 'Connecting to nodes...' and 'Beginning
+-        collection of sosreports' that users see can be up to an amount of time
+-        equal to 30*(num_nodes/threads) seconds.
+-        Returns
+-            True if session is successfully opened, else raise Exception
+-        """
+-        # Don't use self.ssh_cmd here as we need to add a few additional
+-        # parameters to establish the initial connection
+-        self.log_info('Opening SSH session to create control socket')
+-        connected = False
+-        ssh_key = ''
+-        ssh_port = ''
+-        if self.opts.ssh_port != 22:
+-            ssh_port = "-p%s " % self.opts.ssh_port
+-        if self.opts.ssh_key:
+-            ssh_key = "-i%s" % self.opts.ssh_key
+-        cmd = ("ssh %s %s -oControlPersist=600 -oControlMaster=auto "
+-               "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oControlPath=%s %s@%s "
+-               "\"echo Connected\"" % (ssh_key,
+-                                       ssh_port,
+-                                       self.control_path,
+-                                       self.opts.ssh_user,
+-                                       self.address))
+-        res = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8')
+-        connect_expects = [
+-            u'Connected',
+-            u'password:',
+-            u'.*Permission denied.*',
+-            u'.* port .*: No route to host',
+-            u'.*Could not resolve hostname.*',
+-            pexpect.TIMEOUT
+-        ]
+-        index = res.expect(connect_expects, timeout=15)
+-        if index == 0:
+-            connected = True
+-        elif index == 1:
+-            if self._password:
+-                pass_expects = [
+-                    u'Connected',
+-                    u'Permission denied, please try again.',
+-                    pexpect.TIMEOUT
+-                ]
+-                res.sendline(self._password)
+-                pass_index = res.expect(pass_expects, timeout=15)
+-                if pass_index == 0:
+-                    connected = True
+-                elif pass_index == 1:
+-                    # Note that we do not get an exitstatus here, so matching
+-                    # this line means an invalid password will be reported for
+-                    # both invalid passwords and invalid user names
+-                    raise InvalidPasswordException
+-                elif pass_index == 2:
+-                    raise TimeoutPasswordAuthException
+-            else:
+-                raise PasswordRequestException
+-        elif index == 2:
+-            raise AuthPermissionDeniedException
+-        elif index == 3:
+-            raise ConnectionException(self.address, self.opts.ssh_port)
+-        elif index == 4:
+-            raise ConnectionException(self.address)
+-        elif index == 5:
+-            raise ConnectionTimeoutException
+-        else:
+-            raise Exception("Unknown error, client returned %s" % res.before)
+-        if connected:
+-            self.log_debug("Successfully created control socket at %s"
+-                           % self.control_path)
+-            return True
+-        return False
+-    def close_ssh_session(self):
+-        """Remove the control socket to effectively terminate the session"""
+-        if self.local:
+-            return True
+-        try:
+-            res = self.run_command("rm -f %s" % self.control_path,
+-                                   force_local=True)
+-            if res['status'] == 0:
+-                return True
+-            self.log_error("Could not remove ControlPath %s: %s"
+-                           % (self.control_path, res['stdout']))
+-            return False
+-        except Exception as e:
+-            self.log_error('Error closing SSH session: %s' % e)
+-            return False
+     def _preset_exists(self, preset):
+         """Verifies if the given preset exists on the node"""
+         return preset in self.sos_info['presets']
+@@ -646,8 +475,8 @@ class SosNode():
+         self.cluster = cluster
+     def update_cmd_from_cluster(self):
+-        """This is used to modify the sosreport command run on the nodes.
+-        By default, sosreport is run without any options, using this will
++        """This is used to modify the sos report command run on the nodes.
++        By default, sos report is run without any options, using this will
+         allow the profile to specify what plugins to run or not and what
+         options to use.
+@@ -727,10 +556,6 @@ class SosNode():
+             if self.opts.since:
+                 sos_opts.append('--since=%s' % quote(self.opts.since))
+-        # sos-4.0 changes the binary
+-        if self.check_sos_version('4.0'):
+-            self.sos_bin = 'sos report'
+         if self.check_sos_version('4.1'):
+             if self.opts.skip_commands:
+                 sos_opts.append(
+@@ -811,7 +636,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         self.manifest.add_field('final_sos_command', self.sos_cmd)
+     def determine_sos_label(self):
+-        """Determine what, if any, label should be added to the sosreport"""
++        """Determine what, if any, label should be added to the sos report"""
+         label = ''
+         label += self.cluster.get_node_label(self)
+@@ -822,7 +647,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         if not label:
+             return None
+-        self.log_debug('Label for sosreport set to %s' % label)
++        self.log_debug('Label for sos report set to %s' % label)
+         if self.check_sos_version('3.6'):
+             lcmd = '--label'
+         else:
+@@ -844,20 +669,20 @@ class SosNode():
+     def determine_sos_error(self, rc, stdout):
+         if rc == -1:
+-            return 'sosreport process received SIGKILL on node'
++            return 'sos report process received SIGKILL on node'
+         if rc == 1:
+             if 'sudo' in stdout:
+                 return 'sudo attempt failed'
+         if rc == 127:
+-            return 'sosreport terminated unexpectedly. Check disk space'
++            return 'sos report terminated unexpectedly. Check disk space'
+         if len(stdout) > 0:
+             return stdout.split('\n')[0:1]
+         else:
+             return 'sos exited with code %s' % rc
+     def execute_sos_command(self):
+-        """Run sosreport and capture the resulting file path"""
+-        self.ui_msg('Generating sosreport...')
++        """Run sos report and capture the resulting file path"""
++        self.ui_msg('Generating sos report...')
+         try:
+             path = False
+             checksum = False
+@@ -867,7 +692,7 @@ class SosNode():
+                                    use_container=True,
+                                    env=self.sos_env_vars)
+             if res['status'] == 0:
+-                for line in res['stdout'].splitlines():
++                for line in res['output'].splitlines():
+                     if fnmatch.fnmatch(line, '*sosreport-*tar*'):
+                         path = line.strip()
+                     if line.startswith((" sha256\t", " md5\t")):
+@@ -884,44 +709,31 @@ class SosNode():
+                     else:
+                         self.manifest.add_field('checksum_type', 'unknown')
+             else:
+-                err = self.determine_sos_error(res['status'], res['stdout'])
+-                self.log_debug("Error running sosreport. rc = %s msg = %s"
+-                               % (res['status'], res['stdout'] or
+-                                  res['stderr']))
++                err = self.determine_sos_error(res['status'], res['output'])
++                self.log_debug("Error running sos report. rc = %s msg = %s"
++                               % (res['status'], res['output']))
+                 raise Exception(err)
+             return path
+         except CommandTimeoutException:
+             self.log_error('Timeout exceeded')
+             raise
+         except Exception as e:
+-            self.log_error('Error running sosreport: %s' % e)
++            self.log_error('Error running sos report: %s' % e)
+             raise
+     def retrieve_file(self, path):
+         """Copies the specified file from the host to our temp dir"""
+         destdir = self.tmpdir + '/'
+-        dest = destdir + path.split('/')[-1]
++        dest = os.path.join(destdir, path.split('/')[-1])
+         try:
+-            if not self.local:
+-                if self.file_exists(path):
+-                    self.log_info("Copying remote %s to local %s" %
+-                                  (path, destdir))
+-                    cmd = "/usr/bin/scp -oControlPath=%s %s@%s:%s %s" % (
+-                        self.control_path,
+-                        self.opts.ssh_user,
+-                        self.address,
+-                        path,
+-                        destdir
+-                    )
+-                    res = self.run_command(cmd, force_local=True)
+-                    return res['status'] == 0
+-                else:
+-                    self.log_debug("Attempting to copy remote file %s, but it "
+-                                   "does not exist on filesystem" % path)
+-                    return False
++            if self.file_exists(path):
++                self.log_info("Copying remote %s to local %s" %
++                              (path, destdir))
++                self._transport.retrieve_file(path, dest)
+             else:
+-                self.log_debug("Moving %s to %s" % (path, destdir))
+-                shutil.copy(path, dest)
++                self.log_debug("Attempting to copy remote file %s, but it "
++                               "does not exist on filesystem" % path)
++                return False
+             return True
+         except Exception as err:
+             self.log_debug("Failed to retrieve %s: %s" % (path, err))
+@@ -933,7 +745,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         """
+         path = ''.join(path.split())
+         try:
+-            if len(path) <= 2:  # ensure we have a non '/' path
++            if len(path.split('/')) <= 2:  # ensure we have a non '/' path
+                 self.log_debug("Refusing to remove path %s: appears to be "
+                                "incorrect and possibly dangerous" % path)
+                 return False
+@@ -959,14 +771,14 @@ class SosNode():
+                 except Exception:
+                     self.log_error('Failed to make archive readable')
+                     return False
+-            self.soslog.info('Retrieving sosreport from %s' % self.address)
+-            self.ui_msg('Retrieving sosreport...')
++            self.soslog.info('Retrieving sos report from %s' % self.address)
++            self.ui_msg('Retrieving sos report...')
+             ret = self.retrieve_file(self.sos_path)
+             if ret:
+-                self.ui_msg('Successfully collected sosreport')
++                self.ui_msg('Successfully collected sos report')
+                 self.file_list.append(self.sos_path.split('/')[-1])
+             else:
+-                self.log_error('Failed to retrieve sosreport')
++                self.log_error('Failed to retrieve sos report')
+                 raise SystemExit
+             return True
+         else:
+@@ -976,8 +788,8 @@ class SosNode():
+             else:
+                 e = [x.strip() for x in self.stdout.readlines() if x.strip][-1]
+             self.soslog.error(
+-                'Failed to run sosreport on %s: %s' % (self.address, e))
+-            self.log_error('Failed to run sosreport. %s' % e)
++                'Failed to run sos report on %s: %s' % (self.address, e))
++            self.log_error('Failed to run sos report. %s' % e)
+             return False
+     def remove_sos_archive(self):
+@@ -986,20 +798,20 @@ class SosNode():
+         if self.sos_path is None:
+             return
+         if 'sosreport' not in self.sos_path:
+-            self.log_debug("Node sosreport path %s looks incorrect. Not "
++            self.log_debug("Node sos report path %s looks incorrect. Not "
+                            "attempting to remove path" % self.sos_path)
+             return
+         removed = self.remove_file(self.sos_path)
+         if not removed:
+-            self.log_error('Failed to remove sosreport')
++            self.log_error('Failed to remove sos report')
+     def cleanup(self):
+         """Remove the sos archive from the node once we have it locally"""
+         self.remove_sos_archive()
+         if self.sos_path:
+             for ext in ['.sha256', '.md5']:
+-                if os.path.isfile(self.sos_path + ext):
+-                    self.remove_file(self.sos_path + ext)
++                if self.remove_file(self.sos_path + ext):
++                    break
+         cleanup = self.host.set_cleanup_cmd()
+         if cleanup:
+             self.run_command(cleanup, need_root=True)
+@@ -1040,3 +852,5 @@ class SosNode():
+             msg = "Exception while making %s readable. Return code was %s"
+             self.log_error(msg % (filepath, res['status']))
+             raise Exception
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..5be7dc6d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
++# Copyright Red Hat 2021, Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++import inspect
++import logging
++import pexpect
++import re
++from pipes import quote
++from sos.collector.exceptions import (ConnectionException,
++                                      CommandTimeoutException)
++class RemoteTransport():
++    """The base class used for defining supported remote transports to connect
++    to remote nodes in conjunction with `sos collect`.
++    This abstraction is used to manage the backend connections to nodes so that
++    SoSNode() objects can be leveraged generically to connect to nodes, inspect
++    those nodes, and run commands on them.
++    """
++    name = 'undefined'
++    def __init__(self, address, commons):
++        self.address = address
++        self.opts = commons['cmdlineopts']
++        self.tmpdir = commons['tmpdir']
++        self.need_sudo = commons['need_sudo']
++        self._hostname = None
++        self.soslog = logging.getLogger('sos')
++        self.ui_log = logging.getLogger('sos_ui')
++    def _sanitize_log_msg(self, msg):
++        """Attempts to obfuscate sensitive information in log messages such as
++        passwords"""
++        reg = r'(?P<var>(pass|key|secret|PASS|KEY|SECRET).*?=)(?P<value>.*?\s)'
++        return re.sub(reg, r'\g<var>****** ', msg)
++    def log_info(self, msg):
++        """Used to print and log info messages"""
++        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
++        lmsg = '[%s:%s] %s' % (self.hostname, caller, msg)
++        self.soslog.info(lmsg)
++    def log_error(self, msg):
++        """Used to print and log error messages"""
++        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
++        lmsg = '[%s:%s] %s' % (self.hostname, caller, msg)
++        self.soslog.error(lmsg)
++    def log_debug(self, msg):
++        """Used to print and log debug messages"""
++        msg = self._sanitize_log_msg(msg)
++        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
++        msg = '[%s:%s] %s' % (self.hostname, caller, msg)
++        self.soslog.debug(msg)
++    @property
++    def hostname(self):
++        if self._hostname and 'localhost' not in self._hostname:
++            return self._hostname
++        return self.address
++    @property
++    def connected(self):
++        """Is the transport __currently__ connected to the node, or otherwise
++        capable of seamlessly running a command or similar on the node?
++        """
++        return False
++    @property
++    def remote_exec(self):
++        """This is the command string needed to leverage the remote transport
++        when executing commands. For example, for an SSH transport this would
++        be the `ssh <options>` string prepended to any command so that the
++        command is executed by the ssh binary.
++        This is also referenced by the `remote_exec` parameter for policies
++        when loading a policy for a remote node
++        """
++        return None
++    def connect(self, password):
++        """Perform the connection steps in order to ensure that we are able to
++        connect to the node for all future operations. Note that this should
++        not provide an interactive shell at this time.
++        """
++        if self._connect(password):
++            if not self._hostname:
++                self._get_hostname()
++            return True
++        return False
++    def _connect(self, password):
++        """Actually perform the connection requirements. Should be overridden
++        by specific transports that subclass RemoteTransport
++        """
++        raise NotImplementedError("Transport %s does not define connect"
++                                  % self.name)
++    def reconnect(self, password):
++        """Attempts to reconnect to the node using the standard connect()
++        but does not do so indefinitely. This imposes a strict number of retry
++        attempts before failing out
++        """
++        attempts = 1
++        last_err = 'unknown'
++        while attempts < 5:
++            self.log_debug("Attempting reconnect (#%s) to node" % attempts)
++            try:
++                if self.connect(password):
++                    return True
++            except Exception as err:
++                self.log_debug("Attempt #%s exception: %s" % (attempts, err))
++                last_err = err
++            attempts += 1
++        self.log_error("Unable to reconnect to node after 5 attempts, "
++                       "aborting.")
++        raise ConnectionException("last exception from transport: %s"
++                                  % last_err)
++    def disconnect(self):
++        """Perform whatever steps are necessary, if any, to terminate any
++        connection to the node
++        """
++        try:
++            if self._disconnect():
++                self.log_debug("Successfully disconnected from node")
++            else:
++                self.log_error("Unable to successfully disconnect, see log for"
++                               " more details")
++        except Exception as err:
++            self.log_error("Failed to disconnect: %s" % err)
++    def _disconnect(self):
++        raise NotImplementedError("Transport %s does not define disconnect"
++                                  % self.name)
++    def run_command(self, cmd, timeout=180, need_root=False, env=None):
++        """Run a command on the node, returning its output and exit code.
++        This should return the exit code of the command being executed, not the
++        exit code of whatever mechanism the transport uses to execute that
++        command
++        :param cmd:         The command to run
++        :type cmd:          ``str``
++        :param timeout:     The maximum time in seconds to allow the cmd to run
++        :type timeout:      ``int``
++        :param get_pty:     Does ``cmd`` require a pty?
++        :type get_pty:      ``bool``
++        :param need_root:   Does ``cmd`` require root privileges?
++        :type neeed_root:   ``bool``
++        :param env:         Specify env vars to be passed to the ``cmd``
++        :type env:          ``dict``
++        :returns:           Output of ``cmd`` and the exit code
++        :rtype:             ``dict`` with keys ``output`` and ``status``
++        """
++        self.log_debug('Running command %s' % cmd)
++        # currently we only use/support the use of pexpect for handling the
++        # execution of these commands, as opposed to directly invoking
++        # subprocess.Popen() in conjunction with tools like sshpass.
++        # If that changes in the future, we'll add decision making logic here
++        # to route to the appropriate handler, but for now we just go straight
++        # to using pexpect
++        return self._run_command_with_pexpect(cmd, timeout, need_root, env)
++    def _format_cmd_for_exec(self, cmd):
++        """Format the command in the way needed for the remote transport to
++        successfully execute it as one would when manually executing it
++        :param cmd:     The command being executed, as formatted by SoSNode
++        :type cmd:      ``str``
++        :returns:       The command further formatted as needed by this
++                        transport
++        :rtype:         ``str``
++        """
++        cmd = "%s %s" % (self.remote_exec, quote(cmd))
++        cmd = cmd.lstrip()
++        return cmd
++    def _run_command_with_pexpect(self, cmd, timeout, need_root, env):
++        """Execute the command using pexpect, which allows us to more easily
++        handle prompts and timeouts compared to directly leveraging the
++        subprocess.Popen() method.
++        :param cmd:     The command to execute. This will be automatically
++                        formatted to use the transport.
++        :type cmd:      ``str``
++        :param timeout: The maximum time in seconds to run ``cmd``
++        :type timeout:  ``int``
++        :param need_root:   Does ``cmd`` need to run as root or with sudo?
++        :type need_root:    ``bool``
++        :param env:     Any env vars that ``cmd`` should be run with
++        :type env:      ``dict``
++        """
++        cmd = self._format_cmd_for_exec(cmd)
++        result = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
++        _expects = [pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]
++        if need_root and self.opts.ssh_user != 'root':
++            _expects.extend([
++                '\\[sudo\\] password for .*:',
++                'Password:'
++            ])
++        index = result.expect(_expects, timeout=timeout)
++        if index in [2, 3]:
++            self._send_pexpect_password(index, result)
++            index = result.expect(_expects, timeout=timeout)
++        if index == 0:
++            out = result.before
++            result.close()
++            return {'status': result.exitstatus, 'output': out}
++        elif index == 1:
++            raise CommandTimeoutException(cmd)
++    def _send_pexpect_password(self, index, result):
++        """Handle password prompts for sudo and su usage for non-root SSH users
++        :param index:       The index pexpect.spawn returned to match against
++                            either a sudo or su prompt
++        :type index:        ``int``
++        :param result:      The spawn running the command
++        :type result:       ``pexpect.spawn``
++        """
++        if index == 2:
++            if not self.opts.sudo_pw and not self.opt.nopasswd_sudo:
++                msg = ("Unable to run command: sudo password "
++                       "required but not provided")
++                self.log_error(msg)
++                raise Exception(msg)
++            result.sendline(self.opts.sudo_pw)
++        elif index == 3:
++            if not self.opts.root_password:
++                msg = ("Unable to run command as root: no root password given")
++                self.log_error(msg)
++                raise Exception(msg)
++            result.sendline(self.opts.root_password)
++    def _get_hostname(self):
++        """Determine the hostname of the node and set that for future reference
++        and logging
++        :returns:   The hostname of the system, per the `hostname` command
++        :rtype:     ``str``
++        """
++        _out = self.run_command('hostname')
++        if _out['status'] == 0:
++            self._hostname = _out['output'].strip()
++        self.log_info("Hostname set to %s" % self._hostname)
++        return self._hostname
++    def retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
++        """Copy a remote file, fname, to dest on the local node
++        :param fname:   The name of the file to retrieve
++        :type fname:    ``str``
++        :param dest:    Where to save the file to locally
++        :type dest:     ``str``
++        :returns:   True if file was successfully copied from remote, or False
++        :rtype:     ``bool``
++        """
++        return self._retrieve_file(fname, dest)
++    def _retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
++        raise NotImplementedError("Transport %s does not support file copying"
++                                  % self.name)
++    def read_file(self, fname):
++        """Read the given file fname and return its contents
++        :param fname:   The name of the file to read
++        :type fname:    ``str``
++        :returns:   The content of the file
++        :rtype:     ``str``
++        """
++        self.log_debug("Reading file %s" % fname)
++        return self._read_file(fname)
++    def _read_file(self, fname):
++        res = self.run_command("cat %s" % fname, timeout=5)
++        if res['status'] == 0:
++            return res['output']
++        else:
++            if 'No such file' in res['output']:
++                self.log_debug("File %s does not exist on node"
++                               % fname)
++            else:
++                self.log_error("Error reading %s: %s" %
++                               (fname, res['output'].split(':')[1:]))
++            return ''
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/control_persist.py b/sos/collector/transports/control_persist.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..3e848b41
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/control_persist.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
++# Copyright Red Hat 2021, Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++import os
++import pexpect
++import subprocess
++from sos.collector.transports import RemoteTransport
++from sos.collector.exceptions import (InvalidPasswordException,
++                                      TimeoutPasswordAuthException,
++                                      PasswordRequestException,
++                                      AuthPermissionDeniedException,
++                                      ConnectionException,
++                                      ConnectionTimeoutException,
++                                      ControlSocketMissingException,
++                                      ControlPersistUnsupportedException)
++from sos.utilities import sos_get_command_output
++class SSHControlPersist(RemoteTransport):
++    """A transport for collect that leverages OpenSSH's Control Persist
++    functionality which uses control sockets to transparently keep a connection
++    open to the remote host without needing to rebuild the SSH connection for
++    each and every command executed on the node
++    """
++    name = 'control_persist'
++    def _check_for_control_persist(self):
++        """Checks to see if the local system supported SSH ControlPersist.
++        ControlPersist allows OpenSSH to keep a single open connection to a
++        remote host rather than building a new session each time. This is the
++        same feature that Ansible uses in place of paramiko, which we have a
++        need to drop in sos-collector.
++        This check relies on feedback from the ssh binary. The command being
++        run should always generate stderr output, but depending on what that
++        output reads we can determine if ControlPersist is supported or not.
++        For our purposes, a host that does not support ControlPersist is not
++        able to run sos-collector.
++        Returns
++            True if ControlPersist is supported, else raise Exception.
++        """
++        ssh_cmd = ['ssh', '-o', 'ControlPersist']
++        cmd = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
++                               stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
++        out, err = cmd.communicate()
++        err = err.decode('utf-8')
++        if 'Bad configuration option' in err or 'Usage:' in err:
++            raise ControlPersistUnsupportedException
++        return True
++    def _connect(self, password=''):
++        """
++        Using ControlPersist, create the initial connection to the node.
++        This will generate an OpenSSH ControlPersist socket within the tmp
++        directory created or specified for sos-collector to use.
++        At most, we will wait 30 seconds for a connection. This involves a 15
++        second wait for the initial connection attempt, and a subsequent 15
++        second wait for a response when we supply a password.
++        Since we connect to nodes in parallel (using the --threads value), this
++        means that the time between 'Connecting to nodes...' and 'Beginning
++        collection of sosreports' that users see can be up to an amount of time
++        equal to 30*(num_nodes/threads) seconds.
++        Returns
++            True if session is successfully opened, else raise Exception
++        """
++        try:
++            self._check_for_control_persist()
++        except ControlPersistUnsupportedException:
++            self.log_error("OpenSSH ControlPersist is not locally supported. "
++                           "Please update your OpenSSH installation.")
++            raise
++        self.log_info('Opening SSH session to create control socket')
++        self.control_path = ("%s/.sos-collector-%s" % (self.tmpdir,
++                                                       self.address))
++        self.ssh_cmd = ''
++        connected = False
++        ssh_key = ''
++        ssh_port = ''
++        if self.opts.ssh_port != 22:
++            ssh_port = "-p%s " % self.opts.ssh_port
++        if self.opts.ssh_key:
++            ssh_key = "-i%s" % self.opts.ssh_key
++        cmd = ("ssh %s %s -oControlPersist=600 -oControlMaster=auto "
++               "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oControlPath=%s %s@%s "
++               "\"echo Connected\"" % (ssh_key,
++                                       ssh_port,
++                                       self.control_path,
++                                       self.opts.ssh_user,
++                                       self.address))
++        res = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8')
++        connect_expects = [
++            u'Connected',
++            u'password:',
++            u'.*Permission denied.*',
++            u'.* port .*: No route to host',
++            u'.*Could not resolve hostname.*',
++            pexpect.TIMEOUT
++        ]
++        index = res.expect(connect_expects, timeout=15)
++        if index == 0:
++            connected = True
++        elif index == 1:
++            if password:
++                pass_expects = [
++                    u'Connected',
++                    u'Permission denied, please try again.',
++                    pexpect.TIMEOUT
++                ]
++                res.sendline(password)
++                pass_index = res.expect(pass_expects, timeout=15)
++                if pass_index == 0:
++                    connected = True
++                elif pass_index == 1:
++                    # Note that we do not get an exitstatus here, so matching
++                    # this line means an invalid password will be reported for
++                    # both invalid passwords and invalid user names
++                    raise InvalidPasswordException
++                elif pass_index == 2:
++                    raise TimeoutPasswordAuthException
++            else:
++                raise PasswordRequestException
++        elif index == 2:
++            raise AuthPermissionDeniedException
++        elif index == 3:
++            raise ConnectionException(self.address, self.opts.ssh_port)
++        elif index == 4:
++            raise ConnectionException(self.address)
++        elif index == 5:
++            raise ConnectionTimeoutException
++        else:
++            raise Exception("Unknown error, client returned %s" % res.before)
++        if connected:
++            if not os.path.exists(self.control_path):
++                raise ControlSocketMissingException
++            self.log_debug("Successfully created control socket at %s"
++                           % self.control_path)
++            return True
++        return False
++    def _disconnect(self):
++        if os.path.exists(self.control_path):
++            try:
++                os.remove(self.control_path)
++                return True
++            except Exception as err:
++                self.log_debug("Could not disconnect properly: %s" % err)
++                return False
++        self.log_debug("Control socket not present when attempting to "
++                       "terminate session")
++    @property
++    def connected(self):
++        """Check if the SSH control socket exists
++        The control socket is automatically removed by the SSH daemon in the
++        event that the last connection to the node was greater than the timeout
++        set by the ControlPersist option. This can happen for us if we are
++        collecting from a large number of nodes, and the timeout expires before
++        we start collection.
++        """
++        return os.path.exists(self.control_path)
++    @property
++    def remote_exec(self):
++        if not self.ssh_cmd:
++            self.ssh_cmd = "ssh -oControlPath=%s %s@%s" % (
++                self.control_path, self.opts.ssh_user, self.address
++            )
++        return self.ssh_cmd
++    def _retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
++        cmd = "/usr/bin/scp -oControlPath=%s %s@%s:%s %s" % (
++            self.control_path, self.opts.ssh_user, self.address, fname, dest
++        )
++        res = sos_get_command_output(cmd)
++        return res['status'] == 0
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/local.py b/sos/collector/transports/local.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..a4897f19
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/local.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
++# Copyright Red Hat 2021, Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++import os
++import shutil
++from sos.collector.transports import RemoteTransport
++class LocalTransport(RemoteTransport):
++    """A 'transport' to represent a local node. This allows us to more easily
++    extend SoSNode() without having a ton of 'if local' or similar checks in
++    more places than we actually need them
++    """
++    name = 'local_node'
++    def _connect(self, password):
++        return True
++    def _disconnect(self):
++        return True
++    @property
++    def connected(self):
++        return True
++    def _retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
++        self.log_debug("Moving %s to %s" % (fname, dest))
++        shutil.copy(fname, dest)
++    def _format_cmd_for_exec(self, cmd):
++        return cmd
++    def _read_file(self, fname):
++        if os.path.exists(fname):
++            with open(fname, 'r') as rfile:
++                return rfile.read()
++        self.log_debug("No such file: %s" % fname)
++        return ''
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+From e869bc84c714bfc2249bbcb84e14908049ee42c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 12:07:08 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [Plugin,utilities] Add sysroot wrapper for os.path.join
+Adds a wrapper for `os.path.join()` which accounts for non-/ sysroots,
+like we have done previously for other `os.path` methods. Further
+updates `Plugin()` to use this wrapper where appropriate.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 43 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ sos/utilities.py               |  6 +++++
+ 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index c635b8de..1f84bca4 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
+ from sos.utilities import (sos_get_command_output, import_module, grep,
+                            fileobj, tail, is_executable, TIMEOUT_DEFAULT,
+                            path_exists, path_isdir, path_isfile, path_islink,
+-                           listdir)
++                           listdir, path_join)
+ import os
+ import glob
+@@ -708,19 +708,6 @@ class Plugin():
+     def _log_debug(self, msg):
+         self.soslog.debug(self._format_msg(msg))
+-    def join_sysroot(self, path):
+-        """Join a given path with the configured sysroot
+-        :param path:    The filesystem path that needs to be joined
+-        :type path: ``str``
+-        :returns: The joined filesystem path
+-        :rtype: ``str``
+-        """
+-        if path[0] == os.sep:
+-            path = path[1:]
+-        return os.path.join(self.sysroot, path)
+     def strip_sysroot(self, path):
+         """Remove the configured sysroot from a filesystem path
+@@ -1176,7 +1163,7 @@ class Plugin():
+     def _get_dest_for_srcpath(self, srcpath):
+         if self.use_sysroot():
+-            srcpath = self.join_sysroot(srcpath)
++            srcpath = self.path_join(srcpath)
+         for copied in self.copied_files:
+             if srcpath == copied["srcpath"]:
+                 return copied["dstpath"]
+@@ -1284,7 +1271,7 @@ class Plugin():
+             forbidden = [forbidden]
+         if self.use_sysroot():
+-            forbidden = [self.join_sysroot(f) for f in forbidden]
++            forbidden = [self.path_join(f) for f in forbidden]
+         for forbid in forbidden:
+             self._log_info("adding forbidden path '%s'" % forbid)
+@@ -1438,7 +1425,7 @@ class Plugin():
+             since = self.get_option('since')
+         logarchive_pattern = re.compile(r'.*((\.(zip|gz|bz2|xz))|[-.][\d]+)$')
+-        configfile_pattern = re.compile(r"^%s/*" % self.join_sysroot("etc"))
++        configfile_pattern = re.compile(r"^%s/*" % self.path_join("etc"))
+         if not self.test_predicate(pred=pred):
+             self._log_info("skipped copy spec '%s' due to predicate (%s)" %
+@@ -1468,7 +1455,7 @@ class Plugin():
+                 return False
+             if self.use_sysroot():
+-                copyspec = self.join_sysroot(copyspec)
++                copyspec = self.path_join(copyspec)
+             files = self._expand_copy_spec(copyspec)
+@@ -1683,7 +1670,7 @@ class Plugin():
+                 if not _dev_ok:
+                     continue
+                 if prepend_path:
+-                    device = os.path.join(prepend_path, device)
++                    device = self.path_join(prepend_path, device)
+                 _cmd = cmd % {'dev': device}
+                 self._add_cmd_output(cmd=_cmd, timeout=timeout,
+                                      sizelimit=sizelimit, chroot=chroot,
+@@ -2592,7 +2579,7 @@ class Plugin():
+                     if self.path_isfile(path) or self.path_islink(path):
+                         found_paths.append(path)
+                     elif self.path_isdir(path) and self.listdir(path):
+-                        found_paths.extend(__expand(os.path.join(path, '*')))
++                        found_paths.extend(__expand(self.path_join(path, '*')))
+                     else:
+                         found_paths.append(path)
+                 except PermissionError:
+@@ -2608,7 +2595,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         if (os.access(copyspec, os.R_OK) and self.path_isdir(copyspec) and
+                 self.listdir(copyspec)):
+             # the directory exists and is non-empty, recurse through it
+-            copyspec = os.path.join(copyspec, '*')
++            copyspec = self.path_join(copyspec, '*')
+         expanded = glob.glob(copyspec, recursive=True)
+         recursed_files = []
+         for _path in expanded:
+@@ -2877,6 +2864,20 @@ class Plugin():
+         """
+         return listdir(path, self.commons['cmdlineopts'].sysroot)
++    def path_join(self, path, *p):
++        """Helper to call the sos.utilities wrapper that allows the
++        corresponding `os` call to account for sysroot
++        :param path:    The leading path passed to os.path.join()
++        :type path:     ``str``
++        :param p:       Following path section(s) to be joined with ``path``,
++                        an empty parameter will result in a path that ends with
++                        a separator
++        :type p:        ``str``
++        """
++        return path_join(path, *p, sysroot=self.sysroot)
+     def postproc(self):
+         """Perform any postprocessing. To be replaced by a plugin if required.
+         """
+diff --git a/sos/utilities.py b/sos/utilities.py
+index c940e066..b7575153 100644
+--- a/sos/utilities.py
++++ b/sos/utilities.py
+@@ -242,6 +242,12 @@ def listdir(path, sysroot):
+     return _os_wrapper(path, sysroot, 'listdir', os)
++def path_join(path, *p, sysroot=os.sep):
++    if not path.startswith(sysroot):
++        path = os.path.join(sysroot, path.lstrip(os.sep))
++    return os.path.join(path, *p)
+ class AsyncReader(threading.Thread):
+     """Used to limit command output to a given size without deadlocking
+     sos.
+From 07d96d52ef69b9f8fe1ef32a1b88089d31c33fe8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 12:28:27 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [plugins] Update plugins to use new os.path.join wrapper
+Updates plugins to use the new `self.path_join()` wrapper for
+`os.path.join()` so that these plugins now account for non-/ sysroots
+for their collections.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py            |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/azure.py               |  4 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/collectd.py            |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/container_log.py       |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/corosync.py            |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/docker_distribution.py |  5 ++--
+ sos/report/plugins/ds.py                  |  3 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/elastic.py             |  4 ++-
+ sos/report/plugins/etcd.py                |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/gluster.py             |  3 ++-
+ sos/report/plugins/jars.py                |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/kdump.py               |  4 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/libvirt.py             |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/logs.py                |  8 +++---
+ sos/report/plugins/manageiq.py            | 12 ++++-----
+ sos/report/plugins/numa.py                |  9 +++----
+ sos/report/plugins/openstack_instack.py   |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/openstack_nova.py      |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py         | 13 ++++-----
+ sos/report/plugins/origin.py              | 28 +++++++++++---------
+ sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py               |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/ovirt_engine_backup.py |  5 ++--
+ sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py         | 26 +++++++++---------
+ sos/report/plugins/ovn_host.py            |  4 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/pacemaker.py           |  4 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/pcp.py                 | 32 +++++++++++------------
+ sos/report/plugins/postfix.py             |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/postgresql.py          |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/powerpc.py             |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/processor.py           |  3 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/python.py              |  4 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/sar.py                 |  5 ++--
+ sos/report/plugins/sos_extras.py          |  2 +-
+ sos/report/plugins/ssh.py                 |  7 +++--
+ sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py          |  4 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/watchdog.py            | 13 +++++----
+ sos/report/plugins/yum.py                 |  2 +-
+ 37 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index 1f84bca4..ec138f83 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -2897,7 +2897,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         try:
+             cmd_line_paths = glob.glob(cmd_line_glob)
+             for path in cmd_line_paths:
+-                f = open(path, 'r')
++                f = open(self.path_join(path), 'r')
+                 cmd_line = f.read().strip()
+                 if process in cmd_line:
+                     status = True
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/azure.py b/sos/report/plugins/azure.py
+index 45971a61..90999b3f 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/azure.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/azure.py
+@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
+ #
+ # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+-import os
+ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, UbuntuPlugin, RedHatPlugin
++import os
+ class Azure(Plugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class Azure(Plugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+         for path, subdirs, files in os.walk("/var/log/azure"):
+             for name in files:
+-                self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(path, name), sizelimit=limit)
++                self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(path, name), sizelimit=limit)
+         self.add_cmd_output((
+             'curl -s -H Metadata:true '
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/collectd.py b/sos/report/plugins/collectd.py
+index 80d4b00a..8584adf9 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/collectd.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/collectd.py
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class Collectd(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         p = re.compile('^LoadPlugin.*')
+         try:
+-            with open("/etc/collectd.conf") as f:
++            with open(self.path_join("/etc/collectd.conf"), 'r') as f:
+                 for line in f:
+                     if p.match(line):
+                         self.add_alert("Active Plugin found: %s" %
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/container_log.py b/sos/report/plugins/container_log.py
+index 14e0b7d8..e8dedad2 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/container_log.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/container_log.py
+@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ class ContainerLog(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         """Collect *.log files from subdirs of passed root path
+         """
+         for dirName, _, _ in os.walk(root):
+-            self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(dirName, '*.log'))
++            self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(dirName, '*.log'))
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/corosync.py b/sos/report/plugins/corosync.py
+index d74086e3..10e096c6 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/corosync.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/corosync.py
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Corosync(Plugin):
+         # (it isnt precise but sufficient)
+         pattern = r'^\s*(logging.)?logfile:\s*(\S+)$'
+         try:
+-            with open("/etc/corosync/corosync.conf") as f:
++            with open(self.path_join("/etc/corosync/corosync.conf"), 'r') as f:
+                 for line in f:
+                     if re.match(pattern, line):
+                         self.add_copy_spec(re.search(pattern, line).group(2))
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/docker_distribution.py b/sos/report/plugins/docker_distribution.py
+index 84222ff7..e760f252 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/docker_distribution.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/docker_distribution.py
+@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ class DockerDistribution(Plugin):
+     def setup(self):
+         self.add_copy_spec('/etc/docker-distribution/')
+         self.add_journal('docker-distribution')
+-        if self.path_exists('/etc/docker-distribution/registry/config.yml'):
+-            with open('/etc/docker-distribution/registry/config.yml') as f:
++        conf = self.path_join('/etc/docker-distribution/registry/config.yml')
++        if self.path_exists(conf):
++            with open(conf) as f:
+                 for line in f:
+                     if 'rootdirectory' in line:
+                         loc = line.split()[1]
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ds.py b/sos/report/plugins/ds.py
+index addf49e1..43feb21e 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ds.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ds.py
+@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
+ # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
+-import os
+ class DirectoryServer(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class DirectoryServer(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         try:
+             for d in self.listdir("/etc/dirsrv"):
+                 if d[0:5] == 'slapd':
+-                    certpath = os.path.join("/etc/dirsrv", d)
++                    certpath = self.path_join("/etc/dirsrv", d)
+                     self.add_cmd_output("certutil -L -d %s" % certpath)
+                     self.add_cmd_output("dsctl %s healthcheck" % d)
+         except OSError:
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/elastic.py b/sos/report/plugins/elastic.py
+index ad9a06ff..da2662bc 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/elastic.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/elastic.py
+@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ class Elastic(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         return hostname, port
+     def setup(self):
+-        els_config_file = "/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml"
++        els_config_file = self.path_join(
++            "/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml"
++        )
+         self.add_copy_spec(els_config_file)
+         if self.get_option("all_logs"):
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/etcd.py b/sos/report/plugins/etcd.py
+index fd4f67eb..fe017e9f 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/etcd.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/etcd.py
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class etcd(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+     def get_etcd_url(self):
+         try:
+-            with open('/etc/etcd/etcd.conf', 'r') as ef:
++            with open(self.path_join('/etc/etcd/etcd.conf'), 'r') as ef:
+                 for line in ef:
+                     if line.startswith('ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS'):
+                         return line.split('=')[1].replace('"', '').strip()
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py b/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py
+index a44ffeb7..e518e3d3 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py
+@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ class Gluster(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         ]
+         for statedump_file in statedump_entries:
+             statedumps_present = statedumps_present+1
++            _spath = self.path_join(name_dir, statedump_file)
+             ret = -1
+             while ret == -1:
+-                with open(name_dir + '/' + statedump_file, 'r') as sfile:
++                with open(_spath, 'r') as sfile:
+                     last_line = sfile.readlines()[-1]
+                     ret = string.count(last_line, 'DUMP_END_TIME')
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/jars.py b/sos/report/plugins/jars.py
+index 0d3cf37e..4b98684e 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/jars.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/jars.py
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Jars(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         for location in locations:
+             for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(location):
+                 for filename in filenames:
+-                    path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
++                    path = self.path_join(dirpath, filename)
+                     if Jars.is_jar(path):
+                         jar_paths.append(path)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/kdump.py b/sos/report/plugins/kdump.py
+index 757c2736..66565664 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/kdump.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/kdump.py
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class RedHatKDump(KDump, RedHatPlugin):
+     packages = ('kexec-tools',)
+     def fstab_parse_fs(self, device):
+-        with open('/etc/fstab', 'r') as fp:
++        with open(self.path_join('/etc/fstab'), 'r') as fp:
+             for line in fp:
+                 if line.startswith((device)):
+                     return line.split()[1].rstrip('/')
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class RedHatKDump(KDump, RedHatPlugin):
+         fs = ""
+         path = "/var/crash"
+-        with open('/etc/kdump.conf', 'r') as fp:
++        with open(self.path_join('/etc/kdump.conf'), 'r') as fp:
+             for line in fp:
+                 if line.startswith("path"):
+                     path = line.split()[1]
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/libvirt.py b/sos/report/plugins/libvirt.py
+index be8120ff..5caa5802 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/libvirt.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/libvirt.py
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Libvirt(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         else:
+             self.add_copy_spec("/var/log/libvirt")
+-        if self.path_exists(self.join_sysroot(libvirt_keytab)):
++        if self.path_exists(self.path_join(libvirt_keytab)):
+             self.add_cmd_output("klist -ket %s" % libvirt_keytab)
+         self.add_cmd_output("ls -lR /var/lib/libvirt/qemu")
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/logs.py b/sos/report/plugins/logs.py
+index ee6bb98d..606e574a 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/logs.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/logs.py
+@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ class Logs(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         since = self.get_option("since")
+         if self.path_exists('/etc/rsyslog.conf'):
+-            with open('/etc/rsyslog.conf', 'r') as conf:
++            with open(self.path_join('/etc/rsyslog.conf'), 'r') as conf:
+                 for line in conf.readlines():
+                     if line.startswith('$IncludeConfig'):
+                         confs += glob.glob(line.split()[1])
+         for conf in confs:
+-            if not self.path_exists(conf):
++            if not self.path_exists(self.path_join(conf)):
+                 continue
+-            config = self.join_sysroot(conf)
++            config = self.path_join(conf)
+             logs += self.do_regex_find_all(r"^\S+\s+(-?\/.*$)\s+", config)
+         for i in logs:
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Logs(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         # - there is some data present, either persistent or runtime only
+         # - systemd-journald service exists
+         # otherwise fallback to collecting few well known logfiles directly
+-        journal = any([self.path_exists(p + "/log/journal/")
++        journal = any([self.path_exists(self.path_join(p, "log/journal/"))
+                       for p in ["/var", "/run"]])
+         if journal and self.is_service("systemd-journald"):
+             self.add_journal(since=since, tags='journal_full', priority=100)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/manageiq.py b/sos/report/plugins/manageiq.py
+index 27ad6ef4..e20c4a2a 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/manageiq.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/manageiq.py
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class ManageIQ(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+     # Log files to collect from miq_dir/log/
+     miq_log_dir = os.path.join(miq_dir, "log")
+-    miq_main_log_files = [
++    miq_main_logs = [
+         'ansible_tower.log',
+         'top_output.log',
+         'evm.log',
+@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ class ManageIQ(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         self.add_copy_spec(list(self.files))
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+-            os.path.join(self.miq_conf_dir, x) for x in self.miq_conf_files
++            self.path_join(self.miq_conf_dir, x) for x in self.miq_conf_files
+         ])
+         # Collect main log files without size limit.
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+-            os.path.join(self.miq_log_dir, x) for x in self.miq_main_log_files
++            self.path_join(self.miq_log_dir, x) for x in self.miq_main_logs
+         ], sizelimit=0)
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+-            os.path.join(self.miq_log_dir, x) for x in self.miq_log_files
++            self.path_join(self.miq_log_dir, x) for x in self.miq_log_files
+         ])
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ class ManageIQ(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         if environ.get("APPLIANCE_PG_DATA"):
+             pg_dir = environ.get("APPLIANCE_PG_DATA")
+             self.add_copy_spec([
+-                    os.path.join(pg_dir, 'pg_log'),
+-                    os.path.join(pg_dir, 'postgresql.conf')
++                    self.path_join(pg_dir, 'pg_log'),
++                    self.path_join(pg_dir, 'postgresql.conf')
+             ])
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/numa.py b/sos/report/plugins/numa.py
+index 0faef8d2..9094baef 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/numa.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/numa.py
+@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
+ # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, IndependentPlugin
+-import os.path
+ class Numa(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+@@ -42,10 +41,10 @@ class Numa(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         ])
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+-            os.path.join(numa_path, "node*/meminfo"),
+-            os.path.join(numa_path, "node*/cpulist"),
+-            os.path.join(numa_path, "node*/distance"),
+-            os.path.join(numa_path, "node*/hugepages/hugepages-*/*")
++            self.path_join(numa_path, "node*/meminfo"),
++            self.path_join(numa_path, "node*/cpulist"),
++            self.path_join(numa_path, "node*/distance"),
++            self.path_join(numa_path, "node*/hugepages/hugepages-*/*")
+         ])
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_instack.py b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_instack.py
+index 7c56c162..5b4f7d41 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_instack.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_instack.py
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class OpenStackInstack(Plugin):
+                 p = uc_config.get(opt)
+                 if p:
+                     if not os.path.isabs(p):
+-                        p = os.path.join('/home/stack', p)
++                        p = self.path_join('/home/stack', p)
+                     self.add_copy_spec(p)
+         except Exception:
+             pass
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_nova.py b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_nova.py
+index 53210c48..f840081e 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_nova.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_nova.py
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class OpenStackNova(Plugin):
+                 "nova-scheduler.log*"
+             ]
+             for novalog in novalogs:
+-                self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(novadir, novalog))
++                self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(novadir, novalog))
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+             "/etc/nova/",
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py b/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py
+index 003596c6..179d1532 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/openvswitch.py
+@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
+ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin
+-from os.path import join as path_join
+ from os import environ
+ import re
+@@ -65,7 +64,9 @@ class OpenVSwitch(Plugin):
+             log_dirs.append(environ.get('OVS_LOGDIR'))
+         if not all_logs:
+-            self.add_copy_spec([path_join(ld, '*.log') for ld in log_dirs])
++            self.add_copy_spec([
++                self.path_join(ld, '*.log') for ld in log_dirs
++            ])
+         else:
+             self.add_copy_spec(log_dirs)
+@@ -76,13 +77,13 @@ class OpenVSwitch(Plugin):
+         ])
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+-            path_join('/usr/local/etc/openvswitch', 'conf.db'),
+-            path_join('/etc/openvswitch', 'conf.db'),
+-            path_join('/var/lib/openvswitch', 'conf.db'),
++            self.path_join('/usr/local/etc/openvswitch', 'conf.db'),
++            self.path_join('/etc/openvswitch', 'conf.db'),
++            self.path_join('/var/lib/openvswitch', 'conf.db'),
+         ])
+         ovs_dbdir = environ.get('OVS_DBDIR')
+         if ovs_dbdir:
+-            self.add_copy_spec(path_join(ovs_dbdir, 'conf.db'))
++            self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(ovs_dbdir, 'conf.db'))
+         self.add_cmd_output([
+             # The '-t 5' adds an upper bound on how long to wait to connect
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/origin.py b/sos/report/plugins/origin.py
+index f9cc32c1..7df9c019 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/origin.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/origin.py
+@@ -69,20 +69,21 @@ class OpenShiftOrigin(Plugin):
+     def is_static_etcd(self):
+         """Determine if we are on a node running etcd"""
+-        return self.path_exists(os.path.join(self.static_pod_dir, "etcd.yaml"))
++        return self.path_exists(self.path_join(self.static_pod_dir,
++                                               "etcd.yaml"))
+     def is_static_pod_compatible(self):
+         """Determine if a node is running static pods"""
+         return self.path_exists(self.static_pod_dir)
+     def setup(self):
+-        bstrap_node_cfg = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir,
+-                                       "bootstrap-" + self.node_cfg_file)
+-        bstrap_kubeconfig = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir,
+-                                         "bootstrap.kubeconfig")
+-        node_certs = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "certs", "*")
+-        node_client_ca = os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "client-ca.crt")
+-        admin_cfg = os.path.join(self.master_base_dir, "admin.kubeconfig")
++        bstrap_node_cfg = self.path_join(self.node_base_dir,
++                                         "bootstrap-" + self.node_cfg_file)
++        bstrap_kubeconfig = self.path_join(self.node_base_dir,
++                                           "bootstrap.kubeconfig")
++        node_certs = self.path_join(self.node_base_dir, "certs", "*")
++        node_client_ca = self.path_join(self.node_base_dir, "client-ca.crt")
++        admin_cfg = self.path_join(self.master_base_dir, "admin.kubeconfig")
+         oc_cmd_admin = "%s --config=%s" % ("oc", admin_cfg)
+         static_pod_logs_cmd = "master-logs"
+@@ -92,11 +93,12 @@ class OpenShiftOrigin(Plugin):
+             self.add_copy_spec([
+                 self.master_cfg,
+                 self.master_env,
+-                os.path.join(self.master_base_dir, "*.crt"),
++                self.path_join(self.master_base_dir, "*.crt"),
+             ])
+             if self.is_static_pod_compatible():
+-                self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(self.static_pod_dir, "*.yaml"))
++                self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(self.static_pod_dir,
++                                                  "*.yaml"))
+                 self.add_cmd_output([
+                     "%s api api" % static_pod_logs_cmd,
+                     "%s controllers controllers" % static_pod_logs_cmd,
+@@ -177,9 +179,9 @@ class OpenShiftOrigin(Plugin):
+                 node_client_ca,
+                 bstrap_node_cfg,
+                 bstrap_kubeconfig,
+-                os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "*.crt"),
+-                os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "resolv.conf"),
+-                os.path.join(self.node_base_dir, "node-dnsmasq.conf"),
++                self.path_join(self.node_base_dir, "*.crt"),
++                self.path_join(self.node_base_dir, "resolv.conf"),
++                self.path_join(self.node_base_dir, "node-dnsmasq.conf"),
+             ])
+             self.add_journal(units="atomic-openshift-node")
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py b/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py
+index 1de606be..09647bf1 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ovirt.py
+@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class Ovirt(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             "isouploader.conf"
+         ]
+         for conf_file in passwd_files:
+-            conf_path = os.path.join("/etc/ovirt-engine", conf_file)
++            conf_path = self.path_join("/etc/ovirt-engine", conf_file)
+             self.do_file_sub(
+                 conf_path,
+                 r"passwd=(.*)",
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ovirt_engine_backup.py b/sos/report/plugins/ovirt_engine_backup.py
+index 676e419e..7fb6a5c7 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ovirt_engine_backup.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ovirt_engine_backup.py
+@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
+ #
+ # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+-import os
+ from sos.report.plugins import (Plugin, RedHatPlugin)
+ from datetime import datetime
+@@ -29,11 +28,11 @@ class oVirtEngineBackup(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+     def setup(self):
+         now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+-        backup_filename = os.path.join(
++        backup_filename = self.path_join(
+             self.get_option("backupdir"),
+             "engine-db-backup-%s.tar.gz" % (now)
+         )
+-        log_filename = os.path.join(
++        log_filename = self.path_join(
+             self.get_option("backupdir"),
+             "engine-db-backup-%s.log" % (now)
+         )
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py b/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py
+index d6647aad..914eda60 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class OVNCentral(Plugin):
+                 return
+         else:
+             try:
+-                with open(filename, 'r') as f:
++                with open(self.path_join(filename), 'r') as f:
+                     try:
+                         db = json.load(f)
+                     except Exception:
+@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ class OVNCentral(Plugin):
+         ovs_rundir = os.environ.get('OVS_RUNDIR')
+         for pidfile in ['ovnnb_db.pid', 'ovnsb_db.pid', 'ovn-northd.pid']:
+             self.add_copy_spec([
+-                os.path.join('/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn', pidfile),
+-                os.path.join('/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch', pidfile),
+-                os.path.join('/run/openvswitch/', pidfile),
++                self.path_join('/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn', pidfile),
++                self.path_join('/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch', pidfile),
++                self.path_join('/run/openvswitch/', pidfile),
+             ])
+             if ovs_rundir:
+-                self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(ovs_rundir, pidfile))
++                self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(ovs_rundir, pidfile))
+         if self.get_option("all_logs"):
+             self.add_copy_spec("/var/log/ovn/")
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class OVNCentral(Plugin):
+         schema_dir = '/usr/share/openvswitch'
+-        nb_tables = self.get_tables_from_schema(os.path.join(
++        nb_tables = self.get_tables_from_schema(self.path_join(
+             schema_dir, 'ovn-nb.ovsschema'))
+         self.add_database_output(nb_tables, nbctl_cmds, 'ovn-nbctl')
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class OVNCentral(Plugin):
+               format(self.ovn_sbdb_sock_path),
+               "output": "Leader: self"}
+         if self.test_predicate(self, pred=SoSPredicate(self, cmd_outputs=co)):
+-            sb_tables = self.get_tables_from_schema(os.path.join(
++            sb_tables = self.get_tables_from_schema(self.path_join(
+                 schema_dir, 'ovn-sb.ovsschema'), ['Logical_Flow'])
+             self.add_database_output(sb_tables, sbctl_cmds, 'ovn-sbctl')
+             cmds += sbctl_cmds
+@@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ class OVNCentral(Plugin):
+         ovs_dbdir = os.environ.get('OVS_DBDIR')
+         for dbfile in ['ovnnb_db.db', 'ovnsb_db.db']:
+             self.add_copy_spec([
+-                os.path.join('/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn', dbfile),
+-                os.path.join('/usr/local/etc/openvswitch', dbfile),
+-                os.path.join('/etc/openvswitch', dbfile),
+-                os.path.join('/var/lib/openvswitch', dbfile),
+-                os.path.join('/var/lib/ovn/etc', dbfile),
++                self.path_join('/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn', dbfile),
++                self.path_join('/usr/local/etc/openvswitch', dbfile),
++                self.path_join('/etc/openvswitch', dbfile),
++                self.path_join('/var/lib/openvswitch', dbfile),
++                self.path_join('/var/lib/ovn/etc', dbfile)
+             ])
+             if ovs_dbdir:
+-                self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(ovs_dbdir, dbfile))
++                self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(ovs_dbdir, dbfile))
+         self.add_journal(units="ovn-northd")
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ovn_host.py b/sos/report/plugins/ovn_host.py
+index 3742c49f..78604a15 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ovn_host.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ovn_host.py
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class OVNHost(Plugin):
+         else:
+             self.add_copy_spec("/var/log/ovn/*.log")
+-        self.add_copy_spec([os.path.join(pp, pidfile) for pp in pid_paths])
++        self.add_copy_spec([self.path_join(pp, pidfile) for pp in pid_paths])
+         self.add_copy_spec('/etc/sysconfig/ovn-controller')
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class OVNHost(Plugin):
+     def check_enabled(self):
+         return (any([self.path_isfile(
+-            os.path.join(pp, pidfile)) for pp in pid_paths]) or
++            self.path_join(pp, pidfile)) for pp in pid_paths]) or
+             super(OVNHost, self).check_enabled())
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/pacemaker.py b/sos/report/plugins/pacemaker.py
+index 497807ff..6ce80881 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/pacemaker.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/pacemaker.py
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class Pacemaker(Plugin):
+ class DebianPacemaker(Pacemaker, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+     def setup(self):
+-        self.envfile = "/etc/default/pacemaker"
++        self.envfile = self.path_join("/etc/default/pacemaker")
+         self.setup_crm_shell()
+         self.setup_pcs()
+         super(DebianPacemaker, self).setup()
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class DebianPacemaker(Pacemaker, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+ class RedHatPacemaker(Pacemaker, RedHatPlugin):
+     def setup(self):
+-        self.envfile = "/etc/sysconfig/pacemaker"
++        self.envfile = self.path_join("/etc/sysconfig/pacemaker")
+         self.setup_pcs()
+         self.add_copy_spec("/etc/sysconfig/sbd")
+         super(RedHatPacemaker, self).setup()
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/pcp.py b/sos/report/plugins/pcp.py
+index 9707d7a9..ad902332 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/pcp.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/pcp.py
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Pcp(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin):
+         total_size = 0
+         for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
+             for f in filenames:
+-                fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
++                fp = self.path_join(dirpath, f)
+                 total_size += os.path.getsize(fp)
+         return total_size
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Pcp(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin):
+         # unconditionally. Obviously if someone messes up their /etc/pcp.conf
+         # in a ridiculous way (i.e. setting PCP_SYSCONF_DIR to '/') this will
+         # break badly.
+-        var_conf_dir = os.path.join(self.pcp_var_dir, 'config')
++        var_conf_dir = self.path_join(self.pcp_var_dir, 'config')
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+             self.pcp_sysconf_dir,
+             self.pcp_conffile,
+@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ class Pcp(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin):
+         # rpms. It does not make up for a lot of size but it contains many
+         # files
+         self.add_forbidden_path([
+-            os.path.join(var_conf_dir, 'pmchart'),
+-            os.path.join(var_conf_dir, 'pmlogconf'),
+-            os.path.join(var_conf_dir, 'pmieconf'),
+-            os.path.join(var_conf_dir, 'pmlogrewrite')
++            self.path_join(var_conf_dir, 'pmchart'),
++            self.path_join(var_conf_dir, 'pmlogconf'),
++            self.path_join(var_conf_dir, 'pmieconf'),
++            self.path_join(var_conf_dir, 'pmlogrewrite')
+         ])
+         # Take PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/`hostname` + PCP_LOG_DIR/pmmgr/`hostname`
+@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ class Pcp(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin):
+         # we would collect everything
+         if self.pcp_hostname != '':
+             # collect pmmgr logs up to 'pmmgrlogs' size limit
+-            path = os.path.join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'pmmgr',
+-                                self.pcp_hostname, '*')
++            path = self.path_join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'pmmgr',
++                                  self.pcp_hostname, '*')
+             self.add_copy_spec(path, sizelimit=self.sizelimit, tailit=False)
+             # collect newest pmlogger logs up to 'pmloggerfiles' count
+             files_collected = 0
+-            path = os.path.join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'pmlogger',
+-                                self.pcp_hostname, '*')
++            path = self.path_join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'pmlogger',
++                                  self.pcp_hostname, '*')
+             pmlogger_ls = self.exec_cmd("ls -t1 %s" % path)
+             if pmlogger_ls['status'] == 0:
+                 for line in pmlogger_ls['output'].splitlines():
+@@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ class Pcp(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin):
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+             # Collect PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd and PCP_LOG_DIR/NOTICES
+-            os.path.join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'pmcd'),
+-            os.path.join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'NOTICES*'),
++            self.path_join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'pmcd'),
++            self.path_join(self.pcp_log_dir, 'NOTICES*'),
+             # Collect PCP_VAR_DIR/pmns
+-            os.path.join(self.pcp_var_dir, 'pmns'),
++            self.path_join(self.pcp_var_dir, 'pmns'),
+             # Also collect any other log and config files
+             # (as suggested by fche)
+-            os.path.join(self.pcp_log_dir, '*/*.log*'),
+-            os.path.join(self.pcp_log_dir, '*/*/*.log*'),
+-            os.path.join(self.pcp_log_dir, '*/*/config*')
++            self.path_join(self.pcp_log_dir, '*/*.log*'),
++            self.path_join(self.pcp_log_dir, '*/*/*.log*'),
++            self.path_join(self.pcp_log_dir, '*/*/config*')
+         ])
+         # Collect a summary for the current day
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/postfix.py b/sos/report/plugins/postfix.py
+index 8f584430..3ca0c4ad 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/postfix.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/postfix.py
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Postfix(Plugin):
+         ]
+         fp = []
+         try:
+-            with open('/etc/postfix/main.cf', 'r') as cffile:
++            with open(self.path_join('/etc/postfix/main.cf'), 'r') as cffile:
+                 for line in cffile.readlines():
+                     # ignore comments and take the first word after '='
+                     if line.startswith('#'):
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/postgresql.py b/sos/report/plugins/postgresql.py
+index bec0b019..00824db7 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/postgresql.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/postgresql.py
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class RedHatPostgreSQL(PostgreSQL, SCLPlugin):
+             # copy PG_VERSION and postmaster.opts
+             for f in ["PG_VERSION", "postmaster.opts"]:
+-                self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(_dir, "data", f))
++                self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(_dir, "data", f))
+ class DebianPostgreSQL(PostgreSQL, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/powerpc.py b/sos/report/plugins/powerpc.py
+index 4fb4f87c..50f88650 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/powerpc.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/powerpc.py
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class PowerPC(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+     def setup(self):
+         try:
+-            with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as fp:
++            with open(self.path_join('/proc/cpuinfo'), 'r') as fp:
+                 contents = fp.read()
+                 ispSeries = "pSeries" in contents
+                 isPowerNV = "PowerNV" in contents
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/processor.py b/sos/report/plugins/processor.py
+index 2df2dc9a..c3d8930c 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/processor.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/processor.py
+@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
+ # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, IndependentPlugin
+-import os
+ class Processor(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ class Processor(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         # cumulative directory size exceeds 25MB or even 100MB.
+         cdirs = self.listdir('/sys/devices/system/cpu')
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+-            os.path.join('/sys/devices/system/cpu', cdir) for cdir in cdirs
++            self.path_join('/sys/devices/system/cpu', cdir) for cdir in cdirs
+         ])
+         self.add_cmd_output([
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/python.py b/sos/report/plugins/python.py
+index e2ab39ab..a8ec0cd8 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/python.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/python.py
+@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ class RedHatPython(Python, RedHatPlugin):
+             ]
+             for py_path in py_paths:
+-                for root, _, files in os.walk(py_path):
++                for root, _, files in os.walk(self.path_join(py_path)):
+                     for file_ in files:
+-                        filepath = os.path.join(root, file_)
++                        filepath = self.path_join(root, file_)
+                         if filepath.endswith('.py'):
+                             try:
+                                 with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/sar.py b/sos/report/plugins/sar.py
+index 669f5d7b..b60005b1 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/sar.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/sar.py
+@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
+ # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin
+-import os
+ import re
+@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ class Sar(Plugin,):
+                     "", False)]
+     def setup(self):
+-        self.add_copy_spec(os.path.join(self.sa_path, '*'),
++        self.add_copy_spec(self.path_join(self.sa_path, '*'),
+                            sizelimit=0 if self.get_option("all_sar") else None,
+                            tailit=False)
+@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ class Sar(Plugin,):
+         # as option for sadc
+         for fname in dir_list:
+             if sa_regex.match(fname):
+-                sa_data_path = os.path.join(self.sa_path, fname)
++                sa_data_path = self.path_join(self.sa_path, fname)
+                 sar_filename = 'sar' + fname[2:]
+                 if sar_filename not in dir_list:
+                     sar_cmd = 'sh -c "sar -A -f %s"' % sa_data_path
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/sos_extras.py b/sos/report/plugins/sos_extras.py
+index ffde4138..55bc4dc0 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/sos_extras.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/sos_extras.py
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class SosExtras(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         for path, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(self.extras_dir):
+             for f in filelist:
+-                _file = os.path.join(path, f)
++                _file = self.path_join(path, f)
+                 self._log_warn("Collecting data from extras file %s" % _file)
+                 try:
+                     for line in open(_file).read().splitlines():
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ssh.py b/sos/report/plugins/ssh.py
+index 971cda8b..9ac9dec0 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ssh.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ssh.py
+@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ class Ssh(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         try:
+             for sshcfg in sshcfgs:
+                 tag = sshcfg.split('/')[-1]
+-                with open(sshcfg, 'r') as cfgfile:
++                with open(self.path_join(sshcfg), 'r') as cfgfile:
+                     for line in cfgfile:
+                         # skip empty lines and comments
+                         if len(line.split()) == 0 or line.startswith('#'):
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py b/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py
+index 9205e53f..772b1d1f 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Unpackaged(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+                     for e in exclude:
+                         dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in e]
+                 for name in files:
+-                    path = os.path.join(root, name)
++                    path = self.path_join(root, name)
+                     try:
+                         if stat.S_ISLNK(os.lstat(path).st_mode):
+                             path = Path(path).resolve()
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Unpackaged(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+                     file_list.append(os.path.realpath(path))
+                 for name in dirs:
+                     file_list.append(os.path.realpath(
+-                                     os.path.join(root, name)))
++                                     self.path_join(root, name)))
+             return file_list
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/watchdog.py b/sos/report/plugins/watchdog.py
+index 1bf3f4cb..bf2dc9cb 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/watchdog.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/watchdog.py
+@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
+ from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
+ from glob import glob
+-import os
+ class Watchdog(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+@@ -56,8 +55,8 @@ class Watchdog(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             Collect configuration files, custom executables for test-binary
+             and repair-binary, and stdout/stderr logs.
+         """
+-        conf_file = self.get_option('conf_file')
+-        log_dir = '/var/log/watchdog'
++        conf_file = self.path_join(self.get_option('conf_file'))
++        log_dir = self.path_join('/var/log/watchdog')
+         # Get service configuration and sysconfig files
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+@@ -80,15 +79,15 @@ class Watchdog(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             self._log_warn("Could not read %s: %s" % (conf_file, ex))
+         if self.get_option('all_logs'):
+-            log_files = glob(os.path.join(log_dir, '*'))
++            log_files = glob(self.path_join(log_dir, '*'))
+         else:
+-            log_files = (glob(os.path.join(log_dir, '*.stdout')) +
+-                         glob(os.path.join(log_dir, '*.stderr')))
++            log_files = (glob(self.path_join(log_dir, '*.stdout')) +
++                         glob(self.path_join(log_dir, '*.stderr')))
+         self.add_copy_spec(log_files)
+         # Get output of "wdctl <device>" for each /dev/watchdog*
+-        for dev in glob('/dev/watchdog*'):
++        for dev in glob(self.path_join('/dev/watchdog*')):
+             self.add_cmd_output("wdctl %s" % dev)
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/yum.py b/sos/report/plugins/yum.py
+index 148464cb..e5256642 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/yum.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/yum.py
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Yum(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+                 if not p.endswith(".py"):
+                     continue
+                 plugins = plugins + " " if len(plugins) else ""
+-                plugins = plugins + os.path.join(YUM_PLUGIN_PATH, p)
++                plugins = plugins + self.path_join(YUM_PLUGIN_PATH, p)
+             if len(plugins):
+                 self.add_cmd_output("rpm -qf %s" % plugins,
+                                     suggest_filename="plugin-packages")
+From f4af5efdc79aefe1aa685c36d095925bae14dc4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 13:00:17 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] [collect] Add --transport option and allow clusters to
+ set transport type
+Adds a new `--transport` option for users to be able to specify the type
+of transport to use when connecting to nodes. The default value of
+`auto` will defer to the cluster profile to set the transport type,
+which will continue to default to use OpenSSH's ControlPersist feature.
+Clusters may override the new `set_transport_type()` method to change
+the default transport used.
+If `--transport` is anything besides `auto`, then the cluster profile
+will not be deferred to when choosing a transport for each remote node.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ man/en/sos-collect.1               | 15 +++++++++++++++
+ sos/collector/__init__.py          |  6 ++++++
+ sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py | 10 ++++++++++
+ sos/collector/exceptions.py        | 13 ++++++++++++-
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py           | 16 +++++++++++++++-
+ 5 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-collect.1 b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+index e930023e..8ad4fe5e 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-collect.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ sos collect \- Collect sosreports from multiple (cluster) nodes
+     [\-\-sos-cmd SOS_CMD]
+     [\-t|\-\-threads THREADS]
+     [\-\-timeout TIMEOUT]
++    [\-\-transport TRANSPORT]
+     [\-\-tmp\-dir TMP_DIR]
+     [\-v|\-\-verbose]
+     [\-\-verify]
+@@ -350,6 +351,20 @@ Note that sosreports are collected in parallel, so you can approximate the total
+ runtime of sos collect via timeout*(number of nodes/jobs).
+ Default is 180 seconds.
++\fB\-\-transport\fR TRANSPORT
++Specify the type of remote transport to use to manage connections to remote nodes.
++\fBsos collect\fR uses locally installed binaries to connect to and interact with remote
++nodes, instead of directly establishing those connections. By default, OpenSSH's ControlPersist
++feature is preferred, however certain cluster types may have preferences of their own for how
++remote sessions should be established.
++The types of transports supported are currently as follows:
++    \fBauto\fR                  Allow the cluster type to determine the transport used
++    \fBcontrol_persist\fR       Use OpenSSH's ControlPersist feature. This is the default behavior
+ .TP
+ \fB\-\-tmp\-dir\fR TMP_DIR
+ Specify a temporary directory to save sos archives to. By default one will be created in
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index da912655..fecfe6aa 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         'ssh_port': 22,
+         'ssh_user': 'root',
+         'timeout': 600,
++        'transport': 'auto',
+         'verify': False,
+         'usernames': [],
+         'upload': False,
+@@ -378,6 +379,8 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                                  help='Specify an SSH user. Default root')
+         collect_grp.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, required=False,
+                                  help='Timeout for sosreport on each node.')
++        collect_grp.add_argument('--transport', default='auto', type=str,
++                                 help='Remote connection transport to use')
+         collect_grp.add_argument("--upload", action="store_true",
+                                  default=False,
+                                  help="Upload archive to a policy-default "
+@@ -813,6 +813,8 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         self.collect_md.add_field('cluster_type', self.cluster_type)
+         if self.cluster:
+             self.master.cluster = self.cluster
++            if self.opts.transport == 'auto':
++                self.opts.transport = self.cluster.set_transport_type()
+             self.cluster.setup()
+             if self.cluster.cluster_ssh_key:
+                 if not self.opts.ssh_key:
+@@ -1041,6 +1046,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+             else:
+                 client.disconnect()
+         except Exception:
++            # all exception logging is handled within SoSNode
+             pass
+     def intro(self):
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+index 64ac2a44..cf1e7a0b 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+@@ -149,6 +149,16 @@ class Cluster():
+         """
+         pass
++    def set_transport_type(self):
++        """The default connection type used by sos collect is to leverage the
++        local system's SSH installation using ControlPersist, however certain
++        cluster types may want to use something else.
++        Override this in a specific cluster profile to set the ``transport``
++        option according to what type of transport should be used.
++        """
++        return 'control_persist'
+     def set_master_options(self, node):
+         """If there is a need to set specific options in the sos command being
+         run on the cluster's master nodes, override this method in the cluster
+diff --git a/sos/collector/exceptions.py b/sos/collector/exceptions.py
+index 1e44768b..2bb07e7b 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/exceptions.py
++++ b/sos/collector/exceptions.py
+@@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ class UnsupportedHostException(Exception):
+         super(UnsupportedHostException, self).__init__(message)
++class InvalidTransportException(Exception):
++    """Raised when a transport is requested but it does not exist or is
++    not supported locally"""
++    def __init__(self, transport=None):
++        message = ("Connection failed: unknown or unsupported transport %s"
++                   % transport if transport else '')
++        super(InvalidTransportException, self).__init__(message)
+ __all__ = [
+     'AuthPermissionDeniedException',
+     'CommandTimeoutException',
+@@ -104,5 +114,6 @@ __all__ = [
+     'InvalidPasswordException',
+     'PasswordRequestException',
+     'TimeoutPasswordAuthException',
+-    'UnsupportedHostException'
++    'UnsupportedHostException',
++    'InvalidTransportException'
+ ]
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index f79bd5ff..5c5c7201 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -22,7 +22,13 @@ from sos.collector.transports.control_persist import SSHControlPersist
+ from sos.collector.transports.local import LocalTransport
+ from sos.collector.exceptions import (CommandTimeoutException,
+                                       ConnectionException,
+-                                      UnsupportedHostException)
++                                      UnsupportedHostException,
++                                      InvalidTransportException)
++    'local': LocalTransport,
++    'control_persist': SSHControlPersist,
+ class SosNode():
+@@ -107,6 +113,14 @@ class SosNode():
+         if self.address in ['localhost', '']:
+             self.local = True
+             return LocalTransport(self.address, commons)
++        elif self.opts.transport in TRANSPORTS.keys():
++            return TRANSPORTS[self.opts.transport](self.address, commons)
++        elif self.opts.transport != 'auto':
++            self.log_error(
++                "Connection failed: unknown or unsupported transport %s"
++                % self.opts.transport
++            )
++            raise InvalidTransportException(self.opts.transport)
+         return SSHControlPersist(self.address, commons)
+     def _fmt_msg(self, msg):
+From dbc49345384404600f45d68b8d3c6541b2a26480 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 10:38:18 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/4] [transports] Add 'oc' as a transport option for remote
+ nodes
+This commit adds a new transport for `sos collect` by leveraging a
+locally available `oc` binary that has been properly configured for
+access to an OCP cluster.
+This transport will allow users to use `sos collect` to collect reports
+from an OCP cluster without directly connecting to any of the nodes
+involved. We do this by using the `oc` binary to first launch a pod on
+target node(s) and then exec our discovery commands and eventual `sos
+report` command to that pod. This in turn is dependent on a function API
+for the `oc` binary to communicate with. In the event that `oc` is not
+__locally__ available or is not properly configured, we will fallback to
+the current default of using SSH ControlPersist to directly connect to
+the nodes. Otherwise, the OCP cluster will attempt to automatically use
+this new transport.
+ man/en/sos-collect.1                 |   1 +
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py        |  14 ++
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py             |   8 +-
+ sos/collector/transports/__init__.py |  20 ++-
+ sos/collector/transports/oc.py       | 220 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 5 files changed, 257 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 sos/collector/transports/oc.py
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-collect.1 b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+index 8ad4fe5e..a1f6c10e 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-collect.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+@@ -364,6 +364,7 @@ The types of transports supported are currently as follows:
+     \fBauto\fR                  Allow the cluster type to determine the transport used
+     \fBcontrol_persist\fR       Use OpenSSH's ControlPersist feature. This is the default behavior
++    \fBoc\fR                    Use a \fBlocally\fR configured \fBoc\fR binary to deploy collection pods on OCP nodes
+ .TP
+ \fB\-\-tmp\-dir\fR TMP_DIR
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index ad97587f..a9357dbf 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import os
+ from pipes import quote
+ from sos.collector.clusters import Cluster
++from sos.utilities import is_executable
+ class ocp(Cluster):
+@@ -83,6 +84,19 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+                     nodes[_node[0]][column] = _node[idx[column]]
+         return nodes
++    def set_transport_type(self):
++        if is_executable('oc'):
++            return 'oc'
++        self.log_info("Local installation of 'oc' not found or is not "
++                      "correctly configured. Will use ControlPersist")
++        self.ui_log.warn(
++            "Preferred transport 'oc' not available, will fallback to SSH."
++        )
++        if not self.opts.batch:
++            input("Press ENTER to continue connecting with SSH, or Ctrl+C to"
++                  "abort.")
++        return 'control_persist'
+     def get_nodes(self):
+         nodes = []
+         self.node_dict = {}
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 5c5c7201..8a9dbd7a 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from sos.policies import load
+ from sos.policies.init_systems import InitSystem
+ from sos.collector.transports.control_persist import SSHControlPersist
+ from sos.collector.transports.local import LocalTransport
++from sos.collector.transports.oc import OCTransport
+ from sos.collector.exceptions import (CommandTimeoutException,
+                                       ConnectionException,
+                                       UnsupportedHostException,
+@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ from sos.collector.exceptions import (CommandTimeoutException,
+     'local': LocalTransport,
+     'control_persist': SSHControlPersist,
++    'oc': OCTransport
+ }
+@@ -421,13 +423,11 @@ class SosNode():
+         if 'atomic' in cmd:
+             get_pty = True
+-        if get_pty:
+-            cmd = "/bin/bash -c %s" % quote(cmd)
+         if env:
+             _cmd_env = self.env_vars
+             env = _cmd_env.update(env)
+-        return self._transport.run_command(cmd, timeout, need_root, env)
++        return self._transport.run_command(cmd, timeout, need_root, env,
++                                           get_pty)
+     def sosreport(self):
+         """Run an sos report on the node, then collect it"""
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+index 5be7dc6d..7bffee62 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ class RemoteTransport():
+         raise NotImplementedError("Transport %s does not define disconnect"
+                                   % self.name)
+-    def run_command(self, cmd, timeout=180, need_root=False, env=None):
++    def run_command(self, cmd, timeout=180, need_root=False, env=None,
++                    get_pty=False):
+         """Run a command on the node, returning its output and exit code.
+         This should return the exit code of the command being executed, not the
+         exit code of whatever mechanism the transport uses to execute that
+@@ -165,10 +166,15 @@ class RemoteTransport():
+         :param env:         Specify env vars to be passed to the ``cmd``
+         :type env:          ``dict``
++        :param get_pty:     Does ``cmd`` require execution with a pty?
++        :type get_pty:      ``bool``
+         :returns:           Output of ``cmd`` and the exit code
+         :rtype:             ``dict`` with keys ``output`` and ``status``
+         """
+         self.log_debug('Running command %s' % cmd)
++        if get_pty:
++            cmd = "/bin/bash -c %s" % quote(cmd)
+         # currently we only use/support the use of pexpect for handling the
+         # execution of these commands, as opposed to directly invoking
+         # subprocess.Popen() in conjunction with tools like sshpass.
+@@ -212,6 +218,13 @@ class RemoteTransport():
+         :type env:      ``dict``
+         """
+         cmd = self._format_cmd_for_exec(cmd)
++        # if for any reason env is empty, set it to None as otherwise
++        # pexpect interprets this to mean "run this command with no env vars of
++        # any kind"
++        if not env:
++            env = None
+         result = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
+         _expects = [pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]
+@@ -268,6 +281,9 @@ class RemoteTransport():
+         _out = self.run_command('hostname')
+         if _out['status'] == 0:
+             self._hostname = _out['output'].strip()
++        if not self._hostname:
++            self._hostname = self.address
+         self.log_info("Hostname set to %s" % self._hostname)
+         return self._hostname
+@@ -302,7 +318,7 @@ class RemoteTransport():
+         return self._read_file(fname)
+     def _read_file(self, fname):
+-        res = self.run_command("cat %s" % fname, timeout=5)
++        res = self.run_command("cat %s" % fname, timeout=10)
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+             return res['output']
+         else:
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..649037b9
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
++# Copyright Red Hat 2021, Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++import json
++import tempfile
++import os
++from sos.collector.transports import RemoteTransport
++from sos.utilities import (is_executable, sos_get_command_output,
++                           SoSTimeoutError)
++class OCTransport(RemoteTransport):
++    """This transport leverages the execution of commands via a locally
++    available and configured ``oc`` binary for OCPv4 environments.
++    OCPv4 clusters generally discourage the use of SSH, so this transport may
++    be used to remove our use of SSH in favor of the environment provided
++    method of connecting to nodes and executing commands via debug pods.
++    Note that this approach will generate multiple debug pods over the course
++    of our execution
++    """
++    name = 'oc'
++    project = 'sos-collect-tmp'
++    def run_oc(self, cmd, **kwargs):
++        """Format and run a command with `oc` in the project defined for our
++        execution
++        """
++        return sos_get_command_output(
++            "oc -n sos-collect-tmp %s" % cmd,
++            **kwargs
++        )
++    @property
++    def connected(self):
++        up = self.run_oc(
++            "wait --timeout=0s --for=condition=ready pod/%s" % self.pod_name
++        )
++        return up['status'] == 0
++    def get_node_pod_config(self):
++        """Based on our template for the debug container, add the node-specific
++        items so that we can deploy one of these on each node we're collecting
++        from
++        """
++        return {
++            "kind": "Pod",
++            "apiVersion": "v1",
++            "metadata": {
++                "name": "%s-sos-collector" % self.address.split('.')[0],
++                "namespace": "sos-collect-tmp"
++            },
++            "priorityClassName": "system-cluster-critical",
++            "spec": {
++                "volumes": [
++                    {
++                        "name": "host",
++                        "hostPath": {
++                            "path": "/",
++                            "type": "Directory"
++                        }
++                    },
++                    {
++                        "name": "run",
++                        "hostPath": {
++                            "path": "/run",
++                            "type": "Directory"
++                        }
++                    },
++                    {
++                        "name": "varlog",
++                        "hostPath": {
++                            "path": "/var/log",
++                            "type": "Directory"
++                        }
++                    },
++                    {
++                        "name": "machine-id",
++                        "hostPath": {
++                            "path": "/etc/machine-id",
++                            "type": "File"
++                        }
++                    }
++                ],
++                "containers": [
++                    {
++                        "name": "sos-collector-tmp",
++                        "image": "registry.redhat.io/rhel8/support-tools",
++                        "command": [
++                            "/bin/bash"
++                        ],
++                        "env": [
++                            {
++                                "name": "HOST",
++                                "value": "/host"
++                            }
++                        ],
++                        "resources": {},
++                        "volumeMounts": [
++                            {
++                                "name": "host",
++                                "mountPath": "/host"
++                            },
++                            {
++                                "name": "run",
++                                "mountPath": "/run"
++                            },
++                            {
++                                "name": "varlog",
++                                "mountPath": "/var/log"
++                            },
++                            {
++                                "name": "machine-id",
++                                "mountPath": "/etc/machine-id"
++                            }
++                        ],
++                        "securityContext": {
++                            "privileged": True,
++                            "runAsUser": 0
++                        },
++                        "stdin": True,
++                        "stdinOnce": True,
++                        "tty": True
++                    }
++                ],
++                "restartPolicy": "Never",
++                "nodeName": self.address,
++                "hostNetwork": True,
++                "hostPID": True,
++                "hostIPC": True
++            }
++        }
++    def _connect(self, password):
++        # the oc binary must be _locally_ available for this to work
++        if not is_executable('oc'):
++            return False
++        # deploy the debug container we'll exec into
++        podconf = self.get_node_pod_config()
++        self.pod_name = podconf['metadata']['name']
++        fd, self.pod_tmp_conf = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.tmpdir)
++        with open(fd, 'w') as cfile:
++            json.dump(podconf, cfile)
++        self.log_debug("Starting sos collector container '%s'" % self.pod_name)
++        # this specifically does not need to run with a project definition
++        out = sos_get_command_output(
++            "oc create -f %s" % self.pod_tmp_conf
++        )
++        if (out['status'] != 0 or "pod/%s created" % self.pod_name not in
++                out['output']):
++            self.log_error("Unable to deploy sos collect pod")
++            self.log_debug("Debug pod deployment failed: %s" % out['output'])
++            return False
++        self.log_debug("Pod '%s' successfully deployed, waiting for pod to "
++                       "enter ready state" % self.pod_name)
++        # wait for the pod to report as running
++        try:
++            up = self.run_oc("wait --for=condition=Ready pod/%s --timeout=30s"
++                             % self.pod_name,
++                             # timeout is for local safety, not oc
++                             timeout=40)
++            if not up['status'] == 0:
++                self.log_error("Pod not available after 30 seconds")
++                return False
++        except SoSTimeoutError:
++            self.log_error("Timeout while polling for pod readiness")
++            return False
++        except Exception as err:
++            self.log_error("Error while waiting for pod to be ready: %s"
++                           % err)
++            return False
++        return True
++    def _format_cmd_for_exec(self, cmd):
++        if cmd.startswith('oc'):
++            return ("oc -n %s exec --request-timeout=0 %s -- chroot /host %s"
++                    % (self.project, self.pod_name, cmd))
++        return super(OCTransport, self)._format_cmd_for_exec(cmd)
++    def run_command(self, cmd, timeout=180, need_root=False, env=None,
++                    get_pty=False):
++        # debug pod setup is slow, extend all timeouts to account for this
++        if timeout:
++            timeout += 10
++        # since we always execute within a bash shell, force disable get_pty
++        # to avoid double-quoting
++        return super(OCTransport, self).run_command(cmd, timeout, need_root,
++                                                    env, False)
++    def _disconnect(self):
++        os.unlink(self.pod_tmp_conf)
++        removed = self.run_oc("delete pod %s" % self.pod_name)
++        if "deleted" not in removed['output']:
++            self.log_debug("Calling delete on pod '%s' failed: %s"
++                           % (self.pod_name, removed))
++            return False
++        return True
++    @property
++    def remote_exec(self):
++        return ("oc -n %s exec --request-timeout=0 %s -- /bin/bash -c"
++                % (self.project, self.pod_name))
++    def _retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
++        cmd = self.run_oc("cp %s:%s %s" % (self.pod_name, fname, dest))
++        return cmd['status'] == 0
+From 460494c4296db1a7529b44fe8f6597544c917c02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 11:50:44 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 3/4] [ocp] Create temporary project and restrict default node
+ list to masters
+Adds explicit setup of a new project to use in the `ocp` cluster and
+adds better handling of cluster setup generally, which the `ocp` cluster
+is the first to make use of.
+Included in this change is a correction to
+`Cluster.exec_primary_cmd()`'s use of `get_pty` to now be determined on
+if the primary node is the local node or not.
+Additionally, based on feedback from the OCP engineering team, by
+default restrict node lists to masters.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/__init__.py          |  5 ++++
+ sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py | 13 +++++++-
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py      | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ sos/collector/transports/oc.py     |  4 +--
+ 4 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index fecfe6aa..a76f8a79 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -850,6 +850,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                       "CTRL-C to quit\n")
+                 self.ui_log.info("")
+             except KeyboardInterrupt:
++                self.cluster.cleanup()
+                 self.exit("Exiting on user cancel", 130)
+     def configure_sos_cmd(self):
+@@ -1098,6 +1099,7 @@ this utility or remote systems that it connects to.
+         self.archive.makedirs('sos_logs', 0o755)
+         self.collect()
++        self.cluster.cleanup()
+         self.cleanup()
+     def collect(self):
+@@ -1156,9 +1158,11 @@ this utility or remote systems that it connects to.
+             pool.shutdown(wait=True)
+         except KeyboardInterrupt:
+             self.log_error('Exiting on user cancel\n')
++            self.cluster.cleanup()
+             os._exit(130)
+         except Exception as err:
+             self.log_error('Could not connect to nodes: %s' % err)
++            self.cluster.cleanup()
+             os._exit(1)
+         if hasattr(self.cluster, 'run_extra_cmd'):
+@@ -1199,6 +1199,7 @@ this utility or remote systems that it c
+             arc_name = self.create_cluster_archive()
+         else:
+             msg = 'No sosreports were collected, nothing to archive...'
++            self.cluster.cleanup()
+             self.exit(msg, 1)
+         if self.opts.upload and self.policy.get_upload_url():
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+index cf1e7a0b..2a4665a1 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ class Cluster():
+         :returns: The output and status of `cmd`
+         :rtype: ``dict``
+         """
+-        res = self.master.run_command(cmd, get_pty=True, need_root=need_root)
++        pty = self.master.local is False
++        res = self.master.run_command(cmd, get_pty=pty, need_root=need_root)
+         if res['output']:
+             res['output'] = res['output'].replace('Password:', '')
+         return res
+@@ -223,6 +224,16 @@ class Cluster():
+                 return True
+         return False
++    def cleanup(self):
++        """
++        This may be overridden by clusters
++        Perform any necessary cleanup steps required by the cluster profile.
++        This helps ensure that sos does make lasting changes to the environment
++        in which we are running
++        """
++        pass
+     def get_nodes(self):
+         """
+         This MUST be overridden by a cluster profile subclassing this class
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index a9357dbf..92da4e6e 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+     api_collect_enabled = False
+     token = None
++    project = 'sos-collect-tmp'
++    oc_cluster_admin = None
+     option_list = [
+         ('label', '', 'Colon delimited list of labels to select nodes with'),
+-        ('role', '', 'Colon delimited list of roles to select nodes with'),
++        ('role', 'master', 'Colon delimited list of roles to filter on'),
+         ('kubeconfig', '', 'Path to the kubeconfig file'),
+         ('token', '', 'Service account token to use for oc authorization')
+     ]
+@@ -58,6 +58,42 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+         _who = self.fmt_oc_cmd('whoami')
+         return self.exec_master_cmd(_who)['status'] == 0
++    def setup(self):
++        """Create the project that we will be executing in for any nodes'
++        collection via a container image
++        """
++        if not self.set_transport_type() == 'oc':
++            return
++        out = self.exec_master_cmd(self.fmt_oc_cmd("auth can-i '*' '*'"))
++        self.oc_cluster_admin = out['status'] == 0
++        if not self.oc_cluster_admin:
++            self.log_debug("Check for cluster-admin privileges returned false,"
++                           " cannot create project in OCP cluster")
++            raise Exception("Insufficient permissions to create temporary "
++                            "collection project.\nAborting...")
++        self.log_info("Creating new temporary project '%s'" % self.project)
++        ret = self.exec_master_cmd("oc new-project %s" % self.project)
++        if ret['status'] == 0:
++            return True
++        self.log_debug("Failed to create project: %s" % ret['output'])
++        raise Exception("Failed to create temporary project for collection. "
++                        "\nAborting...")
++    def cleanup(self):
++        """Remove the project we created to execute within
++        """
++        if self.project:
++            ret = self.exec_master_cmd("oc delete project %s" % self.project)
++            if not ret['status'] == 0:
++                self.log_error("Error deleting temporary project: %s"
++                               % ret['output'])
++            # don't leave the config on a non-existing project
++            self.exec_master_cmd("oc project default")
++        return True
+     def _build_dict(self, nodelist):
+         """From the output of get_nodes(), construct an easier-to-reference
+         dict of nodes that will be used in determining labels, master status,
+@@ -85,10 +123,10 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+         return nodes
+     def set_transport_type(self):
+-        if is_executable('oc'):
++        if is_executable('oc') or self.opts.transport == 'oc':
+             return 'oc'
+         self.log_info("Local installation of 'oc' not found or is not "
+-                      "correctly configured. Will use ControlPersist")
++                      "correctly configured. Will use ControlPersist.")
+         self.ui_log.warn(
+             "Preferred transport 'oc' not available, will fallback to SSH."
+         )
+@@ -106,6 +144,10 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+             cmd += " -l %s" % quote(labels)
+         res = self.exec_master_cmd(self.fmt_oc_cmd(cmd))
+         if res['status'] == 0:
++            if self.get_option('role') == 'master':
++                self.log_warn("NOTE: By default, only master nodes are listed."
++                              "\nTo collect from all/more nodes, override the "
++                              "role option with '-c ocp.role=role1:role2'")
+             roles = [r for r in self.get_option('role').split(':')]
+             self.node_dict = self._build_dict(res['output'].splitlines())
+             for node in self.node_dict:
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
+index 649037b9..de044ccb 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class OCTransport(RemoteTransport):
+         execution
+         """
+         return sos_get_command_output(
+-            "oc -n sos-collect-tmp %s" % cmd,
++            "oc -n %s %s" % (self.project, cmd),
+             **kwargs
+         )
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class OCTransport(RemoteTransport):
+             "apiVersion": "v1",
+             "metadata": {
+                 "name": "%s-sos-collector" % self.address.split('.')[0],
+-                "namespace": "sos-collect-tmp"
++                "namespace": self.project
+             },
+             "priorityClassName": "system-cluster-critical",
+             "spec": {
+From 1bc0e9fe32491e764e622368bfe216f97bf32620 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2021 15:12:04 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 4/4] [sosnode] Fix typo and small logic break
+Fixes a typo in setting the non-primary node options from the ocp
+profile against the sosnode object. Second, fixes a small break in
+checksum handling for the manifest discovered during `oc` transport
+testing for edge cases.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py | 4 ++--
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py      | 4 +++-
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index 92da4e6e..22a7289a 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+         if self.api_collect_enabled:
+             # a primary has already been enabled for API collection, disable
+             # it among others
+-            node.plugin_options.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
++            node.plugopts.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
+         else:
+             _oc_cmd = 'oc'
+             if node.host.containerized:
+@@ -223,6 +223,6 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+     def set_node_options(self, node):
+         # don't attempt OC API collections on non-primary nodes
+-        node.plugin_options.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
++        node.plugopts.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 8a9dbd7a..ab7f23cc 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ class SosNode():
+                     elif line.startswith("The checksum is: "):
+                         checksum = line.split()[3]
+-                if checksum is not None:
++                if checksum:
+                     self.manifest.add_field('checksum', checksum)
+                     if len(checksum) == 32:
+                         self.manifest.add_field('checksum_type', 'md5')
+@@ -722,6 +722,8 @@ class SosNode():
+                         self.manifest.add_field('checksum_type', 'sha256')
+                     else:
+                         self.manifest.add_field('checksum_type', 'unknown')
++                else:
++                    self.manifest.add_field('checksum_type', 'unknown')
+             else:
+                 err = self.determine_sos_error(res['status'], res['output'])
+                 self.log_debug("Error running sos report. rc = %s msg = %s"
+From 38a0533de3dd2613eefcc4865a2916e225e3ceed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 19:34:25 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [presets] Optimise OCP preset for hundreds of network
+ namespaces
+Sos report on OCP having hundreds of namespaces timeouts in networking
+plugin, as it collects >10 commands for each namespace.
+Let use a balanced approach in:
+- increasing network.timeout
+- limiting namespaces to traverse
+- disabling ethtool per namespace
+to ensure sos report successfully finish in a reasonable time,
+collecting rasonable amount of data.
+Resolves: #2754
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py | 10 +++++++---
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py b/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py
+index e6d63611..865c9b6b 100644
+--- a/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/presets/redhat/__init__.py
+@@ -29,11 +29,15 @@ RHEL_DESC = RHEL_RELEASE_STR
+ RHOSP = "rhosp"
+ RHOSP_DESC = "Red Hat OpenStack Platform"
++RHOSP_OPTS = SoSOptions(plugopts=[
++                             'process.lsof=off',
++                             'networking.ethtool_namespaces=False',
++                             'networking.namespaces=200'])
+ RHOCP = "ocp"
+ RHOCP_DESC = "OpenShift Container Platform by Red Hat"
+-RHOSP_OPTS = SoSOptions(plugopts=[
+-                             'process.lsof=off',
++RHOCP_OPTS = SoSOptions(all_logs=True, verify=True, plugopts=[
++                             'networking.timeout=600',
+                              'networking.ethtool_namespaces=False',
+                              'networking.namespaces=200'])
+@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ RHEL_PRESETS = {
+     RHEL: PresetDefaults(name=RHEL, desc=RHEL_DESC),
+     RHOSP: PresetDefaults(name=RHOSP, desc=RHOSP_DESC, opts=RHOSP_OPTS),
+     RHOCP: PresetDefaults(name=RHOCP, desc=RHOCP_DESC, note=NOTE_SIZE_TIME,
+-                          opts=_opts_all_logs_verify),
++                          opts=RHOCP_OPTS),
+     RH_CFME: PresetDefaults(name=RH_CFME, desc=RH_CFME_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME,
+                             opts=_opts_verify),
+From 97b93c7f8755d04bdeb4f93759c20dcb787f2046 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 11:34:13 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [Plugin] Rework get_container_logs to be more useful
+`get_container_logs()` is now `add_container_logs()` to align it better
+with our more common `add_*` methods for plugin collections.
+Additionally, it has been extended to accept either a single string or a
+list of strings like the other methods, and plugin authors may now
+specify either specific container names or regexes.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 22 +++++++++++++++++-----
+ sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py |  2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index 08eee118..4b0e4fd5 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -2366,20 +2366,32 @@ class Plugin():
+             return _runtime.volumes
+         return []
+-    def get_container_logs(self, container, **kwargs):
+-        """Helper to get the ``logs`` output for a given container
++    def add_container_logs(self, containers, get_all=False, **kwargs):
++        """Helper to get the ``logs`` output for a given container or list
++        of container names and/or regexes.
+         Supports passthru of add_cmd_output() options
+-        :param container:   The name of the container to retrieve logs from
+-        :type container: ``str``
++        :param containers:   The name of the container to retrieve logs from,
++                             may be a single name or a regex
++        :type containers:    ``str`` or ``list` of strs
++        :param get_all:     Should non-running containers also be queried?
++                            Default: False
++        :type get_all:      ``bool``
+         :param kwargs:      Any kwargs supported by ``add_cmd_output()`` are
+                             supported here
+         """
+         _runtime = self._get_container_runtime()
+         if _runtime is not None:
+-            self.add_cmd_output(_runtime.get_logs_command(container), **kwargs)
++            if isinstance(containers, str):
++                containers = [containers]
++            for container in containers:
++                _cons = self.get_all_containers_by_regex(container, get_all)
++                for _con in _cons:
++                    cmd = _runtime.get_logs_command(_con[1])
++                    self.add_cmd_output(cmd, **kwargs)
+     def fmt_container_cmd(self, container, cmd, quotecmd=False):
+         """Format a command to be executed by the loaded ``ContainerRuntime``
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py b/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py
+index e84b52da..1bfa741f 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class RabbitMQ(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         if in_container:
+             for container in container_names:
+-                self.get_container_logs(container)
++                self.add_container_logs(container)
+                 self.add_cmd_output(
+                     self.fmt_container_cmd(container, 'rabbitmqctl report'),
+                     foreground=True
+From 3d064102f8ca6662fd9602512e1cb05cf8746dfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 19:01:16 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [Systemd, Policy] Correct InitSystem chrooting when chroot is
+ needed
+This commit resolves a situation in which `sos` is being run in a
+container but the `SystemdInit` InitSystem would not properly load
+information from the host, thus causing the `Plugin.is_service*()`
+methods to erroneously fail or return `False`.
+Fix this scenario by pulling the `_container_init()` and related logic
+to check for a containerized host sysroot out of the Red Hat specific
+policy and into the base `LinuxPolicy` class so that the init system can
+be initialized with the correct sysroot, which is now used to chroot the
+calls to the relevant `systemctl` commands.
+For now, this does impose the use of looking for the `container` env var
+(automatically set by docker, podman, and crio regardless of
+distribution) and the use of the `HOST` env var to read where the host's
+`/` filesystem is mounted within the container. If desired in the
+future, this can be changed to allow policy-specific overrides. For now
+however, this extends host collection via an sos container for all
+distributions currently shipping sos.
+Note that this issue only affected the `InitSystem` abstraction for
+loading information about local services, and did not affect init system
+related commands called by plugins as part of those collections.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/policies/distros/__init__.py      | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ sos/policies/distros/redhat.py        | 27 +-------------------------
+ sos/policies/init_systems/__init__.py | 13 +++++++++++--
+ sos/policies/init_systems/systemd.py  |  7 ++++---
+ 4 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+index f5b9fd5b01..c33a356a75 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
+ except ImportError:
++# Container environment variables for detecting if we're in a container
++ENV_CONTAINER = 'container'
+ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+     """This policy is meant to be an abc class that provides common
+@@ -69,10 +73,17 @@ def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True):
+                                           probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
+         self.init_kernel_modules()
++        # need to set _host_sysroot before PackageManager()
++        if sysroot:
++            self._container_init()
++            self._host_sysroot = sysroot
++        else:
++            sysroot = self._container_init()
+         if init is not None:
+             self.init_system = init
+         elif os.path.isdir("/run/systemd/system/"):
+-            self.init_system = SystemdInit()
++            self.init_system = SystemdInit(chroot=sysroot)
+         else:
+             self.init_system = InitSystem()
+@@ -130,6 +141,21 @@ def get_local_name(self):
+     def sanitize_filename(self, name):
+         return re.sub(r"[^-a-z,A-Z.0-9]", "", name)
++    def _container_init(self):
++        """Check if sos is running in a container and perform container
++        specific initialisation based on ENV_HOST_SYSROOT.
++        """
++        if ENV_CONTAINER in os.environ:
++            if os.environ[ENV_CONTAINER] in ['docker', 'oci', 'podman']:
++                self._in_container = True
++        if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT in os.environ:
++            self._host_sysroot = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT]
++        use_sysroot = self._in_container and self._host_sysroot is not None
++        if use_sysroot:
++            host_tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(self._host_sysroot + self._tmp_dir)
++            self._tmp_dir = host_tmp_dir
++        return self._host_sysroot if use_sysroot else None
+     def init_kernel_modules(self):
+         """Obtain a list of loaded kernel modules to reference later for plugin
+         enablement and SoSPredicate checks
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+index b3a84336be..3476e21fb2 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ from sos.presets.redhat import (RHEL_PRESETS, ATOMIC_PRESETS, RHV, RHEL,
+                                 CB, RHOSP, RHOCP, RH_CFME, RH_SATELLITE,
+                                 ATOMIC)
+-from sos.policies.distros import LinuxPolicy
++from sos.policies.distros import LinuxPolicy, ENV_HOST_SYSROOT
+ from sos.policies.package_managers.rpm import RpmPackageManager
+ from sos import _sos as _
+@@ -56,12 +56,6 @@ def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
+         super(RedHatPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
+                                            probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
+         self.usrmove = False
+-        # need to set _host_sysroot before PackageManager()
+-        if sysroot:
+-            self._container_init()
+-            self._host_sysroot = sysroot
+-        else:
+-            sysroot = self._container_init()
+         self.package_manager = RpmPackageManager(chroot=sysroot,
+                                                  remote_exec=remote_exec)
+@@ -140,21 +134,6 @@ def transform_path(path):
+         else:
+             return files
+-    def _container_init(self):
+-        """Check if sos is running in a container and perform container
+-        specific initialisation based on ENV_HOST_SYSROOT.
+-        """
+-        if ENV_CONTAINER in os.environ:
+-            if os.environ[ENV_CONTAINER] in ['docker', 'oci', 'podman']:
+-                self._in_container = True
+-        if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT in os.environ:
+-            self._host_sysroot = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT]
+-        use_sysroot = self._in_container and self._host_sysroot is not None
+-        if use_sysroot:
+-            host_tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(self._host_sysroot + self._tmp_dir)
+-            self._tmp_dir = host_tmp_dir
+-        return self._host_sysroot if use_sysroot else None
+     def runlevel_by_service(self, name):
+         from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+         ret = []
+@@ -183,10 +162,6 @@ def get_tmp_dir(self, opt_tmp_dir):
+         return opt_tmp_dir
+-# Container environment variables on Red Hat systems.
+-ENV_CONTAINER = 'container'
+ # Legal disclaimer text for Red Hat products
+ disclaimer_text = """
+ Any information provided to %(vendor)s will be treated in \
+diff --git a/sos/policies/init_systems/__init__.py b/sos/policies/init_systems/__init__.py
+index dd663e6522..beac44cee3 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/init_systems/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/init_systems/__init__.py
+@@ -29,9 +29,14 @@ class InitSystem():
+                       status of services
+     :type query_cmd: ``str``
++    :param chroot:  Location to chroot to for any command execution, i.e. the
++                    sysroot if we're running in a container
++    :type chroot:   ``str`` or ``None``
+     """
+-    def __init__(self, init_cmd=None, list_cmd=None, query_cmd=None):
++    def __init__(self, init_cmd=None, list_cmd=None, query_cmd=None,
++                 chroot=None):
+         """Initialize a new InitSystem()"""
+         self.services = {}
+@@ -39,6 +44,7 @@ def __init__(self, init_cmd=None, list_cmd=None, query_cmd=None):
+         self.init_cmd = init_cmd
+         self.list_cmd = "%s %s" % (self.init_cmd, list_cmd) or None
+         self.query_cmd = "%s %s" % (self.init_cmd, query_cmd) or None
++        self.chroot = chroot
+     def is_enabled(self, name):
+         """Check if given service name is enabled
+@@ -108,7 +114,10 @@ def _query_service(self, name):
+         """Query an individual service"""
+         if self.query_cmd:
+             try:
+-                return sos_get_command_output("%s %s" % (self.query_cmd, name))
++                return sos_get_command_output(
++                    "%s %s" % (self.query_cmd, name),
++                    chroot=self.chroot
++                )
+             except Exception:
+                 return None
+         return None
+diff --git a/sos/policies/init_systems/systemd.py b/sos/policies/init_systems/systemd.py
+index 1b138f97b3..76dc57e27f 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/init_systems/systemd.py
++++ b/sos/policies/init_systems/systemd.py
+@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@
+ class SystemdInit(InitSystem):
+     """InitSystem abstraction for SystemD systems"""
+-    def __init__(self):
++    def __init__(self, chroot=None):
+         super(SystemdInit, self).__init__(
+             init_cmd='systemctl',
+             list_cmd='list-unit-files --type=service',
+-            query_cmd='status'
++            query_cmd='status',
++            chroot=chroot
+         )
+         self.load_all_services()
+@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ def parse_query(self, output):
+         return 'unknown'
+     def load_all_services(self):
+-        svcs = shell_out(self.list_cmd).splitlines()[1:]
++        svcs = shell_out(self.list_cmd, chroot=self.chroot).splitlines()[1:]
+         for line in svcs:
+             try:
+                 name = line.split('.service')[0]
+From 9596473d1779b9c48e9923c220aaf2b8d9b3bebf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 13:17:14 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] [global] Align sysroot determination and usage across sos
+The determination of sysroot - being automatic, user-specified, or
+controlled via environment variables in a container - has gotten muddied
+over time. This has resulted in different parts of the project;
+`Policy`, `Plugin`, `SoSComponent`, etc... to not always be in sync when
+sysroot is not `/`, thus causing varying and unexpected/unintended
+Fix this by only determining sysroot within `Policy()` initialization,
+and then using that determination across all aspects of the project that
+use or reference sysroot.
+This results in several changes:
+- `PackageManager()` will now (again) correctly reference host package
+  lists when sos is run in a container.
+- `ContainerRuntime()` is now able to activate when sos is running in a
+  container.
+- Plugins will now properly use sysroot for _all_ plugin enablement
+  triggers.
+- Plugins, Policy, and SoSComponents now all reference the
+  `self.sysroot` variable, rather than changing between `sysroot`.
+`_host_sysroot`, and `commons['sysroot']`. `_host_sysroot` has been
+removed from `Policy`.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/archive.py                    |  2 +-
+ sos/component.py                  |  2 +-
+ sos/policies/__init__.py          | 11 +----------
+ sos/policies/distros/__init__.py  | 33 +++++++++++++++++++------------
+ sos/policies/distros/debian.py    |  2 +-
+ sos/policies/distros/redhat.py    |  3 +--
+ sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py | 15 +++++++++-----
+ sos/policies/runtimes/docker.py   |  4 ++--
+ sos/report/__init__.py            |  6 ++----
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py    | 22 +++++++++++----------
+ sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py  |  7 ++++---
+ sos/utilities.py                  | 13 ++++++++----
+ 12 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/archive.py b/sos/archive.py
+index b02b2475..e3c68b77 100644
+--- a/sos/archive.py
++++ b/sos/archive.py
+@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class FileCacheArchive(Archive):
+         return (os.path.join(self._archive_root, name))
+     def join_sysroot(self, path):
+-        if path.startswith(self.sysroot):
++        if not self.sysroot or path.startswith(self.sysroot):
+             return path
+         if path[0] == os.sep:
+             path = path[1:]
+diff --git a/sos/component.py b/sos/component.py
+index 5ac6e47f..dba0aabf 100644
+--- a/sos/component.py
++++ b/sos/component.py
+@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class SoSComponent():
+             try:
+                 import sos.policies
+                 self.policy = sos.policies.load(sysroot=self.opts.sysroot)
+-                self.sysroot = self.policy.host_sysroot()
++                self.sysroot = self.policy.sysroot
+             except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                 self._exit(0)
+             self._is_root = self.policy.is_root()
+diff --git a/sos/policies/__init__.py b/sos/policies/__init__.py
+index fb8db1d7..ef9188de 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/__init__.py
+@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ any third party.
+     presets = {"": PresetDefaults()}
+     presets_path = PRESETS_PATH
+     _in_container = False
+-    _host_sysroot = '/'
+     def __init__(self, sysroot=None, probe_runtime=True):
+         """Subclasses that choose to override this initializer should call
+@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ any third party.
+         self.package_manager = PackageManager()
+         self.valid_subclasses = [IndependentPlugin]
+         self.set_exec_path()
+-        self._host_sysroot = sysroot
++        self.sysroot = sysroot
+         self.register_presets(GENERIC_PRESETS)
+     def check(self, remote=''):
+@@ -177,14 +176,6 @@ any third party.
+         """
+         return self._in_container
+-    def host_sysroot(self):
+-        """Get the host's default sysroot
+-        :returns: Host sysroot
+-        :rtype: ``str`` or ``None``
+-        """
+-        return self._host_sysroot
+     def dist_version(self):
+         """
+         Return the OS version
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+index 7bdc81b8..c69fc1e7 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+@@ -71,19 +71,18 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+     def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True):
+         super(LinuxPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot,
+                                           probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
+-        self.init_kernel_modules()
+-        # need to set _host_sysroot before PackageManager()
+         if sysroot:
+-            self._container_init()
+-            self._host_sysroot = sysroot
++            self.sysroot = sysroot
+         else:
+-            sysroot = self._container_init()
++            self.sysroot = self._container_init()
++        self.init_kernel_modules()
+         if init is not None:
+             self.init_system = init
+         elif os.path.isdir("/run/systemd/system/"):
+-            self.init_system = SystemdInit(chroot=sysroot)
++            self.init_system = SystemdInit(chroot=self.sysroot)
+         else:
+             self.init_system = InitSystem()
+@@ -149,27 +148,30 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+             if os.environ[ENV_CONTAINER] in ['docker', 'oci', 'podman']:
+                 self._in_container = True
+         if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT in os.environ:
+-            self._host_sysroot = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT]
+-        use_sysroot = self._in_container and self._host_sysroot is not None
++            _host_sysroot = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT]
++        use_sysroot = self._in_container and _host_sysroot is not None
+         if use_sysroot:
+-            host_tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(self._host_sysroot + self._tmp_dir)
++            host_tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(_host_sysroot + self._tmp_dir)
+             self._tmp_dir = host_tmp_dir
+-        return self._host_sysroot if use_sysroot else None
++        return _host_sysroot if use_sysroot else None
+     def init_kernel_modules(self):
+         """Obtain a list of loaded kernel modules to reference later for plugin
+         enablement and SoSPredicate checks
+         """
+         self.kernel_mods = []
++        release = os.uname().release
+         # first load modules from lsmod
+-        lines = shell_out("lsmod", timeout=0).splitlines()
++        lines = shell_out("lsmod", timeout=0, chroot=self.sysroot).splitlines()
+         self.kernel_mods.extend([
+             line.split()[0].strip() for line in lines[1:]
+         ])
+         # next, include kernel builtins
+-        builtins = "/usr/lib/modules/%s/modules.builtin" % os.uname().release
++        builtins = self.join_sysroot(
++            "/usr/lib/modules/%s/modules.builtin" % release
++        )
+         try:
+             with open(builtins, "r") as mfile:
+                 for line in mfile:
+@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+             'dm_mod': 'CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM'
+         }
+-        booted_config = "/boot/config-%s" % os.uname().release
++        booted_config = self.join_sysroot("/boot/config-%s" % release)
+         kconfigs = []
+         try:
+             with open(booted_config, "r") as kfile:
+@@ -200,6 +202,11 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+             if config_strings[builtin] in kconfigs:
+                 self.kernel_mods.append(builtin)
++    def join_sysroot(self, path):
++        if self.sysroot and self.sysroot != '/':
++            path = os.path.join(self.sysroot, path.lstrip('/'))
++        return path
+     def pre_work(self):
+         # this method will be called before the gathering begins
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/debian.py b/sos/policies/distros/debian.py
+index 95b389a6..639fd5eb 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/debian.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/debian.py
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class DebianPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
+                  remote_exec=None):
+         super(DebianPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
+                                            probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
+-        self.package_manager = DpkgPackageManager(chroot=sysroot,
++        self.package_manager = DpkgPackageManager(chroot=self.sysroot,
+                                                   remote_exec=remote_exec)
+         self.valid_subclasses += [DebianPlugin]
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+index eb442407..4b14abaf 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ class RedHatPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
+     _redhat_release = '/etc/redhat-release'
+     _tmp_dir = "/var/tmp"
+     _in_container = False
+-    _host_sysroot = '/'
+     default_scl_prefix = '/opt/rh'
+     name_pattern = 'friendly'
+     upload_url = None
+@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ class RedHatPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
+                                            probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
+         self.usrmove = False
+-        self.package_manager = RpmPackageManager(chroot=sysroot,
++        self.package_manager = RpmPackageManager(chroot=self.sysroot,
+                                                  remote_exec=remote_exec)
+         self.valid_subclasses += [RedHatPlugin]
+diff --git a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
+index f28d6a1d..2e60ad23 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class ContainerRuntime():
+         :returns: ``True`` if the runtime is active, else ``False``
+         :rtype: ``bool``
+         """
+-        if is_executable(self.binary):
++        if is_executable(self.binary, self.policy.sysroot):
+             self.active = True
+             return True
+         return False
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ContainerRuntime():
+         containers = []
+         _cmd = "%s ps %s" % (self.binary, '-a' if get_all else '')
+         if self.active:
+-            out = sos_get_command_output(_cmd)
++            out = sos_get_command_output(_cmd, chroot=self.policy.sysroot)
+             if out['status'] == 0:
+                 for ent in out['output'].splitlines()[1:]:
+                     ent = ent.split()
+@@ -112,8 +112,10 @@ class ContainerRuntime():
+         images = []
+         fmt = '{{lower .Repository}}:{{lower .Tag}} {{lower .ID}}'
+         if self.active:
+-            out = sos_get_command_output("%s images --format '%s'"
+-                                         % (self.binary, fmt))
++            out = sos_get_command_output(
++                "%s images --format '%s'" % (self.binary, fmt),
++                chroot=self.policy.sysroot
++            )
+             if out['status'] == 0:
+                 for ent in out['output'].splitlines():
+                     ent = ent.split()
+@@ -129,7 +131,10 @@ class ContainerRuntime():
+         """
+         vols = []
+         if self.active:
+-            out = sos_get_command_output("%s volume ls" % self.binary)
++            out = sos_get_command_output(
++                "%s volume ls" % self.binary,
++                chroot=self.policy.sysroot
++            )
+             if out['status'] == 0:
+                 for ent in out['output'].splitlines()[1:]:
+                     ent = ent.split()
+diff --git a/sos/policies/runtimes/docker.py b/sos/policies/runtimes/docker.py
+index 759dfaf6..e81f580e 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/runtimes/docker.py
++++ b/sos/policies/runtimes/docker.py
+@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ class DockerContainerRuntime(ContainerRuntime):
+     name = 'docker'
+     binary = 'docker'
+-    def check_is_active(self):
++    def check_is_active(self, sysroot=None):
+         # the daemon must be running
+-        if (is_executable('docker') and
++        if (is_executable('docker', sysroot) and
+                 (self.policy.init_system.is_running('docker') or
+                  self.policy.init_system.is_running('snap.docker.dockerd'))):
+             self.active = True
+diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
+index a4c92acc..a6c72778 100644
+--- a/sos/report/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
+@@ -173,14 +173,12 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+         self._set_directories()
+         msg = "default"
+-        host_sysroot = self.policy.host_sysroot()
++        self.sysroot = self.policy.sysroot
+         # set alternate system root directory
+         if self.opts.sysroot:
+             msg = "cmdline"
+-            self.sysroot = self.opts.sysroot
+-        elif self.policy.in_container() and host_sysroot != os.sep:
++        elif self.policy.in_container() and self.sysroot != os.sep:
+             msg = "policy"
+-            self.sysroot = host_sysroot
+         self.soslog.debug("set sysroot to '%s' (%s)" % (self.sysroot, msg))
+         if self.opts.chroot not in chroot_modes:
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index 46028bb1..e180ae17 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         """
+         if not self.use_sysroot():
+             return path
+-        if path.startswith(self.sysroot):
++        if self.sysroot and path.startswith(self.sysroot):
+             return path[len(self.sysroot):]
+         return path
+@@ -743,8 +743,10 @@ class Plugin():
+                   ``False``
+         :rtype: ``bool``
+         """
+-        paths = [self.sysroot, self.archive.get_tmp_dir()]
+-        return os.path.commonprefix(paths) == self.sysroot
++        # if sysroot is still None, that implies '/'
++        _sysroot = self.sysroot or '/'
++        paths = [_sysroot, self.archive.get_tmp_dir()]
++        return os.path.commonprefix(paths) == _sysroot
+     def is_installed(self, package_name):
+         """Is the package $package_name installed?
+@@ -2621,7 +2623,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         return list(set(expanded))
+     def _collect_copy_specs(self):
+-        for path in self.copy_paths:
++        for path in sorted(self.copy_paths, reverse=True):
+             self._log_info("collecting path '%s'" % path)
+             self._do_copy_path(path)
+         self.generate_copyspec_tags()
+@@ -2749,7 +2751,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         return ((any(self.path_exists(fname) for fname in files) or
+                 any(self.is_installed(pkg) for pkg in packages) or
+-                any(is_executable(cmd) for cmd in commands) or
++                any(is_executable(cmd, self.sysroot) for cmd in commands) or
+                 any(self.is_module_loaded(mod) for mod in self.kernel_mods) or
+                 any(self.is_service(svc) for svc in services) or
+                 any(self.container_exists(cntr) for cntr in containers)) and
+@@ -2817,7 +2819,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         :returns:           True if the path exists in sysroot, else False
+         :rtype:             ``bool``
+         """
+-        return path_exists(path, self.commons['cmdlineopts'].sysroot)
++        return path_exists(path, self.sysroot)
+     def path_isdir(self, path):
+         """Helper to call the sos.utilities wrapper that allows the
+@@ -2830,7 +2832,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         :returns:           True if the path is a dir, else False
+         :rtype:             ``bool``
+         """
+-        return path_isdir(path, self.commons['cmdlineopts'].sysroot)
++        return path_isdir(path, self.sysroot)
+     def path_isfile(self, path):
+         """Helper to call the sos.utilities wrapper that allows the
+@@ -2843,7 +2845,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         :returns:           True if the path is a file, else False
+         :rtype:             ``bool``
+         """
+-        return path_isfile(path, self.commons['cmdlineopts'].sysroot)
++        return path_isfile(path, self.sysroot)
+     def path_islink(self, path):
+         """Helper to call the sos.utilities wrapper that allows the
+@@ -2856,7 +2858,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         :returns:           True if the path is a link, else False
+         :rtype:             ``bool``
+         """
+-        return path_islink(path, self.commons['cmdlineopts'].sysroot)
++        return path_islink(path, self.sysroot)
+     def listdir(self, path):
+         """Helper to call the sos.utilities wrapper that allows the
+@@ -2869,7 +2871,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         :returns:           Contents of path, if it is a directory
+         :rtype:             ``list``
+         """
+-        return listdir(path, self.commons['cmdlineopts'].sysroot)
++        return listdir(path, self.sysroot)
+     def path_join(self, path, *p):
+         """Helper to call the sos.utilities wrapper that allows the
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py b/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py
+index 772b1d1f..24203c4b 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/unpackaged.py
+@@ -58,10 +58,11 @@ class Unpackaged(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             """
+             expanded = []
+             for f in files:
+-                if self.path_islink(f):
+-                    expanded.append("{} -> {}".format(f, os.readlink(f)))
++                fp = self.path_join(f)
++                if self.path_islink(fp):
++                    expanded.append("{} -> {}".format(fp, os.readlink(fp)))
+                 else:
+-                    expanded.append(f)
++                    expanded.append(fp)
+             return expanded
+         # Check command predicate to avoid costly processing
+diff --git a/sos/utilities.py b/sos/utilities.py
+index b7575153..d6630933 100644
+--- a/sos/utilities.py
++++ b/sos/utilities.py
+@@ -96,11 +96,15 @@ def grep(pattern, *files_or_paths):
+     return matches
+-def is_executable(command):
++def is_executable(command, sysroot=None):
+     """Returns if a command matches an executable on the PATH"""
+     paths = os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.path.pathsep)
+     candidates = [command] + [os.path.join(p, command) for p in paths]
++    if sysroot:
++        candidates += [
++            os.path.join(sysroot, c.lstrip('/')) for c in candidates
++        ]
+     return any(os.access(path, os.X_OK) for path in candidates)
+@@ -216,8 +220,9 @@ def get_human_readable(size, precision=2):
+ def _os_wrapper(path, sysroot, method, module=os.path):
+-    if sysroot not in [None, '/']:
+-        path = os.path.join(sysroot, path.lstrip('/'))
++    if sysroot and sysroot != os.sep:
++        if not path.startswith(sysroot):
++            path = os.path.join(sysroot, path.lstrip('/'))
+     _meth = getattr(module, method)
+     return _meth(path)
+@@ -243,7 +248,7 @@ def listdir(path, sysroot):
+ def path_join(path, *p, sysroot=os.sep):
+-    if not path.startswith(sysroot):
++    if sysroot and not path.startswith(sysroot):
+         path = os.path.join(sysroot, path.lstrip(os.sep))
+     return os.path.join(path, *p)
+From 8bf602108f75db10e449eff5e2266c6466504086 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 16:30:44 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [clusters:ocp] fix get_nodes function
+Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py | 8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index 22a7289a..2ce4e977 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+                               "role option with '-c ocp.role=role1:role2'")
+             roles = [r for r in self.get_option('role').split(':')]
+             self.node_dict = self._build_dict(res['output'].splitlines())
+-            for node in self.node_dict:
++            for node_name, node in self.node_dict.items():
+                 if roles:
+                     for role in roles:
+-                        if role in node:
+-                            nodes.append(node)
++                        if role == node['roles']:
++                            nodes.append(node_name)
+                 else:
+-                    nodes.append(node)
++                    nodes.append(node_name)
+         else:
+             msg = "'oc' command failed"
+             if 'Missing or incomplete' in res['output']:
+From 5d80ac6dc67e12ef00903436c088a1694f9a7dd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 14:13:16 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] [collect] Catch command not found exceptions from pexpect
+When running a command that does not exist on the system, catch the
+resulting pexpect exception and return the proper status code rather
+than allowing an untrapped exception.
+Closes: #2768
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/transports/__init__.py | 6 +++++-
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+index 7bffee62..33f2f66d 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+@@ -225,7 +225,11 @@ class RemoteTransport():
+         if not env:
+             env = None
+-        result = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
++        try:
++            result = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
++        except pexpect.exceptions.ExceptionPexpect as err:
++            self.log_debug(err.value)
++            return {'status': 127, 'output': ''}
+         _expects = [pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]
+         if need_root and self.opts.ssh_user != 'root':
+From decb5d26c165e664fa879a669f2d80165181f0e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 14:02:17 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] [report,collect] Add option to control default container
+ runtime
+Adds a new `--container-runtime` option that allows users to control
+what default container runtime is used by plugins for container based
+collections, effectively overriding policy defaults.
+If no runtimes are active, this option is effectively ignored. If
+however runtimes are active, but the requested one is not, raise an
+exception to abort collection with an appropriate message to the user.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ man/en/sos-collect.1      |  6 ++++++
+ man/en/sos-report.1       | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
+ sos/collector/__init__.py |  4 ++++
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py  |  6 ++++++
+ sos/report/__init__.py    | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 5 files changed, 71 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-collect.1 b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+index a1f6c10e..9b0a5d7b 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-collect.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ sos collect \- Collect sosreports from multiple (cluster) nodes
+     [\-\-chroot CHROOT]
+     [\-\-case\-id CASE_ID]
+     [\-\-cluster\-type CLUSTER_TYPE]
++    [\-\-container\-runtime RUNTIME]
+     [\-e ENABLE_PLUGINS]
+     [--encrypt-key KEY]\fR
+     [--encrypt-pass PASS]\fR
+@@ -113,6 +114,11 @@ Example: \fBsos collect --cluster-type=kubernetes\fR will force the kubernetes p
+ to be run, and thus set sosreport options and attempt to determine a list of nodes using
+ that profile. 
+ .TP
++\fB\-\-container\-runtime\fR RUNTIME
++\fB sos report\fR option. Using this with \fBcollect\fR will pass this option thru
++to nodes with sos version 4.3 or later. This option controls the default container
++runtime plugins will use for collections. See \fBman sos-report\fR.
+ \fB\-e\fR ENABLE_PLUGINS, \fB\-\-enable\-plugins\fR ENABLE_PLUGINS
+ Sosreport option. Use this to enable a plugin that would otherwise not be run.
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-report.1 b/man/en/sos-report.1
+index e8efc8f8..464a77e5 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-report.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-report.1
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ sos report \- Collect and package diagnostic and support data
+           [--plugin-timeout TIMEOUT]\fR
+           [--cmd-timeout TIMEOUT]\fR
+           [--namespaces NAMESPACES]\fR
++          [--container-runtime RUNTIME]\fR
+           [-s|--sysroot SYSROOT]\fR
+           [-c|--chroot {auto|always|never}\fR
+           [--tmp-dir directory]\fR
+@@ -299,6 +300,24 @@ Use '0' (default) for no limit - all namespaces will be used for collections.
+ Note that specific plugins may provide a similar `namespaces` plugin option. If
+ the plugin option is used, it will override this option.
++.B \--container-runtime RUNTIME
++Force the use of the specified RUNTIME as the default runtime that plugins will
++use to collect data from and about containers and container images. By default,
++the setting of \fBauto\fR results in the local policy determining what runtime
++will be the default runtime (in configurations where multiple runtimes are installed
++and active).
++If no container runtimes are active, this option is ignored. If there are runtimes
++active, but not one with a name matching RUNTIME, sos will abort.
++Setting this to \fBnone\fR, \fBoff\fR, or \fBdisabled\fR will cause plugins to
++\fBNOT\fR leverage any active runtimes for collections. Note that if disabled, plugins
++specifically for runtimes (e.g. the podman or docker plugins) will still collect
++general data about the runtime, but will not inspect existing containers or images.
++Default: 'auto' (policy determined)
+ .B \--case-id NUMBER
+ Specify a case identifier to associate with the archive.
+ Identifiers may include alphanumeric characters, commas and periods ('.').
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 42a7731d..3ad703d3 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         'clean': False,
+         'cluster_options': [],
+         'cluster_type': None,
++        'container_runtime': 'auto',
+         'domains': [],
+         'enable_plugins': [],
+         'encrypt_key': '',
+@@ -268,6 +269,9 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         sos_grp.add_argument('--chroot', default='',
+                              choices=['auto', 'always', 'never'],
+                              help="chroot executed commands to SYSROOT")
++        sos_grp.add_argument("--container-runtime", default="auto",
++                             help="Default container runtime to use for "
++                                  "collections. 'auto' for policy control.")
+         sos_grp.add_argument('-e', '--enable-plugins', action="extend",
+                              help='Enable specific plugins for sosreport')
+         sos_grp.add_argument('-k', '--plugin-option', '--plugopts',
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index ab7f23cc..f5957e17 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -586,6 +586,12 @@ class SosNode():
+                 sos_opts.append('--cmd-timeout=%s'
+                                 % quote(str(self.opts.cmd_timeout)))
++        if self.check_sos_version('4.3'):
++            if self.opts.container_runtime != 'auto':
++                sos_opts.append(
++                    "--container-runtime=%s" % self.opts.container_runtime
++                )
+         self.update_cmd_from_cluster()
+         sos_cmd = sos_cmd.replace(
+diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
+index a6c72778..0daad82f 100644
+--- a/sos/report/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
+@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+         'case_id': '',
+         'chroot': 'auto',
+         'clean': False,
++        'container_runtime': 'auto',
+         'keep_binary_files': False,
+         'desc': '',
+         'domains': [],
+@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+             self.tempfile_util.clean()
+             self._exit(1)
++        self._check_container_runtime()
+         self._get_hardware_devices()
+         self._get_namespaces()
+@@ -218,6 +220,9 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+                                 dest="chroot", default='auto',
+                                 help="chroot executed commands to SYSROOT "
+                                      "[auto, always, never] (default=auto)")
++        report_grp.add_argument("--container-runtime", default="auto",
++                                help="Default container runtime to use for "
++                                     "collections. 'auto' for policy control.")
+         report_grp.add_argument("--desc", "--description", type=str,
+                                 action="store", default="",
+                                 help="Description for a new preset",)
+@@ -373,6 +378,37 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+         }
+         # TODO: enumerate network devices, preferably with devtype info
++    def _check_container_runtime(self):
++        """Check the loaded container runtimes, and the policy default runtime
++        (if set), against any requested --container-runtime value. This can be
++        useful for systems that have multiple runtimes, such as RHCOS, but do
++        not have a clearly defined 'default' (or one that is determined based
++        entirely on configuration).
++        """
++        if self.opts.container_runtime != 'auto':
++            crun = self.opts.container_runtime.lower()
++            if crun in ['none', 'off', 'diabled']:
++                self.policy.runtimes = {}
++                self.soslog.info(
++                    "Disabled all container runtimes per user option."
++                )
++            elif not self.policy.runtimes:
++                msg = ("WARNING: No container runtimes are active, ignoring "
++                       "option to set default runtime to '%s'\n" % crun)
++                self.soslog.warn(msg)
++            elif crun not in self.policy.runtimes.keys():
++                valid = ', '.join(p for p in self.policy.runtimes.keys()
++                                  if p != 'default')
++                raise Exception("Cannot use container runtime '%s': no such "
++                                "runtime detected. Available runtimes: %s"
++                                % (crun, valid))
++            else:
++                self.policy.runtimes['default'] = self.policy.runtimes[crun]
++                self.soslog.info(
++                    "Set default container runtime to '%s'"
++                    % self.policy.runtimes['default'].name
++                )
+     def get_fibre_devs(self):
+         """Enumerate a list of fibrechannel devices on this system so that
+         plugins can iterate over them
+From 9d4b5af39d76ac99afa40d004fe9888633218356 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 13:37:09 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [Plugin] Add container parameter for add_cmd_output()
+Adds a new `container` parameter for `Plugin.add_cmd_output()`, which if
+set will format all commands passed to that call for execution in the
+specified container.
+`Plugin.fmt_container_cmd()` is called for this purpose, and has been
+modified so that if the given container does not exist, an empty string
+is returned instead, thus preventing execution on the host.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 16 ++++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index e180ae17..3ff7c191 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@ class Plugin():
+                        chroot=True, runat=None, env=None, binary=False,
+                        sizelimit=None, pred=None, subdir=None,
+                        changes=False, foreground=False, tags=[],
+-                       priority=10, cmd_as_tag=False):
++                       priority=10, cmd_as_tag=False, container=None):
+         """Run a program or a list of programs and collect the output
+         Output will be limited to `sizelimit`, collecting the last X amount
+@@ -1772,6 +1772,10 @@ class Plugin():
+         :param cmd_as_tag: Should the command string be automatically formatted
+                            to a tag?
+         :type cmd_as_tag: ``bool``
++        :param container: Run the specified `cmds` inside a container with this
++                          ID or name
++        :type container:  ``str``
+         """
+         if isinstance(cmds, str):
+             cmds = [cmds]
+@@ -1782,6 +1786,14 @@ class Plugin():
+         if pred is None:
+             pred = self.get_predicate(cmd=True)
+         for cmd in cmds:
++            if container:
++                ocmd = cmd
++                cmd = self.fmt_container_cmd(container, cmd)
++                if not cmd:
++                    self._log_debug("Skipping command '%s' as the requested "
++                                    "container '%s' does not exist."
++                                    % (ocmd, container))
++                    continue
+             self._add_cmd_output(cmd=cmd, suggest_filename=suggest_filename,
+                                  root_symlink=root_symlink, timeout=timeout,
+                                  stderr=stderr, chroot=chroot, runat=runat,
+@@ -2420,7 +2432,7 @@ class Plugin():
+         if self.container_exists(container):
+             _runtime = self._get_container_runtime()
+             return _runtime.fmt_container_cmd(container, cmd, quotecmd)
+-        return cmd
++        return ''
+     def is_module_loaded(self, module_name):
+         """Determine whether specified module is loaded or not
+From 874d2adfbff9e51dc902669af3c4a5083dbc19b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 14:49:43 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [plugins] Update existing plugins to use a_c_o container
+ parameter
+Updates plugins currently calling `fmt_container_cmd()` in their
+`add_cmd_output()` calls to instead use the new `container` parameter
+and rely on the automatic formatting.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/opencontrail.py        |  3 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/openstack_database.py  | 20 ++++++--------------
+ sos/report/plugins/openstack_designate.py |  6 ++----
+ sos/report/plugins/openstack_ironic.py    |  3 +--
+ sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py         |  7 +++----
+ sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py            | 11 ++++++-----
+ 9 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/opencontrail.py b/sos/report/plugins/opencontrail.py
+index b368bffe..76c03e21 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/opencontrail.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/opencontrail.py
+@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ class OpenContrail(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             cnames = self.get_containers(get_all=True)
+             cnames = [c[1] for c in cnames if 'opencontrail' in c[1]]
+             for cntr in cnames:
+-                _cmd = self.fmt_container_cmd(cntr, 'contrail-status')
+-                self.add_cmd_output(_cmd)
++                self.add_cmd_output('contrail-status', container=cntr)
+         else:
+             self.add_cmd_output("contrail-status")
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_database.py b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_database.py
+index 1e98fabf..e9f84cf8 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_database.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_database.py
+@@ -37,36 +37,28 @@ class OpenStackDatabase(Plugin):
+     ]
+     def setup(self):
+-        in_container = False
+         # determine if we're running databases on the host or in a container
+         _db_containers = [
+             'galera-bundle-.*',  # overcloud
+             'mysql'  # undercloud
+         ]
++        cname = None
+         for container in _db_containers:
+             cname = self.get_container_by_name(container)
+-            if cname is not None:
+-                in_container = True
++            if cname:
+                 break
+-        if in_container:
+-            fname = "clustercheck_%s" % cname
+-            cmd = self.fmt_container_cmd(cname, 'clustercheck')
+-            self.add_cmd_output(cmd, timeout=15, suggest_filename=fname)
+-        else:
+-            self.add_cmd_output('clustercheck', timeout=15)
++        fname = "clustercheck_%s" % cname if cname else None
++        self.add_cmd_output('clustercheck', container=cname, timeout=15,
++                            suggest_filename=fname)
+         if self.get_option('dump') or self.get_option('dumpall'):
+             db_dump = self.get_mysql_db_string(container=cname)
+             db_cmd = "mysqldump --opt %s" % db_dump
+-            if in_container:
+-                db_cmd = self.fmt_container_cmd(cname, db_cmd)
+             self.add_cmd_output(db_cmd, suggest_filename='mysql_dump.sql',
+-                                sizelimit=0)
++                                sizelimit=0, container=cname)
+     def get_mysql_db_string(self, container=None):
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_designate.py b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_designate.py
+index 0ae991b0..a2ea37ab 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_designate.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_designate.py
+@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@ class OpenStackDesignate(Plugin):
+     def setup(self):
+         # collect current pool config
+-        pools_cmd = self.fmt_container_cmd(
+-            self.get_container_by_name(".*designate_central"),
+-            "designate-manage pool generate_file --file /dev/stdout")
+         self.add_cmd_output(
+-            pools_cmd,
++            "designate-manage pool generate_file --file /dev/stdout",
++            container=self.get_container_by_name(".*designate_central"),
+             suggest_filename="openstack_designate_current_pools.yaml"
+         )
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_ironic.py b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_ironic.py
+index c36fb6b6..49beb2d9 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/openstack_ironic.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/openstack_ironic.py
+@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ class OpenStackIronic(Plugin):
+                                    'ironic_pxe_tftp', 'ironic_neutron_agent',
+                                    'ironic_conductor', 'ironic_api']:
+                 if self.container_exists('.*' + container_name):
+-                    self.add_cmd_output(self.fmt_container_cmd(container_name,
+-                                                               'rpm -qa'))
++                    self.add_cmd_output('rpm -qa', container=container_name)
+         else:
+             self.conf_list = [
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py b/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py
+index 914eda60..ddbf288d 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ovn_central.py
+@@ -123,11 +123,10 @@ class OVNCentral(Plugin):
+         # If OVN is containerized, we need to run the above commands inside
+         # the container.
+-        cmds = [
+-            self.fmt_container_cmd(self._container_name, cmd) for cmd in cmds
+-        ]
+-        self.add_cmd_output(cmds, foreground=True)
++        self.add_cmd_output(
++            cmds, foreground=True, container=self._container_name
++        )
+         self.add_copy_spec("/etc/sysconfig/ovn-northd")
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py b/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py
+index 1bfa741f..607802e4 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/rabbitmq.py
+@@ -34,14 +34,15 @@ class RabbitMQ(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             for container in container_names:
+                 self.add_container_logs(container)
+                 self.add_cmd_output(
+-                    self.fmt_container_cmd(container, 'rabbitmqctl report'),
++                    'rabbitmqctl report',
++                    container=container,
+                     foreground=True
+                 )
+                 self.add_cmd_output(
+-                    self.fmt_container_cmd(
+-                        container, "rabbitmqctl eval "
+-                        "'rabbit_diagnostics:maybe_stuck().'"),
+-                    foreground=True, timeout=10
++                    "rabbitmqctl eval 'rabbit_diagnostics:maybe_stuck().'",
++                    container=container,
++                    foreground=True,
++                    timeout=10
+                 )
+         else:
+             self.add_cmd_output("rabbitmqctl report")
+From faa15754f82e9841cd624afe18dc2198644decdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 13:51:20 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] [Policy,collect] Prevent remote node policies from setting
+ local PATH
+This commit fixes an issue where policies loaded for remote nodes when
+using `sos collect` would override the PATH setting for the local
+policy, which in turn could prevent successful execution of cluster
+profile operations.
+Related: #2777
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/policies/__init__.py         | 8 +++++---
+ sos/policies/distros/__init__.py | 6 ++++--
+ sos/policies/distros/debian.py   | 3 ++-
+ sos/policies/distros/redhat.py   | 6 ++++--
+ sos/policies/distros/suse.py     | 3 ++-
+ 5 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/policies/__init__.py b/sos/policies/__init__.py
+index ef9188de..826d03a1 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/__init__.py
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def load(cache={}, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
+     return cache['policy']
+-class Policy(object):
++class Policy():
+     """Policies represent distributions that sos supports, and define the way
+     in which sos behaves on those distributions. A policy should define at
+     minimum a way to identify the distribution, and a package manager to allow
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ any third party.
+     presets_path = PRESETS_PATH
+     _in_container = False
+-    def __init__(self, sysroot=None, probe_runtime=True):
++    def __init__(self, sysroot=None, probe_runtime=True, remote_exec=None):
+         """Subclasses that choose to override this initializer should call
+         super() to ensure that they get the required platform bits attached.
+         super(SubClass, self).__init__(). Policies that require runtime
+@@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ any third party.
+         self.probe_runtime = probe_runtime
+         self.package_manager = PackageManager()
+         self.valid_subclasses = [IndependentPlugin]
+-        self.set_exec_path()
++        self.remote_exec = remote_exec
++        if not self.remote_exec:
++            self.set_exec_path()
+         self.sysroot = sysroot
+         self.register_presets(GENERIC_PRESETS)
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+index c69fc1e7..9c91a918 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+@@ -68,9 +68,11 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+     container_version_command = None
+     container_authfile = None
+-    def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True):
++    def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
++                 remote_exec=None):
+         super(LinuxPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot,
+-                                          probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
++                                          probe_runtime=probe_runtime,
++                                          remote_exec=remote_exec)
+         if sysroot:
+             self.sysroot = sysroot
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/debian.py b/sos/policies/distros/debian.py
+index 639fd5eb..41f09428 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/debian.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/debian.py
+@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ class DebianPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
+     def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
+                  remote_exec=None):
+         super(DebianPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
+-                                           probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
++                                           probe_runtime=probe_runtime,
++                                           remote_exec=remote_exec)
+         self.package_manager = DpkgPackageManager(chroot=self.sysroot,
+                                                   remote_exec=remote_exec)
+         self.valid_subclasses += [DebianPlugin]
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+index 4b14abaf..eb75e15b 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ class RedHatPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
+     def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
+                  remote_exec=None):
+         super(RedHatPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
+-                                           probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
++                                           probe_runtime=probe_runtime,
++                                           remote_exec=remote_exec)
+         self.usrmove = False
+         self.package_manager = RpmPackageManager(chroot=self.sysroot,
+@@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ class RedHatPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
+             self.PATH = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"
+         self.PATH += os.pathsep + "/usr/local/bin"
+         self.PATH += os.pathsep + "/usr/local/sbin"
+-        self.set_exec_path()
++        if not self.remote_exec:
++            self.set_exec_path()
+         self.load_presets()
+     @classmethod
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/suse.py b/sos/policies/distros/suse.py
+index 1c1feff5..b9d4a3b1 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/suse.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/suse.py
+@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class SuSEPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
+     def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
+                  remote_exec=None):
+         super(SuSEPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
+-                                         probe_runtime=probe_runtime)
++                                         probe_runtime=probe_runtime,
++                                         remote_exec=remote_exec)
+         self.valid_subclasses += [SuSEPlugin, RedHatPlugin]
+         self.usrmove = False
+From d4383fec5f8a80121aa4f5a37575b37988c51663 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 12:23:34 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Add crio runtime and openshift_ovn plugin openshift_ovn
+ plugin collects logs from crio containers Fix get_container_by_name function
+ returning container_id and not name
+Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+ sos/policies/distros/__init__.py    |  4 +-
+ sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py   |  2 +-
+ sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py       | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py | 41 +++++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py
+ create mode 100644 sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+index 9c91a918..7acc7e49 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from sos import _sos as _
+ from sos.policies import Policy
+ from sos.policies.init_systems import InitSystem
+ from sos.policies.init_systems.systemd import SystemdInit
++from sos.policies.runtimes.crio import CrioContainerRuntime
+ from sos.policies.runtimes.podman import PodmanContainerRuntime
+ from sos.policies.runtimes.docker import DockerContainerRuntime
+@@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+         if self.probe_runtime:
+             _crun = [
+                 PodmanContainerRuntime(policy=self),
+-                DockerContainerRuntime(policy=self)
++                DockerContainerRuntime(policy=self),
++                CrioContainerRuntime(policy=self)
+             ]
+             for runtime in _crun:
+                 if runtime.check_is_active():
+diff --git a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
+index 2e60ad23..4e9a45c1 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class ContainerRuntime():
+             return None
+         for c in self.containers:
+             if re.match(name, c[1]):
+-                return c[1]
++                return c[0]
+         return None
+     def get_images(self):
+diff --git a/sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py b/sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..980c3ea1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/policies/runtimes/crio.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat, Inc., Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++from sos.policies.runtimes import ContainerRuntime
++from sos.utilities import sos_get_command_output
++from pipes import quote
++class CrioContainerRuntime(ContainerRuntime):
++    """Runtime class to use for systems running crio"""
++    name = 'crio'
++    binary = 'crictl'
++    def get_containers(self, get_all=False):
++        """Get a list of containers present on the system.
++        :param get_all: If set, include stopped containers as well
++        :type get_all: ``bool``
++        """
++        containers = []
++        _cmd = "%s ps %s" % (self.binary, '-a' if get_all else '')
++        if self.active:
++            out = sos_get_command_output(_cmd, chroot=self.policy.sysroot)
++            if out['status'] == 0:
++                for ent in out['output'].splitlines()[1:]:
++                    ent = ent.split()
++                    # takes the form (container_id, container_name)
++                    containers.append((ent[0], ent[-3]))
++        return containers
++    def get_images(self):
++        """Get a list of images present on the system
++        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing (image_name, image_id)
++        :rtype: ``list``
++        """
++        images = []
++        if self.active:
++            out = sos_get_command_output("%s images" % self.binary,
++                                         chroot=self.policy.sysroot)
++            if out['status'] == 0:
++                for ent in out['output'].splitlines():
++                    ent = ent.split()
++                    # takes the form (image_name, image_id)
++                    images.append((ent[0] + ':' + ent[1], ent[2]))
++        return images
++    def fmt_container_cmd(self, container, cmd, quotecmd):
++        """Format a command to run inside a container using the runtime
++        :param container: The name or ID of the container in which to run
++        :type container: ``str``
++        :param cmd: The command to run inside `container`
++        :type cmd: ``str``
++        :param quotecmd: Whether the cmd should be quoted.
++        :type quotecmd: ``bool``
++        :returns: Formatted string to run `cmd` inside `container`
++        :rtype: ``str``
++        """
++        if quotecmd:
++            quoted_cmd = quote(cmd)
++        else:
++            quoted_cmd = cmd
++        container_id = self.get_container_by_name(container)
++        return "%s %s %s" % (self.run_cmd, container_id,
++                             quoted_cmd) if container_id is not None else ''
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py b/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..168f1dd3
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/openshift_ovn.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2021 Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
++class OpenshiftOVN(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
++    """This plugin is used to collect OCP 4.x OVN logs.
++    """
++    short_desc = 'Openshift OVN'
++    plugin_name = "openshift_ovn"
++    containers = ('ovnkube-master', 'ovn-ipsec')
++    profiles = ('openshift',)
++    def setup(self):
++        self.add_copy_spec([
++            "/var/lib/ovn/etc/ovnnb_db.db",
++            "/var/lib/ovn/etc/ovnsb_db.db",
++            "/var/lib/openvswitch/etc/keys",
++            "/var/log/openvswitch/libreswan.log",
++            "/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-monitor-ipsec.log"
++        ])
++        self.add_cmd_output([
++            'ovn-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.ctl ' +
++            'cluster/status OVN_Northbound',
++            'ovn-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.ctl ' +
++            'cluster/status OVN_Southbound'],
++            container='ovnkube-master')
++        self.add_cmd_output([
++            'ovs-appctl -t ovs-monitor-ipsec tunnels/show',
++            'ipsec status',
++            'certutil -L -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d'],
++            container='ovn-ipsec')
+From 17218ca17e49cb8491c688095b56503d041c1ae9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 15:07:23 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] [ocp] Skip project setup whenever oc transport is not
+ used
+Fixes a corner case where we would still attempt to create a new project
+within the OCP cluster even if we weren't using the `oc` transport.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index 2ce4e977..56f8cc47 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+         return nodes
+     def set_transport_type(self):
+-        if is_executable('oc') or self.opts.transport == 'oc':
++        if self.opts.transport != 'auto':
++            return self.opts.transport
++        if is_executable('oc'):
+             return 'oc'
+         self.log_info("Local installation of 'oc' not found or is not "
+                       "correctly configured. Will use ControlPersist.")
+From 9faabdc3df08516a91c1adb3326bbf43db155f71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 16:04:39 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] [crio] Put inspect output in the containers subdir
+Given the environments where crio is run, having `crictl inspect` output
+in the main plugin directory can be a bit overwhelming. As such, put
+this output into a `containers` subdir, and nest container log output in
+a `containers/logs/` subdir.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/crio.py | 5 +++--
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/crio.py b/sos/report/plugins/crio.py
+index cb2c9796..56cf64a7 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/crio.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/crio.py
+@@ -79,10 +79,11 @@ class CRIO(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+         pods = self._get_crio_list(pod_cmd)
+         for container in containers:
+-            self.add_cmd_output("crictl inspect %s" % container)
++            self.add_cmd_output("crictl inspect %s" % container,
++                                subdir="containers")
+             if self.get_option('logs'):
+                 self.add_cmd_output("crictl logs -t %s" % container,
+-                                    subdir="containers", priority=100)
++                                    subdir="containers/logs", priority=100)
+         for image in images:
+             self.add_cmd_output("crictl inspecti %s" % image, subdir="images")
+From 9118562c47fb521da3eeeed1a8746d45aaa769e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 16:06:06 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [networking] Put namespaced commands into subdirs
+Where networking namespaces are used, there tend to be large numbers of
+namespaces used. This in turn results in sos running and collecting very
+large numbers of namespaced commands.
+To aid in consumability, place these collections under a subdir for the
+namespace under another "namespaces" subdir within the plugin directory.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/networking.py | 27 ++++++++++++---------------
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/networking.py b/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
+index 80e24abb..bcb5e6ae 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
+@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ class Networking(Plugin):
+                                   pred=SoSPredicate(self, cmd_outputs=co6))
+                                   else None)
+         for namespace in namespaces:
++            _subdir = "namespaces/%s" % namespace
+             ns_cmd_prefix = cmd_prefix + namespace + " "
+             self.add_cmd_output([
+                 ns_cmd_prefix + "ip address show",
+@@ -213,29 +214,27 @@ class Networking(Plugin):
+                 ns_cmd_prefix + "netstat -s",
+                 ns_cmd_prefix + "netstat %s -agn" % self.ns_wide,
+                 ns_cmd_prefix + "nstat -zas",
+-            ], priority=50)
++            ], priority=50, subdir=_subdir)
+             self.add_cmd_output([ns_cmd_prefix + "iptables-save"],
+                                 pred=iptables_with_nft,
++                                subdir=_subdir,
+                                 priority=50)
+             self.add_cmd_output([ns_cmd_prefix + "ip6tables-save"],
+                                 pred=ip6tables_with_nft,
++                                subdir=_subdir,
+                                 priority=50)
+             ss_cmd = ns_cmd_prefix + "ss -peaonmi"
+             # --allow-system-changes is handled directly in predicate
+             # evaluation, so plugin code does not need to separately
+             # check for it
+-            self.add_cmd_output(ss_cmd, pred=ss_pred)
+-        # Collect ethtool commands only when ethtool_namespaces
+-        # is set to true.
+-        if self.get_option("ethtool_namespaces"):
+-            # Devices that exist in a namespace use less ethtool
+-            # parameters. Run this per namespace.
+-            for namespace in self.get_network_namespaces(
+-                                self.get_option("namespace_pattern"),
+-                                self.get_option("namespaces")):
+-                ns_cmd_prefix = cmd_prefix + namespace + " "
++            self.add_cmd_output(ss_cmd, pred=ss_pred, subdir=_subdir)
++            # Collect ethtool commands only when ethtool_namespaces
++            # is set to true.
++            if self.get_option("ethtool_namespaces"):
++                # Devices that exist in a namespace use less ethtool
++                # parameters. Run this per namespace.
+                 netns_netdev_list = self.exec_cmd(
+                     ns_cmd_prefix + "ls -1 /sys/class/net/"
+                 )
+@@ -250,9 +249,7 @@ class Networking(Plugin):
+                         ns_cmd_prefix + "ethtool -i " + eth,
+                         ns_cmd_prefix + "ethtool -k " + eth,
+                         ns_cmd_prefix + "ethtool -S " + eth
+-                    ], priority=50)
+-        return
++                    ], priority=50, subdir=_subdir)
+ class RedHatNetworking(Networking, RedHatPlugin):
+From 4bf5f9143c962c839c1d27217ba74127551a5c00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 11:10:15 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] [transport] Detect retrieval failures and automatically retry
+If a paritcular attempt to retrieve a remote file fails, we should
+automatically retry that collection up to a certain point. This provides
+`sos collect` more resiliency for the collection of sos report archives.
+This change necessitates a change in how we handle the SoSNode flow for
+failed sos report retrievals, and as such contains minor fixes to
+transports to ensure that we do not incorrectly hit exceptions in error
+handling that were not previously possible with how we exited the
+SoSNode retrieval flow.
+Closes: #2777
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/__init__.py            |  5 +++--
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py        |  1 +
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py             | 17 ++++++++++-------
+ sos/collector/transports/__init__.py | 15 ++++++++++++++-
+ sos/collector/transports/local.py    |  1 +
+ sos/collector/transports/oc.py       |  3 ++-
+ 6 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index b825d8fc..a25e794e 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -1221,8 +1221,9 @@ this utility or remote systems that it connects to.
+     def close_all_connections(self):
+         """Close all sessions for nodes"""
+         for client in self.client_list:
+-            self.log_debug('Closing connection to %s' % client.address)
+-            client.disconnect()
++            if client.connected:
++                self.log_debug('Closing connection to %s' % client.address)
++                client.disconnect()
+     def create_cluster_archive(self):
+         """Calls for creation of tar archive then cleans up the temporary
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index 56f8cc47..ae93ad58 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+                                % ret['output'])
+             # don't leave the config on a non-existing project
+             self.exec_master_cmd("oc project default")
++            self.project = None
+         return True
+     def _build_dict(self, nodelist):
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 1341e39f..925f2790 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -751,12 +751,11 @@ class SosNode():
+             if self.file_exists(path):
+                 self.log_info("Copying remote %s to local %s" %
+                               (path, destdir))
+-                self._transport.retrieve_file(path, dest)
++                return self._transport.retrieve_file(path, dest)
+             else:
+                 self.log_debug("Attempting to copy remote file %s, but it "
+                                "does not exist on filesystem" % path)
+                 return False
+-            return True
+         except Exception as err:
+             self.log_debug("Failed to retrieve %s: %s" % (path, err))
+             return False
+@@ -793,16 +792,20 @@ class SosNode():
+                 except Exception:
+                     self.log_error('Failed to make archive readable')
+                     return False
+-            self.soslog.info('Retrieving sos report from %s' % self.address)
++            self.log_info('Retrieving sos report from %s' % self.address)
+             self.ui_msg('Retrieving sos report...')
+-            ret = self.retrieve_file(self.sos_path)
++            try:
++                ret = self.retrieve_file(self.sos_path)
++            except Exception as err:
++                self.log_error(err)
++                return False
+             if ret:
+                 self.ui_msg('Successfully collected sos report')
+                 self.file_list.append(self.sos_path.split('/')[-1])
++                return True
+             else:
+-                self.log_error('Failed to retrieve sos report')
+-                raise SystemExit
+-            return True
++                self.ui_msg('Failed to retrieve sos report')
++                return False
+         else:
+             # sos sometimes fails but still returns a 0 exit code
+             if self.stderr.read():
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+index 33f2f66d..dcdebdde 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/__init__.py
+@@ -303,7 +303,20 @@ class RemoteTransport():
+         :returns:   True if file was successfully copied from remote, or False
+         :rtype:     ``bool``
+         """
+-        return self._retrieve_file(fname, dest)
++        attempts = 0
++        try:
++            while attempts < 5:
++                attempts += 1
++                ret = self._retrieve_file(fname, dest)
++                if ret:
++                    return True
++                self.log_info("File retrieval attempt %s failed" % attempts)
++            self.log_info("File retrieval failed after 5 attempts")
++            return False
++        except Exception as err:
++            self.log_error("Exception encountered during retrieval attempt %s "
++                           "for %s: %s" % (attempts, fname, err))
++            raise err
+     def _retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
+         raise NotImplementedError("Transport %s does not support file copying"
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/local.py b/sos/collector/transports/local.py
+index a4897f19..2996d524 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/transports/local.py
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/local.py
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class LocalTransport(RemoteTransport):
+     def _retrieve_file(self, fname, dest):
+         self.log_debug("Moving %s to %s" % (fname, dest))
+         shutil.copy(fname, dest)
++        return True
+     def _format_cmd_for_exec(self, cmd):
+         return cmd
+diff --git a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
+index de044ccb..720dd61d 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
++++ b/sos/collector/transports/oc.py
+@@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ class OCTransport(RemoteTransport):
+                                                     env, False)
+     def _disconnect(self):
+-        os.unlink(self.pod_tmp_conf)
++        if os.path.exists(self.pod_tmp_conf):
++            os.unlink(self.pod_tmp_conf)
+         removed = self.run_oc("delete pod %s" % self.pod_name)
+         if "deleted" not in removed['output']:
+             self.log_debug("Calling delete on pod '%s' failed: %s"
+From 304c9ef6c1015f1ebe1a8d569c3e16bada4d23f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2022 16:37:09 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Add cluster cleanup for all exit() calls
+Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/__init__.py | 3 +--
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index a25e794e1..ffd63bc63 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -443,6 +443,7 @@ def add_parser_options(cls, parser):
+     def exit(self, msg, error=1):
+         """Used to safely terminate if sos-collector encounters an error"""
++        self.cluster.cleanup()
+         self.log_error(msg)
+         try:
+             self.close_all_connections()
+@@ -858,8 +858,9 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                       "CTRL-C to quit\n")
+                 self.ui_log.info("")
+             except KeyboardInterrupt:
+-                self.cluster.cleanup()
+                 self.exit("Exiting on user cancel", 130)
++            except Exception as e:
++                self.exit(repr(e), 1)
+     def configure_sos_cmd(self):
+         """Configures the sosreport command that is run on the nodes"""
+@@ -1185,7 +1185,6 @@ def collect(self):
+             arc_name = self.create_cluster_archive()
+         else:
+             msg = 'No sosreports were collected, nothing to archive...'
+-            self.cluster.cleanup()
+             self.exit(msg, 1)
+         if self.opts.upload and self.policy.get_upload_url():
+From 2c3a647817dfbac36be3768acf6026e91d1a6e8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 14:20:19 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] [options] Allow spaces in --keywords values in sos.conf
+The `--keywords` option supports spaces to allow for obfuscated phrases,
+not just words. This however breaks if a phrase is added to the config
+file *before* a run with the phrase in the cmdline option, due to the
+safeguards we have for all other values that do not support spaces.
+Add a check in our flow for updating options from the config file to not
+replace illegal spaces if we're checking the `keywords` option, for
+which spaces are legal.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/options.py | 5 ++++-
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/options.py b/sos/options.py
+index 7bea3ffc1..4846a5096 100644
+--- a/sos/options.py
++++ b/sos/options.py
+@@ -200,7 +200,10 @@ def _update_from_section(section, config):
+                         odict[rename_opts[key]] = odict.pop(key)
+                 # set the values according to the config file
+                 for key, val in odict.items():
+-                    if isinstance(val, str):
++                    # most option values do not tolerate spaces, special
++                    # exception however for --keywords which we do want to
++                    # support phrases, and thus spaces, for
++                    if isinstance(val, str) and key != 'keywords':
+                         val = val.replace(' ', '')
+                     if key not in self.arg_defaults:
+                         # read an option that is not loaded by the current
+From f912fc9e31b406a24b7a9c012e12cda920632051 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 14:13:42 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [collect] Deal None sos_version properly
+In case collector cluster hits an error during init, sos_version
+is None what LooseVersion can't compare properly and raises exception
+'LooseVersion' object has no attribute 'version'
+Related: #2822
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 925f27909..7bbe0cd1f 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -382,7 +382,8 @@ def check_sos_version(self, ver):
+         given ver. This means that if the installed version is greater than
+         ver, this will still return True
+         """
+-        return LooseVersion(self.sos_info['version']) >= ver
++        return self.sos_info['version'] is not None and \
++            LooseVersion(self.sos_info['version']) >= ver
+     def is_installed(self, pkg):
+         """Checks if a given package is installed on the node"""
+From 0c67e8ebaeef17dac3b5b9e42a59b4e673e4403b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 14:17:13 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [collector] Cleanup cluster only if defined
+In case cluster init fails, self.cluster = None and its cleanup
+must be skipped.
+Resolves: #2822
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/__init__.py | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index ffd63bc63..3e22bca3e 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -443,7 +443,8 @@ def add_parser_options(cls, parser):
+     def exit(self, msg, error=1):
+         """Used to safely terminate if sos-collector encounters an error"""
+-        self.cluster.cleanup()
++        if self.cluster:
++            self.cluster.cleanup()
+         self.log_error(msg)
+         try:
+             self.close_all_connections()
+From ef27a6ee6737c23b3beda1437768a91679024697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 15:41:35 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Add journal logs for NetworkManager plugin
+Signed-off-by: Nadia Pinaeva <npinaeva@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/networkmanager.py | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/networkmanager.py b/sos/report/plugins/networkmanager.py
+index 30f99a1140..3aca0c7460 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/networkmanager.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/networkmanager.py
+@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ def setup(self):
+             "/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d"
+         ])
++        self.add_journal(units="NetworkManager")
+         # There are some incompatible changes in nmcli since
+         # the release of NetworkManager >= 0.9.9. In addition,
+         # NetworkManager >= 0.9.9 will use the long names of
diff --git a/SPECS/sos.spec b/SPECS/sos.spec
index b1cd45d..5094ccc 100644
--- a/SPECS/sos.spec
+++ b/SPECS/sos.spec
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 Summary: A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
 Name: sos
 Version: 4.2
-Release: 8%{?dist}
+Release: 11%{?dist}
 Group: Applications/System
 Source0: https://github.com/sosreport/sos/archive/%{version}/sos-%{version}.tar.gz
 Source1: sos-audit-%{auditversion}.tgz
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Patch14: sos-bz2024893-cleaner-hostnames-improvements.patch
 Patch15: sos-bz2025611-RHTS-api-change.patch
 Patch16: sos-bz2034001-nvidia-GPU-info.patch
 Patch17: sos-bz2031777-rhui-logs.patch
+Patch18: sos-bz2037350-ocp-backports.patch
 Sos is a set of tools that gathers information about system
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ support technicians and developers.
 %patch15 -p1
 %patch16 -p1
 %patch17 -p1
+%patch18 -p1
@@ -135,6 +137,18 @@ of the system.  Currently storage and filesystem commands are audited.
+* Mon Jan 10 2022 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.2-11
+- [reort] Add journal logs for NetworkManager plugin
+  Resolves: bz2037350
+* Fri Jan 07 2022 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.2-9
+- add oc transport, backport various PRs for OCP
+  Resolves: bz2037350
+- [report] Provide better warning about estimate-mode
+  Resolves: bz2011537
+- [hostname] Fix loading and detection of long base domains
+  Resolves: bz2024893
 * Sun Dec 19 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.2-8
 - [rhui] New log folder
   Resolves: bz2031777