diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 31e92a8..da559ad 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.shim.metadata b/.shim.metadata
index 37e0d67..e11d0aa 100644
--- a/.shim.metadata
+++ b/.shim.metadata
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-543dc75780710fb0610f69343e01d23978693ffb SOURCES/centos.db.x64.esl
-2dc6308584187bf3ee88bf9b119938c72c5a5088 SOURCES/shim-15.tar.bz2
+8738baca71e73b7c27a65d6b01d804d5d42e9cef SOURCES/db.x64.esl
+3df0ab5cefc74fdf865cb36aea0e923cb4b6b3ed SOURCES/shim-15.6.tar.bz2
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-Make-SBAT-variable-payload-introspectable.patch b/SOURCES/0001-Make-SBAT-variable-payload-introspectable.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3632de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-Make-SBAT-variable-payload-introspectable.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+From 0eb07e11b20680200d3ce9c5bc59299121a75388 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chris Coulson <chris.coulson@canonical.com>
+Date: Tue, 31 May 2022 22:21:26 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Make SBAT variable payload introspectable
+Given a set of EFI variables and boot assets, it should be possible
+to compute what the value of PCR 7 will be on the next boot.
+As shim manages the contents of the SbatLevel variable and this is
+measured to PCR 7, export the payloads that shim contains in a new
+COFF section (.sbatlevel) so that it can be introspected by code
+outside of shim.
+The new section works a bit like .vendor_cert - it contains a header
+and then the payload. In this case, the header contains no size fields
+because the strings are NULL terminated. Shim uses this new section
+internally in set_sbat_uefi_variable.
+The .sbatlevel section starts with a 4 byte version field which is
+not used by shim but may be useful for external auditors if the
+format of the section contents change in the future.
+Signed-off-by: Chris Coulson <chris.coulson@canonical.com>
+ sbat.c                  | 21 ++++++++++++++++-----
+ include/sbat.h          | 32 --------------------------------
+ include/sbat_var_defs.h | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ shim.h                  |  1 +
+ sbat_var.S              | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ elf_aarch64_efi.lds     |  4 ++++
+ elf_ia32_efi.lds        |  4 ++++
+ elf_ia64_efi.lds        |  4 ++++
+ elf_x86_64_efi.lds      |  4 ++++
+ include/test.mk         |  2 +-
+ Makefile                |  7 ++++---
+ 11 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 include/sbat_var_defs.h
+ create mode 100644 sbat_var.S
+diff --git a/sbat.c b/sbat.c
+index f1d6e98dcde..a08c5b2a972 100644
+--- a/sbat.c
++++ b/sbat.c
+@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
+ #include "shim.h"
++extern struct {
++	UINT32 previous_offset;
++	UINT32 latest_offset;
++} sbat_var_payload_header;
+ parse_sbat_section(char *section_base, size_t section_size,
+ 		   size_t *n_entries,
+@@ -399,6 +404,9 @@ set_sbat_uefi_variable(void)
+ 	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ 	UINT32 attributes = 0;
++	char *sbat_var_previous;
++	char *sbat_var_latest;
+ 	UINT8 *sbat = NULL;
+ 	UINT8 *sbat_policy = NULL;
+ 	UINTN sbatsize = 0;
+@@ -407,27 +415,30 @@ set_sbat_uefi_variable(void)
+ 	char *sbat_var = NULL;
+ 	bool reset_sbat = false;
++	sbat_var_previous = (char *)&sbat_var_payload_header + sbat_var_payload_header.previous_offset;
++	sbat_var_latest = (char *)&sbat_var_payload_header + sbat_var_payload_header.latest_offset;
+ 	efi_status = get_variable_attr(SBAT_POLICY, &sbat_policy,
+ 				       &sbat_policysize, SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
+ 				       &attributes);
+ 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
+ 		dprint("Default sbat policy: previous\n");
+-		sbat_var = SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS;
++		sbat_var = sbat_var_previous;
+ 	} else {
+ 		switch (*sbat_policy) {
+ 				dprint("Custom sbat policy: latest\n");
+-				sbat_var = SBAT_VAR_LATEST;
++				sbat_var = sbat_var_latest;
+ 				clear_sbat_policy();
+ 				break;
+ 				dprint("Custom sbat policy: previous\n");
+-				sbat_var = SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS;
++				sbat_var = sbat_var_previous;
+ 				break;
+ 				if (secure_mode()) {
+ 					console_print(L"Cannot reset SBAT policy: Secure Boot is enabled.\n");
+-					sbat_var = SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS;
++					sbat_var = sbat_var_previous;
+ 				} else {
+ 					dprint(L"Custom SBAT policy: reset OK\n");
+ 					reset_sbat = true;
+@@ -438,7 +449,7 @@ set_sbat_uefi_variable(void)
+ 			default:
+ 				console_error(L"SBAT policy state %llu is invalid",
+-				sbat_var = SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS;
++				sbat_var = sbat_var_previous;
+ 				clear_sbat_policy();
+ 				break;
+ 		}
+diff --git a/include/sbat.h b/include/sbat.h
+index aca4359870f..c94c4fba8cd 100644
+--- a/include/sbat.h
++++ b/include/sbat.h
+@@ -6,38 +6,6 @@
+ #ifndef SBAT_H_
+ #define SBAT_H_
+-#define SBAT_VAR_SIG "sbat,"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_VERSION "1,"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_ORIGINAL_DATE "2021030218"
+-#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_DEVEL)
+-#define SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS_DATE "2022020101"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS_REVOCATIONS "component,2\n"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_DATE "2022050100"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_REVOCATIONS "component,2\nothercomponent,2\n"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST \
+-#else /* !ENABLE_SHIM_DEVEL */
+-#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_DATE "2022052400"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_REVOCATIONS "shim,2\ngrub,2\n"
+-#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST \
+-#endif /* ENABLE_SHIM_DEVEL */
+ #define UEFI_VAR_NV_BS \
+ #define UEFI_VAR_NV_BS_RT                                              \
+diff --git a/include/sbat_var_defs.h b/include/sbat_var_defs.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000000..c656b56d4c3
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/sbat_var_defs.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
++// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
++#ifndef SBAT_VAR_DEFS_H_
++#define SBAT_VAR_DEFS_H_
++#define SBAT_VAR_SIG "sbat,"
++#define SBAT_VAR_VERSION "1,"
++#define SBAT_VAR_ORIGINAL_DATE "2021030218"
++#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_DEVEL)
++#define SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS_DATE "2022020101"
++#define SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS_REVOCATIONS "component,2\n"
++#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_DATE "2022050100"
++#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_REVOCATIONS "component,2\nothercomponent,2\n"
++#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST \
++#else /* !ENABLE_SHIM_DEVEL */
++#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_DATE "2022052400"
++#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST_REVOCATIONS "shim,2\ngrub,2\n"
++#define SBAT_VAR_LATEST \
++#endif /* ENABLE_SHIM_DEVEL */
++#endif /* !SBAT_VAR_DEFS_H_ */
+diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
+index b5272b9c9e9..7e9d10eb2df 100644
+--- a/shim.h
++++ b/shim.h
+@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@
+ #include "include/pe.h"
+ #include "include/replacements.h"
+ #include "include/sbat.h"
++#include "include/sbat_var_defs.h"
+ #include "include/security_policy.h"
+ #endif
+diff --git a/sbat_var.S b/sbat_var.S
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000000..a115077ae4d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sbat_var.S
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
++#include "include/sbat_var_defs.h"
++	.section .sbatlevel, "a", %progbits
++	.balignl 4, 0
++	.4byte  0 /* format version for external parsers */
++	.globl  sbat_var_payload_header
++	.type   sbat_var_payload_header, %object
++	.size   sbat_var_payload_header, .Lsbat_var_payload_header_end - sbat_var_payload_header
++	.4byte  .Lsbat_var_previous - sbat_var_payload_header
++	.4byte  .Lsbat_var_latest - sbat_var_payload_header
++	.balign	1, 0
++	.balign	1, 0
+diff --git a/elf_aarch64_efi.lds b/elf_aarch64_efi.lds
+index 60c55ba5fe1..0861f5e8a16 100644
+--- a/elf_aarch64_efi.lds
++++ b/elf_aarch64_efi.lds
+@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ SECTIONS
+   .data.ident : {
+     *(.data.ident)
+   }
++  . = ALIGN(4096);
++  .sbatlevel : {
++    *(.sbatlevel)
++  }
+   . = ALIGN(4096);
+   .data :
+diff --git a/elf_ia32_efi.lds b/elf_ia32_efi.lds
+index 497a3a15265..e8da91bdfb2 100644
+--- a/elf_ia32_efi.lds
++++ b/elf_ia32_efi.lds
+@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ SECTIONS
+   .data.ident : {
+     *(.data.ident)
+   }
++  . = ALIGN(4096);
++  .sbatlevel : {
++    *(.sbatlevel)
++  }
+   . = ALIGN(4096);
+   .data :
+diff --git a/elf_ia64_efi.lds b/elf_ia64_efi.lds
+index 2669b856b15..a2195609ca0 100644
+--- a/elf_ia64_efi.lds
++++ b/elf_ia64_efi.lds
+@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ SECTIONS
+   .data.ident : {
+     *(.data.ident)
+   }
++  . = ALIGN(4096);
++  .sbatlevel : {
++    *(.sbatlevel)
++  }
+   . = ALIGN(4096);
+   .data :
+diff --git a/elf_x86_64_efi.lds b/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
+index bcc65270911..39aff6b07b6 100644
+--- a/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
++++ b/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
+@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ SECTIONS
+   .data.ident : {
+     *(.data.ident)
+   }
++  . = ALIGN(4096);
++  .sbatlevel : {
++    *(.sbatlevel)
++  }
+   . = ALIGN(4096);
+   .data :
+diff --git a/include/test.mk b/include/test.mk
+index e965c6000a5..c0e2409517a 100644
+--- a/include/test.mk
++++ b/include/test.mk
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ test-mock-variables: CFLAGS+=-DHAVE_SHIM_LOCK_GUID
+ test-mok-mirror_FILES = mok.c globals.c tpm.c lib/guid.c lib/variables.c mock-variables.c
+-test-sbat_FILES = csv.c lib/variables.c lib/guid.c
++test-sbat_FILES = csv.c lib/variables.c lib/guid.c sbat_var.S
+ test-str_FILES = lib/string.c
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 24ac314e04f..866611c75d5 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ CFLAGS += -DENABLE_SHIM_CERT
+ else
+ endif
+-OBJS	= shim.o globals.o mok.o netboot.o cert.o replacements.o tpm.o version.o errlog.o sbat.o sbat_data.o pe.o httpboot.o csv.o load-options.o
++OBJS	= shim.o globals.o mok.o netboot.o cert.o replacements.o tpm.o version.o errlog.o sbat.o sbat_data.o sbat_var.o pe.o httpboot.o csv.o load-options.o
+ KEYS	= shim_cert.h ocsp.* ca.* shim.crt shim.csr shim.p12 shim.pem shim.key shim.cer
+-ORIG_SOURCES	= shim.c globals.c mok.c netboot.c replacements.c tpm.c errlog.c sbat.c pe.c httpboot.c shim.h version.h $(wildcard include/*.h) cert.S
++ORIG_SOURCES	= shim.c globals.c mok.c netboot.c replacements.c tpm.c errlog.c sbat.c pe.c httpboot.c shim.h version.h $(wildcard include/*.h) cert.S sbat_var.S
+ MOK_OBJS = MokManager.o PasswordCrypt.o crypt_blowfish.o errlog.o sbat_data.o globals.o
+ ORIG_MOK_SOURCES = MokManager.c PasswordCrypt.c crypt_blowfish.c shim.h $(wildcard include/*.h)
+ FALLBACK_OBJS = fallback.o tpm.o errlog.o sbat_data.o globals.o
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ endif
+ 	$(OBJCOPY) -D -j .text -j .sdata -j .data -j .data.ident \
+ 		-j .dynamic -j .rodata -j .rel* \
+ 		-j .rela* -j .dyn -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
+-		-j .vendor_cert -j .sbat \
++		-j .vendor_cert -j .sbat -j .sbatlevel \
+ 		$(FORMAT) $< $@
+ 	./post-process-pe -vv $@
+@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ endif
+ 	$(OBJCOPY) -D -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
+ 		-j .dynamic -j .rodata -j .rel* \
+ 		-j .rela* -j .dyn -j .reloc -j .eh_frame -j .sbat \
++		-j .sbatlevel \
+ 		-j .debug_info -j .debug_abbrev -j .debug_aranges \
+ 		-j .debug_line -j .debug_str -j .debug_ranges \
+ 		-j .note.gnu.build-id \
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-Make-some-things-dprint-instead-of-console_print.patch b/SOURCES/0001-Make-some-things-dprint-instead-of-console_print.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7190954..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-Make-some-things-dprint-instead-of-console_print.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From 1d50318f448b73b072724eb6664d311e6084a446 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 12:36:34 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 01/62] Make some things dprint() instead of console_print()
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: dad59f8c0f36
- shim.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 00155346c12..ff0817009cd 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2087,8 +2087,8 @@ static int is_our_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *path, UINTN len)
- 	if (!dppath)
- 		return 0;
--	console_print(L"dppath: %s\n", dppath);
--	console_print(L"path:   %s\n", path);
-+	dprint(L"dppath: %s\n", dppath);
-+	dprint(L"path:   %s\n", path);
- 	if (StrnCaseCmp(dppath, path, len))
- 		ret = 0;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-Makefiles-ensure-m32-gets-propogated-to-our-gcc-para.patch b/SOURCES/0002-Makefiles-ensure-m32-gets-propogated-to-our-gcc-para.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 94c0c73..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0002-Makefiles-ensure-m32-gets-propogated-to-our-gcc-para.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-From 32f71225382ddb7dd1ad51f584bc3d42a7ee39d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 13:24:48 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 02/62] Makefiles: ensure -m32 gets propogated to our gcc
- parameter queries
-'gcc -print-file-name=include' and 'gcc -print-libgcc-file-name' both
-need -m32 when we're building 32-on-64 on some distros, so ensure that
-gets propogated correctly.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 104d6e54ac7
- Make.defaults | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Make.defaults b/Make.defaults
-index e11ab5a7f2c..bbfc1d7f77b 100644
---- a/Make.defaults
-+++ b/Make.defaults
-@@ -33,66 +33,46 @@ EFI_INCLUDES	= -nostdinc -I$(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib -I$(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib/Include \
- 		  -I$(EFI_INCLUDE) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/$(ARCH) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/protocol \
- 		  -I$(TOPDIR)/include -iquote $(TOPDIR) -iquote $(shell pwd)
--LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
--EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi --start-group Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a --end-group $(LIB_GCC)
- EFI_CRT_OBJS 	= $(EFI_PATH)/crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
- EFI_LDS		= $(TOPDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
--CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
--		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -Wsign-compare -Werror -fno-builtin \
--		  -Werror=sign-compare -ffreestanding -std=gnu89 \
--		  -I$(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include) \
- CLANG_BUGS	= $(if $(findstring gcc,$(CC)),-maccumulate-outgoing-args,)
- COMMIT_ID ?= $(shell if [ -e .git ] ; then git log -1 --pretty=format:%H ; elif [ -f commit ]; then cat commit ; else echo master; fi)
--ifneq ($(origin OVERRIDE_SECURITY_POLICY), undefined)
--ifneq ($(origin ENABLE_HTTPBOOT), undefined)
--ifneq ($(origin REQUIRE_TPM), undefined)
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
--	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc \
--		   $(CLANG_BUGS) -m64 \
-+	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc \
-+				   $(CLANG_BUGS) -m64 \
-+				   -DPAGE_SIZE=4096
- 	LIBDIR			?= $(prefix)/lib64
- 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= x64
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
--	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc \
--		   $(CLANG_BUGS) -m32 \
--		   -DMDE_CPU_IA32 -DPAGE_SIZE=4096
-+	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc \
-+				   $(CLANG_BUGS) -m32 \
-+				   -DMDE_CPU_IA32 -DPAGE_SIZE=4096
- 	LIBDIR			?= $(prefix)/lib
- 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= ia32
-+	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -m32
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
--	CFLAGS += -DMDE_CPU_AARCH64 -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mstrict-align
-+	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_AARCH64 -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mstrict-align
- 	LIBDIR			?= $(prefix)/lib64
- 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= aa64
- 	FORMAT			:= -O binary
- 	SUBSYSTEM		:= 0xa
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
--	CFLAGS += -DMDE_CPU_ARM -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mstrict-align
-+	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_ARM -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mstrict-align
- 	LIBDIR			?= $(prefix)/lib
- 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= arm
-@@ -101,6 +81,28 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
- endif
-+CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
-+		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -Wsign-compare -Werror -fno-builtin \
-+		  -Werror=sign-compare -ffreestanding -std=gnu89 \
-+		  -I$(shell $(CC) $(ARCH_CFLAGS) -print-file-name=include) \
-+ifneq ($(origin OVERRIDE_SECURITY_POLICY), undefined)
-+ifneq ($(origin ENABLE_HTTPBOOT), undefined)
-+ifneq ($(origin REQUIRE_TPM), undefined)
-+LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) $(ARCH_CFLAGS) -print-libgcc-file-name)
-+EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi --start-group Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a --end-group $(LIB_GCC)
- FORMAT		?= --target efi-app-$(ARCH)
- EFI_PATH	?= $(LIBDIR)/gnuefi
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-Reference-MokListRT-instead-of-MokList.patch b/SOURCES/0002-Reference-MokListRT-instead-of-MokList.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96311d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-Reference-MokListRT-instead-of-MokList.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+From 092c2b2bbed950727e41cf450b61c794881c33e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@oracle.com>
+Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:37:28 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Reference MokListRT instead of MokList
+When calling back into shim from grub, the MokListRT may contain additional
+entries not available in the original MokList, an example being the certs
+included via user_cert. Use the MokListRT instead when calling check_db_cert
+and check_db_hash.
+Signed-off-by: Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@oracle.com>
+ shim.c | 8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
+index fdd205ef995..27b74ce06c3 100644
+--- a/shim.c
++++ b/shim.c
+@@ -397,22 +397,22 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_allowlist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
+ 	}
+ #endif
+-	if (check_db_hash(L"MokList", SHIM_LOCK_GUID, sha256hash,
++	if (check_db_hash(L"MokListRT", SHIM_LOCK_GUID, sha256hash,
+ 				== DATA_FOUND) {
+ 		verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_HASH;
+ 		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_HASH);
+ 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ 	} else {
+-		LogError(L"check_db_hash(MokList, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
++		LogError(L"check_db_hash(MokListRT, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
+ 	}
+-	if (cert && check_db_cert(L"MokList", SHIM_LOCK_GUID, cert, sha256hash)
++	if (cert && check_db_cert(L"MokListRT", SHIM_LOCK_GUID, cert, sha256hash)
+ 			== DATA_FOUND) {
+ 		verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_CERT;
+ 		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
+ 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ 	} else if (cert) {
+-		LogError(L"check_db_cert(MokList, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
++		LogError(L"check_db_cert(MokListRT, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
+ 	}
+ 	update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_NOTHING);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-Add-a-link-to-the-test-plan-in-the-readme.patch b/SOURCES/0003-Add-a-link-to-the-test-plan-in-the-readme.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b825644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0003-Add-a-link-to-the-test-plan-in-the-readme.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From 8b59b690613add728189897228e4dd888f8c9f16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2022 12:46:41 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 03/13] Add a link to the test plan in the readme.
+It's been suggested that we should link to the test plan in the readme.
+This seems pretty reasonable to me, so here it is.
+Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
+ README.md | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
+index ce6bad77264..60d51b65fa9 100644
+--- a/README.md
++++ b/README.md
+@@ -23,3 +23,5 @@ pub.cer and build with `make VENDOR_CERT_FILE=pub.cer`.
+ There are a couple of build options, and a couple of ways to customize the
+ build, described in [BUILDING](BUILDING).
++See the [test plan](testplan.txt), and file a ticket if anything fails!
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-Let-MokManager-follow-a-MokTimeout-var-for-timeout-l.patch b/SOURCES/0003-Let-MokManager-follow-a-MokTimeout-var-for-timeout-l.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f6697a..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0003-Let-MokManager-follow-a-MokTimeout-var-for-timeout-l.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-From 74718677945b1ab825130b317c63f5002876e772 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.trudel-lapierre@canonical.com>
-Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2018 11:28:12 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 03/62] Let MokManager follow a MokTimeout var for timeout
- length for the prompt
-This timeout can have the values [-1,0..0x7fff]; where -1 means "no timeout",
-with MokManager going directly to the menu, and is capped to 0x7fff to avoid
-unecessary long timeouts. The default remains 10, which will be used whenever
-the MokTimeout variable isn't set.
-Signed-off-by: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.trudel-lapierre@canonical.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 93708c11083
- MokManager.c | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 7e40a38f1d1..0767e4a6cde 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ typedef struct {
- 	CHAR16 Password[SB_PASSWORD_LEN];
- } __attribute__ ((packed)) MokDBvar;
-+typedef struct {
-+	INT32 Timeout;
-+} __attribute__ ((packed)) MokTimeoutvar;
- static EFI_STATUS get_sha1sum(void *Data, int DataSize, UINT8 * hash)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-@@ -2041,7 +2045,24 @@ static int draw_countdown()
- 	UINTN cols, rows;
- 	CHAR16 *title[2];
- 	CHAR16 *message = L"Press any key to perform MOK management";
--	int timeout = 10, wait = 10000000;
-+	void *MokTimeout = NULL;
-+	MokTimeoutvar *var;
-+	UINTN MokTimeoutSize = 0;
-+	int timeout, wait = 10000000;
-+	efi_status = get_variable(L"MokTimeout", (UINT8 **) &MokTimeout,
-+				  &MokTimeoutSize, SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		timeout = 10;
-+	} else {
-+		var = MokTimeout;
-+		timeout = (int)var->Timeout;
-+		FreePool(MokTimeout);
-+		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokTimeout", &SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
-+	}
-+	if (timeout < 0)
-+		return timeout;
- 	console_save_and_set_mode(&SavedMode);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-Enable-TDX-measurement-to-RTMR-register.patch b/SOURCES/0004-Enable-TDX-measurement-to-RTMR-register.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0ce9b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0004-Enable-TDX-measurement-to-RTMR-register.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+From 4fd484e4c29364b4fdf4d043556fa0a210c5fdfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lu Ken <ken.lu@intel.com>
+Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 16:02:20 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 04/13] Enable TDX measurement to RTMR register
+Intel Trust Domain Extensions (Intel TDX) extends Virtual Machine
+Extensions (VMX) and Multi-Key Total Memory Encryption (MK-TME) with a
+new kind of virtual machine guest called a Trust Domain(TD)[1].  A TD
+runs in a CPU mode that is designed to protect the confidentiality of
+its memory contents and its CPU state from any other software, including
+the hosting Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM).
+Trust Domain Virtual Firmware (TDVF) is required to provide Intel TDX
+implementation and service for EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL[2]. The bugzilla
+for TDVF is at https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3625.
+To support CC measurement/attestation with Intel TDX technology, these 4
+RTMR registers will be extended by TDX service like TPM/TPM2 PCR:
+- RTMR[0] for TDVF configuration
+- RTMR[1] for the TD OS loader and kernel
+- RTMR[2] for the OS application
+- RTMR[3] reserved for special usage only
+Add a TDX Implementation for CC Measurement protocol along with
+TPM/TPM2 protocol.
+[1] https://software.intel.com/content/dam/develop/external/us/en/documents/tdx-whitepaper-v4.pdf
+[2] https://software.intel.com/content/dam/develop/external/us/en/documents/tdx-virtual-firmware-design-guide-rev-1.pdf
+[3] https://software.intel.com/content/dam/develop/external/us/en/documents/intel-tdx-guest-hypervisor-communication-interface-1.0-344426-002.pdf
+Signed-off-by: Lu Ken <ken.lu@intel.com>
+[rharwood: style pass on code and commit message]
+Signed-off-by: Robbie Harwood <rharwood@redhat.com>
+ lib/guid.c     |  1 +
+ tpm.c          | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ include/cc.h   | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ include/guid.h |  1 +
+ shim.h         |  1 +
+ 5 files changed, 136 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 include/cc.h
+diff --git a/lib/guid.c b/lib/guid.c
+index e100c92ed1b..904629ebf03 100644
+--- a/lib/guid.c
++++ b/lib/guid.c
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ EFI_GUID EFI_IP6_CONFIG_GUID = { 0x937fe521, 0x95ae, 0x4d1a, {0x89, 0x29, 0x48,
+ EFI_GUID EFI_TPM_GUID = { 0xf541796d, 0xa62e, 0x4954, {0xa7, 0x75, 0x95, 0x84, 0xf6, 0x1b, 0x9c, 0xdd } };
+ EFI_GUID EFI_TPM2_GUID = { 0x607f766c, 0x7455, 0x42be, {0x93, 0x0b, 0xe4, 0xd7, 0x6d, 0xb2, 0x72, 0x0f } };
++EFI_GUID EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL_GUID = { 0x96751a3d, 0x72f4, 0x41a6, {0xa7, 0x94, 0xed, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x67, 0xae, 0x6b } };
+ EFI_GUID EFI_SECURE_BOOT_DB_GUID =  { 0xd719b2cb, 0x3d3a, 0x4596, { 0xa3, 0xbc, 0xda, 0xd0, 0x0e, 0x67, 0x65, 0x6f } };
+ EFI_GUID SECURITY_PROTOCOL_GUID = { 0xA46423E3, 0x4617, 0x49f1, {0xB9, 0xFF, 0xD1, 0xBF, 0xA9, 0x11, 0x58, 0x39 } };
+diff --git a/tpm.c b/tpm.c
+index 41f36651e19..388f8d1217c 100644
+--- a/tpm.c
++++ b/tpm.c
+@@ -108,6 +108,45 @@ static EFI_STATUS tpm_locate_protocol(efi_tpm_protocol_t **tpm,
+ 	return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
++static EFI_STATUS cc_log_event_raw(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size,
++				   UINT8 pcr, const CHAR8 *log, UINTN logsize,
++				   UINT32 type, BOOLEAN is_pe_image)
++	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
++	EFI_CC_EVENT *event;
++	efi_cc_protocol_t *cc;
++	uint64_t flags = is_pe_image ? EFI_CC_FLAG_PE_COFF_IMAGE : 0;
++	efi_status = LibLocateProtocol(&EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL_GUID,
++				       (VOID **)&cc);
++	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) || !cc)
++		return EFI_SUCCESS;
++	efi_status = cc->map_pcr_to_mr_index(cc, pcr, &mr);
++	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
++		return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
++	UINTN event_size = sizeof(*event) - sizeof(event->Event) + logsize;
++	event = AllocatePool(event_size);
++	if (!event) {
++		perror(L"Unable to allocate event structure\n");
++	}
++	event->Header.HeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_CC_EVENT_HEADER);
++	event->Header.HeaderVersion = EFI_CC_EVENT_HEADER_VERSION;
++	event->Header.MrIndex = mr;
++	event->Header.EventType = type;
++	event->Size = event_size;
++	CopyMem(event->Event, (VOID *)log, logsize);
++	efi_status = cc->hash_log_extend_event(cc, flags, buf, (UINT64)size,
++					       event);
++	FreePool(event);
++	return efi_status;
+ static EFI_STATUS tpm_log_event_raw(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size,
+ 				    UINT8 pcr, const CHAR8 *log, UINTN logsize,
+ 				    UINT32 type, CHAR8 *hash)
+@@ -118,6 +157,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS tpm_log_event_raw(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size,
+ 	BOOLEAN old_caps;
++	/* CC guest like TDX or SEV will measure the buffer and log the event,
++	   extend the result into a specific CC MR like TCG's PCR. It could
++	   coexists with TCG's TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.
++	*/
++	efi_status = cc_log_event_raw(buf, size, pcr, log, logsize, type,
++				      (hash != NULL));
++	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
++		return efi_status;
+ 	efi_status = tpm_locate_protocol(&tpm, &tpm2, &old_caps, &caps);
+ 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
+ #ifdef REQUIRE_TPM
+diff --git a/include/cc.h b/include/cc.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000000..8b12720804e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/cc.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
++// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
++#ifndef SHIM_CC_H
++#define SHIM_CC_H
++typedef struct {
++	uint8_t Major;
++	uint8_t Minor;
++#define EFI_CC_TYPE_NONE 0
++#define EFI_CC_TYPE_SEV  1
++#define EFI_CC_TYPE_TDX  2
++typedef struct {
++	uint8_t Type;
++	uint8_t SubType;
++typedef uint32_t EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_BITMAP;
++typedef uint32_t EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT;
++typedef uint32_t EFI_CC_MR_INDEX;
++#define TDX_MR_INDEX_MRTD  0
++#define TDX_MR_INDEX_RTMR0 1
++#define TDX_MR_INDEX_RTMR1 2
++#define TDX_MR_INDEX_RTMR2 3
++#define TDX_MR_INDEX_RTMR3 4
++#define EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2 0x00000002
++#define EFI_CC_BOOT_HASH_ALG_SHA384   0x00000004
++typedef struct tdEFI_CC_EVENT_HEADER {
++	uint32_t HeaderSize;
++	uint16_t HeaderVersion;
++	uint32_t EventType;
++} __attribute__((packed)) EFI_CC_EVENT_HEADER;
++typedef struct tdEFI_CC_EVENT {
++	uint32_t Size;
++	uint8_t Event[1];
++} __attribute__((packed)) EFI_CC_EVENT;
++	uint8_t Size;
++	EFI_CC_VERSION StructureVersion;
++	EFI_CC_VERSION ProtocolVersion;
++	EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_BITMAP SupportedEventLogs;
++	EFI_CC_TYPE CcType;
++struct efi_cc_protocol
++	EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *get_capability) (
++		struct efi_cc_protocol *this,
++		EFI_CC_BOOT_SERVICE_CAPABILITY *ProtocolCapability);
++	EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *get_event_log) (
++		struct efi_cc_protocol *this,
++		EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *EventLogLocation,
++		EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *EventLogLastEntry,
++		BOOLEAN *EventLogTruncated);
++	EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *hash_log_extend_event) (
++		struct efi_cc_protocol *this,
++		uint64_t Flags,
++		uint64_t DataToHashLen,
++		EFI_CC_EVENT *EfiCcEvent);
++	EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *map_pcr_to_mr_index) (
++		struct efi_cc_protocol *this,
++		uint32_t PcrIndex,
++		EFI_CC_MR_INDEX *MrIndex);
++typedef struct efi_cc_protocol efi_cc_protocol_t;
++#define EFI_CC_FLAG_PE_COFF_IMAGE 0x0000000000000010
++#endif /* SHIM_CC_H */
++// vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75
+diff --git a/include/guid.h b/include/guid.h
+index d9910ff1abc..dad63f0f4f9 100644
+--- a/include/guid.h
++++ b/include/guid.h
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ extern EFI_GUID EFI_IP6_CONFIG_GUID;
+diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
+index 7e9d10eb2df..14824c67aff 100644
+--- a/shim.h
++++ b/shim.h
+@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
+ #include "include/simple_file.h"
+ #include "include/str.h"
+ #include "include/tpm.h"
++#include "include/cc.h"
+ #include "include/ucs2.h"
+ #include "include/variables.h"
+ #include "include/hexdump.h"
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-httpboot-return-EFI_NOT_FOUND-when-it-fails-to-find-.patch b/SOURCES/0004-httpboot-return-EFI_NOT_FOUND-when-it-fails-to-find-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 44de3b7..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0004-httpboot-return-EFI_NOT_FOUND-when-it-fails-to-find-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From 8a66f5571bb059d2692e804f4ba9817e978dd103 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 16:05:38 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 04/62] httpboot: return EFI_NOT_FOUND when it fails to find
- the NIC handle
-httpboot_fetch_buffer() should return EFI_NOT_FOUND to reflect the error
-status when get_nic_handle() returns NULL.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 2be5c7dc4b0
- httpboot.c | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/httpboot.c b/httpboot.c
-index 4cfa3aab3b7..d656073c633 100644
---- a/httpboot.c
-+++ b/httpboot.c
-@@ -715,6 +715,7 @@ httpboot_fetch_buffer (EFI_HANDLE image, VOID **buffer, UINT64 *buf_size)
- 	   also supports the HTTP service binding protocol */
- 	nic = get_nic_handle(&mac_addr);
- 	if (!nic) {
-+		efi_status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
- 		goto error;
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0005-Discard-load-options-that-start-with-a-NUL.patch b/SOURCES/0005-Discard-load-options-that-start-with-a-NUL.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d6d654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0005-Discard-load-options-that-start-with-a-NUL.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+From 14d63398298c8de23036a4cf61594108b7345863 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Robbie Harwood <rharwood@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 12:07:16 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Discard load-options that start with a NUL
+In 6c8d08c0af4768c715b79c8ec25141d56e34f8b4 ("shim: Ignore UEFI
+LoadOptions that are just NUL characters."), a check was added to
+discard load options that are entirely NUL.  We now see some firmwares
+that start LoadOptions with a NUL, and then follow it with garbage (path
+to directory containing loaders).  Widen the check to just discard
+anything that starts with a NUL.
+Resolves: #490
+Related: #95
+See-also: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2113005
+Signed-off-by: Robbie Harwood <rharwood@redhat.com>
+ load-options.c |  7 ++++++-
+ include/ucs2.h | 18 ------------------
+ 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/load-options.c b/load-options.c
+index c6bb7427685..a8c6e1a3d37 100644
+--- a/load-options.c
++++ b/load-options.c
+@@ -404,8 +404,13 @@ parse_load_options(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li)
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Apparently sometimes we get L"\0\0"?  Which isn't useful at all.
++	 *
++	 * Possibly related, but some boards have additional data before the
++	 * size which is garbage (it's a weird path to the directory
++	 * containing the loaders).  Known boards that do this: Kontron VX3040
++	 * (AMI), ASUS B85M-E, and at least one "older Dell laptop".
+ 	 */
+-	if (is_all_nuls(li->LoadOptions, li->LoadOptionsSize))
++	if (((CHAR16 *)li->LoadOptions)[0] == 0)
+ 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ 	/*
+diff --git a/include/ucs2.h b/include/ucs2.h
+index ee038ce798a..87eab32f006 100644
+--- a/include/ucs2.h
++++ b/include/ucs2.h
+@@ -63,22 +63,4 @@ StrCSpn(const CHAR16 *s, const CHAR16 *reject)
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+- * Test if an entire buffer is nothing but NUL characters.  This
+- * implementation "gracefully" ignores the difference between the
+- * UTF-8/ASCII 1-byte NUL and the UCS-2 2-byte NUL.
+- */
+-static inline bool
+-is_all_nuls(UINT8 *data, UINTN data_size)
+-	UINTN i;
+-	for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
+-		if (data[i] != 0)
+-			return false;
+-	}
+-	return true;
+ #endif /* SHIM_UCS2_H */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0005-httpboot-print-more-messages-when-it-fails-to-set-IP.patch b/SOURCES/0005-httpboot-print-more-messages-when-it-fails-to-set-IP.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d64a381..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0005-httpboot-print-more-messages-when-it-fails-to-set-IP.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-From 0ba6c87bdf55f749a0ec1c3b0fd24ebb8200d537 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 17:24:30 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 05/62] httpboot: print more messages when it fails to set IP
-We previously only print the return status and it may not be clear
-enough in some situations. Print the IP address and the gateway to help
-the user to identify the possible errors.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 3abe94516c7
- httpboot.c | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
- 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/httpboot.c b/httpboot.c
-index d656073c633..6f27b01bf71 100644
---- a/httpboot.c
-+++ b/httpboot.c
-@@ -311,6 +311,20 @@ is_unspecified_addr (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS ip6)
- 	return TRUE;
- }
-+static inline void
-+print_ip6_addr(EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS ip6addr)
-+	perror(L"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n",
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[0]  << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[1],
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[2]  << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[3],
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[4]  << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[5],
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[6]  << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[7],
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[8]  << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[9],
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[10] << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[11],
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[12] << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[13],
-+	       ip6addr.Addr[14] << 8 | ip6addr.Addr[15]);
- static EFI_STATUS
- set_ip6(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv6_DEVICE_PATH *ip6node)
- {
-@@ -329,8 +343,12 @@ set_ip6(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv6_DEVICE_PATH *ip6node)
- 	ip6.IsAnycast = FALSE;
- 	efi_status = ip6cfg->SetData(ip6cfg, Ip6ConfigDataTypeManualAddress,
- 				     sizeof(ip6), &ip6);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Failed to set IPv6 Address:\nIP: ");
-+		print_ip6_addr(ip6.Address);
-+		perror(L"Prefix Length: %u\n", ip6.PrefixLength);
- 		return efi_status;
-+	}
- 	gateway = ip6node->GatewayIpAddress;
- 	if (is_unspecified_addr(gateway))
-@@ -338,12 +356,23 @@ set_ip6(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv6_DEVICE_PATH *ip6node)
- 	efi_status = ip6cfg->SetData(ip6cfg, Ip6ConfigDataTypeGateway,
- 				     sizeof(gateway), &gateway);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Failed to set IPv6 Gateway:\nIP: ");
-+		print_ip6_addr(gateway);
- 		return efi_status;
-+	}
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
-+static inline void
-+print_ip4_addr(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ip4addr)
-+	perror(L"%u.%u.%u.%u\n",
-+	       ip4addr.Addr[0], ip4addr.Addr[1],
-+	       ip4addr.Addr[2], ip4addr.Addr[3]);
- static EFI_STATUS
- set_ip4(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv4_DEVICE_PATH *ip4node)
- {
-@@ -361,14 +390,22 @@ set_ip4(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv4_DEVICE_PATH *ip4node)
- 	ip4.SubnetMask = ip4node->SubnetMask;
- 	efi_status = ip4cfg2->SetData(ip4cfg2, Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress,
- 				      sizeof(ip4), &ip4);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Failed to Set IPv4 Address:\nIP: ");
-+		print_ip4_addr(ip4.Address);
-+		perror(L"Mask: ");
-+		print_ip4_addr(ip4.SubnetMask);
- 		return efi_status;
-+	}
- 	gateway = ip4node->GatewayIpAddress;
- 	efi_status = ip4cfg2->SetData(ip4cfg2, Ip4Config2DataTypeGateway,
- 				      sizeof(gateway), &gateway);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Failed to Set IPv4 Gateway:\nGateway: ");
-+		print_ip4_addr(gateway);
- 		return efi_status;
-+	}
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0006-httpboot-allow-the-IPv4-gateway-to-be-empty.patch b/SOURCES/0006-httpboot-allow-the-IPv4-gateway-to-be-empty.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b92fda..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0006-httpboot-allow-the-IPv4-gateway-to-be-empty.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-From 80e52895f206fcb40a60f031e7b721627bb193ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 17:42:56 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 06/62] httpboot: allow the IPv4 gateway to be empty
-The gateway is not mandatory.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 69089e9c678
- httpboot.c | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/httpboot.c b/httpboot.c
-index 6f27b01bf71..16dd6621f66 100644
---- a/httpboot.c
-+++ b/httpboot.c
-@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ out:
- }
- static BOOLEAN
--is_unspecified_addr (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS ip6)
-+is_unspecified_ip6addr (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS ip6)
- {
- 	UINT8 i;
-@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ set_ip6(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv6_DEVICE_PATH *ip6node)
- 	}
- 	gateway = ip6node->GatewayIpAddress;
--	if (is_unspecified_addr(gateway))
-+	if (is_unspecified_ip6addr(gateway))
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	efi_status = ip6cfg->SetData(ip6cfg, Ip6ConfigDataTypeGateway,
-@@ -365,6 +365,19 @@ set_ip6(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv6_DEVICE_PATH *ip6node)
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
-+static BOOLEAN
-+is_unspecified_ip4addr (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ip4)
-+	UINT8 i;
-+	for (i = 0; i<4; i++) {
-+		if (ip4.Addr[i] != 0)
-+			return FALSE;
-+	}
-+	return TRUE;
- static inline void
- print_ip4_addr(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS ip4addr)
- {
-@@ -399,6 +412,9 @@ set_ip4(EFI_HANDLE *nic, IPv4_DEVICE_PATH *ip4node)
- 	}
- 	gateway = ip4node->GatewayIpAddress;
-+	if (is_unspecified_ip4addr(gateway))
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	efi_status = ip4cfg2->SetData(ip4cfg2, Ip4Config2DataTypeGateway,
- 				      sizeof(gateway), &gateway);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0006-shim-Flush-the-memory-region-from-i-cache-before-exe.patch b/SOURCES/0006-shim-Flush-the-memory-region-from-i-cache-before-exe.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..457ab90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0006-shim-Flush-the-memory-region-from-i-cache-before-exe.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+From 5c537b3d0cf8c393dad2e61d49aade68f3af1401 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: dann frazier <dann.frazier@canonical.com>
+Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2022 09:28:22 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH 06/13] shim: Flush the memory region from i-cache before
+ execution
+We've seen crashes in early GRUB code on an ARM Cortex-A72-based
+platform that point at seemingly harmless instructions. Flushing
+the i-cache of those instructions prior to executing has been
+shown to avoid the problem, which has parallels with this story:
+  https://www.mail-archive.com/osv-dev@googlegroups.com/msg06203.html
+Add a cache flushing utility function and provide an implementation
+using a GCC intrinsic. This will need to be extended to support other
+compilers. Note that this intrinsic is a no-op for x86 platforms.
+This fixes issue #498.
+Signed-off-by: dann frazier <dann.frazier@canonical.com>
+ pe.c               | 3 +++
+ include/compiler.h | 6 ++++++
+ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/pe.c b/pe.c
+index ba3e2bbc444..f94530a20c0 100644
+--- a/pe.c
++++ b/pe.c
+@@ -1196,6 +1196,9 @@ handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
+ 	CopyMem(buffer, data, context.SizeOfHeaders);
++	/* Flush the instruction cache for the region holding the image */
++	cache_invalidate(buffer, buffer + context.ImageSize);
+ 	*entry_point = ImageAddress(buffer, context.ImageSize, context.EntryPoint);
+ 	if (!*entry_point) {
+ 		perror(L"Entry point is invalid\n");
+diff --git a/include/compiler.h b/include/compiler.h
+index b4bf10319ee..b0d595f32c2 100644
+--- a/include/compiler.h
++++ b/include/compiler.h
+@@ -192,5 +192,11 @@
+  */
+ #define unreachable() __builtin_unreachable()
++#if defined(__GNUC__)
++#define cache_invalidate(begin, end)  __builtin___clear_cache(begin, end)
++#else /* __GNUC__ */
++#error shim has no cache_invalidate() implementation for this compiler
++#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+ #endif /* !COMPILER_H_ */
+ // vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75:et
diff --git a/SOURCES/0007-httpboot-show-the-error-message-for-the-ChildHandle.patch b/SOURCES/0007-httpboot-show-the-error-message-for-the-ChildHandle.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d42888..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0007-httpboot-show-the-error-message-for-the-ChildHandle.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From c2f645c7cd9872585e7b4522b01c368bb545258b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 18:03:39 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 07/62] httpboot: show the error message for the ChildHandle
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 0fd3c7e8518
- httpboot.c | 4 +++-
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/httpboot.c b/httpboot.c
-index 16dd6621f66..3622e85867c 100644
---- a/httpboot.c
-+++ b/httpboot.c
-@@ -696,8 +696,10 @@ http_fetch (EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_HANDLE device,
- 	/* Set the handle to NULL to request a new handle */
- 	http_handle = NULL;
- 	efi_status = service->CreateChild(service, &http_handle);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Failed to create the ChildHandle\n");
- 		return efi_status;
-+	}
- 	/* Get the http protocol */
- 	efi_status = gBS->HandleProtocol(http_handle, &EFI_HTTP_PROTOCOL_GUID,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0007-load_cert_file-Fix-stack-issue.patch b/SOURCES/0007-load_cert_file-Fix-stack-issue.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1d13c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0007-load_cert_file-Fix-stack-issue.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From 2d4ebb5a798aafd3b06d2c3cb9c9840c1caa41ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@oracle.com>
+Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 10:39:43 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH 07/13] load_cert_file: Fix stack issue
+0214cd9cef5a fixes a NULL pointer dereference problem, it introduces two
+new problems.  First it incorrectly assumes li.FilePath is a string.
+Second, it puts EFI_LOADED_IMAGE li on the stack. It has been found
+that not all archectures can handle this being on the stack.
+The shim_li variable will be setup properly from the read_image
+call. Use the global shim_li variable instead when calling
+Signed-off-by: Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@oracle.com>
+ shim.c | 6 +-----
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
+index 27b74ce06c3..0d919ceb83c 100644
+--- a/shim.c
++++ b/shim.c
+@@ -1395,7 +1395,6 @@ EFI_STATUS
+ load_cert_file(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *PathName)
+ {
+ 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
+ 	EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *certlist;
+@@ -1410,10 +1409,7 @@ load_cert_file(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *PathName)
+ 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
+ 		return efi_status;
+-	memset(&li, 0, sizeof(li));
+-	memcpy(&li.FilePath[0], filename, MIN(StrSize(filename), sizeof(li.FilePath)));
+-	efi_status = verify_image(data, datasize, &li, &context);
++	efi_status = verify_image(data, datasize, shim_li, &context);
+ 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
+ 		return efi_status;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0008-Fix-typo-in-debug-path-in-shim.h.patch b/SOURCES/0008-Fix-typo-in-debug-path-in-shim.h.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index be22b83..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0008-Fix-typo-in-debug-path-in-shim.h.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-From 409b59af29b8749207a527c91dccba7eee98232b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 15:15:56 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 08/62] Fix typo in debug path in shim.h
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: a98c20bbdbb
- shim.h | 8 ++++----
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
-index a25a660df6a..2b359d821e3 100644
---- a/shim.h
-+++ b/shim.h
-@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- #define EFI_ARCH L"x64"
- #endif
- #ifndef DEBUGDIR
--#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lub/debug/usr/share/shim/x64/"
-+#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lib/debug/usr/share/shim/x64/"
- #endif
- #endif
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
- #define EFI_ARCH L"ia32"
- #endif
- #ifndef DEBUGDIR
--#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lub/debug/usr/share/shim/ia32/"
-+#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lib/debug/usr/share/shim/ia32/"
- #endif
- #endif
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
- #define EFI_ARCH L"aa64"
- #endif
- #ifndef DEBUGDIR
--#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lub/debug/usr/share/shim/aa64/"
-+#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lib/debug/usr/share/shim/aa64/"
- #endif
- #endif
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- #define EFI_ARCH L"arm"
- #endif
- #ifndef DEBUGDIR
--#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lub/debug/usr/share/shim/arm/"
-+#define DEBUGDIR L"/usr/lib/debug/usr/share/shim/arm/"
- #endif
- #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/0008-load_cert_file-Use-EFI-RT-memory-function.patch b/SOURCES/0008-load_cert_file-Use-EFI-RT-memory-function.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..265c724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0008-load_cert_file-Use-EFI-RT-memory-function.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From ea4911c2f3ce8f8f703a1476febac86bb16b00fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@oracle.com>
+Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 10:45:23 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH 08/13] load_cert_file: Use EFI RT memory function
+Use the EFI RT memory function CopyMem instead of memcpy in load_cert_file.
+Signed-off-by: Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@oracle.com>
+ shim.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
+index 0d919ceb83c..4437898af56 100644
+--- a/shim.c
++++ b/shim.c
+@@ -1429,8 +1429,8 @@ load_cert_file(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *PathName)
+ 			user_cert_size += certlist->SignatureListSize;;
+ 			user_cert = ReallocatePool(user_cert, original,
+ 						   user_cert_size);
+-			memcpy(user_cert + original, pointer,
+-			       certlist->SignatureListSize);
++			CopyMem(user_cert + original, pointer,
++			        certlist->SignatureListSize);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	FreePool(data);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0009-Add-malign-double-to-IA32-compiler-flags.patch b/SOURCES/0009-Add-malign-double-to-IA32-compiler-flags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede4471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0009-Add-malign-double-to-IA32-compiler-flags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From 0cf43ac6d78c6f47f8b91210639ac1aa63665f0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nicholas Bishop <nicholasbishop@google.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 16:08:56 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Add -malign-double to IA32 compiler flags
+This changes the alignment of UINT64 data to 8 bytes on IA32, which
+matches EDK2's understanding of alignment. In particular this change
+affects the offset where shim writes `EFI_LOADED_IMAGE.ImageSize`.
+Fixes https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/515
+Signed-off-by: Nicholas Bishop <nicholasbishop@google.com>
+ Make.defaults | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/Make.defaults b/Make.defaults
+index dfed9c4a3c7..c46164a33ea 100644
+--- a/Make.defaults
++++ b/Make.defaults
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
+ 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc \
+-				   $(CLANG_BUGS) -m32 \
++				   $(CLANG_BUGS) -m32 -malign-double \
+ 				   -DMDE_CPU_IA32 -DPAGE_SIZE=4096
+ 	ARCH_GNUEFI		?= ia32
+ 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= ia32
diff --git a/SOURCES/0009-MokManager-Stop-using-EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE.patch b/SOURCES/0009-MokManager-Stop-using-EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1baa54b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0009-MokManager-Stop-using-EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From 85c837d67fef9cd831a3126398ed8da1421f61c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 16:59:03 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 09/62] MokManager: Stop using EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE
-When writing MokList with EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE, some HP laptops
-may just return EFI_SUCCESS without writing the content into the flash,
-so we have no way to detect if MokList is updated or not. Now we always
-read MokList first and write it back with the new content.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: f442c8424b4
- MokManager.c | 11 +++--------
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 0767e4a6cde..df9b6fe6912 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -880,14 +880,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_db(CHAR16 * db_name, void *MokNew, UINTN MokNewSize)
- 	UINTN old_size;
- 	UINTN new_size;
--	efi_status = gRT->SetVariable(db_name, &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
--				      MokNewSize, MokNew);
--	if (!EFI_ERROR(efi_status) || efi_status != EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER) {
--		return efi_status;
--	}
-+	/* Do not use EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE due to faulty firmwares.
-+	 * ref: https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/55
-+	 *      https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/105 */
- 	efi_status = get_variable_attr(db_name, (UINT8 **)&old_data, &old_size,
- 				       SHIM_LOCK_GUID, &attributes);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0010-pe-Fix-image-section-entry-point-validation.patch b/SOURCES/0010-pe-Fix-image-section-entry-point-validation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9abcffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0010-pe-Fix-image-section-entry-point-validation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From 17f02339ed1be9e90738603fe3c95ae7dc300061 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ilya Okomin <ilya.okomin@oracle.com>
+Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2022 16:52:08 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 10/13] pe: Fix image section entry-point validation
+Seen mokmanager image load failure '2 sections contain entry point'
+for shim built on Oracle Linux 9 aarch64. found_entry_point counter in
+handle_image() uses SizeOfRawData to calculate section boundary.
+PE spec defines VirtualSize for the total size of the section when loaded
+into memory. SizeOfRawData is the size of the section (for object files)
+or the size of the initialized data on disk.
+Fix this issue by updating section in-memory size limit to VirtualSize.
+Resolves: #517
+Signed-off-by: Ilya Okomin <ilya.okomin@oracle.com>
+ pe.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/pe.c b/pe.c
+index f94530a20c0..9a3679e16a1 100644
+--- a/pe.c
++++ b/pe.c
+@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
+ 		}
+ 		if (Section->VirtualAddress <= context.EntryPoint &&
+-		    (Section->VirtualAddress + Section->SizeOfRawData - 1)
++		    (Section->VirtualAddress + Section->Misc.VirtualSize - 1)
+ 		    > context.EntryPoint)
+ 			found_entry_point++;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0010-shim-Extend-invalid-reloc-size-warning-message.patch b/SOURCES/0010-shim-Extend-invalid-reloc-size-warning-message.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 76d26e8..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0010-shim-Extend-invalid-reloc-size-warning-message.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-From 956717e2b375d7c7f0faafec8f12a7692708eb9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Paul Menzel <pmenzel@molgen.mpg.de>
-Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 12:32:37 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 10/62] shim: Extend invalid reloc size warning message
-Knowing the value of the reloc directory size is helpful for debugging,
-cf. issue #131 [1],
-[1]: https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/131
-Signed-off-by: Paul Menzel <pmenzel@molgen.mpg.de>
-Upstream-commit-id: dd3230d07f3
- shim.c | 10 ++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index ff0817009cd..05fc65005d1 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -280,8 +280,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	while (RelocBase < RelocBaseEnd) {
- 		Reloc = (UINT16 *) ((char *) RelocBase + sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION));
--		if ((RelocBase->SizeOfBlock == 0) || (RelocBase->SizeOfBlock > context->RelocDir->Size)) {
--			perror(L"Reloc %d block size %d is invalid\n", n, RelocBase->SizeOfBlock);
-+		if (RelocBase->SizeOfBlock == 0) {
-+			perror(L"Reloc %d block size 0 is invalid\n", n);
-+			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-+		} else if (RelocBase->SizeOfBlock > context->RelocDir->Size) {
-+			perror(L"Reloc %d block size %d greater than reloc dir"
-+					"size %d, which is invalid\n", n,
-+					RelocBase->SizeOfBlock,
-+					context->RelocDir->Size);
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0011-Add-GRUB-s-PCR-Usage-to-README.tpm.patch b/SOURCES/0011-Add-GRUB-s-PCR-Usage-to-README.tpm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 25197e0..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0011-Add-GRUB-s-PCR-Usage-to-README.tpm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From bd97e72f0490b2be766949f448bf6ea3ec2bba1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 09:58:09 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 11/62] Add GRUB's PCR Usage to README.tpm
-This didn't seem to get documented anywhere, and this is as good a place as any.
-Upstream-commit-id: 4fab7281a8c
- README.tpm | 9 +++++++++
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/README.tpm b/README.tpm
-index b7314f12d57..d9c7c53483b 100644
---- a/README.tpm
-+++ b/README.tpm
-@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ PCR7:
- - MokSBState will be extended into PCR7 if it is set, logged as
-   "MokSBState".
-+- If you're using the grub2 TPM patchset we cary in Fedora, the kernel command
-+  line and all grub commands (including all of grub.cfg that gets run) are
-+  measured into PCR8.
-+- If you're using the grub2 TPM patchset we cary in Fedora, the kernel,
-+  initramfs, and any multiboot modules loaded are measured into PCR9.
- PCR14:
- - MokList, MokListX, and MokSBState will be extended into PCR14 if they are
-   set.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0011-make-archive-Build-reproducible-tarball.patch b/SOURCES/0011-make-archive-Build-reproducible-tarball.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fa4247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0011-make-archive-Build-reproducible-tarball.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From 5169769e0f84dd227592cb73da97dacd61ae40b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Julian Andres Klode <julian.klode@canonical.com>
+Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 12:16:29 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 11/13] make-archive: Build reproducible tarball
+Remove timestamps, user names, etc. from the tarball so that
+it can be built reproducibly by multiple people, on different
+The outer bzip2 layer might still be different, no reproducible
+bzip2 known.
+Signed-off-by: Julian Andres Klode <julian.klode@canonical.com>
+ make-archive | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/make-archive b/make-archive
+index d4f095f0a46..9ae9eef077a 100755
+--- a/make-archive
++++ b/make-archive
+@@ -86,14 +86,16 @@ main() {
+ 	cd ..
+ 	if [ "x" = "x${SHIM_GIT_TAG}" ] ; then
+ 		git archive --format=tar "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%h)" | ( cd "${ARCHIVE_DIR}/shim-${VERSION}" ; tar x )
+ 	else
+ 		# ORIGIN doesn't yet have this tag
+ 		git archive --format=tar "${SHIM_GIT_TAG}" | ( cd "${ARCHIVE_DIR}/shim-${VERSION}" ; tar x )
++		TIMESTAMP=$(git log -1 --pretty=%ct "${SHIM_GIT_TAG}")
+ 	fi
+ 	git log -1 --pretty=format:%H > "${ARCHIVE_DIR}/shim-${VERSION}/commit"
+ 	DIR="$PWD"
+ 	cd "${ARCHIVE_DIR}"
+-	tar -c --bzip2 -f "${DIR}/shim-${VERSION}.tar.bz2" "shim-${VERSION}"
++	tar -c --sort=name --mtime="@${TIMESTAMP}" --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner --pax-option=exthdr.name=%d/PaxHeaders/%f,delete=atime,delete=ctime --bzip2 -f "${DIR}/shim-${VERSION}.tar.bz2" "shim-${VERSION}"
+ 	rm -rf "${ARCHIVE_DIR}"
+ 	echo "The archive is in shim-${VERSION}.tar.bz2"
+ 	exit 0
diff --git a/SOURCES/0012-Fix-the-compile-error-of-mkdir-wrong-directory.patch b/SOURCES/0012-Fix-the-compile-error-of-mkdir-wrong-directory.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a71436e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0012-Fix-the-compile-error-of-mkdir-wrong-directory.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From c4e3516e303daa42b3381ddd889a90641717f720 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: TanMing <tanminger@TanMing-WorkPC.sh.intel.com>
-Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 02:25:52 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 12/62] Fix the compile error of mkdir wrong directory.
-In Ubuntu 14.04, the following code in old Makefile:
-  mkdir -p Cryptlib/{Hash,Hmac,Cipher,Rand,Pk,Pem,SysCall}
-will create a directory named "{Hash,Hmac,Cipher,Rand,Pk,Pem,SysCall}".
-Signed-off-by: Ming Tan <ming.tan@intel.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 39b83455d68
- Makefile | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 115e7f08c0f..3f2105595a6 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ $(MMSONAME): $(MOK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a li
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS) lib/lib.a
- Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a:
--	mkdir -p Cryptlib/{Hash,Hmac,Cipher,Rand,Pk,Pem,SysCall}
-+	for i in Hash Hmac Cipher Rand Pk Pem SysCall; do mkdir -p Cryptlib/$$i; done
- 	$(MAKE) VPATH=$(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib TOPDIR=$(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib -C Cryptlib -f $(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib/Makefile
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a:
--	mkdir -p Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/{x509v3,x509,txt_db,stack,sha,rsa,rc4,rand,pkcs7,pkcs12,pem,ocsp,objects,modes,md5,lhash,kdf,hmac,evp,err,dso,dh,conf,comp,cmac,buffer,bn,bio,async{,/arch},asn1,aes}/
-+	for i in x509v3 x509 txt_db stack sha rsa rc4 rand pkcs7 pkcs12 pem ocsp objects modes md5 lhash kdf hmac evp err dso dh conf comp cmac buffer bn bio async/arch asn1 aes; do mkdir -p Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/$$i; done
- 	$(MAKE) VPATH=$(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib/OpenSSL TOPDIR=$(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib/OpenSSL -C Cryptlib/OpenSSL -f $(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
- lib/lib.a: | $(TOPDIR)/lib/Makefile $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/include/*.[ch])
diff --git a/SOURCES/0012-mok-remove-MokListTrusted-from-PCR-7.patch b/SOURCES/0012-mok-remove-MokListTrusted-from-PCR-7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83375d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0012-mok-remove-MokListTrusted-from-PCR-7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From aa1b289a1a16774afc3143b8948d97261f0872d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Arthur Gautier <arthur.gautier@arista.com>
+Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 13:20:45 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 12/13] mok: remove MokListTrusted from PCR 7
+MokListTrusted was added by mistake to PCR 7 in 4e513405. The value of
+MokListTrusted does not alter the behavior of secure boot so, as per
+(section 3.3.4 PCR usage) so it should not be factored in the value of
+PCR 7.
+  https://github.com/rhboot/shim/pull/423
+  https://github.com/rhboot/shim/commit/4e513405b4f1641710115780d19dcec130c5208f
+Fixes https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/484
+Fixes https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/492
+Signed-off-by: Arthur Gautier <arthur.gautier@arista.com>
+ mok.c | 1 -
+ 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
+index 63ddfcaaea3..9811b358626 100644
+--- a/mok.c
++++ b/mok.c
+@@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variable_data[] = {
+ 	 .pcr = 14,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0013-CryptoPkg-BaseCryptLib-fix-NULL-dereference.patch b/SOURCES/0013-CryptoPkg-BaseCryptLib-fix-NULL-dereference.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae123c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0013-CryptoPkg-BaseCryptLib-fix-NULL-dereference.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+From 53509eaf2253e23bfb552e9386fd0877abe592b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jian J Wang <jian.j.wang@intel.com>
+Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 23:42:16 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 13/13] CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: fix NULL dereference
+AuthenticodeVerify() calls OpenSSLs d2i_PKCS7() API to parse asn encoded
+signed authenticode pkcs#7 data. when this successfully returns, a type
+check is done by calling PKCS7_type_is_signed() and then
+Pkcs7->d.sign->contents->type is used. It is possible to construct an asn1
+blob that successfully decodes and have d2i_PKCS7() return a valid pointer
+and have PKCS7_type_is_signed() also return success  but have Pkcs7->d.sign
+be a NULL pointer.
+Looking at how PKCS7_verify() [inside of OpenSSL] implements checking for
+pkcs7 structs it does the following:
+- call PKCS7_type_is_signed()
+- call PKCS7_get_detached()
+Looking into how PKCS7_get_detatched() is implemented, it checks to see if
+p7->d.sign is NULL or if p7->d.sign->contents->d.ptr is NULL.
+As such, the fix is to do the same as OpenSSL after calling d2i_PKCS7().
+- Add call to PKS7_get_detached() to existing error handling
+Cc: Chao Zhang <chao.b.zhang@intel.com>
+Cc: Jiewen Yao <jiewen.yao@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jian J Wang <jian.j.wang@intel.com>
+Cherry-picked-from: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/commit/26442d11e620a9e81c019a24a4ff38441c64ba10
+ Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
+index 74e50a2e862..f6f988b8480 100644
+--- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
++++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+   AuthenticodeVerify() will get PE/COFF Authenticode and will do basic check for
+   data structure.
+-Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
++Copyright (c) 2011 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ This program and the accompanying materials
+ are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+ which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ AuthenticodeVerify (
+   //
+   // Check if it's PKCS#7 Signed Data (for Authenticode Scenario)
+   //
+-  if (!PKCS7_type_is_signed (Pkcs7)) {
++  if (!PKCS7_type_is_signed (Pkcs7) || PKCS7_get_detached (Pkcs7)) {
+     goto _Exit;
+   }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0013-shim-Properly-generate-absolute-paths-from-relative-.patch b/SOURCES/0013-shim-Properly-generate-absolute-paths-from-relative-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 00dfaeb..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0013-shim-Properly-generate-absolute-paths-from-relative-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-From 79be2af5260b1f2e2a4680e74e14da0fdb42b570 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 14:11:02 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 13/62] shim: Properly generate absolute paths from relative
- image paths
-The generate_path_from_image_path() doesn't properly handle the case when
-shim is invoked using a relative path (e.g: from the EFI shell). In that
-function, always the last component is stripped from absolute file path
-to calculate the dirname, and this is concatenated with the image path.
-But if the path is a relative one, the function will wrongly concatenate
-the dirname with the relative image path, i.e:
- Shell> FS0:
- FS0:\> cd EFI
- Failed to open \EFI\BOOT\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI - Not found
- Failed to load image \EFI\BOOT\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI: Not found
- start_image() returned Not found
-Calculate the image path basename and concatenate that with the dirname.
-Signed-off-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Reviewed-by: Maran Wilson maran.wilson@oracle.com
-Tested-by: Maran Wilson maran.wilson@oracle.com
-Upstream-commit-id: a625fa5096c
- shim.c | 6 ++++--
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 05fc65005d1..5ab23d03db4 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1610,9 +1610,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_path_from_image_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li,
- 		bootpath[j] = '\0';
- 	}
--	while (*ImagePath == '\\')
--		ImagePath++;
-+	for (i = 0, last = 0; i < StrLen(ImagePath); i++)
-+		if (ImagePath[i] == '\\')
-+			last = i + 1;
-+	ImagePath = ImagePath + last;
- 	*PathName = AllocatePool(StrSize(bootpath) + StrSize(ImagePath));
- 	if (!*PathName) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0014-Make-sbat_var.S-parse-right-with-buggy-gcc-binutils.patch b/SOURCES/0014-Make-sbat_var.S-parse-right-with-buggy-gcc-binutils.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..115573a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0014-Make-sbat_var.S-parse-right-with-buggy-gcc-binutils.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+From 657b2483ca6e9fcf2ad8ac7ee577ff546d24c3aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 17:57:36 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Make sbat_var.S parse right with buggy gcc/binutils
+In https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/533 , iokomin noticed that
+gas in binutils before 2.36 appears to be incorrectly concatenating
+string literals in '.asciz' directives, including an extra NUL character
+in between the strings, and this will cause us to incorrectly parse the
+.sbatlevel section in shim binaries.
+This patch adds test cases that will cause the build to fail if this has
+happened, as well as changing sbat_var.S to to use '.ascii' and '.byte'
+to construct the data, rather than using '.asciz'.
+Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
+ test-sbat.c     | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ sbat_var.S      |  6 ++++--
+ include/test.mk |  2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/test-sbat.c b/test-sbat.c
+index 72bebe7ae63..65bc6a84baa 100644
+--- a/test-sbat.c
++++ b/test-sbat.c
+@@ -1107,6 +1107,36 @@ test_preserve_sbat_uefi_variable_bad_short(void)
+ 		return 0;
+ }
++static int
++	EFI_STATUS status;
++	char buf[1024] = "";
++	UINT32 attrs = 0;
++	UINTN size = sizeof(buf);
++	char expected[] = SBAT_VAR_PREVIOUS;
++	status = set_sbat_uefi_variable();
++	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
++		return -1;
++	status = RT->GetVariable(SBAT_VAR_NAME, &SHIM_LOCK_GUID, &attrs, &size, buf);
++	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
++		return -1;
++	/*
++	 * this should be enough to get past "sbat,", which handles the
++	 * first error.
++	 */
++	if (size < (strlen(SBAT_VAR_SIG) + 2) || size != strlen(expected))
++		return -1;
++	if (strncmp(expected, buf, size) != 0)
++		return -1;
++	return 0;
+ int
+ main(void)
+ {
+@@ -1155,6 +1185,8 @@ main(void)
+ 	test(test_preserve_sbat_uefi_variable_version_older);
+ 	test(test_preserve_sbat_uefi_variable_version_olderlonger);
++	test(test_sbat_var_asciz);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+diff --git a/sbat_var.S b/sbat_var.S
+index a115077ae4d..2a813a403b4 100644
+--- a/sbat_var.S
++++ b/sbat_var.S
+@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ sbat_var_payload_header:
+ .Lsbat_var_payload_header_end:
+ 	.balign	1, 0
+ .Lsbat_var_previous:
++	.byte	0
+ 	.balign	1, 0
+ .Lsbat_var_latest:
++	.byte 0
+diff --git a/include/test.mk b/include/test.mk
+index c0e2409517a..c37b84466ed 100644
+--- a/include/test.mk
++++ b/include/test.mk
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ test-mock-variables: CFLAGS+=-DHAVE_SHIM_LOCK_GUID
+ test-mok-mirror_FILES = mok.c globals.c tpm.c lib/guid.c lib/variables.c mock-variables.c
+-test-sbat_FILES = csv.c lib/variables.c lib/guid.c sbat_var.S
++test-sbat_FILES = csv.c lib/variables.c lib/guid.c sbat_var.S mock-variables.c
+ test-str_FILES = lib/string.c
diff --git a/SOURCES/0014-shim-Prevent-shim-to-set-itself-as-a-second-stage-lo.patch b/SOURCES/0014-shim-Prevent-shim-to-set-itself-as-a-second-stage-lo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b9896..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0014-shim-Prevent-shim-to-set-itself-as-a-second-stage-lo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-From 818a0dbd247f7c83d844febfa0a037b396d22701 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 15:10:51 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 14/62] shim: Prevent shim to set itself as a second stage
- loader
-When shim is invoked from a relative path (e.g: from the UEFI shell), the
-Loaded Image handle LoadOptions can be set to the binary relative path.
-But the is_our_path() function only checks if LoadOptions is set to the
-absolute path of shim to ignore it. So if a relative path is there, shim
-would set itself as the secondary loader and invoke itself in a loop.
-To prevent that, use the path in LoadOptions to calculate the absolute
-path and compare it with the one in the Loader Image handle FilePath.
-Resolves: bz#1622485
-Signed-off-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Reviewed-by: Maran Wilson maran.wilson@oracle.com
-Tested-by: Maran Wilson maran.wilson@oracle.com
-Upstream-commit-id: e563bc3dcd1
- shim.c | 17 ++++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 5ab23d03db4..ae03da7eddf 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2086,21 +2086,32 @@ get_load_option_optional_data(UINT8 *data, UINTN data_size,
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
--static int is_our_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *path, UINTN len)
-+static int is_our_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *path)
- {
- 	CHAR16 *dppath = NULL;
-+	CHAR16 *PathName = NULL;
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	int ret = 1;
- 	dppath = DevicePathToStr(li->FilePath);
- 	if (!dppath)
- 		return 0;
-+	efi_status = generate_path_from_image_path(li, path, &PathName);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Unable to generate path %s: %r\n", path,
-+		       efi_status);
-+		goto done;
-+	}
- 	dprint(L"dppath: %s\n", dppath);
- 	dprint(L"path:   %s\n", path);
--	if (StrnCaseCmp(dppath, path, len))
-+	if (StrnCaseCmp(dppath, PathName, strlen(dppath)))
- 		ret = 0;
- 	FreePool(dppath);
-+	FreePool(PathName);
- 	return ret;
- }
-@@ -2289,7 +2300,7 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	 * which is just cruel... So yeah, just don't use it.
- 	 */
--	if (strings == 1 && is_our_path(li, start, loader_len))
-+	if (strings == 1 && is_our_path(li, start))
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	/*
diff --git a/SOURCES/0015-Fix-for-Section-0-has-negative-size-error-when-loadi.patch b/SOURCES/0015-Fix-for-Section-0-has-negative-size-error-when-loadi.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 419d841..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0015-Fix-for-Section-0-has-negative-size-error-when-loadi.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-From 3d04aef8d80293d701f7efee6b5300f9f528ddfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Maran Wilson <maran.wilson@oracle.com>
-Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2018 15:32:29 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 15/62] Fix for "Section 0 has negative size" error when
- loading fbaa64.efi
-The current code is incorrectly failing to load the fbaa64.efi image found
-in Arm servers even though the UEFI shell code is able to properly load
-and execute the same image.
-The problem is due to the presence of a section header that has zero size
-and address and marked "discardable" in the fbaa64.efi image.
-Although there is already a check further down in the code to look for
-the discardable bit and skip further verification checks if set, we never
-get to that point due to the "end < base" check at the start of the loop.
-Here is a dump of the fbaa64.efi image as compiled on an Arm machine
-from the latest code in this repo:
-% # First I used hexedit to change header byte from 'AA' to '86'
-% # so that objdump was able to correctly parse the file:
-% objdump -x -m aarch64 fbaa64.efi
-fbaa64.efi:     file format pei-x86-64
-architecture: i386:x86-64, flags 0x00000103:
-start address 0x0000000000000148
-Characteristics 0x20e
-        executable
-        line numbers stripped
-        symbols stripped
-        debugging information removed
-Time/Date               Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
-Magic                   020b    (PE32+)
-MajorLinkerVersion      2
-MinorLinkerVersion      20
-SizeOfCode              000b15d0
-SizeOfInitializedData   00000000
-SizeOfUninitializedData 00000000
-AddressOfEntryPoint     0000000000000148
-BaseOfCode              0000000000000148
-ImageBase               0000000000000000
-SectionAlignment        0000000000000020
-FileAlignment           0000000000000008
-MajorOSystemVersion     0
-MinorOSystemVersion     0
-MajorImageVersion       0
-MinorImageVersion       0
-MajorSubsystemVersion   0
-MinorSubsystemVersion   0
-Win32Version            00000000
-SizeOfImage             000b1718
-SizeOfHeaders           00000148
-CheckSum                00000000
-Subsystem               0000000a        (EFI application)
-DllCharacteristics      00000000
-SizeOfStackReserve      0000000000000000
-SizeOfStackCommit       0000000000000000
-SizeOfHeapReserve       0000000000000000
-SizeOfHeapCommit        0000000000000000
-LoaderFlags             00000000
-NumberOfRvaAndSizes     00000006
-The Data Directory
-Entry 0 0000000000000000 00000000 Export Directory [.edata (or where ever we found it)]
-Entry 1 0000000000000000 00000000 Import Directory [parts of .idata]
-Entry 2 0000000000000000 00000000 Resource Directory [.rsrc]
-Entry 3 0000000000000000 00000000 Exception Directory [.pdata]
-Entry 4 0000000000000000 00000000 Security Directory
-Entry 5 0000000000000000 00000000 Base Relocation Directory [.reloc]
-Entry 6 0000000000000000 00000000 Debug Directory
-Entry 7 0000000000000000 00000000 Description Directory
-Entry 8 0000000000000000 00000000 Special Directory
-Entry 9 0000000000000000 00000000 Thread Storage Directory [.tls]
-Entry a 0000000000000000 00000000 Load Configuration Directory
-Entry b 0000000000000000 00000000 Bound Import Directory
-Entry c 0000000000000000 00000000 Import Address Table Directory
-Entry d 0000000000000000 00000000 Delay Import Directory
-Entry e 0000000000000000 00000000 CLR Runtime Header
-Entry f 0000000000000000 00000000 Reserved
-Idx Name          Size      VMA               LMA               File off  Algn
-  0 .reloc        00000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  00000000  2**0
-                  ALLOC, LOAD, READONLY, DATA
-  1 .text         000b15d0  0000000000000148  0000000000000148  00000148  2**4
-                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, CODE
-no symbols
-Signed-off-by: Maran Wilson <maran.wilson@oracle.com>
-Reviewed-by: Aaron Young <aaron.young@oracle.com>
-Reviewed-by: Jack Schwartz <jack.schwartz@oracle.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 6df7a8f5609
- shim.c | 5 +++++
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index ae03da7eddf..d980cadacfc 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1347,6 +1347,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	 */
- 	Section = context.FirstSection;
- 	for (i = 0; i < context.NumberOfSections; i++, Section++) {
-+		/* Don't try to copy discardable sections with zero size */
-+		if ((Section->Characteristics & EFI_IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE) &&
-+		    !Section->Misc.VirtualSize)
-+			continue;
- 		base = ImageAddress (buffer, context.ImageSize,
- 				     Section->VirtualAddress);
- 		end = ImageAddress (buffer, context.ImageSize,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0016-Fix-apparent-typo-in-ARM-32-on-64-code.patch b/SOURCES/0016-Fix-apparent-typo-in-ARM-32-on-64-code.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6163a19..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0016-Fix-apparent-typo-in-ARM-32-on-64-code.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From d5b72b322d5b7c6c115833c518e1aa5798076309 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: dann frazier <dann.frazier@canonical.com>
-Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 15:25:11 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 16/62] Fix apparent typo in ARM 32-on-64 code
-The architecture is aarch64, not arch64.
-Fixes: 750584c20775 ("Make 64-on-32 maybe work on x86_64.")
-Signed-off-by: dann frazier <dann.frazier@canonical.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: e9f67aaa75a
- shim.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index d980cadacfc..e4d4fea226d 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ allow_32_bit(void)
- #endif
- #elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i686__)
- 	return 1;
--#elif defined(__arch64__)
-+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
- 	return 0;
- #else /* assuming everything else is 32-bit... */
- 	return 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0017-Makefile-do-not-run-git-on-clean-if-there-s-no-.git-.patch b/SOURCES/0017-Makefile-do-not-run-git-on-clean-if-there-s-no-.git-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 961e531..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0017-Makefile-do-not-run-git-on-clean-if-there-s-no-.git-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From 8544018093b8aa4311b1e970f8396140c22ede0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org>
-Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 19:29:34 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH 17/62] Makefile: do not run git on clean if there's no .git
- directory
-When building in minimal chroot on build workers, like in Debian (where
-make clean is called at the beginning of the build process), git will
-not be available. Skip the git clean.
-Signed-off-by: Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org>
-Upstream-commit-id: be352762a01
- Makefile | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 3f2105595a6..fd7e83dc764 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ clean-shim-objs:
- 	@rm -rvf $(TARGET) *.o $(SHIM_OBJS) $(MOK_OBJS) $(FALLBACK_OBJS) $(KEYS) certdb $(BOOTCSVNAME)
- 	@rm -vf *.debug *.so *.efi *.efi.* *.tar.* version.c buildid
- 	@rm -vf Cryptlib/*.[oa] Cryptlib/*/*.[oa]
--	@git clean -f -d -e 'Cryptlib/OpenSSL/*'
-+	@if [ -d .git ] ; then git clean -f -d -e 'Cryptlib/OpenSSL/*'; fi
- clean: clean-shim-objs
- 	$(MAKE) -C Cryptlib -f $(TOPDIR)/Cryptlib/Makefile clean
diff --git a/SOURCES/0018-Make.default-use-correct-flags-to-disable-unaligned-.patch b/SOURCES/0018-Make.default-use-correct-flags-to-disable-unaligned-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e934fa7..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0018-Make.default-use-correct-flags-to-disable-unaligned-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-From 7f080b30f3c3718d6b2533f62a50f373fd2cda21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Korsgaard <peter@korsgaard.com>
-Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2019 23:34:11 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 18/62] Make.default: use correct flags to disable unaligned
- access for 32 bit ARM
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-The GCC flag to disable unaligned access on 32bit ARM is
--mno-unaligned-access, not -mstrict-align (which is used on aarch64):
-Otherwise build dies with:
-arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc: error: unrecognized command line option
-   ‘-mstrict-align’; did you mean ‘-Wstrict-aliasing’?
-Signed-off-by: Peter Korsgaard <peter@korsgaard.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 41b93358e8c
- Make.defaults | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Make.defaults b/Make.defaults
-index bbfc1d7f77b..09807bd8108 100644
---- a/Make.defaults
-+++ b/Make.defaults
-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
--	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_ARM -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mstrict-align
-+	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_ARM -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mno-unaligned-access
- 	LIBDIR			?= $(prefix)/lib
- 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= arm
diff --git a/SOURCES/0019-Cryptlib-fix-build-on-32bit-ARM.patch b/SOURCES/0019-Cryptlib-fix-build-on-32bit-ARM.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ef4f67..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0019-Cryptlib-fix-build-on-32bit-ARM.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From ee832f21c6706d6b3890d82f9d8bcb2bd249ee04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Korsgaard <peter@korsgaard.com>
-Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 09:17:42 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 19/62] Cryptlib: fix build on 32bit ARM
-Pass MDE_CPU_ARM, similar to how it is done for the other supported
-architectures, otherwise the build fails in:
-Cryptlib/Include/OpenSslSupport.h:55:2: error:
- #error Unknown target architecture
-Signed-off-by: Peter Korsgaard <peter@korsgaard.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: cb83c14628b
- Cryptlib/Makefile | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Makefile b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-index 2aa569594a0..5c098f34cec 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
- TARGET		= libcryptlib.a
diff --git a/SOURCES/0020-Make-sure-that-MOK-variables-always-get-mirrored.patch b/SOURCES/0020-Make-sure-that-MOK-variables-always-get-mirrored.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ca6f732..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0020-Make-sure-that-MOK-variables-always-get-mirrored.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-From ac0400b20264ef67b67891d2216edd3fe20e5571 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Patrick Uiterwijk <patrick@puiterwijk.org>
-Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:51:16 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 20/62] Make sure that MOK variables always get mirrored
-Without this, if a Mok variable doesn't exist in Boot Services, it will also
-not be copied to Runtime, even if we have data to be added to it (vendor cert).
-This patch makes sure that if we have extra data to append, we still mirror
-the variable.
-Signed-off-by: Patrick Uiterwijk <patrick@puiterwijk.org>
-Upstream-commit-id: 9ab0d796bdc
- mok.c | 20 ++++++++++++++++----
- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 38675211e0e..00dd1ad3034 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -223,11 +223,26 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		UINT32 attrs = 0;
- 		BOOLEAN delete = FALSE, present, addend;
-+		addend = (v->addend_source && v->addend_size &&
-+			  *v->addend_source && *v->addend_size)
-+			? TRUE : FALSE;
- 		efi_status = get_variable_attr(v->name,
- 					       &v->data, &v->data_size,
- 					       *v->guid, &attrs);
--		if (efi_status == EFI_NOT_FOUND)
-+		if (efi_status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
-+			if (v->rtname && addend) {
-+				efi_status = mirror_one_mok_variable(v);
-+				if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) &&
-+				    ret != EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION)
-+					ret = efi_status;
-+			}
-+			/*
-+			 * after possibly adding, we can continue, no
-+			 * further checks to be done.
-+			 */
- 			continue;
-+		}
- 		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
- 			perror(L"Could not verify %s: %r\n", v->name,
- 			       efi_status);
-@@ -272,9 +287,6 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		}
- 		present = (v->data && v->data_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
--		addend = (v->addend_source && v->addend_size &&
--			  *v->addend_source && *v->addend_size)
--			? TRUE : FALSE;
- 		if (v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_MEASURE && present) {
- 			/*
diff --git a/SOURCES/0021-mok-fix-the-mirroring-of-RT-variables.patch b/SOURCES/0021-mok-fix-the-mirroring-of-RT-variables.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 135788e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0021-mok-fix-the-mirroring-of-RT-variables.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-From f748139695384fb4e09833898f0b8cb3ab85d810 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 12:47:43 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 21/62] mok: fix the mirroring of RT variables
-When there is no key in MokList, import_mok_state() just skipped MokList
-even though it should always mirror the vendor cert. Besides, the faulty
-check of 'present' and 'addend' invalidates the mirroring of MokListXRT,
-MokSBStateRT, and MokIgnoreDB.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 4b27ae034ba
- mok.c | 11 ++++-------
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 00dd1ad3034..41925abbb49 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -231,12 +231,8 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 					       &v->data, &v->data_size,
- 					       *v->guid, &attrs);
- 		if (efi_status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
--			if (v->rtname && addend) {
--				efi_status = mirror_one_mok_variable(v);
--				if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) &&
--				    ret != EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION)
--					ret = efi_status;
--			}
-+			if (addend)
-+				goto mirror_addend;
- 			/*
- 			 * after possibly adding, we can continue, no
- 			 * further checks to be done.
-@@ -316,7 +312,8 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 			}
- 		}
--		if (v->rtname && present && addend) {
-+		if (v->rtname && (present || addend)) {
- 			if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST)
- 				LibDeleteVariable(v->rtname, v->guid);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0022-mok-consolidate-mirroring-code-in-a-helper-instead-o.patch b/SOURCES/0022-mok-consolidate-mirroring-code-in-a-helper-instead-o.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bd8d9cf..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0022-mok-consolidate-mirroring-code-in-a-helper-instead-o.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-From ff6e5cda136c8fd637d3d6b8334f4f221ba2b1ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:45:30 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 22/62] mok: consolidate mirroring code in a helper instead of
- using goto
-There's no reason to complicate the logic with a goto here, instead just
-pull the logic we're jumping to out to a helper function.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 29c11483101
- mok.c  | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
- shim.h |  2 ++
- 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 41925abbb49..2b9d796a0e8 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	{ NULL, }
- };
--static EFI_STATUS mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+static EFI_STATUS nonnull(1)
-+mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	void *FullData = NULL;
-@@ -196,6 +197,29 @@ static EFI_STATUS mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 	return efi_status;
- }
-+ * Mirror a variable if it has an rtname, and preserve any
-+ * EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION status at the same time.
-+ */
-+static EFI_STATUS nonnull(1)
-+maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v, EFI_STATUS ret)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	if (v->rtname) {
-+		if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST)
-+			LibDeleteVariable(v->rtname, v->guid);
-+		efi_status = mirror_one_mok_variable(v);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				ret = efi_status;
-+			perror(L"Could not create %s: %r\n", v->rtname,
-+			       efi_status);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	return ret;
- /*
-  * Verify our non-volatile MoK state.  This checks the variables above
-  * accessable and have valid attributes.  If they don't, it removes
-@@ -232,7 +256,7 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 					       *v->guid, &attrs);
- 		if (efi_status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
- 			if (addend)
--				goto mirror_addend;
-+				ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret);
- 			/*
- 			 * after possibly adding, we can continue, no
- 			 * further checks to be done.
-@@ -312,16 +336,8 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 			}
- 		}
--		if (v->rtname && (present || addend)) {
--			if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST)
--				LibDeleteVariable(v->rtname, v->guid);
--			efi_status = mirror_one_mok_variable(v);
--			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) &&
--				ret = efi_status;
--		}
-+		if (present)
-+			ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret);
- 	}
- 	/*
-@@ -340,4 +356,4 @@ mirror_addend:
- 	return ret;
- }
--// vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75
-+// vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75:noet
-diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
-index 2b359d821e3..c26d5f06538 100644
---- a/shim.h
-+++ b/shim.h
-@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
- #include <stddef.h>
-+#define nonnull(...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(__VA_ARGS__)))
- #define min(a, b) ({(a) < (b) ? (a) : (b);})
- #ifdef __x86_64__
diff --git a/SOURCES/0023-shim-only-include-shim_cert.h-in-shim.c.patch b/SOURCES/0023-shim-only-include-shim_cert.h-in-shim.c.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fce8963..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0023-shim-only-include-shim_cert.h-in-shim.c.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-From 7a3638173e406ce7cbd682213606e3152244fcb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 11:27:42 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 23/62] shim: only include shim_cert.h in shim.c
-The shim_cert array was declared as a static array, and every user of
-shim_cert.h would create a shim_cert array for its own and grow the file
-size. To remove the unnecessary duplicate shim_cert arrays, this commit
-declares shim_cert in shim.c while other users still can access the
-array through the external variables: build_cert and build_cert_size.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 4e2d62f0f4e
- shim.c | 11 +++++++++++
- shim.h |  7 ++++---
- 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index e4d4fea226d..0a95f94b360 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
-  */
- #include "shim.h"
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+#include "shim_cert.h"
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- #include <openssl/err.h>
- #include <openssl/bn.h>
-@@ -75,6 +78,10 @@ UINT32 vendor_cert_size;
- UINT32 vendor_dbx_size;
- UINT8 *vendor_cert;
- UINT8 *vendor_dbx;
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+UINT32 build_cert_size;
-+UINT8 *build_cert;
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- /*
-  * indicator of how an image has been verified
-@@ -2562,6 +2569,10 @@ efi_main (EFI_HANDLE passed_image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	vendor_dbx_size = cert_table.vendor_dbx_size;
- 	vendor_cert = (UINT8 *)&cert_table + cert_table.vendor_cert_offset;
- 	vendor_dbx = (UINT8 *)&cert_table + cert_table.vendor_dbx_offset;
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+	build_cert_size = sizeof(shim_cert);
-+	build_cert = shim_cert;
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 	CHAR16 *msgs[] = {
- 		L"import_mok_state() failed\n",
- 		L"shim_int() failed\n",
-diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
-index c26d5f06538..e4d40505f09 100644
---- a/shim.h
-+++ b/shim.h
-@@ -122,9 +122,6 @@
- #include "include/variables.h"
- #include "version.h"
--#include "shim_cert.h"
-@@ -172,6 +169,10 @@ extern UINT32 vendor_cert_size;
- extern UINT32 vendor_dbx_size;
- extern UINT8 *vendor_cert;
- extern UINT8 *vendor_dbx;
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+extern UINT32 build_cert_size;
-+extern UINT8 *build_cert;
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- extern UINT8 user_insecure_mode;
- extern UINT8 ignore_db;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0024-mok-also-mirror-the-build-cert-to-MokListRT.patch b/SOURCES/0024-mok-also-mirror-the-build-cert-to-MokListRT.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d331df4..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0024-mok-also-mirror-the-build-cert-to-MokListRT.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-From 3d62232feb296b238ca5d7963ba40a2c346767e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 12:40:02 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 24/62] mok: also mirror the build cert to MokListRT
-If the build cert is enabled, we should also mirror it to MokListRT.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: aecbe1f99b6
- mok.c | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 2b9d796a0e8..6150d8c8868 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ struct mok_state_variable {
- 	 */
- 	UINT8 **addend_source;
- 	UINT32 *addend_size;
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+	UINT8 **build_cert;
-+	UINT32 *build_cert_size;
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 	UINT32 yes_attr;
- 	UINT32 no_attr;
- 	UINT32 flags;
-@@ -90,6 +94,10 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	 .addend_source = &vendor_cert,
- 	 .addend_size = &vendor_cert_size,
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+	 .build_cert = &build_cert,
-+	 .build_cert_size = &build_cert_size,
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 	 .flags = MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB |
- 	 .pcr = 14,
-@@ -130,6 +138,22 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	{ NULL, }
- };
-+inline BOOLEAN check_vendor_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+	return (v->addend_source && v->addend_size &&
-+		*v->addend_source && *v->addend_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+inline BOOLEAN check_build_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+	return (v->build_cert && v->build_cert_size &&
-+		*v->build_cert && *v->build_cert_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-+#define check_addend(v) (check_vendor_cert(v) || check_build_cert(v))
-+#define check_addend(v) check_vendor_cert(v)
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- static EFI_STATUS nonnull(1)
- mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- {
-@@ -138,15 +162,27 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 	UINTN FullDataSize = 0;
- 	uint8_t *p = NULL;
--	if ((v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) &&
--	    v->addend_source && *v->addend_source &&
--	    v->addend_size && *v->addend_size) {
-+	if ((v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) && check_addend(v)) {
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+		FullDataSize = v->data_size;
-+		if (check_build_cert(v)) {
-+			FullDataSize += sizeof (*CertList)
-+					+ sizeof (EFI_GUID)
-+					+ *v->build_cert_size;
-+		}
-+		if (check_vendor_cert(v)) {
-+			FullDataSize += sizeof (*CertList)
-+					+ sizeof (EFI_GUID)
-+					+ *v->addend_size;
-+		}
- 		FullDataSize = v->data_size
- 			     + sizeof (*CertList)
- 			     + sizeof (EFI_GUID)
- 			     + *v->addend_size;
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 		FullData = AllocatePool(FullDataSize);
- 		if (!FullData) {
- 			perror(L"Failed to allocate space for MokListRT\n");
-@@ -158,6 +194,35 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 			CopyMem(p, v->data, v->data_size);
- 			p += v->data_size;
- 		}
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+		if (check_build_cert(v) == FALSE)
-+			goto skip_build_cert;
-+		CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)p;
-+		p += sizeof (*CertList);
-+		CertData = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)p;
-+		p += sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+		CertList->SignatureType = EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID;
-+		CertList->SignatureListSize = *v->build_cert_size
-+					      + sizeof (*CertList)
-+					      + sizeof (*CertData)
-+					      -1;
-+		CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
-+		CertList->SignatureSize = *v->build_cert_size +
-+					  sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+		CertData->SignatureOwner = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
-+		CopyMem(p, *v->build_cert, *v->build_cert_size);
-+		p += *v->build_cert_size;
-+		if (check_vendor_cert(v) == FALSE)
-+			goto skip_vendor_cert;
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 		CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)p;
- 		p += sizeof (*CertList);
- 		CertData = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)p;
-@@ -174,6 +239,9 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 		CertData->SignatureOwner = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
- 		CopyMem(p, *v->addend_source, *v->addend_size);
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 		if (v->data && v->data_size)
- 			FreePool(v->data);
- 		v->data = FullData;
-@@ -247,9 +315,7 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		UINT32 attrs = 0;
- 		BOOLEAN delete = FALSE, present, addend;
--		addend = (v->addend_source && v->addend_size &&
--			  *v->addend_source && *v->addend_size)
--			? TRUE : FALSE;
-+		addend = check_addend(v);
- 		efi_status = get_variable_attr(v->name,
- 					       &v->data, &v->data_size,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0025-mok-minor-cleanups.patch b/SOURCES/0025-mok-minor-cleanups.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 98120d3..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0025-mok-minor-cleanups.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From ff890cf45224926574eee93b0ea1494468870bd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 14:04:57 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 25/62] mok: minor cleanups
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 617b9007668
- mok.c | 7 +++++--
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 6150d8c8868..59630e74425 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -138,13 +138,16 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	{ NULL, }
- };
--inline BOOLEAN check_vendor_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+static inline BOOLEAN nonnull(1)
-+check_vendor_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- {
- 	return (v->addend_source && v->addend_size &&
- 		*v->addend_source && *v->addend_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- #if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
--inline BOOLEAN check_build_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+static inline BOOLEAN nonnull(1)
-+check_build_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- {
- 	return (v->build_cert && v->build_cert_size &&
- 		*v->build_cert && *v->build_cert_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0026-Remove-call-to-TPM2-get_event_log.patch b/SOURCES/0026-Remove-call-to-TPM2-get_event_log.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 30b8374..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0026-Remove-call-to-TPM2-get_event_log.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-From cf3f99c3b1e11c8c83938784975331db5efb410f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matthew Garrett <mjg59@google.com>
-Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:25:44 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 26/62] Remove call to TPM2 get_event_log()
-Calling the TPM2 get_event_log causes the firmware to start logging
-events to the final events table, but implementations may also continue
-logging to the boot services event log. Any OS that wishes to
-reconstruct the full PCR state must already look at both the final
-events log and the boot services event log, so if this call is made
-anywhere other than immediately before ExitBootServices() then the OS
-must deduplicate events that occur in both, complicating things
-Linux already has support for copying up the boot services event log
-across the ExitBootServices() boundary, so there's no reason to make
-this call. Remove it.
-Signed-off-by: Matthew Garrett <mjg59@google.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: fd7c3bd920b
- tpm.c | 46 ----------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 46 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tpm.c b/tpm.c
-index 674e69b715f..f07362c70bb 100644
---- a/tpm.c
-+++ b/tpm.c
-@@ -70,41 +70,6 @@ static BOOLEAN tpm2_present(EFI_TCG2_BOOT_SERVICE_CAPABILITY *caps,
- 	return FALSE;
- }
--static inline EFI_TCG2_EVENT_LOG_BITMAP
--tpm2_get_supported_logs(efi_tpm2_protocol_t *tpm,
--			BOOLEAN old_caps)
--	if (old_caps)
--		return ((TREE_BOOT_SERVICE_CAPABILITY *)caps)->SupportedEventLogs;
--	return caps->SupportedEventLogs;
-- * According to TCG EFI Protocol Specification for TPM 2.0 family,
-- * all events generated after the invocation of EFI_TCG2_GET_EVENT_LOG
-- * shall be stored in an instance of an EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE aka
-- * EFI TCG 2.0 final events table. Hence, it is necessary to trigger the
-- * internal switch through calling get_event_log() in order to allow
-- * to retrieve the logs from OS runtime.
-- */
--static EFI_STATUS trigger_tcg2_final_events_table(efi_tpm2_protocol_t *tpm2,
--						  EFI_TCG2_EVENT_LOG_BITMAP supported_logs)
--	BOOLEAN truncated;
--	if (supported_logs & EFI_TCG2_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2)
--		log_fmt = EFI_TCG2_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2;
--	else
--		log_fmt = EFI_TCG2_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_1_2;
--	return tpm2->get_event_log(tpm2, log_fmt, &start, &end, &truncated);
- static EFI_STATUS tpm_locate_protocol(efi_tpm_protocol_t **tpm,
- 				      efi_tpm2_protocol_t **tpm2,
- 				      BOOLEAN *old_caps_p,
-@@ -166,17 +131,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS tpm_log_event_raw(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size,
- #endif
- 	} else if (tpm2) {
- 		EFI_TCG2_EVENT *event;
--		EFI_TCG2_EVENT_LOG_BITMAP supported_logs;
--		supported_logs = tpm2_get_supported_logs(tpm2, &caps, old_caps);
--		efi_status = trigger_tcg2_final_events_table(tpm2,
--							     supported_logs);
--		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--			perror(L"Unable to trigger tcg2 final events table: %r\n",
--			       efi_status);
--			return efi_status;
--		}
- 		event = AllocatePool(sizeof(*event) + logsize);
- 		if (!event) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0027-Make-EFI-variable-copying-fatal-only-on-secureboot-e.patch b/SOURCES/0027-Make-EFI-variable-copying-fatal-only-on-secureboot-e.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d07e6e2..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0027-Make-EFI-variable-copying-fatal-only-on-secureboot-e.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From 95bd1d88003a9a7c2732472b061ad2a9c7140419 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Patrick Uiterwijk <patrick@puiterwijk.org>
-Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 10:08:45 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 27/62] Make EFI variable copying fatal only on secureboot
- enabled systems
-I have come across systems that are unwilling to reserve enough memory for
-a MokListRT big enough for big certificates.
-This seems to be the case with firmware implementations that do not support
-secureboot, which is probably the reason they went with much lower variable
-This patch set makes sure we can still boot on those systems, by only
-making the copy action fatal if the system has secure boot enabled, or if
-the error was anything other than EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER.
-Signed-off-by: Patrick Uiterwijk <patrick@puiterwijk.org>
-Upstream-commit-id: 741c61abba7
- shim.c | 12 +++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 0a95f94b360..d4ed332f901 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2609,7 +2609,17 @@ efi_main (EFI_HANDLE passed_image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	 * boot-services-only state variables are what we think they are.
- 	 */
- 	efi_status = import_mok_state(image_handle);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+	if (!secure_mode() && efi_status == EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER) {
-+		/*
-+		 * Make copy failures fatal only if secure_mode is enabled, or
-+		 * the error was anything else than EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER.
-+		 * There are non-secureboot firmware implementations that don't
-+		 * reserve enough EFI variable memory to fit the variable.
-+		 */
-+		console_print(L"Importing MOK states has failed: %s: %r\n",
-+			      msgs[msg], efi_status);
-+		console_print(L"Continuing boot since secure mode is disabled");
-+	} else if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
- die:
- 		console_print(L"Something has gone seriously wrong: %s: %r\n",
- 			      msgs[msg], efi_status);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0028-VLogError-Avoid-NULL-pointer-dereferences-in-V-Sprin.patch b/SOURCES/0028-VLogError-Avoid-NULL-pointer-dereferences-in-V-Sprin.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c671a9a..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0028-VLogError-Avoid-NULL-pointer-dereferences-in-V-Sprin.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-From 344a8364cb05cdaafc43231d0f73d5217c4e118c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 18:04:49 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 28/62] VLogError(): Avoid NULL pointer dereferences in
- (V)Sprint calls
-VLogError() calculates the size of format strings by using calls to
-SPrint and VSPrint with a StrSize of 0 and NULL for an output buffer.
-Unfortunately, this is an incorrect usage of (V)Sprint. A StrSize
-of "0" is special-cased to mean "there is no limit". So, we end up
-writing our string to address 0x0. This was discovered because it
-causes a crash on ARM where, unlike x86, it does not necessarily
-have memory mapped at 0x0.
-Avoid the (V)Sprint calls altogether by using (V)PoolPrint, which
-handles the size calculation and allocation for us.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Fixes: 25f6fd08cd26 ("try to show errors more usefully.")
-[dannf: commit message ]
-Signed-off-by: dann frazier <dann.frazier@canonical.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 20e731f423a
- errlog.c | 15 +++------------
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/errlog.c b/errlog.c
-index 18be4822d53..eebb266d396 100644
---- a/errlog.c
-+++ b/errlog.c
-@@ -14,29 +14,20 @@ EFI_STATUS
- VLogError(const char *file, int line, const char *func, CHAR16 *fmt, va_list args)
- {
- 	va_list args2;
--	UINTN size = 0, size2;
- 	CHAR16 **newerrs;
--	size = SPrint(NULL, 0, L"%a:%d %a() ", file, line, func);
--	va_copy(args2, args);
--	size2 = VSPrint(NULL, 0, fmt, args2);
--	va_end(args2);
- 	newerrs = ReallocatePool(errs, (nerrs + 1) * sizeof(*errs),
- 				       (nerrs + 3) * sizeof(*errs));
- 	if (!newerrs)
--	newerrs[nerrs] = AllocatePool(size*2+2);
-+	newerrs[nerrs] = PoolPrint(L"%a:%d %a() ", file, line, func);
- 	if (!newerrs[nerrs])
--	newerrs[nerrs+1] = AllocatePool(size2*2+2);
-+	va_copy(args2, args);
-+	newerrs[nerrs+1] = VPoolPrint(fmt, args2);
- 	if (!newerrs[nerrs+1])
--	SPrint(newerrs[nerrs], size*2+2, L"%a:%d %a() ", file, line, func);
--	va_copy(args2, args);
--	VSPrint(newerrs[nerrs+1], size2*2+2, fmt, args2);
- 	va_end(args2);
- 	nerrs += 2;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0029-Once-again-try-even-harder-to-get-binaries-without-t.patch b/SOURCES/0029-Once-again-try-even-harder-to-get-binaries-without-t.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 617ae6a..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0029-Once-again-try-even-harder-to-get-binaries-without-t.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-From 10d6e3d90f1ea504a1dedaea50478c444e92951c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:52:02 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 29/62] Once again, try even harder to get binaries without
- timestamps in them.
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-$ objdump -x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/shim-*/usr/share/shim/*/shimx64.efi | grep 'Time/Date'
-Time/Date		Thu Jan  1 00:00:08 1970
-$ _
-"What is despair? I have known it—hear my song. Despair is when you’re
-debugging a kernel driver and you look at a memory dump and you see that
-a pointer has a value of 7."
- - http://scholar.harvard.edu/files/mickens/files/thenightwatch.pdf
-objcopy only knows about -D for some targets.
-ld only believes in --no-insert-timestamp in some versions.
-dd takes off and nukes the site from orbit.
-It's the only way to be sure.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: a4a1fbe728c
- Make.defaults | 4 ++++
- Makefile      | 6 ++++--
- 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Make.defaults b/Make.defaults
-index 09807bd8108..f0bfa9fd573 100644
---- a/Make.defaults
-+++ b/Make.defaults
-@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
- 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= x64
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
- 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc \
-@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
- 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -m32
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
- 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_AARCH64 -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mstrict-align
-@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
- 	SUBSYSTEM		:= 0xa
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
- 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_ARM -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mno-unaligned-access
-@@ -79,6 +82,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
- 	FORMAT			:= -O binary
- 	SUBSYSTEM		:= 0xa
- endif
- CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index fd7e83dc764..49e14a26521 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -189,11 +189,13 @@ endif
- ifneq ($(OBJCOPY_GTE224),1)
- 	$(error objcopy >= 2.24 is required)
- endif
--	$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .sdata -j .data -j .data.ident \
-+	$(OBJCOPY) -D -j .text -j .sdata -j .data -j .data.ident \
- 		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym -j .rel* \
- 		-j .rela* -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
- 		-j .vendor_cert \
- 		$(FORMAT) $^ $@
-+	# I am tired of wasting my time fighting binutils timestamp code.
-+	dd conv=notrunc bs=1 count=4 seek=$(TIMESTAMP_LOCATION) if=/dev/zero of=$@
- ifneq ($(origin ENABLE_SHIM_HASH),undefined)
- %.hash : %.efi
-@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ endif
- ifneq ($(OBJCOPY_GTE224),1)
- 	$(error objcopy >= 2.24 is required)
- endif
--	$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
-+	$(OBJCOPY) -D -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
- 		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym -j .rel* \
- 		-j .rela* -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
- 		-j .debug_info -j .debug_abbrev -j .debug_aranges \
diff --git a/SOURCES/0030-shim-Rework-pause-functions-and-add-read_counter.patch b/SOURCES/0030-shim-Rework-pause-functions-and-add-read_counter.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ba8c278..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0030-shim-Rework-pause-functions-and-add-read_counter.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-From 1b382ef850de5a6c59b192c146a0e8d898d2d961 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2018 18:17:57 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 30/62] shim: Rework pause functions and add read_counter()
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: fc6b0bca84e
- shim.c             |   4 +-
- include/asm.h      |  59 +++++++++++++++++
- include/compiler.h | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- shim.h             |   1 +
- 4 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 include/asm.h
- create mode 100644 include/compiler.h
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index d4ed332f901..f69e69487fc 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2543,16 +2543,14 @@ debug_hook(void)
- #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i686__)
- 		if (x > 4294967294ULL)
- 			break;
--		__asm__ __volatile__("pause");
- #elif defined(__aarch64__)
- 		if (x > 1000)
- 			break;
--		__asm__ __volatile__("wfi");
- #else
- 		if (x > 12000)
- 			break;
--		msleep(5000);
- #endif
-+		pause();
- 	}
- 	x = 1;
- }
-diff --git a/include/asm.h b/include/asm.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 00000000000..5e8f9ed9d7c
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/include/asm.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
-+ * asm.h
-+ * Copyright 2018 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-+ */
-+#ifndef SHIM_ASM_H_
-+#define SHIM_ASM_H_
-+#define __stringify_1(x...)     #x
-+#define __stringify(x...)       __stringify_1(x)
-+static inline uint64_t read_counter(void)
-+        uint64_t val;
-+#if defined (__x86_64__)
-+        unsigned long low, high;
-+        __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high));
-+        val = (low) | (high) << 32;
-+#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i686__)
-+        __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=A" (val));
-+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-+        __asm__ __volatile__ ("mrs %0, pmccntr_el0" : "=r" (val));
-+#elif defined(__arm__)
-+        __asm__ __volatile__ ("mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c13, 0" : "=r" (val));
-+#error unsupported arch
-+        return val;
-+#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i686__)
-+static inline void pause(void)
-+	__asm__ __volatile__("pause");
-+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-+static inline void pause(void)
-+		__asm__ __volatile__("wfi");
-+static inline void pause(void)
-+        uint64_t a, b;
-+        int x;
-+        extern void msleep(unsigned long msecs);
-+        a = read_counter();
-+        for (x = 0; x < 1000; x++) {
-+                msleep(1000);
-+                b = read_counter();
-+                if (a != b)
-+                        break;
-+        }
-+#endif /* !SHIM_ASM_H_ */
-+// vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75:et
-diff --git a/include/compiler.h b/include/compiler.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 00000000000..a2a0859379f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/include/compiler.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
-+ * compiler.h
-+ * Copyright 2019 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-+ */
-+#ifndef COMPILER_H_
-+#define COMPILER_H_
-+#ifndef UNUSED
-+#define UNUSED __attribute__((__unused__))
-+#ifndef HIDDEN
-+#define HIDDEN __attribute__((__visibility__ ("hidden")))
-+#ifndef PUBLIC
-+#define PUBLIC __attribute__((__visibility__ ("default")))
-+#ifndef DESTRUCTOR
-+#define DESTRUCTOR __attribute__((destructor))
-+#define CONSTRUCTOR __attribute__((constructor))
-+#ifndef ALIAS
-+#define ALIAS(x) __attribute__((weak, alias (#x)))
-+#ifndef NONNULL
-+#define NONNULL(first, args...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(first, ## args)))
-+#ifndef PRINTF
-+#define PRINTF(first, args...) __attribute__((__format__(printf, first, ## args)))
-+#ifndef FLATTEN
-+#define FLATTEN __attribute__((__flatten__))
-+#ifndef PACKED
-+#define PACKED __attribute__((__packed__))
-+#ifndef VERSION
-+#define VERSION(sym, ver) __asm__(".symver " # sym "," # ver)
-+#ifndef NORETURN
-+#define NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__))
-+#ifndef ALIGNED
-+#define ALIGNED(n) __attribute__((__aligned__(n)))
-+#ifndef CLEANUP_FUNC
-+#define CLEANUP_FUNC(x) __attribute__((__cleanup__(x)))
-+#ifndef USED
-+#define USED __attribute__((__used__))
-+#ifndef SECTION
-+#define SECTION(x) __attribute__((__section__(x)))
-+#ifndef OPTIMIZE
-+#define OPTIMIZE(x) __attribute__((__optimize__(x)))
-+#ifndef __CONCAT
-+#define __CONCAT3(a, b, c) a ## b ## c
-+#ifndef CAT
-+#define CAT(a, b) __CONCAT(a, b)
-+#ifndef CAT3
-+#define CAT3(a, b, c) __CONCAT3(a, b, c)
-+#ifndef STRING
-+#define STRING(x) __STRING(x)
-+#ifndef WRITE_ONCE
-+#define WRITE_ONCE(var, val) \
-+        (*((volatile typeof(val) *)(&(var))) = (val))
-+#ifndef READ_ONCE
-+#define READ_ONCE(var) (*((volatile typeof(var) *)(&(var))))
-+#ifndef likely
-+#define likely(x)	__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
-+#ifndef unlikely
-+#define unlikely(x)	__builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
-+/* Are two types/vars the same type (ignoring qualifiers)? */
-+#ifndef __same_type
-+#define __same_type(a, b) __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(a), typeof(b))
-+/* Compile time object size, -1 for unknown */
-+#ifndef __compiletime_object_size
-+# define __compiletime_object_size(obj) -1
-+#ifndef __compiletime_warning
-+# define __compiletime_warning(message)
-+#ifndef __compiletime_error
-+# define __compiletime_error(message)
-+#ifndef __compiletime_assert
-+#define __compiletime_assert(condition, msg, prefix, suffix)		\
-+	do {								\
-+		extern void prefix ## suffix(void) __compiletime_error(msg); \
-+		if (!(condition))					\
-+			prefix ## suffix();				\
-+	} while (0)
-+#ifndef _compiletime_assert
-+#define _compiletime_assert(condition, msg, prefix, suffix) \
-+	__compiletime_assert(condition, msg, prefix, suffix)
-+ * compiletime_assert - break build and emit msg if condition is false
-+ * @condition: a compile-time constant condition to check
-+ * @msg:       a message to emit if condition is false
-+ *
-+ * In tradition of POSIX assert, this macro will break the build if the
-+ * supplied condition is *false*, emitting the supplied error message if the
-+ * compiler has support to do so.
-+ */
-+#ifndef compiletime_assert
-+#define compiletime_assert(condition, msg) \
-+	_compiletime_assert(condition, msg, __compiletime_assert_, __LINE__)
-+ * BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG - break compile if a condition is true & emit supplied
-+ *		      error message.
-+ * @condition: the condition which the compiler should know is false.
-+ *
-+ * See BUILD_BUG_ON for description.
-+ */
-+#ifndef BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG
-+#define BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(cond, msg) compiletime_assert(!(cond), msg)
-+#ifndef ALIGN
-+#define __ALIGN_MASK(x, mask)   (((x) + (mask)) & ~(mask))
-+#define __ALIGN(x, a)           __ALIGN_MASK(x, (typeof(x))(a) - 1)
-+#define ALIGN(x, a)             __ALIGN((x), (a))
-+#ifndef ALIGN_DOWN
-+#define ALIGN_DOWN(x, a)        __ALIGN((x) - ((a) - 1), (a))
-+#endif /* !COMPILER_H_ */
-+// vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75:et
-diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
-index e4d40505f09..a0fa5a75e7e 100644
---- a/shim.h
-+++ b/shim.h
-@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
- #define FALLBACK L"\\fb" EFI_ARCH L".efi"
- #define MOK_MANAGER L"\\mm" EFI_ARCH L".efi"
-+#include "include/asm.h"
- #include "include/configtable.h"
- #include "include/console.h"
- #include "include/crypt_blowfish.h"
diff --git a/SOURCES/0031-Hook-exit-when-shim_lock-protocol-installed.patch b/SOURCES/0031-Hook-exit-when-shim_lock-protocol-installed.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f472f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0031-Hook-exit-when-shim_lock-protocol-installed.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-From b5e10f70c7a495dc1788e3604803ee633f1e5f76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Stuart Hayes <stuart.w.hayes@gmail.com>
-Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 15:48:20 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 31/62] Hook exit when shim_lock protocol installed
-A recent commit moved where the shim_lock protocol is loaded and
-unloaded, but did not move where exit was hooked and unhooked.  Exit
-needs to be hooked when the protocol is installed, so that the protocol
-will be uninstalled on exit.  Otherwise, the system can crash if, for
-example, shim loads grub, the user exits grub, shim is run again, which
-installs a second instance of the protocol, and then grub tries to use
-the shim_lock protocol that was installed by the first instance of shim.
-Signed-off-by: Stuart Hayes <stuart.w.hayes@gmail.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 06c92591e94
- shim.c | 5 +++--
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index f69e69487fc..16911a37b17 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2474,9 +2474,9 @@ shim_init(void)
- 			loader_is_participating = 0;
- 		}
--		hook_exit(systab);
- 	}
-+	hook_exit(systab);
- 	return install_shim_protocols();
- }
-@@ -2494,9 +2494,10 @@ shim_fini(void)
- 		 * Remove our hooks from system services.
- 		 */
- 		unhook_system_services();
--		unhook_exit();
- 	}
-+	unhook_exit();
- 	/*
- 	 * Free the space allocated for the alternative 2nd stage loader
- 	 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0032-Work-around-stuff-Waddress-of-packed-member-finds.patch b/SOURCES/0032-Work-around-stuff-Waddress-of-packed-member-finds.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f7696a3..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0032-Work-around-stuff-Waddress-of-packed-member-finds.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-From 2cbf56b82a5102777b37c4f7f47c8cf058cea027 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:34:35 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 32/62] Work around stuff -Waddress-of-packed-member finds.
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-In MokManager we get a lot of these:
-../src/MokManager.c:1063:19: error: taking address of packed member of ‘struct <anonymous>’ may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Werror=address-of-packed-member]
- 1063 |   if (CompareGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0)
-      |                   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-The reason for this is that gnu-efi takes EFI_GUID * as its argument
-instead of VOID *, and there's nothing telling the compiler that it
-doesn't have alignment constraints on the input, so the compiler wants
-it to have 16-byte alignment.
-Just use CompareMem() for these, as that's all CompareGuid is calling
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 08c14376b59
- MokManager.c | 12 +++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index df9b6fe6912..a1bd39a68e2 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
- #define CERT_STRING L"Select an X509 certificate to enroll:\n\n"
- #define HASH_STRING L"Select a file to trust:\n\n"
-+#define CompareMemberGuid(x, y) CompareMem(x, y, sizeof(EFI_GUID))
- typedef struct {
- 	UINT32 MokSize;
- 	UINT8 *Mok;
-@@ -1077,7 +1079,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 			continue;
- 		DataSize += sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST);
--		if (CompareGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0)
-+		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0)
- 			DataSize += sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 		DataSize += list[i].MokSize;
- 	}
-@@ -1099,7 +1101,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 		CertList->SignatureType = list[i].Type;
- 		CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
--		if (CompareGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0) {
-+		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0) {
- 			CertList->SignatureListSize = list[i].MokSize +
- 			    sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 			CertList->SignatureSize =
-@@ -1140,7 +1142,7 @@ static void delete_cert(void *key, UINT32 key_size,
- 	int i;
- 	for (i = 0; i < mok_num; i++) {
--		if (CompareGuid(&(mok[i].Type), &X509_GUID) != 0)
-+		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(mok[i].Type), &X509_GUID) != 0)
- 			continue;
- 		if (mok[i].MokSize == key_size &&
-@@ -1191,7 +1193,7 @@ static void delete_hash_in_list(EFI_GUID Type, UINT8 * hash, UINT32 hash_size,
- 	sig_size = hash_size + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 	for (i = 0; i < mok_num; i++) {
--		if ((CompareGuid(&(mok[i].Type), &Type) != 0) ||
-+		if ((CompareMemberGuid(&(mok[i].Type), &Type) != 0) ||
- 		    (mok[i].MokSize < sig_size))
- 			continue;
-@@ -1355,7 +1357,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS delete_keys(void *MokDel, UINTN MokDelSize, BOOLEAN MokX)
- 	/* Search and destroy */
- 	for (i = 0; i < del_num; i++) {
--		if (CompareGuid(&(del_key[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0) {
-+		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(del_key[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0) {
- 			delete_cert(del_key[i].Mok, del_key[i].MokSize,
- 				    mok, mok_num);
- 		} else if (is_sha2_hash(del_key[i].Type)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0033-Fix-a-use-of-strlen-instead-of-Strlen.patch b/SOURCES/0033-Fix-a-use-of-strlen-instead-of-Strlen.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e79afa1..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0033-Fix-a-use-of-strlen-instead-of-Strlen.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From c372ec7a254147f70d62c1f72da5806d42df6994 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 10:36:23 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 33/62] Fix a use of strlen() instead of Strlen()
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 1870bae7960
- shim.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 16911a37b17..a0eb19b91fe 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ static int is_our_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *path)
- 	dprint(L"dppath: %s\n", dppath);
- 	dprint(L"path:   %s\n", path);
--	if (StrnCaseCmp(dppath, PathName, strlen(dppath)))
-+	if (StrnCaseCmp(dppath, PathName, StrLen(dppath)))
- 		ret = 0;
- done:
diff --git a/SOURCES/0034-MokManager-Use-CompareMem-on-MokListNode.Type-instea.patch b/SOURCES/0034-MokManager-Use-CompareMem-on-MokListNode.Type-instea.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a2c6e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0034-MokManager-Use-CompareMem-on-MokListNode.Type-instea.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-From 5d30a31fef4eb7e773da24c5e6c20576282a9c3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 11:33:53 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 34/62] MokManager: Use CompareMem on MokListNode.Type instead
- of CompareGuid
-Fix the errors from gcc9 '-Werror=address-of-packed-member'
-Signed-off-by: Gary Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: aaa09b35e73
- MokManager.c | 14 +++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index a1bd39a68e2..30192c16789 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -1079,7 +1079,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 			continue;
- 		DataSize += sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST);
--		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0)
-+		if (CompareMem(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
-+			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0)
- 			DataSize += sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 		DataSize += list[i].MokSize;
- 	}
-@@ -1101,7 +1102,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 		CertList->SignatureType = list[i].Type;
- 		CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
--		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0) {
-+		if (CompareMem(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
-+			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0) {
- 			CertList->SignatureListSize = list[i].MokSize +
- 			    sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 			CertList->SignatureSize =
-@@ -1142,7 +1144,8 @@ static void delete_cert(void *key, UINT32 key_size,
- 	int i;
- 	for (i = 0; i < mok_num; i++) {
--		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(mok[i].Type), &X509_GUID) != 0)
-+		if (CompareMem(&(mok[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
-+			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) != 0)
- 			continue;
- 		if (mok[i].MokSize == key_size &&
-@@ -1193,7 +1196,7 @@ static void delete_hash_in_list(EFI_GUID Type, UINT8 * hash, UINT32 hash_size,
- 	sig_size = hash_size + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 	for (i = 0; i < mok_num; i++) {
--		if ((CompareMemberGuid(&(mok[i].Type), &Type) != 0) ||
-+		if ((CompareMem(&(mok[i].Type), &Type, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) != 0) ||
- 		    (mok[i].MokSize < sig_size))
- 			continue;
-@@ -1357,7 +1360,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS delete_keys(void *MokDel, UINTN MokDelSize, BOOLEAN MokX)
- 	/* Search and destroy */
- 	for (i = 0; i < del_num; i++) {
--		if (CompareMemberGuid(&(del_key[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0) {
-+		if (CompareMem(&(del_key[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
-+			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0) {
- 			delete_cert(del_key[i].Mok, del_key[i].MokSize,
- 				    mok, mok_num);
- 		} else if (is_sha2_hash(del_key[i].Type)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0035-OpenSSL-always-provide-OBJ_create-with-name-strings.patch b/SOURCES/0035-OpenSSL-always-provide-OBJ_create-with-name-strings.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0efaac9..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0035-OpenSSL-always-provide-OBJ_create-with-name-strings.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From 44b211bcf7ad58ff29e6495e1c3978e4660cb7d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 18:04:34 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 35/62] OpenSSL: always provide OBJ_create() with name strings.
-Some versions of OpenSSL seem to go back and forth as to whether NULL
-for these names are okay.  Don't risk it.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 46b76a01717
- shim.c | 4 +++-
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index a0eb19b91fe..d7ee2b6de6f 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -388,7 +388,9 @@ static BOOLEAN verify_eku(UINT8 *Cert, UINTN CertSize)
- 	ASN1_OBJECT *module_signing;
--	module_signing = OBJ_nid2obj(OBJ_create(OID_EKU_MODSIGN, NULL, NULL));
-+        module_signing = OBJ_nid2obj(OBJ_create(OID_EKU_MODSIGN,
-+                                                "modsign-eku",
-+                                                "modsign-eku"));
- 	x509 = d2i_X509 (NULL, &Temp, (long) CertSize);
- 	if (x509 != NULL) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0036-Use-portable-shebangs-bin-bash-usr-bin-env-bash.patch b/SOURCES/0036-Use-portable-shebangs-bin-bash-usr-bin-env-bash.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba6995..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0036-Use-portable-shebangs-bin-bash-usr-bin-env-bash.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From 07de085dabab8daaea589b597e3915893cc98445 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B8rn=20Forsman?= <bjorn.forsman@gmail.com>
-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 11:41:02 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 36/62] Use portable shebangs: /bin/bash -> /usr/bin/env bash
-Upstream-commit-id: 6a73ca814af
- Cryptlib/update.sh | 2 +-
- make-certs         | 4 +++-
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/update.sh b/Cryptlib/update.sh
-index 31a082d4db6..7ea59831a06 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/update.sh
-+++ b/Cryptlib/update.sh
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-+#!/usr/bin/env bash
- DIR=$1
-diff --git a/make-certs b/make-certs
-index 3e9293b2497..6f40b234d6a 100755
---- a/make-certs
-+++ b/make-certs
-@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
--#!/bin/bash -e
-+#!/usr/bin/env bash
- #
- #  Generate a root CA cert for signing, and then a subject cert.
- #  Usage: make-certs.sh hostname [user[@domain]] [more ...]
- #  For testing only, probably still has some bugs in it.
- #
-+set -e
- DOMAIN=xn--u4h.net
- DAYS=365
diff --git a/SOURCES/0037-tpm-Fix-off-by-one-error-when-calculating-event-size.patch b/SOURCES/0037-tpm-Fix-off-by-one-error-when-calculating-event-size.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a2619ab..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0037-tpm-Fix-off-by-one-error-when-calculating-event-size.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-From 6fd8db6bb3b23b9e41f109135253f77263071f46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Chris Coulson <chris.coulson@canonical.com>
-Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 15:33:03 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 37/62] tpm: Fix off-by-one error when calculating event size
-tpm_log_event_raw() allocates a buffer for the EFI_TCG2_EVENT structure
-that is one byte larger than necessary, and sets event->Size accordingly.
-The result of this is that the event data recorded in the log differs
-from the data that is measured to the TPM (it has an extra zero byte
-at the end).
-Upstream-commit-id: 8a27a4809a6
- tpm.c | 6 ++++--
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tpm.c b/tpm.c
-index f07362c70bb..516fb876caa 100644
---- a/tpm.c
-+++ b/tpm.c
-@@ -131,8 +131,10 @@ static EFI_STATUS tpm_log_event_raw(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size,
- #endif
- 	} else if (tpm2) {
- 		EFI_TCG2_EVENT *event;
-+		UINTN event_size = sizeof(*event) - sizeof(event->Event) +
-+			logsize;
--		event = AllocatePool(sizeof(*event) + logsize);
-+		event = AllocatePool(event_size);
- 		if (!event) {
- 			perror(L"Unable to allocate event structure\n");
-@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS tpm_log_event_raw(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size,
- 		event->Header.HeaderVersion = 1;
- 		event->Header.PCRIndex = pcr;
- 		event->Header.EventType = type;
--		event->Size = sizeof(*event) - sizeof(event->Event) + logsize + 1;
-+		event->Size = event_size;
- 		CopyMem(event->Event, (VOID *)log, logsize);
- 		if (hash) {
- 			/* TPM 2 systems will generate the appropriate hash
diff --git a/SOURCES/0038-tpm-Define-EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE-as-packed.patch b/SOURCES/0038-tpm-Define-EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE-as-packed.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 71b98a9..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0038-tpm-Define-EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE-as-packed.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From 9f80be9f16a854e3946568fa92edebe26eb79e78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Chris Coulson <chris.coulson@canonical.com>
-Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 15:37:29 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 38/62] tpm: Define EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE as packed
-tpm_measure_variable() calculates VarLogSize by adding the size of VarName
-and VarData to the size of EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE, and then subtracting
-the size of the UnicodeName and VariableData members. This results in a
-calculation that is 5 bytes larger than necessary because it doesn't take
-in to account the padding of these members. The effect of this is that
-shim measures an additional 5 zero bytes when measuring UEFI variables
-(at least on 64-bit architectures).
-Byte packing EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE fixes this.
-Upstream-commit-id: 7e4d3f1c8c7
- tpm.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/tpm.c b/tpm.c
-index 516fb876caa..c0617bb479e 100644
---- a/tpm.c
-+++ b/tpm.c
-@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ typedef struct {
- 	UINT64 VariableDataLength;
- 	CHAR16 UnicodeName[1];
- 	INT8 VariableData[1];
-+} __attribute__ ((packed)) EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE;
- static BOOLEAN tpm_data_measured(CHAR16 *VarName, EFI_GUID VendorGuid, UINTN VarSize, VOID *VarData)
- {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0039-MokManager-console-mode-modification-for-hi-dpi-scre.patch b/SOURCES/0039-MokManager-console-mode-modification-for-hi-dpi-scre.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a71b643..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0039-MokManager-console-mode-modification-for-hi-dpi-scre.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-From 55163bc82c5179adb109c3d8b982c2689d68b4c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ivan Hu <ivan.hu@canonical.com>
-Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 17:50:12 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 39/62] MokManager: console mode modification for hi-dpi screen
- devices
-There are lots of hi-dpi laptops nowadays, as doing mok enrollment, the font
-is too small to see.
-This patch checks if the resolution is larger than Full HD (1920x1080) and
-current console output columns and rows is in a good mode. Then swith the
-console output to a better mode.
-Signed-off-by: Ivan Hu <ivan.hu@canonical.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: cf05af6d899
- MokManager.c      |   2 +
- lib/console.c     | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
- include/console.h |   2 +
- 3 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 30192c16789..78da9fd95ee 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -2560,6 +2560,8 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * systab)
- 	setup_rand();
-+	console_mode_handle();
- 	efi_status = check_mok_request(image_handle);
- 	console_fini();
-diff --git a/lib/console.c b/lib/console.c
-index 3aee41cd276..c92d27f3c86 100644
---- a/lib/console.c
-+++ b/lib/console.c
-@@ -409,7 +409,166 @@ console_notify(CHAR16 *string)
- 	console_alertbox(str_arr);
- }
--#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof ((a)[0]))
-+console_save_and_set_mode(SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE * SavedMode)
-+	if (!SavedMode) {
-+		console_print(L"Invalid parameter: SavedMode\n");
-+		return;
-+	}
-+	CopyMem(SavedMode, co->Mode, sizeof(SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE));
-+	co->EnableCursor(co, FALSE);
-+console_restore_mode(SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE * SavedMode)
-+	co->EnableCursor(co, SavedMode->CursorVisible);
-+	co->SetCursorPosition(co, SavedMode->CursorColumn,
-+				SavedMode->CursorRow);
-+	co->SetAttribute(co, SavedMode->Attribute);
-+console_countdown(CHAR16* title, const CHAR16* message, int timeout)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	UINTN cols, rows;
-+	CHAR16 *titles[2];
-+	int wait = 10000000;
-+	console_save_and_set_mode(&SavedMode);
-+	titles[0] = title;
-+	titles[1] = NULL;
-+	console_print_box_at(titles, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1);
-+	co->QueryMode(co, co->Mode->Mode, &cols, &rows);
-+	console_print_at((cols - StrLen(message)) / 2, rows / 2, message);
-+	while (1) {
-+		if (timeout > 1)
-+			console_print_at(2, rows - 3,
-+					 L"Booting in %d seconds  ",
-+					 timeout);
-+		else if (timeout)
-+			console_print_at(2, rows - 3,
-+					 L"Booting in %d second   ",
-+					 timeout);
-+		efi_status = WaitForSingleEvent(ci->WaitForKey, wait);
-+		if (efi_status != EFI_TIMEOUT) {
-+			/* Clear the key in the queue */
-+			ci->ReadKeyStroke(ci, &key);
-+			break;
-+		}
-+		timeout--;
-+		if (!timeout)
-+			break;
-+	}
-+	console_restore_mode(&SavedMode);
-+	return timeout;
-+#define HORIZONTAL_MAX_OK 1920
-+#define VERTICAL_MAX_OK 1080
-+#define COLUMNS_MAX_OK 200
-+#define ROWS_MAX_OK 100
-+	UINTN mode_set;
-+	UINTN rows = 0, columns = 0;
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
-+	efi_status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gop_guid, NULL, (void **)&gop);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		console_error(L"Locate graphic output protocol fail", efi_status);
-+		return;
-+	}
-+	Info = gop->Mode->Info;
-+	/*
-+	 * Start verifying if we are in a resolution larger than Full HD
-+	 * (1920x1080). If we're not, assume we're in a good mode and do not
-+	 * try to change it.
-+	 */
-+	if (Info->HorizontalResolution <= HORIZONTAL_MAX_OK &&
-+	    Info->VerticalResolution <= VERTICAL_MAX_OK) {
-+		/* keep original mode and return */
-+		return;
-+	}
-+        efi_status = co->QueryMode(co, co->Mode->Mode, &columns, &rows);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		console_error(L"Console query mode fail", efi_status);
-+		return;
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * Verify current console output to check if the character columns and
-+	 * rows in a good mode.
-+	 */
-+	if (columns <= COLUMNS_MAX_OK && rows <= ROWS_MAX_OK) {
-+		/* keep original mode and return */
-+		return;
-+	}
-+	if (!console_text_mode)
-+		setup_console(1);
-+	co->Reset(co, TRUE);
-+	/*
-+	 * If we reached here, then we have a high resolution screen and the
-+	 * text too small. Try to switch to a better mode. Mode number 2 is
-+	 * first non standard mode, which is provided by the device
-+	 * manufacturer, so it should be a good mode.
-+	 */
-+	if (co->Mode->MaxMode > 2)
-+		mode_set = 2;
-+	else
-+		mode_set = 0;
-+	efi_status = co->SetMode(co, mode_set);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) && mode_set != 0) {
-+		/*
-+		 * Set to 0 mode which is required that all output devices
-+		 * support at least 80x25 text mode.
-+		 */
-+		mode_set = 0;
-+		efi_status = co->SetMode(co, mode_set);
-+	}
-+	co->ClearScreen(co);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		console_error(L"Console set mode fail", efi_status);
-+	}
-+	return;
- /* Copy of gnu-efi-3.0 with the added secure boot strings */
- static struct {
-diff --git a/include/console.h b/include/console.h
-index deb4fa3db23..9f259c71b72 100644
---- a/include/console.h
-+++ b/include/console.h
-@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ void
- console_notify(CHAR16 *string);
- void
- console_reset(void);
- #define NOSEL 0x7fffffff
diff --git a/SOURCES/0040-MokManager-avoid-Werror-address-of-packed-member.patch b/SOURCES/0040-MokManager-avoid-Werror-address-of-packed-member.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8814e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0040-MokManager-avoid-Werror-address-of-packed-member.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-From d57e53f3bddc4bc7299b3d5efd5ba8c547e8dfa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jonas Witschel <diabonas@gmx.de>
-Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 10:39:37 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 40/62] MokManager: avoid -Werror=address-of-packed-member
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-When compiling with GCC 9, there are a couple of errors of the form
-MokManager.c: In function ‘write_back_mok_list’:
-MokManager.c:1056:19: error: taking address of packed member of ‘struct <anonymous>’ may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Werror=address-of-packed-member]
- 1056 |   if (CompareGuid(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID) == 0)
-      |                   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Copying the member of the packed struct to a temporary variable and
-pointing to that variable solves the problem.
-Upstream-commit-id: 58532e12e9a
- MokManager.c | 22 +++++++++++++---------
- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 78da9fd95ee..fa73e2fd865 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -1064,6 +1064,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	EFI_GUID type;
- 	void *Data = NULL, *ptr;
- 	INTN DataSize = 0;
- 	int i;
-@@ -1079,8 +1080,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 			continue;
- 		DataSize += sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST);
--		if (CompareMem(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
--			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0)
-+		type = list[i].Type; /* avoid -Werror=address-of-packed-member */
-+		if (CompareGuid(&type, &X509_GUID) == 0)
- 			DataSize += sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 		DataSize += list[i].MokSize;
- 	}
-@@ -1102,8 +1103,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 		CertList->SignatureType = list[i].Type;
- 		CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
--		if (CompareMem(&(list[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
--			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0) {
-+		if (CompareGuid(&(CertList->SignatureType), &X509_GUID) == 0) {
- 			CertList->SignatureListSize = list[i].MokSize +
- 			    sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 			CertList->SignatureSize =
-@@ -1141,11 +1141,12 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- static void delete_cert(void *key, UINT32 key_size,
- 			MokListNode * mok, INTN mok_num)
- {
-+	EFI_GUID type;
- 	int i;
- 	for (i = 0; i < mok_num; i++) {
--		if (CompareMem(&(mok[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
--			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) != 0)
-+		type = mok[i].Type; /* avoid -Werror=address-of-packed-member */
-+		if (CompareGuid(&type, &X509_GUID) != 0)
- 			continue;
- 		if (mok[i].MokSize == key_size &&
-@@ -1187,6 +1188,7 @@ static void mem_move(void *dest, void *src, UINTN size)
- static void delete_hash_in_list(EFI_GUID Type, UINT8 * hash, UINT32 hash_size,
- 				MokListNode * mok, INTN mok_num)
- {
-+	EFI_GUID type;
- 	UINT32 sig_size;
- 	UINT32 list_num;
- 	int i, del_ind;
-@@ -1196,7 +1198,8 @@ static void delete_hash_in_list(EFI_GUID Type, UINT8 * hash, UINT32 hash_size,
- 	sig_size = hash_size + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 	for (i = 0; i < mok_num; i++) {
--		if ((CompareMem(&(mok[i].Type), &Type, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) != 0) ||
-+		type = mok[i].Type; /* avoid -Werror=address-of-packed-member */
-+		if ((CompareGuid(&type, &Type) != 0) ||
- 		    (mok[i].MokSize < sig_size))
- 			continue;
-@@ -1252,6 +1255,7 @@ static void delete_hash_list(EFI_GUID Type, void *hash_list, UINT32 list_size,
- static EFI_STATUS delete_keys(void *MokDel, UINTN MokDelSize, BOOLEAN MokX)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	EFI_GUID type;
- 	CHAR16 *db_name;
- 	CHAR16 *auth_name;
- 	CHAR16 *err_strs[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
-@@ -1360,8 +1364,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS delete_keys(void *MokDel, UINTN MokDelSize, BOOLEAN MokX)
- 	/* Search and destroy */
- 	for (i = 0; i < del_num; i++) {
--		if (CompareMem(&(del_key[i].Type), &X509_GUID,
--			       sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0) {
-+		type = del_key[i].Type; /* avoid -Werror=address-of-packed-member */
-+		if (CompareGuid(&type, &X509_GUID) == 0) {
- 			delete_cert(del_key[i].Mok, del_key[i].MokSize,
- 				    mok, mok_num);
- 		} else if (is_sha2_hash(del_key[i].Type)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0041-tpm-Don-t-log-duplicate-identical-events.patch b/SOURCES/0041-tpm-Don-t-log-duplicate-identical-events.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a282e4..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0041-tpm-Don-t-log-duplicate-identical-events.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From 58df8d745c6516818ba6ebfa8fe826702c1621a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Chris Coulson <chris.coulson@canonical.com>
-Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 20:01:01 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 41/62] tpm: Don't log duplicate identical events
-According to the comment in tpm_measure_variable ("Don't measure something that we've already measured"), shim
-shouldn't measure duplicate events if they are identical, which also aligns with section of the TCG PC
-Client Platform Firmware Profile Specification ("If it has been measured previously, it MUST NOT be measured
-again"). This is currently broken because tpm_data_measured() uses the return value of CompareGuid() incorrectly.
-Upstream-commit-id: 103adc89ce5
- tpm.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/tpm.c b/tpm.c
-index c0617bb479e..196b93c30f6 100644
---- a/tpm.c
-+++ b/tpm.c
-@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ static BOOLEAN tpm_data_measured(CHAR16 *VarName, EFI_GUID VendorGuid, UINTN Var
- 	for (i=0; i<measuredcount; i++) {
- 		if ((StrCmp (VarName, measureddata[i].VariableName) == 0) &&
--		    (CompareGuid (&VendorGuid, measureddata[i].VendorGuid)) &&
-+		    (CompareGuid (&VendorGuid, measureddata[i].VendorGuid) == 0) &&
- 		    (VarSize == measureddata[i].Size) &&
- 		    (CompareMem (VarData, measureddata[i].Data, VarSize) == 0)) {
- 			return TRUE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0042-Slightly-better-debugging-messages.patch b/SOURCES/0042-Slightly-better-debugging-messages.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e49a66..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0042-Slightly-better-debugging-messages.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-From 5e6e0792cedb3b71cbe061ae56e96906cf710579 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 13:59:14 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 42/62] Slightly better debugging messages
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 173d35fe8f5
- shim.c | 14 ++++++++++----
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index d7ee2b6de6f..2f7aba07421 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2459,6 +2459,8 @@ uninstall_shim_protocols(void)
- shim_init(void)
- {
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	setup_verbosity();
- 	dprint(L"%a", shim_version);
-@@ -2479,7 +2481,12 @@ shim_init(void)
- 	}
- 	hook_exit(systab);
--	return install_shim_protocols();
-+	efi_status = install_shim_protocols();
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
-+		perror(L"install_shim_protocols() failed: %r\n", efi_status);
-+	return efi_status;
- }
- void
-@@ -2575,13 +2582,12 @@ efi_main (EFI_HANDLE passed_image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	build_cert = shim_cert;
- #endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 	CHAR16 *msgs[] = {
--		L"import_mok_state() failed\n",
--		L"shim_int() failed\n",
-+		L"import_mok_state() failed",
-+		L"shim_init() failed",
- 		NULL
- 	};
- 	int msg = 0;
- 	/*
- 	 * Set up the shim lock protocol so that grub and MokManager can
- 	 * call back in and use shim functions
diff --git a/SOURCES/0043-Actually-check-for-errors-from-set_second_stage.patch b/SOURCES/0043-Actually-check-for-errors-from-set_second_stage.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 255f47f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0043-Actually-check-for-errors-from-set_second_stage.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-From 959f5e4e993a82020fef48c7e7c012a44074645c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 13:58:46 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 43/62] Actually check for errors from set_second_stage()
-This changes shim_init() to check for errors from set_second_stage().
-In order to make that work, it also does the following:
-- correctly /always/ allocate second_stage, not sometimes allocate and
-  sometimes point at .data
-- test for LoadOptionSize == 0 and return success
-- print an error message for the failure so we can see it.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 354bd9b1931
- shim.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 2f7aba07421..5329795c333 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2141,8 +2141,15 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	CHAR16 *loader_str = NULL;
- 	UINTN loader_len = 0;
- 	unsigned int i;
-+	UINTN second_stage_len;
--	second_stage = DEFAULT_LOADER;
-+	second_stage_len = StrLen(DEFAULT_LOADER) + 1;
-+	second_stage = AllocatePool(second_stage_len);
-+	if (!second_stage) {
-+		perror(L"Could not allocate %lu bytes\n", second_stage_len);
-+	}
-+	StrCpy(second_stage, DEFAULT_LOADER);
- 	load_options = NULL;
- 	load_options_size = 0;
-@@ -2199,6 +2206,12 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	* BDS will add that, but we ignore that here.
- 	*/
-+	/*
-+	 * Maybe there just aren't any options...
-+	 */
-+	if (li->LoadOptionsSize == 0)
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	/*
- 	 * In either case, we've got to have at least a UCS2 NUL...
- 	 */
-@@ -2465,7 +2478,11 @@ shim_init(void)
- 	dprint(L"%a", shim_version);
- 	/* Set the second stage loader */
--	set_second_stage (global_image_handle);
-+	efi_status = set_second_stage(global_image_handle);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"set_second_stage() failed: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		return efi_status;
-+	}
- 	if (secure_mode()) {
- 		if (vendor_cert_size || vendor_dbx_size) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0044-translate_slashes-don-t-write-to-string-literals.patch b/SOURCES/0044-translate_slashes-don-t-write-to-string-literals.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f69b22e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0044-translate_slashes-don-t-write-to-string-literals.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-From c6bedd5b83529925c3ec08f96a3bf61c81bff0ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Laszlo Ersek <lersek@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 23:33:46 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 44/62] translate_slashes(): don't write to string literals
-Currently, all three invocations of the translate_slashes() function may
-lead to writes to the string literal that is #defined with the
-DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR macro. According to ISO C99 6.4.5p6, this is undefined
-behavior ("If the program attempts to modify such an array, the behavior
-is undefined").
-This bug crashes shim on e.g. the 64-bit ArmVirtQemu platform ("Data
-abort: Permission fault"), where the platform firmware maps the .text
-section (which contains the string literal) read-only.
-Modify translate_slashes() so that it copies and translates characters
-from an input array of "char" to an output array of "CHAR8".
-While at it, fix another bug. Before this patch, if translate_slashes()
-ever encountered a double backslash (translating it to a single forward
-slash), then the output would end up shorter than the input. However, the
-output was not NUL-terminated in-place, therefore the original string
-length (and according trailing garbage) would be preserved. After this
-patch, the NUL-termination on contraction is automatic, as the output
-array's contents are indeterminate when entering the function, and so we
-must NUL-terminate it anyway.
-Fixes: 8e9124227d18475d3bc634c33518963fc8db7c98
-Fixes: e62b69a5b0b87c6df7a4fc23906134945309e927
-Fixes: 3d79bcb2651b9eae809b975b3e03e2f96c067072
-Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1795654
-Signed-off-by: Laszlo Ersek <lersek@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 9813e8bc8b3
- httpboot.c    |  4 ++--
- netboot.c     | 16 +++++++++++-----
- include/str.h | 14 ++++++++------
- 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/httpboot.c b/httpboot.c
-index 3622e85867c..2d27e8ed993 100644
---- a/httpboot.c
-+++ b/httpboot.c
-@@ -743,14 +743,14 @@ httpboot_fetch_buffer (EFI_HANDLE image, VOID **buffer, UINT64 *buf_size)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	EFI_HANDLE nic;
--	CHAR8 *next_loader = NULL;
-+	CHAR8 next_loader[sizeof DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR];
- 	CHAR8 *next_uri = NULL;
- 	CHAR8 *hostname = NULL;
- 	if (!uri)
- 		return EFI_NOT_READY;
--	next_loader = translate_slashes(DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
-+	translate_slashes(next_loader, DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
- 	/* Create the URI for the next loader based on the original URI */
- 	efi_status = generate_next_uri(uri, next_loader, &next_uri);
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-index 58babfb4d2e..4922ef284b1 100644
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -189,7 +189,9 @@ static BOOLEAN extract_tftp_info(CHAR8 *url)
- 	CHAR8 *start, *end;
- 	CHAR8 ip6str[40];
- 	CHAR8 ip6inv[16];
--	CHAR8 *template = (CHAR8 *)translate_slashes(DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
-+	CHAR8 template[sizeof DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR];
-+	translate_slashes(template, DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
- 	// to check against str2ip6() errors
- 	memset(ip6inv, 0, sizeof(ip6inv));
-@@ -254,10 +256,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp6()
- static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp4()
- {
--	CHAR8 *template = (CHAR8 *)translate_slashes(DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
--	INTN template_len = strlen(template) + 1;
-+	CHAR8 template[sizeof DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR];
-+	INTN template_len;
-+	UINTN template_ofs = 0;
-+	translate_slashes(template, DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
-+	template_len = strlen(template) + 1;
- 	if(pxe->Mode->ProxyOfferReceived) {
- 		/*
- 		 * Proxy should not have precedence.  Check if DhcpAck
-@@ -288,8 +294,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp4()
- 			full_path[dir_len-1] = '\0';
- 	}
- 	if (dir_len == 0 && dir[0] != '/' && template[0] == '/')
--		template++;
--	strcata(full_path, template);
-+		template_ofs++;
-+	strcata(full_path, template + template_ofs);
- 	memcpy(&tftp_addr.v4, pkt_v4->BootpSiAddr, 4);
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
-diff --git a/include/str.h b/include/str.h
-index 9a748366bd1..f73c6212cd9 100644
---- a/include/str.h
-+++ b/include/str.h
-@@ -45,21 +45,23 @@ strcata(CHAR8 *dest, const CHAR8 *src)
- static inline
- __attribute__((unused))
- CHAR8 *
--translate_slashes(char *str)
-+translate_slashes(CHAR8 *out, const char *str)
- {
- 	int i;
- 	int j;
--	if (str == NULL)
--		return (CHAR8 *)str;
-+	if (str == NULL || out == NULL)
-+		return NULL;
- 	for (i = 0, j = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++, j++) {
- 		if (str[i] == '\\') {
--			str[j] = '/';
-+			out[j] = '/';
- 			if (str[i+1] == '\\')
- 				i++;
--		}
-+		} else
-+			out[j] = str[i];
- 	}
--	return (CHAR8 *)str;
-+	out[j] = '\0';
-+	return out;
- }
- #endif /* SHIM_STR_H */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0045-shim-Update-EFI_LOADED_IMAGE-with-the-second-stage-l.patch b/SOURCES/0045-shim-Update-EFI_LOADED_IMAGE-with-the-second-stage-l.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2203e48..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0045-shim-Update-EFI_LOADED_IMAGE-with-the-second-stage-l.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-From 89d72301aa67c82f00fe7fa4f42d7f6eb6045538 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 12:03:28 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 45/62] shim: Update EFI_LOADED_IMAGE with the second stage
- loader file path
-When shim loads the second stage loader (e.g: GRUB) the FilePath field of
-the EFI_LOADED_IMAGE structure isn't updated with the path of the loaded
-binary. So it still contains the file path of the shim binary.
-This isn't a problem since the file path is currently not used. But should
-be used to set the DevicePath field of the EFI_IMAGE_LOAD_EVENT structure
-that is logged when measuring the PE/COFF binaries. In that case the TPM
-Event Log will have an incorrect file path for the measured binary, i.e:
-$ hexdump -Cv /sys/kernel/security/tpm0/binary_bios_measurements
-00000a50  00 00 00 00 00 00 04 04  34 00 5c 00 45 00 46 00  |........4.\.E.F.|
-00000a60  49 00 5c 00 72 00 65 00  64 00 68 00 61 00 74 00  |I.\.r.e.d.h.a.t.|
-00000a70  5c 00 73 00 68 00 69 00  6d 00 78 00 36 00 34 00  |\.s.h.i.m.x.6.4.|
-00000a80  2e 00 65 00 66 00 69 00  00 00 7f ff 04 00 00 00  |..e.f.i.........|
-00000a90  00 00 00 00 00 00 af 08  00 00 00 0d 00 00 00 b5  |................|
-00000aa0  cd d0 8f bb 16 31 e2 80  8b e8 58 75 c9 89 18 95  |.....1....Xu....|
-00000ab0  d2 de 15 15 00 00 00 67  72 75 62 5f 63 6d 64 20  |.......grub_cmd |
-00000ac0  73 65 74 20 70 61 67 65  72 3d 31 00 08 00 00 00  |set pager=1.....|
-So update the EFI_LOADED_IMAGE structure with the second stage loader file
-path to have the correct value in the log, i.e:
-$ hexdump -Cv /sys/kernel/security/tpm0/binary_bios_measurements
-00000a50  00 00 00 00 00 00 04 04  34 00 5c 00 45 00 46 00  |........4.\.E.F.|
-00000a60  49 00 5c 00 72 00 65 00  64 00 68 00 61 00 74 00  |I.\.r.e.d.h.a.t.|
-00000a70  5c 00 67 00 72 00 75 00  62 00 78 00 36 00 34 00  |\.g.r.u.b.x.6.4.|
-00000a80  2e 00 65 00 66 00 69 00  00 00 7f ff 04 00 00 00  |..e.f.i.........|
-00000a90  00 00 00 00 00 00 af 08  00 00 00 0d 00 00 00 b5  |................|
-00000aa0  cd d0 8f bb 16 31 e2 80  8b e8 58 75 c9 89 18 95  |.....1....Xu....|
-00000ab0  d2 de 15 15 00 00 00 67  72 75 62 5f 63 6d 64 20  |.......grub_cmd |
-00000ac0  73 65 74 20 70 61 67 65  72 3d 31 00 08 00 00 00  |set pager=1.....|
-Signed-off-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: cd7d42d493d
- shim.c | 17 +++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 5329795c333..a4f7769b38b 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1925,6 +1925,16 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	 */
- 	CopyMem(&li_bak, li, sizeof(li_bak));
-+	/*
-+	 * Update the loaded image with the second stage loader file path
-+	 */
-+	li->FilePath = FileDevicePath(NULL, PathName);
-+	if (!li->FilePath) {
-+		perror(L"Unable to update loaded image file path\n");
-+		efi_status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-+		goto restore;
-+	}
- 	/*
- 	 * Verify and, if appropriate, relocate and execute the executable
- 	 */
-@@ -1934,8 +1944,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 		perror(L"Failed to load image: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		PrintErrors();
- 		ClearErrors();
--		CopyMem(li, &li_bak, sizeof(li_bak));
--		goto done;
-+		goto restore;
- 	}
- 	loader_is_participating = 0;
-@@ -1945,6 +1954,10 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	 */
- 	efi_status = entry_point(image_handle, systab);
-+	if (li->FilePath)
-+		FreePool(li->FilePath);
- 	/*
- 	 * Restore our original loaded image values
- 	 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0046-tpm-Include-information-about-PE-COFF-images-in-the-.patch b/SOURCES/0046-tpm-Include-information-about-PE-COFF-images-in-the-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 90a6b52..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0046-tpm-Include-information-about-PE-COFF-images-in-the-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-From 0a8f7ade76ff3eede486027eaa638181e6bed3b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 12:03:17 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 46/62] tpm: Include information about PE/COFF images in the
- TPM Event Log
-The "TCG PC Client Specific Platform Firmware Profile Specification" says
-that when measuring a PE/COFF image, the TCG_PCR_EVENT2 structure Event
-field MUST contain a UEFI_IMAGE_LOAD_EVENT structure.
-Currently an empty UEFI_IMAGE_LOAD_EVENT structure is passed so users only
-have the hash of the PE/COFF image, but not information such the file path
-of the binary.
-Signed-off-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: c252b9ee94c
- shim.c        |  7 +++++--
- tpm.c         | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
- include/tpm.h |  5 +++--
- 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index a4f7769b38b..b35b0ad90cc 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1274,7 +1274,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- #ifdef REQUIRE_TPM
- 	efi_status =
- #endif
--	tpm_log_pe((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)data, datasize, sha1hash, 4);
-+	tpm_log_pe((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)data, datasize,
-+		   (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)context.ImageAddress,
-+		   li->FilePath, sha1hash, 4);
- #ifdef REQUIRE_TPM
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- 		return efi_status;
-@@ -1788,7 +1790,8 @@ EFI_STATUS shim_verify (void *buffer, UINT32 size)
- #ifdef REQUIRE_TPM
- 	efi_status =
- #endif
--	tpm_log_pe((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)buffer, size, sha1hash, 4);
-+	tpm_log_pe((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)buffer, size, 0, NULL,
-+		   sha1hash, 4);
- #ifdef REQUIRE_TPM
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
- 		goto done;
-diff --git a/tpm.c b/tpm.c
-index 196b93c30f6..22ad148b35a 100644
---- a/tpm.c
-+++ b/tpm.c
-@@ -210,21 +210,39 @@ EFI_STATUS tpm_log_event(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size, UINT8 pcr,
- 				 strlen(description) + 1, 0xd, NULL);
- }
--EFI_STATUS tpm_log_pe(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size, UINT8 *sha1hash,
--		      UINT8 pcr)
-+		      UINT8 *sha1hash, UINT8 pcr)
- {
--	// All of this is informational and forces us to do more parsing before
--	// we can generate it, so let's just leave it out for now
--	ImageLoad.ImageLocationInMemory = 0;
--	ImageLoad.ImageLengthInMemory = 0;
--	ImageLoad.ImageLinkTimeAddress = 0;
--	ImageLoad.LengthOfDevicePath = 0;
--	return tpm_log_event_raw(buf, size, pcr, (CHAR8 *)&ImageLoad,
--				 sizeof(ImageLoad),
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	UINTN path_size = 0;
-+	if (path)
-+		path_size = DevicePathSize(path);
-+	ImageLoad = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(*ImageLoad) + path_size);
-+	if (!ImageLoad) {
-+		perror(L"Unable to allocate image load event structure\n");
-+	}
-+	ImageLoad->ImageLocationInMemory = buf;
-+	ImageLoad->ImageLengthInMemory = size;
-+	ImageLoad->ImageLinkTimeAddress = addr;
-+	if (path_size > 0) {
-+		CopyMem(ImageLoad->DevicePath, path, path_size);
-+		ImageLoad->LengthOfDevicePath = path_size;
-+	}
-+	efi_status = tpm_log_event_raw(buf, size, pcr, (CHAR8 *)ImageLoad,
-+				       sizeof(*ImageLoad) + path_size,
-+				       sha1hash);
-+	FreePool(ImageLoad);
-+	return efi_status;
- }
- typedef struct {
-diff --git a/include/tpm.h b/include/tpm.h
-index 746e871ff22..a05c24949e5 100644
---- a/include/tpm.h
-+++ b/include/tpm.h
-@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ EFI_STATUS tpm_log_event(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size, UINT8 pcr,
- 			 const CHAR8 *description);
- EFI_STATUS fallback_should_prefer_reset(void);
--EFI_STATUS tpm_log_pe(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size, UINT8 *sha1hash,
--		      UINT8 pcr);
-+		      UINT8 *sha1hash, UINT8 pcr);
- EFI_STATUS tpm_measure_variable(CHAR16 *dbname, EFI_GUID guid, UINTN size, void *data);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0047-Fix-the-license-on-our-buildid-extractor.patch b/SOURCES/0047-Fix-the-license-on-our-buildid-extractor.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b62628d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0047-Fix-the-license-on-our-buildid-extractor.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From dce3659ac3d14ed338cdb37798a429751898c078 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:55:34 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 47/62] Fix the license on our buildid extractor.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 71439f848f6
- buildid.c | 2 --
- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/buildid.c b/buildid.c
-index f213f3bc921..6b414cdcffb 100644
---- a/buildid.c
-+++ b/buildid.c
-@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
- /*
-  * Walk a list of input files, printing the name and buildid of any file
-  * that has one.
-- *
-- * This program is licensed under the GNU Public License version 2.
-  */
- #include <err.h>
diff --git a/SOURCES/0048-Update-README.tpm.patch b/SOURCES/0048-Update-README.tpm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b5cd08d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0048-Update-README.tpm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 633169fe3291c832236ca1074fc679852f9caee1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: noahbliss <noah@superuser.sh>
-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 19:46:28 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 48/62] Update README.tpm
-Upstream-commit-id: bc24c9eb1d4
- README.tpm | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/README.tpm b/README.tpm
-index d9c7c53483b..c060dbe22db 100644
---- a/README.tpm
-+++ b/README.tpm
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ PCR8:
-   measured into PCR8.
- PCR9:
--- If you're using the grub2 TPM patchset we cary in Fedora, the kernel,
-+- If you're using the grub2 TPM patchset we carry in Fedora, the kernel,
-   initramfs, and any multiboot modules loaded are measured into PCR9.
- PCR14:
diff --git a/SOURCES/0049-Check-PxeReplyReceived-as-fallback-in-netboot.patch b/SOURCES/0049-Check-PxeReplyReceived-as-fallback-in-netboot.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9eea9..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0049-Check-PxeReplyReceived-as-fallback-in-netboot.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-From 9a209af5d84f4015ec399e1d1fa9dab31ef4d2b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Frauendorfer | Miray Software <tf@miray.de>
-Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 09:19:19 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 49/62] Check PxeReplyReceived as fallback in netboot
-Some mainboards do not update the ProxyOffset dhcp information when using
-proxy dhcp and boot menus.
-This adds a fallback to check the PxeReply field if no boot information is
-found in the v4 dhcp or proxy dhcp information
-Upstream-commit-id: cc7ebe0f9f4
- netboot.c | 15 ++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
- mode change 100644 => 100755 netboot.c
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-old mode 100644
-new mode 100755
-index 4922ef284b1..047dad3a760
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -273,7 +273,16 @@ static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp4()
- 			pkt_v4 = &pxe->Mode->ProxyOffer.Dhcpv4;
- 	}
--	INTN dir_len = strnlena(pkt_v4->BootpBootFile, 127);
-+	if(pxe->Mode->PxeReplyReceived) {
-+		/*
-+		 * If we have no bootinfo yet search for it in the PxeReply.
-+		 * Some mainboards run into this when the server uses boot menus
-+		 */
-+		if(pkt_v4->BootpBootFile[0] == '\0' && pxe->Mode->PxeReply.Dhcpv4.BootpBootFile[0] != '\0')
-+			pkt_v4 = &pxe->Mode->PxeReply.Dhcpv4;
-+	}
-+	INTN dir_len = strnlena((CHAR8 *)pkt_v4->BootpBootFile, 127);
- 	INTN i;
- 	UINT8 *dir = pkt_v4->BootpBootFile;
-@@ -289,7 +298,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp4()
- 	if (dir_len > 0) {
--		strncpya(full_path, dir, dir_len);
-+		strncpya(full_path, (CHAR8 *)dir, dir_len);
- 		if (full_path[dir_len-1] == '/' && template[0] == '/')
- 			full_path[dir_len-1] = '\0';
- 	}
-@@ -340,7 +349,7 @@ EFI_STATUS FetchNetbootimage(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, VOID **buffer, UINT64 *buf
- try_again:
- 	efi_status = pxe->Mtftp(pxe, read, *buffer, overwrite, bufsiz, &blksz,
--			      &tftp_addr, full_path, NULL, nobuffer);
-+			      &tftp_addr, (UINT8 *)full_path, NULL, nobuffer);
- 	if (efi_status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
- 		/* try again, doubling buf size */
- 		*bufsiz *= 2;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0050-Remove-a-couple-of-incorrect-license-claims.patch b/SOURCES/0050-Remove-a-couple-of-incorrect-license-claims.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fda36c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0050-Remove-a-couple-of-incorrect-license-claims.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-From e8a04c1d84d2ebd0dbdf7bda26d7a22017100586 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 00:24:57 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 50/62] Remove a couple of incorrect license claims.
-A certain someone's default editor template leaked in to a couple of
-source files, and claims they're GPL licensed.  They're not.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream-commit-id: 476cbff1110
- errlog.c | 3 ---
- mok.c    | 2 --
- 2 files changed, 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/errlog.c b/errlog.c
-index eebb266d396..6669c800233 100644
---- a/errlog.c
-+++ b/errlog.c
-@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
- /*
-  * errlog.c
-  * Copyright 2017 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-- *
-- * Distributed under terms of the GPLv3 license.
-  */
- #include "shim.h"
- static CHAR16 **errs = NULL;
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 59630e74425..089ea6bfc9a 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
- /*
-  * mok.c
-  * Copyright 2017 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-- *
-- * Distributed under terms of the GPLv3 license.
-  */
- #include "shim.h"
diff --git a/SOURCES/0051-MokManager-fix-uninitialized-value.patch b/SOURCES/0051-MokManager-fix-uninitialized-value.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 808d11f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0051-MokManager-fix-uninitialized-value.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 7b77bee7966a1aa5f00a9b34aeb7e550bfa47be1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 23:53:09 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 51/62] MokManager: fix uninitialized value
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#212
- MokManager.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index fa73e2fd865..654a115033c 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ static CHAR16 get_password_charater(CHAR16 * prompt)
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	CHAR16 *message[2];
--	CHAR16 character;
-+	CHAR16 character = 0;
- 	UINTN length;
- 	UINT32 pw_length;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0052-Fix-some-volatile-usage-gcc-whines-about.patch b/SOURCES/0052-Fix-some-volatile-usage-gcc-whines-about.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f3d2d6..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0052-Fix-some-volatile-usage-gcc-whines-about.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-From d3b7dc54cdac474a57b67cf9bcdb15bcb131d06c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 16:18:52 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 52/62] Fix some volatile usage gcc whines about.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#212
- fallback.c | 2 +-
- shim.c     | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index c3f5583c626..5a4bfff0793 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ debug_hook(void)
- 	UINT8 *data = NULL;
- 	UINTN dataSize = 0;
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
--	volatile register int x = 0;
-+	register volatile int x = 0;
- 	extern char _etext, _edata;
- 	efi_status = get_variable(L"SHIM_DEBUG", &data, &dataSize,
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index b35b0ad90cc..0e7e784b4c8 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2559,7 +2559,7 @@ debug_hook(void)
- 	UINT8 *data = NULL;
- 	UINTN dataSize = 0;
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
--	volatile register UINTN x = 0;
-+	register volatile UINTN x = 0;
- 	extern char _text, _data;
- 	if (x)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0053-MokManager-fix-a-wrong-allocation-failure-check.patch b/SOURCES/0053-MokManager-fix-a-wrong-allocation-failure-check.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cd20cb4..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0053-MokManager-fix-a-wrong-allocation-failure-check.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From 6df96cdb20b84b33027d2e40bc0dbe0676d31282 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 19:01:27 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 53/62] MokManager: fix a wrong allocation failure check.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#212
- MokManager.c | 4 +++-
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 654a115033c..c9949e33bcf 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -1085,9 +1085,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 			DataSize += sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 		DataSize += list[i].MokSize;
- 	}
-+	if (DataSize == 0)
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	Data = AllocatePool(DataSize);
--	if (Data == NULL && DataSize != 0)
-+	if (Data == NULL)
- 	ptr = Data;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0054-simple_file-fix-uninitialized-variable-unchecked-ret.patch b/SOURCES/0054-simple_file-fix-uninitialized-variable-unchecked-ret.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8749432..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0054-simple_file-fix-uninitialized-variable-unchecked-ret.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-From c186bdddaa7b103aef9d4a164ac0a07499dba112 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 23:55:44 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 54/62] simple_file: fix uninitialized variable/unchecked
- return
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#212
- lib/simple_file.c | 6 +++---
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/simple_file.c b/lib/simple_file.c
-index 3bf92ed8e0f..6ad31b4dc04 100644
---- a/lib/simple_file.c
-+++ b/lib/simple_file.c
-@@ -403,10 +403,10 @@ simple_file_selector(EFI_HANDLE * im, CHAR16 ** title, CHAR16 * name,
- 		filter = L"";
- 	if (!*im) {
--		CHAR16 *volname;
-+		CHAR16 *volname = NULL;
--		simple_volume_selector(title, &volname, &h);
--		if (!volname)
-+		efi_status = simple_volume_selector(title, &volname, &h);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) || !volname)
- 			return;
- 		FreePool(volname);
- 		*im = h;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0055-Fix-a-broken-tpm-type.patch b/SOURCES/0055-Fix-a-broken-tpm-type.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 06b1201..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0055-Fix-a-broken-tpm-type.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From a7f9911b776f3cdc12e42bf5990ddef0b08d3701 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 20:35:56 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 55/62] Fix a broken tpm type
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#212
- tpm.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/tpm.c b/tpm.c
-index 22ad148b35a..03cf3a1f60e 100644
---- a/tpm.c
-+++ b/tpm.c
-@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ EFI_STATUS tpm_log_pe(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS buf, UINTN size,
- 	efi_status = tpm_log_event_raw(buf, size, pcr, (CHAR8 *)ImageLoad,
- 				       sizeof(*ImageLoad) + path_size,
--				       sha1hash);
-+				       (CHAR8 *)sha1hash);
- 	FreePool(ImageLoad);
- 	return efi_status;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0056-Make-cert.S-not-impossible-to-read.patch b/SOURCES/0056-Make-cert.S-not-impossible-to-read.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c8068ef..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0056-Make-cert.S-not-impossible-to-read.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-From 7d542805ba5c48185128a2351bb315a5648fe3d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 00:08:30 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 56/62] Make cert.S not impossible to read.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#206
- shim.c | 47 +++++++++++++++++--------------
- shim.h | 28 +++++++++++++++---
- cert.S | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------
- 3 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 0e7e784b4c8..888ee6e8d7b 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -68,16 +68,18 @@ static UINT32 load_options_size;
-  * The vendor certificate used for validating the second stage loader
-  */
- extern struct {
--	UINT32 vendor_cert_size;
--	UINT32 vendor_dbx_size;
--	UINT32 vendor_cert_offset;
--	UINT32 vendor_dbx_offset;
-+	UINT32 vendor_authorized_size;
-+	UINT32 vendor_deauthorized_size;
-+	UINT32 vendor_authorized_offset;
-+	UINT32 vendor_deauthorized_offset;
- } cert_table;
--UINT32 vendor_cert_size;
--UINT32 vendor_dbx_size;
--UINT8 *vendor_cert;
--UINT8 *vendor_dbx;
-+UINT32 vendor_authorized_size = 0;
-+UINT8 *vendor_authorized = NULL;
-+UINT32 vendor_deauthorized_size = 0;
-+UINT8 *vendor_deauthorized = NULL;
- #if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
- UINT32 build_cert_size;
- UINT8 *build_cert;
-@@ -554,22 +556,22 @@ static CHECK_STATUS check_db_hash(CHAR16 *dbname, EFI_GUID guid, UINT8 *data,
- static EFI_STATUS check_blacklist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
- 				   UINT8 *sha256hash, UINT8 *sha1hash)
- {
-+	EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *dbx = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)vendor_deauthorized;
--	if (check_db_hash_in_ram(dbx, vendor_dbx_size, sha256hash,
-+	if (check_db_hash_in_ram(dbx, vendor_deauthorized_size, sha256hash,
- 		LogError(L"binary sha256hash found in vendor dbx\n");
- 	}
--	if (check_db_hash_in_ram(dbx, vendor_dbx_size, sha1hash,
-+	if (check_db_hash_in_ram(dbx, vendor_deauthorized_size, sha1hash,
- 		LogError(L"binary sha1hash found in vendor dbx\n");
- 	}
- 	if (cert &&
--	    check_db_cert_in_ram(dbx, vendor_dbx_size, cert, sha256hash, L"dbx",
-+	    check_db_cert_in_ram(dbx, vendor_deauthorized_size, cert, sha256hash, L"dbx",
- 		LogError(L"cert sha256hash found in vendor dbx\n");
-@@ -1077,19 +1079,19 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 		/*
- 		 * And finally, check against shim's built-in key
- 		 */
--		if (vendor_cert_size &&
-+		if (vendor_authorized_size &&
- 		    AuthenticodeVerify(cert->CertData,
- 				       cert->Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(cert->Hdr),
--				       vendor_cert, vendor_cert_size,
-+				       vendor_authorized, vendor_authorized_size,
- 				       sha256hash, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
- 			update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
- 			tpm_measure_variable(L"Shim", SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
--					     vendor_cert_size, vendor_cert);
-+					     vendor_authorized_size, vendor_authorized);
- 			efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
- 			drain_openssl_errors();
- 			return efi_status;
- 		} else {
--			LogError(L"AuthenticodeVerify(vendor_cert) failed\n");
-+			LogError(L"AuthenticodeVerify(vendor_authorized) failed\n");
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -2501,7 +2503,7 @@ shim_init(void)
- 	}
- 	if (secure_mode()) {
--		if (vendor_cert_size || vendor_dbx_size) {
-+		if (vendor_authorized_size || vendor_deauthorized_size) {
- 			/*
- 			 * If shim includes its own certificates then ensure
- 			 * that anything it boots has performed some
-@@ -2606,14 +2608,17 @@ efi_main (EFI_HANDLE passed_image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_NOTHING;
--	vendor_cert_size = cert_table.vendor_cert_size;
--	vendor_dbx_size = cert_table.vendor_dbx_size;
--	vendor_cert = (UINT8 *)&cert_table + cert_table.vendor_cert_offset;
--	vendor_dbx = (UINT8 *)&cert_table + cert_table.vendor_dbx_offset;
-+	vendor_authorized_size = cert_table.vendor_authorized_size;
-+	vendor_authorized = (UINT8 *)&cert_table + cert_table.vendor_authorized_offset;
-+	vendor_deauthorized_size = cert_table.vendor_deauthorized_size;
-+	vendor_deauthorized = (UINT8 *)&cert_table + cert_table.vendor_deauthorized_offset;
- #if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
- 	build_cert_size = sizeof(shim_cert);
- 	build_cert = shim_cert;
- #endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 	CHAR16 *msgs[] = {
- 		L"import_mok_state() failed",
- 		L"shim_init() failed",
-diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
-index a0fa5a75e7e..555498c6673 100644
---- a/shim.h
-+++ b/shim.h
-@@ -97,6 +97,24 @@
- #define FALLBACK L"\\fb" EFI_ARCH L".efi"
- #define MOK_MANAGER L"\\mm" EFI_ARCH L".efi"
-+#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
-+# define vendor_authorized vendor_cert
-+# define vendor_authorized_size vendor_cert_size
-+# define vendor_authorized_category VENDOR_ADDEND_X509
-+# define vendor_authorized vendor_null
-+# define vendor_authorized_size vendor_null_size
-+# define vendor_authorized_category VENDOR_ADDEND_NONE
-+#if defined(VENDOR_DBX_FILE)
-+# define vendor_deauthorized vendor_dbx
-+# define vendor_deauthorized_size vendor_dbx_size
-+# define vendor_deauthorized vendor_deauthorized_null
-+# define vendor_deauthorized_size vendor_deauthorized_null_size
- #include "include/asm.h"
- #include "include/configtable.h"
- #include "include/console.h"
-@@ -166,10 +184,12 @@ extern VOID ClearErrors(VOID);
- extern EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath);
- extern EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle);
--extern UINT32 vendor_cert_size;
--extern UINT32 vendor_dbx_size;
--extern UINT8 *vendor_cert;
--extern UINT8 *vendor_dbx;
-+extern UINT32 vendor_authorized_size;
-+extern UINT8 *vendor_authorized;
-+extern UINT32 vendor_deauthorized_size;
-+extern UINT8 *vendor_deauthorized;
- #if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
- extern UINT32 build_cert_size;
- extern UINT8 *build_cert;
-diff --git a/cert.S b/cert.S
-index cfc4525b44c..520caaef3af 100644
---- a/cert.S
-+++ b/cert.S
-@@ -1,65 +1,44 @@
-+#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
-+# define vendor_authorized vendor_cert
-+# define vendor_authorized_end vendor_cert_end
-+# define vendor_authorized_size vendor_cert_size
-+# define vendor_authorized_size_end vendor_cert_size_end
-+#if defined(VENDOR_DBX_FILE)
-+# define vendor_deauthorized vendor_dbx
-+# define vendor_deauthorized_end vendor_dbx_end
-+# define vendor_deauthorized_size vendor_dbx_size
-+# define vendor_deauthorized_size_end vendor_dbx_size_end
- 	.globl cert_table
- 	.type	cert_table, %object
--	.size	cert_table, 4
-+	.size	cert_table, .Lcert_table_end - cert_table
- 	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
-+	.balignl 4, 0
- cert_table:
--#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
--	.long	vendor_cert_priv_end - vendor_cert_priv
--	.long	0
--#if defined(VENDOR_DBX_FILE)
--	.long	vendor_dbx_priv_end - vendor_dbx_priv
--	.long	0
--	.long	vendor_cert_priv - cert_table
--	.long	vendor_dbx_priv - cert_table
--#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
--	.data
--	.align	1
--	.type	vendor_cert_priv, %object
--	.size	vendor_cert_priv, vendor_cert_priv_end-vendor_cert_priv
-+	.4byte	.Lvendor_authorized_end - vendor_authorized
-+	.4byte	.Lvendor_deauthorized_end - vendor_deauthorized
-+	.4byte	vendor_authorized - cert_table
-+	.4byte	vendor_deauthorized - cert_table
-+	.balign	1, 0
-+	.type	vendor_authorized, %object
-+	.size	vendor_authorized, .Lvendor_authorized_end - vendor_authorized
- 	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
-+#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
--	.bss
--	.type	vendor_cert_priv, %object
--	.size	vendor_cert_priv, 1
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
--	.zero	1
--	.data
--	.align 4
--	.type	vendor_cert_size_priv, %object
--	.size	vendor_cert_size_priv, 4
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- #endif
-+	.balign	1, 0
-+	.type	vendor_deauthorized, %object
-+	.size	vendor_deauthorized, .Lvendor_deauthorized_end - vendor_deauthorized
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- #if defined(VENDOR_DBX_FILE)
--	.data
--	.align	1
--	.type	vendor_dbx_priv, %object
--	.size	vendor_dbx_priv, vendor_dbx_priv_end-vendor_dbx_priv
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
--	.bss
--	.type	vendor_dbx_priv, %object
--	.size	vendor_dbx_priv, 1
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
--	.zero	1
--	.data
--	.align 4
--	.type	vendor_dbx_size_priv, %object
--	.size	vendor_dbx_size_priv, 4
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/0057-Add-support-for-vendor_db-built-in-shim-authorized-l.patch b/SOURCES/0057-Add-support-for-vendor_db-built-in-shim-authorized-l.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 13a25e8..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0057-Add-support-for-vendor_db-built-in-shim-authorized-l.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,943 +0,0 @@
-From dd3a5d71252a1f94e37f1a4c8841d253630b305a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 12:36:56 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 57/62] Add support for vendor_db built-in shim authorized
- list.
-Potential new signing strategies ( for example signing grub, fwupdate
-and vmlinuz with separate certificates ) require shim to support a
-vendor provided bundle of trusted certificates and hashes, which allows
-shim to trust EFI binaries matching either certificate by signature or
-hash in the vendor_db.  Functionality is similar to vendor_dbx.
-This also improves the mirroring quite a bit.
-Upstream: pr#206
- lib/variables.c     |  55 +++--
- mok.c               | 502 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
- shim.c              |  27 +++
- include/console.h   |   3 +-
- include/variables.h |   9 +-
- shim.h              |   7 +-
- cert.S              |  13 +-
- Make.defaults       |   3 +
- README.tpm          |   1 +
- 9 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/variables.c b/lib/variables.c
-index 9c2e7d0ac2d..8123ae60fc9 100644
---- a/lib/variables.c
-+++ b/lib/variables.c
-@@ -25,32 +25,59 @@
- #include "shim.h"
--variable_create_esl(void *cert, int cert_len, EFI_GUID *type, EFI_GUID *owner,
--		    void **out, int *outlen)
-+fill_esl(const uint8_t *data, const size_t data_len,
-+	 const EFI_GUID *type, const EFI_GUID *owner,
-+	 uint8_t *out, size_t *outlen)
- {
--	*outlen = cert_len + sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
-+	size_t needed = 0;
--	*out = AllocateZeroPool(*outlen);
--	if (!*out)
-+	if (!data || !data_len || !type || !outlen)
--	EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *sl = *out;
-+	needed = sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + sizeof(EFI_GUID) + data_len;
-+	if (!out || *outlen < needed) {
-+		*outlen = needed;
-+	}
-+	*outlen = needed;
-+	sl = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)out;
- 	sl->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
- 	sl->SignatureType = *type;
--	sl->SignatureSize = cert_len + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
--	sl->SignatureListSize = *outlen;
-+	sl->SignatureSize = sizeof(EFI_GUID) + data_len;
-+	sl->SignatureListSize = needed;
-+	sd = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)(out + sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST));
- 	if (owner)
- 		sd->SignatureOwner = *owner;
--	CopyMem(sd->SignatureData, cert, cert_len);
-+	CopyMem(sd->SignatureData, data, data_len);
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
-+variable_create_esl(const uint8_t *data, const size_t data_len,
-+		    const EFI_GUID *type, const EFI_GUID *owner,
-+		    uint8_t **out, size_t *outlen)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	*outlen = 0;
-+	efi_status = fill_esl(data, data_len, type, owner, NULL, outlen);
-+	if (efi_status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
-+		return efi_status;
-+	*out = AllocateZeroPool(*outlen);
-+	if (!*out)
-+	return fill_esl(data, data_len, type, owner, *out, outlen);
- CreateTimeBasedPayload(IN OUT UINTN * DataSize, IN OUT UINT8 ** Data)
- {
-@@ -137,9 +164,9 @@ SetSecureVariable(CHAR16 *var, UINT8 *Data, UINTN len, EFI_GUID owner,
- 	if (createtimebased) {
--		int ds;
-+		size_t ds;
- 		efi_status = variable_create_esl(Data, len, &X509_GUID, NULL,
--						 (void **)&Cert, &ds);
-+						 (uint8_t **)&Cert, &ds);
- 		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
- 			console_print(L"Failed to create %s certificate %d\n",
- 				      var, efi_status);
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 089ea6bfc9a..e69857f3c37 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- #include "shim.h"
-+#include <stdint.h>
- /*
-  * Check if a variable exists
-  */
-@@ -47,6 +49,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_request(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
-+typedef enum {
-+} vendor_addend_category_t;
-+struct mok_state_variable;
-+typedef vendor_addend_category_t (vendor_addend_categorizer_t)(struct mok_state_variable *);
- /*
-  * MoK variables that need to have their storage validated.
-  *
-@@ -58,18 +69,20 @@ struct mok_state_variable {
- 	char *name8;
- 	CHAR16 *rtname;
- 	EFI_GUID *guid;
- 	UINT8 *data;
- 	UINTN data_size;
- 	/*
--	 * These two are indirect pointers just to make initialization
--	 * saner...
-+	 * These are indirect pointers just to make initialization saner...
- 	 */
--	UINT8 **addend_source;
-+	vendor_addend_categorizer_t *categorize_addend;
-+	UINT8 **addend;
- 	UINT32 *addend_size;
--#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
- 	UINT8 **build_cert;
- 	UINT32 *build_cert_size;
--#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 	UINT32 yes_attr;
- 	UINT32 no_attr;
- 	UINT32 flags;
-@@ -77,6 +90,28 @@ struct mok_state_variable {
- 	UINT8 *state;
- };
-+static vendor_addend_category_t
-+categorize_authorized(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+	if (!(v->addend && v->addend_size &&
-+	      *v->addend && *v->addend_size)) {
-+	}
-+	return vendor_authorized_category;
-+static vendor_addend_category_t
-+categorize_deauthorized(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+	if (!(v->addend && v->addend_size &&
-+	      *v->addend && *v->addend_size)) {
-+	}
- #define MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB	0x01
-@@ -90,8 +125,9 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
--	 .addend_source = &vendor_cert,
--	 .addend_size = &vendor_cert_size,
-+	 .categorize_addend = categorize_authorized,
-+	 .addend = &vendor_authorized,
-+	 .addend_size = &vendor_authorized_size,
- #if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
- 	 .build_cert = &build_cert,
- 	 .build_cert_size = &build_cert_size,
-@@ -107,6 +143,9 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
-+	 .categorize_addend = categorize_deauthorized,
-+	 .addend = &vendor_deauthorized,
-+	 .addend_size = &vendor_deauthorized_size,
- 	 .flags = MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB |
- 	 .pcr = 14,
-@@ -136,123 +175,253 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	{ NULL, }
- };
--static inline BOOLEAN nonnull(1)
--check_vendor_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
--	return (v->addend_source && v->addend_size &&
--		*v->addend_source && *v->addend_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-+#define should_mirror_addend(v) (((v)->categorize_addend) && ((v)->categorize_addend(v) != VENDOR_ADDEND_NONE))
--#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
- static inline BOOLEAN nonnull(1)
--check_build_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+should_mirror_build_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- {
- 	return (v->build_cert && v->build_cert_size &&
- 		*v->build_cert && *v->build_cert_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
--#define check_addend(v) (check_vendor_cert(v) || check_build_cert(v))
--#define check_addend(v) check_vendor_cert(v)
--#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
-+static const uint8_t null_sha256[32] = { 0, };
- static EFI_STATUS nonnull(1)
- mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
--	void *FullData = NULL;
--	UINTN FullDataSize = 0;
-+	uint8_t *FullData = NULL;
-+	size_t FullDataSize = 0;
-+	vendor_addend_category_t addend_category = VENDOR_ADDEND_NONE;
- 	uint8_t *p = NULL;
--	if ((v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) && check_addend(v)) {
--#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
--		FullDataSize = v->data_size;
--		if (check_build_cert(v)) {
--			FullDataSize += sizeof (*CertList)
--					+ sizeof (EFI_GUID)
--					+ *v->build_cert_size;
--		}
--		if (check_vendor_cert(v)) {
--			FullDataSize += sizeof (*CertList)
--					+ sizeof (EFI_GUID)
--					+ *v->addend_size;
--		}
--		FullDataSize = v->data_size
--			     + sizeof (*CertList)
--			     + sizeof (EFI_GUID)
--			     + *v->addend_size;
--#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
--		FullData = AllocatePool(FullDataSize);
--		if (!FullData) {
--			perror(L"Failed to allocate space for MokListRT\n");
--		}
--		p = FullData;
-+	size_t build_cert_esl_sz = 0, addend_esl_sz = 0;
--		if (!EFI_ERROR(efi_status) && v->data_size > 0) {
--			CopyMem(p, v->data, v->data_size);
--			p += v->data_size;
--		}
-+	if (v->categorize_addend)
-+		addend_category = v->categorize_addend(v);
--#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
--		if (check_build_cert(v) == FALSE)
--			goto skip_build_cert;
-+	/*
-+	 * we're always mirroring the original data, whether this is an efi
-+	 * security database or not
-+	 */
-+	dprint(L"v->data_size:%lu v->data:0x%08llx\n", v->data_size, v->data);
-+	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n", FullDataSize, FullData);
-+	if (v->data_size) {
-+		FullDataSize = v->data_size;
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData);
-+	}
--		CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)p;
--		p += sizeof (*CertList);
--		CertData = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)p;
--		p += sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+	/*
-+	 * if it is, there's more data
-+	 */
-+	if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) {
--		CertList->SignatureType = EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID;
--		CertList->SignatureListSize = *v->build_cert_size
--					      + sizeof (*CertList)
--					      + sizeof (*CertData)
--					      -1;
--		CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
--		CertList->SignatureSize = *v->build_cert_size +
--					  sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+		/*
-+		 * We're mirroring (into) an efi security database, aka an
-+		 * array of efi_signature_list_t.  Its layout goes like:
-+		 *
-+		 *   existing_variable_data
-+		 *   existing_variable_data_size
-+		 *   if flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB
-+		 *     if build_cert
-+		 *       build_cert_esl
-+		 *       build_cert_header (always sz=0)
-+		 *       build_cert_esd[0] { owner, data }
-+		 *     if addend==vendor_db
-+		 *       for n=[1..N]
-+		 *         vendor_db_esl_n
-+		 *           vendor_db_header_n (always sz=0)
-+		 *           vendor_db_esd_n[m] {{ owner, data }, ... }
-+		 *     elif addend==vendor_cert
-+		 *       vendor_cert_esl
-+		 *         vendor_cert_header (always sz=0)
-+		 *         vendor_cert_esd[1] { owner, data }
-+		 *
-+		 * first we determine the size of the variable, then alloc
-+		 * and add the data.
-+		 */
--		CertData->SignatureOwner = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
--		CopyMem(p, *v->build_cert, *v->build_cert_size);
-+		/*
-+		 * first bit is existing data, but we added that above
-+		 */
--		p += *v->build_cert_size;
-+		/*
-+		 * then the build cert if it's there
-+		 */
-+		if (should_mirror_build_cert(v)) {
-+			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->build_cert,
-+					      *v->build_cert_size,
-+					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
-+					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+					      NULL, &build_cert_esl_sz);
-+			if (efi_status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-+				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
-+				       v->name, efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
-+			}
-+			FullDataSize += build_cert_esl_sz;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData);
-+		}
--		if (check_vendor_cert(v) == FALSE)
--			goto skip_vendor_cert;
--#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
-+		/*
-+		 * then the addend data
-+		 */
-+		switch (addend_category) {
-+			/*
-+			 * if it's an ESL already, we use it wholesale
-+			 */
-+			FullDataSize += *v->addend_size;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData);
-+			break;
-+		case VENDOR_ADDEND_X509:
-+			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->addend, *v->addend_size,
-+					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
-+					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+					      NULL, &addend_esl_sz);
-+			if (efi_status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-+				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
-+				       v->name, efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
-+			}
-+			FullDataSize += addend_esl_sz;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+				      FullDataSize, FullData);
-+			break;
-+		default:
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+				      FullDataSize, FullData);
-+			break;
-+		}
-+	}
--		CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)p;
--		p += sizeof (*CertList);
--		CertData = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)p;
--		p += sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+	/*
-+	 * Now we have the full size
-+	 */
-+	if (FullDataSize) {
-+		/*
-+		 * allocate the buffer, or use the old one if it's just the
-+		 * existing data.
-+		 */
-+		if (FullDataSize != v->data_size) {
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx allocating FullData\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData);
-+			FullData = AllocatePool(FullDataSize);
-+			if (!FullData) {
-+				FreePool(v->data);
-+				v->data = NULL;
-+				v->data_size = 0;
-+				perror(L"Failed to allocate %lu bytes for %s\n",
-+				       FullDataSize, v->name);
-+				return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-+			}
-+			p = FullData;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+			if (v->data && v->data_size) {
-+				CopyMem(p, v->data, v->data_size);
-+				p += v->data_size;
-+			}
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+		} else {
-+			FullData = v->data;
-+			FullDataSize = v->data_size;
-+			p = FullData + FullDataSize;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+			v->data = NULL;
-+			v->data_size = 0;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+	       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
--		CertList->SignatureType = EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID;
--		CertList->SignatureListSize = *v->addend_size
--					      + sizeof (*CertList)
--					      + sizeof (*CertData)
--					      -1;
--		CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
--		CertList->SignatureSize = *v->addend_size + sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+	/*
-+	 * Now fill it.
-+	 */
-+	if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) {
-+		/*
-+		 * first bit is existing data, but again, we added that above
-+		 */
--		CertData->SignatureOwner = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
--		CopyMem(p, *v->addend_source, *v->addend_size);
-+		/*
-+		 * second is the build cert
-+		 */
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+		if (should_mirror_build_cert(v)) {
-+			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->build_cert,
-+					      *v->build_cert_size,
-+					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
-+					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+					      p, &build_cert_esl_sz);
-+			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
-+				       v->name, efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
-+			}
-+			p += build_cert_esl_sz;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+		}
--#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
--#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
--		if (v->data && v->data_size)
--			FreePool(v->data);
--		v->data = FullData;
--		v->data_size = FullDataSize;
--	} else {
--		FullDataSize = v->data_size;
--		FullData = v->data;
-+		switch (addend_category) {
-+			CopyMem(p, *v->addend, *v->addend_size);
-+			p += *v->addend_size;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+			break;
-+		case VENDOR_ADDEND_X509:
-+			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->addend, *v->addend_size,
-+					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
-+					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+					      p, &addend_esl_sz);
-+			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
-+				       v->name, efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
-+			}
-+			p += addend_esl_sz;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+			break;
-+		default:
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+			break;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * We always want to create our key databases, so in this case we
-+	 * need a dummy entry
-+	 */
-+	if ((v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) && FullDataSize == 0) {
-+		efi_status = variable_create_esl(
-+				null_sha256, sizeof(null_sha256),
-+				&FullData, &FullDataSize);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			perror(L"Failed to allocate %lu bytes for %s\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, v->name);
-+			return efi_status;
-+		}
-+		p = FullData + FullDataSize;
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 	}
-+	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+	       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 	if (FullDataSize) {
-+		dprint(L"Setting %s with %lu bytes of data\n",
-+		       v->rtname, FullDataSize);
- 		efi_status = gRT->SetVariable(v->rtname, v->guid,
-@@ -262,7 +431,15 @@ skip_vendor_cert:
- 			       v->rtname, efi_status);
- 		}
- 	}
-+	if (v->data && v->data_size) {
-+		FreePool(v->data);
-+		v->data = NULL;
-+		v->data_size = 0;
-+	}
-+	if (FullData && FullDataSize) {
-+		FreePool(FullData);
-+	}
-+	dprint(L"returning %r\n", efi_status);
- 	return efi_status;
- }
-@@ -274,6 +451,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS nonnull(1)
- maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v, EFI_STATUS ret)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	BOOLEAN present = FALSE;
- 	if (v->rtname) {
- 		if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST)
- 			LibDeleteVariable(v->rtname, v->guid);
-@@ -286,6 +465,43 @@ maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v, EFI_STATUS ret)
- 			       efi_status);
- 		}
- 	}
-+	present = (v->data && v->data_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-+	if (!present)
-+		return ret;
-+	if (v->data_size == sizeof(UINT8) && v->state) {
-+		*v->state = v->data[0];
-+	}
-+	if (v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_MEASURE) {
-+		/*
-+		 * Measure this into PCR 7 in the Microsoft format
-+		 */
-+		efi_status = tpm_measure_variable(v->name, *v->guid,
-+						  v->data_size,
-+						  v->data);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				ret = efi_status;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	if (v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_LOG) {
-+		/*
-+		 * Log this variable into whichever PCR the table
-+		 * says.
-+		 */
-+		efi_status = tpm_log_event(datap, v->data_size,
-+					   v->pcr, (CHAR8 *)v->name8);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				ret = efi_status;
-+		}
-+	}
- 	return ret;
- }
-@@ -311,26 +527,20 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	user_insecure_mode = 0;
- 	ignore_db = 0;
-+	dprint(L"importing mok state\n");
- 	for (i = 0; mok_state_variables[i].name != NULL; i++) {
- 		struct mok_state_variable *v = &mok_state_variables[i];
- 		UINT32 attrs = 0;
--		BOOLEAN delete = FALSE, present, addend;
--		addend = check_addend(v);
-+		BOOLEAN delete = FALSE;
- 		efi_status = get_variable_attr(v->name,
- 					       &v->data, &v->data_size,
- 					       *v->guid, &attrs);
-+		dprint(L"maybe mirroring %s\n", v->name);
- 		if (efi_status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
--			if (addend)
--				ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret);
--			/*
--			 * after possibly adding, we can continue, no
--			 * further checks to be done.
--			 */
--			continue;
--		}
--		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			v->data = NULL;
-+			v->data_size = 0;
-+		} else if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
- 			perror(L"Could not verify %s: %r\n", v->name,
- 			       efi_status);
- 			/*
-@@ -339,22 +549,22 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 			 */
- 				ret = efi_status;
--			continue;
--		}
--		if (!(attrs & v->yes_attr)) {
--			perror(L"Variable %s is missing attributes:\n",
--			       v->name);
--			perror(L"  0x%08x should have 0x%08x set.\n",
--			       attrs, v->yes_attr);
--			delete = TRUE;
--		}
--		if (attrs & v->no_attr) {
--			perror(L"Variable %s has incorrect attribute:\n",
--			       v->name);
--			perror(L"  0x%08x should not have 0x%08x set.\n",
--			       attrs, v->no_attr);
- 			delete = TRUE;
-+		} else {
-+			if (!(attrs & v->yes_attr)) {
-+				perror(L"Variable %s is missing attributes:\n",
-+				       v->name);
-+				perror(L"  0x%08x should have 0x%08x set.\n",
-+				       attrs, v->yes_attr);
-+				delete = TRUE;
-+			}
-+			if (attrs & v->no_attr) {
-+				perror(L"Variable %s has incorrect attribute:\n",
-+				       v->name);
-+				perror(L"  0x%08x should not have 0x%08x set.\n",
-+				       attrs, v->no_attr);
-+				delete = TRUE;
-+			}
- 		}
- 		if (delete == TRUE) {
- 			perror(L"Deleting bad variable %s\n", v->name);
-@@ -366,45 +576,9 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 			FreePool(v->data);
- 			v->data = NULL;
- 			v->data_size = 0;
--			continue;
- 		}
--		if (v->data && v->data_size == sizeof(UINT8) && v->state) {
--			*v->state = v->data[0];
--		}
--		present = (v->data && v->data_size) ? TRUE : FALSE;
--		if (v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_MEASURE && present) {
--			/*
--			 * Measure this into PCR 7 in the Microsoft format
--			 */
--			efi_status = tpm_measure_variable(v->name, *v->guid,
--							  v->data_size,
--							  v->data);
--			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--				if (ret != EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION)
--					ret = efi_status;
--			}
--		}
--		if (v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_LOG && present) {
--			/*
--			 * Log this variable into whichever PCR the table
--			 * says.
--			 */
--			efi_status = tpm_log_event(datap, v->data_size,
--						   v->pcr, (CHAR8 *)v->name8);
--			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--				if (ret != EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION)
--					ret = efi_status;
--			}
--		}
--		if (present)
--			ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret);
-+		ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret);
- 	}
- 	/*
-@@ -412,14 +586,16 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	 * cause MokManager to demand a machine reboot, so this is safe to
- 	 * have after the entire loop.
- 	 */
-+	dprint(L"checking mok request\n");
- 	efi_status = check_mok_request(image_handle);
-+	dprint(L"mok returned %r\n", efi_status);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
- 			ret = efi_status;
- 		return ret;
- 	}
-+	dprint(L"returning %r\n", ret);
- 	return ret;
- }
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 888ee6e8d7b..ee62248ca4e 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -646,6 +646,31 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_whitelist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
- 		}
- 	}
-+#if defined(VENDOR_DB_FILE)
-+	if (check_db_hash_in_ram(db, vendor_db_size,
-+				 sha256hash, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
-+				 EFI_CERT_SHA256_GUID, L"vendor_db",
-+		verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_HASH;
-+		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_HASH);
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
-+	} else {
-+		LogError(L"check_db_hash(vendor_db, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
-+	}
-+	if (cert &&
-+	    check_db_cert_in_ram(db, vendor_db_size,
-+				 cert, sha256hash, L"vendor_db",
-+		verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_CERT;
-+		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
-+	} else {
-+		LogError(L"check_db_cert(vendor_db, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
-+	}
- 	if (check_db_hash(L"MokList", SHIM_LOCK_GUID, sha256hash,
- 				== DATA_FOUND) {
-@@ -1076,6 +1101,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 		}
- #endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
-+#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
- 		/*
- 		 * And finally, check against shim's built-in key
- 		 */
-@@ -1093,6 +1119,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 		} else {
- 			LogError(L"AuthenticodeVerify(vendor_authorized) failed\n");
- 		}
-+#endif /* defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE) */
- 	}
- 	LogError(L"Binary is not whitelisted\n");
-diff --git a/include/console.h b/include/console.h
-index 9f259c71b72..810bf13a1f1 100644
---- a/include/console.h
-+++ b/include/console.h
-@@ -78,12 +78,13 @@ struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL {
- extern VOID console_fini(VOID);
- extern VOID setup_verbosity(VOID);
- extern UINT32 verbose;
--#define dprint(fmt, ...) ({							\
-+#define dprint_(fmt, ...) ({							\
- 		UINTN __dprint_ret = 0;						\
- 		if (verbose)							\
- 			__dprint_ret = console_print((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__);	\
- 		__dprint_ret;							\
- 	})
-+#define dprint(fmt, ...) dprint_(L"%a:%d:%a() " fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- extern EFI_STATUS print_crypto_errors(EFI_STATUS rc, char *file, const char *func, int line);
- #define crypterr(rc) print_crypto_errors((rc), __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
-diff --git a/include/variables.h b/include/variables.h
-index 8566a1a4746..436adb46e16 100644
---- a/include/variables.h
-+++ b/include/variables.h
-@@ -57,7 +57,12 @@ EFI_STATUS
- variable_enroll_hash(CHAR16 *var, EFI_GUID owner,
- 		     UINT8 hash[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]);
--variable_create_esl(void *cert, int cert_len, EFI_GUID *type, EFI_GUID *owner,
--		    void **out, int *outlen);
-+variable_create_esl(const uint8_t *cert, const size_t cert_len,
-+		    const EFI_GUID *type, const EFI_GUID *owner,
-+		    uint8_t **out, size_t *outlen);
-+fill_esl(const uint8_t *data, const size_t data_len,
-+	 const EFI_GUID *type, const EFI_GUID *owner,
-+	 uint8_t *out, size_t *outlen);
- #endif /* SHIM_VARIABLES_H */
-diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
-index 555498c6673..c1d7e7c7197 100644
---- a/shim.h
-+++ b/shim.h
-@@ -97,7 +97,11 @@
- #define FALLBACK L"\\fb" EFI_ARCH L".efi"
- #define MOK_MANAGER L"\\mm" EFI_ARCH L".efi"
--#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
-+#if defined(VENDOR_DB_FILE)
-+# define vendor_authorized vendor_db
-+# define vendor_authorized_size vendor_db_size
-+# define vendor_authorized_category VENDOR_ADDEND_DB
-+#elif defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
- # define vendor_authorized vendor_cert
- # define vendor_authorized_size vendor_cert_size
- # define vendor_authorized_category VENDOR_ADDEND_X509
-@@ -116,6 +120,7 @@
- #endif
- #include "include/asm.h"
-+#include "include/compiler.h"
- #include "include/configtable.h"
- #include "include/console.h"
- #include "include/crypt_blowfish.h"
-diff --git a/cert.S b/cert.S
-index 520caaef3af..e636fcbbf2d 100644
---- a/cert.S
-+++ b/cert.S
-@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
--#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
-+#if defined(VENDOR_DB_FILE) && defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
-+# error both VENDOR_DB_FILE and VENDOR_CERT_FILE have been configured
-+#elif defined(VENDOR_DB_FILE)
-+# define vendor_authorized vendor_db
-+# define vendor_authorized_end vendor_db_end
-+# define vendor_authorized_size vendor_db_size
-+# define vendor_authorized_size_end vendor_db_size_end
-+#elif defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
- # define vendor_authorized vendor_cert
- # define vendor_authorized_end vendor_cert_end
- # define vendor_authorized_size vendor_cert_size
-@@ -28,7 +35,9 @@ cert_table:
- 	.size	vendor_authorized, .Lvendor_authorized_end - vendor_authorized
- 	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- vendor_authorized:
--#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
-+#if defined(VENDOR_DB_FILE)
-+.incbin VENDOR_DB_FILE
-+#elif defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
- #endif
- .Lvendor_authorized_end:
-diff --git a/Make.defaults b/Make.defaults
-index f0bfa9fd573..2e01646a35d 100644
---- a/Make.defaults
-+++ b/Make.defaults
- CFLAGS += "-DEFI_ARCH=L\"$(ARCH_SUFFIX)\"" "-DDEBUGDIR=L\"/usr/lib/debug/usr/share/shim/$(ARCH_SUFFIX)-$(VERSION)$(DASHRELEASE)/\""
-+ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_DB_FILE), undefined)
- ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_CERT_FILE), undefined)
- endif
-diff --git a/README.tpm b/README.tpm
-index c060dbe22db..62308d5c71a 100644
---- a/README.tpm
-+++ b/README.tpm
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ PCR7:
-   - MokListX - the Mok blacklist, logged as "MokListX"
-   - vendor_dbx - shim's built-in vendor blacklist, logged as "dbx"
-   - DB - the system whitelist, logged as "db"
-+  - vendor_db - shim's built-in vendor whitelist, logged as "db"
-   - MokList the Mok whitelist, logged as "MokList"
-   - vendor_cert - shim's built-in vendor whitelist, logged as "Shim"
-   - shim_cert - shim's build-time generated whitelist, logged as "Shim"
diff --git a/SOURCES/0058-Handle-binaries-with-multiple-signatures.patch b/SOURCES/0058-Handle-binaries-with-multiple-signatures.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 84482de..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0058-Handle-binaries-with-multiple-signatures.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-From 76c0447e204c7e4ce918c4887ce8aae0e0816271 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 16:32:05 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 58/62] Handle binaries with multiple signatures.
-This adds support for multiple signatures.  It first tries validating
-the binary by hash, first against our dbx lists, then against our db
-lists.  If it isn't allowed or rejected at that step, it continues to
-the normal routine of checking all the signatures.
-At this point it does *not* reject a binary just because a signature is
-by a cert on a dbx list, though that will override any db list that
-certificate is listed on.  If at any point any assertion about the
-binary or signature list being well-formed fails, the binary is
-immediately rejected, though we do allow skipping over signatures
-which have an unsupported sig->Hdr.wCertificateType.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#210
- shim.c | 287 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
- 1 file changed, 198 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index ee62248ca4e..d10a1ba1cac 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_whitelist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
- 	}
- 	update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_NOTHING);
-+	return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
- }
- /*
-@@ -1004,6 +1004,103 @@ done:
- 	return efi_status;
- }
-+static EFI_STATUS
-+verify_one_signature(WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *sig,
-+		     UINT8 *sha256hash, UINT8 *sha1hash)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	/*
-+	 * Ensure that the binary isn't blacklisted
-+	 */
-+	drain_openssl_errors();
-+	efi_status = check_blacklist(sig, sha256hash, sha1hash);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Binary is blacklisted: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		PrintErrors();
-+		ClearErrors();
-+		crypterr(efi_status);
-+		return efi_status;
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * Check whether the binary is whitelisted in any of the firmware
-+	 * databases
-+	 */
-+	drain_openssl_errors();
-+	efi_status = check_whitelist(sig, sha256hash, sha1hash);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		if (efi_status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
-+			dprint(L"check_whitelist(): %r\n", efi_status);
-+			PrintErrors();
-+			ClearErrors();
-+			crypterr(efi_status);
-+		}
-+	} else {
-+		drain_openssl_errors();
-+		return efi_status;
-+	}
-+	efi_status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
-+#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
-+	/*
-+	 * Check against the shim build key
-+	 */
-+	drain_openssl_errors();
-+	if (build_cert && build_cert_size) {
-+		dprint("verifying against shim cert\n");
-+	}
-+	if (build_cert && build_cert_size &&
-+	    AuthenticodeVerify(sig->CertData,
-+		       sig->Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(sig->Hdr),
-+		       build_cert, build_cert_size, sha256hash,
-+		       SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
-+		dprint(L"AuthenticodeVerify(shim_cert) succeeded\n");
-+		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
-+		tpm_measure_variable(L"Shim", SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+				     build_cert_size, build_cert);
-+		efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
-+		drain_openssl_errors();
-+		return efi_status;
-+	} else {
-+		dprint(L"AuthenticodeVerify(shim_cert) failed\n");
-+		PrintErrors();
-+		ClearErrors();
-+		crypterr(EFI_NOT_FOUND);
-+	}
-+#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
-+#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
-+	/*
-+	 * And finally, check against shim's built-in key
-+	 */
-+	drain_openssl_errors();
-+	if (vendor_cert_size) {
-+		dprint("verifying against vendor_cert\n");
-+	}
-+	if (vendor_cert_size &&
-+	    AuthenticodeVerify(sig->CertData,
-+			       sig->Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(sig->Hdr),
-+			       vendor_cert, vendor_cert_size,
-+			       sha256hash, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
-+		dprint(L"AuthenticodeVerify(vendor_cert) succeeded\n");
-+		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
-+		tpm_measure_variable(L"Shim", SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+				     vendor_cert_size, vendor_cert);
-+		efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
-+		drain_openssl_errors();
-+		return efi_status;
-+	} else {
-+		dprint(L"AuthenticodeVerify(vendor_cert) failed\n");
-+		PrintErrors();
-+		ClearErrors();
-+		crypterr(EFI_NOT_FOUND);
-+	}
-+#endif /* defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE) */
-+	return efi_status;
- /*
-  * Check that the signature is valid and matches the binary
-  */
-@@ -1011,40 +1108,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 				 UINT8 *sha256hash, UINT8 *sha1hash)
- {
--	unsigned int size = datasize;
-+	EFI_STATUS ret_efi_status;
-+	size_t size = datasize;
-+	size_t offset = 0;
-+	unsigned int i = 0;
- 	if (datasize < 0)
--	if (context->SecDir->Size != 0) {
--		if (context->SecDir->Size >= size) {
--			perror(L"Certificate Database size is too large\n");
--		}
--		cert = ImageAddress (data, size,
--				     context->SecDir->VirtualAddress);
--		if (!cert) {
--			perror(L"Certificate located outside the image\n");
--		}
--		if (cert->Hdr.dwLength > context->SecDir->Size) {
--			perror(L"Certificate list size is inconsistent with PE headers");
--		}
--		if (cert->Hdr.wCertificateType !=
--			perror(L"Unsupported certificate type %x\n",
--				cert->Hdr.wCertificateType);
--			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
--		}
--	}
- 	/*
- 	 * Clear OpenSSL's error log, because we get some DSO unimplemented
- 	 * errors during its intialization, and we don't want those to look
-@@ -1052,81 +1123,119 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 	 */
- 	drain_openssl_errors();
--	efi_status = generate_hash(data, datasize, context, sha256hash, sha1hash);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--		LogError(L"generate_hash: %r\n", efi_status);
--		return efi_status;
-+	ret_efi_status = generate_hash(data, datasize, context, sha256hash, sha1hash);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(ret_efi_status)) {
-+		dprint(L"generate_hash: %r\n", ret_efi_status);
-+		PrintErrors();
-+		ClearErrors();
-+		crypterr(ret_efi_status);
-+		return ret_efi_status;
- 	}
- 	/*
--	 * Ensure that the binary isn't blacklisted
-+	 * Ensure that the binary isn't blacklisted by hash
- 	 */
--	efi_status = check_blacklist(cert, sha256hash, sha1hash);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+	drain_openssl_errors();
-+	ret_efi_status = check_blacklist(NULL, sha256hash, sha1hash);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(ret_efi_status)) {
- 		perror(L"Binary is blacklisted\n");
--		LogError(L"Binary is blacklisted: %r\n", efi_status);
--		return efi_status;
-+		dprint(L"Binary is blacklisted: %r\n", ret_efi_status);
-+		PrintErrors();
-+		ClearErrors();
-+		crypterr(ret_efi_status);
-+		return ret_efi_status;
- 	}
- 	/*
--	 * Check whether the binary is whitelisted in any of the firmware
--	 * databases
-+	 * Check whether the binary is whitelisted by hash in any of the
-+	 * firmware databases
- 	 */
--	efi_status = check_whitelist(cert, sha256hash, sha1hash);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--		LogError(L"check_whitelist(): %r\n", efi_status);
-+	drain_openssl_errors();
-+	ret_efi_status = check_whitelist(NULL, sha256hash, sha1hash);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(ret_efi_status)) {
-+		dprint(L"check_whitelist: %r\n", ret_efi_status);
-+		if (ret_efi_status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
-+			PrintErrors();
-+			ClearErrors();
-+			crypterr(ret_efi_status);
-+			return ret_efi_status;
-+		}
- 	} else {
- 		drain_openssl_errors();
--		return efi_status;
-+		return ret_efi_status;
- 	}
--	if (cert) {
--#if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
--		/*
--		 * Check against the shim build key
--		 */
--		if (sizeof(shim_cert) &&
--		    AuthenticodeVerify(cert->CertData,
--			       cert->Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(cert->Hdr),
--			       shim_cert, sizeof(shim_cert), sha256hash,
--			       SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
--			update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
--			tpm_measure_variable(L"Shim", SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
--					     sizeof(shim_cert), shim_cert);
--			efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
--			drain_openssl_errors();
--			return efi_status;
--		} else {
--			LogError(L"AuthenticodeVerify(shim_cert) failed\n");
-+	if (context->SecDir->Size == 0) {
-+		dprint(L"No signatures found\n");
-+	}
-+	if (context->SecDir->Size >= size) {
-+		perror(L"Certificate Database size is too large\n");
-+	}
-+	ret_efi_status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
-+	do {
-+		size_t sz;
-+		sig = ImageAddress(data, size,
-+				   context->SecDir->VirtualAddress + offset);
-+		if (!sig)
-+			break;
-+		sz = offset + offsetof(WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS, Hdr.dwLength)
-+		     + sizeof(sig->Hdr.dwLength);
-+		if (sz > context->SecDir->Size) {
-+			perror(L"Certificate size is too large for secruity database");
-+		}
-+		sz = sig->Hdr.dwLength;
-+		if (sz > context->SecDir->Size - offset) {
-+			perror(L"Certificate size is too large for secruity database");
- 		}
--#endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
--#if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
--		/*
--		 * And finally, check against shim's built-in key
--		 */
--		if (vendor_authorized_size &&
--		    AuthenticodeVerify(cert->CertData,
--				       cert->Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(cert->Hdr),
--				       vendor_authorized, vendor_authorized_size,
--				       sha256hash, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
--			update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
--			tpm_measure_variable(L"Shim", SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
--					     vendor_authorized_size, vendor_authorized);
--			efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
--			drain_openssl_errors();
--			return efi_status;
-+		if (sz < sizeof(sig->Hdr)) {
-+			perror(L"Certificate size is too small for certificate data");
-+		}
-+		if (sig->Hdr.wCertificateType == WIN_CERT_TYPE_PKCS_SIGNED_DATA) {
-+			EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+			dprint(L"Attempting to verify signature %d:\n", i++);
-+			efi_status = verify_one_signature(sig, sha256hash, sha1hash);
-+			/*
-+			 * If we didn't get EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION from
-+			 * checking the hashes above, then any dbx entries are
-+			 * for a certificate, not this individual binary.
-+			 *
-+			 * So don't clobber successes with security violation
-+			 * here; that just means it isn't a success.
-+			 */
-+			if (ret_efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS)
-+				ret_efi_status = efi_status;
- 		} else {
--			LogError(L"AuthenticodeVerify(vendor_authorized) failed\n");
-+			perror(L"Unsupported certificate type %x\n",
-+				sig->Hdr.wCertificateType);
- 		}
--#endif /* defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE) */
--	}
-+		offset = ALIGN_VALUE(offset + sz, 8);
-+	} while (offset < context->SecDir->Size);
--	LogError(L"Binary is not whitelisted\n");
--	PrintErrors();
--	return efi_status;
-+	if (ret_efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-+		dprint(L"Binary is not whitelisted\n");
-+		PrintErrors();
-+		ClearErrors();
-+		ret_efi_status = EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION;
-+	}
-+	drain_openssl_errors();
-+	return ret_efi_status;
- }
- /*
diff --git a/SOURCES/0059-Make-openssl-accept-the-right-set-of-KU-EKUs.patch b/SOURCES/0059-Make-openssl-accept-the-right-set-of-KU-EKUs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 87d6f0c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0059-Make-openssl-accept-the-right-set-of-KU-EKUs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-From 705d47ac2c90b8de07a4ef3e1930de6c4b8fece0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 19:54:58 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 59/62] Make openssl accept the right set of KU/EKUs
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#211
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
-index dcaba436797..09895d8c66a 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
- UINT8 mOidValue[9] = { 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x07, 0x02 };
-+#if 1
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L
-+#define X509_OBJECT_get0_X509(obj) ((obj)->data.x509)
-+#define X509_OBJECT_get_type(obj) ((obj)->type)
-+#define X509_STORE_CTX_get0_cert(ctx) ((ctx)->cert)
-+#define X509_STORE_get0_objects(certs) ((certs)->objs)
-+#define X509_get_extended_key_usage(cert) ((cert)->ex_xkusage)
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10020000L
-+#define X509_STORE_CTX_get0_store(ctx) ((ctx)->ctx)
-+static int cert_in_store(X509 *cert, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
-+  X509_OBJECT obj;
-+  obj.type = X509_LU_X509;
-+  obj.data.x509 = cert;
-+  return X509_OBJECT_retrieve_match(ctx->ctx->objs, &obj) != NULL;
-+ * Later versions of openssl will need this instead.
-+ */
-+static int cert_in_store(X509 *cert, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
-+  STACK_OF(X509_OBJECT) *objs;
-+  X509_OBJECT *obj;
-+  int i;
-+  objs = X509_STORE_get0_objects(X509_STORE_CTX_get0_store(ctx));
-+  for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_OBJECT_num(objs); i++) {
-+    obj = sk_X509_OBJECT_value(objs, i);
-+    if (X509_OBJECT_get_type(obj) == X509_LU_X509 &&
-+	!X509_cmp(X509_OBJECT_get0_X509(obj), cert))
-+      return 1;
-+  }
-+  return 0;
-+X509VerifyCb (
-+  IN int            Status,
-+  IN X509_STORE_CTX *Context
-+  )
-+  INTN         Error;
-+  Error = (INTN) X509_STORE_CTX_get_error (Context);
-+  /* Accept code-signing keys */
-+  if (Error == X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE &&
-+      X509_get_extended_key_usage(X509_STORE_CTX_get0_cert(Context)) == XKU_CODE_SIGN) {
-+    Status = 1;
-+  } else if (Error == X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED ||
-+	     Error == X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT ||
-+    /* all certs in our cert database are explicitly trusted */
-+    if (cert_in_store(X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(Context), Context))
-+      Status = 1;
-+  } else if (Error == X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED ||
-+	     Error == X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID ||
-+	     Error == X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD) {
-+    /* UEFI explicitly allows expired certificates */
-+    Status = 1;
-+#if 0
-+  } else if (Error == X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA) {
-+    /* Due to the historical reason, we have to relax the the x509 v3 extension
-+     * check to allow the CA certificates without the CA flag in the basic
-+     * constraints or KeyCertSign in the key usage to be loaded. In the future,
-+     * this callback should be removed to enforce the proper check. */
-+    Status = 1;
-+  }
-+  return Status;
- /**
-   Check input P7Data is a wrapped ContentInfo structure or not. If not construct
-   a new structure to wrap P7Data.
-@@ -844,6 +929,8 @@ Pkcs7Verify (
-     goto _Exit;
-   }
-+  X509_STORE_set_verify_cb (CertStore, X509VerifyCb);
-   //
-   // For generic PKCS#7 handling, InData may be NULL if the content is present
-   // in PKCS#7 structure. So ignore NULL checking here.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0060-Improve-debug-output-some.patch b/SOURCES/0060-Improve-debug-output-some.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b48e54b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0060-Improve-debug-output-some.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-From fc4368fed53837e00d303600d8b628cb0392b629 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 20:29:52 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 60/62] Improve debug output some
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: pr#213
- errlog.c          |  26 ++++++-
- shim.c            |  36 ++++++++--
- include/console.h |   3 +
- include/hexdump.h | 172 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
- shim.h            |   5 +-
- 5 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/errlog.c b/errlog.c
-index 6669c800233..08f7a82a6b2 100644
---- a/errlog.c
-+++ b/errlog.c
-@@ -3,12 +3,28 @@
-  * Copyright 2017 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-  */
- #include "shim.h"
-+#include "hexdump.h"
- static CHAR16 **errs = NULL;
- static UINTN nerrs = 0;
--VLogError(const char *file, int line, const char *func, CHAR16 *fmt, va_list args)
-+vdprint_(const CHAR16 *fmt, const char *file, int line, const char *func, va_list args)
-+	va_list args2;
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
-+	if (verbose) {
-+		va_copy(args2, args);
-+		console_print(L"%a:%d:%a() ", file, line, func);
-+		efi_status = VPrint(fmt, args2);
-+		va_end(args2);
-+	}
-+	return efi_status;
-+VLogError(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const CHAR16 *fmt, va_list args)
- {
- 	va_list args2;
- 	CHAR16 **newerrs;
-@@ -35,7 +51,7 @@ VLogError(const char *file, int line, const char *func, CHAR16 *fmt, va_list arg
- }
--LogError_(const char *file, int line, const char *func, CHAR16 *fmt, ...)
-+LogError_(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const CHAR16 *fmt, ...)
- {
- 	va_list args;
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-@@ -47,6 +63,12 @@ LogError_(const char *file, int line, const char *func, CHAR16 *fmt, ...)
- 	return efi_status;
- }
-+LogHexdump_(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const void *data, size_t sz)
-+	hexdumpat(file, line, func, data, sz, 0);
- PrintErrors(VOID)
- {
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index d10a1ba1cac..9248642bd57 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
-  */
- #include "shim.h"
-+#include "hexdump.h"
- #if defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT)
- #include "shim_cert.h"
- #endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
-@@ -373,12 +374,18 @@ static BOOLEAN verify_x509(UINT8 *Cert, UINTN CertSize)
- 	 * and 64KB. For convenience, assume the number of value bytes
- 	 * is 2, i.e. the second byte is 0x82.
- 	 */
--	if (Cert[0] != 0x30 || Cert[1] != 0x82)
-+	if (Cert[0] != 0x30 || Cert[1] != 0x82) {
-+		dprint(L"cert[0:1] is [%02x%02x], should be [%02x%02x]\n",
-+		       Cert[0], Cert[1], 0x30, 0x82);
- 		return FALSE;
-+	}
- 	length = Cert[2]<<8 | Cert[3];
--	if (length != (CertSize - 4))
-+	if (length != (CertSize - 4)) {
-+		dprint(L"Cert length is %ld, expecting %ld\n",
-+		       length, CertSize);
- 		return FALSE;
-+	}
- 	return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -426,19 +433,23 @@ static CHECK_STATUS check_db_cert_in_ram(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *CertList,
- 	UINTN CertSize;
-+	int i = 0;
- 	while ((dbsize > 0) && (dbsize >= CertList->SignatureListSize)) {
- 		if (CompareGuid (&CertList->SignatureType, &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID) == 0) {
- 			Cert = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *) ((UINT8 *) CertList + sizeof (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + CertList->SignatureHeaderSize);
- 			CertSize = CertList->SignatureSize - sizeof(EFI_GUID);
-+			dprint(L"trying to verify cert %d (%s)\n", i++, dbname);
- 			if (verify_x509(Cert->SignatureData, CertSize)) {
- 				if (verify_eku(Cert->SignatureData, CertSize)) {
-+					drain_openssl_errors();
- 					IsFound = AuthenticodeVerify (data->CertData,
- 								      data->Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(data->Hdr),
- 								      Cert->SignatureData,
- 								      CertSize,
- 								      hash, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
- 					if (IsFound) {
-+						dprint(L"AuthenticodeVerify() succeeded: %d\n", IsFound);
- 						tpm_measure_variable(dbname, guid, CertSize, Cert->SignatureData);
- 						drain_openssl_errors();
- 						return DATA_FOUND;
-@@ -447,7 +458,9 @@ static CHECK_STATUS check_db_cert_in_ram(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *CertList,
- 					}
- 				}
- 			} else if (verbose) {
--				console_notify(L"Not a DER encoding x.509 Certificate");
-+				console_print(L"Not a DER encoded x.509 Certificate");
-+				dprint(L"cert:\n");
-+				dhexdumpat(Cert->SignatureData, CertSize, 0);
- 			}
- 		}
-@@ -641,7 +654,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_whitelist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
- 			verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_CERT;
- 			update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
- 			return EFI_SUCCESS;
--		} else {
-+		} else if (cert) {
- 			LogError(L"check_db_cert(db, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -666,7 +679,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_whitelist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
- 		verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_CERT;
- 		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
--	} else {
-+	} else if (cert) {
- 		LogError(L"check_db_cert(vendor_db, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
- 	}
- #endif
-@@ -685,7 +698,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_whitelist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
- 		verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_CERT;
- 		update_verification_method(VERIFIED_BY_CERT);
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
--	} else {
-+	} else if (cert) {
- 		LogError(L"check_db_cert(MokList, sha256hash) != DATA_FOUND\n");
- 	}
-@@ -993,6 +1006,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, unsigned int datasize_in,
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-+	dprint(L"sha1 authenticode hash:\n");
-+	dhexdumpat(sha1hash, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, 0);
-+	dprint(L"sha256 authenticode hash:\n");
-+	dhexdumpat(sha256hash, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE, 0);
- done:
- 	if (SectionHeader)
- 		FreePool(SectionHeader);
-@@ -1155,6 +1173,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(ret_efi_status)) {
- 		dprint(L"check_whitelist: %r\n", ret_efi_status);
- 		if (ret_efi_status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
-+			dprint(L"check_whitelist(): %r\n", ret_efi_status);
- 			PrintErrors();
- 			ClearErrors();
- 			crypterr(ret_efi_status);
-@@ -1803,6 +1822,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 	device = li->DeviceHandle;
-+	dprint(L"attempting to load %s\n", PathName);
- 	/*
- 	 * Open the device
- 	 */
-@@ -2778,6 +2798,10 @@ efi_main (EFI_HANDLE passed_image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	 */
- 	InitializeLib(image_handle, systab);
-+	dprint(L"vendor_authorized:0x%08lx vendor_authorized_size:%lu\n",
-+		      __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, vendor_authorized, vendor_authorized_size);
-+	dprint(L"vendor_deauthorized:0x%08lx vendor_deauthorized_size:%lu\n",
-+		      __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, vendor_deauthorized, vendor_deauthorized_size);
- 	init_openssl();
- 	/*
-diff --git a/include/console.h b/include/console.h
-index 810bf13a1f1..ac6fdf61d18 100644
---- a/include/console.h
-+++ b/include/console.h
-@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ extern UINT32 verbose;
- 		__dprint_ret;							\
- 	})
- #define dprint(fmt, ...) dprint_(L"%a:%d:%a() " fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-+extern EFI_STATUS
-+vdprint_(const CHAR16 *fmt, const char *file, int line, const char *func, va_list args);
-+#define vdprint(fmt, ...) vdprint_(fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- extern EFI_STATUS print_crypto_errors(EFI_STATUS rc, char *file, const char *func, int line);
- #define crypterr(rc) print_crypto_errors((rc), __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
-diff --git a/include/hexdump.h b/include/hexdump.h
-index d337b571d8d..f3f3ac284a3 100644
---- a/include/hexdump.h
-+++ b/include/hexdump.h
-@@ -1,104 +1,140 @@
--static int
--isprint(char c)
--	if (c < 0x20)
--		return 0;
--	if (c > 0x7e)
--		return 0;
--	return 1;
-+#include <stdint.h>
--static UINTN
--format_hex(UINT8 *data, UINTN size, CHAR16 *buf)
-+static inline unsigned long UNUSED
-+prepare_hex(const void *data, size_t size, char *buf, int position)
- {
--	UINTN sz = (UINTN)data % 16;
--	CHAR16 hexchars[] = L"0123456789abcdef";
-+	char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- 	int offset = 0;
--	UINTN i;
--	UINTN j;
-+	unsigned long i;
-+	unsigned long j;
-+	unsigned long ret;
--	for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
--		buf[offset++] = L' ';
--		buf[offset++] = L' ';
--		buf[offset++] = L' ';
-+	unsigned long before = (position % 16);
-+	unsigned long after = (before+size >= 16) ? 0 : 16 - (before+size);
-+	for (i = 0; i < before; i++) {
-+		buf[offset++] = 'X';
-+		buf[offset++] = 'X';
-+		buf[offset++] = ' ';
- 		if (i == 7)
--			buf[offset++] = L' ';
-+			buf[offset++] = ' ';
- 	}
--	for (j = sz; j < 16 && j < size; j++) {
--		UINT8 d = data[j-sz];
-+	for (j = 0; j < 16 - after - before; j++) {
-+		uint8_t d = ((uint8_t *)data)[j];
- 		buf[offset++] = hexchars[(d & 0xf0) >> 4];
- 		buf[offset++] = hexchars[(d & 0x0f)];
--		if (j != 15)
--			buf[offset++] = L' ';
--		if (j == 7)
--			buf[offset++] = L' ';
-+		if (i+j != 15)
-+			buf[offset++] = ' ';
-+		if (i+j == 7)
-+			buf[offset++] = ' ';
- 	}
--	for (i = j; i < 16; i++) {
--		buf[offset++] = L' ';
--		buf[offset++] = L' ';
--		if (i != 15)
--			buf[offset++] = L' ';
--		if (i == 7)
--			buf[offset++] = L' ';
-+	ret = 16 - after - before;
-+	j += i;
-+	for (i = 0; i < after; i++) {
-+		buf[offset++] = 'X';
-+		buf[offset++] = 'X';
-+		if (i+j != 15)
-+			buf[offset++] = ' ';
-+		if (i+j == 7)
-+			buf[offset++] = ' ';
- 	}
--	buf[offset] = L'\0';
--	return j - sz;
-+	buf[offset] = '\0';
-+	return ret;
- }
--static void
--format_text(UINT8 *data, UINTN size, CHAR16 *buf)
-+#define isprint(c) ((c) >= 0x20 && (c) <= 0x7e)
-+static inline void UNUSED
-+prepare_text(const void *data, size_t size, char *buf, int position)
- {
--	UINTN sz = (UINTN)data % 16;
- 	int offset = 0;
--	UINTN i;
--	UINTN j;
-+	unsigned long i;
-+	unsigned long j;
--	for (i = 0; i < sz; i++)
--		buf[offset++] = L' ';
--	buf[offset++] = L'|';
--	for (j = sz; j < 16 && j < size; j++) {
--		if (isprint(data[j-sz]))
--			buf[offset++] = data[j-sz];
-+	unsigned long before = position % 16;
-+	unsigned long after = (before+size > 16) ? 0 : 16 - (before+size);
-+	if (size == 0) {
-+		buf[0] = '\0';
-+		return;
-+	}
-+	for (i = 0; i < before; i++)
-+		buf[offset++] = 'X';
-+	buf[offset++] = '|';
-+	for (j = 0; j < 16 - after - before; j++) {
-+		if (isprint(((uint8_t *)data)[j]))
-+			buf[offset++] = ((uint8_t *)data)[j];
- 		else
--			buf[offset++] = L'.';
-+			buf[offset++] = '.';
- 	}
--	buf[offset++] = L'|';
--	for (i = j; i < 16; i++)
--		buf[offset++] = L' ';
--	buf[offset] = L'\0';
-+	buf[offset++] = size > 0 ? '|' : 'X';
-+	buf[offset] = '\0';
- }
--static void
--hexdump(UINT8 *data, UINTN size)
-+ * variadic hexdump formatted
-+ * think of it as: printf("%s%s\n", vformat(fmt, ap), hexdump(data,size));
-+ */
-+static inline void UNUSED
-+vhexdumpf(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const CHAR16 * const fmt, const void *data, unsigned long size, size_t at, va_list ap)
- {
--	UINTN display_offset = (UINTN)data & 0xffffffff;
--	UINTN offset = 0;
--	//console_print(L"hexdump: data=0x%016x size=0x%x\n", data, size);
-+	unsigned long display_offset = at;
-+	unsigned long offset = 0;
- 	while (offset < size) {
--		CHAR16 hexbuf[49];
--		CHAR16 txtbuf[19];
--		UINTN sz;
-+		char hexbuf[49];
-+		char txtbuf[19];
-+		unsigned long sz;
--		sz = format_hex(data+offset, size-offset, hexbuf);
-+		sz = prepare_hex(data+offset, size-offset, hexbuf,
-+				 (unsigned long)data+offset);
- 		if (sz == 0)
- 			return;
--		msleep(200000);
--		format_text(data+offset, size-offset, txtbuf);
--		console_print(L"%08x  %s  %s\n", display_offset, hexbuf, txtbuf);
--		msleep(200000);
-+		prepare_text(data+offset, size-offset, txtbuf,
-+			     (unsigned long)data+offset);
-+		if (fmt && fmt[0] != 0)
-+			vdprint_(fmt, file, line, func, ap);
-+		dprint_(L"%a:%d:%a() %08lx  %a  %a\n", file, line, func, display_offset, hexbuf, txtbuf);
- 		display_offset += sz;
- 		offset += sz;
- 	}
- }
-+ * hexdump formatted
-+ * think of it as: printf("%s%s", format(fmt, ...), hexdump(data,size)[lineN]);
-+ */
-+static inline void UNUSED
-+hexdumpf(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const CHAR16 * const fmt, const void *data, unsigned long size, size_t at, ...)
-+	va_list ap;
-+	va_start(ap, at);
-+	vhexdumpf(file, line, func, fmt, data, size, at, ap);
-+	va_end(ap);
-+static inline void UNUSED
-+hexdump(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const void *data, unsigned long size)
-+	hexdumpf(file, line, func, L"", data, size, (intptr_t)data);
-+static inline void UNUSED
-+hexdumpat(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const void *data, unsigned long size, size_t at)
-+	hexdumpf(file, line, func, L"", data, size, at);
-+#define LogHexdump(data, sz) LogHexdump_(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, data, sz)
-+#define dhexdump(data, sz) hexdump(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, data, sz)
-+#define dhexdumpat(data, sz, at) hexdumpat(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, data, sz, at)
-+#define dhexdumpf(fmt, data, sz, at, ...) hexdumpf(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, fmt, data, sz, at, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- #endif /* STATIC_HEXDUMP_H */
-+// vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75:noet
-diff --git a/shim.h b/shim.h
-index c1d7e7c7197..0b3ad4f2d20 100644
---- a/shim.h
-+++ b/shim.h
-@@ -182,8 +182,9 @@ typedef struct _SHIM_LOCK {
- extern EFI_STATUS shim_init(void);
- extern void shim_fini(void);
--extern EFI_STATUS LogError_(const char *file, int line, const char *func, CHAR16 *fmt, ...);
--extern EFI_STATUS VLogError(const char *file, int line, const char *func, CHAR16 *fmt, va_list args);
-+extern EFI_STATUS LogError_(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const CHAR16 *fmt, ...);
-+extern EFI_STATUS VLogError(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const CHAR16 *fmt, va_list args);
-+extern VOID LogHexdump_(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const void *data, size_t sz);
- extern VOID PrintErrors(VOID);
- extern VOID ClearErrors(VOID);
- extern EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0061-Also-use-a-config-table-to-mirror-mok-variables.patch b/SOURCES/0061-Also-use-a-config-table-to-mirror-mok-variables.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a2095b1..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0061-Also-use-a-config-table-to-mirror-mok-variables.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-From fecc2dfb8e408526221091923d9345796b8e294e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 22:09:03 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 61/62] Also use a config table to mirror mok variables.
-Everything was going just fine until I made a vendor_db with 17kB of
-sha256 sums in it.  And then the same source tree that had worked fine
-without that threw errors and failed all over the place.  I wrote some
-code to diagnose the problem, and of course it was a failure in
-mirroring MokList to MokListRT.
-As Patrick noted in 741c61abba7, some systems have obnoxiously low
-amounts of variable storage available:
-mok.c:550:import_mok_state() BS+RT variable info:
-		     MaximumVariableStorageSize:0x000000000000DFE4
-		     RemainingVariableStorageSize:0x000000000000D21C
-		     MaximumVariableSize:0x0000000000001FC4
-The most annoying part is that on at least this edk2 build,
-SetVariable() /does actually appear to set the variable/, but it returns
-EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER.  I'm not planning on relying on that behavior.
-So... yeah, the largest *volatile* (i.e. RAM only) variable this edk2
-build will let you create is less than two pages.  It's only got 7.9G
-free, so I guess it's feeling like space is a little tight.
-We're also not quite preserving that return code well enough for his
-workaround to work.
-New plan.  We try to create variables the normal way, but we don't
-consider not having enough space to be fatal.  In that case, we create
-an EFI_SECURITY_LIST with one sha256sum in it, with a value of all 0,
-and try to add that so we're sure there's /something/ there that's
-innocuous.  On systems where the first SetVariable() /
-QueryVariableInfo() lied to us, the correct variable should be there,
-otherwise the one with the zero-hash will be.
-We then also build a config table to hold this info and install that.
-The config table is a packed array of this struct:
-struct mok_variable_config_entry {
-       CHAR8 name[256];
-       UINT64 data_size;
-       UINT8 data[];
-There will be N+1 entries, and the last entry is all 0 for name and
-data_size.  The total allocation size will always be a multiple of 4096.
-In the typical RHEL 7.9 case that means it'll be around 5 pages.
-It's installed with this guid:
-Anything that can go wrong will.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Upstream: not yet, I don't want people to read this before Wednesday.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- lib/guid.c     |   2 +
- mok.c          | 150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
- include/guid.h |   2 +
- 3 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/guid.c b/lib/guid.c
-index 57c02fbeecd..99ff400a0ab 100644
---- a/lib/guid.c
-+++ b/lib/guid.c
-@@ -36,4 +36,6 @@ EFI_GUID EFI_SECURE_BOOT_DB_GUID =  { 0xd719b2cb, 0x3d3a, 0x4596, { 0xa3, 0xbc,
- EFI_GUID SECURITY_PROTOCOL_GUID = { 0xA46423E3, 0x4617, 0x49f1, {0xB9, 0xFF, 0xD1, 0xBF, 0xA9, 0x11, 0x58, 0x39 } };
- EFI_GUID SECURITY2_PROTOCOL_GUID = { 0x94ab2f58, 0x1438, 0x4ef1, {0x91, 0x52, 0x18, 0x94, 0x1a, 0x3a, 0x0e, 0x68 } };
- EFI_GUID SHIM_LOCK_GUID = {0x605dab50, 0xe046, 0x4300, {0xab, 0xb6, 0x3d, 0xd8, 0x10, 0xdd, 0x8b, 0x23 } };
-+EFI_GUID MOK_VARIABLE_STORE = {0xc451ed2b, 0x9694, 0x45d3, {0xba, 0xba, 0xed, 0x9f, 0x89, 0x88, 0xa3, 0x89} };
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index e69857f3c37..4e141fb21fc 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ struct mok_state_variable {
- 	CHAR16 *name;
- 	char *name8;
- 	CHAR16 *rtname;
-+	char *rtname8;
- 	EFI_GUID *guid;
- 	UINT8 *data;
-@@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	{.name = L"MokList",
- 	 .name8 = "MokList",
- 	 .rtname = L"MokListRT",
-+	 .rtname8 = "MokListRT",
- 	 .guid = &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-@@ -133,12 +135,14 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	 .build_cert_size = &build_cert_size,
- #endif /* defined(ENABLE_SHIM_CERT) */
- 	 .flags = MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB |
- 	 .pcr = 14,
- 	},
- 	{.name = L"MokListX",
- 	 .name8 = "MokListX",
- 	 .rtname = L"MokListXRT",
-+	 .rtname8 = "MokListXRT",
- 	 .guid = &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-@@ -147,12 +151,14 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	 .addend = &vendor_deauthorized,
- 	 .addend_size = &vendor_deauthorized_size,
- 	 .flags = MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB |
- 	 .pcr = 14,
- 	},
- 	{.name = L"MokSBState",
- 	 .name8 = "MokSBState",
- 	 .rtname = L"MokSBStateRT",
-+	 .rtname8 = "MokSBStateRT",
- 	 .guid = &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-@@ -166,6 +172,7 @@ struct mok_state_variable mok_state_variables[] = {
- 	{.name = L"MokDBState",
- 	 .name8 = "MokDBState",
- 	 .rtname = L"MokIgnoreDB",
-+	 .rtname8 = "MokIgnoreDB",
- 	 .guid = &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-@@ -204,6 +211,7 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 	 * we're always mirroring the original data, whether this is an efi
- 	 * security database or not
- 	 */
-+	dprint(L"v->name:\"%s\" v->rtname:\"%s\"\n", v->name, v->rtname);
- 	dprint(L"v->data_size:%lu v->data:0x%08llx\n", v->data_size, v->data);
- 	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n", FullDataSize, FullData);
- 	if (v->data_size) {
-@@ -299,6 +307,7 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 		}
- 	}
- 	/*
- 	 * Now we have the full size
- 	 */
-@@ -417,28 +426,72 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 	}
--	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%016llx p:0x%016llx pos:%lld\n",
- 	       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 	if (FullDataSize) {
--		dprint(L"Setting %s with %lu bytes of data\n",
--		       v->rtname, FullDataSize);
-+		uint64_t max_storage_sz = 0;
-+		uint64_t remaining_sz = 0;
-+		uint64_t max_var_sz = 0;
-+		UINT8 *tmp = NULL;
-+		UINTN tmpsz = 0;
-+		efi_status = gRT->QueryVariableInfo(attrs, &max_storage_sz,
-+						    &remaining_sz, &max_var_sz);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			perror(L"Could not get variable storage info: %r\n", efi_status);
-+			return efi_status;
-+		}
-+		dprint(L"calling SetVariable(\"%s\", 0x%016llx, 0x%08lx, %lu, 0x%016llx)\n",
-+		       v->rtname, v->guid,
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData);
- 		efi_status = gRT->SetVariable(v->rtname, v->guid,
- 					      FullDataSize, FullData);
--		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--			perror(L"Failed to set %s: %r\n",
--			       v->rtname, efi_status);
-+		if (efi_status == EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER && max_var_sz < FullDataSize) {
-+			/*
-+			 * In this case we're going to try to create a
-+			 * dummy variable so that there's one there.  It
-+			 * may or may not work, because on some firmware
-+			 * builds when the SetVariable call above fails it
-+			 * does actually set the variable(!), so aside from
-+			 * not using the allocation if it doesn't work, we
-+			 * don't care about failures here.
-+			 */
-+			console_print(L"WARNING: Maximum volatile variable size is %lu.\n", max_var_sz);
-+			console_print(L"WARNING: Cannot set %s (%lu bytes)\n", v->rtname, FullDataSize);
-+			perror(L"Failed to set %s: %r\n", v->rtname, efi_status);
-+			efi_status = variable_create_esl(
-+					null_sha256, sizeof(null_sha256),
-+					&tmp, &tmpsz);
-+			/*
-+			 * from here we don't really care if it works or
-+			 * doens't.
-+			 */
-+			if (!EFI_ERROR(efi_status) && tmp && tmpsz) {
-+				gRT->SetVariable(v->rtname, v->guid,
-+						 tmpsz, tmp);
-+				FreePool(tmp);
-+			}
-+			efi_status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
-+		} else if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			perror(L"Failed to set %s: %r\n", v->rtname, efi_status);
- 		}
- 	}
--	if (v->data && v->data_size) {
-+	if (v->data && v->data_size && v->data != FullData) {
- 		FreePool(v->data);
- 		v->data = NULL;
- 		v->data_size = 0;
- 	}
--	if (FullData && FullDataSize) {
--		FreePool(FullData);
--	}
-+	v->data = FullData;
-+	v->data_size = FullDataSize;
- 	dprint(L"returning %r\n", efi_status);
- 	return efi_status;
- }
-@@ -454,8 +507,11 @@ maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v, EFI_STATUS ret)
- 	BOOLEAN present = FALSE;
- 	if (v->rtname) {
--		if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST)
--			LibDeleteVariable(v->rtname, v->guid);
-+		if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST) {
-+			dprint(L"deleting \"%s\"\n", v->rtname);
-+			efi_status = LibDeleteVariable(v->rtname, v->guid);
-+			dprint(L"LibDeleteVariable(\"%s\",...) => %r\n", v->rtname, efi_status);
-+		}
- 		efi_status = mirror_one_mok_variable(v);
- 		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-@@ -505,6 +561,12 @@ maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v, EFI_STATUS ret)
- 	return ret;
- }
-+struct mok_variable_config_entry {
-+	CHAR8 name[256];
-+	UINT64 data_size;
-+	UINT8 data[];
- /*
-  * Verify our non-volatile MoK state.  This checks the variables above
-  * accessable and have valid attributes.  If they don't, it removes
-@@ -527,6 +589,11 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	user_insecure_mode = 0;
- 	ignore_db = 0;
-+	UINT64 config_sz = 0;
-+	UINT8 *config_table = NULL;
-+	size_t npages = 0;
-+	struct mok_variable_config_entry config_template;
- 	dprint(L"importing mok state\n");
- 	for (i = 0; mok_state_variables[i].name != NULL; i++) {
- 		struct mok_state_variable *v = &mok_state_variables[i];
-@@ -579,6 +646,61 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		}
- 		ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret);
-+		if (v->data && v->data_size) {
-+			config_sz += v->data_size;
-+			config_sz += sizeof(config_template);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * Alright, so we're going to copy these to a config table.  The
-+	 * table is a packed array of N+1 struct mok_variable_config_entry
-+	 * items, with the last item having all zero's in name and
-+	 * data_size.
-+	 */
-+	if (config_sz) {
-+		config_sz += sizeof(config_template);
-+		npages = ALIGN_VALUE(config_sz, PAGE_SIZE) >> EFI_PAGE_SHIFT;
-+		config_table = NULL;
-+		efi_status = gBS->AllocatePages(AllocateAnyPages,
-+						EfiRuntimeServicesData,
-+						npages,
-+						(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *)&config_table);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) || !config_table) {
-+			console_print(L"Allocating %lu pages for mok config table failed: %r\n",
-+				      npages, efi_status);
-+				ret = efi_status;
-+			config_table = NULL;
-+		} else {
-+			ZeroMem(config_table, npages << EFI_PAGE_SHIFT);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	UINT8 *p = (UINT8 *)config_table;
-+	for (i = 0; p && mok_state_variables[i].name != NULL; i++) {
-+		struct mok_state_variable *v = &mok_state_variables[i];
-+		ZeroMem(&config_template, sizeof(config_template));
-+		strncpya(config_template.name, (CHAR8 *)v->rtname8, 255);
-+		config_template.name[255] = '\0';
-+		config_template.data_size = v->data_size;
-+		CopyMem(p, &config_template, sizeof(config_template));
-+		p += sizeof(config_template);
-+		CopyMem(p, v->data, v->data_size);
-+		p += v->data_size;
-+	}
-+	if (p) {
-+		ZeroMem(&config_template, sizeof(config_template));
-+		CopyMem(p, &config_template, sizeof(config_template));
-+		efi_status = gBS->InstallConfigurationTable(&MOK_VARIABLE_STORE,
-+							    config_table);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			console_print(L"Couldn't install MoK configuration table\n");
-+		}
- 	}
- 	/*
-diff --git a/include/guid.h b/include/guid.h
-index 81689d6cc1a..91b14d96146 100644
---- a/include/guid.h
-+++ b/include/guid.h
-@@ -35,4 +35,6 @@ extern EFI_GUID SECURITY_PROTOCOL_GUID;
- #endif /* SHIM_GUID_H */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0062-Implement-lennysz-s-suggestions-for-MokListRT.patch b/SOURCES/0062-Implement-lennysz-s-suggestions-for-MokListRT.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 86467e3..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0062-Implement-lennysz-s-suggestions-for-MokListRT.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,991 +0,0 @@
-From 65be350308783a8ef537246c8ad0545b4e6ad069 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2020 22:13:57 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 62/62] Implement lennysz's suggestions for MokListRT
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- mok.c             | 726 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
- shim.c            |   7 +-
- include/PeImage.h |   3 +-
- 3 files changed, 515 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mok.c b/mok.c
-index 4e141fb21fc..3e6c7e43025 100644
---- a/mok.c
-+++ b/mok.c
-@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
- #include <stdint.h>
-+#include "hexdump.h"
- /*
-  * Check if a variable exists
-  */
-@@ -25,6 +27,15 @@ static BOOLEAN check_var(CHAR16 *varname)
- 	return FALSE;
- }
-+#define SetVariable(name, guid, attrs, varsz, var) ({			\
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status_;						\
-+	efi_status_ = gRT->SetVariable(name, guid, attrs, varsz, var);	\
-+	dprint_(L"%a:%d:%a() SetVariable(\"%s\", ... varsz=0x%llx) = %r\n",\
-+		 __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__,				\
-+		name, varsz, efi_status_);				\
-+	efi_status_;							\
- /*
-  * If the OS has set any of these variables we need to drop into MOK and
-  * handle them appropriately
-@@ -193,33 +204,296 @@ should_mirror_build_cert(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- static const uint8_t null_sha256[32] = { 0, };
-+typedef UINTN SIZE_T;
-+static EFI_STATUS
-+get_max_var_sz(UINT32 attrs, SIZE_T *max_var_szp)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	uint64_t max_storage_sz = 0;
-+	uint64_t remaining_sz = 0;
-+	uint64_t max_var_sz = 0;
-+	*max_var_szp = 0;
-+	efi_status = gRT->QueryVariableInfo(attrs, &max_storage_sz,
-+					    &remaining_sz, &max_var_sz);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Could not get variable storage info: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		return efi_status;
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * I just don't trust implementations to not be showing static data
-+	 * for max_var_sz
-+	 */
-+	*max_var_szp = (max_var_sz < remaining_sz) ? max_var_sz : remaining_sz;
-+	dprint("max_var_sz:%lx remaining_sz:%lx max_storage_sz:%lx\n",
-+		max_var_sz, remaining_sz, max_storage_sz);
-+	return efi_status;
-+ * If any entries fit in < maxsz, and nothing goes wrong, create a variable
-+ * of the given name and guid with as many esd entries as possible in it,
-+ * and updates *esdp with what would be the next entry (even if makes *esdp
-+ * > esl+esl->SignatureListSize), and returns whatever SetVariable()
-+ * returns
-+ *
-+ * If no entries fit (i.e. sizeof(esl) + esl->SignatureSize > maxsz),
-+ * returns EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-+ */
-+static EFI_STATUS
-+mirror_one_esl(CHAR16 *name, EFI_GUID *guid, UINT32 attrs,
-+	       UINTN *newsz, SIZE_T maxsz)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	SIZE_T howmany, varsz = 0, esdsz;
-+	UINT8 *var, *data;
-+	howmany = min((maxsz - sizeof(*esl)) / esl->SignatureSize,
-+		      (esl->SignatureListSize - sizeof(*esl)) / esl->SignatureSize);
-+	if (howmany < 1) {
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * We always assume esl->SignatureHeaderSize is 0 (and so far,
-+	 * that's true as per UEFI 2.8)
-+	 */
-+	esdsz = howmany * esl->SignatureSize;
-+	data = (UINT8 *)esd;
-+	dprint(L"Trying to add %lx signatures to \"%s\" of size %lx\n",
-+	       howmany, name, esl->SignatureSize);
-+	/*
-+	 * Because of the semantics of variable_create_esl(), the first
-+	 * owner guid from the data is not part of esdsz, or the data.
-+	 *
-+	 * Compensate here.
-+	 */
-+	efi_status = variable_create_esl(data + sizeof(EFI_GUID),
-+					 esdsz - sizeof(EFI_GUID),
-+					 &esl->SignatureType,
-+					 &esd->SignatureOwner,
-+					 &var, &varsz);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) || !var || !varsz) {
-+		LogError(L"Couldn't allocate %lu bytes for mok variable \"%s\": %r\n",
-+			 varsz, var, efi_status);
-+		return efi_status;
-+	}
-+	dprint(L"new esl:\n");
-+	dhexdumpat(var, varsz, 0);
-+	efi_status = SetVariable(name, guid, attrs, varsz, var);
-+	FreePool(var);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		LogError(L"Couldn't create mok variable \"%s\": %r\n",
-+			 varsz, var, efi_status);
-+		return efi_status;
-+	}
-+	*newsz = esdsz;
-+	return efi_status;
-+static EFI_STATUS
-+mirror_mok_db(CHAR16 *name, CHAR8 *name8, EFI_GUID *guid, UINT32 attrs,
-+	      UINT8 *FullData, SIZE_T FullDataSize, BOOLEAN only_first)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
-+	SIZE_T max_var_sz;
-+	if (only_first) {
-+		efi_status = get_max_var_sz(attrs, &max_var_sz);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			LogError(L"Could not get maximum variable size: %r",
-+				 efi_status);
-+			return efi_status;
-+		}
-+		if (FullDataSize <= max_var_sz) {
-+			efi_status = SetVariable(name, guid, attrs,
-+						 FullDataSize, FullData);
-+			return efi_status;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	CHAR16 *namen;
-+	CHAR8 *namen8;
-+	UINTN namelen, namesz;
-+	namelen = StrLen(name);
-+	namesz = namelen * 2;
-+	if (only_first) {
-+		namen = name;
-+		namen8 = name8;
-+	} else {
-+		namelen += 18;
-+		namesz += 34;
-+		namen = AllocateZeroPool(namesz);
-+		if (!namen) {
-+			LogError(L"Could not allocate %lu bytes", namesz);
-+		}
-+		namen8 = AllocateZeroPool(namelen);
-+		if (!namen8) {
-+			FreePool(namen);
-+			LogError(L"Could not allocate %lu bytes", namelen);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	UINTN pos, i;
-+	const SIZE_T minsz = sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST)
-+			     + sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA)
-+			     + SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
-+	BOOLEAN did_one = FALSE;
-+	/*
-+	 * Create any entries that can fit.
-+	 */
-+	if (!only_first) {
-+		dprint(L"full data for \"%s\":\n", name);
-+		dhexdumpat(FullData, FullDataSize, 0);
-+	}
-+	UINTN esl_end_pos = 0;
-+	for (i = 0, pos = 0; FullDataSize - pos >= minsz && FullData; ) {
-+		dprint(L"pos:0x%llx FullDataSize:0x%llx\n", pos, FullDataSize);
-+		if (esl == NULL || pos >= esl_end_pos) {
-+			UINT8 *nesl = FullData + pos;
-+			dprint(L"esl:0x%llx->0x%llx\n", esl, nesl);
-+			esl = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)nesl;
-+			esl_end_pos = pos + esl->SignatureListSize;
-+			dprint(L"pos:0x%llx->0x%llx\n", pos, pos + sizeof(*esl));
-+			pos += sizeof(*esl);
-+		}
-+		esd = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)(FullData + pos);
-+		if (pos >= FullDataSize)
-+			break;
-+		if (esl->SignatureListSize == 0 || esl->SignatureSize == 0)
-+			break;
-+		dprint(L"esl[%lu] 0x%llx = {sls=0x%lx, ss=0x%lx} esd:0x%llx\n",
-+		       i, esl, esl->SignatureListSize, esl->SignatureSize, esd);
-+		if (!only_first) {
-+			SPrint(namen, namelen, L"%s%lu", name, i);
-+			namen[namelen-1] = 0;
-+			/* uggggh */
-+			UINTN j;
-+			for (j = 0; j < namelen; j++)
-+				namen8[j] = (CHAR8)(namen[j] & 0xff);
-+			namen8[namelen - 1] = 0;
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * In case max_var_sz is computed dynamically, refresh the
-+		 * value here.
-+		 */
-+		efi_status = get_max_var_sz(attrs, &max_var_sz);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			LogError(L"Could not get maximum variable size: %r",
-+				 efi_status);
-+			if (!only_first) {
-+				FreePool(namen);
-+				FreePool(namen8);
-+			}
-+			return efi_status;
-+		}
-+		SIZE_T howmany;
-+		UINTN adj = 0;
-+		howmany = min((max_var_sz - sizeof(*esl)) / esl->SignatureSize,
-+			      (esl->SignatureListSize - sizeof(*esl)) / esl->SignatureSize);
-+		if (!only_first && i == 0 && howmany >= 1) {
-+			adj = howmany * esl->SignatureSize;
-+			dprint(L"pos:0x%llx->0x%llx\n", pos, pos + adj);
-+			pos += adj;
-+			i++;
-+			continue;
-+		}
-+		efi_status = mirror_one_esl(namen, guid, attrs,
-+					    esl, esd, &adj, max_var_sz);
-+		dprint(L"esd:0x%llx adj:0x%llx\n", esd, adj);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) && efi_status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-+			LogError(L"Could not mirror mok variable \"%s\": %r\n",
-+				 namen, efi_status);
-+			break;
-+		}
-+		if (!EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			did_one = TRUE;
-+			if (only_first)
-+				break;
-+			dprint(L"pos:0x%llx->0x%llx\n", pos, pos + adj);
-+			pos += adj;
-+			i++;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	if (only_first && !did_one) {
-+		/*
-+		 * In this case we're going to try to create a
-+		 * dummy variable so that there's one there.  It
-+		 * may or may not work, because on some firmware
-+		 * builds when the SetVariable call above fails it
-+		 * does actually set the variable(!), so aside from
-+		 * not using the allocation if it doesn't work, we
-+		 * don't care about failures here.
-+		 */
-+		UINT8 *var;
-+		UINTN varsz;
-+		efi_status = variable_create_esl(
-+				null_sha256, sizeof(null_sha256),
-+				&var, &varsz);
-+		/*
-+		 * from here we don't really care if it works or
-+		 * doesn't.
-+		 */
-+		if (!EFI_ERROR(efi_status) && var && varsz) {
-+			SetVariable(name, guid,
-+				    varsz, var);
-+			FreePool(var);
-+		}
-+		efi_status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
-+	} else if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Failed to set %s: %r\n", name, efi_status);
-+	}
-+	return efi_status;
- static EFI_STATUS nonnull(1)
--mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-+mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v,
-+			BOOLEAN only_first)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	uint8_t *FullData = NULL;
- 	size_t FullDataSize = 0;
- 	vendor_addend_category_t addend_category = VENDOR_ADDEND_NONE;
- 	uint8_t *p = NULL;
-+	BOOLEAN measure = v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_MEASURE;
-+	BOOLEAN log = v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_LOG;
- 	size_t build_cert_esl_sz = 0, addend_esl_sz = 0;
-+	bool reuse = FALSE;
- 	if (v->categorize_addend)
- 		addend_category = v->categorize_addend(v);
--	/*
--	 * we're always mirroring the original data, whether this is an efi
--	 * security database or not
--	 */
--	dprint(L"v->name:\"%s\" v->rtname:\"%s\"\n", v->name, v->rtname);
--	dprint(L"v->data_size:%lu v->data:0x%08llx\n", v->data_size, v->data);
--	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n", FullDataSize, FullData);
--	if (v->data_size) {
--		FullDataSize = v->data_size;
--		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
--		       FullDataSize, FullData);
--	}
- 	/*
- 	 * if it is, there's more data
- 	 */
-@@ -227,7 +501,7 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 		/*
- 		 * We're mirroring (into) an efi security database, aka an
--		 * array of efi_signature_list_t.  Its layout goes like:
-+		 * array of EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST.  Its layout goes like:
- 		 *
- 		 *   existing_variable_data
- 		 *   existing_variable_data_size
-@@ -251,30 +525,7 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 		 */
- 		/*
--		 * first bit is existing data, but we added that above
--		 */
--		/*
--		 * then the build cert if it's there
--		 */
--		if (should_mirror_build_cert(v)) {
--			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->build_cert,
--					      *v->build_cert_size,
--					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
--					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
--					      NULL, &build_cert_esl_sz);
--			if (efi_status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
--				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
--				       v->name, efi_status);
--				return efi_status;
--			}
--			FullDataSize += build_cert_esl_sz;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
--			       FullDataSize, FullData);
--		}
--		/*
--		 * then the addend data
-+		 * *first* vendor_db or vendor_cert
- 		 */
- 		switch (addend_category) {
-@@ -282,7 +533,7 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 			 * if it's an ESL already, we use it wholesale
- 			 */
- 			FullDataSize += *v->addend_size;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx\n",
- 			       FullDataSize, FullData);
- 			break;
- 		case VENDOR_ADDEND_X509:
-@@ -296,17 +547,51 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 				return efi_status;
- 			}
- 			FullDataSize += addend_esl_sz;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx\n",
- 				      FullDataSize, FullData);
- 			break;
- 		default:
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx\n",
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx\n",
- 				      FullDataSize, FullData);
- 			break;
- 		}
-+		/*
-+		 * then the build cert if it's there
-+		 */
-+		if (should_mirror_build_cert(v)) {
-+			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->build_cert,
-+					      *v->build_cert_size,
-+					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
-+					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+					      NULL, &build_cert_esl_sz);
-+			if (efi_status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-+				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
-+				       v->name, efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
-+			}
-+			FullDataSize += build_cert_esl_sz;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:0x%lx FullData:0x%llx\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData);
-+		}
- 	}
-+	/*
-+	 * we're always mirroring the original data, whether this is an efi
-+	 * security database or not
-+	 */
-+	dprint(L"v->name:\"%s\" v->rtname:\"%s\"\n", v->name, v->rtname);
-+	dprint(L"v->data_size:%lu v->data:0x%llx\n", v->data_size, v->data);
-+	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx\n", FullDataSize, FullData);
-+	if (v->data_size) {
-+		FullDataSize += v->data_size;
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx\n",
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData);
-+	}
-+	if (v->data_size == FullDataSize)
-+		reuse = TRUE;
- 	/*
- 	 * Now we have the full size
-@@ -316,38 +601,33 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 		 * allocate the buffer, or use the old one if it's just the
- 		 * existing data.
- 		 */
--		if (FullDataSize != v->data_size) {
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx allocating FullData\n",
-+		if (FullDataSize == v->data_size) {
-+			FullData = v->data;
-+			FullDataSize = v->data_size;
-+			p = FullData + FullDataSize;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+			v->data = NULL;
-+			v->data_size = 0;
-+		} else {
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx allocating FullData\n",
- 			       FullDataSize, FullData);
--			FullData = AllocatePool(FullDataSize);
-+			/*
-+			 * make sure we've got some zeroes at the end, just
-+			 * in case.
-+			 */
-+			UINTN allocsz = FullDataSize + sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST);
-+			allocsz = ALIGN_VALUE(allocsz, 4096);
-+			FullData = AllocateZeroPool(FullDataSize);
- 			if (!FullData) {
--				FreePool(v->data);
--				v->data = NULL;
--				v->data_size = 0;
- 				perror(L"Failed to allocate %lu bytes for %s\n",
- 				       FullDataSize, v->name);
- 				return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 			}
- 			p = FullData;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
--			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
--			if (v->data && v->data_size) {
--				CopyMem(p, v->data, v->data_size);
--				p += v->data_size;
--			}
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
--			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
--		} else {
--			FullData = v->data;
--			FullDataSize = v->data_size;
--			p = FullData + FullDataSize;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
--			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
--			v->data = NULL;
--			v->data_size = 0;
- 		}
- 	}
--	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
- 	       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 	/*
-@@ -355,35 +635,13 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 	 */
- 	if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) {
- 		/*
--		 * first bit is existing data, but again, we added that above
-+		 * first vendor_cert or vendor_db
- 		 */
--		/*
--		 * second is the build cert
--		 */
--		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
--		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
--		if (should_mirror_build_cert(v)) {
--			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->build_cert,
--					      *v->build_cert_size,
--					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
--					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
--					      p, &build_cert_esl_sz);
--			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
--				       v->name, efi_status);
--				return efi_status;
--			}
--			p += build_cert_esl_sz;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
--			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
--		}
- 		switch (addend_category) {
- 			CopyMem(p, *v->addend, *v->addend_size);
- 			p += *v->addend_size;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
- 			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 			break;
- 		case VENDOR_ADDEND_X509:
-@@ -397,16 +655,53 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 				return efi_status;
- 			}
- 			p += addend_esl_sz;
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
- 			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 			break;
- 		default:
--			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
- 			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 			break;
- 		}
-+		/*
-+		 * then is the build cert
-+		 */
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+		if (should_mirror_build_cert(v)) {
-+			efi_status = fill_esl(*v->build_cert,
-+					      *v->build_cert_size,
-+					      &EFI_CERT_TYPE_X509_GUID,
-+					      &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+					      p, &build_cert_esl_sz);
-+			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				perror(L"Could not add built-in cert to %s: %r\n",
-+				       v->name, efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
-+			}
-+			p += build_cert_esl_sz;
-+			dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
-+			       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+		}
- 	}
-+	/*
-+	 * last bit is existing data, unless it's the only thing,
-+	 * in which case it's already there.
-+	 */
-+	if (!reuse) {
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+		if (v->data && v->data_size) {
-+			CopyMem(p, v->data, v->data_size);
-+			p += v->data_size;
-+		}
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
-+		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
-+	}
- 	/*
- 	 * We always want to create our key databases, so in this case we
- 	 * need a dummy entry
-@@ -422,68 +717,55 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
- 			return efi_status;
- 		}
- 		p = FullData + FullDataSize;
--		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%08llx p:0x%08llx pos:%lld\n",
-+		dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
- 		       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
- 	}
--	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%016llx p:0x%016llx pos:%lld\n",
-+	dprint(L"FullDataSize:%lu FullData:0x%llx p:0x%llx pos:%lld\n",
- 	       FullDataSize, FullData, p, p-(uintptr_t)FullData);
--	if (FullDataSize) {
--		uint64_t max_storage_sz = 0;
--		uint64_t remaining_sz = 0;
--		uint64_t max_var_sz = 0;
--		UINT8 *tmp = NULL;
--		UINTN tmpsz = 0;
--		efi_status = gRT->QueryVariableInfo(attrs, &max_storage_sz,
--						    &remaining_sz, &max_var_sz);
--		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--			perror(L"Could not get variable storage info: %r\n", efi_status);
--			return efi_status;
--		}
--		dprint(L"calling SetVariable(\"%s\", 0x%016llx, 0x%08lx, %lu, 0x%016llx)\n",
--		       v->rtname, v->guid,
--		       FullDataSize, FullData);
--		efi_status = gRT->SetVariable(v->rtname, v->guid,
--					      FullDataSize, FullData);
--		if (efi_status == EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER && max_var_sz < FullDataSize) {
-+	if (FullDataSize && v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_KEYDB) {
-+		dprint(L"calling mirror_mok_db(\"%s\",  datasz=%lu)\n",
-+		       v->rtname, FullDataSize);
-+		efi_status = mirror_mok_db(v->rtname, (CHAR8 *)v->rtname8, v->guid,
-+					   attrs, FullData, FullDataSize,
-+					   only_first);
-+		dprint(L"mirror_mok_db(\"%s\",  datasz=%lu) returned %r\n",
-+		       v->rtname, FullDataSize, efi_status);
-+	} else if (FullDataSize && only_first) {
-+		efi_status = SetVariable(v->rtname, v->guid, attrs,
-+					 FullDataSize, FullData);
-+	}
-+	if (FullDataSize && only_first) {
-+		if (measure) {
- 			/*
--			 * In this case we're going to try to create a
--			 * dummy variable so that there's one there.  It
--			 * may or may not work, because on some firmware
--			 * builds when the SetVariable call above fails it
--			 * does actually set the variable(!), so aside from
--			 * not using the allocation if it doesn't work, we
--			 * don't care about failures here.
-+			 * Measure this into PCR 7 in the Microsoft format
- 			 */
--			console_print(L"WARNING: Maximum volatile variable size is %lu.\n", max_var_sz);
--			console_print(L"WARNING: Cannot set %s (%lu bytes)\n", v->rtname, FullDataSize);
--			perror(L"Failed to set %s: %r\n", v->rtname, efi_status);
--			efi_status = variable_create_esl(
--					null_sha256, sizeof(null_sha256),
--					&tmp, &tmpsz);
-+			efi_status = tpm_measure_variable(v->name, *v->guid,
-+							  FullDataSize, FullData);
-+			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				dprint(L"tpm_measure_variable(\"%s\",%lu,0x%llx)->%r\n",
-+				       v->name, FullDataSize, FullData, efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		if (log) {
- 			/*
--			 * from here we don't really care if it works or
--			 * doens't.
-+			 * Log this variable into whichever PCR the table
-+			 * says.
- 			 */
--			if (!EFI_ERROR(efi_status) && tmp && tmpsz) {
--				gRT->SetVariable(v->rtname, v->guid,
--						 tmpsz, tmp);
--				FreePool(tmp);
-+			efi_status = tpm_log_event(datap, FullDataSize,
-+						   v->pcr, (CHAR8 *)v->name8);
-+			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+				dprint(L"tpm_log_event(0x%llx, %lu, %lu, \"%s\")->%r\n",
-+				       FullData, FullDataSize, v->pcr, v->name,
-+				       efi_status);
-+				return efi_status;
- 			}
--			efi_status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
--		} else if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--			perror(L"Failed to set %s: %r\n", v->rtname, efi_status);
- 		}
- 	}
- 	if (v->data && v->data_size && v->data != FullData) {
- 		FreePool(v->data);
-@@ -501,19 +783,20 @@ mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v)
-  * EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION status at the same time.
-  */
- static EFI_STATUS nonnull(1)
--maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v, EFI_STATUS ret)
-+maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v,
-+			      EFI_STATUS ret, BOOLEAN only_first)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	BOOLEAN present = FALSE;
- 	if (v->rtname) {
--		if (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST) {
-+		if (!only_first && (v->flags & MOK_MIRROR_DELETE_FIRST)) {
- 			dprint(L"deleting \"%s\"\n", v->rtname);
- 			efi_status = LibDeleteVariable(v->rtname, v->guid);
- 			dprint(L"LibDeleteVariable(\"%s\",...) => %r\n", v->rtname, efi_status);
- 		}
--		efi_status = mirror_one_mok_variable(v);
-+		efi_status = mirror_one_mok_variable(v, only_first);
- 		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
- 				ret = efi_status;
-@@ -530,34 +813,6 @@ maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(struct mok_state_variable *v, EFI_STATUS ret)
- 		*v->state = v->data[0];
- 	}
--	if (v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_MEASURE) {
--		/*
--		 * Measure this into PCR 7 in the Microsoft format
--		 */
--		efi_status = tpm_measure_variable(v->name, *v->guid,
--						  v->data_size,
--						  v->data);
--		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--				ret = efi_status;
--		}
--	}
--	if (v->flags & MOK_VARIABLE_LOG) {
--		/*
--		 * Log this variable into whichever PCR the table
--		 * says.
--		 */
--		efi_status = tpm_log_event(datap, v->data_size,
--					   v->pcr, (CHAR8 *)v->name8);
--		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--				ret = efi_status;
--		}
--	}
- 	return ret;
- }
-@@ -567,6 +822,66 @@ struct mok_variable_config_entry {
- 	UINT8 data[];
- };
-+EFI_STATUS import_one_mok_state(struct mok_state_variable *v,
-+				BOOLEAN only_first)
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	user_insecure_mode = 0;
-+	ignore_db = 0;
-+	UINT32 attrs = 0;
-+	BOOLEAN delete = FALSE;
-+	dprint(L"importing mok state for \"%s\"\n", v->name);
-+	efi_status = get_variable_attr(v->name,
-+				       &v->data, &v->data_size,
-+				       *v->guid, &attrs);
-+	if (efi_status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
-+		v->data = NULL;
-+		v->data_size = 0;
-+	} else if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		perror(L"Could not verify %s: %r\n", v->name,
-+		       efi_status);
-+		delete = TRUE;
-+	} else {
-+		if (!(attrs & v->yes_attr)) {
-+			perror(L"Variable %s is missing attributes:\n",
-+			       v->name);
-+			perror(L"  0x%08x should have 0x%08x set.\n",
-+			       attrs, v->yes_attr);
-+			delete = TRUE;
-+		}
-+		if (attrs & v->no_attr) {
-+			perror(L"Variable %s has incorrect attribute:\n",
-+			       v->name);
-+			perror(L"  0x%08x should not have 0x%08x set.\n",
-+			       attrs, v->no_attr);
-+			delete = TRUE;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	if (delete == TRUE) {
-+		perror(L"Deleting bad variable %s\n", v->name);
-+		efi_status = LibDeleteVariable(v->name, v->guid);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			perror(L"Failed to erase %s\n", v->name);
-+		}
-+		FreePool(v->data);
-+		v->data = NULL;
-+		v->data_size = 0;
-+	}
-+	dprint(L"maybe mirroring \"%s\".  original data:\n", v->name);
-+	dhexdumpat(v->data, v->data_size, 0);
-+	ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret, only_first);
-+	dprint(L"returning %r\n", ret);
-+	return ret;
- /*
-  * Verify our non-volatile MoK state.  This checks the variables above
-  * accessable and have valid attributes.  If they don't, it removes
-@@ -594,58 +909,22 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	size_t npages = 0;
- 	struct mok_variable_config_entry config_template;
--	dprint(L"importing mok state\n");
-+	dprint(L"importing minimal mok state variables\n");
- 	for (i = 0; mok_state_variables[i].name != NULL; i++) {
- 		struct mok_state_variable *v = &mok_state_variables[i];
--		UINT32 attrs = 0;
--		BOOLEAN delete = FALSE;
--		efi_status = get_variable_attr(v->name,
--					       &v->data, &v->data_size,
--					       *v->guid, &attrs);
--		dprint(L"maybe mirroring %s\n", v->name);
--		if (efi_status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
--			v->data = NULL;
--			v->data_size = 0;
--		} else if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--			perror(L"Could not verify %s: %r\n", v->name,
--			       efi_status);
-+		efi_status = import_one_mok_state(v, TRUE);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+			dprint(L"import_one_mok_state(ih, \"%s\", TRUE): %r\n",
-+			       v->rtname);
- 			/*
- 			 * don't clobber EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION from some
- 			 * other variable in the list.
- 			 */
- 				ret = efi_status;
--			delete = TRUE;
--		} else {
--			if (!(attrs & v->yes_attr)) {
--				perror(L"Variable %s is missing attributes:\n",
--				       v->name);
--				perror(L"  0x%08x should have 0x%08x set.\n",
--				       attrs, v->yes_attr);
--				delete = TRUE;
--			}
--			if (attrs & v->no_attr) {
--				perror(L"Variable %s has incorrect attribute:\n",
--				       v->name);
--				perror(L"  0x%08x should not have 0x%08x set.\n",
--				       attrs, v->no_attr);
--				delete = TRUE;
--			}
--		}
--		if (delete == TRUE) {
--			perror(L"Deleting bad variable %s\n", v->name);
--			efi_status = LibDeleteVariable(v->name, v->guid);
--			if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--				perror(L"Failed to erase %s\n", v->name);
--			}
--			FreePool(v->data);
--			v->data = NULL;
--			v->data_size = 0;
- 		}
--		ret = maybe_mirror_one_mok_variable(v, ret);
- 		if (v->data && v->data_size) {
- 			config_sz += v->data_size;
- 			config_sz += sizeof(config_template);
-@@ -669,8 +948,6 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status) || !config_table) {
- 			console_print(L"Allocating %lu pages for mok config table failed: %r\n",
- 				      npages, efi_status);
--				ret = efi_status;
- 			config_table = NULL;
- 		} else {
- 			ZeroMem(config_table, npages << EFI_PAGE_SHIFT);
-@@ -703,6 +980,16 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		}
- 	}
-+	/*
-+	 * This is really just to make it easy for userland.
-+	 */
-+	dprint(L"importing full mok state variables\n");
-+	for (i = 0; mok_state_variables[i].name != NULL; i++) {
-+		struct mok_state_variable *v = &mok_state_variables[i];
-+		import_one_mok_state(v, FALSE);
-+	}
- 	/*
- 	 * Enter MokManager if necessary.  Any actual *changes* here will
- 	 * cause MokManager to demand a machine reboot, so this is safe to
-@@ -712,6 +999,9 @@ EFI_STATUS import_mok_state(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	efi_status = check_mok_request(image_handle);
- 	dprint(L"mok returned %r\n", efi_status);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		/*
-+		 * don't clobber EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION
-+		 */
- 			ret = efi_status;
- 		return ret;
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 9248642bd57..1a4d7bb9ded 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1445,7 +1445,10 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 					   sha256hash, sha1hash);
- 		if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--			console_error(L"Verification failed", efi_status);
-+			if (verbose)
-+				console_print(L"Verification failed: %r\n", efi_status);
-+			else
-+				console_error(L"Verification failed", efi_status);
- 			return efi_status;
- 		} else {
- 			if (verbose)
-@@ -2648,7 +2651,6 @@ shim_init(void)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
--	setup_verbosity();
- 	dprint(L"%a", shim_version);
- 	/* Set the second stage loader */
-@@ -2797,6 +2799,7 @@ efi_main (EFI_HANDLE passed_image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	 * Ensure that gnu-efi functions are available
- 	 */
- 	InitializeLib(image_handle, systab);
-+	setup_verbosity();
- 	dprint(L"vendor_authorized:0x%08lx vendor_authorized_size:%lu\n",
- 		      __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, vendor_authorized, vendor_authorized_size);
-diff --git a/include/PeImage.h b/include/PeImage.h
-index a606e8b2a9f..209b96fb8ff 100644
---- a/include/PeImage.h
-+++ b/include/PeImage.h
-@@ -768,7 +768,8 @@ typedef struct {
- 	UINT8           CertData[1];
--#define SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE  32
-+#define SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE	20
-+#define SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE	32
- typedef struct {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0063-hexdump.h-fix-arithmetic-error.patch b/SOURCES/0063-hexdump.h-fix-arithmetic-error.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 42eb048..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0063-hexdump.h-fix-arithmetic-error.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-From 9313a515432ba938e66f2edc1e22d548fed1eb5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2020 14:34:22 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] hexdump.h: fix arithmetic error.
-When I modified the hexdumper to help debug MokListRT mirroring not
-working because of PcdMaxVolatileVariableSize being tiny, I
-inadvertently added something that is effectively:
-hexdump(..., char *buf, ..., int position)
-	unsigned long begin = (position % 16);
-	unsigned long i;
-	...
-	for (i = 0; i < begin; i++) {
-		...
-	}
-	...
-Unfortunately, in c if 0x8 is set in position, that means begin is
-0xfffffffffffff8, because signed integer math is horrifying:
-include/hexdump.h:99:vhexdumpf() &data[offset]:0x9E77E6BC size-offset:0x14
-include/hexdump.h:15:prepare_hex() position:0x9E77E6BC
-include/hexdump.h:17:prepare_hex() before:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC size:0x14
-include/hexdump.h:19:prepare_hex() before:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC after:0x0
-include/hexdump.h:21:prepare_hex() buf:0x000000009E77E2BC offset:0 &buf[offset]:0x000000009E77E2BC
-This could further have been prevented in /some/ cases by simply not
-preparing the hexdump buffer when "verbose" is disabled.
-This patch makes "pos" be unsigned in all cases, and also checks for
-verbose in vhexdumpf() and simply returns if it is 0.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- include/hexdump.h | 7 +++++--
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/include/hexdump.h b/include/hexdump.h
-index f3f3ac284a3..b2968cd4f85 100644
---- a/include/hexdump.h
-+++ b/include/hexdump.h
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- #include <stdint.h>
- static inline unsigned long UNUSED
--prepare_hex(const void *data, size_t size, char *buf, int position)
-+prepare_hex(const void *data, size_t size, char *buf, unsigned int position)
- {
- 	char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- 	int offset = 0;
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ prepare_hex(const void *data, size_t size, char *buf, int position)
- #define isprint(c) ((c) >= 0x20 && (c) <= 0x7e)
- static inline void UNUSED
--prepare_text(const void *data, size_t size, char *buf, int position)
-+prepare_text(const void *data, size_t size, char *buf, unsigned int position)
- {
- 	int offset = 0;
- 	unsigned long i;
-@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ vhexdumpf(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const CHAR16 * const fmt
- 	unsigned long display_offset = at;
- 	unsigned long offset = 0;
-+	if (verbose == 0)
-+		return;
- 	while (offset < size) {
- 		char hexbuf[49];
- 		char txtbuf[19];
diff --git a/SOURCES/0064-Fix-some-mokmanager-stuff.patch b/SOURCES/0064-Fix-some-mokmanager-stuff.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 901f439..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0064-Fix-some-mokmanager-stuff.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-From 18843127dc0eace16d43d479bd091e221e8785c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 15:47:19 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix some mokmanager stuff
- MokManager.c | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
- Makefile     |  2 +-
- 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index c9949e33bcf..9bae3414fe7 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
- #include "shim.h"
-+#include "hexdump.h"
- #define PASSWORD_MAX 256
- #define PASSWORD_MIN 1
- #define SB_PASSWORD_LEN 16
-@@ -1050,9 +1052,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS mok_reset_prompt(BOOLEAN MokX)
- 	if (MokX) {
- 		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokXNew", &SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
- 		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokXAuth", &SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
-+		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokListX", &SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
- 	} else {
- 		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokNew", &SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
- 		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokAuth", &SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
-+		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokList", &SHIM_LOCK_GUID);
- 	}
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
-@@ -1075,6 +1079,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 	else
- 		db_name = L"MokList";
-+	dprint(L"Writing back %s (%d entries)\n", db_name, key_num);
- 	for (i = 0; i < key_num; i++) {
- 		if (list[i].Mok == NULL)
- 			continue;
-@@ -1085,8 +1090,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS write_back_mok_list(MokListNode * list, INTN key_num,
- 			DataSize += sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 		DataSize += list[i].MokSize;
- 	}
--	if (DataSize == 0)
-+	if (DataSize == 0) {
-+		dprint(L"DataSize = 0; deleting variable %s\n", db_name);
-+		efi_status = gRT->SetVariable(db_name, &SHIM_LOCK_GUID,
-+					      DataSize, Data);
-+		dprint(L"efi_status:%llu\n", efi_status);
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
-+	}
- 	Data = AllocatePool(DataSize);
- 	if (Data == NULL)
-@@ -1291,11 +1303,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS delete_keys(void *MokDel, UINTN MokDelSize, BOOLEAN MokX)
- 	}
- 	if (auth_size == PASSWORD_CRYPT_SIZE) {
-+		dprint(L"matching password with CRYPT");
- 		efi_status = match_password((PASSWORD_CRYPT *) auth, NULL, 0,
- 					    NULL, NULL);
-+		dprint(L"match_password(0x%llx, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) = %lu\n", auth, efi_status);
- 	} else {
-+		dprint(L"matching password as sha256sum");
- 		efi_status =
- 		    match_password(NULL, MokDel, MokDelSize, auth, NULL);
-+		dprint(L"match_password(NULL, 0x%llx, %llu, 0x%llx, NULL) = %lu\n", MokDel, MokDelSize, auth, efi_status);
- 	}
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
-@@ -1365,12 +1381,17 @@ static EFI_STATUS delete_keys(void *MokDel, UINTN MokDelSize, BOOLEAN MokX)
- 	}
- 	/* Search and destroy */
-+	dprint(L"deleting certs from %a\n", MokX ? "MokListX" : "MokList");
- 	for (i = 0; i < del_num; i++) {
- 		type = del_key[i].Type; /* avoid -Werror=address-of-packed-member */
- 		if (CompareGuid(&type, &X509_GUID) == 0) {
-+			dprint(L"deleting key %d (total %d):\n", i, mok_num);
-+			dhexdumpat(del_key[i].Mok, del_key[i].MokSize, 0);
- 			delete_cert(del_key[i].Mok, del_key[i].MokSize,
- 				    mok, mok_num);
- 		} else if (is_sha2_hash(del_key[i].Type)) {
-+			dprint(L"deleting hash %d (total %d):\n", i, mok_num);
-+			dhexdumpat(del_key[i].Mok, del_key[i].MokSize, 0);
- 			delete_hash_list(del_key[i].Type, del_key[i].Mok,
- 					 del_key[i].MokSize, mok, mok_num);
- 		}
-@@ -2564,6 +2585,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * systab)
- 	InitializeLib(image_handle, systab);
-+	setup_verbosity();
- 	setup_rand();
- 	console_mode_handle();
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 49e14a26521..a17fa2bef14 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ endif
- OBJS	= shim.o mok.o netboot.o cert.o replacements.o tpm.o version.o errlog.o
- KEYS	= shim_cert.h ocsp.* ca.* shim.crt shim.csr shim.p12 shim.pem shim.key shim.cer
- ORIG_SOURCES	= shim.c mok.c netboot.c replacements.c tpm.c errlog.c shim.h version.h $(wildcard include/*.h)
--MOK_OBJS = MokManager.o PasswordCrypt.o crypt_blowfish.o
-+MOK_OBJS = MokManager.o PasswordCrypt.o crypt_blowfish.o errlog.o
- ORIG_MOK_SOURCES = MokManager.c PasswordCrypt.c crypt_blowfish.c shim.h $(wildcard include/*.h)
- FALLBACK_OBJS = fallback.o tpm.o errlog.o
- ORIG_FALLBACK_SRCS = fallback.c
diff --git a/SOURCES/0065-Fix-buffer-overrun-due-DEFAULT_LOADER-length-miscalc.patch b/SOURCES/0065-Fix-buffer-overrun-due-DEFAULT_LOADER-length-miscalc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b67776..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0065-Fix-buffer-overrun-due-DEFAULT_LOADER-length-miscalc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From ac610fe45491deccaab2c4ee689cbbdac117930a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2020 12:26:45 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix buffer overrun due DEFAULT_LOADER length miscalculation
-The DEFAULT_LOADER is a UCS-2 string and the StrLen() function returns the
-number of UCS-2 encoded characters in the string. But the allocated memory
-is in bytes, so only half of the needed memory to store it is allocated.
-This leads to a buffer overrun when the StrCpy() function attempts to copy
-the DEFAULT_LOADER to the allocated buffer.
-Fixes: 354bd9b1931 ("Actually check for errors from set_second_stage()")
-Reported-by: Stuart Hayes <stuart_hayes@dell.com>
-Signed-off-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 34dce25c330..82913c934f6 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -2096,8 +2096,9 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	unsigned int i;
- 	UINTN second_stage_len;
--	second_stage_len = StrLen(DEFAULT_LOADER) + 1;
-+	second_stage_len = (StrLen(DEFAULT_LOADER) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16);
- 	second_stage = AllocatePool(second_stage_len);
- 	if (!second_stage) {
- 		perror(L"Could not allocate %lu bytes\n", second_stage_len);
diff --git a/SOURCES/shim.patches b/SOURCES/shim.patches
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ee5430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/shim.patches
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Patch0001: 0001-Make-SBAT-variable-payload-introspectable.patch
+Patch0002: 0002-Reference-MokListRT-instead-of-MokList.patch
+Patch0003: 0003-Add-a-link-to-the-test-plan-in-the-readme.patch
+Patch0004: 0004-Enable-TDX-measurement-to-RTMR-register.patch
+Patch0005: 0005-Discard-load-options-that-start-with-a-NUL.patch
+Patch0006: 0006-shim-Flush-the-memory-region-from-i-cache-before-exe.patch
+Patch0007: 0007-load_cert_file-Fix-stack-issue.patch
+Patch0008: 0008-load_cert_file-Use-EFI-RT-memory-function.patch
+Patch0009: 0009-Add-malign-double-to-IA32-compiler-flags.patch
+Patch0010: 0010-pe-Fix-image-section-entry-point-validation.patch
+Patch0011: 0011-make-archive-Build-reproducible-tarball.patch
+Patch0012: 0012-mok-remove-MokListTrusted-from-PCR-7.patch
+Patch0013: 0013-CryptoPkg-BaseCryptLib-fix-NULL-dereference.patch
+Patch0014: 0014-Make-sbat_var.S-parse-right-with-buggy-gcc-binutils.patch
diff --git a/SPECS/shim.spec b/SPECS/shim.spec
index ecb0b1f..c7ca2b6 100644
--- a/SPECS/shim.spec
+++ b/SPECS/shim.spec
@@ -1,89 +1,30 @@
 Name:           shim
-Version:        15
-Release:        9.el7
+Version:        15.6
+Release:        3.el7
 Summary:        First-stage UEFI bootloader
 License:        BSD
-URL:            http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/shim/
-Source0:        https://github.com/mjg59/shim/releases/download/%{version}/shim-%{version}.tar.bz2
+URL:            https://github.com/rhboot/shim
+Source0:        https://github.com/rhboot/shim/releases/download/%{version}/shim-%{version}.tar.bz2
 Source1:        shim-find-debuginfo.sh
-#Source100:      db.aa64.esl
-#Source101:      dbx.aa64.esl
-#Source200:      db.x64.esl
-#Source201:      dbx.x64.esl
-Source200:      centos.db.x64.esl
-Patch0001: 0001-Make-some-things-dprint-instead-of-console_print.patch
-Patch0002: 0002-Makefiles-ensure-m32-gets-propogated-to-our-gcc-para.patch
-Patch0003: 0003-Let-MokManager-follow-a-MokTimeout-var-for-timeout-l.patch
-Patch0004: 0004-httpboot-return-EFI_NOT_FOUND-when-it-fails-to-find-.patch
-Patch0005: 0005-httpboot-print-more-messages-when-it-fails-to-set-IP.patch
-Patch0006: 0006-httpboot-allow-the-IPv4-gateway-to-be-empty.patch
-Patch0007: 0007-httpboot-show-the-error-message-for-the-ChildHandle.patch
-Patch0008: 0008-Fix-typo-in-debug-path-in-shim.h.patch
-Patch0009: 0009-MokManager-Stop-using-EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE.patch
-Patch0010: 0010-shim-Extend-invalid-reloc-size-warning-message.patch
-Patch0011: 0011-Add-GRUB-s-PCR-Usage-to-README.tpm.patch
-Patch0012: 0012-Fix-the-compile-error-of-mkdir-wrong-directory.patch
-Patch0013: 0013-shim-Properly-generate-absolute-paths-from-relative-.patch
-Patch0014: 0014-shim-Prevent-shim-to-set-itself-as-a-second-stage-lo.patch
-Patch0015: 0015-Fix-for-Section-0-has-negative-size-error-when-loadi.patch
-Patch0016: 0016-Fix-apparent-typo-in-ARM-32-on-64-code.patch
-Patch0017: 0017-Makefile-do-not-run-git-on-clean-if-there-s-no-.git-.patch
-Patch0018: 0018-Make.default-use-correct-flags-to-disable-unaligned-.patch
-Patch0019: 0019-Cryptlib-fix-build-on-32bit-ARM.patch
-Patch0020: 0020-Make-sure-that-MOK-variables-always-get-mirrored.patch
-Patch0021: 0021-mok-fix-the-mirroring-of-RT-variables.patch
-Patch0022: 0022-mok-consolidate-mirroring-code-in-a-helper-instead-o.patch
-Patch0023: 0023-shim-only-include-shim_cert.h-in-shim.c.patch
-Patch0024: 0024-mok-also-mirror-the-build-cert-to-MokListRT.patch
-Patch0025: 0025-mok-minor-cleanups.patch
-Patch0026: 0026-Remove-call-to-TPM2-get_event_log.patch
-Patch0027: 0027-Make-EFI-variable-copying-fatal-only-on-secureboot-e.patch
-Patch0028: 0028-VLogError-Avoid-NULL-pointer-dereferences-in-V-Sprin.patch
-Patch0029: 0029-Once-again-try-even-harder-to-get-binaries-without-t.patch
-Patch0030: 0030-shim-Rework-pause-functions-and-add-read_counter.patch
-Patch0031: 0031-Hook-exit-when-shim_lock-protocol-installed.patch
-Patch0032: 0032-Work-around-stuff-Waddress-of-packed-member-finds.patch
-Patch0033: 0033-Fix-a-use-of-strlen-instead-of-Strlen.patch
-Patch0034: 0034-MokManager-Use-CompareMem-on-MokListNode.Type-instea.patch
-Patch0035: 0035-OpenSSL-always-provide-OBJ_create-with-name-strings.patch
-Patch0036: 0036-Use-portable-shebangs-bin-bash-usr-bin-env-bash.patch
-Patch0037: 0037-tpm-Fix-off-by-one-error-when-calculating-event-size.patch
-Patch0038: 0038-tpm-Define-EFI_VARIABLE_DATA_TREE-as-packed.patch
-Patch0039: 0039-MokManager-console-mode-modification-for-hi-dpi-scre.patch
-Patch0040: 0040-MokManager-avoid-Werror-address-of-packed-member.patch
-Patch0041: 0041-tpm-Don-t-log-duplicate-identical-events.patch
-Patch0042: 0042-Slightly-better-debugging-messages.patch
-Patch0043: 0043-Actually-check-for-errors-from-set_second_stage.patch
-Patch0044: 0044-translate_slashes-don-t-write-to-string-literals.patch
-Patch0045: 0045-shim-Update-EFI_LOADED_IMAGE-with-the-second-stage-l.patch
-Patch0046: 0046-tpm-Include-information-about-PE-COFF-images-in-the-.patch
-Patch0047: 0047-Fix-the-license-on-our-buildid-extractor.patch
-Patch0048: 0048-Update-README.tpm.patch
-Patch0049: 0049-Check-PxeReplyReceived-as-fallback-in-netboot.patch
-Patch0050: 0050-Remove-a-couple-of-incorrect-license-claims.patch
-Patch0051: 0051-MokManager-fix-uninitialized-value.patch
-Patch0052: 0052-Fix-some-volatile-usage-gcc-whines-about.patch
-Patch0053: 0053-MokManager-fix-a-wrong-allocation-failure-check.patch
-Patch0054: 0054-simple_file-fix-uninitialized-variable-unchecked-ret.patch
-Patch0055: 0055-Fix-a-broken-tpm-type.patch
-Patch0056: 0056-Make-cert.S-not-impossible-to-read.patch
-Patch0057: 0057-Add-support-for-vendor_db-built-in-shim-authorized-l.patch
-Patch0058: 0058-Handle-binaries-with-multiple-signatures.patch
-Patch0059: 0059-Make-openssl-accept-the-right-set-of-KU-EKUs.patch
-Patch0060: 0060-Improve-debug-output-some.patch
-Patch0061: 0061-Also-use-a-config-table-to-mirror-mok-variables.patch
-Patch0062: 0062-Implement-lennysz-s-suggestions-for-MokListRT.patch
-Patch0063: 0063-hexdump.h-fix-arithmetic-error.patch
-Patch0064: 0064-Fix-some-mokmanager-stuff.patch
-Patch0065: 0065-Fix-buffer-overrun-due-DEFAULT_LOADER-length-miscalc.patch
-BuildRequires: git openssl-devel openssl
+Source2:        shim.patches
+Source100:      db.aa64.esl
+Source101:      dbx.aa64.esl
+Source200:      db.x64.esl
+Source201:      dbx.x64.esl
+%include %{SOURCE2}
+BuildRequires: binutils
+BuildRequires: gcc
+BuildRequires: git
+BuildRequires: efivar-devel efivar-libs
+BuildRequires: gnu-efi >= 1:3.0.5-6.el7
+BuildRequires: gnu-efi-devel >= 1:3.0.5-6.el7
+BuildRequires: openssl-devel
+BuildRequires: openssl
 BuildRequires: pesign >= 0.106-1
-BuildRequires: gnu-efi >= 1:3.0.5-6.el7, gnu-efi-devel >= 1:3.0.5-6.el7
 # for xxd
 BuildRequires: vim-common
@@ -96,7 +37,7 @@ Provides: bundled(openssl) = 1.0.2j
 # Shim is only required on platforms implementing the UEFI secure boot
 # protocol. The only one of those we currently wish to support is 64-bit x86.
 # Adding further platforms will require adding appropriate relocation code.
-ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64
+ExclusiveArch: x86_64
 %ifarch x86_64
 %global efiarch x64
@@ -205,6 +146,7 @@ if [ -s "%{SOURCE201}" ]; then
 cd %{name}-%{version}-%{efiarch}
+make 'DEFAULT_LOADER=\\\\grub%{efiarch}.efi' ${MAKEFLAGS} test
 make 'DEFAULT_LOADER=\\\\grub%{efiarch}.efi' ${MAKEFLAGS} shim%{efiarch}.efi mm%{efiarch}.efi fb%{efiarch}.efi
 %ifarch x86_64
@@ -286,6 +228,15 @@ cd ../%{name}-%{version}-%{efiarch}
+* Wed Dec 07 2022 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 15.6-3.el7
+- Patch to work around upstream issue #533
+  Related: CVE-2020-14372
+- Run the test suite during the build, to be sure.
+* Wed Nov 16 2022 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 15.6-2.el7
+- Update shim for RHEL 7 so we can revoke everything pre-SBAT there.
+  Resolves: CVE-2020-14372
 * Wed Sep 09 2020 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 15-9.el7
 - Fix an incorrect allocation size.
   Related: rhbz#1875486