ce36b2 |
%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%global auditversion 0.3
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
Summary: A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
ce36b2 |
Name: sos
2ed6e8 |
Version: 4.1
2ed6e8 |
Release: 5%{?dist}
ce36b2 |
Group: Applications/System
ce36b2 |
Source0: https://github.com/sosreport/sos/archive/%{version}/sos-%{version}.tar.gz
ce36b2 |
Source1: sos-audit-%{auditversion}.tgz
ce36b2 |
License: GPLv2+
ce36b2 |
BuildArch: noarch
ce36b2 |
Url: http://github.com/sosreport/sos
ce36b2 |
BuildRequires: python3-devel
ce36b2 |
BuildRequires: gettext
ce36b2 |
Requires: libxml2-python3
ce36b2 |
Requires: bzip2
ce36b2 |
Requires: xz
ce36b2 |
Conflicts: vdsm < 4.40
8bcace |
Obsoletes: sos-collector
8bcace |
Recommends: python3-pexpect
2ed6e8 |
Patch1: sos-bz1930181-collect-cleaning-consistency.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch2: sos-bz1935603-manpages-see-also.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch3: sos-bz1937418-add-cmd-timeout.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch4: sos-bz1937298-ds-mask-password-in-ldif.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch5: sos-bz1939963-gather-cups-browsed-logs.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch6: sos-bz1940502-sssd-memcache-and-logs.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch7: sos-bz1942276-ibmvNIC-dynamic-debugs.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch8: sos-bz1956673-pulpcore-plugin.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch9: sos-bz1959413-saphana-traceback.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch10: sos-bz1961458-collect-nstat.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch11: sos-bz1961229-snapper-plugin-and-allocation-failures.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch12: sos-bz1925419-all-gluster-files.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch13: sos-bz1964499-obfuscate-fqdn-from-dnf-log.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch14: sos-bz1886711-enhance-tc-hw-offload.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch15: sos-bz1965001-fix-avc-copystating-proc-sys.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch16: sos-bz1967613-sssd-common.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch17: sos-bz1973675-ocp-cluster-cleaner.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch18: sos-bz1923938-sos-log-effective-options.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch19: sos-bz1985986-potential-issues-static-analyse.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch20: sos-bz1959598-conversions-and-upgrades.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch21: sos-bz1665947-rhui-plugin.patch
2ed6e8 |
Patch22: sos-bz1985037-cleaner-AD-users-obfuscation.patch
8bcace |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
Sos is a set of tools that gathers information about system
ce36b2 |
hardware and configuration. The information can then be used for
ce36b2 |
diagnostic purposes and debugging. Sos is commonly used to help
ce36b2 |
support technicians and developers.
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%setup -qn %{name}-%{version}
8bcace |
%setup -T -D -a1 -q
ce36b2 |
%patch1 -p1
ce36b2 |
%patch2 -p1
ce36b2 |
%patch3 -p1
ce36b2 |
%patch4 -p1
c5258f |
%patch5 -p1
c5258f |
%patch6 -p1
c5258f |
%patch7 -p1
c5258f |
%patch8 -p1
c5258f |
%patch9 -p1
c5258f |
%patch10 -p1
c5258f |
%patch11 -p1
c5258f |
%patch12 -p1
c5258f |
%patch13 -p1
8bcace |
%patch14 -p1
8bcace |
%patch15 -p1
8bcace |
%patch16 -p1
8bcace |
%patch17 -p1
8bcace |
%patch18 -p1
8bcace |
%patch19 -p1
8bcace |
%patch20 -p1
2ed6e8 |
%patch21 -p1
2ed6e8 |
%patch22 -p1
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%py3_install '--install-scripts=%{_sbindir}'
ce36b2 |
8bcace |
install -Dm644 %{name}.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}.conf
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%find_lang %{name} || echo 0
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
cd %{name}-audit-%{auditversion}
ce36b2 |
DESTDIR=%{buildroot} ./install.sh
ce36b2 |
cd ..
ce36b2 |
2ed6e8 |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sos/{cleaner,presets.d,extras.d,groups.d}
8bcace |
ce36b2 |
%files -f %{name}.lang
ce36b2 |
8bcace |
8bcace |
2ed6e8 |
%dir /etc/sos/presets.d
2ed6e8 |
%dir /etc/sos/extras.d
2ed6e8 |
%dir /etc/sos/groups.d
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
8bcace |
8bcace |
8bcace |
8bcace |
8bcace |
8bcace |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%license LICENSE
8bcace |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sos/sos.conf
8bcace |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sos/cleaner
2ed6e8 |
%config /usr/config/sos.conf
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%package audit
ce36b2 |
Summary: Audit use of some commands for support purposes
ce36b2 |
License: GPLv2+
ce36b2 |
Group: Application/System
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%description audit
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
Sos-audit provides configuration files for the Linux Auditing System
ce36b2 |
to track the use of some commands capable of changing the configuration
2ed6e8 |
of the system. Currently storage and filesystem commands are audited.
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%post audit
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%files audit
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sos/sos-audit.conf
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
%ghost /etc/audit/rules.d/40-sos-filesystem.rules
ce36b2 |
%ghost /etc/audit/rules.d/40-sos-storage.rules
ce36b2 |
ce36b2 |
2ed6e8 |
* Wed Aug 11 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.1-5
2ed6e8 |
- [report,collect] unify --map-file arguments
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1923938
2ed6e8 |
- [rhui] add new plugin for RHUI 4
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1665947
2ed6e8 |
- [username parser] Load usernames from `last` for LDAP users
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1985037
2ed6e8 |
2ed6e8 |
* Mon Jul 26 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.1-4
2ed6e8 |
- [options] allow variant option names in config file
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1923938
2ed6e8 |
- [plugins] Set default predicate instead of None
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1985986
2ed6e8 |
- [MigrationResults] collect info about conversions
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1959598
2ed6e8 |
2ed6e8 |
* Mon Jun 21 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.1-3
2ed6e8 |
- [gluster] collect public keys from the right dir
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1925419
2ed6e8 |
- [cleaner] Only skip packaging-based files for the IP parse
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1964499
2ed6e8 |
- [networking] collect also tc filter show ingress
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1886711
2ed6e8 |
- [archive] skip copying SELinux context for /proc and /sys
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1965001
2ed6e8 |
- [sssd] sssd plugin when sssd-common
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1967613
2ed6e8 |
- Various OCP/cluster/cleanup enhancements
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1973675
2ed6e8 |
2ed6e8 |
* Tue May 18 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.1-2
2ed6e8 |
- Load maps from all archives before obfuscation
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1930181
2ed6e8 |
- Multiple fixes in man pages
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1935603
2ed6e8 |
- [ds] Mask password and encryption keys in ldif files
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1937298
2ed6e8 |
- [report] add --cmd-timeout option
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1937418
2ed6e8 |
- [cups] Add gathering cups-browsed logs
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1939963
2ed6e8 |
- [sssd] Collect memory cache / individual logfiles
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1940502
2ed6e8 |
- Collect ibmvNIC dynamic_debugs
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1942276
2ed6e8 |
- [pulpcore] add plugin for pulp-3
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1956673
2ed6e8 |
- [saphana] remove redundant unused argument of get_inst_info
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1959413
2ed6e8 |
- [networking] Add nstat command support
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1961458
2ed6e8 |
- [snapper] add a new plugin
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1961229
2ed6e8 |
2ed6e8 |
* Mon Apr 26 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.1-1
2ed6e8 |
- Rebase on upstream 4.1
2ed6e8 |
Resolves: bz1928679
2ed6e8 |
8bcace |
* Tue Feb 16 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-8
8bcace |
- Automatically create directory for sos-cleaner default_mapping
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1923937
8bcace |
8bcace |
* Fri Jan 29 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-7
8bcace |
- [kdump] Gather the file kexec-dmesg.log
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1887402
8bcace |
- [Policy] Handle additional FTP authentication issues
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1916729
8bcace |
8bcace |
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-6
8bcace |
- [networking] Collect 'ethtool -e <device>' conditionally only
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1917196
8bcace |
8bcace |
* Wed Jan 06 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-5
8bcace |
- [component] honour plugopts from config file
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1912889
8bcace |
- [collector] declare sysroot for each component
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1912821
8bcace |
- [plugins] Dont stop collecting by empty specfile when sizelimit=0
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1912910
8bcace |
8bcace |
* Mon Jan 04 2021 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-4
8bcace |
- [component] Use sysroot from Policy when opts doesn't specify it
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1881118
8bcace |
8bcace |
* Mon Dec 14 2020 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-3
8bcace |
- [ovirt] collect /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/.truststore
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1848095
8bcace |
- [collector] allow overriding plain --cluster-type
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1895316
8bcace |
- [component] Add log verbosity from presets
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1904045
8bcace |
- [options] Fix --log-size=0 being ignored and unreported
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1905657
8bcace |
- [report] collect broken symlinks
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1906598
8bcace |
8bcace |
* Thu Oct 29 2020 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-2
8bcace |
- [cleaner] more streamlined sanitize_item method
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1827801
8bcace |
- [openstack_ironic] Missing ironic-inspector configs
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1874295
8bcace |
- Add support to collect hardware component logs
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1880372
8bcace |
- [crio] collect /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1881118
8bcace |
- [policy] Handle additional failure conditions for FTP uploads
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1882368
8bcace |
- [filesys] never collect content of /proc/fs/panfs
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1886782
8bcace |
- [kdump] Collect new kdump logfiles
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1887390
8bcace |
- [stratis] Collect key list and report engine
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1888012
8bcace |
- return tmp-dir with absolute path
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1891562
8bcace |
8bcace |
* Tue Oct 13 2020 Pavel Moravec <pmoravec@redhat.com> = 4.0-1
8bcace |
- Rebase on upstream 4.0
8bcace |
Resolves: bz1827801