diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2b270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.sos.metadata b/.sos.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..950a640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.sos.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+7d4d03af232e2357e3359ad564a59f4c3654eac0 SOURCES/sos-4.1.tar.gz
+9d478b9f0085da9178af103078bbf2fd77b0175a SOURCES/sos-audit-0.3.tgz
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1925419-gluster-pubkeys-statusfile.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1925419-gluster-pubkeys-statusfile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd317c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1925419-gluster-pubkeys-statusfile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 4fb834ec862228afb276ccbd45aa86c66044ea66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 09:09:51 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [gluster] collect public keys from the right dir
+Collection of glusterfind dir is achieved by /var/lib/gluster
+so it doesn't be collected explicitly.
+/var/lib/glusterd/glusterfind/.keys/ subdir is required to be
+explicitly collected, as add_copy_spec uses glob.glob() that skips
+hidden files.
+Resolves: #2451
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/gluster.py | 5 ++---
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py b/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py
+index e1a89df2..952cab63 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/gluster.py
+@@ -76,9 +76,8 @@ class Gluster(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             "/var/lib/glusterd/",
+             # collect nfs-ganesha related configuration
+             "/run/gluster/shared_storage/nfs-ganesha/",
+-            # collect status files and public ssh keys
+-            "/var/lib/glusterd/.keys/",
+-            "/var/lib/glusterd/glusterfind/"
++            # collect public ssh keys (a_s_c skips implicit hidden files)
++            "/var/lib/glusterd/glusterfind/.keys/",
+         ] + glob.glob('/run/gluster/*tier-dht/*'))
+         if not self.get_option("all_logs"):
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1938874-potential-issues-static-analyse.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1938874-potential-issues-static-analyse.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c359e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1938874-potential-issues-static-analyse.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+From 6d5cbe90e17534d53d7fe42dff4d8ca734acf594 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 15:49:00 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [yum] Fix potential traceback when yum history is empty
+Like we did in #969 for `dnf`, fix a potential issue where we would
+generate a traceback in the plugin when `yum history` is empty.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/yum.py | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/yum.py b/sos/report/plugins/yum.py
+index 54e222df..aec805e6 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/yum.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/yum.py
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Yum(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         # packages installed/erased/updated per transaction
+         if self.get_option("yum-history-info"):
+             history = self.exec_cmd("yum history")
+-            transactions = None
++            transactions = -1
+             if history['status'] == 0:
+                 for line in history['output'].splitlines():
+                     try:
+From a7a4ef73faee6cddba36bf670d4a20ab0521c36f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 13:10:56 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [plugins] Set default predicate instead of None for
+ robustness
+Just making the code more robustness, it could be dangerous to
+set pred = None and then potentially call log_skipped_cmd that
+expects "pred" of SoSPredicate type.
+Currently such a call flow can not happen, but it is worth to
+make the code more robust for potential future changes.
+Resolves: #2601
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index 6fd1a3b2..b9cd28ed 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+     def _add_cmd_output(self, **kwargs):
+         """Internal helper to add a single command to the collection list."""
+-        pred = kwargs.pop('pred') if 'pred' in kwargs else None
++        pred = kwargs.pop('pred') if 'pred' in kwargs else SoSPredicate(self)
+         soscmd = SoSCommand(**kwargs)
+         self._log_debug("packed command: " + soscmd.__str__())
+         for _skip_cmd in self.skip_commands:
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1959779-conversions-and-upgrades.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1959779-conversions-and-upgrades.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a39f839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1959779-conversions-and-upgrades.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From ee5d9d017b0a1bfeaebee9c21c17e89ef1f909a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 13:30:09 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [MigrationResults] collect info about conversions and
+ upgrades
+A new tiny plugin independent on leapp and convert2rhel is proposed.
+It should collect /etc/migration-results with info about RHEL
+conversions and upgrades, whenever the file is present.
+Resolves: #2627
+Relevant to: rhbz#1959598
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/migration_results.py | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 sos/report/plugins/migration_results.py
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/migration_results.py b/sos/report/plugins/migration_results.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..b67480ba
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/migration_results.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
++class MigrationResults(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
++    short_desc = 'Information about conversions and upgrades'
++    plugin_name = 'migration_results'
++    profiles = ('system',)
++    files = ('/etc/migration-results',)
++# vim: et ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1965002-skip-selinux-of-proc-everytime.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1965002-skip-selinux-of-proc-everytime.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b62a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1965002-skip-selinux-of-proc-everytime.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+From 206d65618f20995b168dcc63090d1e6871450e90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 15:45:26 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [archive] skip copying SELinux context for /proc and /sys
+ everytime
+A supplement of #1399 fix, now also for adding strings or special
+device files.
+Also adding a (vendor) test case for it.
+Resolves: #2560
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/archive.py                           | 35 +++++++++++----------
+ tests/vendor_tests/redhat/rhbz1965001.py | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/vendor_tests/redhat/rhbz1965001.py
+diff --git a/sos/archive.py b/sos/archive.py
+index 4dd31d75..b02b2475 100644
+--- a/sos/archive.py
++++ b/sos/archive.py
+@@ -326,6 +326,20 @@ class FileCacheArchive(Archive):
+             return None
+         return dest
++    def _copy_attributes(self, src, dest):
++        # copy file attributes, skip SELinux xattrs for /sys and /proc
++        try:
++            stat = os.stat(src)
++            if src.startswith("/sys/") or src.startswith("/proc/"):
++                shutil.copymode(src, dest)
++                os.utime(dest, ns=(stat.st_atime_ns, stat.st_mtime_ns))
++            else:
++                shutil.copystat(src, dest)
++            os.chown(dest, stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid)
++        except Exception as e:
++            self.log_debug("caught '%s' setting attributes of '%s'"
++                           % (e, dest))
+     def add_file(self, src, dest=None):
+         with self._path_lock:
+             if not dest:
+@@ -348,18 +362,7 @@ class FileCacheArchive(Archive):
+                     else:
+                         self.log_info("File %s not collected: '%s'" % (src, e))
+-                # copy file attributes, skip SELinux xattrs for /sys and /proc
+-                try:
+-                    stat = os.stat(src)
+-                    if src.startswith("/sys/") or src.startswith("/proc/"):
+-                        shutil.copymode(src, dest)
+-                        os.utime(dest, ns=(stat.st_atime_ns, stat.st_mtime_ns))
+-                    else:
+-                        shutil.copystat(src, dest)
+-                    os.chown(dest, stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid)
+-                except Exception as e:
+-                    self.log_debug("caught '%s' setting attributes of '%s'"
+-                                   % (e, dest))
++                self._copy_attributes(src, dest)
+                 file_name = "'%s'" % src
+             else:
+                 # Open file case: first rewind the file to obtain
+@@ -388,11 +391,7 @@ class FileCacheArchive(Archive):
+                 content = content.decode('utf8', 'ignore')
+             f.write(content)
+             if os.path.exists(src):
+-                try:
+-                    shutil.copystat(src, dest)
+-                except OSError as e:
+-                    self.log_error("Unable to add '%s' to archive: %s" %
+-                                   (dest, e))
++                self._copy_attributes(src, dest)
+             self.log_debug("added string at '%s' to FileCacheArchive '%s'"
+                            % (src, self._archive_root))
+@@ -501,7 +500,7 @@ class FileCacheArchive(Archive):
+                     self.log_info("add_node: %s - mknod '%s'" % (msg, dest))
+                     return
+                 raise e
+-            shutil.copystat(path, dest)
++            self._copy_attributes(path, dest)
+     def name_max(self):
+         if 'PC_NAME_MAX' in os.pathconf_names:
+diff --git a/tests/vendor_tests/redhat/rhbz1965001.py b/tests/vendor_tests/redhat/rhbz1965001.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..aa16ba81
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/vendor_tests/redhat/rhbz1965001.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++import tempfile
++import shutil
++from sos_tests import StageOneReportTest
++class rhbz1965001(StageOneReportTest):
++    """
++    Copying /proc/sys/vm/{compact_memory,drop_caches} must ignore SELinux
++    context, otherwise an attempt to set the context to files under some
++    directories like /tmp raises an AVC denial, and an ERROR
++    "Unable to add '...' to archive: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '...'
++    is raise.
++    https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1965001
++    :avocado: enable
++    :avocado: tags=stageone
++    """
++    sos_cmd = '-o system'
++    # it is crucial to run the test case with --tmp-dir=/tmp/... as that is
++    # (an example of) directory exhibiting the relabel permission deny.
++    # /var/tmp directory allows those relabels.
++    #
++    # the directory shouldn't exist at this moment, otherwise
++    # "check to prevent multiple setUp() runs" in sos_tests.py would fail
++    _tmpdir = '/tmp/rhbz1965001_avocado_test'
++    def test_no_permission_denied(self):
++        self.assertSosLogNotContains("Permission denied")
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967110-collect-cleaning-consistency.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967110-collect-cleaning-consistency.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ded10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967110-collect-cleaning-consistency.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+From fc0218638f3e865c4315823e72aef2f46d012d07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 11:55:03 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [clean] Load maps from all archives before obfuscation
+ loop
+Previously, maps were being prepped via archives after extraction. This
+reduced the amount of file IO being done, but made it so that necessary
+obfuscations from later archives in a series would not be obfuscated in
+the archives obfuscated before those later archives were extracted.
+Fix this by extracting the map prep files into memory for each archive
+to prep the maps before we enter the obfuscation loop entirely.
+Closes: #2490
+Related: RHBZ#1930181
+Resolves: #2492
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py                | 69 +++++++++++++++-----------
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py | 13 +++--
+ 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index b9eb61ef..d10cdc55 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ third party.
+         # we have at least one valid target to obfuscate
+         self.completed_reports = []
++        self.preload_all_archives_into_maps()
+         self.obfuscate_report_paths()
+         if not self.completed_reports:
+@@ -473,6 +474,44 @@ third party.
+             self.ui_log.info("Exiting on user cancel")
+             os._exit(130)
++    def preload_all_archives_into_maps(self):
++        """Before doing the actual obfuscation, if we have multiple archives
++        to obfuscate then we need to preload each of them into the mappings
++        to ensure that node1 is obfuscated in node2 as well as node2 being
++        obfuscated in node1's archive.
++        """
++        self.log_info("Pre-loading multiple archives into obfuscation maps")
++        for _arc in self.report_paths:
++            is_dir = os.path.isdir(_arc)
++            if is_dir:
++                _arc_name = _arc
++            else:
++                archive = tarfile.open(_arc)
++                _arc_name = _arc.split('/')[-1].split('.tar')[0]
++            # for each parser, load the map_prep_file into memory, and then
++            # send that for obfuscation. We don't actually obfuscate the file
++            # here, do that in the normal archive loop
++            for _parser in self.parsers:
++                if not _parser.prep_map_file:
++                    continue
++                _arc_path = os.path.join(_arc_name, _parser.prep_map_file)
++                try:
++                    if is_dir:
++                        _pfile = open(_arc_path, 'r')
++                        content = _pfile.read()
++                    else:
++                        _pfile = archive.extractfile(_arc_path)
++                        content = _pfile.read().decode('utf-8')
++                    _pfile.close()
++                    if isinstance(_parser, SoSUsernameParser):
++                        _parser.load_usernames_into_map(content)
++                    for line in content.splitlines():
++                        if isinstance(_parser, SoSHostnameParser):
++                            _parser.load_hostname_into_map(line)
++                        self.obfuscate_line(line, _parser.prep_map_file)
++                except Exception as err:
++                    self.log_debug("Could not prep %s: %s" % (_arc_path, err))
+     def obfuscate_report(self, report):
+         """Individually handle each archive or directory we've discovered by
+         running through each file therein.
+@@ -493,7 +532,6 @@ third party.
+             start_time = datetime.now()
+             arc_md.add_field('start_time', start_time)
+             archive.extract()
+-            self.prep_maps_from_archive(archive)
+             archive.report_msg("Beginning obfuscation...")
+             file_list = archive.get_file_list()
+@@ -542,35 +580,6 @@ third party.
+             self.ui_log.info("Exception while processing %s: %s"
+                              % (report, err))
+-    def prep_maps_from_archive(self, archive):
+-        """Open specific files from an archive and try to load those values
+-        into our mappings before iterating through the entire archive.
+-        Positional arguments:
+-            :param archive SoSObfuscationArchive:   An open archive object
+-        """
+-        for parser in self.parsers:
+-            if not parser.prep_map_file:
+-                continue
+-            prep_file = archive.get_file_path(parser.prep_map_file)
+-            if not prep_file:
+-                self.log_debug("Could not prepare %s: %s does not exist"
+-                               % (parser.name, parser.prep_map_file),
+-                               caller=archive.archive_name)
+-                continue
+-            # this is a bit clunky, but we need to load this particular
+-            # parser in a different way due to how hostnames are validated for
+-            # obfuscation
+-            if isinstance(parser, SoSHostnameParser):
+-                with open(prep_file, 'r') as host_file:
+-                    hostname = host_file.readline().strip()
+-                    parser.load_hostname_into_map(hostname)
+-            if isinstance(parser, SoSUsernameParser):
+-                parser.load_usernames_into_map(prep_file)
+-            self.obfuscate_file(prep_file, parser.prep_map_file,
+-                                archive.archive_name)
+     def obfuscate_file(self, filename, short_name=None, arc_name=None):
+         """Obfuscate and individual file, line by line.
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+index 5223c018..2bb6c7f3 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+@@ -39,16 +39,15 @@ class SoSUsernameParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+         super(SoSUsernameParser, self).__init__(conf_file)
+         self.mapping.load_names_from_options(opt_names)
+-    def load_usernames_into_map(self, fname):
++    def load_usernames_into_map(self, content):
+         """Since we don't get the list of usernames from a straight regex for
+         this parser, we need to override the initial parser prepping here.
+         """
+-        with open(fname, 'r') as lastfile:
+-            for line in lastfile.read().splitlines()[1:]:
+-                user = line.split()[0]
+-                if user in self.skip_list:
+-                    continue
+-                self.mapping.get(user)
++        for line in content.splitlines()[1:]:
++            user = line.split()[0]
++            if user in self.skip_list:
++                continue
++            self.mapping.get(user)
+     def parse_line(self, line):
+         count = 0
+From b713f458bfa92427147de754ea36054bfde53d71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 12:22:28 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [clean] Remove duplicate file skipping within
+ obfuscate_line()
+A redundant file skipping check was being executed within
+`obfuscate_line()` that would cause subsequent archives being obfuscated
+to skip line obfuscation within a file, despite iterating through the
+entire file.
+Remove this redundant check, thus allowing proper obfuscation.
+Closes: #2490
+Related: RHBZ#1930181
+Resolves: #2492
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py            | 11 +++--------
+ sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py |  2 --
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index d10cdc55..bdd24f95 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ third party.
+                     for line in content.splitlines():
+                         if isinstance(_parser, SoSHostnameParser):
+                             _parser.load_hostname_into_map(line)
+-                        self.obfuscate_line(line, _parser.prep_map_file)
++                        self.obfuscate_line(line)
+                 except Exception as err:
+                     self.log_debug("Could not prep %s: %s" % (_arc_path, err))
+@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ third party.
+                 if not line.strip():
+                     continue
+                 try:
+-                    line, count = self.obfuscate_line(line, short_name)
++                    line, count = self.obfuscate_line(line)
+                     subs += count
+                     tfile.write(line)
+                 except Exception as err:
+@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ third party.
+                 pass
+         return string_data
+-    def obfuscate_line(self, line, filename):
++    def obfuscate_line(self, line):
+         """Run a line through each of the obfuscation parsers, keeping a
+         cumulative total of substitutions done on that particular line.
+@@ -639,16 +639,11 @@ third party.
+             :param line str:        The raw line as read from the file being
+                                     processed
+-            :param filename str:    Filename the line was read from
+         Returns the fully obfuscated line and the number of substitutions made
+         """
+         count = 0
+         for parser in self.parsers:
+-            if filename and any([
+-                re.match(_s, filename) for _s in parser.skip_files
+-            ]):
+-                continue
+             try:
+                 line, _count = parser.parse_line(line)
+                 count += _count
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+index 84ca30cd..c64ab13b 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+@@ -219,8 +219,6 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+             :param filename str:        Filename relative to the extracted
+                                         archive root
+         """
+-        if filename in self.file_sub_list:
+-            return True
+         if not os.path.isfile(self.get_file_path(filename)):
+             return True
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967111-manpages-see-also.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967111-manpages-see-also.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6486b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967111-manpages-see-also.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+From 3b439fb64d8d65b0c09aa8452bf0181ec20f8bcf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jose Castillo <jcastillo@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 13:03:16 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [man] Multiple fixes in man pages
+This patch fixes references to sosreport, to the
+preferred 'sos report'. Also adds "SEE ALSO" consistently
+for all man pages, and fixes a MAINTAINER line.
+Resolves: #2432
+Signed-off-by: Jose Castillo <jcastillo@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ man/en/sos-clean.1   |  5 +++++
+ man/en/sos-collect.1 |  1 +
+ man/en/sos-report.1  | 22 ++++++++++++++--------
+ 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-clean.1 b/man/en/sos-clean.1
+index 0c62ed07..d64a0ec7 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-clean.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-clean.1
+@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ Default: 4
+ .TP
+ .B \-\-no-update
+ Do not write the mapping file contents to /etc/sos/cleaner/default_mapping
++.BR sos (1)
++.BR sos-report (1)
++.BR sos-collect (1)
+ .nf
+ Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-collect.1 b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+index d4e5e648..da36542d 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-collect.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ Sosreport option. Override the default compression type.
+ .BR sos (1)
+ .BR sos-report (1)
++.BR sos-clean (1)
+     Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-report.1 b/man/en/sos-report.1
+index e7fae97b..81005959 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-report.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-report.1
+@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ sosreport \- Collect and package diagnostic and support data
+           [-h|--help]\fR
+-\fBsosreport\fR generates an archive of configuration and diagnostic
+-information from the running system. The archive may be stored locally
+-or centrally for recording or tracking purposes or may be sent to
+-technical support representatives, developers or system administrators
+-to assist with technical fault-finding and debugging.
++\fBreport\fR is an sos subcommand that generates an archive of
++configuration and diagnostic information from the running system.
++The archive may be stored locally or centrally for recording or
++tracking purposes or may be sent to technical support representatives,
++developers or system administrators to assist with technical
++fault-finding and debugging.
+ .LP
+ Sos is modular in design and is able to collect data from a wide
+ range of subsystems and packages that may be installed. An
+@@ -110,8 +111,8 @@ User defined presets are saved under /var/lib/sos/presets as JSON-formatted file
+ .B \--add-preset ADD_PRESET [options]
+ Add a preset with name ADD_PRESET that enables [options] when called.
+-For example, 'sosreport --add-preset mypreset --log-size=50 -n logs' will enable
+-a user to run 'sosreport --preset mypreset' that sets the maximum log size to
++For example, 'sos report --add-preset mypreset --log-size=50 -n logs' will enable
++a user to run 'sos report --preset mypreset' that sets the maximum log size to
+ 50 and disables the logs plugin.
+ Note: to set a description for the preset that is displayed with \fB--list-presets\fR,
+@@ -343,9 +344,14 @@ been tested for this port or may still be under active development.
+ .TP
+ .B \--help
+ Display usage message.
++.BR sos (1)
++.BR sos-clean (1)
++.BR sos-collect (1)
+ .nf
+-Bryn M. Reeves <bmr@redhat.com>
++Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ .fi
+ See \fBAUTHORS\fR file in the package documentation.
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967112-add-cmd-timeout.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967112-add-cmd-timeout.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db84839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967112-add-cmd-timeout.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+From 90b6b709e9f4002376b656b155d00d85382f1828 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 16:23:01 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [report] add --cmd-timeout option
+Add --cmd-timeout option to configure command timeout. Plugin-specific
+option of the same name (i.e. -k logs.cmd-timeout=60) can control the
+timeout per plugin.
+Option defaults and global/plugin-specific option preference follows the
+--plugin-timeout rules.
+Resolves: #2466
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ man/en/sos-report.1            | 18 +++++++++-
+ sos/collector/__init__.py      |  3 ++
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py       |  5 +++
+ sos/options.py                 |  3 +-
+ sos/report/__init__.py         |  5 ++-
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
+ 6 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-report.1 b/man/en/sos-report.1
+index 81005959..51cf3436 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-report.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-report.1
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ sosreport \- Collect and package diagnostic and support data
+           [--label label] [--case-id id]\fR
+           [--threads threads]\fR
+           [--plugin-timeout TIMEOUT]\fR
++          [--cmd-timeout TIMEOUT]\fR
+           [-s|--sysroot SYSROOT]\fR
+           [-c|--chroot {auto|always|never}\fR
+           [--tmp-dir directory]\fR
+@@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ Specify a timeout in seconds to allow each plugin to run for. A value of 0
+ means no timeout will be set. A value of -1 is used to indicate the default
+ timeout of 300 seconds.
+-Note that this options sets the timeout for all plugins. If you want to set
++Note that this option sets the timeout for all plugins. If you want to set
+ a timeout for a specific plugin, use the 'timeout' plugin option available to
+ all plugins - e.g. '-k logs.timeout=600'.
+@@ -255,6 +256,21 @@ The plugin-specific timeout option will override this option. For example, using
+ \'--plugin-timeout=60 -k logs.timeout=600\' will set a timeout of 600 seconds for
+ the logs plugin and 60 seconds for all other enabled plugins.
+ .TP
++.B \--cmd-timeout TIMEOUT
++Specify a timeout limit in seconds for a command execution. Same defaults logic
++from --plugin-timeout applies here.
++This option sets the command timeout for all plugins. If you want to set a cmd
++timeout for a specific plugin, use the 'cmd-timeout' plugin option available to
++all plugins - e.g. '-k logs.cmd-timeout=600'.
++Again, the same plugin/global precedence logic as for --plugin-timeout applies
++Note that setting --cmd-timeout (or -k logs.cmd-timeout) high should be followed
++by increasing the --plugin-timeout equivalent, otherwise the plugin can easily
++timeout on slow commands execution.
+ .B \--case-id NUMBER
+ Specify a case identifier to associate with the archive.
+ Identifiers may include alphanumeric characters, commas and periods ('.').
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 406c8f35..1ae73508 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         'password_per_node': False,
+         'plugin_options': [],
+         'plugin_timeout': None,
++        'cmd_timeout': None,
+         'preset': '',
+         'save_group': '',
+         'since': '',
+@@ -276,6 +277,8 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                              help='Do not collect env vars in sosreports')
+         sos_grp.add_argument('--plugin-timeout', type=int, default=None,
+                              help='Set the global plugin timeout value')
++        sos_grp.add_argument('--cmd-timeout', type=int, default=None,
++                             help='Set the global command timeout value')
+         sos_grp.add_argument('--since', default=None,
+                              help=('Escapes archived files older than date. '
+                                    'This will also affect --all-logs. '
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index a1679655..dbbee12e 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -664,6 +664,11 @@ class SosNode():
+                     '--skip-files=%s' % (quote(self.opts.skip_files))
+                 )
++        if self.check_sos_version('4.2'):
++            if self.opts.cmd_timeout:
++                sos_opts.append('--cmd-timeout=%s'
++                                % quote(str(self.opts.cmd_timeout)))
+         sos_cmd = sos_cmd.replace(
+             'sosreport',
+             os.path.join(self.host.sos_bin_path, self.sos_bin)
+diff --git a/sos/options.py b/sos/options.py
+index b82a7d36..1eda55d6 100644
+--- a/sos/options.py
++++ b/sos/options.py
+@@ -283,7 +283,8 @@ class SoSOptions():
+             if name in ("add_preset", "del_preset", "desc", "note"):
+                 return False
+             # Exception list for options that still need to be reported when 0
+-            if name in ['log_size', 'plugin_timeout'] and value == 0:
++            if name in ['log_size', 'plugin_timeout', 'cmd_timeout'] \
++               and value == 0:
+                 return True
+             return has_value(name, value)
+diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
+index 25478ba7..945d0fc1 100644
+--- a/sos/report/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
+@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+         'only_plugins': [],
+         'preset': 'auto',
+         'plugin_timeout': 300,
++        'cmd_timeout': 300,
+         'profiles': [],
+         'since': None,
+         'verify': False,
+@@ -266,6 +267,8 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+                                 help="A preset identifier", default="auto")
+         report_grp.add_argument("--plugin-timeout", default=None,
+                                 help="set a timeout for all plugins")
++        report_grp.add_argument("--cmd-timeout", default=None,
++                                help="set a command timeout for all plugins")
+         report_grp.add_argument("-p", "--profile", "--profiles",
+                                 action="extend", dest="profiles", type=str,
+                                 default=[],
+@@ -709,7 +712,7 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+             self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugin options are available:"))
+             for (plug, plugname, optname, optparm) in self.all_options:
+-                if optname in ('timeout', 'postproc'):
++                if optname in ('timeout', 'postproc', 'cmd-timeout'):
+                     continue
+                 # format option value based on its type (int or bool)
+                 if type(optparm["enabled"]) == bool:
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index 02625eb1..779119af 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -472,6 +472,9 @@ class Plugin(object):
+     _default_plug_opts = [
+         ('timeout', 'Timeout in seconds for plugin. The default value (-1) ' +
+             'defers to the general plugin timeout, 300 seconds', 'fast', -1),
++        ('cmd-timeout', 'Timeout in seconds for a command execution. The ' +
++            'default value (-1) defers to the general cmd timeout, 300 ' +
++            'seconds', 'fast', -1),
+         ('postproc', 'Enable post-processing collected plugin data', 'fast',
+          True)
+     ]
+@@ -532,16 +535,15 @@ class Plugin(object):
+         self.manifest.add_list('commands', [])
+         self.manifest.add_list('files', [])
+-    @property
+-    def timeout(self):
+-        """Returns either the default plugin timeout value, the value as
+-        provided on the commandline via -k plugin.timeout=value, or the value
+-        of the global --plugin-timeout option.
++    def timeout_from_options(self, optname, plugoptname, default_timeout):
++        """Returns either the default [plugin|cmd] timeout value, the value as
++        provided on the commandline via -k plugin.[|cmd-]timeout=value, or the
++        value of the global --[plugin|cmd]-timeout option.
+         """
+         _timeout = None
+         try:
+-            opt_timeout = self.get_option('plugin_timeout')
+-            own_timeout = int(self.get_option('timeout'))
++            opt_timeout = self.get_option(optname)
++            own_timeout = int(self.get_option(plugoptname))
+             if opt_timeout is None:
+                 _timeout = own_timeout
+             elif opt_timeout is not None and own_timeout == -1:
+@@ -551,10 +553,30 @@ class Plugin(object):
+             else:
+                 return None
+         except ValueError:
+-            return self.plugin_timeout  # Default to known safe value
++            return default_timeout  # Default to known safe value
+         if _timeout is not None and _timeout > -1:
+             return _timeout
+-        return self.plugin_timeout
++        return default_timeout
++    @property
++    def timeout(self):
++        """Returns either the default plugin timeout value, the value as
++        provided on the commandline via -k plugin.timeout=value, or the value
++        of the global --plugin-timeout option.
++        """
++        _timeout = self.timeout_from_options('plugin_timeout', 'timeout',
++                                             self.plugin_timeout)
++        return _timeout
++    @property
++    def cmdtimeout(self):
++        """Returns either the default command timeout value, the value as
++        provided on the commandline via -k plugin.cmd-timeout=value, or the
++        value of the global --cmd-timeout option.
++        """
++        _cmdtimeout = self.timeout_from_options('cmd_timeout', 'cmd-timeout',
++                                                self.cmd_timeout)
++        return _cmdtimeout
+     def set_timeout_hit(self):
+         self._timeout_hit = True
+@@ -1235,8 +1257,8 @@ class Plugin(object):
+         """
+         global_options = (
+-            'all_logs', 'allow_system_changes', 'log_size', 'plugin_timeout',
+-            'since', 'verify'
++            'all_logs', 'allow_system_changes', 'cmd_timeout', 'log_size',
++            'plugin_timeout', 'since', 'verify'
+         )
+         if optionname in global_options:
+@@ -1505,7 +1527,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+                     'tags': _spec_tags
+                 })
+-    def add_blockdev_cmd(self, cmds, devices='block', timeout=300,
++    def add_blockdev_cmd(self, cmds, devices='block', timeout=None,
+                          sizelimit=None, chroot=True, runat=None, env=None,
+                          binary=False, prepend_path=None, whitelist=[],
+                          blacklist=[], tags=[]):
+@@ -1569,7 +1591,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+                              whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist,
+                              tags=_dev_tags)
+-    def _add_device_cmd(self, cmds, devices, timeout=300, sizelimit=None,
++    def _add_device_cmd(self, cmds, devices, timeout=None, sizelimit=None,
+                         chroot=True, runat=None, env=None, binary=False,
+                         prepend_path=None, whitelist=[], blacklist=[],
+                         tags=[]):
+@@ -1627,7 +1649,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+                                  changes=soscmd.changes)
+     def add_cmd_output(self, cmds, suggest_filename=None,
+-                       root_symlink=None, timeout=cmd_timeout, stderr=True,
++                       root_symlink=None, timeout=None, stderr=True,
+                        chroot=True, runat=None, env=None, binary=False,
+                        sizelimit=None, pred=None, subdir=None,
+                        changes=False, foreground=False, tags=[]):
+@@ -1849,7 +1871,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+         self._log_debug("added string ...'%s' as '%s'" % (summary, filename))
+     def _collect_cmd_output(self, cmd, suggest_filename=None,
+-                            root_symlink=False, timeout=cmd_timeout,
++                            root_symlink=False, timeout=None,
+                             stderr=True, chroot=True, runat=None, env=None,
+                             binary=False, sizelimit=None, subdir=None,
+                             changes=False, foreground=False, tags=[]):
+@@ -1883,6 +1905,8 @@ class Plugin(object):
+         if self._timeout_hit:
+             return
++        if timeout is None:
++            timeout = self.cmdtimeout
+         _tags = []
+         if isinstance(tags, str):
+@@ -1975,7 +1999,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+         return result
+     def collect_cmd_output(self, cmd, suggest_filename=None,
+-                           root_symlink=False, timeout=cmd_timeout,
++                           root_symlink=False, timeout=None,
+                            stderr=True, chroot=True, runat=None, env=None,
+                            binary=False, sizelimit=None, pred=None,
+                            subdir=None, tags=[]):
+@@ -2044,7 +2068,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+             tags=tags
+         )
+-    def exec_cmd(self, cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout, stderr=True, chroot=True,
++    def exec_cmd(self, cmd, timeout=None, stderr=True, chroot=True,
+                  runat=None, env=None, binary=False, pred=None,
+                  foreground=False, container=False, quotecmd=False):
+         """Execute a command right now and return the output and status, but
+@@ -2095,6 +2119,9 @@ class Plugin(object):
+         if not self.test_predicate(cmd=True, pred=pred):
+             return _default
++        if timeout is None:
++            timeout = self.cmdtimeout
+         if chroot or self.commons['cmdlineopts'].chroot == 'always':
+             root = self.sysroot
+         else:
+@@ -2331,7 +2358,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+     def add_journal(self, units=None, boot=None, since=None, until=None,
+                     lines=None, allfields=False, output=None,
+-                    timeout=cmd_timeout, identifier=None, catalog=None,
++                    timeout=None, identifier=None, catalog=None,
+                     sizelimit=None, pred=None, tags=[]):
+         """Collect journald logs from one of more units.
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967113-ds-mask-password-in-ldif.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967113-ds-mask-password-in-ldif.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48aa77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967113-ds-mask-password-in-ldif.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From 153c0154050a111fd7e5bcf4a685f906a1dea737 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jose Castillo <jcastillo@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 15:33:50 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [ds] Mask password and encription keys in ldif files
+Both /etc/dirsrv/slapd*/dse.ldif{,.startOK} files contain
+sensitive information :
+- all the nsSymmetricKey entries : symmetric encryption key
+- nsslapd-rootpw : the admin password's hash
+This patch masks these entries in the files we collect.
+Resolves: #2442
+Signed-off-by: Jose Castillo <jcastillo@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/ds.py | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ds.py b/sos/report/plugins/ds.py
+index f4d68d6e..d467dc89 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ds.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ds.py
+@@ -74,4 +74,22 @@ class DirectoryServer(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         self.add_cmd_output("ls -l /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-*/db/*")
++    def postproc(self):
++        # Example for scrubbing rootpw hash
++        #
++        # nsslapd-rootpw: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDeXYA3juyPqaUuyfWV2HuIM
++        # v3gebb/5cvx9ehEAFF2yIKvsQN2EJGTV+hBM1DEOB4eyy/H11NqcNwm/2QsagDB3PVwYp
++        # 9VKN3BdhQjlhuoYKhLwgtYUMiGL8AX5g1qxjirIkTRJwjbXkSNuQaXig7wVjmvXnB2o7B
++        # zLtu99DiL1AizfVeZTYA+OVowYKYaXYljVmVKS+g3t29Obaom54ZLpfuoGMmyO64AJrWs
++        #
++        # to
++        #
++        # nsslapd-rootpw:********
++        regexppass = r"(nsslapd-rootpw(\s)*:(\s)*)(\S+)([\r\n]\s.*)*\n"
++        regexpkey = r"(nsSymmetricKey(\s)*::(\s)*)(\S+)([\r\n]\s.*)*\n"
++        repl = r"\1********\n"
++        self.do_path_regex_sub('/etc/dirsrv/*', regexppass, repl)
++        self.do_path_regex_sub('/etc/dirsrv/*', regexpkey, repl)
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967114-gather-cups-browsed-logs.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967114-gather-cups-browsed-logs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e6c393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967114-gather-cups-browsed-logs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From 0d56e43299009ffa91f665d85b5a08ba76da9c1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jose Castillo <jcastillo@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 13:10:36 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [cups] Add gathering cups-browsed logs
+Gather logs from the service cups-browsed sent
+to the journal.
+Resolves: #2452
+Signed-off-by: Jose Castillo <jcastillo@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Bryan Quigley <code@bryanquigley.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/cups.py | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/cups.py b/sos/report/plugins/cups.py
+index 29a903e8..ab7b6b70 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/cups.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/cups.py
+@@ -40,5 +40,6 @@ class Cups(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         ])
+         self.add_journal(units="cups")
++        self.add_journal(units="cups-browsed")
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967115-sssd-memcache-and-logs.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967115-sssd-memcache-and-logs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebc7578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967115-sssd-memcache-and-logs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From d03c2fa4439c87783293c922b2825cf86e8818bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Pawe=C5=82=20Po=C5=82awski?= <ppolawsk@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 12:42:30 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] [sssd] Enable collecting SSSD memory cache
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+SSSD plugin by default collects only logs and configuration.
+This patch enables collecting memory cache maintained
+by SSSD daemon. Cache does not contain any client sensible
+data so can be safely included in the sos-report.
+Resolves: #2444
+Signed-off-by: Paweł Poławski <ppolawsk@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/sssd.py | 8 ++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py b/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py
+index 9469c41c..aeb68c4f 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ from sos.report.plugins import (Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin,
+                                 UbuntuPlugin, SoSPredicate)
++from glob import glob
+ class Sssd(Plugin):
+@@ -22,11 +23,22 @@ class Sssd(Plugin):
+     def setup(self):
+         self.add_copy_spec([
++            # main config file
+             "/etc/sssd/sssd.conf",
+-            "/var/log/sssd/*",
+-            "/var/lib/sss/pubconf/krb5.include.d/*",
+             # SSSD 1.14
+-            "/etc/sssd/conf.d/*.conf"
++            "/etc/sssd/conf.d/*.conf",
++            # dynamic Kerberos configuration
++            "/var/lib/sss/pubconf/krb5.include.d/*"
++        ])
++        # add individual log files
++        self.add_copy_spec(glob("/var/log/sssd/*log*"))
++        # add memory cache
++        self.add_copy_spec([
++            "/var/lib/sss/mc/passwd",
++            "/var/lib/sss/mc/group",
++            "/var/lib/sss/mc/initgroups"
+         ])
+         # call sssctl commands only when sssd service is running,
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967116-ibmvNIC-dynamic-debugs.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967116-ibmvNIC-dynamic-debugs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb7fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967116-ibmvNIC-dynamic-debugs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+From dddabb07a88d398ed7b8a878e95acfd968af6698 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 17:58:30 +0530
+Subject: [PATCH] This patch is to update kernel plugin to collect
+ dynamic_debug log files for ibmvNIC
+Resolves: #2458
+Signed-off-by: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+Signed-off-by: Bryan Quigley <code@bryanquigley.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/kernel.py | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py b/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py
+index febe2ad0..dd7b6939 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py
+@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ class Kernel(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             "/proc/misc",
+             "/var/log/dmesg",
+             "/sys/fs/pstore",
++            "/sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control",
+             clocksource_path + "available_clocksource",
+             clocksource_path + "current_clocksource"
+         ])
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967117-pulpcore-plugin.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967117-pulpcore-plugin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e60a494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967117-pulpcore-plugin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+From 808d9f35ac504a58c337ffed14b39119a591808f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 22:16:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [pulpcore] add plugin for pulp-3
+Pulp-3 / pulpcore as a revolution from pulp-2 needs a separate
+plugin, since both plugins have nothing in common and there might
+be deployments where is active both pulp-2 and pulp-3.
+Resolves: #2278
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py | 120 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..20403814
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat, Inc., Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, IndependentPlugin
++from pipes import quote
++from re import match
++class PulpCore(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
++    short_desc = 'Pulp-3 aka pulpcore'
++    plugin_name = "pulpcore"
++    commands = ("pulpcore-manager",)
++    files = ("/etc/pulp/settings.py",)
++    option_list = [
++        ('task-days', 'days of tasks history', 'fast', 7)
++    ]
++    def parse_settings_config(self):
++        databases_scope = False
++        self.dbhost = "localhost"
++        self.dbport = 5432
++        self.dbpasswd = ""
++        # TODO: read also redis config (we dont expect much customisations)
++        # TODO: read also db user (pulp) and database name (pulpcore)
++        self.staticroot = "/var/lib/pulp/assets"
++        self.uploaddir = "/var/lib/pulp/media/upload"
++        def separate_value(line, sep=':'):
++            # an auxiliary method to parse values from lines like:
++            #       'HOST': 'localhost',
++            val = line.split(sep)[1].lstrip().rstrip(',')
++            if (val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"')) or \
++               (val.startswith('\'') and val.endswith('\'')):
++                val = val[1:-1]
++            return val
++        try:
++            for line in open("/etc/pulp/settings.py").read().splitlines():
++                # skip empty lines and lines with comments
++                if not line or line[0] == '#':
++                    continue
++                if line.startswith("DATABASES"):
++                    databases_scope = True
++                    continue
++                # example HOST line to parse:
++                #         'HOST': 'localhost',
++                if databases_scope and match(r"\s+'HOST'\s*:\s+\S+", line):
++                    self.dbhost = separate_value(line)
++                if databases_scope and match(r"\s+'PORT'\s*:\s+\S+", line):
++                    self.dbport = separate_value(line)
++                if databases_scope and match(r"\s+'PASSWORD'\s*:\s+\S+", line):
++                    self.dbpasswd = separate_value(line)
++                # if line contains closing '}' database_scope end
++                if databases_scope and '}' in line:
++                    databases_scope = False
++                if line.startswith("STATIC_ROOT = "):
++                    self.staticroot = separate_value(line, sep='=')
++                if line.startswith("CHUNKED_UPLOAD_DIR = "):
++                    self.uploaddir = separate_value(line, sep='=')
++        except IOError:
++            # fallback when the cfg file is not accessible
++            pass
++        # set the password to os.environ when calling psql commands to prevent
++        # printing it in sos logs
++        # we can't set os.environ directly now: other plugins can overwrite it
++        self.env = {"PGPASSWORD": self.dbpasswd}
++    def setup(self):
++        self.parse_settings_config()
++        self.add_copy_spec("/etc/pulp/settings.py")
++        self.add_cmd_output("rq info -u redis://localhost:6379/8",
++                            env={"LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8"},
++                            suggest_filename="rq_info")
++        self.add_cmd_output("curl -ks https://localhost/pulp/api/v3/status/",
++                            suggest_filename="pulp_status")
++        dynaconf_env = {"LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8",
++                        "PULP_SETTINGS": "/etc/pulp/settings.py",
++                        "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "pulpcore.app.settings"}
++        self.add_cmd_output("dynaconf list", env=dynaconf_env)
++        for _dir in [self.staticroot, self.uploaddir]:
++            self.add_cmd_output("ls -l %s" % _dir)
++        task_days = self.get_option('task-days')
++        for table in ['core_task', 'core_taskgroup',
++                      'core_reservedresourcerecord',
++                      'core_taskreservedresourcerecord',
++                      'core_groupprogressreport', 'core_progressreport']:
++            _query = "select * from %s where pulp_last_updated > NOW() - " \
++                     "interval '%s days' order by pulp_last_updated" % \
++                     (table, task_days)
++            _cmd = "psql -h %s -p %s -U pulp -d pulpcore -c %s" % \
++                   (self.dbhost, self.dbport, quote(_query))
++            self.add_cmd_output(_cmd, env=self.env, suggest_filename=table)
++    def postproc(self):
++        # TODO obfuscate from /etc/pulp/settings.py :
++        # SECRET_KEY = "eKfeDkTnvss7p5WFqYdGPWxXfHnsbDBx"
++        # 'PASSWORD': 'tGrag2DmtLqKLTWTQ6U68f6MAhbqZVQj',
++        self.do_path_regex_sub(
++            "/etc/pulp/settings.py",
++            r"(SECRET_KEY\s*=\s*)(.*)",
++            r"\1********")
++        self.do_path_regex_sub(
++            "/etc/pulp/settings.py",
++            r"(PASSWORD\S*\s*:\s*)(.*)",
++            r"\1********")
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967118-saphana-traceback.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967118-saphana-traceback.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b784dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967118-saphana-traceback.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From c998ea8c1c950586f91fc9728ee66590740968a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 11 May 2021 15:59:40 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [saphana] remove redundant unused argument of get_inst_info
+get_inst_info does not use and isnt called with 'prefix' argument
+Resolves: #2535
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/saphana.py | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/saphana.py b/sos/report/plugins/saphana.py
+index 82c497b4..00e84b59 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/saphana.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/saphana.py
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class saphana(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+                             inst = inst.strip()[-2:]
+                             self.get_inst_info(sid, sidadm, inst)
+-    def get_inst_info(self, prefix, sid, sidadm, inst):
++    def get_inst_info(self, sid, sidadm, inst):
+         proc_cmd = 'su - %s -c "sapcontrol -nr %s -function GetProcessList"'
+         status_fname = "%s_%s_status" % (sid, inst)
+         self.add_cmd_output(
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967119-collect-nstat.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967119-collect-nstat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75b7d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967119-collect-nstat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From 575ddeddf2f6e1d6a639922f9ccc51c7e46fbe12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Seiichi Ikarashi <s.ikarashi@jp.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 09:49:33 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] [networking] Add nstat command support
+As netstat command is being deprecated,
+we need nstat as an alternative to "netstat -s".
+Signed-off-by: Seiichi Ikarashi <s.ikarashi@fujitsu.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/networking.py | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/networking.py b/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
+index 8b4614bb..acfa027f 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ class Networking(Plugin):
+                             root_symlink="netstat")
+         self.add_cmd_output([
++            "nstat -zas",
+             "netstat -s",
+             "netstat %s -agn" % self.ns_wide,
+             "ip route show table all",
+@@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ class Networking(Plugin):
+                 ns_cmd_prefix + "netstat %s -neopa" % self.ns_wide,
+                 ns_cmd_prefix + "netstat -s",
+                 ns_cmd_prefix + "netstat %s -agn" % self.ns_wide,
++                ns_cmd_prefix + "nstat -zas",
+             ])
+             ss_cmd = ns_cmd_prefix + "ss -peaonmi"
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967120-snapper-plugin-and-allocation-failures.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967120-snapper-plugin-and-allocation-failures.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e33a89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967120-snapper-plugin-and-allocation-failures.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+From 60105e0705f3483b9a3e8e98dafd6f0e1e277ab7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 16:55:52 +0530
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] [block]:Patch to update block pluging to collect disk
+ info
+This patch is to update block plugin to collect
+state of sda
+Resolves: #2504
+Signed-off-by: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/block.py | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/block.py b/sos/report/plugins/block.py
+index f93b3231..c959d667 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/block.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/block.py
+@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ class Block(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             "/run/blkid/blkid.tab",
+             "/proc/partitions",
+             "/proc/diskstats",
+-            "/sys/block/*/queue/"
++            "/sys/block/*/queue/",
++            "/sys/block/sd*/device/state",
+         ])
+         cmds = [
+From c6e0fe5cebd0d9581950db75fa2d234713b7e15a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:09:19 +0530
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] [snapper]:Ptach to update snapper plugin to collect
+ snapper info
+This patch is to Introduce snapper plugin to collect
+/usr/lib/snapper/ information to check executable
+permission for installation-helper command
+Resolves: #2504
+Signed-off-by: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/snapper.py | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 sos/report/plugins/snapper.py
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/snapper.py b/sos/report/plugins/snapper.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..9ef5fec2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/snapper.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, IndependentPlugin
++class Snapper(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
++    short_desc = 'System snapper'
++    plugin_name = 'snapper'
++    commands = ("snapper",)
++    def setup(self):
++        self.add_cmd_output([
++            "ls -la /usr/lib/snapper/",
++            "snapper --version",
++            "snapper list"
++        ])
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+From 61ff5ce165e654a02fe80b9de5ec8e49ed808ec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 17:49:08 +0530
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [kernel]:Patch to update kernel plugin to collect debug
+ info
+This patch is to update kernel plugin to collect
+page allocation failure info
+Resolves: #2504
+Signed-off-by: Mamatha Inamdar <mamatha4@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/kernel.py | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py b/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py
+index dd7b6939..9d53ca03 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/kernel.py
+@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ class Kernel(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             "/var/log/dmesg",
+             "/sys/fs/pstore",
+             "/sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control",
++            "/sys/kernel/debug/extfrag/unusable_index",
++            "/sys/kernel/debug/extfrag/extfrag_index",
+             clocksource_path + "available_clocksource",
+             clocksource_path + "current_clocksource"
+         ])
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1967718-sssd-common.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967718-sssd-common.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9937972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1967718-sssd-common.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From 630dfbee936050698d33b59abd1e243c44e50af8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jan Jansky <jjansky@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2021 15:04:57 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [sssd] sssd plugin when sssd-common
+We have reports that sssd logs are not
+collected, when we investigated
+we found associate wants to collect
+sssd related logs also when only
+sssd-common package is installed.
+We got this confirmed by sbr-idm.
+Resolves: #2571
+Signed-off-by: Jan Jansky <jjansky@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/sssd.py | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py b/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py
+index 17933935..6f98e90c 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/sssd.py
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Sssd(Plugin):
+     plugin_name = "sssd"
+     profiles = ('services', 'security', 'identity')
+-    packages = ('sssd',)
++    packages = ('sssd', 'sssd-common')
+     def setup(self):
+         self.add_copy_spec([
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1985976-enhance-tc-hw-offload.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985976-enhance-tc-hw-offload.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed1088b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985976-enhance-tc-hw-offload.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From bbb7f8bf522960a8ca7625f539e9e5d109abb704 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 08:31:45 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [networking] collect also tc filter show ingress
+Both "tc -s filter show dev %eth [|ingress]" commands required as
+they provide different output.
+Resolves: #2550
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/networking.py | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/networking.py b/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
+index acfa027f..35646268 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/networking.py
+@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ class Networking(Plugin):
+                 "ethtool --phy-statistics " + eth,
+                 "ethtool --show-priv-flags " + eth,
+                 "ethtool --show-eee " + eth,
+-                "tc -s filter show dev " + eth
++                "tc -s filter show dev " + eth,
++                "tc -s filter show dev " + eth + " ingress",
+             ], tags=eth)
+             # skip EEPROM collection by default, as it might hang or
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1985982-obfuscate-fqdn-from-dnf-log.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985982-obfuscate-fqdn-from-dnf-log.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07e005b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985982-obfuscate-fqdn-from-dnf-log.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+From b27140a9126ea82efb517d60bf1b8455aaf4f5a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 11:12:33 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [cleaner] Only skip packaging-based files for the IP parser
+Files primarily containing package information, e.g. `installed-rpms` or
+`installed-debs`, were previously being skipped by all parsers. In
+reality, we only need to skip these for the IP parser due to the fact
+that version numbers often generate a match for IP address regexes.
+This will also fix a problem where if a system was the build host for
+certain packages, the hostname would remain in these files as the
+hostname parser was previously not checking these files.
+Closes: #2400
+Resolves: #2464
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py | 10 ----------
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py   | 16 ++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+index 981cc05f..84ca30cd 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+@@ -59,20 +59,10 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+         Returns: list of files and file regexes
+         """
+         return [
+-            'installed-debs',
+-            'installed-rpms',
+-            'sos_commands/dpkg',
+-            'sos_commands/python/pip_list',
+-            'sos_commands/rpm',
+-            'sos_commands/yum/.*list.*',
+-            'sos_commands/snappy/snap_list_--all',
+-            'sos_commands/snappy/snap_--version',
+-            'sos_commands/vulkan/vulkaninfo',
+             'sys/firmware',
+             'sys/fs',
+             'sys/kernel/debug',
+             'sys/module',
+-            'var/log/.*dnf.*',
+             r'.*\.tar$',  # TODO: support archive unpacking
+             # Be explicit with these tar matches to avoid matching commands
+             r'.*\.tar\.xz',
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py
+index 3ea7f865..08d1cd05 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/ip_parser.py
+@@ -24,6 +24,22 @@ class SoSIPParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+         # don't match package versions recorded in journals
+         r'.*dnf\[.*\]:'
+     ]
++    skip_files = [
++        # skip these as version numbers will frequently look like IP addresses
++        # when using regex matching
++        'installed-debs',
++        'installed-rpms',
++        'sos_commands/dpkg',
++        'sos_commands/python/pip_list',
++        'sos_commands/rpm',
++        'sos_commands/yum/.*list.*',
++        'sos_commands/snappy/snap_list_--all',
++        'sos_commands/snappy/snap_--version',
++        'sos_commands/vulkan/vulkaninfo',
++        'var/log/.*dnf.*'
++    ]
+     map_file_key = 'ip_map'
+     prep_map_file = 'sos_commands/networking/ip_-o_addr'
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1985983-ocp-cluster-cleaner.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985983-ocp-cluster-cleaner.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205152f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985983-ocp-cluster-cleaner.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2156 @@
+From 29afda6e4ff90385d34bc61315542e7cb4baaf8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 11:32:14 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [cleaner] Do not break iteration of parse_string_for_keys on
+ first match
+Previously, `parse_string_for_keys()`, called by `obfuscate_string()`
+for non-regex based obfuscations, would return on the first match in the
+string found for each parser.
+Instead, continue iterating over all items in each parser's dataset
+before returning the (now fully) obfuscated string.
+Resolves: #2480
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+index dd0451df..c77300aa 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class SoSCleanerParser():
+         """
+         for key, val in self.mapping.dataset.items():
+             if key in string_data:
+-                return string_data.replace(key, val)
++                string_data = string_data.replace(key, val)
+         return string_data
+     def get_map_contents(self):
+From 52e6b2ae17e128f17a84ee83b7718c2901bcd5bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 12:39:48 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [collect] Add options to provide registry auth for pulling
+ images
+Adds options that allow a user to specify registry authentication,
+either via username/password or an authfile, to allow pulling an image
+that exists on a non-public registry.
+If a username/password is provided, that will be used. If not, we will
+attempt to use an authfile - either provided by the user or by a cluster
+Also adds an option to forcibly pull a new(er) version of the specified
+image, to alleviate conditions where a too-old version of the image
+already exists on the host.
+Closes: #2534
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ man/en/sos-collect.1              | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++
+ sos/collector/__init__.py         | 17 +++++++++++++
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py          | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ sos/policies/distros/__init__.py  | 16 ++++++++++++-
+ sos/policies/distros/redhat.py    | 25 ++++++++++++-------
+ sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py | 25 +++++++++++++++++++
+ 6 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-collect.1 b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+index 286bfe71..cdbc3257 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-collect.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-collect.1
+@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ sos collect \- Collect sosreports from multiple (cluster) nodes
+     [\-\-no\-pkg\-check]
+     [\-\-no\-local]
+     [\-\-master MASTER]
++    [\-\-image IMAGE]
++    [\-\-force-pull-image]
++    [\-\-registry-user USER]
++    [\-\-registry-password PASSWORD]
++    [\-\-registry-authfile FILE]
+     [\-o ONLY_PLUGINS]
+     [\-p SSH_PORT]
+     [\-\-password]
+@@ -245,6 +250,31 @@ Specify a master node for the cluster.
+ If provided, then sos collect will check the master node, not localhost, for determining
+ the type of cluster in use.
+ .TP
++\fB\-\-image IMAGE\fR
++Specify an image to use for the temporary container created for collections on
++containerized host, if you do not want to use the default image specifed by the
++host's policy. Note that this should include the registry.
++Use this option to force the container runtime to pull the specified image (even
++if it is the policy default image) even if the image already exists on the host.
++This may be useful to update an older container image on containerized hosts.
++\fB\-\-registry-user USER\fR
++Specify the username to authenticate to the registry with in order to pull the container
++\fB\-\-registry-password PASSWORD\fR
++Specify the password to authenticate to the registry with in order to pull the container
++image. If no password is required, leave this blank.
++\fB\-\-registry-authfile FILE\fR
++Specify the filename to use for providing authentication credentials to the registry
++to pull the container image.
++Note that this file must exist on the node(s) performing the pull operations, not the
++node from which \fBsos collect\fR was run.
+ \fB\-o\fR ONLY_PLUGINS, \fB\-\-only\-plugins\fR ONLY_PLUGINS
+ Sosreport option. Run ONLY the plugins listed.
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 1c742cf5..0624caad 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         'encrypt_pass': '',
+         'group': None,
+         'image': '',
++        'force_pull_image': False,
+         'jobs': 4,
+         'keywords': [],
+         'keyword_file': None,
+@@ -84,6 +85,9 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         'plugin_timeout': None,
+         'cmd_timeout': None,
+         'preset': '',
++        'registry_user': None,
++        'registry_password': None,
++        'registry_authfile': None,
+         'save_group': '',
+         'since': '',
+         'skip_commands': [],
+@@ -319,6 +323,19 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         collect_grp.add_argument('--image',
+                                  help=('Specify the container image to use for'
+                                        ' containerized hosts.'))
++        collect_grp.add_argument('--force-pull-image', '--pull', default=False,
++                                 action='store_true',
++                                 help='Force pull the container image even if '
++                                      'it already exists on the host')
++        collect_grp.add_argument('--registry-user', default=None,
++                                 help='Username to authenticate to the '
++                                      'registry with for pulling an image')
++        collect_grp.add_argument('--registry-password', default=None,
++                                 help='Password to authenticate to the '
++                                      'registry with for pulling an image')
++        collect_grp.add_argument('--registry-authfile', default=None,
++                                 help='Use this authfile to provide registry '
++                                      'authentication when pulling an image')
+         collect_grp.add_argument('-i', '--ssh-key', help='Specify an ssh key')
+         collect_grp.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', default=4, type=int,
+                                  help='Number of concurrent nodes to collect')
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 48693342..d1c11824 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -134,9 +134,27 @@ class SosNode():
+         """If the host is containerized, create the container we'll be using
+         """
+         if self.host.containerized:
+-            res = self.run_command(self.host.create_sos_container(),
+-                                   need_root=True)
+-            if res['status'] in [0, 125]:  # 125 means container exists
++            cmd = self.host.create_sos_container(
++                image=self.opts.image,
++                auth=self.get_container_auth(),
++                force_pull=self.opts.force_pull_image
++            )
++            res = self.run_command(cmd, need_root=True)
++            if res['status'] in [0, 125]:
++                if res['status'] == 125:
++                    if 'unable to retrieve auth token' in res['stdout']:
++                        self.log_error(
++                            "Could not pull image. Provide either a username "
++                            "and password or authfile"
++                        )
++                        raise Exception
++                    elif 'unknown: Not found' in res['stdout']:
++                        self.log_error('Specified image not found on registry')
++                        raise Exception
++                    # 'name exists' with code 125 means the container was
++                    # created successfully, so ignore it.
++                # initial creations leads to an exited container, restarting it
++                # here will keep it alive for us to exec through
+                 ret = self.run_command(self.host.restart_sos_container(),
+                                        need_root=True)
+                 if ret['status'] == 0:
+@@ -152,6 +170,20 @@ class SosNode():
+                                % res['stdout'])
+                 raise Exception
++    def get_container_auth(self):
++        """Determine what the auth string should be to pull the image used to
++        deploy our temporary container
++        """
++        if self.opts.registry_user:
++            return self.host.runtimes['default'].fmt_registry_credentials(
++                self.opts.registry_user,
++                self.opts.registry_password
++            )
++        else:
++            return self.host.runtimes['default'].fmt_registry_authfile(
++                self.opts.registry_authfile or self.host.container_authfile
++            )
+     def file_exists(self, fname):
+         """Checks for the presence of fname on the remote node"""
+         if not self.local:
+@@ -343,7 +375,7 @@ class SosNode():
+                           % self.commons['policy'].distro)
+             return self.commons['policy']
+         host = load(cache={}, sysroot=self.opts.sysroot, init=InitSystem(),
+-                    probe_runtime=False, remote_exec=self.ssh_cmd,
++                    probe_runtime=True, remote_exec=self.ssh_cmd,
+                     remote_check=self.read_file('/etc/os-release'))
+         if host:
+             self.log_info("loaded policy %s for host" % host.distro)
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+index 9fe31513..f5b9fd5b 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/__init__.py
+@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+     sos_bin_path = '/usr/bin'
+     sos_container_name = 'sos-collector-tmp'
+     container_version_command = None
++    container_authfile = None
+     def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True):
+         super(LinuxPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot,
+@@ -626,13 +627,26 @@ class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
+         """
+         return ''
+-    def create_sos_container(self):
++    def create_sos_container(self, image=None, auth=None, force_pull=False):
+         """Returns the command that will create the container that will be
+         used for running commands inside a container on hosts that require it.
+         This will use the container runtime defined for the host type to
+         launch a container. From there, we use the defined runtime to exec into
+         the container's namespace.
++        :param image:   The name of the image if not using the policy default
++        :type image:    ``str`` or ``None``
++        :param auth:    The auth string required by the runtime to pull an
++                        image from the registry
++        :type auth:     ``str`` or ``None``
++        :param force_pull:  Should the runtime forcibly pull the image
++        :type force_pull:   ``bool``
++        :returns:   The command to execute to launch the temp container
++        :rtype:     ``str``
+         """
+         return ''
+diff --git a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+index 241d3f13..20afbcc4 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
++++ b/sos/policies/distros/redhat.py
+@@ -452,15 +452,19 @@ support representative.
+         return self.find_preset(ATOMIC)
+-    def create_sos_container(self):
++    def create_sos_container(self, image=None, auth=None, force_pull=False):
+         _cmd = ("{runtime} run -di --name {name} --privileged --ipc=host"
+                 " --net=host --pid=host -e HOST=/host -e NAME={name} -e "
+-                "IMAGE={image} -v /run:/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v "
++                "IMAGE={image} {pull} -v /run:/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v "
+                 "/etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v "
+-                "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /:/host {image}")
++                "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /:/host {auth} {image}")
++        _image = image or self.container_image
++        _pull = '--pull=always' if force_pull else ''
+         return _cmd.format(runtime=self.container_runtime,
+                            name=self.sos_container_name,
+-                           image=self.container_image)
++                           image=_image,
++                           pull=_pull,
++                           auth=auth or '')
+     def set_cleanup_cmd(self):
+         return 'docker rm --force sos-collector-tmp'
+@@ -482,6 +486,7 @@ support representative.
+     container_image = 'registry.redhat.io/rhel8/support-tools'
+     sos_path_strip = '/host'
+     container_version_command = 'rpm -q sos'
++    container_authfile = '/var/lib/kubelet/config.json'
+     def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
+                  remote_exec=None):
+@@ -511,15 +516,19 @@ support representative.
+         # RH OCP environments.
+         return self.find_preset(RHOCP)
+-    def create_sos_container(self):
++    def create_sos_container(self, image=None, auth=None, force_pull=False):
+         _cmd = ("{runtime} run -di --name {name} --privileged --ipc=host"
+                 " --net=host --pid=host -e HOST=/host -e NAME={name} -e "
+-                "IMAGE={image} -v /run:/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v "
++                "IMAGE={image} {pull} -v /run:/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v "
+                 "/etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v "
+-                "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /:/host {image}")
++                "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /:/host {auth} {image}")
++        _image = image or self.container_image
++        _pull = '--pull=always' if force_pull else ''
+         return _cmd.format(runtime=self.container_runtime,
+                            name=self.sos_container_name,
+-                           image=self.container_image)
++                           image=_image,
++                           pull=_pull,
++                           auth=auth or '')
+     def set_cleanup_cmd(self):
+         return 'podman rm --force %s' % self.sos_container_name
+diff --git a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
+index 1a61b644..f28d6a1d 100644
+--- a/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/policies/runtimes/__init__.py
+@@ -157,6 +157,31 @@ class ContainerRuntime():
+             quoted_cmd = cmd
+         return "%s %s %s" % (self.run_cmd, container, quoted_cmd)
++    def fmt_registry_credentials(self, username, password):
++        """Format a string to pass to the 'run' command of the runtime to
++        enable authorization for pulling the image during `sos collect`, if
++        needed using username and optional password creds
++        :param username:    The name of the registry user
++        :type username:     ``str``
++        :param password:    The password of the registry user
++        :type password:     ``str`` or ``None``
++        :returns:  The string to use to enable a run command to pull the image
++        :rtype:    ``str``
++        """
++        return "--creds=%s%s" % (username, ':' + password if password else '')
++    def fmt_registry_authfile(self, authfile):
++        """Format a string to pass to the 'run' command of the runtime to
++        enable authorization for pulling the image during `sos collect`, if
++        needed using an authfile.
++        """
++        if authfile:
++            return "--authfile %s" % authfile
++        return ''
+     def get_logs_command(self, container):
+         """Get the command string used to dump container logs from the
+         runtime
+From 3cbbd7df6f0700609eeef3210d7388298b9e0c21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 13:26:45 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [sosnode] Allow clusters to set options only for master nodes
+Adds a method the `Cluster` that allows a profile to set sos options
+specifically for master nodes.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py           |  6 ++++++
+ 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+index 5c002bae..bfa3aad3 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+@@ -137,6 +137,27 @@ class Cluster():
+         """
+         self.cluster_ssh_key = key
++    def set_master_options(self, node):
++        """If there is a need to set specific options in the sos command being
++        run on the cluster's master nodes, override this method in the cluster
++        profile and do that here.
++        :param node:       The master node
++        :type node:        ``SoSNode``
++        """
++        pass
++    def check_node_is_master(self, node):
++        """In the event there are multiple masters, or if the collect command
++        is being run from a system that is technically capable of enumerating
++        nodes but the cluster profiles needs to specify master-specific options
++        for other nodes, override this method in the cluster profile
++        :param node:        The node for the cluster to check
++        :type node:         ``SoSNode``
++        """
++        return node.address == self.master.address
+     def exec_master_cmd(self, cmd, need_root=False):
+         """Used to retrieve command output from a (master) node in a cluster
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index d1c11824..62666635 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -647,6 +647,10 @@ class SosNode():
+                                         self.cluster.sos_plugin_options[opt])
+                     self.opts.plugin_options.append(option)
++        # set master-only options
++        if self.cluster.check_node_is_master(self):
++            self.cluster.set_master_options(self)
+     def finalize_sos_cmd(self):
+         """Use host facts and compare to the cluster type to modify the sos
+         command if needed"""
+@@ -707,6 +711,8 @@ class SosNode():
+             os.path.join(self.host.sos_bin_path, self.sos_bin)
+         )
++        self.update_cmd_from_cluster()
+         if self.opts.only_plugins:
+             plugs = [o for o in self.opts.only_plugins
+                      if self._plugin_exists(o)]
+From cae9dd79a59107aa92db5f90aed356e093985bd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 16:06:29 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [sosnode] Don't fail on sos-less bastion nodes used for node
+ lists
+If the master node is determined to not have sos installed, that is not
+necessarily a fatal error for scenarios where the 'master' node is only
+being used to enumerate node lists and is not actually part of the
+cluster. This can happen when a user is using a bastion node to
+enumerate and connect to the cluster environment, or if the local host
+is being used to enumerate nodes via cluster client tooling.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py | 17 ++++++++++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 62666635..7e56483d 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -287,13 +287,20 @@ class SosNode():
+             # use the containerized policy's command
+             pkgs = self.run_command(self.host.container_version_command,
+                                     use_container=True, need_root=True)
+-            ver = pkgs['stdout'].strip().split('-')[1]
+-            if ver:
+-                self.sos_info['version'] = ver
+-        if 'version' in self.sos_info:
++            if pkgs['status'] == 0:
++                ver = pkgs['stdout'].strip().split('-')[1]
++                if ver:
++                    self.sos_info['version'] = ver
++            else:
++                self.sos_info['version'] = None
++        if self.sos_info['version']:
+             self.log_info('sos version is %s' % self.sos_info['version'])
+         else:
+-            self.log_error('sos is not installed on this node')
++            if not self.address == self.opts.master:
++                # in the case where the 'master' enumerates nodes but is not
++                # intended for collection (bastions), don't worry about sos not
++                # being present
++                self.log_error('sos is not installed on this node')
+             self.connected = False
+             return False
+         cmd = 'sosreport -l'
+From cc5abe563d855dea9ac25f56de2e493228b48bf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 18:26:09 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [sosnode] Mark sos commands as explicitly needing root for
+ containers
+Fixes an issue where the sos inspection commands were not properly
+marked as needing to be run as root (either directly or via sudo) for
+containerized hosts, which would lead to incorrect sos command
+Mark those commands, and the final container removal command, as
+explicitly needing root permissions.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py | 6 +++---
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 7e56483d..1fc03076 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class SosNode():
+             self.connected = False
+             return False
+         cmd = 'sosreport -l'
+-        sosinfo = self.run_command(cmd, use_container=True)
++        sosinfo = self.run_command(cmd, use_container=True, need_root=True)
+         if sosinfo['status'] == 0:
+             self._load_sos_plugins(sosinfo['stdout'])
+         if self.check_sos_version('3.6'):
+@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ class SosNode():
+     def _load_sos_presets(self):
+         cmd = 'sosreport --list-presets'
+-        res = self.run_command(cmd, use_container=True)
++        res = self.run_command(cmd, use_container=True, need_root=True)
+         if res['status'] == 0:
+             for line in res['stdout'].splitlines():
+                 if line.strip().startswith('name:'):
+@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ class SosNode():
+             self.remove_file(self.sos_path + '.md5')
+         cleanup = self.host.set_cleanup_cmd()
+         if cleanup:
+-            self.run_command(cleanup)
++            self.run_command(cleanup, need_root=True)
+     def collect_extra_cmd(self, filenames):
+         """Collect the file created by a cluster outside of sos"""
+From 55e77ad4c7e90ba14b10c5fdf18b65aa5d6b9cf8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 18:55:31 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [ocp] Add cluster profile for OCP4
+Removes the previous OCP cluster profile and replaces it with an updated
+one for OCP4 which is entirely separated from the kubernetes profile.
+Resolves: #2544
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py |   8 --
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py        | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py b/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py
+index 6a867e31..08fd9554 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/kubernetes.py
+@@ -44,11 +44,3 @@ class kubernetes(Cluster):
+             return nodes
+         else:
+             raise Exception('Node enumeration did not return usable output')
+-class openshift(kubernetes):
+-    cluster_name = 'OpenShift Container Platform'
+-    packages = ('atomic-openshift',)
+-    sos_preset = 'ocp'
+-    cmd = 'oc'
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..283fcfd1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++# Copyright Red Hat 2021, Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++from pipes import quote
++from sos.collector.clusters import Cluster
++class ocp(Cluster):
++    """OpenShift Container Platform v4"""
++    cluster_name = 'OpenShift Container Platform v4'
++    packages = ('openshift-hyperkube', 'openshift-clients')
++    option_list = [
++        ('label', '', 'Colon delimited list of labels to select nodes with'),
++        ('role', '', 'Colon delimited list of roles to select nodes with'),
++        ('kubeconfig', '', 'Path to the kubeconfig file')
++    ]
++    def fmt_oc_cmd(self, cmd):
++        """Format the oc command to optionall include the kubeconfig file if
++        one is specified
++        """
++        if self.get_option('kubeconfig'):
++            return "oc --config %s %s" % (self.get_option('kubeconfig'), cmd)
++        return "oc %s" % cmd
++    def check_enabled(self):
++        if super(ocp, self).check_enabled():
++            return True
++        _who = self.fmt_oc_cmd('whoami')
++        return self.exec_master_cmd(_who)['status'] == 0
++    def _build_dict(self, nodelist):
++        """From the output of get_nodes(), construct an easier-to-reference
++        dict of nodes that will be used in determining labels, master status,
++        etc...
++        :param nodelist:        The split output of `oc get nodes`
++        :type nodelist:         ``list``
++        :returns:           A dict of nodes with `get nodes` columns as keys
++        :rtype:             ``dict``
++        """
++        nodes = {}
++        if 'NAME' in nodelist[0]:
++            # get the index of the fields
++            statline = nodelist.pop(0).split()
++            idx = {}
++            for state in ['status', 'roles', 'version', 'os-image']:
++                try:
++                    idx[state] = statline.index(state.upper())
++                except Exception:
++                    pass
++            for node in nodelist:
++                _node = node.split()
++                nodes[_node[0]] = {}
++                for column in idx:
++                    nodes[_node[0]][column] = _node[idx[column]]
++        return nodes
++    def get_nodes(self):
++        nodes = []
++        self.node_dict = {}
++        cmd = 'get nodes -o wide'
++        if self.get_option('label'):
++            labels = ','.join(self.get_option('label').split(':'))
++            cmd += " -l %s" % quote(labels)
++        res = self.exec_master_cmd(self.fmt_oc_cmd(cmd))
++        if res['status'] == 0:
++            roles = [r for r in self.get_option('role').split(':')]
++            self.node_dict = self._build_dict(res['stdout'].splitlines())
++            for node in self.node_dict:
++                if roles:
++                    for role in roles:
++                        if role in node:
++                            nodes.append(node)
++                else:
++                    nodes.append(node)
++        else:
++            msg = "'oc' command failed"
++            if 'Missing or incomplete' in res['stdout']:
++                msg = ("'oc' failed due to missing kubeconfig on master node."
++                       " Specify one via '-c ocp.kubeconfig=<path>'")
++            raise Exception(msg)
++        return nodes
++    def set_node_label(self, node):
++        if node.address not in self.node_dict:
++            return ''
++        for label in ['master', 'worker']:
++            if label in self.node_dict[node.address]['roles']:
++                return label
++        return ''
++    def check_node_is_master(self, sosnode):
++        if sosnode.address not in self.node_dict:
++            return False
++        return 'master' in self.node_dict[sosnode.address]['roles']
++    def set_master_options(self, node):
++        node.opts.enable_plugins.append('openshift')
+From a3c1caad21160545eda87ea1fde93e972a6fbf88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 11:55:24 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [cleaner] Don't strip empty lines from substituted files
+Fixes an issue where empty lines would be stripped from files that have
+other obfuscations in them. Those empty lines may be important for file
+structure and/or readability, so we should instead simply not pass empty
+lines to the parsers rather than skipping them wholesale in the flow of
+writing obfuscations to a temp file before replacing the source file
+with a potentially changed temp file.
+Resolves: #2562
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py | 6 ++++--
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index bdd24f95..55465b85 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -603,8 +603,6 @@ third party.
+         tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', dir=self.tmpdir)
+         with open(filename, 'r') as fname:
+             for line in fname:
+-                if not line.strip():
+-                    continue
+                 try:
+                     line, count = self.obfuscate_line(line)
+                     subs += count
+@@ -642,7 +640,11 @@ third party.
+         Returns the fully obfuscated line and the number of substitutions made
+         """
++        # don't iterate over blank lines, but still write them to the tempfile
++        # to maintain the same structure when we write a scrubbed file back
+         count = 0
++        if not line.strip():
++            return line, count
+         for parser in self.parsers:
+             try:
+                 line, _count = parser.parse_line(line)
+From 892bbd8114703f5a4d23aa77ba5829b7ba59446f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 May 2021 17:02:04 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [cleaner] Remove binary files by default
+Binary files generally speaking cannot be obfuscated, and as such we
+should remove them from archives being obfuscated by default so that
+sensitive data is not mistakenly included in an obfuscated archive.
+This commits adds a new `--keep-binary-files` option that if used will
+keep any encountered binary files in the final archive. The default
+option of `false` will ensure that encountered binary files are removed.
+The number of removed binary files per archive is reported when
+obfuscation is completed for that archive.
+Closes: #2478
+Resolves: #2524
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ man/en/sos-clean.1                          |  12 ++++
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py                     |  21 +++++-
+ sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py          |  67 ++++++++++++++++++--
+ sos/collector/__init__.py                   |   5 ++
+ sos/report/__init__.py                      |   6 ++
+ 8 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/en/sos-clean.1 b/man/en/sos-clean.1
+index 4856b43b..b77bc63c 100644
+--- a/man/en/sos-clean.1
++++ b/man/en/sos-clean.1
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ sos clean - Obfuscate sensitive data from one or more sosreports
+     [\-\-map-file]
+     [\-\-jobs]
+     [\-\-no-update]
++    [\-\-keep-binary-files]
+ \fBsos clean\fR or \fBsos mask\fR is an sos subcommand used to obfuscate sensitive information from
+@@ -77,6 +78,17 @@ Default: 4
+ .TP
+ .B \-\-no-update
+ Do not write the mapping file contents to /etc/sos/cleaner/default_mapping
++.B \-\-keep-binary-files
++Keep unprocessable binary files in the archive, rather than removing them.
++Note that binary files cannot be obfuscated, and thus keeping them in the archive
++may result in otherwise sensitive information being included in the final archive.
++Users should review any archive that keeps binary files in place before sending to
++a third party.
++Default: False (remove encountered binary files)
+ .BR sos (1)
+ .BR sos-report (1)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index 55465b85..f88ff8a0 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class SoSCleaner(SoSComponent):
+         'keyword_file': None,
+         'map_file': '/etc/sos/cleaner/default_mapping',
+         'no_update': False,
++        'keep_binary_files': False,
+         'target': '',
+         'usernames': []
+     }
+@@ -183,6 +184,11 @@ third party.
+                                action='store_true',
+                                help='Do not update the --map file with new '
+                                     'mappings from this run')
++        clean_grp.add_argument('--keep-binary-files', default=False,
++                               action='store_true',
++                               dest='keep_binary_files',
++                               help='Keep unprocessable binary files in the '
++                                    'archive instead of removing them')
+         clean_grp.add_argument('--usernames', dest='usernames', default=[],
+                                action='extend',
+                                help='List of usernames to obfuscate')
+@@ -467,6 +473,11 @@ third party.
+                        "%s concurrently\n"
+                        % (len(self.report_paths), self.opts.jobs))
+                 self.ui_log.info(msg)
++            if self.opts.keep_binary_files:
++                self.ui_log.warning(
++                    "WARNING: binary files that potentially contain sensitive "
++                    "information will NOT be removed from the final archive\n"
++                )
+             pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.opts.jobs)
+             pool.map(self.obfuscate_report, self.report_paths, chunksize=1)
+             pool.shutdown(wait=True)
+@@ -539,6 +550,10 @@ third party.
+                 short_name = fname.split(archive.archive_name + '/')[1]
+                 if archive.should_skip_file(short_name):
+                     continue
++                if (not self.opts.keep_binary_files and
++                        archive.should_remove_file(short_name)):
++                    archive.remove_file(short_name)
++                    continue
+                 try:
+                     count = self.obfuscate_file(fname, short_name,
+                                                 archive.archive_name)
+@@ -574,7 +589,11 @@ third party.
+             arc_md.add_field('files_obfuscated', len(archive.file_sub_list))
+             arc_md.add_field('total_substitutions', archive.total_sub_count)
+             self.completed_reports.append(archive)
+-            archive.report_msg("Obfuscation completed")
++            rmsg = ''
++            if archive.removed_file_count:
++                rmsg = " [removed %s unprocessable files]"
++                rmsg = rmsg % archive.removed_file_count
++            archive.report_msg("Obfuscation completed%s" % rmsg)
+         except Exception as err:
+             self.ui_log.info("Exception while processing %s: %s"
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+index c64ab13b..76841b51 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+     file_sub_list = []
+     total_sub_count = 0
++    removed_file_count = 0
+     def __init__(self, archive_path, tmpdir):
+         self.archive_path = archive_path
+@@ -62,11 +63,7 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+             'sys/firmware',
+             'sys/fs',
+             'sys/kernel/debug',
+-            'sys/module',
+-            r'.*\.tar$',  # TODO: support archive unpacking
+-            # Be explicit with these tar matches to avoid matching commands
+-            r'.*\.tar\.xz',
+-            '.*.gz'
++            'sys/module'
+         ]
+     @property
+@@ -76,6 +73,17 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+         except Exception:
+             return False
++    def remove_file(self, fname):
++        """Remove a file from the archive. This is used when cleaner encounters
++        a binary file, which we cannot reliably obfuscate.
++        """
++        full_fname = self.get_file_path(fname)
++        # don't call a blank remove() here
++        if full_fname:
++            self.log_info("Removing binary file '%s' from archive" % fname)
++            os.remove(full_fname)
++            self.removed_file_count += 1
+     def extract(self):
+         if self.is_tarfile:
+             self.report_msg("Extracting...")
+@@ -227,3 +235,52 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+             if filename.startswith(_skip) or re.match(_skip, filename):
+                 return True
+         return False
++    def should_remove_file(self, fname):
++        """Determine if the file should be removed or not, due to an inability
++        to reliably obfuscate that file based on the filename.
++        :param fname:       Filename relative to the extracted archive root
++        :type fname:        ``str``
++        :returns:   ``True`` if the file cannot be reliably obfuscated
++        :rtype:     ``bool``
++        """
++        obvious_removes = [
++            r'.*\.gz',  # TODO: support flat gz/xz extraction
++            r'.*\.xz',
++            r'.*\.bzip2',
++            r'.*\.tar\..*',  # TODO: support archive unpacking
++            r'.*\.txz$',
++            r'.*\.tgz$',
++            r'.*\.bin',
++            r'.*\.journal',
++            r'.*\~$'
++        ]
++        # if the filename matches, it is obvious we can remove them without
++        # doing the read test
++        for _arc_reg in obvious_removes:
++            if re.match(_arc_reg, fname):
++                return True
++        return self.file_is_binary(fname)
++    def file_is_binary(self, fname):
++        """Determine if the file is a binary file or not.
++        :param fname:          Filename relative to the extracted archive root
++        :type fname:           ``str``
++        :returns:   ``True`` if file is binary, else ``False``
++        :rtype:     ``bool``
++        """
++        with open(self.get_file_path(fname), 'tr') as tfile:
++            try:
++                # when opened as above (tr), reading binary content will raise
++                # an exception
++                tfile.read(1)
++                return False
++            except UnicodeDecodeError:
++                return True
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 9884836c..469db60d 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         'jobs': 4,
+         'keywords': [],
+         'keyword_file': None,
++        'keep_binary_files': False,
+         'label': '',
+         'list_options': False,
+         'log_size': 0,
+@@ -410,6 +411,10 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                                  dest='clean',
+                                  default=False, action='store_true',
+                                  help='Obfuscate sensistive information')
++        cleaner_grp.add_argument('--keep-binary-files', default=False,
++                                 action='store_true', dest='keep_binary_files',
++                                 help='Keep unprocessable binary files in the '
++                                      'archive instead of removing them')
+         cleaner_grp.add_argument('--domains', dest='domains', default=[],
+                                  action='extend',
+                                  help='Additional domain names to obfuscate')
+diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
+index d4345409..2cedc76e 100644
+--- a/sos/report/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
+@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+         'case_id': '',
+         'chroot': 'auto',
+         'clean': False,
++        'keep_binary_files': False,
+         'desc': '',
+         'domains': [],
+         'dry_run': False,
+@@ -344,6 +345,11 @@ class SoSReport(SoSComponent):
+                                  default='/etc/sos/cleaner/default_mapping',
+                                  help=('Provide a previously generated mapping'
+                                        ' file for obfuscation'))
++        cleaner_grp.add_argument('--keep-binary-files', default=False,
++                                 action='store_true',
++                                 dest='keep_binary_files',
++                                 help='Keep unprocessable binary files in the '
++                                      'archive instead of removing them')
+         cleaner_grp.add_argument('--usernames', dest='usernames', default=[],
+                                  action='extend',
+                                  help='List of usernames to obfuscate')
+From aed0102a1d6ef9a030c9e5349f092b51b9d1f22d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 23:20:59 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 01/10] [SoSNode] Allow individually setting node options
+Like we now do for primary nodes, add the ability to individually set
+node options via a new `set_node_options()` method for when blanket
+setting options across all nodes via the options class attrs is not
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py | 10 ++++++++++
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py           |  6 ++++--
+ 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+index 90e62d79..c4da1ab8 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+@@ -137,6 +137,16 @@ class Cluster():
+         """
+         self.cluster_ssh_key = key
++    def set_node_options(self, node):
++        """If there is a need to set specific options on ONLY the non-primary
++        nodes in a collection, override this method in the cluster profile
++        and do that here.
++        :param node:        The non-primary node
++        :type node:         ``SoSNode``
++        """
++        pass
+     def set_master_options(self, node):
+         """If there is a need to set specific options in the sos command being
+         run on the cluster's master nodes, override this method in the cluster
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 1fc03076..7e784aa1 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -657,6 +657,8 @@ class SosNode():
+         # set master-only options
+         if self.cluster.check_node_is_master(self):
+             self.cluster.set_master_options(self)
++        else:
++            self.cluster.set_node_options(self)
+     def finalize_sos_cmd(self):
+         """Use host facts and compare to the cluster type to modify the sos
+@@ -713,13 +715,13 @@ class SosNode():
+                 sos_opts.append('--cmd-timeout=%s'
+                                 % quote(str(self.opts.cmd_timeout)))
++        self.update_cmd_from_cluster()
+         sos_cmd = sos_cmd.replace(
+             'sosreport',
+             os.path.join(self.host.sos_bin_path, self.sos_bin)
+         )
+-        self.update_cmd_from_cluster()
+         if self.opts.only_plugins:
+             plugs = [o for o in self.opts.only_plugins
+                      if self._plugin_exists(o)]
+From 96f166699d12704cc7cf73cb8b13278675f68730 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 00:02:36 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 02/10] [sosnode] Support passing env vars to `run_command()`
+Updates `run_command()` to support passing new environment variables to
+the command being run, for that command alone. This parameter takes a
+dict, and if set we will first copy the existing set of env vars on the
+node and then update that set of variables using the passed dict.
+Additionally, `execute_sos_command()` will now try to pass a new
+`sos_env_vars` dict (default empty) so that clusters may set environment
+variables specifically for the sos command being run, without having to
+modify the actual sos command being executed.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 7e784aa1..40472a4e 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ class SosNode():
+         self.host = None
+         self.cluster = None
+         self.hostname = None
++        self.sos_env_vars = {}
++        self._env_vars = {}
+         self._password = password or self.opts.password
+         if not self.opts.nopasswd_sudo and not self.opts.sudo_pw:
+             self.opts.sudo_pw = self._password
+@@ -109,6 +111,21 @@ class SosNode():
+     def _fmt_msg(self, msg):
+         return '{:<{}} : {}'.format(self._hostname, self.hostlen + 1, msg)
++    @property
++    def env_vars(self):
++        if not self._env_vars:
++            if self.local:
++                self._env_vars = os.environ.copy()
++            else:
++                ret = self.run_command("env --null")
++                if ret['status'] == 0:
++                    for ln in ret['output'].split('\x00'):
++                        if not ln:
++                            continue
++                        _val = ln.split('=')
++                        self._env_vars[_val[0]] = _val[1]
++        return self._env_vars
+     def set_node_manifest(self, manifest):
+         """Set the manifest section that this node will write to
+         """
+@@ -404,7 +421,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         return self.host.package_manager.pkg_by_name(pkg) is not None
+     def run_command(self, cmd, timeout=180, get_pty=False, need_root=False,
+-                    force_local=False, use_container=False):
++                    force_local=False, use_container=False, env=None):
+         """Runs a given cmd, either via the SSH session or locally
+         Arguments:
+@@ -446,7 +463,10 @@ class SosNode():
+         else:
+             if get_pty:
+                 cmd = "/bin/bash -c %s" % quote(cmd)
+-        res = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8')
++        if env:
++            _cmd_env = self.env_vars
++            _cmd_env.update(env)
++        res = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=_cmd_env)
+         if need_root:
+             if self.need_sudo:
+                 res.sendline(self.opts.sudo_pw)
+@@ -830,7 +850,8 @@ class SosNode():
+             res = self.run_command(self.sos_cmd,
+                                    timeout=self.opts.timeout,
+                                    get_pty=True, need_root=True,
+-                                   use_container=True)
++                                   use_container=True,
++                                   env=self.sos_env_vars)
+             if res['status'] == 0:
+                 for line in res['stdout'].splitlines():
+                     if fnmatch.fnmatch(line, '*sosreport-*tar*'):
+From a9e1632113406a646bdd7525982b699cf790aedb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 12:43:27 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 03/10] [collect|sosnode] Avoiding clobbering sos options
+ between nodes
+This commit overhauls the function of `finalize_sos_cmd()` in several
+First, assign the sos report plugin related options directly to private
+copies of those values for each node, so that the shared cluster profile
+does not clober options between nodes.
+Second, provide a default Lock mechanism for clusters that need to
+perform some node-comparison logic when assigning options based on node
+Finally, finalize the sos command for each node _prior_ to the call to
+`SoSNode.sosreport()` so that we can be sure that clusters are able to
+appropriately compare and assign sos options across nodes before some
+nodes have already started and/or finished their own sos report
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/__init__.py          | 14 +++++
+ sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py |  2 +
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py           | 89 +++++++++++++++++-------------
+ 3 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 469db60d..7b8cfcf7 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -1186,6 +1186,10 @@ this utility or remote systems that it connects to.
+                              "concurrently\n"
+                              % (self.report_num, self.opts.jobs))
++            npool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.opts.jobs)
++            npool.map(self._finalize_sos_cmd, self.client_list, chunksize=1)
++            npool.shutdown(wait=True)
+             pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.opts.jobs)
+             pool.map(self._collect, self.client_list, chunksize=1)
+             pool.shutdown(wait=True)
+@@ -1217,6 +1221,16 @@ this utility or remote systems that it connects to.
+             except Exception as err:
+                 self.ui_log.error("Upload attempt failed: %s" % err)
++    def _finalize_sos_cmd(self, client):
++        """Calls finalize_sos_cmd() on each node so that we have the final
++        command before we thread out the actual execution of sos
++        """
++        try:
++            client.finalize_sos_cmd()
++        except Exception as err:
++            self.log_error("Could not finalize sos command for %s: %s"
++                           % (client.address, err))
+     def _collect(self, client):
+         """Runs sosreport on each node"""
+         try:
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+index c4da1ab8..bb728bc0 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/__init__.py
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ import logging
+ from sos.options import ClusterOption
++from threading import Lock
+ class Cluster():
+@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ class Cluster():
+             if cls.__name__ != 'Cluster':
+                 self.cluster_type.append(cls.__name__)
+         self.node_list = None
++        self.lock = Lock()
+         self.soslog = logging.getLogger('sos')
+         self.ui_log = logging.getLogger('sos_ui')
+         self.options = []
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 40472a4e..1c25cc34 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         self.address = address.strip()
+         self.commons = commons
+         self.opts = commons['cmdlineopts']
++        self._assign_config_opts()
+         self.tmpdir = commons['tmpdir']
+         self.hostlen = commons['hostlen']
+         self.need_sudo = commons['need_sudo']
+@@ -465,8 +466,8 @@ class SosNode():
+                 cmd = "/bin/bash -c %s" % quote(cmd)
+         if env:
+             _cmd_env = self.env_vars
+-            _cmd_env.update(env)
+-        res = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=_cmd_env)
++            env = _cmd_env.update(env)
++        res = pexpect.spawn(cmd, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
+         if need_root:
+             if self.need_sudo:
+                 res.sendline(self.opts.sudo_pw)
+@@ -484,9 +485,6 @@ class SosNode():
+     def sosreport(self):
+         """Run a sosreport on the node, then collect it"""
+-        self.sos_cmd = self.finalize_sos_cmd()
+-        self.log_info('Final sos command set to %s' % self.sos_cmd)
+-        self.manifest.add_field('final_sos_command', self.sos_cmd)
+         try:
+             path = self.execute_sos_command()
+             if path:
+@@ -656,29 +654,42 @@ class SosNode():
+         This will NOT override user supplied options.
+         """
+         if self.cluster.sos_preset:
+-            if not self.opts.preset:
+-                self.opts.preset = self.cluster.sos_preset
++            if not self.preset:
++                self.preset = self.cluster.sos_preset
+             else:
+                 self.log_info('Cluster specified preset %s but user has also '
+                               'defined a preset. Using user specification.'
+                               % self.cluster.sos_preset)
+         if self.cluster.sos_plugins:
+             for plug in self.cluster.sos_plugins:
+-                if plug not in self.opts.enable_plugins:
+-                    self.opts.enable_plugins.append(plug)
++                if plug not in self.enable_plugins:
++                    self.enable_plugins.append(plug)
+         if self.cluster.sos_plugin_options:
+             for opt in self.cluster.sos_plugin_options:
+-                if not any(opt in o for o in self.opts.plugin_options):
++                if not any(opt in o for o in self.plugin_options):
+                     option = '%s=%s' % (opt,
+                                         self.cluster.sos_plugin_options[opt])
+-                    self.opts.plugin_options.append(option)
++                    self.plugin_options.append(option)
+         # set master-only options
+         if self.cluster.check_node_is_master(self):
+-            self.cluster.set_master_options(self)
++            with self.cluster.lock:
++                self.cluster.set_master_options(self)
+         else:
+-            self.cluster.set_node_options(self)
++            with self.cluster.lock:
++                self.cluster.set_node_options(self)
++    def _assign_config_opts(self):
++        """From the global opts configuration, assign those values locally
++        to this node so that they may be acted on individually.
++        """
++        # assign these to new, private copies
++        self.only_plugins = list(self.opts.only_plugins)
++        self.skip_plugins = list(self.opts.skip_plugins)
++        self.enable_plugins = list(self.opts.enable_plugins)
++        self.plugin_options = list(self.opts.plugin_options)
++        self.preset = list(self.opts.preset)
+     def finalize_sos_cmd(self):
+         """Use host facts and compare to the cluster type to modify the sos
+@@ -742,59 +753,61 @@ class SosNode():
+             os.path.join(self.host.sos_bin_path, self.sos_bin)
+         )
+-        if self.opts.only_plugins:
+-            plugs = [o for o in self.opts.only_plugins
+-                     if self._plugin_exists(o)]
+-            if len(plugs) != len(self.opts.only_plugins):
+-                not_only = list(set(self.opts.only_plugins) - set(plugs))
++        if self.only_plugins:
++            plugs = [o for o in self.only_plugins if self._plugin_exists(o)]
++            if len(plugs) != len(self.only_plugins):
++                not_only = list(set(self.only_plugins) - set(plugs))
+                 self.log_debug('Requested plugins %s were requested to be '
+                                'enabled but do not exist' % not_only)
+-            only = self._fmt_sos_opt_list(self.opts.only_plugins)
++            only = self._fmt_sos_opt_list(self.only_plugins)
+             if only:
+                 sos_opts.append('--only-plugins=%s' % quote(only))
+-            return "%s %s" % (sos_cmd, ' '.join(sos_opts))
++            self.sos_cmd = "%s %s" % (sos_cmd, ' '.join(sos_opts))
++            self.log_info('Final sos command set to %s' % self.sos_cmd)
++            self.manifest.add_field('final_sos_command', self.sos_cmd)
++            return
+-        if self.opts.skip_plugins:
++        if self.skip_plugins:
+             # only run skip-plugins for plugins that are enabled
+-            skip = [o for o in self.opts.skip_plugins
+-                    if self._check_enabled(o)]
+-            if len(skip) != len(self.opts.skip_plugins):
+-                not_skip = list(set(self.opts.skip_plugins) - set(skip))
++            skip = [o for o in self.skip_plugins if self._check_enabled(o)]
++            if len(skip) != len(self.skip_plugins):
++                not_skip = list(set(self.skip_plugins) - set(skip))
+                 self.log_debug('Requested to skip plugins %s, but plugins are '
+                                'already not enabled' % not_skip)
+             skipln = self._fmt_sos_opt_list(skip)
+             if skipln:
+                 sos_opts.append('--skip-plugins=%s' % quote(skipln))
+-        if self.opts.enable_plugins:
++        if self.enable_plugins:
+             # only run enable for plugins that are disabled
+-            opts = [o for o in self.opts.enable_plugins
+-                    if o not in self.opts.skip_plugins
++            opts = [o for o in self.enable_plugins
++                    if o not in self.skip_plugins
+                     and self._check_disabled(o) and self._plugin_exists(o)]
+-            if len(opts) != len(self.opts.enable_plugins):
+-                not_on = list(set(self.opts.enable_plugins) - set(opts))
++            if len(opts) != len(self.enable_plugins):
++                not_on = list(set(self.enable_plugins) - set(opts))
+                 self.log_debug('Requested to enable plugins %s, but plugins '
+                                'are already enabled or do not exist' % not_on)
+             enable = self._fmt_sos_opt_list(opts)
+             if enable:
+                 sos_opts.append('--enable-plugins=%s' % quote(enable))
+-        if self.opts.plugin_options:
+-            opts = [o for o in self.opts.plugin_options
++        if self.plugin_options:
++            opts = [o for o in self.plugin_options
+                     if self._plugin_exists(o.split('.')[0])
+                     and self._plugin_option_exists(o.split('=')[0])]
+             if opts:
+                 sos_opts.append('-k %s' % quote(','.join(o for o in opts)))
+-        if self.opts.preset:
+-            if self._preset_exists(self.opts.preset):
+-                sos_opts.append('--preset=%s' % quote(self.opts.preset))
++        if self.preset:
++            if self._preset_exists(self.preset):
++                sos_opts.append('--preset=%s' % quote(self.preset))
+             else:
+                 self.log_debug('Requested to enable preset %s but preset does '
+-                               'not exist on node' % self.opts.preset)
++                               'not exist on node' % self.preset)
+-        _sos_cmd = "%s %s" % (sos_cmd, ' '.join(sos_opts))
+-        return _sos_cmd
++        self.sos_cmd = "%s %s" % (sos_cmd, ' '.join(sos_opts))
++        self.log_info('Final sos command set to %s' % self.sos_cmd)
++        self.manifest.add_field('final_sos_command', self.sos_cmd)
+     def determine_sos_label(self):
+         """Determine what, if any, label should be added to the sosreport"""
+From 7e6c078e51143f7064190b316a251ddd8d431495 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:38:34 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 04/10] [cleaner] Improve handling of symlink obfuscation
+Improves handling of symlink obfuscation by only performing the
+obfuscaiton on the ultimate target of any symlinks encountered. Now,
+when a symlink is encountered, clean will obfuscate the link name and
+re-write it in the archive, pointing to the (potentially obfuscated)
+target name.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index abfb684b..b38c8dfc 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -612,28 +612,55 @@ third party.
+         if not filename:
+             # the requested file doesn't exist in the archive
+             return
+-        self.log_debug("Obfuscating %s" % short_name or filename,
+-                       caller=arc_name)
+         subs = 0
+-        tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', dir=self.tmpdir)
+-        with open(filename, 'r') as fname:
+-            for line in fname:
+-                try:
+-                    line, count = self.obfuscate_line(line)
+-                    subs += count
+-                    tfile.write(line)
+-                except Exception as err:
+-                    self.log_debug("Unable to obfuscate %s: %s"
+-                                   % (short_name, err), caller=arc_name)
+-        tfile.seek(0)
+-        if subs:
+-            shutil.copy(tfile.name, filename)
+-        tfile.close()
+-        _ob_filename = self.obfuscate_string(short_name)
+-        if _ob_filename != short_name:
++        if not os.path.islink(filename):
++            # don't run the obfuscation on the link, but on the actual file
++            # at some other point.
++            self.log_debug("Obfuscating %s" % short_name or filename,
++                           caller=arc_name)
++            tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', dir=self.tmpdir)
++            with open(filename, 'r') as fname:
++                for line in fname:
++                    try:
++                        line, count = self.obfuscate_line(line)
++                        subs += count
++                        tfile.write(line)
++                    except Exception as err:
++                        self.log_debug("Unable to obfuscate %s: %s"
++                                       % (short_name, err), caller=arc_name)
++            tfile.seek(0)
++            if subs:
++                shutil.copy(tfile.name, filename)
++            tfile.close()
++        _ob_short_name = self.obfuscate_string(short_name.split('/')[-1])
++        _ob_filename = short_name.replace(short_name.split('/')[-1],
++                                          _ob_short_name)
++        _sym_changed = False
++        if os.path.islink(filename):
++            _link = os.readlink(filename)
++            _ob_link = self.obfuscate_string(_link)
++            if _ob_link != _link:
++                _sym_changed = True
++        if (_ob_filename != short_name) or _sym_changed:
+             arc_path = filename.split(short_name)[0]
+             _ob_path = os.path.join(arc_path, _ob_filename)
+-            os.rename(filename, _ob_path)
++            # ensure that any plugin subdirs that contain obfuscated strings
++            # get created with obfuscated counterparts
++            if not os.path.islink(filename):
++                os.rename(filename, _ob_path)
++            else:
++                # generate the obfuscated name of the link target
++                _target_ob = self.obfuscate_string(os.readlink(filename))
++                # remove the unobfuscated original symlink first, in case the
++                # symlink name hasn't changed but the target has
++                os.remove(filename)
++                # create the newly obfuscated symlink, pointing to the
++                # obfuscated target name, which may not exist just yet, but
++                # when the actual file is obfuscated, will be created
++                os.symlink(_target_ob, _ob_path)
+         return subs
+     def obfuscate_string(self, string_data):
+From b5d166ac9ff79bc3740c5e66f16d60762f9a0ac0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 22:56:19 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 05/10] [cleaner] Iterate over matches with most precise match
+ first
+When matching strings in parsers to do obfuscation, we should be using
+the most precise matches found first, rather than matching in the order
+a match is hit. This ensures that we correctly obfuscate an entire
+string, rather than potentially only partial substring(s) that exist
+within the entire match.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py        | 10 +++++++---
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/keyword_parser.py  |  2 +-
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py |  2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+index c77300aa..cfa20b95 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+@@ -82,10 +82,12 @@ class SoSCleanerParser():
+         for pattern in self.regex_patterns:
+             matches = [m[0] for m in re.findall(pattern, line, re.I)]
+             if matches:
++                matches.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(x))
+                 count += len(matches)
+                 for match in matches:
+-                    new_match = self.mapping.get(match.strip())
+-                    line = line.replace(match.strip(), new_match)
++                    match = match.strip()
++                    new_match = self.mapping.get(match)
++                    line = line.replace(match, new_match)
+         return line, count
+     def parse_string_for_keys(self, string_data):
+@@ -102,7 +104,9 @@ class SoSCleanerParser():
+         :returns: The obfuscated line
+         :rtype: ``str``
+         """
+-        for key, val in self.mapping.dataset.items():
++        for pair in sorted(self.mapping.dataset.items(), reverse=True,
++                           key=lambda x: len(x[0])):
++            key, val = pair
+             if key in string_data:
+                 string_data = string_data.replace(key, val)
+         return string_data
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/keyword_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/keyword_parser.py
+index 3dc2b7f0..9134f82d 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/keyword_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/keyword_parser.py
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class SoSKeywordParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+     def parse_line(self, line):
+         count = 0
+-        for keyword in self.user_keywords:
++        for keyword in sorted(self.user_keywords, reverse=True):
+             if keyword in line:
+                 line = line.replace(keyword, self.mapping.get(keyword))
+                 count += 1
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+index 2bb6c7f3..0c3bbac4 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class SoSUsernameParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+     def parse_line(self, line):
+         count = 0
+-        for username in self.mapping.dataset.keys():
++        for username in sorted(self.mapping.dataset.keys(), reverse=True):
+             if username in line:
+                 count = line.count(username)
+                 line = line.replace(username, self.mapping.get(username))
+From 7ed138fcd2ee6ece3e7fbd9e48293b212e0b4e41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 01:15:45 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 06/10] [cleaner] Explicitly obfuscate directory names within
+ archives
+This commits adds a step to `obfuscate_report()` that explicitly walks
+through all directories in the archive, and obfuscates the directory
+names if necessary.
+Since this uses `obfuscate_string()` for the directory names, a
+`skip_keys` list has been added to maps to allow parsers/maps to
+specify matched keys (such as short names for the hostname parser) that
+should not be considered when obfuscating directory names (e.g. 'www').
+Closes: #2465
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py              | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ sos/cleaner/mappings/__init__.py     |  4 +++-
+ sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py |  5 +++++
+ sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py   | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py      |  2 ++
+ 5 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index b38c8dfc..88d4d0ea 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -562,6 +562,11 @@ third party.
+                 except Exception as err:
+                     self.log_debug("Unable to parse file %s: %s"
+                                    % (short_name, err))
++            try:
++                self.obfuscate_directory_names(archive)
++            except Exception as err:
++                self.log_info("Failed to obfuscate directories: %s" % err,
++                              caller=archive.archive_name)
+             # if the archive was already a tarball, repack it
+             method = archive.get_compression()
+@@ -663,6 +668,27 @@ third party.
+         return subs
++    def obfuscate_directory_names(self, archive):
++        """For all directories that exist within the archive, obfuscate the
++        directory name if it contains sensitive strings found during execution
++        """
++        self.log_info("Obfuscating directory names in archive %s"
++                      % archive.archive_name)
++        for dirpath in sorted(archive.get_directory_list(), reverse=True):
++            for _name in os.listdir(dirpath):
++                _dirname = os.path.join(dirpath, _name)
++                _arc_dir = _dirname.split(archive.extracted_path)[-1]
++                if os.path.isdir(_dirname):
++                    _ob_dirname = self.obfuscate_string(_name)
++                    if _ob_dirname != _name:
++                        _ob_arc_dir = _arc_dir.rstrip(_name)
++                        _ob_arc_dir = os.path.join(
++                            archive.extracted_path,
++                            _ob_arc_dir.lstrip('/'),
++                            _ob_dirname
++                        )
++                        os.rename(_dirname, _ob_arc_dir)
+     def obfuscate_string(self, string_data):
+         for parser in self.parsers:
+             try:
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/mappings/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/mappings/__init__.py
+index dd464e5a..5cf5c8b2 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/mappings/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/mappings/__init__.py
+@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ class SoSMap():
+     corresponding SoSMap() object, to allow for easy retrieval of obfuscated
+     items.
+     """
++    # used for regex skips in parser.parse_line()
+     ignore_matches = []
++    # used for filename obfuscations in parser.parse_string_for_keys()
++    skip_keys = []
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.dataset = {}
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py b/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
+index e0b7bf1d..c9a44d8d 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
+@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ class SoSHostnameMap(SoSMap):
+         '^com..*'
+     ]
++    skip_keys = [
++        'www',
++        'api'
++    ]
+     host_count = 0
+     domain_count = 0
+     _domains = {}
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+index 88f978d9..90188358 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+@@ -202,10 +202,22 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+         """Return a list of all files within the archive"""
+         self.file_list = []
+         for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.extracted_path):
++            for _dir in dirs:
++                _dirpath = os.path.join(dirname, _dir)
++                # catch dir-level symlinks
++                if os.path.islink(_dirpath) and os.path.isdir(_dirpath):
++                    self.file_list.append(_dirpath)
+             for filename in files:
+                 self.file_list.append(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
+         return self.file_list
++    def get_directory_list(self):
++        """Return a list of all directories within the archive"""
++        dir_list = []
++        for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.extracted_path):
++            dir_list.append(dirname)
++        return dir_list
+     def update_sub_count(self, fname, count):
+         """Called when a file has finished being parsed and used to track
+         total substitutions made and number of files that had changes made
+@@ -230,7 +242,8 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+                                         archive root
+         """
+-        if not os.path.isfile(self.get_file_path(filename)):
++        if (not os.path.isfile(self.get_file_path(filename)) and not
++                os.path.islink(self.get_file_path(filename))):
+             return True
+         for _skip in self.skip_list:
+@@ -266,7 +279,10 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+             if re.match(_arc_reg, fname):
+                 return True
+-        return self.file_is_binary(fname)
++        if os.path.isfile(self.get_file_path(fname)):
++            return self.file_is_binary(fname)
++        # don't fail on dir-level symlinks
++        return False
+     def file_is_binary(self, fname):
+         """Determine if the file is a binary file or not.
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+index cfa20b95..84874475 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ class SoSCleanerParser():
+         for pair in sorted(self.mapping.dataset.items(), reverse=True,
+                            key=lambda x: len(x[0])):
+             key, val = pair
++            if key in self.mapping.skip_keys:
++                continue
+             if key in string_data:
+                 string_data = string_data.replace(key, val)
+         return string_data
+From f180150277b706e72f2445287f3d0b6943efa252 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 02:24:51 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 07/10] [hostname parser,map] Attempt to detect strings with
+ FQDN substrings
+This commit updates the hostname parser and associated map to be able to
+better detect and obfuscate FQDN substrings within file content and file
+names, particularly when the regex patterns failed to match a hostname
+that is formatted with '_' characters rather than '.' characters.
+The `get()` method has been updated to alow preserve characters and
+certain extensions that are not part of the FQDN, but are brought in by
+the regex pattern due to the fact that we need to use word boundary
+indicators within the pattern.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py   | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py        |  3 +-
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/hostname_parser.py | 30 ++++++++++---
+ 3 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py b/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
+index c9a44d8d..d4b2c88e 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/mappings/hostname_map.py
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class SoSHostnameMap(SoSMap):
+         host = domain.split('.')
+         if len(host) == 1:
+             # don't block on host's shortname
+-            return True
++            return host[0] in self.hosts.keys()
+         else:
+             domain = host[0:-1]
+             for known_domain in self._domains:
+@@ -113,12 +113,59 @@ class SoSHostnameMap(SoSMap):
+         return False
+     def get(self, item):
+-        if item.startswith(('.', '_')):
+-            item = item.lstrip('._')
+-        item = item.strip()
++        prefix = ''
++        suffix = ''
++        final = None
++        # The regex pattern match may include a leading and/or trailing '_'
++        # character due to the need to use word boundary matching, so we need
++        # to strip these from the string during processing, but still keep them
++        # in the returned string to not mangle the string replacement in the
++        # context of the file or filename
++        while item.startswith(('.', '_')):
++            prefix += item[0]
++            item = item[1:]
++        while item.endswith(('.', '_')):
++            suffix += item[-1]
++            item = item[0:-1]
+         if not self.domain_name_in_loaded_domains(item.lower()):
+             return item
+-        return super(SoSHostnameMap, self).get(item)
++        if item.endswith(('.yaml', '.yml', '.crt', '.key', '.pem')):
++            ext = '.' + item.split('.')[-1]
++            item = item.replace(ext, '')
++            suffix += ext
++        if item not in self.dataset.keys():
++            # try to account for use of '-' in names that include hostnames
++            # and don't create new mappings for each of these
++            for _existing in sorted(self.dataset.keys(), reverse=True,
++                                    key=lambda x: len(x)):
++                _host_substr = False
++                _test = item.split(_existing)
++                _h = _existing.split('.')
++                # avoid considering a full FQDN match as a new match off of
++                # the hostname of an existing match
++                if _h[0] and _h[0] in self.hosts.keys():
++                    _host_substr = True
++                if len(_test) == 1 or not _test[0]:
++                    # does not match existing obfuscation
++                    continue
++                elif _test[0].endswith('.') and not _host_substr:
++                    # new hostname in known domain
++                    final = super(SoSHostnameMap, self).get(item)
++                    break
++                elif item.split(_test[0]):
++                    # string that includes existing FQDN obfuscation substring
++                    # so, only obfuscate the FQDN part
++                    try:
++                        itm = item.split(_test[0])[1]
++                        final = _test[0] + super(SoSHostnameMap, self).get(itm)
++                        break
++                    except Exception:
++                        # fallback to still obfuscating the entire item
++                        pass
++        if not final:
++            final = super(SoSHostnameMap, self).get(item)
++        return prefix + final + suffix
+     def sanitize_item(self, item):
+         host = item.split('.')
+@@ -146,6 +193,8 @@ class SoSHostnameMap(SoSMap):
+         """Obfuscate the short name of the host with an incremented counter
+         based on the total number of obfuscated host names
+         """
++        if not hostname:
++            return hostname
+         if hostname not in self.hosts:
+             ob_host = "host%s" % self.host_count
+             self.hosts[hostname] = ob_host
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+index 84874475..57d2020a 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ class SoSCleanerParser():
+                 for match in matches:
+                     match = match.strip()
+                     new_match = self.mapping.get(match)
+-                    line = line.replace(match, new_match)
++                    if new_match != match:
++                        line = line.replace(match, new_match)
+         return line, count
+     def parse_string_for_keys(self, string_data):
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/hostname_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/hostname_parser.py
+index 9982024b..3de6bb08 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/hostname_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/hostname_parser.py
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class SoSHostnameParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+     map_file_key = 'hostname_map'
+     prep_map_file = 'sos_commands/host/hostname'
+     regex_patterns = [
+-        r'(((\b|_)[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]{1,200}\.[a-zA-Z]{1,63}\b))'
++        r'(((\b|_)[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]{1,200}\.[a-zA-Z]{1,63}(\b|_)))'
+     ]
+     def __init__(self, conf_file=None, opt_domains=None):
+@@ -66,10 +66,30 @@ class SoSHostnameParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+         """Override the default parse_line() method to also check for the
+         shortname of the host derived from the hostname.
+         """
++        def _check_line(ln, count, search, repl=None):
++            """Perform a second manual check for substrings that may have been
++            missed by regex matching
++            """
++            if search in self.mapping.skip_keys:
++                return ln, count
++            if search in ln:
++                count += ln.count(search)
++                ln = ln.replace(search, self.mapping.get(repl or search))
++            return ln, count
+         count = 0
+         line, count = super(SoSHostnameParser, self).parse_line(line)
+-        for short_name in self.short_names:
+-            if short_name in line:
+-                count += 1
+-                line = line.replace(short_name, self.mapping.get(short_name))
++        # make an additional pass checking for '_' formatted substrings that
++        # the regex patterns won't catch
++        hosts = [h for h in self.mapping.dataset.keys() if '.' in h]
++        for host in sorted(hosts, reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(x)):
++            fqdn = host
++            for c in '.-':
++                fqdn = fqdn.replace(c, '_')
++            line, count = _check_line(line, count, fqdn, host)
++        for short_name in sorted(self.short_names, reverse=True):
++            line, count = _check_line(line, count, short_name)
+         return line, count
+From ec46e6a8fac58ed757344be3751eb1f925eab981 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 09:31:07 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 08/10] [ocp] Refine OCP node options in cluster profile
+Adds explicit setting of primary/node sos options for the `openshift`
+plugin within the cluster, rather than relying on default configurations
+and best practices to avoid duplicate collections.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py      |  4 +--
+ 2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+index 283fcfd1..ddff84a4 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
++++ b/sos/collector/clusters/ocp.py
+@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
+ #
+ # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++import os
+ from pipes import quote
+ from sos.collector.clusters import Cluster
+@@ -18,10 +20,14 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+     cluster_name = 'OpenShift Container Platform v4'
+     packages = ('openshift-hyperkube', 'openshift-clients')
++    api_collect_enabled = False
++    token = None
+     option_list = [
+         ('label', '', 'Colon delimited list of labels to select nodes with'),
+         ('role', '', 'Colon delimited list of roles to select nodes with'),
+-        ('kubeconfig', '', 'Path to the kubeconfig file')
++        ('kubeconfig', '', 'Path to the kubeconfig file'),
++        ('token', '', 'Service account token to use for oc authorization')
+     ]
+     def fmt_oc_cmd(self, cmd):
+@@ -32,9 +38,20 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+             return "oc --config %s %s" % (self.get_option('kubeconfig'), cmd)
+         return "oc %s" % cmd
++    def _attempt_oc_login(self):
++        """Attempt to login to the API using the oc command using a provided
++        token
++        """
++        _res = self.exec_primary_cmd("oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify=True"
++                                     " --token=%s" % self.token)
++        return _res['status'] == 0
+     def check_enabled(self):
+         if super(ocp, self).check_enabled():
+             return True
++        self.token = self.get_option('token') or os.getenv('SOSOCPTOKEN', None)
++        if self.token:
++            self._attempt_oc_login()
+         _who = self.fmt_oc_cmd('whoami')
+         return self.exec_master_cmd(_who)['status'] == 0
+@@ -106,4 +123,48 @@ class ocp(Cluster):
+         return 'master' in self.node_dict[sosnode.address]['roles']
+     def set_master_options(self, node):
+-        node.opts.enable_plugins.append('openshift')
++        node.enable_plugins.append('openshift')
++        if self.api_collect_enabled:
++            # a primary has already been enabled for API collection, disable
++            # it among others
++            node.plugin_options.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
++        else:
++            _oc_cmd = 'oc'
++            if node.host.containerized:
++                _oc_cmd = '/host/bin/oc'
++                # when run from a container, the oc command does not inherit
++                # the default config, so if it's present then pass it here to
++                # detect a funcitonal oc command. This is sidestepped in sos
++                # report by being able to chroot the `oc` execution which we
++                # cannot do remotely
++                if node.file_exists('/root/.kube/config', need_root=True):
++                    _oc_cmd += ' --kubeconfig /host/root/.kube/config'
++            can_oc = node.run_command("%s whoami" % _oc_cmd,
++                                      use_container=node.host.containerized,
++                                      # container is available only to root
++                                      # and if rhel, need to run sos as root
++                                      # anyways which will run oc as root
++                                      need_root=True)
++            if can_oc['status'] == 0:
++                # the primary node can already access the API
++                self.api_collect_enabled = True
++            elif self.token:
++                node.sos_env_vars['SOSOCPTOKEN'] = self.token
++                self.api_collect_enabled = True
++            elif self.get_option('kubeconfig'):
++                kc = self.get_option('kubeconfig')
++                if node.file_exists(kc):
++                    if node.host.containerized:
++                        kc = "/host/%s" % kc
++                    node.sos_env_vars['KUBECONFIG'] = kc
++                    self.api_collect_enabled = True
++            if self.api_collect_enabled:
++                msg = ("API collections will be performed on %s\nNote: API "
++                       "collections may extend runtime by 10s of minutes\n"
++                       % node.address)
++                self.soslog.info(msg)
++                self.ui_log.info(msg)
++    def set_node_options(self, node):
++        # don't attempt OC API collections on non-primary nodes
++        node.plugin_options.append('openshift.no-oc=on')
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 1c25cc34..6597d236 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ class SosNode():
+                 self.opts.registry_authfile or self.host.container_authfile
+             )
+-    def file_exists(self, fname):
++    def file_exists(self, fname, need_root=False):
+         """Checks for the presence of fname on the remote node"""
+         if not self.local:
+             try:
+-                res = self.run_command("stat %s" % fname)
++                res = self.run_command("stat %s" % fname, need_root=need_root)
+                 return res['status'] == 0
+             except Exception:
+                 return False
+From eea8e15845a8bcba91b93a5310ba693e8c20ab9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:52:36 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 09/10] [cleaner] Don't obfuscate default 'core' user
+The 'core' user is a common default user on containerized hosts, and
+obfuscation of it is not advantageous, much like the default 'ubuntu'
+user for that distribution.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+index 0c3bbac4..64843205 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class SoSUsernameParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+     prep_map_file = 'sos_commands/login/lastlog_-u_1000-60000'
+     regex_patterns = []
+     skip_list = [
++        'core',
+         'nobody',
+         'nfsnobody',
+         'root'
+From 581429ca65131711c96f9d56bf2f0e18779aec2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2021 14:26:55 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 10/10] [cleaner] Fix checksum and archive pruning from archive
+ list
+Fixes an issue where checksums may have gotten into the list of archives
+to be cleaned, which would cause further issues later. Additionally,
+prevents nested sosreports from top-level archives (such as from
+`collect`) from being removed for being a binary file when that
+top-level archive gets obfuscated.
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py            | 5 +++--
+ sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index 88d4d0ea..8280bc50 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -226,8 +226,7 @@ third party.
+         nested_archives = []
+         for _file in archive.getmembers():
+             if (re.match('sosreport-.*.tar', _file.name.split('/')[-1]) and not
+-               (_file.name.endswith('.md5') or
+-               _file.name.endswith('.sha256'))):
++                    (_file.name.endswith(('.md5', '.sha256')))):
+                 nested_archives.append(_file.name.split('/')[-1])
+         if nested_archives:
+@@ -235,6 +234,8 @@ third party.
+             nested_path = self.extract_archive(archive)
+             for arc_file in os.listdir(nested_path):
+                 if re.match('sosreport.*.tar.*', arc_file):
++                    if arc_file.endswith(('.md5', '.sha256')):
++                        continue
+                     self.report_paths.append(os.path.join(nested_path,
+                                                           arc_file))
+             # add the toplevel extracted archive
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+index 90188358..e357450b 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/obfuscation_archive.py
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ class SoSObfuscationArchive():
+         Returns: list of files and file regexes
+         """
+         return [
++            'sosreport-',
+             'sys/firmware',
+             'sys/fs',
+             'sys/kernel/debug',
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1985985-sos-log-effective-options.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985985-sos-log-effective-options.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..120df02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1985985-sos-log-effective-options.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+From 00d12ad3cf24dcc6c73e9bcf63db1d3f17e58bb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 10:50:54 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [sosnode] Properly format skip-commands and skip-files on
+ nodes
+Fixes an issue where options provided for `skip-commands` and
+`skip-files` were not properly formatted, thus causing an exception
+during the finalization of the node's sos command.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py | 5 +++--
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 6597d236..426edcba 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -734,11 +734,12 @@ class SosNode():
+         if self.check_sos_version('4.1'):
+             if self.opts.skip_commands:
+                 sos_opts.append(
+-                    '--skip-commands=%s' % (quote(self.opts.skip_commands))
++                    '--skip-commands=%s' % (
++                        quote(','.join(self.opts.skip_commands)))
+                 )
+             if self.opts.skip_files:
+                 sos_opts.append(
+-                    '--skip-files=%s' % (quote(self.opts.skip_files))
++                    '--skip-files=%s' % (quote(','.join(self.opts.skip_files)))
+                 )
+         if self.check_sos_version('4.2'):
+From de7edce3f92ed50abcb28dd0dbcbeb104dc7c679 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 09:52:11 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [collector] fix a typo in --plugin-option
+Sos report uses --plugin-option or --plugopts.
+Relevant: #2606
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/__init__.py | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 6d96d692..f072287e 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                              help="chroot executed commands to SYSROOT")
+         sos_grp.add_argument('-e', '--enable-plugins', action="extend",
+                              help='Enable specific plugins for sosreport')
+-        sos_grp.add_argument('-k', '--plugin-options', action="extend",
++        sos_grp.add_argument('-k', '--plugin-option', action="extend",
+                              help='Plugin option as plugname.option=value')
+         sos_grp.add_argument('--log-size', default=0, type=int,
+                              help='Limit the size of individual logs (in MiB)')
+From 24a79ae8df8f29276f6139c68d4ba9b05114f951 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 09:53:47 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [options] allow variant option names in config file
+While cmdline allows --plugin-option as well as --plugopts,
+it stores the value under `plugopts` key. Therefore parsing
+config file ignores --plugin-option.
+Similarly for --name/--label and --profile/--profiles.
+When processing config file, we must unify those potentially duplicit
+Resolves: #2606
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/options.py | 9 +++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sos/options.py b/sos/options.py
+index 1eda55d6..a014a022 100644
+--- a/sos/options.py
++++ b/sos/options.py
+@@ -186,9 +186,18 @@ class SoSOptions():
+                 if 'verbose' in odict.keys():
+                     odict['verbosity'] = int(odict.pop('verbose'))
+                 # convert options names
++                # unify some of them if multiple variants of the
++                # cmdoption exist
++                rename_opts = {
++                    'name': 'label',
++                    'plugin_option': 'plugopts',
++                    'profile': 'profiles'
++                }
+                 for key in list(odict):
+                     if '-' in key:
+                         odict[key.replace('-', '_')] = odict.pop(key)
++                    if key in rename_opts:
++                        odict[rename_opts[key]] = odict.pop(key)
+                 # set the values according to the config file
+                 for key, val in odict.items():
+                     if isinstance(val, str):
+From c7d3644c0c64e9e5439806250592a55c8e2de26f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 08:11:15 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [report,collect] unify --map-file arguments
+Unify --map[-file] argument among report/collect/clean.
+Resolves: #2602
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py   | 2 +-
+ sos/collector/__init__.py | 2 +-
+ sos/report/__init__.py    | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index 7414b55e0..4c9837826 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ def add_parser_options(cls, parser):
+                                      'file for obfuscation'))
+         clean_grp.add_argument('--no-update', dest='no_update', default=False,
+                                action='store_true',
+-                               help='Do not update the --map file with new '
++                               help='Do not update the --map-file with new '
+                                     'mappings from this run')
+         clean_grp.add_argument('--keep-binary-files', default=False,
+                                action='store_true',
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 7b8cfcf72..6d96d6923 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ def add_parser_options(cls, parser):
+         cleaner_grp.add_argument('--no-update', action='store_true',
+                                  default=False, dest='no_update',
+                                  help='Do not update the default cleaner map')
+-        cleaner_grp.add_argument('--map', dest='map_file',
++        cleaner_grp.add_argument('--map-file', dest='map_file',
+                                  default='/etc/sos/cleaner/default_mapping',
+                                  help=('Provide a previously generated mapping'
+                                        ' file for obfuscation'))
+diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
+index 7ad2d24a4..411c4eb03 100644
+--- a/sos/report/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
+@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ def add_parser_options(cls, parser):
+         cleaner_grp.add_argument('--no-update', action='store_true',
+                                  default=False, dest='no_update',
+                                  help='Do not update the default cleaner map')
+-        cleaner_grp.add_argument('--map', dest='map_file',
++        cleaner_grp.add_argument('--map-file', dest='map_file',
+                                  default='/etc/sos/cleaner/default_mapping',
+                                  help=('Provide a previously generated mapping'
+                                        ' file for obfuscation'))
+From fd75745e7a5a6c5def8e6d23190227872b9912c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 10:48:41 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [sosnode] Fix passing of plugin options when using
+ `--only-plugins`
+Fixes the handling of plugin options passed by `sos collect` to each
+node by first aligning the SoSOption name to those of `report`
+(`plugopts`), and second re-arranges the handling of plugin options and
+preset options passed by the user when also using `--only-plugins` so
+that the former are preserved and passed only with the `--only-plugins`
+option value.
+Resolves: #2641
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/collector/__init__.py |  5 +++--
+ sos/collector/sosnode.py  | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/collector/__init__.py b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+index 57ef074e..70b7a69e 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/collector/__init__.py
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+         'only_plugins': [],
+         'password': False,
+         'password_per_node': False,
+-        'plugin_options': [],
++        'plugopts': [],
+         'plugin_timeout': None,
+         'cmd_timeout': None,
+         'preset': '',
+@@ -273,7 +273,8 @@ class SoSCollector(SoSComponent):
+                              help="chroot executed commands to SYSROOT")
+         sos_grp.add_argument('-e', '--enable-plugins', action="extend",
+                              help='Enable specific plugins for sosreport')
+-        sos_grp.add_argument('-k', '--plugin-option', action="extend",
++        sos_grp.add_argument('-k', '--plugin-option', '--plugopts',
++                             action="extend", dest='plugopts',
+                              help='Plugin option as plugname.option=value')
+         sos_grp.add_argument('--log-size', default=0, type=int,
+                              help='Limit the size of individual logs (in MiB)')
+diff --git a/sos/collector/sosnode.py b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+index 426edcba..5d05c297 100644
+--- a/sos/collector/sosnode.py
++++ b/sos/collector/sosnode.py
+@@ -667,10 +667,10 @@ class SosNode():
+         if self.cluster.sos_plugin_options:
+             for opt in self.cluster.sos_plugin_options:
+-                if not any(opt in o for o in self.plugin_options):
++                if not any(opt in o for o in self.plugopts):
+                     option = '%s=%s' % (opt,
+                                         self.cluster.sos_plugin_options[opt])
+-                    self.plugin_options.append(option)
++                    self.plugopts.append(option)
+         # set master-only options
+         if self.cluster.check_node_is_master(self):
+@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ class SosNode():
+         self.only_plugins = list(self.opts.only_plugins)
+         self.skip_plugins = list(self.opts.skip_plugins)
+         self.enable_plugins = list(self.opts.enable_plugins)
+-        self.plugin_options = list(self.opts.plugin_options)
++        self.plugopts = list(self.opts.plugopts)
+         self.preset = list(self.opts.preset)
+     def finalize_sos_cmd(self):
+@@ -754,6 +754,20 @@ class SosNode():
+             os.path.join(self.host.sos_bin_path, self.sos_bin)
+         )
++        if self.plugopts:
++            opts = [o for o in self.plugopts
++                    if self._plugin_exists(o.split('.')[0])
++                    and self._plugin_option_exists(o.split('=')[0])]
++            if opts:
++                sos_opts.append('-k %s' % quote(','.join(o for o in opts)))
++        if self.preset:
++            if self._preset_exists(self.preset):
++                sos_opts.append('--preset=%s' % quote(self.preset))
++            else:
++                self.log_debug('Requested to enable preset %s but preset does '
++                               'not exist on node' % self.preset)
+         if self.only_plugins:
+             plugs = [o for o in self.only_plugins if self._plugin_exists(o)]
+             if len(plugs) != len(self.only_plugins):
+@@ -792,20 +806,6 @@ class SosNode():
+             if enable:
+                 sos_opts.append('--enable-plugins=%s' % quote(enable))
+-        if self.plugin_options:
+-            opts = [o for o in self.plugin_options
+-                    if self._plugin_exists(o.split('.')[0])
+-                    and self._plugin_option_exists(o.split('=')[0])]
+-            if opts:
+-                sos_opts.append('-k %s' % quote(','.join(o for o in opts)))
+-        if self.preset:
+-            if self._preset_exists(self.preset):
+-                sos_opts.append('--preset=%s' % quote(self.preset))
+-            else:
+-                self.log_debug('Requested to enable preset %s but preset does '
+-                               'not exist on node' % self.preset)
+         self.sos_cmd = "%s %s" % (sos_cmd, ' '.join(sos_opts))
+         self.log_info('Final sos command set to %s' % self.sos_cmd)
+         self.manifest.add_field('final_sos_command', self.sos_cmd)
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1992859-rhui-plugin.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1992859-rhui-plugin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e884396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1992859-rhui-plugin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+From 94b9b90c818eb18f0ca8d78fe063dc5b0677c885 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 12:58:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [rhui] add plugin to RHUI
+Add a new/revoked plugin for RHUI (newly based on python3 and pulp-3).
+Edditionally, collect /etc/pki/pulp certificates except for RSA keys.
+Resolves: #2590
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py |  7 ++++-
+ sos/report/plugins/rhui.py     | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ create mode 100644 sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
+index ccaac3185..77ceacb92 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
+@@ -77,7 +77,12 @@ def separate_value(line, sep=':'):
+     def setup(self):
+         self.parse_settings_config()
+-        self.add_copy_spec("/etc/pulp/settings.py")
++        self.add_copy_spec([
++            "/etc/pulp/settings.py",
++            "/etc/pki/pulp/*"
++        ])
++        # skip collecting certificate keys
++        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/pulp/*.key")
+         self.add_cmd_output("rq info -u redis://localhost:6379/8",
+                             env={"LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8"},
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..7acd3f49e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat, Inc., Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
++# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
++# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
++# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
++from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
++class Rhui(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
++    short_desc = 'Red Hat Update Infrastructure'
++    plugin_name = "rhui"
++    commands = ("rhui-manager",)
++    files = ("/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_auth.fact", "/usr/lib/rhui/cds.py")
++    def setup(self):
++        self.add_copy_spec([
++            "/etc/rhui/rhui-tools.conf",
++            "/etc/rhui/registered_subscriptions.conf",
++            "/etc/pki/rhui/*",
++            "/var/log/rhui-subscription-sync.log",
++            "/var/cache/rhui/*",
++            "/root/.rhui/*",
++        ])
++        # skip collecting certificate keys
++        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/rhui/*.key")
++        self.add_cmd_output([
++            "rhui-manager status",
++            "rhui-manager cert info",
++            "ls -lR /var/lib/rhui/remote_share",
++        ])
++    def postproc(self):
++        # obfuscate admin_pw and secret_key values
++        for prop in ["admin_pw", "secret_key"]:
++            self.do_path_regex_sub(
++                "/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_auth.fact",
++                r"(%s\s*=\s*)(.*)" % prop,
++                r"\1********")
++# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+From bd15dc764c9d4554d8e8f08163228d65ca099985 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 17:53:27 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] [plugins] Allow add_forbidden_path to apply glob
+ recursively
+Add option to apply glob.glob to forbidden path recursively.
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/__init__.py | 6 ++++--
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+index 06923300..6fd1a3b2 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/__init__.py
+@@ -1187,12 +1187,14 @@ class Plugin(object):
+             'symlink': "no"
+         })
+-    def add_forbidden_path(self, forbidden):
++    def add_forbidden_path(self, forbidden, recursive=False):
+         """Specify a path, or list of paths, to not copy, even if it's part of
+         an ``add_copy_spec()`` call
+         :param forbidden: A filepath to forbid collection from
+         :type forbidden: ``str`` or a ``list`` of strings
++        :param recursive: Should forbidden glob be applied recursively
+         """
+         if isinstance(forbidden, str):
+             forbidden = [forbidden]
+@@ -1202,7 +1204,7 @@ class Plugin(object):
+         for forbid in forbidden:
+             self._log_info("adding forbidden path '%s'" % forbid)
+-            for path in glob.glob(forbid):
++            for path in glob.glob(forbid, recursive=recursive):
+                 self.forbidden_paths.append(path)
+     def get_all_options(self):
+From b695201baeb629a6543445d98dbb04f357670621 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 17:57:48 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/4] [pulpcore] improve settings.py parsing
+- deal with /etc/pulp/settings.py as a one-line string
+- parse dbname from it as well
+- dont collect any *.key file from whole /etc/pki/pulp dir
+Related: #2593
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py | 23 +++++++++++++++--------
+ 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
+index 77ceacb9..be526035 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/pulpcore.py
+@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ class PulpCore(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+         databases_scope = False
+         self.dbhost = "localhost"
+         self.dbport = 5432
++        self.dbname = "pulpcore"
+         self.dbpasswd = ""
+         # TODO: read also redis config (we dont expect much customisations)
+-        # TODO: read also db user (pulp) and database name (pulpcore)
++        # TODO: read also db user (pulp)
+         self.staticroot = "/var/lib/pulp/assets"
+         self.uploaddir = "/var/lib/pulp/media/upload"
+@@ -44,7 +45,10 @@ class PulpCore(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             return val
+         try:
+-            for line in open("/etc/pulp/settings.py").read().splitlines():
++            # split the lines to "one option per line" format
++            for line in open("/etc/pulp/settings.py").read() \
++                    .replace(',', ',\n').replace('{', '{\n') \
++                    .replace('}', '\n}').splitlines():
+                 # skip empty lines and lines with comments
+                 if not line or line[0] == '#':
+                     continue
+@@ -53,11 +57,14 @@ class PulpCore(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+                     continue
+                 # example HOST line to parse:
+                 #         'HOST': 'localhost',
+-                if databases_scope and match(r"\s+'HOST'\s*:\s+\S+", line):
++                pattern = r"\s*['|\"]%s['|\"]\s*:\s*\S+"
++                if databases_scope and match(pattern % 'HOST', line):
+                     self.dbhost = separate_value(line)
+-                if databases_scope and match(r"\s+'PORT'\s*:\s+\S+", line):
++                if databases_scope and match(pattern % 'PORT', line):
+                     self.dbport = separate_value(line)
+-                if databases_scope and match(r"\s+'PASSWORD'\s*:\s+\S+", line):
++                if databases_scope and match(pattern % 'NAME', line):
++                    self.dbname = separate_value(line)
++                if databases_scope and match(pattern % 'PASSWORD', line):
+                     self.dbpasswd = separate_value(line)
+                 # if line contains closing '}' database_scope end
+                 if databases_scope and '}' in line:
+@@ -82,7 +89,7 @@ class PulpCore(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             "/etc/pki/pulp/*"
+         ])
+         # skip collecting certificate keys
+-        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/pulp/*.key")
++        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/pulp/**/*.key", recursive=True)
+         self.add_cmd_output("rq info -u redis://localhost:6379/8",
+                             env={"LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8"},
+@@ -104,8 +111,8 @@ class PulpCore(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
+             _query = "select * from %s where pulp_last_updated > NOW() - " \
+                      "interval '%s days' order by pulp_last_updated" % \
+                      (table, task_days)
+-            _cmd = "psql -h %s -p %s -U pulp -d pulpcore -c %s" % \
+-                   (self.dbhost, self.dbport, quote(_query))
++            _cmd = "psql -h %s -p %s -U pulp -d %s -c %s" % \
++                   (self.dbhost, self.dbport, self.dbname, quote(_query))
+             self.add_cmd_output(_cmd, env=self.env, suggest_filename=table)
+     def postproc(self):
+From 0286034da44bce43ab368dfc6815da7d74d60719 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 17:59:36 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/4] [rhui] call rhui-* commands with proper env and timeout
+rhui-manager commands timeout when not being logged in, which
+should be reacted by adding proper cmd timeout.
+Adding the env.variable ensures potentially unaswered "RHUI Username:"
+is also printed/colected.
+Further, prevent collecting any *.key file from the whole /etc/pki/rhui
+Related: #2593
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/rhui.py | 7 +++++--
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+index 7acd3f49..5a152427 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+@@ -29,13 +29,16 @@ class Rhui(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             "/root/.rhui/*",
+         ])
+         # skip collecting certificate keys
+-        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/rhui/*.key")
++        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/rhui/**/*.key", recursive=True)
++        # call rhui-manager commands with 1m timeout and
++        # with an env. variable ensuring that "RHUI Username:"
++        # even unanswered prompt gets collected
+         self.add_cmd_output([
+             "rhui-manager status",
+             "rhui-manager cert info",
+             "ls -lR /var/lib/rhui/remote_share",
+-        ])
++        ], timeout=60, env={'PYTHONUNBUFFERED': '1'})
+     def postproc(self):
+         # obfuscate admin_pw and secret_key values
+From a656bd239ab86dfd8973f733ae2c0fbd0c57d416 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 18:01:14 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 4/4] [rhui] fix broken obfuscation
+- /etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_*.fact must be collected by
+rhui plugin to let some file to be obfuscated there
+- obfuscate also cookies values that can grant login access
+Resolves: #2593
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/ansible.py | 3 +++
+ sos/report/plugins/rhui.py    | 7 +++++++
+ 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/ansible.py b/sos/report/plugins/ansible.py
+index 3e5d3d37..5991b786 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/ansible.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/ansible.py
+@@ -29,4 +29,7 @@ class Ansible(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+             "ansible --version"
+         ])
++        # let rhui plugin collects the RHUI specific files
++        self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_*.fact")
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+index 5a152427..1d479f85 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class Rhui(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             "/var/log/rhui-subscription-sync.log",
+             "/var/cache/rhui/*",
+             "/root/.rhui/*",
++            "/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_*.fact",
+         ])
+         # skip collecting certificate keys
+         self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/rhui/**/*.key", recursive=True)
+@@ -47,6 +48,12 @@ class Rhui(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+                 "/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_auth.fact",
+                 r"(%s\s*=\s*)(.*)" % prop,
+                 r"\1********")
++        # obfuscate twoo cookies for login session
++        for cookie in ["csrftoken", "sessionid"]:
++            self.do_path_regex_sub(
++                r"/root/\.rhui/.*/cookies.txt",
++                r"(%s\s+)(\S+)" % cookie,
++                r"\1********")
+ # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
+From 4e5bebffca9936bcdf4d38aad9989970a15dd72b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2021 21:54:33 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] [rhui] Update the plugin on several places
+- obfuscate "rhui_manager_password: xxx" in /root/.rhui/answers.yaml*
+- no need to collect or obfuscate anything from /etc/ansible/facts.d
+- newly detect the plugin via /etc/rhui/rhui-tools.conf file or rhui-manager
+  command (only)
+Resolves: #2637
+Signed-off-by: Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com>
+ sos/report/plugins/rhui.py | 14 ++++++--------
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+index 1d479f85..52065fb4 100644
+--- a/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
++++ b/sos/report/plugins/rhui.py
+@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class Rhui(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+     short_desc = 'Red Hat Update Infrastructure'
+     plugin_name = "rhui"
+-    commands = ("rhui-manager",)
+-    files = ("/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_auth.fact", "/usr/lib/rhui/cds.py")
++    commands = ("rhui-manager", )
++    files = ("/etc/rhui/rhui-tools.conf", )
+     def setup(self):
+         self.add_copy_spec([
+@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ class Rhui(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+             "/var/log/rhui-subscription-sync.log",
+             "/var/cache/rhui/*",
+             "/root/.rhui/*",
+-            "/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_*.fact",
+         ])
+         # skip collecting certificate keys
+         self.add_forbidden_path("/etc/pki/rhui/**/*.key", recursive=True)
+@@ -42,11 +41,10 @@ class Rhui(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+         ], timeout=60, env={'PYTHONUNBUFFERED': '1'})
+     def postproc(self):
+-        # obfuscate admin_pw and secret_key values
+-        for prop in ["admin_pw", "secret_key"]:
+-            self.do_path_regex_sub(
+-                "/etc/ansible/facts.d/rhui_auth.fact",
+-                r"(%s\s*=\s*)(.*)" % prop,
++        # hide rhui_manager_password value in (also rotated) answers file
++        self.do_path_regex_sub(
++                r"/root/\.rhui/answers.yaml.*",
++                r"(\s*rhui_manager_password\s*:)\s*(\S+)",
+                 r"\1********")
+         # obfuscate twoo cookies for login session
+         for cookie in ["csrftoken", "sessionid"]:
diff --git a/SOURCES/sos-bz1992861-cleaner-AD-users-obfuscation.patch b/SOURCES/sos-bz1992861-cleaner-AD-users-obfuscation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5835a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/sos-bz1992861-cleaner-AD-users-obfuscation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+From 7e471676fe41dab155a939c60446cc7b7dab773b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 11:09:29 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [username parser] Load usernames from `last` for LDAP users
+AD/LDAP users are not reported into `lastlog` generally, however they
+are reported in `last`. Conversely, `last` does not report local users
+who have not logged in but still exist.
+In order to obfuscate both kinds of users, we need to look at both
+For this, first allow parsers to specify multiple prep files. Second,
+update the username parser to search through all `lastlog` collections
+as well as the `last` collection.
+Also includes a small update to the username parser's prep loading logic
+to ensure we are iterating over each username discovered only once.
+Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
+ sos/cleaner/__init__.py                | 38 ++++++++++++++------------
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py        |  2 +-
+ sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py | 24 +++++++++++++---
+ 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+index ca5f93e5..6aadfe79 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/__init__.py
+@@ -518,23 +518,27 @@ third party.
+             for _parser in self.parsers:
+                 if not _parser.prep_map_file:
+                     continue
+-                _arc_path = os.path.join(_arc_name, _parser.prep_map_file)
+-                try:
+-                    if is_dir:
+-                        _pfile = open(_arc_path, 'r')
+-                        content = _pfile.read()
+-                    else:
+-                        _pfile = archive.extractfile(_arc_path)
+-                        content = _pfile.read().decode('utf-8')
+-                    _pfile.close()
+-                    if isinstance(_parser, SoSUsernameParser):
+-                        _parser.load_usernames_into_map(content)
+-                    for line in content.splitlines():
+-                        if isinstance(_parser, SoSHostnameParser):
+-                            _parser.load_hostname_into_map(line)
+-                        self.obfuscate_line(line)
+-                except Exception as err:
+-                    self.log_debug("Could not prep %s: %s" % (_arc_path, err))
++                if isinstance(_parser.prep_map_file, str):
++                    _parser.prep_map_file = [_parser.prep_map_file]
++                for parse_file in _parser.prep_map_file:
++                    _arc_path = os.path.join(_arc_name, parse_file)
++                    try:
++                        if is_dir:
++                            _pfile = open(_arc_path, 'r')
++                            content = _pfile.read()
++                        else:
++                            _pfile = archive.extractfile(_arc_path)
++                            content = _pfile.read().decode('utf-8')
++                        _pfile.close()
++                        if isinstance(_parser, SoSUsernameParser):
++                            _parser.load_usernames_into_map(content)
++                        for line in content.splitlines():
++                            if isinstance(_parser, SoSHostnameParser):
++                                _parser.load_hostname_into_map(line)
++                            self.obfuscate_line(line)
++                    except Exception as err:
++                        self.log_debug("Could not prep %s: %s"
++                                       % (_arc_path, err))
+     def obfuscate_report(self, report):
+         """Individually handle each archive or directory we've discovered by
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+index 3076db39..af6e375e 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/__init__.py
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class SoSCleanerParser():
+     skip_line_patterns = []
+     skip_files = []
+     map_file_key = 'unset'
+-    prep_map_file = 'unset'
++    prep_map_file = []
+     def __init__(self, conf_file=None):
+         # attempt to load previous run data into the mapping for the parser
+diff --git a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+index 96ce5f0c..b142e371 100644
+--- a/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
++++ b/sos/cleaner/parsers/username_parser.py
+@@ -25,13 +25,24 @@ class SoSUsernameParser(SoSCleanerParser
+     name = 'Username Parser'
+     map_file_key = 'username_map'
+-    prep_map_file = 'sos_commands/login/lastlog_-u_1000-60000'
++    prep_map_file = [
++        'sos_commands/login/lastlog_-u_1000-60000',
++        'sos_commands/login/lastlog_-u_60001-65536',
++        'sos_commands/login/lastlog_-u_65537-4294967295',
++        # AD users will be reported here, but favor the lastlog files since
++        # those will include local users who have not logged in
++        'sos_commands/login/last'
++    ]
+     regex_patterns = []
+     skip_list = [
+         'core',
+         'nobody',
+         'nfsnobody',
+-        'root'
++        'shutdown',
++        'reboot',
++        'root',
++        'ubuntu',
++        'wtmp'
+     ]
+     def __init__(self, conf_file=None, opt_names=None):
+@@ -44,11 +54,17 @@ class SoSUsernameParser(SoSCleanerParser):
+         """Since we don't get the list of usernames from a straight regex for
+         this parser, we need to override the initial parser prepping here.
+         """
++        users = set()
+         for line in content.splitlines()[1:]:
+-            user = line.split()[0]
++            try:
++                user = line.split()[0]
++            except Exception:
++                continue
+             if user in self.skip_list:
+                 continue
+-            self.mapping.get(user)
++            users.add(user)
++        for each in users:
++            self.mapping.get(each)
+     def parse_line(self, line):
+         count = 0
diff --git a/SPECS/sos.spec b/SPECS/sos.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..540db87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/sos.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
+%global auditversion 0.3
+Summary: A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
+Name: sos
+Version: 4.1
+Release: 8%{?dist}
+Group: Applications/System
+Source0: https://github.com/sosreport/sos/archive/%{version}/sos-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source1: sos-audit-%{auditversion}.tgz
+License: GPLv2+
+BuildArch: noarch
+Url: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
+BuildRequires: python3-devel
+BuildRequires: gettext
+Requires: libxml2-python3
+#Requires: python3-rpm
+Requires: tar
+Requires: bzip2
+Requires: xz
+Recommends: python3-pexpect
+Conflicts: vdsm < 4.40
+Obsoletes: sos-collector <= 1.9
+Patch1: sos-bz1925419-gluster-pubkeys-statusfile.patch
+Patch2: sos-bz1967110-collect-cleaning-consistency.patch
+Patch3: sos-bz1967111-manpages-see-also.patch
+Patch4: sos-bz1967112-add-cmd-timeout.patch
+Patch5: sos-bz1967113-ds-mask-password-in-ldif.patch
+Patch6: sos-bz1967114-gather-cups-browsed-logs.patch
+Patch7: sos-bz1967115-sssd-memcache-and-logs.patch
+Patch8: sos-bz1967116-ibmvNIC-dynamic-debugs.patch
+Patch9: sos-bz1967117-pulpcore-plugin.patch
+Patch10: sos-bz1967118-saphana-traceback.patch
+Patch11: sos-bz1967119-collect-nstat.patch
+Patch12: sos-bz1967120-snapper-plugin-and-allocation-failures.patch
+Patch13: sos-bz1965002-skip-selinux-of-proc-everytime.patch
+Patch14: sos-bz1985976-enhance-tc-hw-offload.patch
+Patch15: sos-bz1985982-obfuscate-fqdn-from-dnf-log.patch
+Patch16: sos-bz1967718-sssd-common.patch
+Patch17: sos-bz1985983-ocp-cluster-cleaner.patch
+Patch18: sos-bz1985985-sos-log-effective-options.patch
+Patch19: sos-bz1938874-potential-issues-static-analyse.patch
+Patch20: sos-bz1959779-conversions-and-upgrades.patch
+Patch21: sos-bz1992859-rhui-plugin.patch
+Patch22: sos-bz1992861-cleaner-AD-users-obfuscation.patch
+Sos is a set of tools that gathers information about system
+hardware and configuration. The information can then be used for
+diagnostic purposes and debugging. Sos is commonly used to help
+support technicians and developers.
+%setup -qn %{name}-%{version}
+%setup -T -D -a1 -q
+%patch1 -p1
+%patch2 -p1
+%patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
+%patch5 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
+%patch7 -p1
+%patch8 -p1
+%patch9 -p1
+%patch10 -p1
+%patch11 -p1
+%patch12 -p1
+%patch13 -p1
+%patch14 -p1
+%patch15 -p1
+%patch16 -p1
+%patch17 -p1
+%patch18 -p1
+%patch19 -p1
+%patch20 -p1
+%patch21 -p1
+%patch22 -p1
+%py3_install '--install-scripts=%{_sbindir}'
+install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
+install -d -m 700 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/cleaner
+install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/presets.d
+install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/groups.d
+install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/extras.d
+install -m 644 %{name}.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}.conf
+rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/config/
+%find_lang %{name} || echo 0
+cd %{name}-audit-%{auditversion}
+DESTDIR=%{buildroot} ./install.sh
+cd ..
+%files -f %{name}.lang
+#%dir /etc/sos/cleaner
+%dir /etc/sos/presets.d
+%dir /etc/sos/extras.d
+%dir /etc/sos/groups.d
+%license LICENSE
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sos/sos.conf
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sos/cleaner
+%package audit
+Summary: Audit use of some commands for support purposes
+License: GPLv2+
+Group: Application/System
+%description audit
+Sos-audit provides configuration files for the Linux Auditing System
+to track the use of some commands capable of changing the configuration
+of the system.  Currently storage and filesystem commands are audited.
+%post audit
+%files audit
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sos/sos-audit.conf
+%ghost /etc/audit/rules.d/40-sos-filesystem.rules
+%ghost /etc/audit/rules.d/40-sos-storage.rules
+* Wed Aug 11 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.1-8
+- [report,collect] unify --map-file arguments
+  Resolves: bz1985985
+- [rhui] add new plugin for RHUI 4
+  Resolves: bz1992859
+- [username parser] Load usernames from `last` for LDAP users
+  Resolves: bz1992861
+* Tue Aug 10 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com> - 4.1-7
+- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
+  Related: rhbz#1991688
+* Tue Jul 27 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> - 4.1-6
+- [networking] collect also tc filter show ingress
+  Resolves: bz1985976
+- [cleaner] Only skip packaging-based files for the IP parser
+  Resolves: bz1985982
+- [sssd] sssd plugin when sssd-common
+  Resolves: bz1967718
+- Various OCP/cluster/cleanup enhancements
+  Resolves: bz1985983
+- [options] allow variant option names in config file
+  Resolves: bz1985985
+- [plugins] Set default predicate instead of None
+  Resolves: bz1938874
+- [MigrationResults] collect info about conversions and
+  Resolves: bz1959779
+* Wed Jun 02 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> - 4.1-4
+- [archive] skip copying SELinux context for /proc and /sys everytime
+  Resolves: bz1965002
+- Load maps from all archives before obfuscation
+  Resolves: bz1967110
+- Multiple fixes in man pages
+  Resolves: bz1967111
+- [ds] Mask password and encryption keys in ldif files
+  Resolves: bz1967112
+- [report] add --cmd-timeout option
+  Resolves: bz1967113
+- [cups] Add gathering cups-browsed logs
+  Resolves: bz1967114
+- [sssd] Collect memory cache / individual logfiles
+  Resolves: bz1967115
+- Collect ibmvNIC dynamic_debugs
+  Resolves: bz1967116
+- [pulpcore] add plugin for pulp-3
+  Resolves: bz1967117
+- [saphana] remove redundant unused argument of get_inst_info
+  Resolves: bz1967118
+- [networking] Add nstat command support
+  Resolves: bz1967119
+- [snapper] add a new plugin
+  Resolves: bz1967120
+* Fri Apr 16 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com> - 4.1-4
+- Rebuilt for RHEL 9 BETA on Apr 15th 2021. Related: rhbz#1947937
+* Thu Apr 01 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> - 4.1-3
+- adding sos-audit
+- [gluster] Add glusterd public keys and status files
+  Resolves: bz1925419 
+* Wed Mar 10 2021 Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com> - 4.1-1
+- Rebase to 4.1