diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b1df45d..953d727 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
diff --git a/.shim.metadata b/.shim.metadata
index e5cb147..93bda97 100644
--- a/.shim.metadata
+++ b/.shim.metadata
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-ef680b489eb689a390ed2e1470eaaf2682ad5072 SOURCES/mokutil-0.2.0.tar.gz
-90d69f28accc9319a2e08fc23df76a8f117fb668 SOURCES/shim-0.7.tar.bz2
+44c1b426f515b86581f163ec85c9e3bb08bc9042 SOURCES/shim-0.9.tar.bz2
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-Typo-on-aarch64.patch b/SOURCES/0001-Typo-on-aarch64.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..851fe4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-Typo-on-aarch64.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From db142ce288a63db2e8f7858ba7564158cc7a64e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 14:54:43 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] Typo on aarch64 :/
+Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
+ Makefile | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 46d0234..1181b8a 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
+ 		"-DDEBUGDIR=L\"/usr/lib/debug/usr/share/shim/ia32-$(VERSION)$(RELEASE)/\""
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
+-	CFLAGS += "-DEFI_ARCH=L\"aa64\""
++	CFLAGS += "-DEFI_ARCH=L\"aa64\"" \
+ 		"-DDEBUGDIR=L\"/usr/lib/debug/usr/share/shim/aa64-$(VERSION)$(RELEASE)/\""
+ endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-fix-verify_mok.patch b/SOURCES/0001-fix-verify_mok.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 100115b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-fix-verify_mok.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-From 11495d4019d44dce1487939f91f7d751ffbb9730 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:11:17 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 01/74] fix verify_mok()
-() Fix the return value semantics. If the MokList doesn't
-exist, we are OK. If the MokList was compromised but we
-were able to erase it, that is OK too. Only if the list
-can't be nuked do we return an error.
-() Fix use of potentially uninitialized attribute variable
-() Actually use the return value when called from verify_buffer.
-Change-Id: If16df21d79c52a1726928df96d133390cde4cb7e
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- shim.c | 9 +++++----
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 23dd0ee..dcb36d0 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -670,13 +670,12 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_mok (void) {
- 	status = get_variable_attr(L"MokList", &MokListData, &MokListDataSize,
- 				   shim_lock_guid, &attributes);
--	if (attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) {
-+	if (!EFI_ERROR(status) && attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) {
- 		Print(L"MokList is compromised!\nErase all keys in MokList!\n");
- 		if (LibDeleteVariable(L"MokList", &shim_lock_guid) != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- 			Print(L"Failed to erase MokList\n");
-+                        return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
- 		}
--		status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
--		return status;
- 	}
- 	if (MokListData)
-@@ -722,7 +721,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 	/*
- 	 * Check that the MOK database hasn't been modified
- 	 */
--	verify_mok();
-+	status = verify_mok();
-+	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
-+		return status;
- 	/*
- 	 * Ensure that the binary isn't blacklisted
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-shim.c-Add-support-for-hashing-relocation-of-32-bit-.patch b/SOURCES/0002-shim.c-Add-support-for-hashing-relocation-of-32-bit-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e97a0a2..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0002-shim.c-Add-support-for-hashing-relocation-of-32-bit-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-From 8e9d3af7b108cc76ce18017b3f58ad4b2e60989f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mohanraj S <mohanrajx.sakkaraiappan@intel.com>
-Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:27:00 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 02/74] shim.c: Add support for hashing/relocation of 32-bit
- binaries
-Change-Id: Ib93305f7f1691d1b142567507df1058de62dde06
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- shim.c | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
- 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index dcb36d0..a043779 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -126,7 +126,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	int size = context->ImageSize;
- 	void *ImageEnd = (char *)data + size;
-+#if __LP64__
- 	context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT64)data;
-+	context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT32)data;
- 	if (context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC) {
- 		Print(L"Image has no relocation entry\n");
-@@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	}
--	Adjust = (UINT64)data - context->ImageAddress;
-+	Adjust = (UINTN)data - context->ImageAddress;
- 	if (Adjust == 0)
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
-@@ -549,9 +553,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 	}
- 	/* Hash end of certificate table to end of image header */
-+#if __LP64__
- 	hashbase = (char *) &context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1];
- 	hashsize = context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders -
- 		(int) ((char *) (&context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1]) - data);
-+	hashbase = (char *) &context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1];
-+	hashsize = context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders -
-+		(int) ((char *) (&context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1]) - data);
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
-@@ -561,7 +571,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 	}
- 	/* Sort sections */
-+#if __LP64__
- 	SumOfBytesHashed = context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-+	SumOfBytesHashed = context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
- 		(char *)context->PEHdr + sizeof (UINT32) +
-@@ -628,7 +642,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 		hashbase = data + SumOfBytesHashed;
- 		hashsize = (unsigned int)(
- 			size -
-+#if __LP64__
- 			context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY].Size -
-+			context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY].Size -
- 			SumOfBytesHashed);
- 		if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
-@@ -781,7 +799,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- {
- 	EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr = data;
--	unsigned long HeaderWithoutDataDir, SectionHeaderOffset;
-+	unsigned long HeaderWithoutDataDir, SectionHeaderOffset, OptHeaderSize;
- 	if (datasize < sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)) {
- 		Print(L"Invalid image\n");
-@@ -790,18 +808,28 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	if (DosHdr->e_magic == EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
- 		PEHdr = (EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_UNION *)((char *)data + DosHdr->e_lfanew);
-+#if __LP64__
-+	context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-+	context->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-+	context->ImageSize = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
-+	OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64);
-+	context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-+	context->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-+	context->ImageSize = (UINT64)PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
-+	OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32);
-+	context->NumberOfSections = PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
--			< PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes) {
-+	if (EFI_IMAGE_NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES < context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes) {
- 		Print(L"Image header too small\n");
- 	}
--	HeaderWithoutDataDir = sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64)
-+	HeaderWithoutDataDir = OptHeaderSize
--	if (((UINT32)PEHdr->Pe32Plus.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader - HeaderWithoutDataDir) !=
--			PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes
--				* sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)) {
-+	if (((UINT32)PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader - HeaderWithoutDataDir) !=
-+			context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes * sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)) {
- 		Print(L"Image header overflows data directory\n");
- 	}
-@@ -809,15 +837,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	SectionHeaderOffset = DosHdr->e_lfanew
- 				+ sizeof (UINT32)
- 				+ sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER)
--				+ PEHdr->Pe32Plus.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
--	if ((PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage - SectionHeaderOffset) / EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER
--			<= PEHdr->Pe32Plus.FileHeader.NumberOfSections) {
-+				+ PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
-+	if (((UINT32)context->ImageSize - SectionHeaderOffset) / EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER
-+			<= context->NumberOfSections) {
- 		Print(L"Image sections overflow image size\n");
- 	}
--	if ((PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - SectionHeaderOffset) / EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER
--			< (UINT32)PEHdr->Pe32Plus.FileHeader.NumberOfSections) {
-+	if ((context->SizeOfHeaders - SectionHeaderOffset) / EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER
-+			< (UINT32)context->NumberOfSections) {
- 		Print(L"Image sections overflow section headers\n");
- 	}
-@@ -837,21 +865,19 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	}
--	if (PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.Magic != EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC) {
--		Print(L"Only 64-bit images supported\n");
--	}
- 	context->PEHdr = PEHdr;
-+#if __LP64__
- 	context->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
--	context->ImageSize = (UINT64)PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
--	context->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
- 	context->EntryPoint = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
- 	context->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
--	context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
--	context->NumberOfSections = PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
--	context->FirstSection = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)((char *)PEHdr + PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER));
- 	context->SecDir = (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *) &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
-+	context->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
-+	context->EntryPoint = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
-+	context->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
-+	context->SecDir = (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *) &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
-+	context->FirstSection = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)((char *)PEHdr + PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER));
- 	if (context->ImageSize < context->SizeOfHeaders) {
- 		Print(L"Invalid image\n");
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-netboot.h-fix-build-error-on-32-bit-systems.patch b/SOURCES/0003-netboot.h-fix-build-error-on-32-bit-systems.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d85654..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0003-netboot.h-fix-build-error-on-32-bit-systems.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 434e854202236ec5809dbb96589fc34313dbff9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
-Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 13:56:56 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 03/74] netboot.h: fix build error on 32-bit systems
-Function prototype/implementation mismatch.
-Change-Id: I89aaae1b49d0372d3aed76fc21c194e0ae55f72e
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- netboot.h | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/netboot.h b/netboot.h
-index 2cdb421..6417373 100644
---- a/netboot.h
-+++ b/netboot.h
-@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ extern BOOLEAN findNetboot(EFI_HANDLE image_handle);
- extern EFI_STATUS parseNetbootinfo(EFI_HANDLE image_handle);
--extern EFI_STATUS FetchNetbootimage(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, VOID **buffer, UINTN *bufsiz);
-+extern EFI_STATUS FetchNetbootimage(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, VOID **buffer, UINT64 *bufsiz);
- #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-properly-compile-OpenSSL-in-32-bit-mode.patch b/SOURCES/0004-properly-compile-OpenSSL-in-32-bit-mode.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b2147..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0004-properly-compile-OpenSSL-in-32-bit-mode.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From c5ed2dfa5d9c2d5de33db290ae8cc237342dbc4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrey Petrov <andrey.petrov@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:46:42 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 04/74] properly compile OpenSSL in 32-bit mode
-Change-Id: Iff3ee5ae0f0b95b282b99a23e465723b4e9f6104
-Signed-off-by: Andrey Petrov <andrey.petrov@intel.com>
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile | 7 +++++--
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-index c93d5af..3d5a87c 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
- EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi $(LIB_GCC)
- CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -I. -I.. -I../Include/ -Icrypto -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic -fshort-wchar -nostdinc -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
- endif
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
diff --git a/SOURCES/0005-fallback.c-fix-32-bit-compilation.patch b/SOURCES/0005-fallback.c-fix-32-bit-compilation.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6380173..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0005-fallback.c-fix-32-bit-compilation.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From d74ab697f7f20418eeb09f0291cc480d43241dea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:12:23 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 05/74] fallback.c: fix 32-bit compilation
-fh->Read expects pointer to 32-bit int, use UINTN
-Change-Id: If1a728efd51a9a24dfcd8123e84bf4c0713491fe
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- fallback.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index 82ddbf2..c875144 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *this_image = NULL;
- static EFI_STATUS
--get_file_size(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, UINT64 *retsize)
-+get_file_size(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, UINTN *retsize)
- {
- 	void *buffer = NULL;
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ read_file(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, CHAR16 *fullpath, CHAR16 **buffer, UINT64 *bs)
- 		return rc;
- 	}
--	UINT64 len = 0;
-+	UINTN len = 0;
- 	CHAR16 *b = NULL;
- 	rc = get_file_size(fh2, &len);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0006-fix-fallback.so-build-dependency.patch b/SOURCES/0006-fix-fallback.so-build-dependency.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b03f3e8..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0006-fix-fallback.so-build-dependency.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From 06e15d762966d4224f7e54480b9213c4dcf1fe35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:14:22 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 06/74] fix fallback.so build dependency
-Exposed during parallel builds
-Change-Id: I9867858166dcafd69438f37ee5da14a267ace8f4
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- Makefile | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index a22c6b3..2eab862 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ shim.so: $(OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
- fallback.o: $(FALLBACK_SRCS)
--fallback.so: $(FALLBACK_OBJS)
-+fallback.so: $(FALLBACK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS)
- MokManager.o: $(MOK_SOURCES)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0007-propagate-some-path-variables.patch b/SOURCES/0007-propagate-some-path-variables.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 640d021..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0007-propagate-some-path-variables.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From 476d376ed08e1431bf7e20bf47ea3fc6c36dd168 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:15:39 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 07/74] propagate some path variables
-If these are overridden on the command line, pass them along to
-the sub-makes.
-Change-Id: I531ccb5d2f5e4be8e99d4892cdcfffffc1ad9877
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- Makefile | 6 +++---
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 2eab862..d619ff4 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ MokManager.so: $(MOK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS) lib/lib.a
- Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a:
--	$(MAKE) -C Cryptlib
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a:
--	$(MAKE) -C Cryptlib/OpenSSL
- lib/lib.a:
--	$(MAKE) -C lib EFI_PATH=$(EFI_PATH)
- %.efi: %.so
- 	objcopy -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
diff --git a/SOURCES/0008-allow-32-bit-compilation-with-64-bit-compiler.patch b/SOURCES/0008-allow-32-bit-compilation-with-64-bit-compiler.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5305778..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0008-allow-32-bit-compilation-with-64-bit-compiler.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-From 9712a7e77dc12f7569858b81d620d85301f50ede Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:17:20 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 08/74] allow 32-bit compilation with 64-bit compiler
-Also removed unused LIB_PATH from some Makefiles.
-Change-Id: I7d28d18f7531b51b6121a2ffb88bcaedec57c467
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- Cryptlib/Makefile         | 5 +++--
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile | 4 +---
- Makefile                  | 3 +++
- lib/Makefile              | 3 +++
- 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Makefile b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-index a05a4db..d24e59e 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
- ARCH		= $(shell uname -m | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
--LIB_PATH	= /usr/lib64
- EFI_INCLUDE	= /usr/include/efi
- EFI_INCLUDES	= -nostdinc -IInclude -I$(EFI_INCLUDE) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/$(ARCH) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/protocol
- EFI_PATH	= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
-@@ -14,6 +12,9 @@ CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -I. -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic -fshort-
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -m32
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
- TARGET		= libcryptlib.a
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-index 3d5a87c..8e2f2a6 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
- ARCH		= $(shell uname -m | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
--LIB_PATH	= /usr/lib64
- EFI_INCLUDE	= /usr/include/efi
- EFI_PATH	= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
-@@ -15,7 +13,7 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
- endif
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index d619ff4..e65d28d 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -m32
- ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_CERT_FILE), undefined)
- endif
-diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
-index adb0347..a9c9cf6 100644
---- a/lib/Makefile
-+++ b/lib/Makefile
-@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ CFLAGS          = -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
-+        CFLAGS  += -m32
- lib.a: $(LIBFILES)
- 	ar rcs lib.a $(LIBFILES)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0009-shim-improve-error-messages.patch b/SOURCES/0009-shim-improve-error-messages.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e18d66f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0009-shim-improve-error-messages.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-From 2f09d0ab290d9b0d8aa14c3243f1d85a20bc34e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 17:29:06 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 09/74] shim: improve error messages
-%r when used in Print() will show a string representation of
-an EFI_STATUS code.
-Change-Id: I6db47f5213454603bd66177aca378ad01e9f0bd4
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Boie <andrew.p.boie@intel.com>
- shim.c | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index a043779..9ae1936 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	 */
- 	efi_status = read_header(data, datasize, &context);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to read header\n");
-+		Print(L"Failed to read header: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		return efi_status;
- 	}
-@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	efi_status = relocate_coff(&context, buffer);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Relocation failed\n");
-+		Print(L"Relocation failed: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		FreePool(buffer);
- 		return efi_status;
- 	}
-@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, image_handle,
- 				       &loaded_image_protocol, (void **)&li);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
--		Print(L"Could not get image for bootx64.efi: %d\n", rc);
-+		Print(L"Could not get image for bootx64.efi: %r\n", rc);
- 		return 0;
- 	}
-@@ -1044,13 +1044,13 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, li->DeviceHandle,
- 			       &FileSystemProtocol, (void **)&fio);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
--		Print(L"Could not get fio for li->DeviceHandle: %d\n", rc);
-+		Print(L"Could not get fio for li->DeviceHandle: %r\n", rc);
- 		return 0;
- 	}
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(fio->OpenVolume, 2, fio, &vh);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
--		Print(L"Could not open fio volume: %d\n", rc);
-+		Print(L"Could not open fio volume: %r\n", rc);
- 		return 0;
- 	}
-@@ -1172,14 +1172,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 				       (void **)&drive);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to find fs\n");
-+		Print(L"Failed to find fs: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
- 	efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(drive->OpenVolume, 2, drive, &root);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to open fs\n");
-+		Print(L"Failed to open fs: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 				       EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to open %s - %lx\n", PathName, efi_status);
-+		Print(L"Failed to open %s - %r\n", PathName, efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 	}
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Unable to get file info\n");
-+		Print(L"Unable to get file info: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 	}
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Unexpected return from initial read: %x, buffersize %x\n", efi_status, buffersize);
-+		Print(L"Unexpected return from initial read: %r, buffersize %x\n", efi_status, buffersize);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1328,20 +1328,20 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	efi_status = generate_path(li, ImagePath, &path, &PathName);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Unable to generate path: %s\n", ImagePath);
-+		Print(L"Unable to generate path %s: %r\n", ImagePath, efi_status);
- 		goto done;
- 	}
- 	if (findNetboot(image_handle)) {
- 		efi_status = parseNetbootinfo(image_handle);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Netboot parsing failed: %d\n", efi_status);
-+			Print(L"Netboot parsing failed: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		}
- 		efi_status = FetchNetbootimage(image_handle, &sourcebuffer,
- 					       &sourcesize);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Unable to fetch TFTP image\n");
-+			Print(L"Unable to fetch TFTP image: %r\n", efi_status);
- 			return efi_status;
- 		}
- 		data = sourcebuffer;
-@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 		efi_status = load_image(li, &data, &datasize, PathName);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to load image\n");
-+			Print(L"Failed to load image %s: %r\n", PathName, efi_status);
- 			goto done;
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	efi_status = handle_image(data, datasize, li);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to load image\n");
-+		Print(L"Failed to load image: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		CopyMem(li, &li_bak, sizeof(li_bak));
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ EFI_STATUS mirror_mok_list()
- 				       FullDataSize, FullData);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to set MokListRT %d\n", efi_status);
-+		Print(L"Failed to set MokListRT: %r\n", efi_status);
- 	}
- 	return efi_status;
-@@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ EFI_STATUS check_mok_request(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		efi_status = start_image(image_handle, MOK_MANAGER);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to start MokManager\n");
-+			Print(L"Failed to start MokManager: %r\n", efi_status);
- 			return efi_status;
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS mok_ignore_db()
- 				DataSize, (void *)&Data);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to set MokIgnoreDB %d\n", efi_status);
-+			Print(L"Failed to set MokIgnoreDB: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, image_handle,
- 				   &LoadedImageProtocol, (void **) &li);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print (L"Failed to get load options\n");
-+		Print (L"Failed to get load options: %r\n", status);
- 		return status;
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0010-Clarify-meaning-of-insecure_mode.patch b/SOURCES/0010-Clarify-meaning-of-insecure_mode.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4807572..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0010-Clarify-meaning-of-insecure_mode.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-From d95b24bd02cf41cca9adebd95f10609d6424d2b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matthew Garrett <matthew.garrett@nebula.com>
-Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:09:13 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 10/74] Clarify meaning of insecure_mode
-insecure_mode was intended to indicate that the user had explicity disabled
-checks with mokutil, which means it wasn't the opposite of secure_mode().
-Change the names to clarify this and don't show the insecure mode message
-unless the user has explicitly enabled that mode.
-Signed-off-by: Matthew Garrett <matthew.garrett@nebula.com>
- replacements.c |  6 ------
- shim.c         | 12 ++++++------
- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/replacements.c b/replacements.c
-index bac5e5d..5ea5c32 100644
---- a/replacements.c
-+++ b/replacements.c
-@@ -64,13 +64,9 @@ static typeof(systab->BootServices->StartImage) system_start_image;
- static typeof(systab->BootServices->Exit) system_exit;
- static typeof(systab->BootServices->ExitBootServices) system_exit_boot_services;
--extern UINT8 insecure_mode;
- void
- unhook_system_services(void)
- {
--	if (insecure_mode)
--		return;
- 	systab->BootServices->Exit = system_exit;
- 	systab->BootServices->StartImage = system_start_image;
- 	systab->BootServices->ExitBootServices = system_exit_boot_services;
-@@ -123,8 +119,6 @@ exit(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_STATUS ExitStatus,
- void
- hook_system_services(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *local_systab)
- {
--	if (insecure_mode)
--		return;
- 	systab = local_systab;
- 	/* We need to hook various calls to make this work... */
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 9ae1936..524f5fc 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ int loader_is_participating;
- #define EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE_GUID { 0xd719b2cb, 0x3d3a, 0x4596, { 0xa3, 0xbc, 0xda, 0xd0, 0x0e, 0x67, 0x65, 0x6f }}
--UINT8 insecure_mode;
-+UINT8 user_insecure_mode;
- UINT8 ignore_db;
- typedef enum {
-@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	UINT8 *Data;
- 	UINT8 sb, setupmode;
--	if (insecure_mode)
-+	if (user_insecure_mode)
- 		return FALSE;
- 	status = get_variable(L"SecureBoot", &Data, &len, global_var);
-@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_sb (void)
- 	UINTN MokSBStateSize = 0;
- 	UINT32 attributes;
--	insecure_mode = 0;
-+	user_insecure_mode = 0;
- 	ignore_db = 0;
- 	status = get_variable_attr(L"MokSBState", &MokSBState, &MokSBStateSize,
-@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_sb (void)
- 		status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
- 	} else {
- 		if (*(UINT8 *)MokSBState == 1) {
--			insecure_mode = 1;
-+			user_insecure_mode = 1;
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1753,10 +1753,10 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	/*
- 	 * Tell the user that we're in insecure mode if necessary
- 	 */
--	if (!secure_mode()) {
-+	if (user_insecure_mode) {
- 		Print(L"Booting in insecure mode\n");
- 		uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 2000000);
--	} else {
-+	} else if (secure_mode()) {
- 		/*
- 		 * Install our hooks for ExitBootServices() and StartImage()
- 		 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0011-Don-t-hook-system-services-if-shim-has-no-built-in-k.patch b/SOURCES/0011-Don-t-hook-system-services-if-shim-has-no-built-in-k.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 11b612d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0011-Don-t-hook-system-services-if-shim-has-no-built-in-k.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From 8b48ec5c70cd97d37f48581a4eab8139c1a95a1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matthew Garrett <matthew.garrett@nebula.com>
-Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:15:55 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 11/74] Don't hook system services if shim has no built-in keys
-Shim should only need to enforce its security policy when its launching
-binaries signed with its built-in key. Binaries signed by keys in db or
-Mokdb should be able to rely on their own security policy.
-Signed-off-by: Matthew Garrett <matthew.garrett@nebula.com>
- shim.c | 14 +++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 524f5fc..cf93d65 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1757,11 +1757,15 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 		Print(L"Booting in insecure mode\n");
- 		uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 2000000);
- 	} else if (secure_mode()) {
--		/*
--		 * Install our hooks for ExitBootServices() and StartImage()
--		 */
--		hook_system_services(systab);
--		loader_is_participating = 0;
-+		if (vendor_cert_size || vendor_dbx_size) {
-+			/*
-+			 * If shim includes its own certificates then ensure
-+			 * that anything it boots has performed some
-+			 * validation of the next image.
-+			 */
-+			hook_system_services(systab);
-+			loader_is_participating = 0;
-+		}
- 	}
- 	/*
diff --git a/SOURCES/0012-Fix-path-generation-for-Dhcpv4-bootloader.patch b/SOURCES/0012-Fix-path-generation-for-Dhcpv4-bootloader.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a19d58..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0012-Fix-path-generation-for-Dhcpv4-bootloader.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-From e62b69a5b0b87c6df7a4fc23906134945309e927 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 12:20:23 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 12/74] Fix path generation for Dhcpv4 bootloader.
-Right now we always look for e.g. "\grubx64.efi", which is completely
-wrong.  This makes it look for the path shim was loaded from and modify
-that to end in a sanitized version of our default loader name.
-Resolves: rhbz#1032583
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- include/str.h | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- netboot.c     | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
- 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 include/str.h
-diff --git a/include/str.h b/include/str.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..0f3e003
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/include/str.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
-+#ifndef SHIM_STR_H
-+#define SHIM_STR_H
-+static inline
-+unsigned long strnlena(const CHAR8 *s, unsigned long n)
-+	unsigned long i;
-+	for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
-+		if (s[i] == '\0')
-+			break;
-+	return i;
-+static inline
-+CHAR8 *
-+strncpya(CHAR8 *dest, const CHAR8 *src, unsigned long n)
-+	unsigned long i;
-+	for (i = 0; i < n && src[i] != '\0'; i++)
-+		dest[i] = src[i];
-+	for (; i < n; i++)
-+		dest[i] = '\0';
-+	return dest;
-+static inline
-+CHAR8 *
-+strcata(CHAR8 *dest, const CHAR8 *src)
-+	unsigned long dest_len = strlena(dest);
-+	unsigned long i;
-+	for (i = 0; src[i] != '\0'; i++)
-+		dest[dest_len + i] = src[i];
-+	dest[dest_len + i] = '\0';
-+	return dest;
-+#endif /* SHIM_STR_H */
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-index a83c82a..1732dc7 100644
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include "shim.h"
- #include "netboot.h"
-+#include "str.h"
- static inline unsigned short int __swap16(unsigned short int x)
- {
-@@ -305,19 +306,32 @@ static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp6()
- static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp4()
- {
--	CHAR8 *template = (CHAR8 *)DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR;
--	full_path = AllocateZeroPool(strlen(template)+1);
-+	CHAR8 *template = (CHAR8 *)translate_slashes(DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
-+	UINTN template_len = strlen(template) + 1;
-+	UINTN dir_len = strnlena(pxe->Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4.BootpBootFile, 127);
-+	UINTN i;
-+	UINT8 *dir = pxe->Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4.BootpBootFile;
-+	for (i = dir_len; i >= 0; i--) {
-+		if (dir[i] == '/')
-+			break;
-+	}
-+	dir_len = (i >= 0) ? i + 1 : 0;
-+	full_path = AllocateZeroPool(dir_len + template_len);
- 	if (!full_path)
-+	if (dir_len > 0) {
-+		strncpya(full_path, dir, dir_len);
-+		if (full_path[dir_len-1] == '/' && template[0] == '/')
-+			full_path[dir_len-1] = '\0';
-+	}
-+	strcata(full_path, template);
- 	memcpy(&tftp_addr.v4, pxe->Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4.BootpSiAddr, 4);
--	memcpy(full_path, template, strlen(template));
--	/* Note we don't capture the filename option here because we know its shim.efi
--	 * We instead assume the filename at the end of the path is going to be grubx64.efi
--	 */
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0013-Lengths-that-might-be-1-can-t-be-unsigned-Peter.patch b/SOURCES/0013-Lengths-that-might-be-1-can-t-be-unsigned-Peter.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ba79424..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0013-Lengths-that-might-be-1-can-t-be-unsigned-Peter.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-From 27129a5a05d1947e6f7479766e8281d50d6031f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:26:08 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 13/74] Lengths that might be -1 can't be unsigned, Peter.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- netboot.c | 8 +++++---
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-index 1732dc7..07e2773 100644
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp6()
- static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp4()
- {
- 	CHAR8 *template = (CHAR8 *)translate_slashes(DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
--	UINTN template_len = strlen(template) + 1;
-+	INTN template_len = strlen(template) + 1;
--	UINTN dir_len = strnlena(pxe->Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4.BootpBootFile, 127);
--	UINTN i;
-+	INTN dir_len = strnlena(pxe->Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4.BootpBootFile, 127);
-+	INTN i;
- 	UINT8 *dir = pxe->Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4.BootpBootFile;
- 	for (i = dir_len; i >= 0; i--) {
-@@ -329,6 +329,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS parseDhcp4()
- 		if (full_path[dir_len-1] == '/' && template[0] == '/')
- 			full_path[dir_len-1] = '\0';
- 	}
-+	if (dir_len == 0 && dir[0] != '/' && template[0] == '/')
-+		template++;
- 	strcata(full_path, template);
- 	memcpy(&tftp_addr.v4, pxe->Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4.BootpSiAddr, 4);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0014-Fix-wrong-sizeof.patch b/SOURCES/0014-Fix-wrong-sizeof.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cc8bd29..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0014-Fix-wrong-sizeof.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From af25679e166da9bd32a0ed7fbf67a408dda7f71a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:21:53 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 14/74] Fix wrong sizeof().
-CHAR16* vs CHAR16**, so the result is the same on all platforms.
-Detected by coverity.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- lib/shell.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/lib/shell.c b/lib/shell.c
-index 51de4e0..7337834 100644
---- a/lib/shell.c
-+++ b/lib/shell.c
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ argsplit(EFI_HANDLE image, int *argc, CHAR16*** ARGV)
- 	(*argc)++;		/* we counted spaces, so add one for initial */
--	*ARGV = AllocatePool(*argc * sizeof(*ARGV));
-+	*ARGV = AllocatePool(*argc * sizeof(**ARGV));
- 	if (!*ARGV) {
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0015-Initialize-entries-before-we-pass-it-to-another-func.patch b/SOURCES/0015-Initialize-entries-before-we-pass-it-to-another-func.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0249be8..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0015-Initialize-entries-before-we-pass-it-to-another-func.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From 4dbef508ab6359e8ca14df53b83f970bdeec17ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:24:01 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 15/74] Initialize entries before we pass it to another
- function.
-Coverity scan noticed that entries is uninitialized when we pass its
-location to another function.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- lib/simple_file.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/lib/simple_file.c b/lib/simple_file.c
-index 3af0ec8..d345d87 100644
---- a/lib/simple_file.c
-+++ b/lib/simple_file.c
-@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ simple_file_selector(EFI_HANDLE *im, CHAR16 **title, CHAR16 *name,
- 		     CHAR16 *filter, CHAR16 **result)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS status;
--	CHAR16 **entries;
-+	CHAR16 **entries = NULL;
- 	EFI_FILE_INFO *dmp;
- 	int count, select, len;
- 	CHAR16 *newname, *selected;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0016-Rewrite-directory-traversal-allocation-path-so-cover.patch b/SOURCES/0016-Rewrite-directory-traversal-allocation-path-so-cover.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c373474..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0016-Rewrite-directory-traversal-allocation-path-so-cover.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-From 3a7feeff6cdb3b96a1ef2ccff8c150e2324d50a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:38:41 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 16/74] Rewrite directory traversal allocation path so coverity
- can grok it.
-The things we do for our tools.  In this case, make the AllocatePool()
-happen outside of a conditional, even though that conditional will
-always bee satisfied.  This way coverity won't think we're setting fi
-to NULL and passing it to StrCaseCmp.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- fallback.c | 21 ++++++++++++++-------
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index c875144..ba864ee 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -445,25 +445,32 @@ find_boot_csv(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, CHAR16 *dirname)
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	}
- 	FreePool(buffer);
-+	buffer = NULL;
- 	bs = 0;
- 	do {
- 		bs = 0;
- 		rc = uefi_call_wrapper(fh->Read, 3, fh, &bs, NULL);
--		if (rc == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
--			buffer = AllocateZeroPool(bs);
--			if (!buffer) {
--				Print(L"Could not allocate memory\n");
--				return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
--			}
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(rc) && rc != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-+			Print(L"Could not read \\EFI\\%s\\: %d\n", dirname, rc);
-+			if (buffer)
-+				FreePool(buffer);
-+			return rc;
-+		}
--			rc = uefi_call_wrapper(fh->Read, 3, fh, &bs, buffer);
-+		buffer = AllocateZeroPool(bs);
-+		if (!buffer) {
-+			Print(L"Could not allocate memory\n");
- 		}
-+		rc = uefi_call_wrapper(fh->Read, 3, fh, &bs, buffer);
- 		if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
- 			Print(L"Could not read \\EFI\\%s\\: %d\n", dirname, rc);
- 			FreePool(buffer);
- 			return rc;
- 		}
- 		if (bs == 0)
- 			break;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0017-Error-check-the-right-thing-in-get_variable_attr-whe.patch b/SOURCES/0017-Error-check-the-right-thing-in-get_variable_attr-whe.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e6ca54..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0017-Error-check-the-right-thing-in-get_variable_attr-whe.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 293f28d1fe3921c5348c60948b4dedcef5042d5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 10:55:37 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 17/74] Error check the right thing in get_variable_attr() when
- allocating.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- lib/variables.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/lib/variables.c b/lib/variables.c
-index 81bd34d..3a9735e 100644
---- a/lib/variables.c
-+++ b/lib/variables.c
-@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ get_variable_attr(CHAR16 *var, UINT8 **data, UINTN *len, EFI_GUID owner,
- 		return efi_status;
- 	*data = AllocateZeroPool(*len);
--	if (!data)
-+	if (!*data)
- 	efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, var, &owner,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0018-fallback-For-HD-device-paths-use-just-the-media-node.patch b/SOURCES/0018-fallback-For-HD-device-paths-use-just-the-media-node.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dd329ba..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0018-fallback-For-HD-device-paths-use-just-the-media-node.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-From dfd6c73a212f8cf6b32ce74807de9a08a87f0b79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 10:30:24 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 18/74] [fallback] For HD() device paths, use just the media
- node and later.
-UEFI 2.x section 3.1.2 provides for "short-form device path", where the
-first element specified is a "hard drive media device path", so that you
-can move a disk around on different buses without invalidating your
-device path.  Fallback has not been using this option, though in most
-cases efibootmgr has.
-Note that we still keep the full device path, because LoadImage()
-isn't necessarily the layer where HD() works - one some systems BDS is
-responsible for resolving the full path and passes that to LoadImage()
-instead.  So we have to do LoadImage() with the full path.
- fallback.c | 103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
- 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index ba864ee..a12bb74 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -15,6 +15,27 @@
- EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *this_image = NULL;
- static EFI_STATUS
-+FindSubDevicePath(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *In, UINT8 Type, UINT8 SubType,
-+		  EFI_DEVICE_PATH **Out)
-+	EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp = In;
-+	if (!In || !Out)
-+	for (dp = In; !IsDevicePathEnd(dp); dp = NextDevicePathNode(dp)) {
-+		if (DevicePathType(dp) == Type &&
-+				DevicePathSubType(dp) == SubType) {
-+			*Out = DuplicateDevicePath(dp);
-+			if (!*Out)
-+				return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-+			return EFI_SUCCESS;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	*Out = NULL;
-+	return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
-+static EFI_STATUS
- get_file_size(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, UINTN *retsize)
- {
-@@ -93,7 +114,9 @@ make_full_path(CHAR16 *dirname, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 **out, UINT64 *outlen)
- {
- 	UINT64 len;
--	len = StrLen(dirname) + StrLen(filename) + StrLen(L"\\EFI\\\\") + 2;
-+	len = StrLen(L"\\EFI\\") + StrLen(dirname)
-+	    + StrLen(L"\\") + StrLen(filename)
-+	    + 2;
- 	CHAR16 *fullpath = AllocateZeroPool(len*sizeof(CHAR16));
- 	if (!fullpath) {
-@@ -119,7 +142,8 @@ VOID *first_new_option_args = NULL;
- UINTN first_new_option_size = 0;
--add_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label, CHAR16 *arguments)
-+add_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *hddp, EFI_DEVICE_PATH *fulldp,
-+		CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label, CHAR16 *arguments)
- {
- 	static int i = 0;
- 	CHAR16 varname[] = L"Boot0000";
-@@ -136,24 +160,31 @@ add_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label, CHAR16 *ar
- 		void *var = LibGetVariable(varname, &global);
- 		if (!var) {
- 			int size = sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof (UINT16) +
--				StrLen(label)*2 + 2 + DevicePathSize(dp) +
--				StrLen(arguments) * 2 + 2;
-+				StrLen(label)*2 + 2 + DevicePathSize(hddp) +
-+				StrLen(arguments) * 2;
- 			CHAR8 *data = AllocateZeroPool(size);
- 			CHAR8 *cursor = data;
- 			*(UINT32 *)cursor = LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE;
- 			cursor += sizeof (UINT32);
--			*(UINT16 *)cursor = DevicePathSize(dp);
-+			*(UINT16 *)cursor = DevicePathSize(hddp);
- 			cursor += sizeof (UINT16);
- 			StrCpy((CHAR16 *)cursor, label);
- 			cursor += StrLen(label)*2 + 2;
--			CopyMem(cursor, dp, DevicePathSize(dp));
--			cursor += DevicePathSize(dp);
-+			CopyMem(cursor, hddp, DevicePathSize(hddp));
-+			cursor += DevicePathSize(hddp);
- 			StrCpy((CHAR16 *)cursor, arguments);
- 			Print(L"Creating boot entry \"%s\" with label \"%s\" "
- 					L"for file \"%s\"\n",
- 				varname, label, filename);
-+			if (!first_new_option) {
-+				first_new_option = DuplicateDevicePath(fulldp);
-+				first_new_option_args = arguments;
-+				first_new_option_size = StrLen(arguments) * sizeof (CHAR16);
-+			}
- 			rc = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5, varname,
-@@ -254,7 +285,10 @@ add_to_boot_list(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, CHAR16 *dirname, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc))
- 		return rc;
--	EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dph = NULL, *dpf = NULL, *dp = NULL;
-+	EFI_DEVICE_PATH *full_device_path = NULL;
- 	dph = DevicePathFromHandle(this_image->DeviceHandle);
- 	if (!dph) {
-@@ -262,19 +296,31 @@ add_to_boot_list(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, CHAR16 *dirname, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *
- 		goto err;
- 	}
--	dpf = FileDevicePath(fh, fullpath);
--	if (!dpf) {
-+	file = FileDevicePath(fh, fullpath);
-+	if (!file) {
- 		goto err;
- 	}
--	dp = AppendDevicePath(dph, dpf);
--	if (!dp) {
-+	full_device_path = AppendDevicePath(dph, file);
-+	if (!full_device_path) {
- 		goto err;
- 	}
-+	rc = FindSubDevicePath(full_device_path,
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
-+		if (rc == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
-+			dp = full_device_path;
-+		} else {
-+			goto err;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	{
- 	UINTN s = DevicePathSize(dp);
- 	int i;
- 	UINT8 *dpv = (void *)dp;
-@@ -287,20 +333,16 @@ add_to_boot_list(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, CHAR16 *dirname, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *
- 	CHAR16 *dps = DevicePathToStr(dp);
- 	Print(L"device path: \"%s\"\n", dps);
--	if (!first_new_option) {
--		CHAR16 *dps = DevicePathToStr(dp);
--		Print(L"device path: \"%s\"\n", dps);
--		first_new_option = DuplicateDevicePath(dp);
--		first_new_option_args = arguments;
--		first_new_option_size = StrLen(arguments) * sizeof (CHAR16);
- 	}
--	add_boot_option(dp, fullpath, label, arguments);
-+	add_boot_option(dp, full_device_path, fullpath, label, arguments);
- err:
--	if (dpf)
--		FreePool(dpf);
-+	if (file)
-+		FreePool(file);
-+	if (full_device_path)
-+		FreePool(full_device_path);
- 	if (dp)
- 		FreePool(dp);
- 	if (fullpath)
-@@ -629,8 +671,19 @@ try_start_first_option(EFI_HANDLE parent_image_handle)
- 			       first_new_option, NULL, 0,
- 			       &image_handle);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
--		Print(L"LoadImage failed: %d\n", rc);
--		uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 2000000);
-+		CHAR16 *dps = DevicePathToStr(first_new_option);
-+		UINTN s = DevicePathSize(first_new_option);
-+		int i;
-+		UINT8 *dpv = (void *)first_new_option;
-+		Print(L"LoadImage failed: %d\nDevice path: \"%s\"\n", rc, dps);
-+		for (i = 0; i < s; i++) {
-+			if (i > 0 && i % 16 == 0)
-+				Print(L"\n");
-+			Print(L"%02x ", dpv[i]);
-+		}
-+		Print(L"\n");
-+		uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 500000000);
- 		return rc;
- 	}
-@@ -644,7 +697,7 @@ try_start_first_option(EFI_HANDLE parent_image_handle)
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->StartImage, 3, image_handle, NULL, NULL);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
- 		Print(L"StartImage failed: %d\n", rc);
--		uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 2000000);
-+		uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 500000000);
- 	}
- 	return rc;
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0019-fallback-Attempt-to-re-use-existing-entries-when-pos.patch b/SOURCES/0019-fallback-Attempt-to-re-use-existing-entries-when-pos.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6828caf..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0019-fallback-Attempt-to-re-use-existing-entries-when-pos.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-From 894a2738d6c843a7b51245fb92bb2f835901e613 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 10:31:10 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 19/74] [fallback] Attempt to re-use existing entries when
- possible.
-Some firmwares seem to ignore our boot entries and put their fallback
-entries back on top.  Right now that results in a lot of boot entries
-for our stuff, a la https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=995834 .
-Instead of that happening, if we simply find existing entries that match
-the entry we would create and move them to the top of the boot order,
-the machine will continue to operate in failure mode (which we can't
-avoid), but at least we won't create thousands of extra entries.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- fallback.c | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index a12bb74..44638ec 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -226,6 +226,85 @@ add_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *hddp, EFI_DEVICE_PATH *fulldp,
- }
-+find_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label,
-+		CHAR16 *arguments, UINT16 *optnum)
-+	int size = sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof (UINT16) +
-+		StrLen(label)*2 + 2 + DevicePathSize(dp) +
-+		StrLen(arguments) * 2 + 2;
-+	CHAR8 *data = AllocateZeroPool(size);
-+	if (!data)
-+	CHAR8 *cursor = data;
-+	*(UINT32 *)cursor = LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE;
-+	cursor += sizeof (UINT32);
-+	*(UINT16 *)cursor = DevicePathSize(dp);
-+	cursor += sizeof (UINT16);
-+	StrCpy((CHAR16 *)cursor, label);
-+	cursor += StrLen(label)*2 + 2;
-+	CopyMem(cursor, dp, DevicePathSize(dp));
-+	cursor += DevicePathSize(dp);
-+	StrCpy((CHAR16 *)cursor, arguments);
-+	int i = 0;
-+	CHAR16 varname[] = L"Boot0000";
-+	CHAR16 hexmap[] = L"0123456789ABCDEF";
-+	CHAR8 *candidate = AllocateZeroPool(size);
-+	if (!candidate) {
-+		FreePool(data);
-+	}
-+	for(i = 0; i < nbootorder && i < 0x10000; i++) {
-+		varname[4] = hexmap[(bootorder[i] & 0xf000) >> 12];
-+		varname[5] = hexmap[(bootorder[i] & 0x0f00) >> 8];
-+		varname[6] = hexmap[(bootorder[i] & 0x00f0) >> 4];
-+		varname[7] = hexmap[(bootorder[i] & 0x000f) >> 0];
-+		UINTN candidate_size = size;
-+		rc = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, varname, &global,
-+					NULL, &candidate_size, candidate);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR(rc))
-+			continue;
-+		if (candidate_size != size)
-+			continue;
-+		if (CompareMem(candidate, data, size))
-+			continue;
-+		/* at this point, we have duplicate data. */
-+		*optnum = i;
-+		FreePool(candidate);
-+		FreePool(data);
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
-+	}
-+	FreePool(candidate);
-+	FreePool(data);
-+	return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
-+	CHAR16 *oldbootorder;
-+	UINTN size;
-+	oldbootorder = LibGetVariableAndSize(L"BootOrder", &global, &size);
-+	if (oldbootorder) {
-+		nbootorder = size / sizeof (CHAR16);
-+		bootorder = oldbootorder;
-+	}
-+	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- update_boot_order(void)
- {
- 	CHAR16 *oldbootorder;
-@@ -336,7 +415,23 @@ add_to_boot_list(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, CHAR16 *dirname, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *
- 	}
- #endif
--	add_boot_option(dp, full_device_path, fullpath, label, arguments);
-+	UINT16 option;
-+	rc = find_boot_option(dp, fullpath, label, arguments, &option);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
-+		add_boot_option(dp, full_device_path, fullpath, label, arguments);
-+	} else if (option != 0) {
-+		CHAR16 *newbootorder;
-+		newbootorder = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof (CHAR16) * nbootorder);
-+		if (!newbootorder)
-+		newbootorder[0] = bootorder[option];
-+		CopyMem(newbootorder + 1, bootorder, sizeof (CHAR16) * option);
-+		CopyMem(newbootorder + option + 1, bootorder + option + 1,
-+			sizeof (CHAR16) * (nbootorder - option - 1));
-+		FreePool(bootorder);
-+		bootorder = newbootorder;
-+	}
- err:
- 	if (file)
-@@ -717,6 +812,8 @@ efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *systab)
- 	Print(L"System BootOrder not found.  Initializing defaults.\n");
-+	set_boot_order();
- 	rc = find_boot_options(this_image->DeviceHandle);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
- 		Print(L"Error: could not find boot options: %d\n", rc);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0020-Add-a-preliminary-test-plan.patch b/SOURCES/0020-Add-a-preliminary-test-plan.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c5da4..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0020-Add-a-preliminary-test-plan.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-From ac356a0e7723662d0a83ca3991088ce346495772 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:06:45 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 20/74] Add a preliminary test plan.
-Because you know you wanted a test plan.  You feel it deeply inside.
-Note that none of the /negative/ cases are tested yet.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- testplan.txt | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 testplan.txt
-diff --git a/testplan.txt b/testplan.txt
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..118dfcd
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/testplan.txt
-@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
-+How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
-+1) build pesign-test-app, and sign it with the appropriate key
-+2) build shim with the appropriate key built in
-+3) install pesign-test-app and shim-unsigned on the test machine
-+4) make a lockdown.efi for "Red Hat Test Certificate" and put it in \EFI\test
-+   mkdir /boot/efi/EFI/test/
-+   wget http://pjones.fedorapeople.org/shim/LockDown-rhtest.efi
-+   mv LockDown-rhtest.efi /boot/efi/EFI/test/lockdown.efi
-+5) sign shim with RHTC and put it in \EFI\test:
-+   pesign -i /usr/share/shim/shim.efi -o /boot/efi/EFI/test/shim.efi \
-+        -s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
-+6) put pesign-test-app-signed.efi in \EFI\test as grubx64.efi
-+   cp /usr/share/pesign-test-app-0.4/pesign-test-app-signed.efi \
-+   	/boot/efi/EFI/test/test.efi
-+7) sign a copy of grubx64.efi with RHTC and iput it in \EFI\test\:
-+    pesign -i /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grubx64.efi -o grubx64-unsigned.efi \
-+    	-r -u 0
-+    pesign -i grubx64-unsigned.efi -o /boot/efi/EFI/test/grub.efi \
-+        -s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
-+8) sign a copy of mokmanager with RHTC and put it in \EFI\test:
-+    pesign -i /usr/share/shim/MokManager.efi \
-+    	-o /boot/efi/EFI/test/MokManager.efi -s \
-+	-c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
-+9) copy grub.cfg to our test directory:
-+    cp /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg /boot/efi/EFI/test/grub.cfg
-+10) *move* \EFI\redhat\BOOT.CSV to \EFI\test 
-+    mv /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/BOOT.CSV /boot/efi/EFI/test/BOOT.CSV
-+11) sign a copy of fallback.efi and put it in \EFI\BOOT\fallback.efi
-+    rm -rf /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/
-+    mkdir /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/
-+    pesign -i /usr/share/shim/fallback.efi \
-+	-o /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/fallback.efi \
-+	-s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
-+12) put shim.efi there as well
-+    cp /boot/efi/EFI/test/shim.efi /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
-+13) enroll the current kernel's certificate with mokutil:
-+    mokutil --import ~/redhatsecurebootca2.cer
-+14) put machine in setup mode
-+15) boot to the UEFI shell
-+16) run lockdown.efi from #4:
-+    fs0:\EFI\test\lockdown.efi
-+17) enable secure boot verification
-+18) verify it can't run other binaries:
-+    fs0:\EFI\redhat\grubx64.efi
-+    result should be an error, probably similar to:
-+    "fs0:\...\grubx64.efi is not recognized as an internal or external command"
-+19) copy test.efi to grubx64.efi:
-+    cp \EFI\test\test.efi \EFI\test\grubx64.efi
-+20) in the EFI shell, run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-+21) you should see MokManager.  Enroll the certificate you added in #13, and
-+    the system will reboot.
-+22) reboot to the UEFI shell and run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-+    result: "This is a test application that should be completely safe."
-+  If you get the expected result, shim can run things signed by its internal
-+  key ring.  Check a box someplace that says it can do that.
-+23) from the EFI shell, copy grub to grubx64.efi:
-+    cp \EFI\test\grubx.efi \EFI\test\grubx64.efi
-+24) in the EFI shell, run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-+    result: this should start grub, which will let you boot a kernel
-+  If grub starts, it means shim can run things signed by a key in the system's
-+  db.  Check a box someplace that says it can do that.
-+  If the kernel boots, it means shim can run things from Mok.  Check a box
-+  someplace that says it can do that.
-+25) remove all boot entries and the BootOrder variable:
-+    [root@uefi ~]# cd /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/
-+    [root@uefi efivars]# rm -vf Boot[0123456789]* BootOrder-*
-+    removed ‘Boot0000-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-+    removed ‘Boot0001-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-+    removed ‘Boot0002-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-+    removed ‘Boot2001-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-+    removed ‘BootOrder-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-+    [root@uefi efivars]# 
-+27) reboot
-+28) the system should run \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI .  If it doesn't, you may just
-+    have an old machine.  In that case, go to the EFI shell and run:
-+    fs0:\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
-+  If this works, you should see a bit of output very quickly and then the same
-+  thing as #24.  This means shim recognized it was in \EFI\BOOT and ran
-+  fallback.efi, which worked.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0021-Add-a-failure-case-to-the-test-plan-and-fix-an-order.patch b/SOURCES/0021-Add-a-failure-case-to-the-test-plan-and-fix-an-order.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a4cdb0d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0021-Add-a-failure-case-to-the-test-plan-and-fix-an-order.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From a0bb7822bc0745cba1af1c119fb9f7a0e5ec828c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:44:31 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 21/74] Add a failure case to the test plan and fix an ordering
- error.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- testplan.txt | 27 +++++++++++++++++----------
- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/testplan.txt b/testplan.txt
-index 118dfcd..2fbf238 100644
---- a/testplan.txt
-+++ b/testplan.txt
-@@ -12,23 +12,26 @@ How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
-         -s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
- 6) put pesign-test-app-signed.efi in \EFI\test as grubx64.efi
-    cp /usr/share/pesign-test-app-0.4/pesign-test-app-signed.efi \
--   	/boot/efi/EFI/test/test.efi
--7) sign a copy of grubx64.efi with RHTC and iput it in \EFI\test\:
--    pesign -i /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grubx64.efi -o grubx64-unsigned.efi \
--    	-r -u 0
--    pesign -i grubx64-unsigned.efi -o /boot/efi/EFI/test/grub.efi \
--        -s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
-+	/boot/efi/EFI/test/test.efi
-+7) sign a copy of grubx64.efi with RHTC and iput it in \EFI\test\ .  Also
-+   leave an unsigned copy there:
-+    pesign -i /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grubx64.efi \
-+	-o /boot/efi/EFI/test/grubx64-unsigned.efi \
-+	-r -u 0
-+    pesign -i /boot/efi/EFI/test/grubx64-unsigned.efi \
-+	-o /boot/efi/EFI/test/grub.efi \
-+	-s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
- 8) sign a copy of mokmanager with RHTC and put it in \EFI\test:
-     pesign -i /usr/share/shim/MokManager.efi \
--    	-o /boot/efi/EFI/test/MokManager.efi -s \
-+	-o /boot/efi/EFI/test/MokManager.efi -s \
- 	-c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
- 9) copy grub.cfg to our test directory:
-     cp /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg /boot/efi/EFI/test/grub.cfg
- 10) *move* \EFI\redhat\BOOT.CSV to \EFI\test 
--    mv /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/BOOT.CSV /boot/efi/EFI/test/BOOT.CSV
--11) sign a copy of fallback.efi and put it in \EFI\BOOT\fallback.efi
-     rm -rf /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/
-     mkdir /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/
-+    mv /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/BOOT.CSV /boot/efi/EFI/test/BOOT.CSV
-+11) sign a copy of fallback.efi and put it in \EFI\BOOT\fallback.efi
-     pesign -i /usr/share/shim/fallback.efi \
- 	-o /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/fallback.efi \
- 	-s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
-@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
-   If you get the expected result, shim can run things signed by its internal
-   key ring.  Check a box someplace that says it can do that.
- 23) from the EFI shell, copy grub to grubx64.efi:
--    cp \EFI\test\grubx.efi \EFI\test\grubx64.efi
-+    cp \EFI\test\grub.efi \EFI\test\grubx64.efi
- 24) in the EFI shell, run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-     result: this should start grub, which will let you boot a kernel
-   If grub starts, it means shim can run things signed by a key in the system's
-@@ -78,3 +81,7 @@ How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
-   If this works, you should see a bit of output very quickly and then the same
-   thing as #24.  This means shim recognized it was in \EFI\BOOT and ran
-   fallback.efi, which worked.
-+29) copy the unsigned grub into place and reboot:
-+  cp /boot/efi/EFI/test/grubx64-unsigned.efi /boot/efi/EFI/test/grubx64.efi
-+30) reboot again.
-+    result: shim should refuse to load grub.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0022-Allow-fallback-to-use-the-system-s-LoadImage-StartIm.patch b/SOURCES/0022-Allow-fallback-to-use-the-system-s-LoadImage-StartIm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c92e451..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0022-Allow-fallback-to-use-the-system-s-LoadImage-StartIm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-From 06495f692fa748a553ffbde8bfae2974d8c791c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 15:38:25 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 22/74] Allow fallback to use the system's LoadImage/StartImage
- .
-Track use of the system's LoadImage(), and when the next StartImage()
-call is for an image the system verified, allow that to count as
-participating, since it has been verified by the system's db.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- replacements.c | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
- replacements.h |  3 +++
- shim.c         | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
- 3 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/replacements.c b/replacements.c
-index 5ea5c32..48dc437 100644
---- a/replacements.c
-+++ b/replacements.c
-@@ -60,26 +60,82 @@
- static EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *systab;
-+static typeof(systab->BootServices->LoadImage) system_load_image;
- static typeof(systab->BootServices->StartImage) system_start_image;
- static typeof(systab->BootServices->Exit) system_exit;
- static typeof(systab->BootServices->ExitBootServices) system_exit_boot_services;
-+static EFI_HANDLE last_loaded_image;
- void
- unhook_system_services(void)
- {
- 	systab->BootServices->Exit = system_exit;
-+	systab->BootServices->LoadImage = system_load_image;
- 	systab->BootServices->StartImage = system_start_image;
- 	systab->BootServices->ExitBootServices = system_exit_boot_services;
- }
-+load_image(BOOLEAN BootPolicy, EFI_HANDLE ParentImageHandle,
-+	EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DevicePath, VOID *SourceBuffer,
-+	UINTN SourceSize, EFI_HANDLE *ImageHandle)
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
-+	unhook_system_services();
-+	status = systab->BootServices->LoadImage(BootPolicy,
-+			ParentImageHandle, DevicePath,
-+			SourceBuffer, SourceSize, ImageHandle);
-+	hook_system_services(systab);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(status))
-+		last_loaded_image = NULL;
-+	else
-+		last_loaded_image = *ImageHandle;
-+	return status;
- start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, UINTN *exit_data_size, CHAR16 **exit_data)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS status;
- 	unhook_system_services();
-+	/* We have to uninstall shim's protocol here, because if we're
-+	 * On the fallback.efi path, then our call pathway is:
-+	 *
-+	 * shim->fallback->shim->grub
-+	 * ^               ^      ^
-+	 * |               |      \- gets protocol #0
-+	 * |               \- installs its protocol (#1)
-+	 * \- installs its protocol (#0)
-+	 * and if we haven't removed this, then grub will get the *first*
-+	 * shim's protocol, but it'll get the second shim's systab
-+	 * replacements.  So even though it will participate and verify
-+	 * the kernel, the systab never finds out.
-+	 */
-+	if (image_handle == last_loaded_image) {
-+		loader_is_participating = 1;
-+		uninstall_shim_protocols();
-+	}
- 	status = systab->BootServices->StartImage(image_handle, exit_data_size, exit_data);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(status))
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(status)) {
-+		if (image_handle == last_loaded_image) {
-+			EFI_STATUS status2 = install_shim_protocols();
-+			if (EFI_ERROR(status2)) {
-+				Print(L"Something has gone seriously wrong: %d\n",
-+					status2);
-+				Print(L"shim cannot continue, sorry.\n");
-+				systab->BootServices->Stall(5000000);
-+				systab->RuntimeServices->ResetSystem(
-+					EfiResetShutdown,
-+			}
-+		}
- 		hook_system_services(systab);
-+		loader_is_participating = 0;
-+	}
- 	return status;
- }
-@@ -123,6 +179,16 @@ hook_system_services(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *local_systab)
- 	/* We need to hook various calls to make this work... */
-+	/* We need LoadImage() hooked so that fallback.c can load shim
-+	 * without having to fake LoadImage as well.  This allows it
-+	 * to call the system LoadImage(), and have us track the output
-+	 * and mark loader_is_participating in start_image.  This means
-+	 * anything added by fallback has to be verified by the system db,
-+	 * which we want to preserve anyway, since that's all launching
-+	 * through BDS gives us. */
-+	system_load_image = systab->BootServices->LoadImage;
-+	systab->BootServices->LoadImage = load_image;
- 	/* we need StartImage() so that we can allow chain booting to an
- 	 * image trusted by the firmware */
- 	system_start_image = systab->BootServices->StartImage;
-diff --git a/replacements.h b/replacements.h
-index 5b57bc2..bd09424 100644
---- a/replacements.h
-+++ b/replacements.h
-@@ -41,4 +41,7 @@ extern int loader_is_participating;
- extern void hook_system_services(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *local_systab);
- extern void unhook_system_services(void);
-+extern EFI_STATUS install_shim_protocols(void);
-+extern void uninstall_shim_protocols(void);
- #endif /* SHIM_REPLACEMENTS_H */
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index cf93d65..0e18d38 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1707,11 +1707,56 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
--EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
-+static SHIM_LOCK shim_lock_interface;
-+static EFI_HANDLE shim_lock_handle;
-+	EFI_GUID shim_lock_guid = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
-+	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
-+	/*
-+	 * Install the protocol
-+	 */
-+	efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->InstallProtocolInterface, 4,
-+			  &shim_lock_handle, &shim_lock_guid,
-+			  EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &shim_lock_interface);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
-+		console_error(L"Could not install security protocol",
-+			      efi_status);
-+		return efi_status;
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * Install the security protocol hook
-+	 */
-+	security_policy_install(shim_verify);
-+	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- {
- 	EFI_GUID shim_lock_guid = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
--	static SHIM_LOCK shim_lock_interface;
--	EFI_HANDLE handle = NULL;
-+	/*
-+	 * Clean up the security protocol hook
-+	 */
-+	security_policy_uninstall();
-+	/*
-+	 * If we're back here then clean everything up before exiting
-+	 */
-+	uefi_call_wrapper(BS->UninstallProtocolInterface, 3, shim_lock_handle,
-+			  &shim_lock_guid, &shim_lock_interface);
-+EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	verification_method = VERIFIED_BY_NOTHING;
-@@ -1768,24 +1813,9 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 		}
- 	}
--	/*
--	 * Install the protocol
--	 */
--	efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->InstallProtocolInterface, 4,
--			  &handle, &shim_lock_guid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE,
--			  &shim_lock_interface);
--	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status)) {
--		console_error(L"Could not install security protocol",
--			      efi_status);
-+	efi_status = install_shim_protocols();
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(efi_status))
- 		return efi_status;
--	}
--	/*
--	 * Install the security protocol hook
--	 */
--	security_policy_install(shim_verify);
- 	/*
- 	 * Enter MokManager if necessary
-@@ -1810,20 +1840,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	efi_status = init_grub(image_handle);
--	/*
--	 * Clean up the security protocol hook
--	 */
--	security_policy_uninstall();
--	/*
--	 * If we're back here then clean everything up before exiting
--	 */
--	uefi_call_wrapper(BS->UninstallProtocolInterface, 3, handle,
--			  &shim_lock_guid, &shim_lock_interface);
-+	uninstall_shim_protocols();
- 	/*
- 	 * Remove our hooks from system services.
- 	 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0023-additional-bounds-checking-on-section-sizes.patch b/SOURCES/0023-additional-bounds-checking-on-section-sizes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index da3bb7d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0023-additional-bounds-checking-on-section-sizes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-From 5495694c043de510aaf8ff5dcbe17b6547794083 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Kees Cook <kees@outflux.net>
-Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 15:52:48 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 23/74] additional bounds-checking on section sizes
-This adds additional bounds-checking on the section sizes. Also adds
--Wsign-compare to the Makefile and replaces some signed variables with
-unsigned counteparts for robustness.
-Signed-off-by: Kees Cook <kees@ubuntu.com>
- Makefile        |  3 ++-
- MokManager.c    |  6 ++---
- PasswordCrypt.c |  4 +--
- fallback.c      |  4 +--
- shim.c          | 83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
- 5 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index e65d28d..46e5ef9 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ EFI_LDS		= elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- DEFAULT_LOADER	:= \\\\grub.efi
- CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
--		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -Werror -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
-+		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -Wsign-compare -Werror \
-+		  -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
- 		  -mno-mmx -mno-sse -fno-builtin \
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index f5ed379..3da61f4 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS list_keys (void *KeyList, UINTN KeyListSize, CHAR16 *title)
- 	MokListNode *keys = NULL;
- 	INTN key_num = 0;
- 	CHAR16 **menu_strings;
--	int i;
-+	unsigned int i;
- 	if (KeyListSize < (sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) +
- 			   sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA))) {
-@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS list_keys (void *KeyList, UINTN KeyListSize, CHAR16 *title)
- static UINT8 get_line (UINT32 *length, CHAR16 *line, UINT32 line_max, UINT8 show)
- {
--	int count = 0;
-+	unsigned int count = 0;
- 	do {
- 		key = console_get_keystroke();
-@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS match_password (PASSWORD_CRYPT *pw_crypt,
- 	CHAR16 password[PASSWORD_MAX];
- 	UINT32 pw_length;
- 	UINT8 fail_count = 0;
--	int i;
-+	unsigned int i;
- 	if (pw_crypt) {
- 		auth_hash = pw_crypt->hash;
-diff --git a/PasswordCrypt.c b/PasswordCrypt.c
-index 8d72a82..e0a82cf 100644
---- a/PasswordCrypt.c
-+++ b/PasswordCrypt.c
-@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS sha256_crypt (const char *key,  UINT32 key_len,
- 	CopyMem(cp, tmp_result, cnt);
- 	SHA256_Init(&alt_ctx);
--	for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)
-+	for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16ul + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)
- 		SHA256_Update(&alt_ctx, salt, salt_size);
- 	SHA256_Final(tmp_result, &alt_ctx);
-@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS sha512_crypt (const char *key,  UINT32 key_len,
- 	CopyMem(cp, tmp_result, cnt);
- 	SHA512_Init(&alt_ctx);
--	for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)
-+	for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16ul + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)
- 		SHA512_Update(&alt_ctx, salt, salt_size);
- 	SHA512_Final(tmp_result, &alt_ctx);
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index 44638ec..bc9a3c9 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ EFI_STATUS
- find_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label,
- 		CHAR16 *arguments, UINT16 *optnum)
- {
--	int size = sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof (UINT16) +
-+	unsigned int size = sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof (UINT16) +
- 		StrLen(label)*2 + 2 + DevicePathSize(dp) +
- 		StrLen(arguments) * 2 + 2;
-@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ try_start_first_option(EFI_HANDLE parent_image_handle)
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
- 		CHAR16 *dps = DevicePathToStr(first_new_option);
- 		UINTN s = DevicePathSize(first_new_option);
--		int i;
-+		unsigned int i;
- 		UINT8 *dpv = (void *)first_new_option;
- 		Print(L"LoadImage failed: %d\nDevice path: \"%s\"\n", rc, dps);
- 		for (i = 0; i < s; i++) {
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 0e18d38..8c583a4 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ typedef struct {
- /*
-  * Perform basic bounds checking of the intra-image pointers
-  */
--static void *ImageAddress (void *image, int size, unsigned int address)
-+static void *ImageAddress (void *image, unsigned int size, unsigned int address)
- {
- 	if (address > size)
- 		return NULL;
-@@ -494,18 +494,19 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
-  * Calculate the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes of a binary
-  */
--static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
-+static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 				 UINT8 *sha256hash, UINT8 *sha1hash)
- {
- 	unsigned int sha256ctxsize, sha1ctxsize;
--	unsigned int size = datasize;
-+	unsigned int size = datasize_in;
- 	void *sha256ctx = NULL, *sha1ctx = NULL;
- 	char *hashbase;
- 	unsigned int hashsize;
- 	unsigned int SumOfBytesHashed, SumOfSectionBytes;
- 	unsigned int index, pos;
-+	unsigned int datasize;
-@@ -517,6 +518,12 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 	sha1ctxsize = Sha1GetContextSize();
- 	sha1ctx = AllocatePool(sha1ctxsize);
-+	if (datasize_in < 0) {
-+		Print(L"Invalid data size\n");
-+	}
-+	size = datasize = (unsigned int)datasize_in;
- 	if (!sha256ctx || !sha1ctx) {
- 		Print(L"Unable to allocate memory for hash context\n");
-@@ -577,22 +584,29 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 	SumOfBytesHashed = context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
- #endif
--		(char *)context->PEHdr + sizeof (UINT32) +
--		sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
--		context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader
--		);
--	SectionCache = Section;
-+	/* Validate section locations and sizes */
- 	for (index = 0, SumOfSectionBytes = 0; index < context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; index++, SectionCache++) {
--		SumOfSectionBytes += SectionCache->SizeOfRawData;
--	}
--	if (SumOfSectionBytes >= datasize) {
--		Print(L"Malformed binary: %x %x\n", SumOfSectionBytes, size);
--		goto done;
-+		/* Validate SectionPtr is within image */
-+		SectionPtr = ImageAddress(data, datasize,
-+			sizeof (UINT32) +
-+			sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
-+			context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader +
-+			(index * sizeof(*SectionPtr)));
-+		if (!SectionPtr) {
-+			Print(L"Malformed section %d\n", index);
-+			goto done;
-+		}
-+		/* Validate section size is within image. */
-+		if (SectionPtr->SizeOfRawData >
-+		    datasize - SumOfBytesHashed - SumOfSectionBytes) {
-+			Print(L"Malformed section %d size\n", index);
-+			goto done;
-+		}
-+		SumOfSectionBytes += SectionPtr->SizeOfRawData;
- 	}
- 	SectionHeader = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *) AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) * context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
-@@ -602,6 +616,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-+	/* Already validated above */
-+	Section = ImageAddress(data, datasize, sizeof (UINT32) +
-+		sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
-+		context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
- 	/* Sort the section headers */
- 	for (index = 0; index < context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; index++) {
- 		pos = index;
-@@ -620,7 +639,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 			continue;
- 		}
- 		hashbase  = ImageAddress(data, size, Section->PointerToRawData);
--		hashsize  = (unsigned int) Section->SizeOfRawData;
- 		if (!hashbase) {
- 			Print(L"Malformed section header\n");
-@@ -628,6 +646,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 			goto done;
- 		}
-+		/* Verify hashsize within image. */
-+		if (Section->SizeOfRawData >
-+		    datasize - Section->PointerToRawData) {
-+			Print(L"Malformed section raw size %d\n", index);
-+			goto done;
-+		}
-+		hashsize  = (unsigned int) Section->SizeOfRawData;
- 		if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 		    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
- 			Print(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
-@@ -638,10 +665,10 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize,
- 	}
- 	/* Hash all remaining data */
--	if (size > SumOfBytesHashed) {
-+	if (datasize > SumOfBytesHashed) {
- 		hashbase = data + SumOfBytesHashed;
- 		hashsize = (unsigned int)(
--			size -
-+			datasize -
- #if __LP64__
- 			context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY].Size -
- #else
-@@ -884,7 +911,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	}
--	if (((UINT8 *)context->SecDir - (UINT8 *)data) > (datasize - sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY))) {
-+	if ((unsigned long)((UINT8 *)context->SecDir - (UINT8 *)data) >
-+	    (datasize - sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY))) {
- 		Print(L"Invalid image\n");
- 	}
-@@ -904,7 +932,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	char *buffer;
--	int i, size;
-+	int i;
-+	unsigned int size;
- 	char *base, *end;
-@@ -1081,7 +1110,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *ImagePath,
- {
- 	EFI_DEVICE_PATH *devpath;
- 	EFI_HANDLE device;
--	int i, j, last = -1;
-+	unsigned int i;
-+	int j, last = -1;
- 	unsigned int pathlen = 0;
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	CHAR16 *bootpath;
-@@ -1637,9 +1667,10 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	EFI_STATUS status;
- 	CHAR16 *start = NULL, *c;
--	int i, remaining_size = 0;
-+	unsigned int i;
-+	int remaining_size = 0;
- 	CHAR16 *loader_str = NULL;
--	int loader_len = 0;
-+	unsigned int loader_len = 0;
- 	second_stage = DEFAULT_LOADER;
- 	load_options = NULL;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0024-Kees-patch-missed-the-offset-adjustment-to-PEHdr.patch b/SOURCES/0024-Kees-patch-missed-the-offset-adjustment-to-PEHdr.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b6f1c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0024-Kees-patch-missed-the-offset-adjustment-to-PEHdr.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-From a876037a0d4b91638fcb6274bd7a976f8318a7e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:05:24 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 24/74] Kees' patch missed the offset adjustment to PEHdr.
-In read_header, we adjust context->PEHdr's address by doshdr->e_lfanew.
-If we're going to recompute that address, we have to adjust it here
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 26 +++++++++++++++++++-------
- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 8c583a4..d06bd02 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -511,12 +511,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
--	sha256ctxsize = Sha256GetContextSize();
--	sha256ctx = AllocatePool(sha256ctxsize);
--	sha1ctxsize = Sha1GetContextSize();
--	sha1ctx = AllocatePool(sha1ctxsize);
-+	EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr = (void *)data;
-+	unsigned int PEHdr_offset = 0;
- 	if (datasize_in < 0) {
- 		Print(L"Invalid data size\n");
-@@ -524,6 +520,19 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	}
- 	size = datasize = (unsigned int)datasize_in;
-+	if (datasize <= sizeof (*DosHdr) ||
-+	    DosHdr->e_magic != EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
-+		Print(L"Invalid signature\n");
-+	}
-+	PEHdr_offset = DosHdr->e_lfanew;
-+	sha256ctxsize = Sha256GetContextSize();
-+	sha256ctx = AllocatePool(sha256ctxsize);
-+	sha1ctxsize = Sha1GetContextSize();
-+	sha1ctx = AllocatePool(sha1ctxsize);
- 	if (!sha256ctx || !sha1ctx) {
- 		Print(L"Unable to allocate memory for hash context\n");
-@@ -590,6 +599,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 		/* Validate SectionPtr is within image */
- 		SectionPtr = ImageAddress(data, datasize,
-+			PEHdr_offset +
- 			sizeof (UINT32) +
- 			sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
- 			context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader +
-@@ -617,7 +627,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	}
- 	/* Already validated above */
--	Section = ImageAddress(data, datasize, sizeof (UINT32) +
-+	Section = ImageAddress(data, datasize,
-+		PEHdr_offset +
-+		sizeof (UINT32) +
- 		sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
- 		context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0025-Get-rid-of-SectionCache-in-generate_hash-it-is-unuse.patch b/SOURCES/0025-Get-rid-of-SectionCache-in-generate_hash-it-is-unuse.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eb7e4df..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0025-Get-rid-of-SectionCache-in-generate_hash-it-is-unuse.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From 5103c3b368e04dd1eab1202b87363c7e6ba8f927 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:07:45 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 25/74] Get rid of SectionCache in generate_hash(), it is
- unused.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 3 +--
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index d06bd02..48a6f2f 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -509,7 +509,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	unsigned int datasize;
- 	EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr = (void *)data;
- 	unsigned int PEHdr_offset = 0;
-@@ -594,7 +593,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- #endif
- 	/* Validate section locations and sizes */
--	for (index = 0, SumOfSectionBytes = 0; index < context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; index++, SectionCache++) {
-+	for (index = 0, SumOfSectionBytes = 0; index < context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; index++) {
- 		/* Validate SectionPtr is within image */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0026-fallback-Avoid-duplicate-old-BootOrder.patch b/SOURCES/0026-fallback-Avoid-duplicate-old-BootOrder.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3992ae1..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0026-fallback-Avoid-duplicate-old-BootOrder.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-From 382a0b66e6c06ccf6775e3c05d5f9ce5f0eab5db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 11:58:36 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 26/74] [fallback] Avoid duplicate old BootOrder
-set_boot_order() already copies the old BootOrder to the variable,
-bootorder. Besides, we can adjust BootOrder when adding the newly
-generated boot option. So, we don't have to copy the old one again
-in update_boot_order(). This avoid the duplicate entries in BootOrder.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- fallback.c | 37 ++++++++++++-------------------------
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index bc9a3c9..4bde9c1 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ add_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *hddp, EFI_DEVICE_PATH *fulldp,
- 				return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 			int j = 0;
-+			newbootorder[0] = i & 0xffff;
- 			if (nbootorder) {
- 				for (j = 0; j < nbootorder; j++)
--					newbootorder[j] = bootorder[j];
-+					newbootorder[j+1] = bootorder[j];
- 				FreePool(bootorder);
- 			}
--			newbootorder[j] = i & 0xffff;
- 			bootorder = newbootorder;
- 			nbootorder += 1;
-@@ -307,28 +307,17 @@ set_boot_order(void)
- update_boot_order(void)
- {
--	CHAR16 *oldbootorder;
- 	UINTN size;
-+	UINTN len = 0;
- 	CHAR16 *newbootorder = NULL;
--	oldbootorder = LibGetVariableAndSize(L"BootOrder", &global, &size);
--	if (oldbootorder) {
--		int n = size / sizeof (CHAR16) + nbootorder;
--		newbootorder = AllocateZeroPool(n * sizeof (CHAR16));
--		if (!newbootorder)
--		CopyMem(newbootorder, bootorder, nbootorder * sizeof (CHAR16));
--		CopyMem(newbootorder + nbootorder, oldbootorder, size);
--		size = n * sizeof (CHAR16);
--	} else {
--		size = nbootorder * sizeof(CHAR16);
--		newbootorder = AllocateZeroPool(size);
--		if (!newbootorder)
--		CopyMem(newbootorder, bootorder, size);
--	}
-+	size = nbootorder * sizeof(CHAR16);
-+	newbootorder = AllocateZeroPool(size);
-+	if (!newbootorder)
-+	CopyMem(newbootorder, bootorder, size);
- 	Print(L"nbootorder: %d\nBootOrder: ", size / sizeof (CHAR16));
-@@ -337,13 +326,11 @@ update_boot_order(void)
- 		Print(L"%04x ", newbootorder[j]);
- 	Print(L"\n");
- #endif
--	if (oldbootorder) {
-+	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"BootOrder", &global,
-+			       NULL, &len, NULL);
-+	if (rc == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
- 		LibDeleteVariable(L"BootOrder", &global);
--		FreePool(oldbootorder);
--	}
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5, L"BootOrder", &global,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0027-fallback-Fix-the-data-size-for-boot-option-compariso.patch b/SOURCES/0027-fallback-Fix-the-data-size-for-boot-option-compariso.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f644711..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0027-fallback-Fix-the-data-size-for-boot-option-compariso.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From 4aac8a1179e160397d7ef8f1e3232cfb4f3373d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 10:57:02 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 27/74] [fallback] Fix the data size for boot option comparison
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- fallback.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index 4bde9c1..7f242e1 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ find_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label,
- {
- 	unsigned int size = sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof (UINT16) +
- 		StrLen(label)*2 + 2 + DevicePathSize(dp) +
--		StrLen(arguments) * 2 + 2;
-+		StrLen(arguments) * 2;
- 	CHAR8 *data = AllocateZeroPool(size);
- 	if (!data)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0028-fallback-Try-to-boot-the-first-boot-option-anyway.patch b/SOURCES/0028-fallback-Try-to-boot-the-first-boot-option-anyway.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 82d5d29..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0028-fallback-Try-to-boot-the-first-boot-option-anyway.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-From 0ba09477afac58ef2eadc7311440e695e6250029 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 18:14:09 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 28/74] [fallback] Try to boot the first boot option anyway
-Some UEFI implementations never care the boot options, so the
-restored boot options could be just ignored and this results in
-endless reboot. To avoid this situation, this commit makes
-fallback.efi to load the first matched boot option even if there
-is no boot option to be restored. It may not be perfect, but at
-least the bootloader is loaded...
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- fallback.c | 13 ++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/fallback.c b/fallback.c
-index 7f242e1..d10fb62 100644
---- a/fallback.c
-+++ b/fallback.c
-@@ -226,8 +226,9 @@ add_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *hddp, EFI_DEVICE_PATH *fulldp,
- }
--find_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label,
--		CHAR16 *arguments, UINT16 *optnum)
-+find_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, EFI_DEVICE_PATH *fulldp,
-+                 CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label, CHAR16 *arguments,
-+                 UINT16 *optnum)
- {
- 	unsigned int size = sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof (UINT16) +
- 		StrLen(label)*2 + 2 + DevicePathSize(dp) +
-@@ -278,6 +279,12 @@ find_boot_option(EFI_DEVICE_PATH *dp, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *label,
- 			continue;
- 		/* at this point, we have duplicate data. */
-+		if (!first_new_option) {
-+			first_new_option = DuplicateDevicePath(fulldp);
-+			first_new_option_args = arguments;
-+			first_new_option_size = StrLen(arguments) * sizeof (CHAR16);
-+		}
- 		*optnum = i;
- 		FreePool(candidate);
- 		FreePool(data);
-@@ -403,7 +410,7 @@ add_to_boot_list(EFI_FILE_HANDLE fh, CHAR16 *dirname, CHAR16 *filename, CHAR16 *
- #endif
- 	UINT16 option;
--	rc = find_boot_option(dp, fullpath, label, arguments, &option);
-+	rc = find_boot_option(dp, full_device_path, fullpath, label, arguments, &option);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
- 		add_boot_option(dp, full_device_path, fullpath, label, arguments);
- 	} else if (option != 0) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0029-Fetch-the-netboot-image-from-the-same-device.patch b/SOURCES/0029-Fetch-the-netboot-image-from-the-same-device.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b94ed1..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0029-Fetch-the-netboot-image-from-the-same-device.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-From f500a8742c19be604d33907b56ab9597fe448b65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 14:12:32 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 29/74] Fetch the netboot image from the same device
-The previous strategy is to locate the first available PXE_BASE_CODE
-protocol and to fetch the second stage image from it, and this may
-cause shim to fetch the wrong second stage image, i.e. grub.efi.
-Consider the machine with the following boot order:
-1. PXE Boot
-2. Hard Drive
-Assume that the EFI image, e.g. bootx64.efi, in the PXE server is
-broken, then "PXE Boot" will fail and fallback to "Hard Drive". While
-shim.efi in "Hard Drive" is loaded, it will find the PXE protocol is
-available and fetch grub.efi from the PXE server, not grub.efi in the
-This commit checks the DeviceHandle from Loaded Image. If the device
-supports PXE, then shim fetches grub.efi with the PXE protocol. Otherwise,
-shim loads grub.efi from the disk.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- netboot.c | 77 +++++++++++++--------------------------------------------------
- shim.c    |  2 +-
- 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-index 07e2773..5ef53f7 100644
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -85,78 +85,33 @@ translate_slashes(char *str)
-  * Returns TRUE if we identify a protocol that is enabled and Providing us with
-  * the needed information to fetch a grubx64.efi image
-  */
--BOOLEAN findNetboot(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
-+BOOLEAN findNetboot(EFI_HANDLE device)
- {
--	UINTN bs = sizeof(EFI_HANDLE);
--	EFI_GUID pxe_base_code_protocol = EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_PROTOCOL;
--	EFI_HANDLE *hbuf;
--	void *buffer = AllocatePool(bs);
--	UINTN errcnt = 0;
--	UINTN i;
- 	EFI_STATUS status;
--	if (!buffer)
-+	status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, device,
-+				   &PxeBaseCodeProtocol, (VOID **)&pxe);
-+	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-+		pxe = NULL;
- 		return FALSE;
--	status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->LocateHandle,5, ByProtocol, 
--				   &pxe_base_code_protocol, NULL, &bs,
--				   buffer);
--	if (status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
--		errcnt++;
--		FreePool(buffer);
--		if (errcnt > 1)
--			return FALSE;
--		buffer = AllocatePool(bs);
--		if (!buffer)
--			return FALSE;
--		goto try_again;
- 	}
--	if (status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
--		FreePool(buffer);
-+	if (!pxe || !pxe->Mode) {
-+		pxe = NULL;
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
--	/*
-- 	 * We have a list of pxe supporting protocols, lets see if any are
-- 	 * active
-- 	 */
--	hbuf = buffer;
--	pxe = NULL;
--	for (i=0; i < (bs / sizeof(EFI_HANDLE)); i++) {
--		status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->OpenProtocol, 6, hbuf[i],
--					   &pxe_base_code_protocol,
--					   (void **)&pxe, image_handle, NULL,
--		if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			pxe = NULL;
--			continue;
--		}
--		if (!pxe || !pxe->Mode) {
--			pxe = NULL;
--			continue;
--		}
--		if (pxe->Mode->Started && pxe->Mode->DhcpAckReceived) {
--			/*
-- 			 * We've located a pxe protocol handle thats been 
-- 			 * started and has received an ACK, meaning its
-- 			 * something we'll be able to get tftp server info
-- 			 * out of
-- 			 */
--			rc = TRUE;
--			break;
--		}
-+	if (!pxe->Mode->Started || !pxe->Mode->DhcpAckReceived) {
-+		pxe = NULL;
-+		return FALSE;
- 	}
--	FreePool(buffer);
--	return rc;
-+	/*
-+	 * We've located a pxe protocol handle thats been started and has
-+	 * received an ACK, meaning its something we'll be able to get
-+	 * tftp server info out of
-+	 */
-+	return TRUE;
- }
- static CHAR8 *get_v6_bootfile_url(EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_DHCPV6_PACKET *pkt)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 48a6f2f..d8699f9 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 		goto done;
- 	}
--	if (findNetboot(image_handle)) {
-+	if (findNetboot(li->DeviceHandle)) {
- 		efi_status = parseNetbootinfo(image_handle);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- 			Print(L"Netboot parsing failed: %r\n", efi_status);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0030-Check-the-first-4-bytes-of-the-certificate.patch b/SOURCES/0030-Check-the-first-4-bytes-of-the-certificate.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fa702a..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0030-Check-the-first-4-bytes-of-the-certificate.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-From 5f18e2e3643524c6b6b38c44c6ce4eabdcfd59d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:42:00 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 30/74] Check the first 4 bytes of the certificate
-A non-DER encoding x509 certificate may be mistakenly enrolled into
-db or MokList. This commit checks the first 4 bytes of the certificate
-to ensure that it's DER encoding.
-This commit also removes the iteration of the x509 signature list.
-Per UEFI SPEC, each x509 signature list contains only one x509 certificate.
-Besides, the size of certificate is incorrect. The size of the header must
-be substracted from the signature size.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- MokManager.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++--
- shim.c       | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
- 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 3da61f4..c9fbbac 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -1306,11 +1306,30 @@ static INTN mok_pw_prompt (void *MokPW, UINTN MokPWSize) {
- 	return -1;
- }
--static BOOLEAN verify_certificate(void *cert, UINTN size)
-+static BOOLEAN verify_certificate(UINT8 *cert, UINTN size)
- {
- 	X509 *X509Cert;
--	if (!cert || size == 0)
-+	UINTN length;
-+	if (!cert || size < 0)
-+		return FALSE;
-+	/*
-+	 * A DER encoding x509 certificate starts with SEQUENCE(0x30),
-+	 * the number of length bytes, and the number of value bytes.
-+	 * The size of a x509 certificate is usually between 127 bytes
-+	 * and 64KB. For convenience, assume the number of value bytes
-+	 * is 2, i.e. the second byte is 0x82.
-+	 */
-+	if (cert[0] != 0x30 || cert[1] != 0x82) {
-+		console_notify(L"Not a DER encoding X509 certificate");
- 		return FALSE;
-+	}
-+	length = (cert[2]<<8 | cert[3]);
-+	if (length != (size - 4)) {
-+		console_notify(L"Invalid X509 certificate: Inconsistent size");
-+		return FALSE;
-+	}
- 	if (!(X509ConstructCertificate(cert, size, (UINT8 **) &X509Cert)) ||
- 	    X509Cert == NULL) {
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index d8699f9..cd26ce6 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -226,44 +226,61 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
-+static BOOLEAN verify_x509(UINT8 *Cert, UINTN CertSize)
-+	UINTN length;
-+	if (!Cert || CertSize < 4)
-+		return FALSE;
-+	/*
-+	 * A DER encoding x509 certificate starts with SEQUENCE(0x30),
-+	 * the number of length bytes, and the number of value bytes.
-+	 * The size of a x509 certificate is usually between 127 bytes
-+	 * and 64KB. For convenience, assume the number of value bytes
-+	 * is 2, i.e. the second byte is 0x82.
-+	 */
-+	if (Cert[0] != 0x30 || Cert[1] != 0x82)
-+		return FALSE;
-+	length = Cert[2]<<8 | Cert[3];
-+	if (length != (CertSize - 4))
-+		return FALSE;
-+	return TRUE;
- static CHECK_STATUS check_db_cert_in_ram(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *CertList,
- 					 UINTN dbsize,
- 					 UINT8 *hash)
- {
--	UINTN CertCount, Index;
-+	UINTN CertSize;
- 	EFI_GUID CertType = X509_GUID;
- 	while ((dbsize > 0) && (dbsize >= CertList->SignatureListSize)) {
- 		if (CompareGuid (&CertList->SignatureType, &CertType) == 0) {
--			CertCount = (CertList->SignatureListSize - sizeof (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) - CertList->SignatureHeaderSize) / CertList->SignatureSize;
- 			Cert = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *) ((UINT8 *) CertList + sizeof (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + CertList->SignatureHeaderSize);
--			for (Index = 0; Index < CertCount; Index++) {
-+			CertSize = CertList->SignatureSize - sizeof(EFI_GUID);
-+			if (verify_x509(Cert->SignatureData, CertSize)) {
- 				IsFound = AuthenticodeVerify (data->CertData,
- 							      data->Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(data->Hdr),
- 							      Cert->SignatureData,
--							      CertList->SignatureSize,
-+							      CertSize,
- 							      hash, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
- 				if (IsFound)
--					break;
--				Cert = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *) ((UINT8 *) Cert + CertList->SignatureSize);
-+					return DATA_FOUND;
-+			} else if (verbose) {
-+				console_notify(L"Not a DER encoding x.509 Certificate");
- 			}
- 		}
--		if (IsFound)
--			break;
- 		dbsize -= CertList->SignatureListSize;
- 		CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *) ((UINT8 *) CertList + CertList->SignatureListSize);
- 	}
--	if (IsFound)
--		return DATA_FOUND;
- 	return DATA_NOT_FOUND;
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0031-Remove-grubpath-in-generate_path.patch b/SOURCES/0031-Remove-grubpath-in-generate_path.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0dfba..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0031-Remove-grubpath-in-generate_path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-From 78aaad3003d53a14a009176ad5816937e18fa33f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 16:49:10 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 31/74] Remove grubpath in generate_path()
-The variable is not used anymore.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- shim.c | 9 ++-------
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index cd26ce6..eb8542a 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1134,17 +1134,15 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
-  * of the executable
-  */
- static EFI_STATUS generate_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *ImagePath,
--				EFI_DEVICE_PATH **grubpath, CHAR16 **PathName)
-+				CHAR16 **PathName)
- {
- 	EFI_DEVICE_PATH *devpath;
--	EFI_HANDLE device;
- 	unsigned int i;
- 	int j, last = -1;
- 	unsigned int pathlen = 0;
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status = EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	CHAR16 *bootpath;
--	device = li->DeviceHandle;
- 	devpath = li->FilePath;
- 	bootpath = DevicePathToStr(devpath);
-@@ -1197,8 +1195,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *ImagePath,
- 		StrCat(*PathName, bootpath);
- 	StrCat(*PathName, ImagePath);
--	*grubpath = FileDevicePath(device, *PathName);
- error:
- 	FreePool(bootpath);
-@@ -1361,7 +1357,6 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	EFI_GUID loaded_image_protocol = LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL;
- 	EFI_STATUS efi_status;
- 	EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, li_bak;
- 	CHAR16 *PathName = NULL;
- 	void *sourcebuffer = NULL;
- 	UINT64 sourcesize = 0;
-@@ -1383,7 +1378,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	/*
- 	 * Build a new path from the existing one plus the executable name
- 	 */
--	efi_status = generate_path(li, ImagePath, &path, &PathName);
-+	efi_status = generate_path(li, ImagePath, &PathName);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- 		Print(L"Unable to generate path %s: %r\n", ImagePath, efi_status);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0032-MokManager-delete-the-BS-NV-variables-the-right-way.patch b/SOURCES/0032-MokManager-delete-the-BS-NV-variables-the-right-way.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cc781c9..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0032-MokManager-delete-the-BS-NV-variables-the-right-way.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-From 53a8f8721c7e26717a47b668309e3ecb1f78a250 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 16:56:14 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 32/74] MokManager: delete the BS+NV variables the right way
-LibDeleteVariable assumes that the variable is RT+NV and it
-won't work on a BS+NV variable.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- MokManager.c | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index c9fbbac..0ab308f 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -1112,7 +1112,16 @@ static INTN mok_sb_prompt (void *MokSB, UINTN MokSBSize) {
- 			return -1;
- 		}
- 	} else {
--		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokSBState", &shim_lock_guid);
-+		efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable,
-+					       5, L"MokSBState",
-+					       &shim_lock_guid,
-+					       0, NULL);
-+		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-+			console_notify(L"Failed to delete Secure Boot state");
-+			return -1;
-+		}
- 	}
- 	console_notify(L"The system must now be rebooted");
-@@ -1224,7 +1233,16 @@ static INTN mok_db_prompt (void *MokDB, UINTN MokDBSize) {
- 			return -1;
- 		}
- 	} else {
--		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokDBState", &shim_lock_guid);
-+		efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5,
-+					       L"MokDBState",
-+					       &shim_lock_guid,
-+					       0, NULL);
-+		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-+			console_notify(L"Failed to delete DB state");
-+			return -1;
-+		}
- 	}
- 	console_notify(L"The system must now be rebooted");
-@@ -1261,7 +1279,11 @@ static INTN mok_pw_prompt (void *MokPW, UINTN MokPWSize) {
- 		if (console_yes_no((CHAR16 *[]){L"Clear MOK password?", NULL}) == 0)
- 			return 0;
--		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokPWStore", &shim_lock_guid);
-+		uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5, L"MokPWStore",
-+				  &shim_lock_guid,
-+				  0, NULL);
- 		LibDeleteVariable(L"MokPW", &shim_lock_guid);
- 		console_notify(L"The system must now be rebooted");
- 		uefi_call_wrapper(RT->ResetSystem, 4, EfiResetWarm, EFI_SUCCESS, 0,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0033-MokManager-handle-the-error-status-from-ReadKeyStrok.patch b/SOURCES/0033-MokManager-handle-the-error-status-from-ReadKeyStrok.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cc73929..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0033-MokManager-handle-the-error-status-from-ReadKeyStrok.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-From 22254e2633d58edd0176ccdfab9dd35171f89963 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 15:52:02 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 33/74] MokManager: handle the error status from ReadKeyStroke
-On some machines, even though the key event was signaled, ReadKeyStroke
-still got EFI_NOT_READY. This commit handles the error status to avoid
-console_get_keystroke from returning unexpected keys.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-	MokManager.c
- MokManager.c      | 17 +++++++++++++----
- include/console.h |  4 ++--
- lib/console.c     | 26 ++++++++++++++++++--------
- 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 0ab308f..50cb9d7 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -488,13 +488,19 @@ static EFI_STATUS list_keys (void *KeyList, UINTN KeyListSize, CHAR16 *title)
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
--static UINT8 get_line (UINT32 *length, CHAR16 *line, UINT32 line_max, UINT8 show)
-+static EFI_STATUS get_line (UINT32 *length, CHAR16 *line, UINT32 line_max, UINT8 show)
- {
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
- 	unsigned int count = 0;
- 	do {
--		key = console_get_keystroke();
-+		status = console_get_keystroke(&key);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR (status)) {
-+			console_error(L"Failed to read the keystroke", status);
-+			*length = 0;
-+			return status;
-+		}
- 		if ((count >= line_max &&
- 		     key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_BACKSPACE) ||
-@@ -525,7 +531,7 @@ static UINT8 get_line (UINT32 *length, CHAR16 *line, UINT32 line_max, UINT8 show
- 	*length = count;
--	return 1;
-+	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
- static EFI_STATUS compute_pw_hash (void *Data, UINTN DataSize, UINT8 *password,
-@@ -989,6 +995,7 @@ static INTN mok_deletion_prompt (void *MokDel, UINTN MokDelSize)
- static CHAR16 get_password_charater (CHAR16 *prompt)
- {
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
- 	CHAR16 *message[2];
- 	CHAR16 character;
- 	UINTN length;
-@@ -1003,7 +1010,9 @@ static CHAR16 get_password_charater (CHAR16 *prompt)
- 	message[1] = NULL;
- 	length = StrLen(message[0]);
- 	console_print_box_at(message, -1, -length-4, -5, length+4, 3, 0, 1);
--	get_line(&pw_length, &character, 1, 0);
-+	status = get_line(&pw_length, &character, 1, 0);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(status))
-+		character = 0;
- 	console_restore_mode(&SavedMode);
-diff --git a/include/console.h b/include/console.h
-index e6c2818..9c793ea 100644
---- a/include/console.h
-+++ b/include/console.h
-@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- #define _SHIM_LIB_CONSOLE_H 1
-+console_get_keystroke(EFI_INPUT_KEY *key);
- void
- console_print_box_at(CHAR16 *str_arr[], int highlight, int start_col, int start_row, int size_cols, int size_rows, int offset, int lines);
- void
-diff --git a/lib/console.c b/lib/console.c
-index 2fc8db3..41ed83a 100644
---- a/lib/console.c
-+++ b/lib/console.c
-@@ -40,16 +40,18 @@ SetMem16(CHAR16 *dst, UINT32 n, CHAR16 c)
- 	}
- }
-+console_get_keystroke(EFI_INPUT_KEY *key)
- {
- 	UINTN EventIndex;
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
--	uefi_call_wrapper(BS->WaitForEvent, 3, 1, &ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &EventIndex);
--	uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, &key);
-+	do {
-+		uefi_call_wrapper(BS->WaitForEvent, 3, 1, &ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &EventIndex);
-+		status = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, key);
-+	} while (status == EFI_NOT_READY);
--	return key;
-+	return status;
- }
- void
-@@ -162,6 +164,8 @@ console_print_box(CHAR16 *str_arr[], int highlight)
- {
- 	CopyMem(&SavedConsoleMode, co->Mode, sizeof(SavedConsoleMode));
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->EnableCursor, 2, co, FALSE);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->SetAttribute, 2, co, EFI_LIGHTGRAY | EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE);
-@@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ console_print_box(CHAR16 *str_arr[], int highlight)
- 	console_print_box_at(str_arr, highlight, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0,
- 			     count_lines(str_arr));
--	console_get_keystroke();
-+	console_get_keystroke(&key);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->EnableCursor, 2, co, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible);
-@@ -184,6 +188,7 @@ console_select(CHAR16 *title[], CHAR16* selectors[], int start)
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
- 	int selector;
- 	int selector_lines = count_lines(selectors);
- 	int selector_max_cols = 0;
-@@ -237,7 +242,12 @@ console_select(CHAR16 *title[], CHAR16* selectors[], int start)
- 			     size_cols, size_rows, 0, lines);
- 	do {
--		k = console_get_keystroke();
-+		status = console_get_keystroke(&k);
-+		if (EFI_ERROR (status)) {
-+			Print(L"Failed to read the keystroke: %r", status);
-+			selector = -1;
-+			break;
-+		}
- 		if (k.ScanCode == SCAN_ESC) {
- 			selector = -1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0034-Exclude-ca.crt-while-signing-EFI-images.patch b/SOURCES/0034-Exclude-ca.crt-while-signing-EFI-images.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c9da7..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0034-Exclude-ca.crt-while-signing-EFI-images.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From 09283f08f001305db5a3299b53acba85bf6c9876 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 17:51:55 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 34/74] Exclude ca.crt while signing EFI images
-If ca.crt was added into the certificate database, ca.crt would be the first
-certificate in the signature. Because shim couldn't verify ca.crt with the
-embedded shim.cer, it failed to load MokManager.efi.signed and
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- Makefile | 1 -
- 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 46e5ef9..df190a2 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ version.c : version.c.in
- certdb/secmod.db: shim.crt
- 	-mkdir certdb
--	certutil -A -n 'my CA' -d certdb/ -t CT,CT,CT -i ca.crt
- 	pk12util -d certdb/ -i shim.p12 -W "" -K ""
- 	certutil -d certdb/ -A -i shim.crt -n shim -t u
diff --git a/SOURCES/0035-No-newline-for-console_notify.patch b/SOURCES/0035-No-newline-for-console_notify.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a22e4b6..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0035-No-newline-for-console_notify.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-From dc8fc734b8d8c7720fd25ff8a35fc3f9ee384f3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:36:34 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 35/74] No newline for console_notify
-The newlines are for Print(), not console_notify().
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-	shim.c
- shim.c | 6 +++---
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index eb8542a..f9fa606 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	status = get_variable(L"SecureBoot", &Data, &len, global_var);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- 		if (verbose)
--			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled\n");
-+			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
- 	sb = *Data;
-@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	if (sb != 1) {
- 		if (verbose)
--			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled\n");
-+			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
-@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	if (setupmode == 1) {
- 		if (verbose)
--			console_notify(L"Platform is in setup mode\n");
-+			console_notify(L"Platform is in setup mode");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0036-Remove-the-duplicate-calls-in-lib-console.c.patch b/SOURCES/0036-Remove-the-duplicate-calls-in-lib-console.c.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a4ced..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0036-Remove-the-duplicate-calls-in-lib-console.c.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From 8bd7bad4b77bb99c3978d328ee54e64a53b4dcfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:55:17 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 36/74] Remove the duplicate calls in lib/console.c
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- lib/console.c | 4 ----
- 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/console.c b/lib/console.c
-index 41ed83a..83ee679 100644
---- a/lib/console.c
-+++ b/lib/console.c
-@@ -176,8 +176,6 @@ console_print_box(CHAR16 *str_arr[], int highlight)
- 	console_get_keystroke(&key);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->EnableCursor, 2, co, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible);
--	uefi_call_wrapper(co->EnableCursor, 2, co, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->SetCursorPosition, 3, co, SavedConsoleMode.CursorColumn, SavedConsoleMode.CursorRow);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->SetAttribute, 2, co, SavedConsoleMode.Attribute);
- }
-@@ -273,8 +271,6 @@ console_select(CHAR16 *title[], CHAR16* selectors[], int start)
- 		   && k.UnicodeChar == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN));
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->EnableCursor, 2, co, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible);
--	uefi_call_wrapper(co->EnableCursor, 2, co, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->SetCursorPosition, 3, co, SavedConsoleMode.CursorColumn, SavedConsoleMode.CursorRow);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(co->SetAttribute, 2, co, SavedConsoleMode.Attribute);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0037-Silence-the-functions-of-shim-protocol.patch b/SOURCES/0037-Silence-the-functions-of-shim-protocol.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 11bdd55..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0037-Silence-the-functions-of-shim-protocol.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-From 4bfb13d803f4d8efe544e0f2aa9cd712b8cb84b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 11:58:52 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 37/74] Silence the functions of shim protocol
-When grub2 invokes the functions of shim protocol in gfx mode,
-OutputString in shim could distort the screen.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-	shim.c
-(modified by pjones to include some newer Prints that weren't there when
-Gary did the initial work here.)
- shim.c | 192 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
- 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index f9fa606..69af766 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *entry_point) (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TAB
- static CHAR16 *second_stage;
- static void *load_options;
- static UINT32 load_options_size;
-+static UINT8 in_protocol;
-+#define perror(fmt, ...) ({						\
-+		UINTN __perror_ret = 0;					\
-+		if (in_protocol)					\
-+			__perror_ret = Print((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__);	\
-+		__perror_ret;						\
-+	})
- EFI_GUID SHIM_LOCK_GUID = { 0x605dab50, 0xe046, 0x4300, {0xab, 0xb6, 0x3d, 0xd8, 0x10, 0xdd, 0x8b, 0x23} };
-@@ -133,7 +141,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- #endif
- 	if (context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC) {
--		Print(L"Image has no relocation entry\n");
-+		perror(L"Image has no relocation entry\n");
- 	}
-@@ -141,7 +149,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(data, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress + context->RelocDir->Size - 1);
- 	if (!RelocBase || !RelocBaseEnd) {
--		Print(L"Reloc table overflows binary\n");
-+		perror(L"Reloc table overflows binary\n");
- 	}
-@@ -154,19 +162,19 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 		Reloc = (UINT16 *) ((char *) RelocBase + sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION));
- 		if ((RelocBase->SizeOfBlock == 0) || (RelocBase->SizeOfBlock > context->RelocDir->Size)) {
--			Print(L"Reloc block size is invalid\n");
-+			perror(L"Reloc block size is invalid\n");
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
- 		RelocEnd = (UINT16 *) ((char *) RelocBase + RelocBase->SizeOfBlock);
- 		if ((void *)RelocEnd < data || (void *)RelocEnd > ImageEnd) {
--			Print(L"Reloc entry overflows binary\n");
-+			perror(L"Reloc entry overflows binary\n");
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
- 		FixupBase = ImageAddress(data, size, RelocBase->VirtualAddress);
- 		if (!FixupBase) {
--			Print(L"Invalid fixupbase\n");
-+			perror(L"Invalid fixupbase\n");
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
-@@ -215,7 +223,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 				break;
- 			default:
--				Print(L"Unknown relocation\n");
-+				perror(L"Unknown relocation\n");
- 				return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 			}
- 			Reloc += 1;
-@@ -478,7 +486,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	status = get_variable(L"SecureBoot", &Data, &len, global_var);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		if (verbose)
-+		if (verbose && !in_protocol)
- 			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
-@@ -486,7 +494,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	FreePool(Data);
- 	if (sb != 1) {
--		if (verbose)
-+		if (verbose && !in_protocol)
- 			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
-@@ -499,7 +507,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	FreePool(Data);
- 	if (setupmode == 1) {
--		if (verbose)
-+		if (verbose && !in_protocol)
- 			console_notify(L"Platform is in setup mode");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
-@@ -531,14 +539,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	unsigned int PEHdr_offset = 0;
- 	if (datasize_in < 0) {
--		Print(L"Invalid data size\n");
-+		perror(L"Invalid data size\n");
- 	}
- 	size = datasize = (unsigned int)datasize_in;
- 	if (datasize <= sizeof (*DosHdr) ||
- 	    DosHdr->e_magic != EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
--		Print(L"Invalid signature\n");
-+		perror(L"Invalid signature\n");
- 	}
- 	PEHdr_offset = DosHdr->e_lfanew;
-@@ -550,12 +558,12 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	sha1ctx = AllocatePool(sha1ctxsize);
- 	if (!sha256ctx || !sha1ctx) {
--		Print(L"Unable to allocate memory for hash context\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to allocate memory for hash context\n");
- 	}
- 	if (!Sha256Init(sha256ctx) || !Sha1Init(sha1ctx)) {
--		Print(L"Unable to initialise hash\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to initialise hash\n");
- 		status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -567,7 +575,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
--		Print(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
- 		status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -579,7 +587,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
--		Print(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
- 		status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -597,7 +605,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
--		Print(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
- 		status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -621,14 +629,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 			context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader +
- 			(index * sizeof(*SectionPtr)));
- 		if (!SectionPtr) {
--			Print(L"Malformed section %d\n", index);
-+			perror(L"Malformed section %d\n", index);
- 			goto done;
- 		}
- 		/* Validate section size is within image. */
- 		if (SectionPtr->SizeOfRawData >
- 		    datasize - SumOfBytesHashed - SumOfSectionBytes) {
--			Print(L"Malformed section %d size\n", index);
-+			perror(L"Malformed section %d size\n", index);
- 			goto done;
- 		}
-@@ -637,7 +645,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	SectionHeader = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *) AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) * context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
- 	if (SectionHeader == NULL) {
--		Print(L"Unable to allocate section header\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to allocate section header\n");
- 		status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -669,7 +677,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 		hashbase  = ImageAddress(data, size, Section->PointerToRawData);
- 		if (!hashbase) {
--			Print(L"Malformed section header\n");
-+			perror(L"Malformed section header\n");
- 			goto done;
- 		}
-@@ -677,7 +685,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 		/* Verify hashsize within image. */
- 		if (Section->SizeOfRawData >
- 		    datasize - Section->PointerToRawData) {
--			Print(L"Malformed section raw size %d\n", index);
-+			perror(L"Malformed section raw size %d\n", index);
- 			goto done;
- 		}
-@@ -685,7 +693,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 		if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 		    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
--			Print(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
-+			perror(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
- 			status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 			goto done;
- 		}
-@@ -706,7 +714,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 		if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 		    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
--			Print(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
-+			perror(L"Unable to generate hash\n");
- 			status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 			goto done;
- 		}
-@@ -714,7 +722,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	if (!(Sha256Final(sha256ctx, sha256hash)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Final(sha1ctx, sha1hash))) {
--		Print(L"Unable to finalise hash\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to finalise hash\n");
- 		status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -744,9 +752,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_mok (void) {
- 				   shim_lock_guid, &attributes);
- 	if (!EFI_ERROR(status) && attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) {
--		Print(L"MokList is compromised!\nErase all keys in MokList!\n");
-+		perror(L"MokList is compromised!\nErase all keys in MokList!\n");
- 		if (LibDeleteVariable(L"MokList", &shim_lock_guid) != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to erase MokList\n");
-+			perror(L"Failed to erase MokList\n");
-                         return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -774,13 +782,13 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 				     context->SecDir->VirtualAddress);
- 		if (!cert) {
--			Print(L"Certificate located outside the image\n");
-+			perror(L"Certificate located outside the image\n");
- 		}
- 		if (cert->Hdr.wCertificateType !=
--			Print(L"Unsupported certificate type %x\n",
-+			perror(L"Unsupported certificate type %x\n",
- 				cert->Hdr.wCertificateType);
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
-@@ -804,7 +812,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 	status = check_blacklist(cert, sha256hash, sha1hash);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Binary is blacklisted\n");
-+		perror(L"Binary is blacklisted\n");
- 		return status;
- 	}
-@@ -857,7 +865,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	unsigned long HeaderWithoutDataDir, SectionHeaderOffset, OptHeaderSize;
- 	if (datasize < sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)) {
--		Print(L"Invalid image\n");
-+		perror(L"Invalid image\n");
- 	}
-@@ -877,7 +885,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	context->NumberOfSections = PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
- 	if (EFI_IMAGE_NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES < context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes) {
--		Print(L"Image header too small\n");
-+		perror(L"Image header too small\n");
- 	}
-@@ -885,7 +893,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	if (((UINT32)PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader - HeaderWithoutDataDir) !=
- 			context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes * sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)) {
--		Print(L"Image header overflows data directory\n");
-+		perror(L"Image header overflows data directory\n");
- 	}
-@@ -895,28 +903,28 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 				+ PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
- 	if (((UINT32)context->ImageSize - SectionHeaderOffset) / EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER
- 			<= context->NumberOfSections) {
--		Print(L"Image sections overflow image size\n");
-+		perror(L"Image sections overflow image size\n");
- 	}
- 	if ((context->SizeOfHeaders - SectionHeaderOffset) / EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER
- 			< (UINT32)context->NumberOfSections) {
--		Print(L"Image sections overflow section headers\n");
-+		perror(L"Image sections overflow section headers\n");
- 	}
- 	if ((((UINT8 *)PEHdr - (UINT8 *)data) + sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_UNION)) > datasize) {
--		Print(L"Invalid image\n");
-+		perror(L"Invalid image\n");
- 	}
- 	if (PEHdr->Te.Signature != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
--		Print(L"Unsupported image type\n");
-+		perror(L"Unsupported image type\n");
- 	}
- 	if (PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.Characteristics & EFI_IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED) {
--		Print(L"Unsupported image - Relocations have been stripped\n");
-+		perror(L"Unsupported image - Relocations have been stripped\n");
- 	}
-@@ -935,23 +943,24 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	context->FirstSection = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)((char *)PEHdr + PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER));
- 	if (context->ImageSize < context->SizeOfHeaders) {
--		Print(L"Invalid image\n");
-+		perror(L"Invalid image\n");
- 	}
- 	if ((unsigned long)((UINT8 *)context->SecDir - (UINT8 *)data) >
- 	    (datasize - sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY))) {
--		Print(L"Invalid image\n");
-+		perror(L"Invalid image\n");
- 	}
- 	if (context->SecDir->VirtualAddress >= datasize) {
--		Print(L"Malformed security header\n");
-+		perror(L"Malformed security header\n");
- 	}
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
-  * Once the image has been loaded it needs to be validated and relocated
-  */
-@@ -971,7 +980,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	 */
- 	efi_status = read_header(data, datasize, &context);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to read header: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Failed to read header: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		return efi_status;
- 	}
-@@ -993,7 +1002,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	buffer = AllocatePool(context.ImageSize);
- 	if (!buffer) {
--		Print(L"Failed to allocate image buffer\n");
-+		perror(L"Failed to allocate image buffer\n");
- 	}
-@@ -1013,13 +1022,13 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 		end = ImageAddress (buffer, context.ImageSize, Section->VirtualAddress + size - 1);
- 		if (!base || !end) {
--			Print(L"Invalid section size\n");
-+			perror(L"Invalid section size\n");
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
- 		if (Section->VirtualAddress < context.SizeOfHeaders ||
- 				Section->PointerToRawData < context.SizeOfHeaders) {
--			Print(L"Section is inside image headers\n");
-+			perror(L"Section is inside image headers\n");
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
-@@ -1038,7 +1047,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	efi_status = relocate_coff(&context, buffer);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Relocation failed: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Relocation failed: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		FreePool(buffer);
- 		return efi_status;
- 	}
-@@ -1056,7 +1065,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	li->LoadOptionsSize = load_options_size;
- 	if (!entry_point) {
--		Print(L"Invalid entry point\n");
-+		perror(L"Invalid entry point\n");
- 		FreePool(buffer);
- 	}
-@@ -1079,7 +1088,7 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, image_handle,
- 				       &loaded_image_protocol, (void **)&li);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
--		Print(L"Could not get image for bootx64.efi: %r\n", rc);
-+		perror(L"Could not get image for bootx64.efi: %r\n", rc);
- 		return 0;
- 	}
-@@ -1101,13 +1110,13 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, li->DeviceHandle,
- 			       &FileSystemProtocol, (void **)&fio);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
--		Print(L"Could not get fio for li->DeviceHandle: %r\n", rc);
-+		perror(L"Could not get fio for li->DeviceHandle: %r\n", rc);
- 		return 0;
- 	}
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(fio->OpenVolume, 2, fio, &vh);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
--		Print(L"Could not open fio volume: %r\n", rc);
-+		perror(L"Could not open fio volume: %r\n", rc);
- 		return 0;
- 	}
-@@ -1185,7 +1194,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_path(EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, CHAR16 *ImagePath,
- 	*PathName = AllocatePool(StrSize(bootpath) + StrSize(ImagePath));
- 	if (!*PathName) {
--		Print(L"Failed to allocate path buffer\n");
-+		perror(L"Failed to allocate path buffer\n");
- 		efi_status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1226,14 +1235,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 				       (void **)&drive);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to find fs: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Failed to find fs: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
- 	efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(drive->OpenVolume, 2, drive, &root);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to open fs: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Failed to open fs: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1244,14 +1253,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 				       EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to open %s - %r\n", PathName, efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Failed to open %s - %r\n", PathName, efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
- 	fileinfo = AllocatePool(buffersize);
- 	if (!fileinfo) {
--		Print(L"Unable to allocate file info buffer\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to allocate file info buffer\n");
- 		efi_status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1267,7 +1276,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 		FreePool(fileinfo);
- 		fileinfo = AllocatePool(buffersize);
- 		if (!fileinfo) {
--			Print(L"Unable to allocate file info buffer\n");
-+			perror(L"Unable to allocate file info buffer\n");
- 			efi_status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 			goto error;
- 		}
-@@ -1277,7 +1286,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 	}
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Unable to get file info: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Unable to get file info: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1286,7 +1295,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 	*data = AllocatePool(buffersize);
- 	if (!*data) {
--		Print(L"Unable to allocate file buffer\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to allocate file buffer\n");
- 		efi_status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1305,7 +1314,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS load_image (EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *li, void **data,
- 	}
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Unexpected return from initial read: %r, buffersize %x\n", efi_status, buffersize);
-+		perror(L"Unexpected return from initial read: %r, buffersize %x\n", efi_status, buffersize);
- 		goto error;
- 	}
-@@ -1335,6 +1344,7 @@ EFI_STATUS shim_verify (void *buffer, UINT32 size)
- 	loader_is_participating = 1;
-+	in_protocol = 1;
- 	if (!secure_mode())
- 		return EFI_SUCCESS;
-@@ -1342,9 +1352,35 @@ EFI_STATUS shim_verify (void *buffer, UINT32 size)
- 	status = read_header(buffer, size, &context);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
--		return status;
-+		goto done;
- 	status = verify_buffer(buffer, size, &context);
-+	in_protocol = 0;
-+	return status;
-+static EFI_STATUS shim_hash (char *data, int datasize,
-+			     PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
-+			     UINT8 *sha256hash, UINT8 *sha1hash)
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
-+	in_protocol = 1;
-+	status = generate_hash(data, datasize, context, sha256hash, sha1hash);
-+	in_protocol = 0;
-+	return status;
-+static EFI_STATUS shim_read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
-+	in_protocol = 1;
-+	status = read_header(data, datasize, context);
-+	in_protocol = 0;
- 	return status;
- }
-@@ -1371,7 +1407,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 				       &loaded_image_protocol, (void **)&li);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Unable to init protocol\n");
-+		perror(L"Unable to init protocol\n");
- 		return efi_status;
- 	}
-@@ -1381,20 +1417,20 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	efi_status = generate_path(li, ImagePath, &PathName);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Unable to generate path %s: %r\n", ImagePath, efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Unable to generate path %s: %r\n", ImagePath, efi_status);
- 		goto done;
- 	}
- 	if (findNetboot(li->DeviceHandle)) {
- 		efi_status = parseNetbootinfo(image_handle);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Netboot parsing failed: %r\n", efi_status);
-+			perror(L"Netboot parsing failed: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		}
- 		efi_status = FetchNetbootimage(image_handle, &sourcebuffer,
- 					       &sourcesize);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Unable to fetch TFTP image: %r\n", efi_status);
-+			perror(L"Unable to fetch TFTP image: %r\n", efi_status);
- 			return efi_status;
- 		}
- 		data = sourcebuffer;
-@@ -1406,7 +1442,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 		efi_status = load_image(li, &data, &datasize, PathName);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to load image %s: %r\n", PathName, efi_status);
-+			perror(L"Failed to load image %s: %r\n", PathName, efi_status);
- 			goto done;
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1423,7 +1459,7 @@ EFI_STATUS start_image(EFI_HANDLE image_handle, CHAR16 *ImagePath)
- 	efi_status = handle_image(data, datasize, li);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to load image: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Failed to load image: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		CopyMem(li, &li_bak, sizeof(li_bak));
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-@@ -1495,7 +1531,7 @@ EFI_STATUS mirror_mok_list()
- 		     ;
- 	FullData = AllocatePool(FullDataSize);
- 	if (!FullData) {
--		Print(L"Failed to allocate space for MokListRT\n");
-+		perror(L"Failed to allocate space for MokListRT\n");
- 	}
- 	p = FullData;
-@@ -1526,7 +1562,7 @@ EFI_STATUS mirror_mok_list()
- 				       FullDataSize, FullData);
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print(L"Failed to set MokListRT: %r\n", efi_status);
-+		perror(L"Failed to set MokListRT: %r\n", efi_status);
- 	}
- 	return efi_status;
-@@ -1567,7 +1603,7 @@ EFI_STATUS check_mok_request(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		efi_status = start_image(image_handle, MOK_MANAGER);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to start MokManager: %r\n", efi_status);
-+			perror(L"Failed to start MokManager: %r\n", efi_status);
- 			return efi_status;
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1601,9 +1637,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_sb (void)
- 	 * modified by the OS
- 	 */
- 	if (attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) {
--		Print(L"MokSBState is compromised! Clearing it\n");
-+		perror(L"MokSBState is compromised! Clearing it\n");
- 		if (LibDeleteVariable(L"MokSBState", &shim_lock_guid) != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to erase MokSBState\n");
-+			perror(L"Failed to erase MokSBState\n");
- 		}
- 		status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
- 	} else {
-@@ -1642,9 +1678,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_db (void)
- 	 * modified by the OS
- 	 */
- 	if (attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) {
--		Print(L"MokDBState is compromised! Clearing it\n");
-+		perror(L"MokDBState is compromised! Clearing it\n");
- 		if (LibDeleteVariable(L"MokDBState", &shim_lock_guid) != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to erase MokDBState\n");
-+			perror(L"Failed to erase MokDBState\n");
- 		}
- 		status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
- 	} else {
-@@ -1674,7 +1710,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS mok_ignore_db()
- 				DataSize, (void *)&Data);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--			Print(L"Failed to set MokIgnoreDB: %r\n", efi_status);
-+			perror(L"Failed to set MokIgnoreDB: %r\n", efi_status);
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1702,7 +1738,7 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	status = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, image_handle,
- 				   &LoadedImageProtocol, (void **) &li);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		Print (L"Failed to get load options: %r\n", status);
-+		perror (L"Failed to get load options: %r\n", status);
- 		return status;
- 	}
-@@ -1746,7 +1782,7 @@ EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	if (loader_len > 0) {
- 		loader_str = AllocatePool((loader_len + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16));
- 		if (!loader_str) {
--			Print(L"Failed to allocate loader string\n");
-+			perror(L"Failed to allocate loader string\n");
- 		}
- 		for (i = 0; i < loader_len; i++)
-@@ -1825,8 +1861,8 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *passed_systab)
- 	 * call back in and use shim functions
- 	 */
- 	shim_lock_interface.Verify = shim_verify;
--	shim_lock_interface.Hash = generate_hash;
--	shim_lock_interface.Context = read_header;
-+	shim_lock_interface.Hash = shim_hash;
-+	shim_lock_interface.Context = shim_read_header;
- 	systab = passed_systab;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0038-Free-the-string-from-DevicePathToStr.patch b/SOURCES/0038-Free-the-string-from-DevicePathToStr.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9885446..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0038-Free-the-string-from-DevicePathToStr.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-From c36d88cb16d10fdc8da2abcc00d3c51f0d425e34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:54:46 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 38/74] Free the string from DevicePathToStr
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-	shim.c
- shim.c | 20 +++++++++++++-------
- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 69af766..72d6072 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1079,11 +1079,12 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	EFI_GUID loaded_image_protocol = LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL;
- 	unsigned int pathlen = 0;
--	CHAR16 *bootpath;
-+	CHAR16 *bootpath = NULL;
- 	EFI_FILE *vh;
- 	EFI_FILE *fh;
-+	int ret = 0;
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, image_handle,
- 				       &loaded_image_protocol, (void **)&li);
-@@ -1101,23 +1102,23 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 	 */
- 	if (StrnCaseCmp(bootpath, L"\\EFI\\BOOT\\BOOT", 14) &&
- 			StrnCaseCmp(bootpath, L"\\EFI\\BOOT\\/BOOT", 15))
--		return 0;
-+		goto error;
- 	pathlen = StrLen(bootpath);
- 	if (pathlen < 5 || StrCaseCmp(bootpath + pathlen - 4, L".EFI"))
--		return 0;
-+		goto error;
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->HandleProtocol, 3, li->DeviceHandle,
- 			       &FileSystemProtocol, (void **)&fio);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
- 		perror(L"Could not get fio for li->DeviceHandle: %r\n", rc);
--		return 0;
-+		goto error;
- 	}
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(fio->OpenVolume, 2, fio, &vh);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(rc)) {
- 		perror(L"Could not open fio volume: %r\n", rc);
--		return 0;
-+		goto error;
- 	}
- 	rc = uefi_call_wrapper(vh->Open, 5, vh, &fh, L"\\EFI\\BOOT" FALLBACK,
-@@ -1130,12 +1131,17 @@ should_use_fallback(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
- 		 * 	 rc);
- 		 */
- 		uefi_call_wrapper(vh->Close, 1, vh);
--		return 0;
-+		goto error;
- 	}
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(fh->Close, 1, fh);
- 	uefi_call_wrapper(vh->Close, 1, vh);
--	return 1;
-+	ret = 1;
-+	if (bootpath)
-+		FreePool(bootpath);
-+	return ret;
- }
- /*
diff --git a/SOURCES/0039-Explain-the-logic-in-secure_mode-better.patch b/SOURCES/0039-Explain-the-logic-in-secure_mode-better.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c385a1..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0039-Explain-the-logic-in-secure_mode-better.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-From 86173dba42ad5ae002ac99cc515e60104da2245c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 10:46:19 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 39/74] Explain the logic in secure_mode() better.
-I was getting confused reading it, and I wrote it, so clearly it needs
-more commentry.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 6 ++++++
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 72d6072..210e778 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -499,6 +499,12 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
-+	/* If we /do/ have "SecureBoot", but /don't/ have "SetupMode",
-+	 * then the implementation is bad, but we assume that secure boot is
-+	 * enabled according to the status of "SecureBoot".  If we have both
-+	 * of them, then "SetupMode" may tell us additional data, and we need
-+	 * to consider it.
-+	 */
- 	status = get_variable(L"SetupMode", &Data, &len, global_var);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
- 		return TRUE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0040-Check-the-secure-variables-with-the-lib-functions.patch b/SOURCES/0040-Check-the-secure-variables-with-the-lib-functions.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d0206..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0040-Check-the-secure-variables-with-the-lib-functions.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-From 868b3721159ee615a1b774645d610a13b5827e5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:08:32 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 40/74] Check the secure variables with the lib functions
-There are functions defined in lib to check the secure variables.
-Use the functions to shun the duplicate code.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-	shim.c
- lib/variables.c | 14 ++++++++++----
- shim.c          | 32 ++------------------------------
- 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/variables.c b/lib/variables.c
-index 3a9735e..4c64d7e 100644
---- a/lib/variables.c
-+++ b/lib/variables.c
-@@ -284,9 +284,12 @@ variable_is_setupmode(void)
- 	/* set to 1 because we return true if SetupMode doesn't exist */
- 	UINT8 SetupMode = 1;
- 	UINTN DataSize = sizeof(SetupMode);
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
--	uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"SetupMode", &GV_GUID, NULL,
--			  &DataSize, &SetupMode);
-+	status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"SetupMode", &GV_GUID, NULL,
-+				   &DataSize, &SetupMode);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(status))
-+		return 1;
- 	return SetupMode;
- }
-@@ -297,10 +300,13 @@ variable_is_secureboot(void)
- 	/* return false if variable doesn't exist */
- 	UINT8 SecureBoot = 0;
- 	UINTN DataSize;
-+	EFI_STATUS status;
- 	DataSize = sizeof(SecureBoot);
--	uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"SecureBoot", &GV_GUID, NULL,
--			  &DataSize, &SecureBoot);
-+	status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"SecureBoot", &GV_GUID, NULL,
-+				   &DataSize, &SecureBoot);
-+	if (EFI_ERROR(status))
-+		return 0;
- 	return SecureBoot;
- }
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 210e778..14fb601 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -475,44 +475,16 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_whitelist (WIN_CERTIFICATE_EFI_PKCS *cert,
- static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- {
--	EFI_STATUS status;
--	UINTN len;
--	UINT8 *Data;
--	UINT8 sb, setupmode;
- 	if (user_insecure_mode)
- 		return FALSE;
--	status = get_variable(L"SecureBoot", &Data, &len, global_var);
--	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-+	if (variable_is_secureboot() != 1) {
- 		if (verbose && !in_protocol)
- 			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
--	sb = *Data;
--	FreePool(Data);
--	if (sb != 1) {
--		if (verbose && !in_protocol)
--			console_notify(L"Secure boot not enabled");
--		return FALSE;
--	}
--	/* If we /do/ have "SecureBoot", but /don't/ have "SetupMode",
--	 * then the implementation is bad, but we assume that secure boot is
--	 * enabled according to the status of "SecureBoot".  If we have both
--	 * of them, then "SetupMode" may tell us additional data, and we need
--	 * to consider it.
--	 */
--	status = get_variable(L"SetupMode", &Data, &len, global_var);
--	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
--		return TRUE;
--	setupmode = *Data;
--	FreePool(Data);
--	if (setupmode == 1) {
-+	if (variable_is_setupmode() == 1) {
- 		if (verbose && !in_protocol)
- 			console_notify(L"Platform is in setup mode");
- 		return FALSE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0041-Make-sure-we-default-to-assuming-we-re-locked-down.patch b/SOURCES/0041-Make-sure-we-default-to-assuming-we-re-locked-down.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c55346e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0041-Make-sure-we-default-to-assuming-we-re-locked-down.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From eb4cb6a50981f9ef4698b3847bd32e70081ab71d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 10:55:56 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 41/74] Make sure we default to assuming we're locked down.
-If "SecureBoot" exists but "SetupMode" does not, assume "SetupMode" says
-we're not in Setup Mode.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- include/variables.h | 2 +-
- lib/variables.c     | 8 ++++----
- shim.c              | 8 +++++++-
- 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/include/variables.h b/include/variables.h
-index b207dbf..deed269 100644
---- a/include/variables.h
-+++ b/include/variables.h
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ SETOSIndicationsAndReboot(UINT64 indications);
- int
- variable_is_secureboot(void);
- int
-+variable_is_setupmode(int default_return);
- variable_enroll_hash(CHAR16 *var, EFI_GUID owner,
- 		     UINT8 hash[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]);
-diff --git a/lib/variables.c b/lib/variables.c
-index 4c64d7e..59d7d05 100644
---- a/lib/variables.c
-+++ b/lib/variables.c
-@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ SetSecureVariable(CHAR16 *var, UINT8 *Data, UINTN len, EFI_GUID owner,
- 	/* Microsoft request: Bugs in some UEFI platforms mean that PK or any
- 	 * other secure variable can be updated or deleted programmatically,
- 	 * so prevent */
--	if (!variable_is_setupmode())
-+	if (!variable_is_setupmode(1))
- 	if (createtimebased) {
-@@ -279,17 +279,17 @@ find_in_variable_esl(CHAR16* var, EFI_GUID owner, UINT8 *key, UINTN keylen)
- }
- int
-+variable_is_setupmode(int default_return)
- {
- 	/* set to 1 because we return true if SetupMode doesn't exist */
--	UINT8 SetupMode = 1;
-+	UINT8 SetupMode = default_return;
- 	UINTN DataSize = sizeof(SetupMode);
- 	EFI_STATUS status;
- 	status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"SetupMode", &GV_GUID, NULL,
- 				   &DataSize, &SetupMode);
- 	if (EFI_ERROR(status))
--		return 1;
-+		return default_return;
- 	return SetupMode;
- }
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 14fb601..fe73ec1 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -484,7 +484,13 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
--	if (variable_is_setupmode() == 1) {
-+	/* If we /do/ have "SecureBoot", but /don't/ have "SetupMode",
-+	 * then the implementation is bad, but we assume that secure boot is
-+	 * enabled according to the status of "SecureBoot".  If we have both
-+	 * of them, then "SetupMode" may tell us additional data, and we need
-+	 * to consider it.
-+	 */
-+	if (variable_is_setupmode(0) == 1) {
- 		if (verbose && !in_protocol)
- 			console_notify(L"Platform is in setup mode");
- 		return FALSE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0042-Simplify-the-checking-of-SB-and-DB-states.patch b/SOURCES/0042-Simplify-the-checking-of-SB-and-DB-states.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb4f18..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0042-Simplify-the-checking-of-SB-and-DB-states.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-From e5f161147de6bea68e09f33bc294c6ab644d9a78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:32:13 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 42/74] Simplify the checking of SB and DB states
-MokSBState and MokDBState are just 1 byte variables, so a UINT8
-local variable is sufficient to include the content.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-	shim.c
- shim.c | 26 ++++++++++----------------
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index fe73ec1..ea8eba8 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1609,16 +1609,15 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_sb (void)
- {
- 	EFI_GUID shim_lock_guid = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
--	UINT8 *MokSBState = NULL;
--	UINTN MokSBStateSize = 0;
-+	UINT8 MokSBState;
-+	UINTN MokSBStateSize = sizeof(MokSBState);
- 	UINT32 attributes;
- 	user_insecure_mode = 0;
- 	ignore_db = 0;
--	status = get_variable_attr(L"MokSBState", &MokSBState, &MokSBStateSize,
--				   shim_lock_guid, &attributes);
-+	status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"MokSBState", &shim_lock_guid,
-+				   &attributes, &MokSBStateSize, &MokSBState);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
-@@ -1633,13 +1632,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_sb (void)
- 		}
- 		status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
- 	} else {
--		if (*(UINT8 *)MokSBState == 1) {
-+		if (MokSBState == 1) {
- 			user_insecure_mode = 1;
- 		}
- 	}
--	FreePool(MokSBState);
- 	return status;
- }
-@@ -1651,13 +1648,12 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_db (void)
- {
- 	EFI_GUID shim_lock_guid = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
--	UINT8 *MokDBState = NULL;
--	UINTN MokDBStateSize = 0;
-+	UINT8 MokDBState;
-+	UINTN MokDBStateSize = sizeof(MokDBStateSize);
- 	UINT32 attributes;
--	status = get_variable_attr(L"MokDBState", &MokDBState, &MokDBStateSize,
--			shim_lock_guid, &attributes);
-+	status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, L"MokDBState", &shim_lock_guid,
-+				   &attributes, &MokDBStateSize, &MokDBState);
- 	if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
-@@ -1674,13 +1670,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS check_mok_db (void)
- 		}
- 		status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
- 	} else {
--		if (*(UINT8 *)MokDBState == 1) {
-+		if (MokDBState == 1) {
- 			ignore_db = 1;
- 		}
- 	}
--	FreePool(MokDBState);
- 	return status;
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0043-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8za.patch b/SOURCES/0043-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8za.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a31ff6e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0043-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8za.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3032 +0,0 @@
-From 76f8050ff6003e6048fdc4430d8b503aff934255 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 15:02:50 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 43/74] Update openssl to 0.9.8za
-Also update to Tiano Cryptlib r15638
- Cryptlib/Cryptlib.diff                           |   4 +-
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/bn.h                    |  11 +
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/crypto.h                |  37 +-
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ec.h                    |  10 +-
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/engine.h                |   8 +-
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/opensslv.h              |   6 +-
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl.h                   |  13 +-
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl3.h                  |  10 +
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/symhacks.h              |  10 +-
- Cryptlib/Include/openssl/tls1.h                  |  14 +
- Cryptlib/Makefile                                |   6 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c             |   2 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c           |   1 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c          |   2 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c          |   6 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c            |   5 -
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c          |   5 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c              |  52 ++
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c             |  46 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c             |  25 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c               |  16 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c            |  26 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c              |  13 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c              |  10 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_lib.c           |  11 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_lib.c          |  11 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_all.c         |   6 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_all.c            |   2 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_b64.c            |   3 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/encode.c             |   1 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c                 |  14 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c          |  10 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c         |   8 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c        |   2 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c        |   4 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c           |   2 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c          |   6 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh                       | 998 ++++++++++++-----------
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c                     | 207 +++++
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c                 |  59 ++
- Cryptlib/Pk/{CryptPkcs7.c => CryptPkcs7Verify.c} | 306 +++----
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c               | 100 +++
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c                    | 125 +++
- Cryptlib/Rand/CryptRand.c                        |  11 +-
- Cryptlib/update.sh                               |   9 +-
- 45 files changed, 1425 insertions(+), 808 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
- create mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c
- rename Cryptlib/Pk/{CryptPkcs7.c => CryptPkcs7Verify.c} (74%)
- create mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
- create mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Cryptlib.diff b/Cryptlib/Cryptlib.diff
-index 9663d90..a2f49d6 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Cryptlib.diff
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Cryptlib.diff
-@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ index 68bc25a..1abe78e 100644
-    // BUG: hardcode OldSize == size! We have no any knowledge about
-    // memory size of original pointer ptr.
-    //
---  return ReallocatePool ((UINTN)size, (UINTN)size, ptr);
--+	return ReallocatePool (ptr, (UINTN)size, (UINTN)size);
-+-  return ReallocatePool ((UINTN) size, (UINTN) size, ptr);
-++  return ReallocatePool (ptr, (UINTN) size, (UINTN) size);
-  }
-  /* De-allocates or frees a memory block */
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/bn.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/bn.h
-index f1719a5..688a4e7 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/bn.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/bn.h
-@@ -511,6 +511,8 @@ BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *ret,
- BIGNUM *BN_mod_sqrt(BIGNUM *ret,
- 	const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *n,BN_CTX *ctx);
-+void	BN_consttime_swap(BN_ULONG swap, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b, int nwords);
- /* Deprecated versions */
- BIGNUM *BN_generate_prime(BIGNUM *ret,int bits,int safe,
-@@ -740,11 +742,20 @@ int RAND_pseudo_bytes(unsigned char *buf,int num);
- #define bn_fix_top(a)		bn_check_top(a)
-+#define bn_check_size(bn, bits) bn_wcheck_size(bn, ((bits+BN_BITS2-1))/BN_BITS2)
-+#define bn_wcheck_size(bn, words) \
-+	do { \
-+		const BIGNUM *_bnum2 = (bn); \
-+		assert(words <= (_bnum2)->dmax && words >= (_bnum2)->top); \
-+	} while(0)
- #else /* !BN_DEBUG */
- #define bn_pollute(a)
- #define bn_check_top(a)
- #define bn_fix_top(a)		bn_correct_top(a)
-+#define bn_check_size(bn, bits)
-+#define bn_wcheck_size(bn, words)
- #endif
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/crypto.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/crypto.h
-index fc1374f..ac0c949 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/crypto.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/crypto.h
-@@ -235,15 +235,15 @@ typedef struct openssl_item_st
- #ifndef CRYPTO_w_lock
- #define CRYPTO_w_lock(type)	\
- #define CRYPTO_w_unlock(type)	\
- #define CRYPTO_r_lock(type)	\
- #define CRYPTO_r_unlock(type)	\
- #define CRYPTO_add(addr,amount,type)	\
--	CRYPTO_add_lock(addr,amount,type,__FILE__,__LINE__)
-+	CRYPTO_add_lock(addr,amount,type,NULL,0)
- #endif
- #else
- #define CRYPTO_w_lock(a)
-@@ -361,19 +361,19 @@ int CRYPTO_is_mem_check_on(void);
- #define MemCheck_off()	CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_DISABLE)
- #define is_MemCheck_on() CRYPTO_is_mem_check_on()
--#define OPENSSL_malloc(num)	CRYPTO_malloc((int)num,__FILE__,__LINE__)
--#define OPENSSL_strdup(str)	CRYPTO_strdup((str),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-+#define OPENSSL_malloc(num)	CRYPTO_malloc((int)num,NULL,0)
-+#define OPENSSL_strdup(str)	CRYPTO_strdup((str),NULL,0)
- #define OPENSSL_realloc(addr,num) \
--	CRYPTO_realloc((char *)addr,(int)num,__FILE__,__LINE__)
-+	CRYPTO_realloc((char *)addr,(int)num,NULL,0)
- #define OPENSSL_realloc_clean(addr,old_num,num) \
--	CRYPTO_realloc_clean(addr,old_num,num,__FILE__,__LINE__)
-+	CRYPTO_realloc_clean(addr,old_num,num,NULL,0)
- #define OPENSSL_remalloc(addr,num) \
--	CRYPTO_remalloc((char **)addr,(int)num,__FILE__,__LINE__)
-+	CRYPTO_remalloc((char **)addr,(int)num,NULL,0)
- #define OPENSSL_freeFunc	CRYPTO_free
- #define OPENSSL_free(addr)	CRYPTO_free(addr)
- #define OPENSSL_malloc_locked(num) \
--	CRYPTO_malloc_locked((int)num,__FILE__,__LINE__)
-+	CRYPTO_malloc_locked((int)num,NULL,0)
- #define OPENSSL_free_locked(addr) CRYPTO_free_locked(addr)
-@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ void CRYPTO_set_mem_debug_options(long bits);
- long CRYPTO_get_mem_debug_options(void);
- #define CRYPTO_push_info(info) \
--        CRYPTO_push_info_(info, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-+        CRYPTO_push_info_(info, NULL, 0);
- int CRYPTO_push_info_(const char *info, const char *file, int line);
- int CRYPTO_pop_info(void);
- int CRYPTO_remove_all_info(void);
-@@ -528,17 +528,17 @@ void CRYPTO_mem_leaks_cb(CRYPTO_MEM_LEAK_CB *cb);
- /* die if we have to */
- void OpenSSLDie(const char *file,int line,const char *assertion);
--#define OPENSSL_assert(e)       (void)((e) ? 0 : (OpenSSLDie(__FILE__, __LINE__, #e),1))
-+#define OPENSSL_assert(e)       (void)((e) ? 0 : (OpenSSLDie(NULL, 0, #e),1))
- unsigned long *OPENSSL_ia32cap_loc(void);
- #define OPENSSL_ia32cap (*(OPENSSL_ia32cap_loc()))
- int OPENSSL_isservice(void);
--#define FIPS_ERROR_IGNORED(alg) OpenSSLDie(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
-+#define FIPS_ERROR_IGNORED(alg) OpenSSLDie(NULL, 0, \
- 		alg " previous FIPS forbidden algorithm error ignored");
--#define FIPS_BAD_ABORT(alg) OpenSSLDie(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
-+#define FIPS_BAD_ABORT(alg) OpenSSLDie(NULL, 0, \
- 		#alg " Algorithm forbidden in FIPS mode");
-@@ -591,6 +591,13 @@ int OPENSSL_isservice(void);
- void OPENSSL_init(void);
-+/* CRYPTO_memcmp returns zero iff the |len| bytes at |a| and |b| are equal. It
-+ * takes an amount of time dependent on |len|, but independent of the contents
-+ * of |a| and |b|. Unlike memcmp, it cannot be used to put elements into a
-+ * defined order as the return value when a != b is undefined, other than to be
-+ * non-zero. */
-+int CRYPTO_memcmp(const void *a, const void *b, size_t len);
- /* The following lines are auto generated by the script mkerr.pl. Any changes
-  * made after this point may be overwritten when the script is next run.
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ec.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ec.h
-index 8bc2a23..367307f 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ec.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ec.h
-@@ -321,7 +321,15 @@ void EC_KEY_set_conv_form(EC_KEY *, point_conversion_form_t);
- /* functions to set/get method specific data  */
- void *EC_KEY_get_key_method_data(EC_KEY *, 
- 	void *(*dup_func)(void *), void (*free_func)(void *), void (*clear_free_func)(void *));
--void EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(EC_KEY *, void *data,
-+/** Sets the key method data of an EC_KEY object, if none has yet been set.
-+ *  \param  key              EC_KEY object
-+ *  \param  data             opaque data to install.
-+ *  \param  dup_func         a function that duplicates |data|.
-+ *  \param  free_func        a function that frees |data|.
-+ *  \param  clear_free_func  a function that wipes and frees |data|.
-+ *  \return the previously set data pointer, or NULL if |data| was inserted.
-+ */
-+void *EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(EC_KEY *key, void *data,
- 	void *(*dup_func)(void *), void (*free_func)(void *), void (*clear_free_func)(void *));
- /* wrapper functions for the underlying EC_GROUP object */
- void EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag(EC_KEY *, int);
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/engine.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/engine.h
-index d4bc1ef..b4e0444 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/engine.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/engine.h
-@@ -335,15 +335,15 @@ void ENGINE_load_gmp(void);
- void ENGINE_load_nuron(void);
- void ENGINE_load_sureware(void);
- void ENGINE_load_ubsec(void);
--void ENGINE_load_cryptodev(void);
--void ENGINE_load_padlock(void);
--void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void);
- #ifdef OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32
- void ENGINE_load_capi(void);
- #endif
- #endif
-+void ENGINE_load_cryptodev(void);
-+void ENGINE_load_padlock(void);
-+void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void);
- /* Get and set global flags (ENGINE_TABLE_FLAG_***) for the implementation
-  * "registry" handling. */
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/opensslv.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/opensslv.h
-index 4a5a5ae..e5ab5c4 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/opensslv.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/opensslv.h
-@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
-  * (Prior to 0.9.5a beta1, a different scheme was used: MMNNFFRBB for
-  *  major minor fix final patch/beta)
-  */
--#define OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER	0x0090817fL
-+#define OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER	0x009081afL
--#define OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT	"OpenSSL 0.9.8w-fips 23 Apr 2012"
-+#define OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT	"OpenSSL 0.9.8za-fips 5 Jun 2014"
- #else
--#define OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT	"OpenSSL 0.9.8w 23 Apr 2012"
-+#define OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT	"OpenSSL 0.9.8za 5 Jun 2014"
- #endif
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl.h
-index eb50e14..5f2a04e 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl.h
-@@ -490,11 +490,14 @@ typedef struct ssl_session_st
- #define SSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG		0x00000010L
- #define SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER		0x00000020L
--#define SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING			0x00000040L /* no effect since 0.9.7h and 0.9.8b */
-+#define SSL_OP_SAFARI_ECDHE_ECDSA_BUG			0x00000040L
- #define SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG			0x00000080L
- #define SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG				0x00000100L
- #define SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG			0x00000200L
-+/* Hasn't done anything since OpenSSL 0.9.7h, retained for compatibility */
- /* Disable SSL 3.0/TLS 1.0 CBC vulnerability workaround that was added
-  * in OpenSSL 0.9.6d.  Usually (depending on the application protocol)
-  * the workaround is not needed.  Unfortunately some broken SSL/TLS
-@@ -1204,6 +1207,8 @@ size_t SSL_get_peer_finished(const SSL *s, void *buf, size_t count);
- #define SSL_ERROR_NONE			0
- #define SSL_ERROR_SSL			1
-@@ -1820,6 +1825,7 @@ void ERR_load_SSL_strings(void);
- #define SSL_F_SSL_GET_NEW_SESSION			 181
- #define SSL_F_SSL_GET_PREV_SESSION			 217
- #define SSL_F_SSL_GET_SIGN_PKEY				 183
- #define SSL_F_SSL_INIT_WBIO_BUFFER			 184
- #define SSL_F_SSL_LOAD_CLIENT_CA_FILE			 185
-@@ -2073,6 +2079,11 @@ void ERR_load_SSL_strings(void);
- #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA			 1048
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl3.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl3.h
-index b9a85ef..de5e559 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl3.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/ssl3.h
-@@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ typedef struct ssl3_buffer_st
- #define SSL3_FLAGS_POP_BUFFER			0x0004
- #define TLS1_FLAGS_TLS_PADDING_BUG		0x0008
-+#define SSL3_FLAGS_CCS_OK			0x0080
- /* SSL3_FLAGS_SGC_RESTART_DONE is set when we
-  * restart a handshake because of MS SGC and so prevents us
-@@ -460,6 +461,15 @@ typedef struct ssl3_state_st
-         unsigned char previous_server_finished[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
-         unsigned char previous_server_finished_len;
-         int send_connection_binding; /* TODOEKR */
-+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
-+	/* This is set to true if we believe that this is a version of Safari
-+	 * running on OS X 10.6 or newer. We wish to know this because Safari
-+	 * on 10.8 .. 10.8.3 has broken ECDHE-ECDSA support. */
-+	char is_probably_safari;
-+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_EC */
-+#endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT */
- 	} SSL3_STATE;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/symhacks.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/symhacks.h
-index 0114093..c540771 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/symhacks.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/symhacks.h
-@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@
- #define EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GF2m \
-                                                 EC_POINT_set_compr_coords_GF2m
- #undef ec_GF2m_simple_group_clear_finish
--#define ec_GF2m_simple_group_clear_finish        ec_GF2m_simple_grp_clr_finish
-+#define ec_GF2m_simple_group_clear_finish       ec_GF2m_simple_grp_clr_finish
- #undef ec_GF2m_simple_group_check_discriminant
- #define ec_GF2m_simple_group_check_discriminant	ec_GF2m_simple_grp_chk_discrim
- #undef ec_GF2m_simple_point_clear_finish
--#define ec_GF2m_simple_point_clear_finish        ec_GF2m_simple_pt_clr_finish
-+#define ec_GF2m_simple_point_clear_finish       ec_GF2m_simple_pt_clr_finish
- #undef ec_GF2m_simple_point_set_to_infinity
--#define ec_GF2m_simple_point_set_to_infinity     ec_GF2m_simple_pt_set_to_inf
-+#define ec_GF2m_simple_point_set_to_infinity    ec_GF2m_simple_pt_set_to_inf
- #undef ec_GF2m_simple_points_make_affine
--#define ec_GF2m_simple_points_make_affine        ec_GF2m_simple_pts_make_affine
-+#define ec_GF2m_simple_points_make_affine       ec_GF2m_simple_pts_make_affine
- #undef ec_GF2m_simple_point_set_affine_coordinates
- #define ec_GF2m_simple_point_set_affine_coordinates \
-                                                 ec_GF2m_smp_pt_set_af_coords
-@@ -288,8 +288,6 @@
- #define ec_GFp_simple_point_set_to_infinity     ec_GFp_simple_pt_set_to_inf
- #undef ec_GFp_simple_points_make_affine
- #define ec_GFp_simple_points_make_affine        ec_GFp_simple_pts_make_affine
--#undef ec_GFp_simple_group_get_curve_GFp
--#define ec_GFp_simple_group_get_curve_GFp       ec_GFp_simple_grp_get_curve_GFp
- #undef ec_GFp_simple_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp
- #define ec_GFp_simple_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp \
-                                                 ec_GFp_smp_set_Jproj_coords_GFp
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/tls1.h b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/tls1.h
-index afe4807..47f25af 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/tls1.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/openssl/tls1.h
-@@ -80,10 +80,24 @@ extern "C" {
-+#define TLS1_2_VERSION			0x0303
-+#define TLS1_2_VERSION_MAJOR		0x03
-+#define TLS1_2_VERSION_MINOR		0x03
-+#define TLS1_1_VERSION			0x0302
-+#define TLS1_1_VERSION_MAJOR		0x03
-+#define TLS1_1_VERSION_MINOR		0x02
- #define TLS1_VERSION			0x0301
- #define TLS1_VERSION_MAJOR		0x03
- #define TLS1_VERSION_MINOR		0x01
-+#define TLS1_get_version(s) \
-+		((s->version >> 8) == TLS1_VERSION_MAJOR ? s->version : 0)
-+#define TLS1_get_client_version(s) \
-+		((s->client_version >> 8) == TLS1_VERSION_MAJOR ? s->client_version : 0)
- #define TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_CA		48	/* fatal */
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Makefile b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-index d24e59e..678baac 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-@@ -30,7 +30,11 @@ OBJS		=   Hash/CryptMd4.o \
- 		    Rand/CryptRand.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptRsaBasic.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptRsaExt.o \
--		    Pk/CryptPkcs7.o \
-+		    Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.o \
-+		    Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.o \
-+		    Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.o \
-+		    Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.o \
-+		    Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptDh.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptX509.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptAuthenticode.o \
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c
-index f551bdb..ee26c31 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c
-@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ int i2c_ASN1_INTEGER(ASN1_INTEGER *a, unsigned char **pp)
- 	int pad=0,ret,i,neg;
- 	unsigned char *p,*n,pb=0;
--	if ((a == NULL) || (a->data == NULL)) return(0);
-+	if (a == NULL) return(0);
- 	neg=a->type & V_ASN1_NEG;
- 	if (a->length == 0)
- 		ret=1;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c
-index 264ebf2..ead37ac 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c
-@@ -567,6 +567,7 @@ int ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(unsigned char **out, ASN1_STRING *in)
- 	if(mbflag == -1) return -1;
- 	mbflag |= MBSTRING_FLAG;
- 	stmp.data = NULL;
-+	stmp.length = 0;
- 	ret = ASN1_mbstring_copy(&str, in->data, in->length, mbflag, B_ASN1_UTF8STRING);
- 	if(ret < 0) return ret;
- 	*out = stmp.data;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c
-index b68ae43..9b7d688 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static int table_cmp(const void *a, const void *b);
-  * certain software (e.g. Netscape) has problems with them.
-  */
--static unsigned long global_mask = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
-+static unsigned long global_mask = B_ASN1_UTF8STRING;
- void ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask(unsigned long mask)
- {
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c
-index da3efaa..7ded69b 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c
-@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@ int ASN1_item_verify(const ASN1_ITEM *it, X509_ALGOR *a, ASN1_BIT_STRING *signat
- 	unsigned char *buf_in=NULL;
- 	int ret= -1,i,inl;
-+	if (!pkey)
-+		{
-+		return -1;
-+		}
- 	EVP_MD_CTX_init(&ctx);
- 	i=OBJ_obj2nid(a->algorithm);
- 	type=EVP_get_digestbyname(OBJ_nid2sn(i));
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c
-index afb95d6..bc23f56 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c
-@@ -208,11 +208,6 @@ int DSA_print(BIO *bp, const DSA *x, int off)
- 	if (x->p)
- 		buf_len = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(x->p);
--	else
--		{
--		goto err;
--		}
- 	if (x->q)
- 		if (buf_len < (i = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(x->q)))
- 			buf_len = i;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c
-index 94d9f7e..bc8a7bf 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c
-@@ -371,12 +371,15 @@ EVP_PKEY *X509_PUBKEY_get(X509_PUBKEY *key)
- 	if (key->pkey)
- 		{
- 		EVP_PKEY_free(ret);
- 		ret = key->pkey;
- 		}
- 	else
-+		{
- 		key->pkey = ret;
-+		}
- 	CRYPTO_add(&ret->references, 1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EVP_PKEY);
- 	return(ret);
- err:
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
-index 32a8fba..b66f507 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
-@@ -824,3 +824,55 @@ int bn_cmp_part_words(const BN_ULONG *a, const BN_ULONG *b,
- 		}
- 	return bn_cmp_words(a,b,cl);
- 	}
-+ * Constant-time conditional swap of a and b.  
-+ * a and b are swapped if condition is not 0.  The code assumes that at most one bit of condition is set.
-+ * nwords is the number of words to swap.  The code assumes that at least nwords are allocated in both a and b,
-+ * and that no more than nwords are used by either a or b.
-+ * a and b cannot be the same number
-+ */
-+void BN_consttime_swap(BN_ULONG condition, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b, int nwords)
-+	{
-+	BN_ULONG t;
-+	int i;
-+	bn_wcheck_size(a, nwords);
-+	bn_wcheck_size(b, nwords);
-+	assert(a != b);
-+	assert((condition & (condition - 1)) == 0);
-+	assert(sizeof(BN_ULONG) >= sizeof(int));
-+	condition = ((condition - 1) >> (BN_BITS2 - 1)) - 1;
-+	t = (a->top^b->top) & condition;
-+	a->top ^= t;
-+	b->top ^= t;
-+#define BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(ind) \
-+	do { \
-+		t = (a->d[ind] ^ b->d[ind]) & condition; \
-+		a->d[ind] ^= t; \
-+		b->d[ind] ^= t; \
-+	} while (0)
-+	switch (nwords) {
-+	default:
-+		for (i = 10; i < nwords; i++) 
-+		/* Fallthrough */
-+	case 10: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(9); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 9: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(8); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 8: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(7); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 7: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(6); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 6: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(5); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 5: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(4); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 4: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(3); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 3: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(2); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 2: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(1); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 1: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(0);
-+	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c
-index 4799b15..27cafb1 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c
-@@ -701,32 +701,38 @@ BN_MONT_CTX *BN_MONT_CTX_copy(BN_MONT_CTX *to, BN_MONT_CTX *from)
- BN_MONT_CTX *BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(BN_MONT_CTX **pmont, int lock,
- 					const BIGNUM *mod, BN_CTX *ctx)
- 	{
--	int got_write_lock = 0;
- 	BN_MONT_CTX *ret;
- 	CRYPTO_r_lock(lock);
--	if (!*pmont)
-+	ret = *pmont;
-+	CRYPTO_r_unlock(lock);
-+	if (ret)
-+		return ret;
-+	/* We don't want to serialise globally while doing our lazy-init math in
-+	 * BN_MONT_CTX_set. That punishes threads that are doing independent
-+	 * things. Instead, punish the case where more than one thread tries to
-+	 * lazy-init the same 'pmont', by having each do the lazy-init math work
-+	 * independently and only use the one from the thread that wins the race
-+	 * (the losers throw away the work they've done). */
-+	ret = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
-+	if (!ret)
-+		return NULL;
-+	if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(ret, mod, ctx))
- 		{
--		CRYPTO_r_unlock(lock);
--		CRYPTO_w_lock(lock);
--		got_write_lock = 1;
-+		BN_MONT_CTX_free(ret);
-+		return NULL;
-+		}
--		if (!*pmont)
--			{
--			ret = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
--			if (ret && !BN_MONT_CTX_set(ret, mod, ctx))
--				BN_MONT_CTX_free(ret);
--			else
--				*pmont = ret;
--			}
-+	/* The locked compare-and-set, after the local work is done. */
-+	CRYPTO_w_lock(lock);
-+	if (*pmont)
-+		{
-+		BN_MONT_CTX_free(ret);
-+		ret = *pmont;
- 		}
--	ret = *pmont;
--	if (got_write_lock)
--		CRYPTO_w_unlock(lock);
- 	else
--		CRYPTO_r_unlock(lock);
-+		*pmont = ret;
-+	CRYPTO_w_unlock(lock);
- 	return ret;
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c
-index ee7b87c..de83a15 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c
-@@ -144,26 +144,17 @@ int BN_add_word(BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG w)
- 			a->neg=!(a->neg);
- 		return(i);
- 		}
--	/* Only expand (and risk failing) if it's possibly necessary */
--	if (((BN_ULONG)(a->d[a->top - 1] + 1) == 0) &&
--			(bn_wexpand(a,a->top+1) == NULL))
--		return(0);
--	i=0;
--	for (;;)
-+	for (i=0;w!=0 && i<a->top;i++)
- 		{
--		if (i >= a->top)
--			l=w;
--		else
--			l=(a->d[i]+w)&BN_MASK2;
--		a->d[i]=l;
--		if (w > l)
--			w=1;
--		else
--			break;
--		i++;
-+		a->d[i] = l = (a->d[i]+w)&BN_MASK2;
-+		w = (w>l)?1:0;
- 		}
--	if (i >= a->top)
-+	if (w && i==a->top)
-+		{
-+		if (bn_wexpand(a,a->top+1) == NULL) return 0;
- 		a->top++;
-+		a->d[i]=w;
-+		}
- 	bn_check_top(a);
- 	return(1);
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c
-index dd74ea8..dec3286 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c
-@@ -542,3 +542,19 @@ void OpenSSLDie(const char *file,int line,const char *assertion)
- 	}
- void *OPENSSL_stderr(void)	{ return stderr; }
-+#ifndef OPENSSL_FIPS
-+int CRYPTO_memcmp(const void *in_a, const void *in_b, size_t len)
-+	{
-+	size_t i;
-+	const unsigned char *a = in_a;
-+	const unsigned char *b = in_b;
-+	unsigned char x = 0;
-+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-+		x |= a[i] ^ b[i];
-+	return x;
-+	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c
-index 7dca5e4..6b570a3 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c
-@@ -208,9 +208,12 @@ static int gf2m_Mxy(const EC_GROUP *group, const BIGNUM *x, const BIGNUM *y, BIG
- /* Computes scalar*point and stores the result in r.
-  * point can not equal r.
-- * Uses algorithm 2P of
-+ * Uses a modified algorithm 2P of
-  *     Lopex, J. and Dahab, R.  "Fast multiplication on elliptic curves over 
-  *     GF(2^m) without precomputation".
-+ *
-+ * To protect against side-channel attack the function uses constant time
-+ * swap avoiding conditional branches.
-  */
- static int ec_GF2m_montgomery_point_multiply(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const BIGNUM *scalar,
- 	const EC_POINT *point, BN_CTX *ctx)
-@@ -244,6 +247,11 @@ static int ec_GF2m_montgomery_point_multiply(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r,
- 	x2 = &r->X;
- 	z2 = &r->Y;
-+	bn_wexpand(x1, group->field.top);
-+	bn_wexpand(z1, group->field.top);
-+	bn_wexpand(x2, group->field.top);
-+	bn_wexpand(z2, group->field.top);
- 	if (!BN_GF2m_mod_arr(x1, &point->X, group->poly)) goto err; /* x1 = x */
- 	if (!BN_one(z1)) goto err; /* z1 = 1 */
- 	if (!group->meth->field_sqr(group, z2, x1, ctx)) goto err; /* z2 = x1^2 = x^2 */
-@@ -266,16 +274,12 @@ static int ec_GF2m_montgomery_point_multiply(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r,
- 		{
- 		for (; j >= 0; j--)
- 			{
--			if (scalar->d[i] & mask)
--				{
--				if (!gf2m_Madd(group, &point->X, x1, z1, x2, z2, ctx)) goto err;
--				if (!gf2m_Mdouble(group, x2, z2, ctx)) goto err;
--				}
--			else
--				{
--				if (!gf2m_Madd(group, &point->X, x2, z2, x1, z1, ctx)) goto err;
--				if (!gf2m_Mdouble(group, x1, z1, ctx)) goto err;
--				}
-+			BN_consttime_swap(scalar->d[i] & mask, x1, x2, group->field.top);
-+			BN_consttime_swap(scalar->d[i] & mask, z1, z2, group->field.top);
-+			if (!gf2m_Madd(group, &point->X, x2, z2, x1, z1, ctx)) goto err;
-+			if (!gf2m_Mdouble(group, x1, z1, ctx)) goto err;
-+			BN_consttime_swap(scalar->d[i] & mask, x1, x2, group->field.top);
-+			BN_consttime_swap(scalar->d[i] & mask, z1, z2, group->field.top);
- 			mask >>= 1;
- 			}
- 		j = BN_BITS2 - 1;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
-index 522802c..6c933d2 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
-@@ -435,18 +435,27 @@ void EC_KEY_set_conv_form(EC_KEY *key, point_conversion_form_t cform)
- void *EC_KEY_get_key_method_data(EC_KEY *key,
- 	void *(*dup_func)(void *), void (*free_func)(void *), void (*clear_free_func)(void *))
- 	{
--	return EC_EX_DATA_get_data(key->method_data, dup_func, free_func, clear_free_func);
-+	void *ret;
-+	ret = EC_EX_DATA_get_data(key->method_data, dup_func, free_func, clear_free_func);
-+	return ret;
- 	}
--void EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(EC_KEY *key, void *data,
-+void *EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(EC_KEY *key, void *data,
- 	void *(*dup_func)(void *), void (*free_func)(void *), void (*clear_free_func)(void *))
- 	{
- 	EC_EXTRA_DATA *ex_data;
- 	ex_data = EC_EX_DATA_get_data(key->method_data, dup_func, free_func, clear_free_func);
- 	if (ex_data == NULL)
- 		EC_EX_DATA_set_data(&key->method_data, data, dup_func, free_func, clear_free_func);
-+	return ex_data;
- 	}
- void EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag(EC_KEY *key, int flag)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
-index 5af8437..bbf2799 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
-@@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ int EC_GROUP_cmp(const EC_GROUP *a, const EC_GROUP *b, BN_CTX *ctx)
- 	if (EC_METHOD_get_field_type(EC_GROUP_method_of(a)) !=
- 	    EC_METHOD_get_field_type(EC_GROUP_method_of(b)))
- 		return 1;
--	/* compare the curve name (if present) */
-+	/* compare the curve name (if present in both) */
- 	if (EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(a) && EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(b) &&
--	    EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(a) == EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(b))
--		return 0;
-+	    EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(a) != EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(b))
-+		return 1;
- 	if (!ctx)
- 		ctx_new = ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-@@ -1061,12 +1061,12 @@ int EC_POINT_cmp(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *a, const EC_POINT *b, BN
- 	if (group->meth->point_cmp == 0)
- 		{
--		return 0;
-+		return -1;
- 		}
- 	if ((group->meth != a->meth) || (a->meth != b->meth))
- 		{
--		return 0;
-+		return -1;
- 		}
- 	return group->meth->point_cmp(group, a, b, ctx);
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_lib.c
-index bf22234..f9ba5fb 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_lib.c
-@@ -205,8 +205,15 @@ ECDH_DATA *ecdh_check(EC_KEY *key)
- 		ecdh_data = (ECDH_DATA *)ecdh_data_new();
- 		if (ecdh_data == NULL)
- 			return NULL;
--		EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(key, (void *)ecdh_data,
--			ecdh_data_dup, ecdh_data_free, ecdh_data_free);
-+		data = EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(key, (void *)ecdh_data,
-+			   ecdh_data_dup, ecdh_data_free, ecdh_data_free);
-+		if (data != NULL)
-+			{
-+			/* Another thread raced us to install the key_method
-+			 * data and won. */
-+			ecdh_data_free(ecdh_data);
-+			ecdh_data = (ECDH_DATA *)data;
-+			}
- 	}
- 	else
- 		ecdh_data = (ECDH_DATA *)data;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_lib.c
-index 2ebae3a..81082c9 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_lib.c
-@@ -188,8 +188,15 @@ ECDSA_DATA *ecdsa_check(EC_KEY *key)
- 		ecdsa_data = (ECDSA_DATA *)ecdsa_data_new();
- 		if (ecdsa_data == NULL)
- 			return NULL;
--		EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(key, (void *)ecdsa_data,
--			ecdsa_data_dup, ecdsa_data_free, ecdsa_data_free);
-+		data = EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data(key, (void *)ecdsa_data,
-+			   ecdsa_data_dup, ecdsa_data_free, ecdsa_data_free);
-+		if (data != NULL)
-+			{
-+			/* Another thread raced us to install the key_method
-+			 * data and won. */
-+			ecdsa_data_free(ecdsa_data);
-+			ecdsa_data = (ECDSA_DATA *)data;
-+			}
- 	}
- 	else
- 		ecdsa_data = (ECDSA_DATA *)data;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_all.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
-index f29c167..8a1b9c7 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
-@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void)
- #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_GMP) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HW_GMP)
- 	ENGINE_load_gmp();
- #endif
-+#if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_CAPIENG)
-+	ENGINE_load_capi();
- #endif
- #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_HW
- #if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
- 	ENGINE_load_cryptodev();
- #endif
--#if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_CAPIENG)
--	ENGINE_load_capi();
- #endif
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_all.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_all.c
-index 39796f7..0429389 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_all.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_all.c
-@@ -104,7 +104,9 @@
- #include <openssl/jpake.h>
- #endif
- #include <openssl/comp.h>
- void ERR_load_crypto_strings(void)
- 	{
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_b64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_b64.c
-index 72a2a67..16863fe 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_b64.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_b64.c
-@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ static int b64_read(BIO *b, char *out, int outl)
- 		else if (ctx->start)
- 			{
- 			q=p=(unsigned char *)ctx->tmp;
-+			num = 0;
- 			for (j=0; j<i; j++)
- 				{
- 				if (*(q++) != '\n') continue;
-@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ static int b64_read(BIO *b, char *out, int outl)
- 				}
- 			/* we fell off the end without starting */
--			if (j == i)
-+			if ((j == i) && (num == 0))
- 				{
- 				/* Is this is one long chunk?, if so, keep on
- 				 * reading until a new line. */
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/encode.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/encode.c
-index e8a5218..69f7cca 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/encode.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/encode.c
-@@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ int EVP_DecodeUpdate(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, int *outl,
- 				v=EVP_DecodeBlock(out,d,n);
- 				n=0;
- 				if (v < 0) { rv=0; goto end; }
-+				if (eof > v) { rv=-1; goto end; }
- 				ret+=(v-eof);
- 				}
- 			else
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c
-index d767a90..c89fda5 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c
-@@ -93,4 +93,18 @@ void OPENSSL_init(void)
- #endif
- 	}
-+int CRYPTO_memcmp(const void *in_a, const void *in_b, size_t len)
-+	{
-+	size_t i;
-+	const unsigned char *a = in_a;
-+	const unsigned char *b = in_b;
-+	unsigned char x = 0;
-+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-+		x |= a[i] ^ b[i];
-+	return x;
-+	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c
-index 4a0c387..f24080f 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c
-@@ -91,9 +91,12 @@ int OCSP_basic_verify(OCSP_BASICRESP *bs, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
- 		{
- 		EVP_PKEY *skey;
- 		skey = X509_get_pubkey(signer);
--		ret = OCSP_BASICRESP_verify(bs, skey, 0);
--		EVP_PKEY_free(skey);
--		if(ret <= 0)
-+		if (skey)
-+			{
-+			ret = OCSP_BASICRESP_verify(bs, skey, 0);
-+			EVP_PKEY_free(skey);
-+			}
-+		if(!skey || ret <= 0)
- 			{
- 			goto end;
-@@ -108,6 +111,7 @@ int OCSP_basic_verify(OCSP_BASICRESP *bs, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
- 			init_res = X509_STORE_CTX_init(&ctx, st, signer, bs->certs);
- 		if(!init_res)
- 			{
-+			ret = -1;
- 			goto end;
- 			}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c
-index 9522342..3ef3be1 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c
-@@ -100,7 +100,11 @@ PKCS12 *PKCS12_create(char *pass, char *name, EVP_PKEY *pkey, X509 *cert,
- 			nid_cert = NID_pbe_WithSHA1And3_Key_TripleDES_CBC;
- 		else
- #endif
-+#ifdef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
-+		nid_cert = NID_pbe_WithSHA1And3_Key_TripleDES_CBC;
- 		nid_cert = NID_pbe_WithSHA1And40BitRC2_CBC;
- 		}
- 	if (!nid_key)
- 		nid_key = NID_pbe_WithSHA1And3_Key_TripleDES_CBC;
-@@ -290,7 +294,11 @@ int PKCS12_add_safe(STACK_OF(PKCS7) **psafes, STACK_OF(PKCS12_SAFEBAG) *bags,
- 		free_safes = 0;
- 	if (nid_safe == 0)
-+#ifdef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
-+		nid_safe = NID_pbe_WithSHA1And3_Key_TripleDES_CBC;
- 		nid_safe = NID_pbe_WithSHA1And40BitRC2_CBC;
- 	if (nid_safe == -1)
- 		p7 = PKCS12_pack_p7data(bags);
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c
-index 5c4c6ec..bdbbbec 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c
-@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ static int parse_bag(PKCS12_SAFEBAG *bag, const char *pass, int passlen,
- 			int len, r;
- 			unsigned char *data;
- 			len = ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(&data, fname);
--			if(len > 0) {
-+			if(len >= 0) {
- 				r = X509_alias_set1(x509, data, len);
- 				OPENSSL_free(data);
- 				if (!r)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c
-index b0ff89a..49b450d 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c
-@@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ int PKCS7_verify(PKCS7 *p7, STACK_OF(X509) *certs, X509_STORE *store,
- 	bufsiz = 4096;
- 	buf = OPENSSL_malloc (bufsiz);
--	if (buf == NULL) {
--		goto err;
-+		if (buf == NULL) {
-+			goto err;
- 	}
- 	/* We now have to 'read' from p7bio to calculate digests etc. */
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c
-index 546ae5f..b8e3edc 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c
-@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ int RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP(unsigned char *to, int tlen,
- 	EVP_Digest((void *)param, plen, phash, NULL, EVP_sha1(), NULL);
--	if (memcmp(db, phash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) != 0 || bad)
-+	if (CRYPTO_memcmp(db, phash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) != 0 || bad)
- 		goto decoding_err;
- 	else
- 		{
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
-index af12520..b87617a 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
-@@ -386,11 +386,7 @@ static int get_issuer_sk(X509 **issuer, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x)
- static int check_chain_extensions(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
- {
--  /* 
--    NOTE: Bypass KU Flags Checking for UEFI version. There are incorrect KU flag setting
--          in Authenticode Signing Certificates. 
--  */
- 	return 1;
- #else
- 	int i, ok=0, must_be_ca, plen = 0;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh
-index cb25ccd..95875e7 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh
-@@ -1,499 +1,501 @@
- #/bin/sh
--install -D /home/mjg59/Source/efi/edk2/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8w/e_os.h e_os.h
--install -D /home/mjg59/Source/efi/edk2/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8w/crypto/cryptlib.c crypto/cryptlib.c
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-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.c crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_table.c crypto/engine/eng_table.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_fat.c crypto/engine/eng_fat.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_all.c crypto/engine/eng_all.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_rsa.c crypto/engine/tb_rsa.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_dsa.c crypto/engine/tb_dsa.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_ecdsa.c crypto/engine/tb_ecdsa.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_dh.c crypto/engine/tb_dh.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_ecdh.c crypto/engine/tb_ecdh.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_rand.c crypto/engine/tb_rand.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_store.c crypto/engine/tb_store.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_cipher.c crypto/engine/tb_cipher.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/tb_digest.c crypto/engine/tb_digest.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_openssl.c crypto/engine/eng_openssl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_cnf.c crypto/engine/eng_cnf.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_dyn.c crypto/engine/eng_dyn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/engine/eng_padlock.c crypto/engine/eng_padlock.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_asn.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_asn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_srv.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_srv.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_prn.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_prn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_err.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ui/ui_err.c crypto/ui/ui_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ui/ui_lib.c crypto/ui/ui_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ui/ui_util.c crypto/ui/ui_util.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/ui/ui_compat.c crypto/ui/ui_compat.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/krb5/krb5_asn.c crypto/krb5/krb5_asn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/store/str_err.c crypto/store/str_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/store/str_lib.c crypto/store/str_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/store/str_meth.c crypto/store/str_meth.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/store/str_mem.c crypto/store/str_mem.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-0.9.8za/crypto/pqueue/pqueue.c crypto/pqueue/pqueue.c
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..63fe78f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
-+/** @file
-+  PKCS#7 SignedData Sign Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL.
-+Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-+This program and the accompanying materials
-+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-+which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
-+#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
-+#include <openssl/objects.h>
-+#include <openssl/x509.h>
-+#include <openssl/pkcs7.h>
-+  Creates a PKCS#7 signedData as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message
-+  Syntax Standard, version 1.5". This interface is only intended to be used for
-+  application to perform PKCS#7 functionality validation.
-+  @param[in]  PrivateKey       Pointer to the PEM-formatted private key data for
-+                               data signing.
-+  @param[in]  PrivateKeySize   Size of the PEM private key data in bytes.
-+  @param[in]  KeyPassword      NULL-terminated passphrase used for encrypted PEM
-+                               key data.
-+  @param[in]  InData           Pointer to the content to be signed.
-+  @param[in]  InDataSize       Size of InData in bytes.
-+  @param[in]  SignCert         Pointer to signer's DER-encoded certificate to sign with.
-+  @param[in]  OtherCerts       Pointer to an optional additional set of certificates to
-+                               include in the PKCS#7 signedData (e.g. any intermediate
-+                               CAs in the chain).
-+  @param[out] SignedData       Pointer to output PKCS#7 signedData.
-+  @param[out] SignedDataSize   Size of SignedData in bytes.
-+  @retval     TRUE             PKCS#7 data signing succeeded.
-+  @retval     FALSE            PKCS#7 data signing failed.
-+Pkcs7Sign (
-+  IN   CONST UINT8  *PrivateKey,
-+  IN   UINTN        PrivateKeySize,
-+  IN   CONST UINT8  *KeyPassword,
-+  IN   UINT8        *InData,
-+  IN   UINTN        InDataSize,
-+  IN   UINT8        *SignCert,
-+  IN   UINT8        *OtherCerts      OPTIONAL,
-+  OUT  UINT8        **SignedData,
-+  OUT  UINTN        *SignedDataSize
-+  )
-+  BOOLEAN   Status;
-+  EVP_PKEY  *Key;
-+  BIO       *DataBio;
-+  PKCS7     *Pkcs7;
-+  UINT8     *RsaContext;
-+  UINT8     *P7Data;
-+  UINTN     P7DataSize;
-+  UINT8     *Tmp;
-+  //
-+  // Check input parameters.
-+  //
-+  if (PrivateKey == NULL || KeyPassword == NULL || InData == NULL ||
-+    SignCert == NULL || SignedData == NULL || SignedDataSize == NULL || InDataSize > INT_MAX) {
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-+  RsaContext = NULL;
-+  Key        = NULL;
-+  Pkcs7      = NULL;
-+  DataBio    = NULL;
-+  Status     = FALSE;
-+  //
-+  // Retrieve RSA private key from PEM data.
-+  //
-+  Status = RsaGetPrivateKeyFromPem (
-+             PrivateKey,
-+             PrivateKeySize,
-+             (CONST CHAR8 *) KeyPassword,
-+             (VOID **) &RsaContext
-+             );
-+  if (!Status) {
-+    return Status;
-+  }
-+  Status = FALSE;
-+  //
-+  // Register & Initialize necessary digest algorithms and PRNG for PKCS#7 Handling
-+  //
-+  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_md5 ()) == 0) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha1 ()) == 0) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha256 ()) == 0) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  RandomSeed (NULL, 0);
-+  //
-+  // Construct OpenSSL EVP_PKEY for private key.
-+  //
-+  Key = EVP_PKEY_new ();
-+  if (Key == NULL) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  Key->save_type = EVP_PKEY_RSA;
-+  Key->type      = EVP_PKEY_type (EVP_PKEY_RSA);
-+  Key->pkey.rsa  = (RSA *) RsaContext;
-+  //
-+  // Convert the data to be signed to BIO format. 
-+  //
-+  DataBio = BIO_new (BIO_s_mem ());
-+  if (DataBio == NULL) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  if (BIO_write (DataBio, InData, (int) InDataSize) <= 0) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  //
-+  // Create the PKCS#7 signedData structure.
-+  //
-+  Pkcs7 = PKCS7_sign (
-+            (X509 *) SignCert,
-+            Key,
-+            (STACK_OF(X509) *) OtherCerts,
-+            DataBio,
-+            );
-+  if (Pkcs7 == NULL) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  //
-+  // Convert PKCS#7 signedData structure into DER-encoded buffer.
-+  //
-+  P7DataSize = i2d_PKCS7 (Pkcs7, NULL);
-+  if (P7DataSize <= 19) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  P7Data     = malloc (P7DataSize);
-+  if (P7Data == NULL) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  Tmp        = P7Data;
-+  P7DataSize = i2d_PKCS7 (Pkcs7, (unsigned char **) &Tmp);
-+  ASSERT (P7DataSize > 19);
-+  //
-+  // Strip ContentInfo to content only for signeddata. The data be trimmed off
-+  // is totally 19 bytes.
-+  //
-+  *SignedDataSize = P7DataSize - 19;
-+  *SignedData     = malloc (*SignedDataSize);
-+  if (*SignedData == NULL) {
-+    OPENSSL_free (P7Data);
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  CopyMem (*SignedData, P7Data + 19, *SignedDataSize);
-+  OPENSSL_free (P7Data);
-+  Status = TRUE;
-+  //
-+  // Release Resources
-+  //
-+  if (RsaContext != NULL) {
-+    RsaFree (RsaContext);
-+    if (Key != NULL) {
-+      Key->pkey.rsa = NULL;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  if (Key != NULL) {
-+    EVP_PKEY_free (Key);
-+  }
-+  if (DataBio != NULL) {
-+    BIO_free (DataBio);
-+  }
-+  if (Pkcs7 != NULL) {
-+    PKCS7_free (Pkcs7);
-+  }
-+  return Status;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..539bb6b
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
-+/** @file
-+  PKCS#7 SignedData Sign Wrapper Implementation which does not provide real
-+  capabilities.
-+Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-+This program and the accompanying materials
-+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-+which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
-+#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
-+  Creates a PKCS#7 signedData as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message
-+  Syntax Standard, version 1.5". This interface is only intended to be used for
-+  application to perform PKCS#7 functionality validation.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in]  PrivateKey       Pointer to the PEM-formatted private key data for
-+                               data signing.
-+  @param[in]  PrivateKeySize   Size of the PEM private key data in bytes.
-+  @param[in]  KeyPassword      NULL-terminated passphrase used for encrypted PEM
-+                               key data.
-+  @param[in]  InData           Pointer to the content to be signed.
-+  @param[in]  InDataSize       Size of InData in bytes.
-+  @param[in]  SignCert         Pointer to signer's DER-encoded certificate to sign with.
-+  @param[in]  OtherCerts       Pointer to an optional additional set of certificates to
-+                               include in the PKCS#7 signedData (e.g. any intermediate
-+                               CAs in the chain).
-+  @param[out] SignedData       Pointer to output PKCS#7 signedData.
-+  @param[out] SignedDataSize   Size of SignedData in bytes.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+Pkcs7Sign (
-+  IN   CONST UINT8  *PrivateKey,
-+  IN   UINTN        PrivateKeySize,
-+  IN   CONST UINT8  *KeyPassword,
-+  IN   UINT8        *InData,
-+  IN   UINTN        InDataSize,
-+  IN   UINT8        *SignCert,
-+  IN   UINT8        *OtherCerts      OPTIONAL,
-+  OUT  UINT8        **SignedData,
-+  OUT  UINTN        *SignedDataSize
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
-similarity index 74%
-rename from Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7.c
-rename to Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
-index 218e7ac..05c3f87 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-   WrapPkcs7Data(), Pkcs7GetSigners(), Pkcs7Verify() will get UEFI Authenticated
-   Variable and will do basic check for data structure.
--Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-+Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
- This program and the accompanying materials
- are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
- which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
- #include <openssl/objects.h>
- #include <openssl/x509.h>
-+#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
- #include <openssl/pkcs7.h>
- UINT8 mOidValue[9] = { 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x07, 0x02 };
-@@ -111,182 +112,6 @@ X509VerifyCb (
- }
- /**
--  Creates a PKCS#7 signedData as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message
--  Syntax Standard, version 1.5". This interface is only intended to be used for
--  application to perform PKCS#7 functionality validation.
--  @param[in]  PrivateKey       Pointer to the PEM-formatted private key data for
--                               data signing.
--  @param[in]  PrivateKeySize   Size of the PEM private key data in bytes.
--  @param[in]  KeyPassword      NULL-terminated passphrase used for encrypted PEM
--                               key data.
--  @param[in]  InData           Pointer to the content to be signed.
--  @param[in]  InDataSize       Size of InData in bytes.
--  @param[in]  SignCert         Pointer to signer's DER-encoded certificate to sign with.
--  @param[in]  OtherCerts       Pointer to an optional additional set of certificates to
--                               include in the PKCS#7 signedData (e.g. any intermediate
--                               CAs in the chain).
--  @param[out] SignedData       Pointer to output PKCS#7 signedData.
--  @param[out] SignedDataSize   Size of SignedData in bytes.
--  @retval     TRUE             PKCS#7 data signing succeeded.
--  @retval     FALSE            PKCS#7 data signing failed.
--Pkcs7Sign (
--  IN   CONST UINT8  *PrivateKey,
--  IN   UINTN        PrivateKeySize,
--  IN   CONST UINT8  *KeyPassword,
--  IN   UINT8        *InData,
--  IN   UINTN        InDataSize,
--  IN   UINT8        *SignCert,
--  IN   UINT8        *OtherCerts      OPTIONAL,
--  OUT  UINT8        **SignedData,
--  OUT  UINTN        *SignedDataSize
--  )
--  BOOLEAN   Status;
--  EVP_PKEY  *Key;
--  BIO       *DataBio;
--  PKCS7     *Pkcs7;
--  UINT8     *RsaContext;
--  UINT8     *P7Data;
--  UINTN     P7DataSize;
--  UINT8     *Tmp;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (PrivateKey == NULL || KeyPassword == NULL || InData == NULL ||
--    SignCert == NULL || SignedData == NULL || SignedDataSize == NULL || InDataSize > INT_MAX) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  RsaContext = NULL;
--  Key        = NULL;
--  Pkcs7      = NULL;
--  DataBio    = NULL;
--  Status     = FALSE;
--  //
--  // Retrieve RSA private key from PEM data.
--  //
--  Status = RsaGetPrivateKeyFromPem (
--             PrivateKey,
--             PrivateKeySize,
--             (CONST CHAR8 *) KeyPassword,
--             (VOID **) &RsaContext
--             );
--  if (!Status) {
--    return Status;
--  }
--  //
--  // Register & Initialize necessary digest algorithms and PRNG for PKCS#7 Handling
--  //
--  EVP_add_digest (EVP_md5());
--  EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha1());
--  EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha256());
--  RandomSeed (NULL, 0);
--  //
--  // Construct OpenSSL EVP_PKEY for private key.
--  //
--  Key = EVP_PKEY_new ();
--  if (Key == NULL) {
--    Status = FALSE;
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  Key->save_type = EVP_PKEY_RSA;
--  Key->type      = EVP_PKEY_type (EVP_PKEY_RSA);
--  Key->pkey.rsa  = (RSA *) RsaContext;
--  //
--  // Convert the data to be signed to BIO format. 
--  //
--  DataBio = BIO_new (BIO_s_mem ());
--  BIO_write (DataBio, InData, (int) InDataSize);
--  //
--  // Create the PKCS#7 signedData structure.
--  //
--  Pkcs7 = PKCS7_sign (
--            (X509 *) SignCert,
--            Key,
--            (STACK_OF(X509) *) OtherCerts,
--            DataBio,
--            );
--  if (Pkcs7 == NULL) {
--    Status = FALSE;
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  //
--  // Convert PKCS#7 signedData structure into DER-encoded buffer.
--  //
--  P7DataSize = i2d_PKCS7 (Pkcs7, NULL);
--  if (P7DataSize <= 19) {
--    Status = FALSE;
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  P7Data     = malloc (P7DataSize);
--  if (P7Data == NULL) {
--    Status = FALSE;
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  Tmp        = P7Data;
--  P7DataSize = i2d_PKCS7 (Pkcs7, (unsigned char **) &Tmp);
--  //
--  // Strip ContentInfo to content only for signeddata. The data be trimmed off
--  // is totally 19 bytes.
--  //
--  *SignedDataSize = P7DataSize - 19;
--  *SignedData     = malloc (*SignedDataSize);
--  if (*SignedData == NULL) {
--    Status = FALSE;
--    OPENSSL_free (P7Data);
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  CopyMem (*SignedData, P7Data + 19, *SignedDataSize);
--  OPENSSL_free (P7Data);
--  Status = TRUE;
--  //
--  // Release Resources
--  //
--  if (RsaContext != NULL) {
--    RsaFree (RsaContext);
--    if (Key != NULL) {
--      Key->pkey.rsa = NULL;
--    }
--  }
--  if (Key != NULL) {
--    EVP_PKEY_free (Key);
--  }
--  if (DataBio != NULL) {
--    BIO_free (DataBio);
--  }
--  if (Pkcs7 != NULL) {
--    PKCS7_free (Pkcs7);
--  }
--  return Status;
-   Check input P7Data is a wrapped ContentInfo structure or not. If not construct
-   a new structure to wrap P7Data.
-@@ -395,6 +220,91 @@ WrapPkcs7Data (
- }
- /**
-+  Pop single certificate from STACK_OF(X509).
-+  If X509Stack, Cert, or CertSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
-+  @param[in]  X509Stack       Pointer to a X509 stack object.
-+  @param[out] Cert            Pointer to a X509 certificate.
-+  @param[out] CertSize        Length of output X509 certificate in bytes.
-+  @retval     TRUE            The X509 stack pop succeeded.
-+  @retval     FALSE           The pop operation failed.
-+X509PopCertificate (
-+  IN  VOID  *X509Stack,
-+  OUT UINT8 **Cert,
-+  OUT UINTN *CertSize
-+  )
-+  BIO             *CertBio;
-+  X509            *X509Cert;
-+  STACK_OF(X509)  *CertStack;
-+  BOOLEAN         Status;
-+  INT32           Result;
-+  INT32           Length;
-+  VOID            *Buffer;
-+  Status = FALSE;
-+  if ((X509Stack == NULL) || (Cert == NULL) || (CertSize == NULL)) {
-+    return Status;
-+  }
-+  CertStack = (STACK_OF(X509) *) X509Stack;
-+  X509Cert = sk_X509_pop (CertStack);
-+  if (X509Cert == NULL) {
-+    return Status;
-+  }
-+  Buffer = NULL;
-+  CertBio = BIO_new (BIO_s_mem ());
-+  if (CertBio == NULL) {
-+    return Status;
-+  }
-+  Result = i2d_X509_bio (CertBio, X509Cert);
-+  if (Result == 0) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  Length = ((BUF_MEM *) CertBio->ptr)->length;
-+  if (Length <= 0) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  Buffer = malloc (Length);
-+  if (Buffer == NULL) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  Result = BIO_read (CertBio, Buffer, Length);
-+  if (Result != Length) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  *Cert     = Buffer;
-+  *CertSize = Length;
-+  Status = TRUE;
-+  BIO_free (CertBio);
-+  if (!Status && (Buffer != NULL)) {
-+    free (Buffer);
-+  }
-+  return Status;
-   Get the signer's certificates from PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7:
-   Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". The input signed data could be wrapped
-   in a ContentInfo structure.
-@@ -634,7 +544,6 @@ Pkcs7Verify (
-   )
- {
-   PKCS7       *Pkcs7;
--  BIO         *CertBio;
-   BIO         *DataBio;
-   BOOLEAN     Status;
-   X509        *Cert;
-@@ -653,7 +562,6 @@ Pkcs7Verify (
-   }
-   Pkcs7     = NULL;
--  CertBio   = NULL;
-   DataBio   = NULL;
-   Cert      = NULL;
-   CertStore = NULL;
-@@ -661,10 +569,19 @@ Pkcs7Verify (
-   //
-   // Register & Initialize necessary digest algorithms for PKCS#7 Handling
-   //
--  EVP_add_digest (EVP_md5());
--  EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha1());
--  EVP_add_digest_alias (SN_sha1WithRSAEncryption, SN_sha1WithRSA);
--  EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha256());
-+  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_md5 ()) == 0) {
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-+  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha1 ()) == 0) {
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-+  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha256 ()) == 0) {
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-+  if (EVP_add_digest_alias (SN_sha1WithRSAEncryption, SN_sha1WithRSA) == 0) {
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-   Status = WrapPkcs7Data (P7Data, P7Length, &Wrapped, &SignedData, &SignedDataSize);
-   if (!Status) {
-@@ -696,12 +613,7 @@ Pkcs7Verify (
-   //
-   // Read DER-encoded root certificate and Construct X509 Certificate
-   //
--  CertBio = BIO_new (BIO_s_mem ());
--  BIO_write (CertBio, TrustedCert, (int)CertLength);
--  if (CertBio == NULL) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  Cert = d2i_X509_bio (CertBio, NULL);
-+  Cert = d2i_X509 (NULL, &TrustedCert, (long) CertLength);
-   if (Cert == NULL) {
-     goto _Exit;
-   }
-@@ -728,7 +640,20 @@ Pkcs7Verify (
-   // in PKCS#7 structure. So ignore NULL checking here.
-   //
-   DataBio = BIO_new (BIO_s_mem ());
--  BIO_write (DataBio, InData, (int)DataLength);
-+  if (DataBio == NULL) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  if (BIO_write (DataBio, InData, (int) DataLength) <= 0) {
-+    goto _Exit;
-+  }
-+  //
-+  // OpenSSL PKCS7 Verification by default checks for SMIME (email signing) and
-+  // doesn't support the extended key usage for Authenticode Code Signing.
-+  // Bypass the certificate purpose checking by enabling any purposes setting.
-+  //
-+  X509_STORE_set_purpose (CertStore, X509_PURPOSE_ANY);
-   //
-   // Verifies the PKCS#7 signedData structure
-@@ -740,7 +665,6 @@ _Exit:
-   // Release Resources
-   //
-   BIO_free (DataBio);
--  BIO_free (CertBio);
-   X509_free (Cert);
-   X509_STORE_free (CertStore);
-   PKCS7_free (Pkcs7);
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..9a4c77a
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
-+/** @file
-+  PKCS#7 SignedData Verification Wrapper Implementation which does not provide
-+  real capabilities.
-+Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-+This program and the accompanying materials
-+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-+which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
-+#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
-+  Get the signer's certificates from PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7:
-+  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". The input signed data could be wrapped
-+  in a ContentInfo structure.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in]  P7Data       Pointer to the PKCS#7 message to verify.
-+  @param[in]  P7Length     Length of the PKCS#7 message in bytes.
-+  @param[out] CertStack    Pointer to Signer's certificates retrieved from P7Data.
-+                           It's caller's responsiblity to free the buffer.
-+  @param[out] StackLength  Length of signer's certificates in bytes.
-+  @param[out] TrustedCert  Pointer to a trusted certificate from Signer's certificates.
-+                           It's caller's responsiblity to free the buffer.
-+  @param[out] CertLength   Length of the trusted certificate in bytes.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+Pkcs7GetSigners (
-+  IN  CONST UINT8  *P7Data,
-+  IN  UINTN        P7Length,
-+  OUT UINT8        **CertStack,
-+  OUT UINTN        *StackLength,
-+  OUT UINT8        **TrustedCert,
-+  OUT UINTN        *CertLength
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-+  Wrap function to use free() to free allocated memory for certificates.
-+  If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().
-+  @param[in]  Certs        Pointer to the certificates to be freed.
-+Pkcs7FreeSigners (
-+  IN  UINT8        *Certs
-+  )
-+  Verifies the validility of a PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7:
-+  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". The input signed data could be wrapped
-+  in a ContentInfo structure.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in]  P7Data       Pointer to the PKCS#7 message to verify.
-+  @param[in]  P7Length     Length of the PKCS#7 message in bytes.
-+  @param[in]  TrustedCert  Pointer to a trusted/root certificate encoded in DER, which
-+                           is used for certificate chain verification.
-+  @param[in]  CertLength   Length of the trusted certificate in bytes.
-+  @param[in]  InData       Pointer to the content to be verified.
-+  @param[in]  DataLength   Length of InData in bytes.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+Pkcs7Verify (
-+  IN  CONST UINT8  *P7Data,
-+  IN  UINTN        P7Length,
-+  IN  CONST UINT8  *TrustedCert,
-+  IN  UINTN        CertLength,
-+  IN  CONST UINT8  *InData,
-+  IN  UINTN        DataLength
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e44cdde
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
-+/** @file
-+  RSA Asymmetric Cipher Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL.
-+  This file does not provide real capabilities for following APIs in RSA handling:
-+  1) RsaGetKey
-+  2) RsaGenerateKey
-+  3) RsaCheckKey
-+  4) RsaPkcs1Sign
-+Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-+This program and the accompanying materials
-+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-+which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
-+#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
-+  Gets the tag-designated RSA key component from the established RSA context.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in, out]  RsaContext  Pointer to RSA context being set.
-+  @param[in]       KeyTag      Tag of RSA key component being set.
-+  @param[out]      BigNumber   Pointer to octet integer buffer.
-+  @param[in, out]  BnSize      On input, the size of big number buffer in bytes.
-+                               On output, the size of data returned in big number buffer in bytes.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+RsaGetKey (
-+  IN OUT  VOID         *RsaContext,
-+  IN      RSA_KEY_TAG  KeyTag,
-+  OUT     UINT8        *BigNumber,
-+  IN OUT  UINTN        *BnSize
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-+  Generates RSA key components.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in, out]  RsaContext           Pointer to RSA context being set.
-+  @param[in]       ModulusLength        Length of RSA modulus N in bits.
-+  @param[in]       PublicExponent       Pointer to RSA public exponent.
-+  @param[in]       PublicExponentSize   Size of RSA public exponent buffer in bytes. 
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+RsaGenerateKey (
-+  IN OUT  VOID         *RsaContext,
-+  IN      UINTN        ModulusLength,
-+  IN      CONST UINT8  *PublicExponent,
-+  IN      UINTN        PublicExponentSize
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-+  Validates key components of RSA context.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in]  RsaContext  Pointer to RSA context to check.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+RsaCheckKey (
-+  IN  VOID  *RsaContext
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-+  Carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding scheme.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in]       RsaContext   Pointer to RSA context for signature generation.
-+  @param[in]       MessageHash  Pointer to octet message hash to be signed.
-+  @param[in]       HashSize     Size of the message hash in bytes.
-+  @param[out]      Signature    Pointer to buffer to receive RSA PKCS1-v1_5 signature.
-+  @param[in, out]  SigSize      On input, the size of Signature buffer in bytes.
-+                                On output, the size of data returned in Signature buffer in bytes.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+RsaPkcs1Sign (
-+  IN      VOID         *RsaContext,
-+  IN      CONST UINT8  *MessageHash,
-+  IN      UINTN        HashSize,
-+  OUT     UINT8        *Signature,
-+  IN OUT  UINTN        *SigSize
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Rand/CryptRand.c b/Cryptlib/Rand/CryptRand.c
-index dc3ab99..895ce83 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Rand/CryptRand.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Rand/CryptRand.c
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- /** @file
-   Pseudorandom Number Generator Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL.
--Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-+Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
- This program and the accompanying materials
- are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
- which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
- #include "InternalCryptLib.h"
- #include <openssl/rand.h>
-+#include <openssl/evp.h>
- //
- // Default seed for UEFI Crypto Library
-@@ -48,6 +49,14 @@ RandomSeed (
-   }
-   //
-+  // The software PRNG implementation built in OpenSSL depends on message digest algorithm.
-+  // Make sure SHA-1 digest algorithm is available here.
-+  //
-+  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha1 ()) == 0) {
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-+  //
-   // Seed the pseudorandom number generator with user-supplied value.
-   // NOTE: A cryptographic PRNG must be seeded with unpredictable data.
-   //
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/update.sh b/Cryptlib/update.sh
-index 96bbece..57b6631 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/update.sh
-+++ b/Cryptlib/update.sh
-@@ -13,8 +13,13 @@ cp $DIR/Cipher/CryptAes.c Cipher/CryptAes.c
- cp $DIR/Cipher/CryptTdes.c Cipher/CryptTdes.c
- cp $DIR/Cipher/CryptArc4.c Cipher/CryptArc4.c
- cp $DIR/Rand/CryptRand.c Rand/CryptRand.c
--cp $DIR/Pk/CryptRsa.c Pk/CryptRsa.c
--cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7.c Pk/CryptPkcs7.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptRsaBasic.c Pk/CryptRsaBasic.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptRsaExt.c Pk/CryptRsaExt.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptDh.c Pk/CryptDh.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptX509.c Pk/CryptX509.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
diff --git a/SOURCES/0044-Replace-build-instructions-in-README-with-something-.patch b/SOURCES/0044-Replace-build-instructions-in-README-with-something-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a0f0c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0044-Replace-build-instructions-in-README-with-something-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 81ee561dde0213bc487aa1b701799f6d2faeaf31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:15:07 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 44/74] Replace build instructions in README with something not
- completely wrong.
-These were really, really out of date.
- README | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/README b/README
-index 2977f2a..24a39df 100644
---- a/README
-+++ b/README
-@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ in the shim.h header file and provides a single entry point. On 64-bit systems
- this entry point expects to be called with SysV ABI rather than MSABI, and
- so calls to it should not be wrapped.
--To use shim, simply place a hex dump of the public certificate in cert.h
--and build it with make.
-\ No newline at end of file
-+To use shim, simply place a DER-encoded public certificate in a file such as
-+pub.cer and build with "make VENDOR_CERT_FILE=pub.cer".
diff --git a/SOURCES/0045-CryptLib-undefine-va_arg-and-friends-before-redefini.patch b/SOURCES/0045-CryptLib-undefine-va_arg-and-friends-before-redefini.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8372361..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0045-CryptLib-undefine-va_arg-and-friends-before-redefini.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From a30276e095c10be69b5282d01c20cf5daf3fa671 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
-Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:33:18 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 45/74] CryptLib: undefine va_arg and friends before redefining
- them
-Upstream GNU-EFI contains changes to efistdarg.h resulting in the va_start,
-va_arg and va_end macros to be #defined unconditionally. Make sure we #undef
-them before overriding the definitions.
-Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
- Cryptlib/Include/OpenSslSupport.h | 8 ++++++++
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Include/OpenSslSupport.h b/Cryptlib/Include/OpenSslSupport.h
-index 5a2745d..9e56ced 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Include/OpenSslSupport.h
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Include/OpenSslSupport.h
-@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ typedef VOID  *FILE;
- // Map all va_xxxx elements to VA_xxx defined in MdePkg/Include/Base.h
- //
- #if !defined(__CC_ARM) // if va_list is not already defined
-+ * These are now unconditionally #defined by GNU_EFI's efistdarg.h,
-+ * so we should #undef them here before providing a new definition.
-+ */
-+#undef va_arg
-+#undef va_start
-+#undef va_end
- #define va_list   VA_LIST
- #define va_arg    VA_ARG
- #define va_start  VA_START
diff --git a/SOURCES/0046-unhook_system_services-bail-on-systab-NULL.patch b/SOURCES/0046-unhook_system_services-bail-on-systab-NULL.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f0bb9d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0046-unhook_system_services-bail-on-systab-NULL.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From 77cdb40423e29a5f9d1318cd0ada874ee1916450 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
-Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:33:19 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 46/74] unhook_system_services: bail on systab == NULL
-Prevent unhook_system_services() from dereferencing a NULL systab, which
-may occur if hook_system_services() has never been called.
-Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
- replacements.c | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/replacements.c b/replacements.c
-index 48dc437..5dfa355 100644
---- a/replacements.c
-+++ b/replacements.c
-@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ static EFI_HANDLE last_loaded_image;
- void
- unhook_system_services(void)
- {
-+	if (!systab)
-+		return;
- 	systab->BootServices->Exit = system_exit;
- 	systab->BootServices->LoadImage = system_load_image;
- 	systab->BootServices->StartImage = system_start_image;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0047-Factor-out-x86-isms-and-add-cross-compile-support.patch b/SOURCES/0047-Factor-out-x86-isms-and-add-cross-compile-support.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d178f3..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0047-Factor-out-x86-isms-and-add-cross-compile-support.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-From 99d7b5e858945b8bb160fe3fea77596b2daf07ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
-Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:33:20 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 47/74] Factor out x86-isms and add cross compile support
-This patch cleans up and refactors the Makefiles to better allow new
-architectures to be added:
-- remove unused Makefile definitions
-- import Makefile definitions from top level rather than redefining
-- move x86 specific CFLAGS to inside ifeq() blocks
-- remove x86 inline asm
-- allow $(FORMAT) to be overridden: this is necessary as there exists no
-  EFI or PE/COFF aware objcopy for ARM
-Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
- Cryptlib/Makefile         | 16 ++++++----------
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile | 15 ++++++---------
- Makefile                  | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
- lib/Makefile              | 14 ++++----------
- netboot.c                 | 10 +---------
- 5 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Makefile b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-index 678baac..73a1e2b 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
--ARCH		= $(shell uname -m | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
--EFI_INCLUDE	= /usr/include/efi
--EFI_INCLUDES	= -nostdinc -IInclude -I$(EFI_INCLUDE) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/$(ARCH) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/protocol
--EFI_PATH	= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
--LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
--EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi $(LIB_GCC)
- CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -I. -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic -fshort-wchar \
--		  -Wall $(EFI_INCLUDES) -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args -mno-sse -mno-mmx
-+		  -Wall $(EFI_INCLUDES)
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
--	CFLAGS	+= -m32
-+	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc -maccumulate-outgoing-args -m32
- endif
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-index 8e2f2a6..9097580 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
--ARCH		= $(shell uname -m | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
--EFI_INCLUDE	= /usr/include/efi
--EFI_PATH	= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
--LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
--EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi $(LIB_GCC)
--CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -I. -I.. -I../Include/ -Icrypto -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic -fshort-wchar -nostdinc -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
-+CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -I. -I.. -I../Include/ -Icrypto -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic -fshort-wchar -nostdinc \
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
- endif
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index df190a2..f65bb3b 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
--ARCH		= $(shell uname -m | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
-+ARCH		= $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine | cut -f1 -d- | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
- SUBDIRS		= Cryptlib lib
- LIB_PATH	= /usr/lib64
--EFI_INCLUDE	= /usr/include/efi
-+EFI_INCLUDE	:= /usr/include/efi
- EFI_INCLUDES	= -nostdinc -ICryptlib -ICryptlib/Include -I$(EFI_INCLUDE) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/$(ARCH) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/protocol -Iinclude
- EFI_PATH	:= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
-@@ -16,9 +20,7 @@ EFI_LDS		= elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- DEFAULT_LOADER	:= \\\\grub.efi
- CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
--		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -Wsign-compare -Werror \
--		  -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
--		  -mno-mmx -mno-sse -fno-builtin \
-+		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -Wsign-compare -Werror -fno-builtin \
-@@ -26,12 +28,15 @@ CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
- ifneq ($(origin OVERRIDE_SECURITY_POLICY), undefined)
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
--	CFLAGS	+= -m32
-+	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc -maccumulate-outgoing-args -m32
- endif
- ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_CERT_FILE), undefined)
- endif
-@@ -95,26 +100,28 @@ MokManager.so: $(MOK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS) lib/lib.a
- Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a:
-+	$(MAKE) -C Cryptlib
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a:
-+	$(MAKE) -C Cryptlib/OpenSSL
- lib/lib.a:
-+	$(MAKE) -C lib
-+FORMAT		?= --target efi-app-$(ARCH)
- %.efi: %.so
--	objcopy -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
--		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym  -j .rel \
--		-j .rela -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
-+	$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
-+		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym  -j .rel* \
-+		-j .rela* -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
- 		-j .vendor_cert \
--		--target=efi-app-$(ARCH) $^ $@
--	objcopy -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
--		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym  -j .rel \
--		-j .rela -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
-+		$(FORMAT)  $^ $@
-+	$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
-+		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym  -j .rel* \
-+		-j .rela* -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
- 		-j .debug_info -j .debug_abbrev -j .debug_aranges \
- 		-j .debug_line -j .debug_str -j .debug_ranges \
--		--target=efi-app-$(ARCH) $^ $@.debug
-+		$(FORMAT) $^ $@.debug
- %.efi.signed: %.efi certdb/secmod.db
- 	pesign -n certdb -i $< -c "shim" -s -o $@ -f
-@@ -151,3 +158,5 @@ archive: tag
- 	@dir=$$PWD; cd /tmp; tar -c --bzip2 -f $$dir/shim-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 shim-$(VERSION)
- 	@rm -rf /tmp/shim-$(VERSION)
- 	@echo "The archive is in shim-$(VERSION).tar.bz2"
-diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
-index a9c9cf6..ebd21a1 100644
---- a/lib/Makefile
-+++ b/lib/Makefile
-@@ -2,23 +2,17 @@ TARGET = lib.a
- LIBFILES = simple_file.o guid.o console.o execute.o configtable.o shell.o variables.o security_policy.o
--ARCH            = $(shell uname -m | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
--EFI_INCLUDE     = /usr/include/efi
- EFI_INCLUDES    = -I$(EFI_INCLUDE) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/$(ARCH) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/protocol -I../include
--EFI_CRT_OBJS    = $(EFI_PATH)/crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
--EFI_LDS         = $(EFI_PATH)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- CFLAGS          = -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
--		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -mno-red-zone -DBUILD_EFI -fno-builtin \
--		  -Werror \
-+		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -DBUILD_EFI -fno-builtin -Werror \
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
--        CFLAGS  += -m32
-+        CFLAGS  += -mno-red-zone -m32
- endif
- lib.a: $(LIBFILES)
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-index 5ef53f7..238937d 100644
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -40,15 +40,7 @@
- #include "netboot.h"
- #include "str.h"
--static inline unsigned short int __swap16(unsigned short int x)
--        __asm__("xchgb %b0,%h0"
--                : "=q" (x)
--                : "0" (x));
--	return x;
--#define ntohs(x) __swap16(x)
-+#define ntohs(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)	/* supported both by GCC and clang */
- #define htons(x) ntohs(x)
- static EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE *pxe;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0048-Add-support-for-64-bit-ARM-AArch64.patch b/SOURCES/0048-Add-support-for-64-bit-ARM-AArch64.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 838e655..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0048-Add-support-for-64-bit-ARM-AArch64.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-From 04cba93d64b5ffd3a05be82aacea5c2b2d0ea94c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
-Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:33:21 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 48/74] Add support for 64-bit ARM (AArch64)
-This adds support for building the shim for a 64-bit ARM UEFI environment.
-Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile |  3 +++
- Makefile                  | 10 ++++++++
- elf_aarch64_efi.lds       | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 3 files changed, 78 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 elf_aarch64_efi.lds
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-index 9097580..17b5695 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
- 	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -maccumulate-outgoing-args \
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -O2 -DSIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG -ffreestanding -I$(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include)
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
- TARGET		= libopenssl.a
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index f65bb3b..3529b45 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
- 	CFLAGS	+= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc -maccumulate-outgoing-args -m32
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -ffreestanding -I$(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include)
- ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_CERT_FILE), undefined)
- endif
-@@ -108,6 +112,12 @@ Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a:
- lib/lib.a:
- 	$(MAKE) -C lib
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
-+FORMAT		:= -O binary
-+SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- FORMAT		?= --target efi-app-$(ARCH)
- %.efi: %.so
-diff --git a/elf_aarch64_efi.lds b/elf_aarch64_efi.lds
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..9c9a055
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/elf_aarch64_efi.lds
-@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
-+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf64-littleaarch64", "elf64-littleaarch64", "elf64-littleaarch64")
-+  .text 0x0 : {
-+    *(.text.head)
-+    *(.text)
-+    *(.text.*)
-+    *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
-+    *(.srodata)
-+    *(.rodata*)
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _etext = .;
-+  }
-+  .dynamic  : { *(.dynamic) }
-+  .data :
-+  {
-+   *(.sdata)
-+   *(.data)
-+   *(.data1)
-+   *(.data.*)
-+   *(.got.plt)
-+   *(.got)
-+   /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
-+      it all into .data: */
-+   . = ALIGN(16);
-+   _bss = .;
-+   *(.sbss)
-+   *(.scommon)
-+   *(.dynbss)
-+   *(.bss)
-+   *(COMMON)
-+   . = ALIGN(16);
-+   _bss_end = .;
-+  }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .vendor_cert :
-+  {
-+    *(.vendor_cert)
-+  }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .rela.dyn : { *(.rela.dyn) }
-+  .rela.plt : { *(.rela.plt) }
-+  .rela.got : { *(.rela.got) }
-+  .rela.data : { *(.rela.data) *(.rela.data*) }
-+  _edata = .;
-+  _data_size = . - _etext;
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .dynsym   : { *(.dynsym) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .dynstr   : { *(.dynstr) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  /DISCARD/ :
-+  {
-+    *(.rel.reloc)
-+    *(.eh_frame)
-+    *(.note.GNU-stack)
-+  }
-+  .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0049-Add-support-for-32-bit-ARM.patch b/SOURCES/0049-Add-support-for-32-bit-ARM.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d4975..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0049-Add-support-for-32-bit-ARM.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-From fa525bc4632e04346fae82a98ce23b31c6cfc86d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
-Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:33:22 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 49/74] Add support for 32-bit ARM
-This adds support for building the shim for a 32-bit ARM UEFI environment.
-Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile |  3 +++
- Makefile                  | 10 ++++++++
- cert.S                    | 30 ++++++++++------------
- elf_arm_efi.lds           | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 4 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 elf_arm_efi.lds
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-index 17b5695..7990b3c 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/Makefile
-@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
- 	CFLAGS	+= -O2 -DSIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG -ffreestanding -I$(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include)
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -O2 -DTHIRTY_TWO_BIT -ffreestanding -I$(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include)
- LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc
- TARGET		= libopenssl.a
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 3529b45..5bc513c 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
- 	CFLAGS	+= -ffreestanding -I$(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include)
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
-+	CFLAGS	+= -ffreestanding -I$(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include)
- ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_CERT_FILE), undefined)
- endif
-@@ -118,6 +122,12 @@ SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
-+FORMAT		:= -O binary
-+SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- FORMAT		?= --target efi-app-$(ARCH)
- %.efi: %.so
-diff --git a/cert.S b/cert.S
-index 3cfd665..cfc4525 100644
---- a/cert.S
-+++ b/cert.S
-@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
- 	.globl cert_table
--	.data
--	.align 16
--	.type	cert_table, @object
-+	.type	cert_table, %object
- 	.size	cert_table, 4
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", @progbits
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- cert_table:
- #if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
- 	.long	vendor_cert_priv_end - vendor_cert_priv
-@@ -20,48 +18,48 @@ cert_table:
- #if defined(VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
- 	.data
- 	.align	1
--	.type	vendor_cert_priv, @object
-+	.type	vendor_cert_priv, %object
- 	.size	vendor_cert_priv, vendor_cert_priv_end-vendor_cert_priv
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", @progbits
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- vendor_cert_priv:
- vendor_cert_priv_end:
- #else
- 	.bss
--	.type	vendor_cert_priv, @object
-+	.type	vendor_cert_priv, %object
- 	.size	vendor_cert_priv, 1
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", @progbits
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- vendor_cert_priv:
- 	.zero	1
- 	.data
- 	.align 4
--	.type	vendor_cert_size_priv, @object
-+	.type	vendor_cert_size_priv, %object
- 	.size	vendor_cert_size_priv, 4
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", @progbits
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- vendor_cert_priv_end:
- #endif
- #if defined(VENDOR_DBX_FILE)
- 	.data
- 	.align	1
--	.type	vendor_dbx_priv, @object
-+	.type	vendor_dbx_priv, %object
- 	.size	vendor_dbx_priv, vendor_dbx_priv_end-vendor_dbx_priv
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", @progbits
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- vendor_dbx_priv:
- vendor_dbx_priv_end:
- #else
- 	.bss
--	.type	vendor_dbx_priv, @object
-+	.type	vendor_dbx_priv, %object
- 	.size	vendor_dbx_priv, 1
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", @progbits
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- vendor_dbx_priv:
- 	.zero	1
- 	.data
- 	.align 4
--	.type	vendor_dbx_size_priv, @object
-+	.type	vendor_dbx_size_priv, %object
- 	.size	vendor_dbx_size_priv, 4
--	.section .vendor_cert, "a", @progbits
-+	.section .vendor_cert, "a", %progbits
- vendor_dbx_priv_end:
- #endif
-diff --git a/elf_arm_efi.lds b/elf_arm_efi.lds
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..fd1075d
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/elf_arm_efi.lds
-@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
-+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm")
-+  .text 0x0 : {
-+    *(.text.head)
-+    *(.text)
-+    *(.text.*)
-+    *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
-+    *(.srodata)
-+    *(.rodata*)
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _etext = .;
-+  }
-+  .dynamic  : { *(.dynamic) }
-+  .data :
-+  {
-+   *(.sdata)
-+   *(.data)
-+   *(.data1)
-+   *(.data)
-+   *(.got.plt)
-+   *(.got)
-+   /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
-+      it all into .data: */
-+   . = ALIGN(16);
-+   _bss = .;
-+   *(.sbss)
-+   *(.scommon)
-+   *(.dynbss)
-+   *(.bss)
-+   *(COMMON)
-+   . = ALIGN(16);
-+   _bss_end = .;
-+  }
-+   . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .vendor_cert :
-+  {
-+    *(.vendor_cert)
-+  }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .rel.dyn : { *(.rel.dyn) }
-+  .rel.plt : { *(.rel.plt) }
-+  .rel.got : { *(.rel.got) }
-+  .rel.data : { *(.rel.data) *(.rel.data*) }
-+  _edata = .;
-+  _data_size = . - _etext;
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .dynsym   : { *(.dynsym) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .dynstr   : { *(.dynstr) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  /DISCARD/ :
-+  {
-+    *(.rel.reloc)
-+    *(.eh_frame)
-+    *(.note.GNU-stack)
-+  }
-+  .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0050-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8zb.patch b/SOURCES/0050-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8zb.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 825c0e8..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0050-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8zb.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4231 +0,0 @@
-From 21f96e586351fc8b535353f2dea7c784e931d14a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:15:00 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 50/74] Update openssl to 0.9.8zb
-Also update to Tiano Cryptlib r15802 and remove the execute mode
-bits from the C and header files of openssl
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cbc.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cfb.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_core.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ctr.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ecb.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_misc.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ofb.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_wrap.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bitstr.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bool.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bytes.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_d2i_fp.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_digest.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_dup.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_enum.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_gentm.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_hdr.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_i2d_fp.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_meth.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_object.c        |  30 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_octet.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_print.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_set.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_sign.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_time.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_type.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utctm.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utf8.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_err.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_gen.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c        |   3 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_par.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c        |   2 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_moid.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_pack.c        |  12 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pu.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.c        |   6 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_enum.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_int.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_string.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pr.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pu.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/n_pkey.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/nsseq.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbe.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbev2.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p8_pkey.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_bitst.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_crl.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_req.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_spki.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509.c          |   2 +
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509a.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_dec.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.c        |   7 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_fre.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_new.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_typ.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_utl.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_attrib.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_crl.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_exten.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_info.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_long.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_name.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pkey.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_req.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_sig.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_spki.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_val.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509a.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ecb.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_enc.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ofb64.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_skey.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/b_dump.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_buff.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_nbio.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_null.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_cb.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_err.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_lib.c          |   4 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_bio.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_dgram.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_fd.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_file.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_log.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_mem.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_null.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_add.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_asm.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_blind.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_const.c          |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_ctx.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_depr.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_div.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_err.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp2.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c           |  51 ++
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_kron.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c            |  61 +-
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mod.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c           |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mul.c            |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_nist.c           |   0
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- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_addr.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_akey.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_akeya.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_asid.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_bcons.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_bitst.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_conf.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_crld.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_enum.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_extku.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_genn.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_ia5.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_info.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_int.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_lib.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_ncons.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_ocsp.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pci.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pcia.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pcons.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pku.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pmaps.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_skey.c       |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_sxnet.c      |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_utl.c        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3err.c         |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/e_os.h                        |   0
- Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh                     | 999 +++++++++++++------------
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c                |   4 +-
- 500 files changed, 720 insertions(+), 678 deletions(-)
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cbc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cfb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_core.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ctr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ecb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_misc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ofb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_wrap.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bitstr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bool.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bytes.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_d2i_fp.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_digest.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_dup.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_enum.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_gentm.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_hdr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_i2d_fp.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_meth.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_object.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_octet.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_print.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_set.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_sign.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_time.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_type.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utctm.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utf8.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_gen.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_par.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_moid.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_pack.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pu.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_enum.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_int.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_string.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pu.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/n_pkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/nsseq.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbe.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbev2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p8_pkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_bitst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_crl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_req.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_spki.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509a.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_dec.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_fre.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_new.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_typ.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_utl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_attrib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_crl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_exten.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_info.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_long.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_name.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_req.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_sig.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_spki.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_val.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509a.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ecb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ofb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_skey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/b_dump.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_buff.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_nbio.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_null.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_cb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_bio.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_dgram.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_fd.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_file.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_log.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_mem.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_null.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_add.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_asm.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_blind.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_const.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_ctx.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_depr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_div.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_kron.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mod.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mul.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_nist.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_opt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_prime.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_print.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_rand.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_recp.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_shift.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqrt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_x931p.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buf_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buf_str.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buffer.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_cfb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_ecb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_ofb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_skey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/c_rle.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/c_zlib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/comp_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/comp_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_api.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_def.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_mall.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_mod.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_sap.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cpt_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cversion.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cbc_cksm.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cbc_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb64ede.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb64enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_old.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_old2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ecb3_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ecb_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ede_cbcm_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/enc_read.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/enc_writ.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/fcrypt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/fcrypt_b.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb64ede.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb64enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/pcbc_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/qud_cksm.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/rand_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/read2pwd.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/rpc_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/set_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/str2key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/xcbc_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_asn1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_check.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_depr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_gen.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_asn1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_depr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_gen.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_ossl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_sign.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_utl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_vrf.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_dl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_null.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_openssl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_vms.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_win32.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dyn_lck.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ebcdic.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_check.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_curve.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_cvt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_mult.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_print.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_mont.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_nist.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_ossl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_asn1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_ossl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_sign.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_vrf.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_cnf.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_dyn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_fat.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_init.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_list.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_openssl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_padlock.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_table.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_cipher.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_dh.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_digest.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_dsa.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_ecdh.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_ecdsa.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_rand.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_rsa.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/tb_store.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_all.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_bio.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_def.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_prn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/err/err_str.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_b64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_md.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/bio_ok.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/c_all.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/c_allc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/c_alld.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/dig_eng.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/digest.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_aes.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_bf.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_cast.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_des.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_des3.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_idea.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_null.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_old.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_rc2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_rc4.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_rc5.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/e_xcbc_d.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/enc_min.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/encode.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_acnf.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_cnf.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_pbe.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_pkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_dss.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_dss1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_ecdsa.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_md2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_md4.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_md5.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_null.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_ripemd.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_sha.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/m_sha1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/names.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p5_crpt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p5_crpt2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_dec.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_open.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_seal.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_sign.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_verify.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ex_data.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/fips_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/hmac/hmac.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_cbc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_cfb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_ecb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_ofb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_skey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/krb5/krb5_asn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/lhash/lh_stats.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/lhash/lhash.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md2/md2_dgst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md2/md2_one.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md4/md4_dgst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md4/md4_one.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md5/md5_dgst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md5/md5_one.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem_clr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem_dbg.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_dir.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_str.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_time.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/o_names.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_asn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_prn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_srv.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_all.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_info.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_oth.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_pk8.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_seal.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_sign.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_x509.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_xaux.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_add.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_asn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_attr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crpt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_decr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_init.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_key.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_mutl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_npas.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8d.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8e.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_utl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/pk12err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_asn1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_attr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_doit.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_mime.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pkcs7err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pqueue/pqueue.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/md_rand.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_egd.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_eng.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_nw.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_os2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_unix.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_win.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/randfile.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_cbc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_ecb.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_skey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2cfb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2ofb64.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_enc.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_fblk.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_skey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ripemd/rmd_dgst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ripemd/rmd_one.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_asn1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_chk.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_depr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eay.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eng.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_gen.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_none.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_null.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_pk1.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_pss.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_saos.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_sign.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_ssl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_x931.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_x931g.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha1_one.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha1dgst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha256.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha512.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha_dgst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha_one.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/stack/stack.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_mem.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_meth.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/txt_db/txt_db.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_compat.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_util.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/uid.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/by_dir.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/by_file.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_att.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_cmp.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_d2.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_def.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_ext.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_lu.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_obj.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_r2x.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_req.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_set.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_trs.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_txt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_v3.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509_vpm.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509cset.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509name.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509rset.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509spki.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x509type.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509/x_all.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/pcy_cache.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/pcy_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/pcy_map.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_addr.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_akey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_akeya.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_asid.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_bcons.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_bitst.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_conf.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_crld.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_enum.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_extku.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_genn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_ia5.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_info.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_int.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_lib.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_ncons.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_ocsp.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pci.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pcia.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pcons.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pku.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_pmaps.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_skey.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_sxnet.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3_utl.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/x509v3/v3err.c
- mode change 100755 => 100644 Cryptlib/OpenSSL/e_os.h
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cbc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cbc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cfb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_cfb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_core.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_core.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ctr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ctr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ecb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ecb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ige.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_misc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_misc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ofb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_ofb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_wrap.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/aes/aes_wrap.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bitstr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bitstr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bool.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bool.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bytes.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_bytes.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_d2i_fp.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_d2i_fp.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_digest.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_digest.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_dup.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_dup.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_enum.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_enum.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_gentm.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_gentm.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_hdr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_hdr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_i2d_fp.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_i2d_fp.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_int.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_meth.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_meth.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_object.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_object.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 3ac2bc2..e50501a
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_object.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_object.c
-@@ -285,16 +285,28 @@ err:
- 		ASN1_OBJECT_free(ret);
- 	return(NULL);
- }
- ASN1_OBJECT *c2i_ASN1_OBJECT(ASN1_OBJECT **a, const unsigned char **pp,
- 	     long len)
- 	{
- 	const unsigned char *p;
--	int i;
--	/* Sanity check OID encoding: can't have leading 0x80 in
--	 * subidentifiers, see: X.690 8.19.2
-+	int i, length;
-+	/* Sanity check OID encoding.
-+	 * Need at least one content octet.
-+	 * MSB must be clear in the last octet.
-+	 * can't have leading 0x80 in subidentifiers, see: X.690 8.19.2
- 	 */
--	for (i = 0, p = *pp; i < len; i++, p++)
-+	if (len <= 0 || len > INT_MAX || pp == NULL || (p = *pp) == NULL ||
-+	    p[len - 1] & 0x80)
-+		{
-+		return NULL;
-+		}
-+	/* Now 0 < len <= INT_MAX, so the cast is safe. */
-+	length = (int)len;
-+	for (i = 0; i < length; i++, p++)
- 		{
- 		if (*p == 0x80 && (!i || !(p[-1] & 0x80)))
- 			{
-@@ -313,20 +325,20 @@ ASN1_OBJECT *c2i_ASN1_OBJECT(ASN1_OBJECT **a, const unsigned char **pp,
- 	else	ret=(*a);
- 	p= *pp;
--	if ((ret->data == NULL) || (ret->length < len))
-+	if ((ret->data == NULL) || (ret->length < length))
- 		{
- 		if (ret->data != NULL) OPENSSL_free(ret->data);
--		ret->data=(unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(len ? (int)len : 1);
-+		ret->data=(unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(length);
- 		if (ret->data == NULL)
- 			{ i=ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE; goto err; }
- 		}
--	memcpy(ret->data,p,(int)len);
--	ret->length=(int)len;
-+	memcpy(ret->data,p,length);
-+	ret->length=length;
- 	ret->sn=NULL;
- 	ret->ln=NULL;
- 	/* ret->flags=ASN1_OBJECT_FLAG_DYNAMIC; we know it is dynamic */
--	p+=len;
-+	p+=length;
- 	if (a != NULL) (*a)=ret;
- 	*pp=p;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_octet.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_octet.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_print.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_print.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_set.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_set.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_sign.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_sign.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_time.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_time.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_type.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_type.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utctm.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utctm.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utf8.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_utf8.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_gen.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_gen.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 5af559e..d345155
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c
-@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ int ASN1_get_object(const unsigned char **pp, long *plength, int *ptag,
- 	*pclass=xclass;
- 	if (!asn1_get_length(&p,&inf,plength,(int)max)) goto err;
-+	if (inf && !(ret & V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED))
-+		goto err;
- #if 0
- 	fprintf(stderr,"p=%d + *plength=%ld > omax=%ld + *pp=%d  (%d > %d)\n", 
- 		(int)p,*plength,omax,(int)*pp,(int)(p+ *plength),
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_par.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn1_par.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index ad8fbed..095887f
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c
-@@ -595,6 +595,8 @@ static STACK_OF(MIME_HEADER) *mime_parse_hdr(BIO *bio)
- 	int len, state, save_state = 0;
- 	headers = sk_MIME_HEADER_new(mime_hdr_cmp);
-+	if (!headers)
-+		return NULL;
- 	while ((len = BIO_gets(bio, linebuf, MAX_SMLEN)) > 0) {
- 	/* If whitespace at line start then continuation line */
- 	if(mhdr && isspace((unsigned char)linebuf[0])) state = MIME_NAME;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_moid.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_moid.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_pack.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_pack.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index f1a5a05..c373714
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_pack.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/asn_pack.c
-@@ -134,15 +134,23 @@ ASN1_STRING *ASN1_pack_string(void *obj, i2d_of_void *i2d, ASN1_STRING **oct)
- 	if (!(octmp->length = i2d(obj, NULL))) {
--		return NULL;
-+		goto err;
- 	}
- 	if (!(p = OPENSSL_malloc (octmp->length))) {
--		return NULL;
-+		goto err;
- 	}
- 	octmp->data = p;
- 	i2d (obj, &p);
- 	return octmp;
-+	err:
-+	if (!oct || !*oct)
-+		{
-+		ASN1_STRING_free(octmp);
-+		if (oct)
-+			*oct = NULL;
-+		}
-+	return NULL;
- }
- #endif
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pu.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/d2i_pu.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index f3d9804..1b94459
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.c
-@@ -66,7 +66,11 @@ int ASN1_TYPE_set_octetstring(ASN1_TYPE *a, unsigned char *data, int len)
- 	ASN1_STRING *os;
- 	if ((os=M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new()) == NULL) return(0);
--	if (!M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(os,data,len)) return(0);
-+	if (!M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(os,data,len))
-+		{
-+		M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(os);
-+		return 0;
-+		}
- 	return(1);
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_enum.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_enum.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_int.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_int.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_string.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/f_string.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pu.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/i2d_pu.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/n_pkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/n_pkey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/nsseq.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/nsseq.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbe.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbe.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbev2.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p5_pbev2.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p8_pkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/p8_pkey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_bitst.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_bitst.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_crl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_crl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_req.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_req.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_spki.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_spki.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 6f295b4..f9dad0e
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509.c
-@@ -465,6 +465,8 @@ int X509_NAME_print(BIO *bp, X509_NAME *name, int obase)
- 	l=80-2-obase;
- 	b=X509_NAME_oneline(name,NULL,0);
-+	if (!b)
-+		return 0;
- 	if (!*b)
- 		{
- 		OPENSSL_free(b);
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509a.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/t_x509a.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_dec.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_dec.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 2721f90..b3687f9
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.c
-@@ -453,9 +453,14 @@ static int asn1_set_seq_out(STACK_OF(ASN1_VALUE) *sk, unsigned char **out,
- 			{
- 			derlst = OPENSSL_malloc(sk_ASN1_VALUE_num(sk)
- 						* sizeof(*derlst));
-+			if (!derlst)
-+				return 0;
- 			tmpdat = OPENSSL_malloc(skcontlen);
--			if (!derlst || !tmpdat)
-+			if (!tmpdat)
-+				{
-+				OPENSSL_free(derlst);
- 				return 0;
-+				}
- 			}
- 		}
- 	/* If not sorting just output each item */
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_fre.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_fre.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_new.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_new.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_typ.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_typ.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_utl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/tasn_utl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_algor.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_attrib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_attrib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_crl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_crl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_exten.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_exten.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_info.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_info.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_long.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_long.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_name.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_name.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pkey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_pubkey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_req.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_req.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_sig.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_sig.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_spki.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_spki.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_val.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_val.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509a.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/asn1/x_x509a.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ecb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ecb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ofb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_ofb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_skey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bf/bf_skey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/b_dump.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/b_dump.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_buff.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_buff.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_nbio.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_nbio.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_null.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bf_null.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_cb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_cb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 371cdf5..6346c19
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bio_lib.c
-@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ int BIO_free(BIO *a)
- 	CRYPTO_free_ex_data(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_BIO, a, &a->ex_data);
--	if ((a->method == NULL) || (a->method->destroy == NULL)) return(1);
--	a->method->destroy(a);
-+	if ((a->method != NULL) && (a->method->destroy != NULL))
-+		a->method->destroy(a);
- 	OPENSSL_free(a);
- 	return(1);
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_bio.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_bio.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_dgram.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_dgram.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_fd.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_fd.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_file.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_file.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_log.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_log.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_mem.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_mem.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_null.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bio/bss_null.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_add.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_add.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_asm.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_asm.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_blind.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_blind.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_const.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_const.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_ctx.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_ctx.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_depr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_depr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_div.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_div.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp2.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_exp2.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 5d90f1e..28f1fa8
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c
-@@ -1095,3 +1095,54 @@ int BN_GF2m_arr2poly(const unsigned int p[], BIGNUM *a)
- 	return 1;
- 	}
-+ * Constant-time conditional swap of a and b.  
-+ * a and b are swapped if condition is not 0.  The code assumes that at most one bit of condition is set.
-+ * nwords is the number of words to swap.  The code assumes that at least nwords are allocated in both a and b,
-+ * and that no more than nwords are used by either a or b.
-+ * a and b cannot be the same number
-+ */
-+void BN_consttime_swap(BN_ULONG condition, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b, int nwords)
-+	{
-+	BN_ULONG t;
-+	int i;
-+	bn_wcheck_size(a, nwords);
-+	bn_wcheck_size(b, nwords);
-+	assert(a != b);
-+	assert((condition & (condition - 1)) == 0);
-+	assert(sizeof(BN_ULONG) >= sizeof(int));
-+	condition = ((condition - 1) >> (BN_BITS2 - 1)) - 1;
-+	t = (a->top^b->top) & condition;
-+	a->top ^= t;
-+	b->top ^= t;
-+#define BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(ind) \
-+	do { \
-+		t = (a->d[ind] ^ b->d[ind]) & condition; \
-+		a->d[ind] ^= t; \
-+		b->d[ind] ^= t; \
-+	} while (0)
-+	switch (nwords) {
-+	default:
-+		for (i = 10; i < nwords; i++) 
-+		/* Fallthrough */
-+	case 10: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(9); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 9: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(8); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 8: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(7); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 7: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(6); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 6: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(5); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 5: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(4); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 4: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(3); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 3: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(2); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 2: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(1); /* Fallthrough */
-+	case 1: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(0);
-+	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_kron.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_kron.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index b66f507..c288844
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c
-@@ -320,6 +320,15 @@ static BN_ULONG *bn_expand_internal(const BIGNUM *b, int words)
- 		return(NULL);
- 		}
-+#ifdef PURIFY
-+	/* Valgrind complains in BN_consttime_swap because we process the whole
-+	 * array even if it's not initialised yet. This doesn't matter in that
-+	 * function - what's important is constant time operation (we're not
-+	 * actually going to use the data)
-+	*/
-+	memset(a, 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG)*words);
- #if 1
- 	B=b->d;
- 	/* Check if the previous number needs to be copied */
-@@ -824,55 +833,3 @@ int bn_cmp_part_words(const BN_ULONG *a, const BN_ULONG *b,
- 		}
- 	return bn_cmp_words(a,b,cl);
- 	}
-- * Constant-time conditional swap of a and b.  
-- * a and b are swapped if condition is not 0.  The code assumes that at most one bit of condition is set.
-- * nwords is the number of words to swap.  The code assumes that at least nwords are allocated in both a and b,
-- * and that no more than nwords are used by either a or b.
-- * a and b cannot be the same number
-- */
--void BN_consttime_swap(BN_ULONG condition, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b, int nwords)
--	{
--	BN_ULONG t;
--	int i;
--	bn_wcheck_size(a, nwords);
--	bn_wcheck_size(b, nwords);
--	assert(a != b);
--	assert((condition & (condition - 1)) == 0);
--	assert(sizeof(BN_ULONG) >= sizeof(int));
--	condition = ((condition - 1) >> (BN_BITS2 - 1)) - 1;
--	t = (a->top^b->top) & condition;
--	a->top ^= t;
--	b->top ^= t;
--#define BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(ind) \
--	do { \
--		t = (a->d[ind] ^ b->d[ind]) & condition; \
--		a->d[ind] ^= t; \
--		b->d[ind] ^= t; \
--	} while (0)
--	switch (nwords) {
--	default:
--		for (i = 10; i < nwords; i++) 
--		/* Fallthrough */
--	case 10: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(9); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 9: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(8); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 8: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(7); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 7: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(6); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 6: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(5); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 5: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(4); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 4: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(3); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 3: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(2); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 2: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(1); /* Fallthrough */
--	case 1: BN_CONSTTIME_SWAP(0);
--	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mod.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mod.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mul.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_mul.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_nist.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_nist.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_opt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_opt.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_prime.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_prime.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_print.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_print.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_rand.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_rand.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_recp.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_recp.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_shift.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_shift.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 270d0cd..65bbf16
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqr.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqr.c
-@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ int BN_sqr(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, BN_CTX *ctx)
- 	if (al <= 0)
- 		{
- 		r->top=0;
-+		r->neg = 0;
- 		return 1;
- 		}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqrt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_sqrt.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_word.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_x931p.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/bn/bn_x931p.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buf_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buf_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buf_str.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buf_str.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buffer.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/buffer/buffer.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_cfb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_cfb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_ecb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_ecb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_ofb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_ofb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_skey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cast/c_skey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/c_rle.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/c_rle.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/c_zlib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/c_zlib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/comp_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/comp_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/comp_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/comp/comp_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_api.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_api.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 17bae83..55d1d50
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_api.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_api.c
-@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ CONF_VALUE *_CONF_new_section(CONF *conf, const char *section)
- 	v->value=(char *)sk;
- 	vv=(CONF_VALUE *)lh_insert(conf->data,v);
--	assert(vv == NULL);
-+	OPENSSL_assert(vv == NULL);
- 	ok=1;
- err:
- 	if (!ok)
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_def.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_def.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 3c58936..a168339
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_def.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_def.c
-@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ again:
- 			p=eat_ws(conf, end);
- 			if (*p != ']')
- 				{
--				if (*p != '\0')
-+				if (*p != '\0' && ss != p)
- 					{
- 					ss=p;
- 					goto again;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_mall.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_mall.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_mod.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_mod.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_sap.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/conf/conf_sap.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cpt_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cpt_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cryptlib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cversion.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/cversion.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cbc_cksm.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cbc_cksm.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cbc_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cbc_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb64ede.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb64ede.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb64enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb64enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/cfb_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_old.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_old.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_old2.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/des_old2.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ecb3_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ecb3_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ecb_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ecb_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ede_cbcm_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ede_cbcm_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/enc_read.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/enc_read.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/enc_writ.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/enc_writ.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/fcrypt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/fcrypt.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/fcrypt_b.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/fcrypt_b.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb64ede.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb64ede.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb64enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb64enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/ofb_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/pcbc_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/pcbc_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/qud_cksm.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/qud_cksm.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/rand_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/rand_key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/read2pwd.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/read2pwd.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/rpc_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/rpc_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/set_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/set_key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/str2key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/str2key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/xcbc_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/des/xcbc_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_asn1.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_asn1.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_check.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_check.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_depr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_depr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_gen.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_gen.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dh/dh_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_asn1.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_asn1.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_depr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_depr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_gen.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_gen.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_ossl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_ossl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_sign.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_sign.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_utl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_utl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_vrf.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dsa/dsa_vrf.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_dl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_dl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_null.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_null.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_openssl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_openssl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_vms.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_vms.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_win32.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dso/dso_win32.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dyn_lck.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/dyn_lck.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ebcdic.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ebcdic.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_check.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_check.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_curve.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_curve.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_cvt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_cvt.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index bbf2799..e7d11ff
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_lib.c
-@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ int EC_POINT_dbl(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const EC_POINT *a, BN_CTX *
- int EC_POINT_invert(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *a, BN_CTX *ctx)
- 	{
--	if (group->meth->dbl == 0)
-+	if (group->meth->invert == 0)
- 		{
- 		return 0;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_mult.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_mult.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_print.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ec_print.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_mont.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_mont.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_nist.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_nist.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 66a92e2..b239088
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.c
-@@ -1540,9 +1540,8 @@ int ec_GFp_simple_make_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *point, BN_CTX *ct
- int ec_GFp_simple_points_make_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, size_t num, EC_POINT *points[], BN_CTX *ctx)
- 	{
- 	BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
--	BIGNUM *tmp0, *tmp1;
--	size_t pow2 = 0;
--	BIGNUM **heap = NULL;
-+	BIGNUM *tmp, *tmp_Z;
-+	BIGNUM **prod_Z = NULL;
- 	size_t i;
- 	int ret = 0;
-@@ -1557,124 +1556,104 @@ int ec_GFp_simple_points_make_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, size_t num, EC_POINT
- 		}
- 	BN_CTX_start(ctx);
--	tmp0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
--	tmp1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
--	if (tmp0  == NULL || tmp1 == NULL) goto err;
-+	tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-+	tmp_Z = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-+	if (tmp == NULL || tmp_Z == NULL) goto err;
--	/* Before converting the individual points, compute inverses of all Z values.
--	 * Modular inversion is rather slow, but luckily we can do with a single
--	 * explicit inversion, plus about 3 multiplications per input value.
--	 */
-+	prod_Z = OPENSSL_malloc(num * sizeof prod_Z[0]);
-+	if (prod_Z == NULL) goto err;
-+	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
-+		{
-+		prod_Z[i] = BN_new();
-+		if (prod_Z[i] == NULL) goto err;
-+		}
--	pow2 = 1;
--	while (num > pow2)
--		pow2 <<= 1;
--	/* Now pow2 is the smallest power of 2 satifsying pow2 >= num.
--	 * We need twice that. */
--	pow2 <<= 1;
-+	/* Set each prod_Z[i] to the product of points[0]->Z .. points[i]->Z,
-+	 * skipping any zero-valued inputs (pretend that they're 1). */
--	heap = OPENSSL_malloc(pow2 * sizeof heap[0]);
--	if (heap == NULL) goto err;
--	/* The array is used as a binary tree, exactly as in heapsort:
--	 *
--	 *                               heap[1]
--	 *                 heap[2]                     heap[3]
--	 *          heap[4]       heap[5]       heap[6]       heap[7]
--	 *   heap[8]heap[9] heap[10]heap[11] heap[12]heap[13] heap[14] heap[15]
--	 *
--	 * We put the Z's in the last line;
--	 * then we set each other node to the product of its two child-nodes (where
--	 * empty or 0 entries are treated as ones);
--	 * then we invert heap[1];
--	 * then we invert each other node by replacing it by the product of its
--	 * parent (after inversion) and its sibling (before inversion).
--	 */
--	heap[0] = NULL;
--	for (i = pow2/2 - 1; i > 0; i--)
--		heap[i] = NULL;
--	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
--		heap[pow2/2 + i] = &points[i]->Z;
--	for (i = pow2/2 + num; i < pow2; i++)
--		heap[i] = NULL;
--	/* set each node to the product of its children */
--	for (i = pow2/2 - 1; i > 0; i--)
-+	if (!BN_is_zero(&points[0]->Z))
- 		{
--		heap[i] = BN_new();
--		if (heap[i] == NULL) goto err;
--		if (heap[2*i] != NULL)
-+		if (!BN_copy(prod_Z[0], &points[0]->Z)) goto err;
-+		}
-+	else
-+		{
-+		if (group->meth->field_set_to_one != 0)
- 			{
--			if ((heap[2*i + 1] == NULL) || BN_is_zero(heap[2*i + 1]))
--				{
--				if (!BN_copy(heap[i], heap[2*i])) goto err;
--				}
--			else
--				{
--				if (BN_is_zero(heap[2*i]))
--					{
--					if (!BN_copy(heap[i], heap[2*i + 1])) goto err;
--					}
--				else
--					{
--					if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, heap[i],
--						heap[2*i], heap[2*i + 1], ctx)) goto err;
--					}
--				}
-+			if (!group->meth->field_set_to_one(group, prod_Z[0], ctx)) goto err;
-+			}
-+		else
-+			{
-+			if (!BN_one(prod_Z[0])) goto err;
- 			}
- 		}
--	/* invert heap[1] */
--	if (!BN_is_zero(heap[1]))
-+	for (i = 1; i < num; i++)
- 		{
--		if (!BN_mod_inverse(heap[1], heap[1], &group->field, ctx))
-+		if (!BN_is_zero(&points[i]->Z))
- 			{
--			goto err;
-+			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, prod_Z[i], prod_Z[i - 1], &points[i]->Z, ctx)) goto err;
-+			}
-+		else
-+			{
-+			if (!BN_copy(prod_Z[i], prod_Z[i - 1])) goto err;
- 			}
- 		}
-+	/* Now use a single explicit inversion to replace every
-+	 * non-zero points[i]->Z by its inverse. */
-+	if (!BN_mod_inverse(tmp, prod_Z[num - 1], &group->field, ctx))
-+		{
-+		goto err;
-+		}
- 	if (group->meth->field_encode != 0)
- 		{
--		/* in the Montgomery case, we just turned  R*H  (representing H)
-+		/* In the Montgomery case, we just turned  R*H  (representing H)
- 		 * into  1/(R*H),  but we need  R*(1/H)  (representing 1/H);
--		 * i.e. we have need to multiply by the Montgomery factor twice */
--		if (!group->meth->field_encode(group, heap[1], heap[1], ctx)) goto err;
--		if (!group->meth->field_encode(group, heap[1], heap[1], ctx)) goto err;
-+		 * i.e. we need to multiply by the Montgomery factor twice. */
-+		if (!group->meth->field_encode(group, tmp, tmp, ctx)) goto err;
-+		if (!group->meth->field_encode(group, tmp, tmp, ctx)) goto err;
- 		}
--	/* set other heap[i]'s to their inverses */
--	for (i = 2; i < pow2/2 + num; i += 2)
-+	for (i = num - 1; i > 0; --i)
- 		{
--		/* i is even */
--		if ((heap[i + 1] != NULL) && !BN_is_zero(heap[i + 1]))
--			{
--			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, tmp0, heap[i/2], heap[i + 1], ctx)) goto err;
--			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, tmp1, heap[i/2], heap[i], ctx)) goto err;
--			if (!BN_copy(heap[i], tmp0)) goto err;
--			if (!BN_copy(heap[i + 1], tmp1)) goto err;
--			}
--		else
-+		/* Loop invariant: tmp is the product of the inverses of
-+		 * points[0]->Z .. points[i]->Z (zero-valued inputs skipped). */
-+		if (!BN_is_zero(&points[i]->Z))
- 			{
--			if (!BN_copy(heap[i], heap[i/2])) goto err;
-+			/* Set tmp_Z to the inverse of points[i]->Z (as product
-+			 * of Z inverses 0 .. i, Z values 0 .. i - 1). */
-+			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, tmp_Z, prod_Z[i - 1], tmp, ctx)) goto err;
-+			/* Update tmp to satisfy the loop invariant for i - 1. */
-+			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, tmp, tmp, &points[i]->Z, ctx)) goto err;
-+			/* Replace points[i]->Z by its inverse. */
-+			if (!BN_copy(&points[i]->Z, tmp_Z)) goto err;
- 			}
- 		}
--	/* we have replaced all non-zero Z's by their inverses, now fix up all the points */
-+	if (!BN_is_zero(&points[0]->Z))
-+		{
-+		/* Replace points[0]->Z by its inverse. */
-+		if (!BN_copy(&points[0]->Z, tmp)) goto err;
-+		}
-+	/* Finally, fix up the X and Y coordinates for all points. */
- 	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- 		{
- 		EC_POINT *p = points[i];
- 		if (!BN_is_zero(&p->Z))
- 			{
- 			/* turn  (X, Y, 1/Z)  into  (X/Z^2, Y/Z^3, 1) */
--			if (!group->meth->field_sqr(group, tmp1, &p->Z, ctx)) goto err;
--			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, &p->X, &p->X, tmp1, ctx)) goto err;
-+			if (!group->meth->field_sqr(group, tmp, &p->Z, ctx)) goto err;
-+			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, &p->X, &p->X, tmp, ctx)) goto err;
-+			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, tmp, tmp, &p->Z, ctx)) goto err;
-+			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, &p->Y, &p->Y, tmp, ctx)) goto err;
--			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, tmp1, tmp1, &p->Z, ctx)) goto err;
--			if (!group->meth->field_mul(group, &p->Y, &p->Y, tmp1, ctx)) goto err;
- 			if (group->meth->field_set_to_one != 0)
- 				{
- 				if (!group->meth->field_set_to_one(group, &p->Z, ctx)) goto err;
-@@ -1688,20 +1667,19 @@ int ec_GFp_simple_points_make_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, size_t num, EC_POINT
- 		}
- 	ret = 1;
-  err:
- 	BN_CTX_end(ctx);
- 	if (new_ctx != NULL)
- 		BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
--	if (heap != NULL)
-+	if (prod_Z != NULL)
- 		{
--		/* heap[pow2/2] .. heap[pow2-1] have not been allocated locally! */
--		for (i = pow2/2 - 1; i > 0; i--)
-+		for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- 			{
--			if (heap[i] != NULL)
--				BN_clear_free(heap[i]);
-+			if (prod_Z[i] != NULL)
-+				BN_clear_free(prod_Z[i]);
- 			}
--		OPENSSL_free(heap);
-+		OPENSSL_free(prod_Z);
- 		}
- 	return ret;
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ecdh/ech_err.c
-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_fat.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/engine/eng_fat.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/evp_key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p5_crpt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p5_crpt.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_dec.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_dec.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_open.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_open.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_verify.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/evp/p_verify.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ex_data.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ex_data.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/fips_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/fips_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/hmac/hmac.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/hmac/hmac.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_cbc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_cbc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_cfb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_cfb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_ecb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_ecb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_ofb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_ofb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_skey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/idea/i_skey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/krb5/krb5_asn.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/krb5/krb5_asn.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/lhash/lh_stats.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/lhash/lh_stats.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/lhash/lhash.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/lhash/lhash.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md2/md2_dgst.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md2/md2_dgst.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md2/md2_one.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md2/md2_one.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md4/md4_dgst.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md4/md4_dgst.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md4/md4_one.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md4/md4_one.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md5/md5_dgst.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md5/md5_dgst.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md5/md5_one.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/md5/md5_one.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem_clr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem_clr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem_dbg.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/mem_dbg.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_dir.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_dir.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_init.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_str.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_str.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_time.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/o_time.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/o_names.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/o_names.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 760af16..cf5ba2a
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c
-@@ -444,11 +444,12 @@ int OBJ_obj2txt(char *buf, int buf_len, const ASN1_OBJECT *a, int no_name)
- 	unsigned char *p;
- 	char tbuf[DECIMAL_SIZE(i)+DECIMAL_SIZE(l)+2];
--	if ((a == NULL) || (a->data == NULL)) {
--		buf[0]='\0';
--		return(0);
--	}
-+	/* Ensure that, at every state, |buf| is NUL-terminated. */
-+	if (buf && buf_len > 0)
-+		buf[0] = '\0';
-+	if ((a == NULL) || (a->data == NULL))
-+		return(0);
- 	if (!no_name && (nid=OBJ_obj2nid(a)) != NID_undef)
- 		{
-@@ -527,9 +528,10 @@ int OBJ_obj2txt(char *buf, int buf_len, const ASN1_OBJECT *a, int no_name)
- 				i=(int)(l/40);
- 				l-=(long)(i*40);
- 				}
--			if (buf && (buf_len > 0))
-+			if (buf && (buf_len > 1))
- 				{
- 				*buf++ = i + '0';
-+				*buf = '\0';
- 				buf_len--;
- 				}
- 			n++;
-@@ -544,9 +546,10 @@ int OBJ_obj2txt(char *buf, int buf_len, const ASN1_OBJECT *a, int no_name)
- 			i = strlen(bndec);
- 			if (buf)
- 				{
--				if (buf_len > 0)
-+				if (buf_len > 1)
- 					{
- 					*buf++ = '.';
-+					*buf = '\0';
- 					buf_len--;
- 					}
- 				BUF_strlcpy(buf,bndec,buf_len);
-@@ -786,4 +789,3 @@ err:
- 	OPENSSL_free(buf);
- 	return(ok);
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/objects/obj_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_asn.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_asn.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 92aba08..fb87cd7
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c
-@@ -464,6 +464,9 @@ OCSP_RESPONSE *OCSP_sendreq_bio(BIO *b, char *path, OCSP_REQUEST *req)
- 	ctx = OCSP_sendreq_new(b, path, req, -1);
-+	if (!ctx)
-+		return NULL;
- 	do
- 		{
- 		rv = OCSP_sendreq_nbio(&resp, ctx);
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index 441ccb7..5883b4e
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c
-@@ -220,8 +220,19 @@ int OCSP_parse_url(char *url, char **phost, char **pport, char **ppath, int *pss
- 	if (!*ppath) goto mem_err;
-+	p = host;
-+	if(host[0] == '[')
-+		{
-+		/* ipv6 literal */
-+		host++;
-+		p = strchr(host, ']');
-+		if(!p) goto parse_err;
-+		*p = '\0';
-+		p++;
-+		}
- 	/* Look for optional ':' for port number */
--	if ((p = strchr(host, ':')))
-+	if ((p = strchr(p, ':')))
- 		{
- 		*p = 0;
- 		port = p + 1;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_prn.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_prn.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_srv.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_srv.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_all.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_all.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_info.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_info.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_oth.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_oth.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_pk8.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_pk8.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_seal.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_seal.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_sign.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_sign.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_x509.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_x509.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_xaux.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pem/pem_xaux.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_add.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_add.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_asn.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_asn.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_attr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_attr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crpt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crpt.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_decr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_decr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_init.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_init.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_key.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_key.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_mutl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_mutl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_npas.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_npas.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8d.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8d.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8e.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8e.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_utl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/p12_utl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/pk12err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12/pk12err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_asn1.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_asn1.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_attr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_attr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_doit.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_doit.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_mime.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_mime.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pkcs7err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7/pkcs7err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pqueue/pqueue.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/pqueue/pqueue.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/md_rand.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/md_rand.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_egd.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_egd.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_eng.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_eng.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_nw.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_nw.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_os2.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_os2.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_unix.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_unix.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_win.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/rand_win.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/randfile.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rand/randfile.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_cbc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_cbc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_ecb.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_ecb.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_skey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2_skey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2cfb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2cfb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2ofb64.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc2/rc2ofb64.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_enc.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_enc.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_fblk.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_fblk.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_skey.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rc4/rc4_skey.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ripemd/rmd_dgst.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ripemd/rmd_dgst.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ripemd/rmd_one.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ripemd/rmd_one.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_asn1.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_asn1.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_chk.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_chk.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_depr.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_depr.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eay.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eay.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index d477f08..203d702
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eay.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eay.c
-@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ static int RSA_eay_private_encrypt(int flen, const unsigned char *from,
- 	if (padding == RSA_X931_PADDING)
- 		{
- 		BN_sub(f, rsa->n, ret);
--		if (BN_cmp(ret, f))
-+		if (BN_cmp(ret, f) > 0)
- 			res = f;
- 		else
- 			res = ret;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eng.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_eng.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_gen.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_gen.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_none.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_none.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_null.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_null.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_pk1.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_pk1.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_pss.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_pss.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_saos.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_saos.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_sign.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_sign.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_ssl.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_ssl.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_x931.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_x931.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_x931g.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/rsa/rsa_x931g.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha1_one.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha1_one.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha1dgst.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha1dgst.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha256.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha256.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha512.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha512.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha_dgst.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha_dgst.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha_one.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/sha/sha_one.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/stack/stack.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/stack/stack.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_err.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_err.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_lib.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_lib.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_mem.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_mem.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_meth.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/store/str_meth.c
-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
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-old mode 100755
-new mode 100644
-index ac01008..67013f8
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_lib.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_lib.c
-@@ -897,9 +897,9 @@ int UI_set_result(UI *ui, UI_STRING *uis, const char *result)
- 				break;
- 				}
- 			}
-+		}
- 	default:
- 		break;
- 		}
--		}
- 	return 0;
- 	}
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_util.c b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/crypto/ui/ui_util.c
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-old mode 100755
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-old mode 100755
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-index 95875e7..897ef2d 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh
-+++ b/Cryptlib/OpenSSL/update.sh
-@@ -1,501 +1,504 @@
- #/bin/sh
- DIR=$1
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-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_ia5.c crypto/x509v3/v3_ia5.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_lib.c crypto/x509v3/v3_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.c crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_utl.c crypto/x509v3/v3_utl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3err.c crypto/x509v3/v3err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_genn.c crypto/x509v3/v3_genn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_skey.c crypto/x509v3/v3_skey.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_akey.c crypto/x509v3/v3_akey.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_pku.c crypto/x509v3/v3_pku.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_int.c crypto/x509v3/v3_int.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_enum.c crypto/x509v3/v3_enum.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_sxnet.c crypto/x509v3/v3_sxnet.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.c crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_crld.c crypto/x509v3/v3_crld.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_info.c crypto/x509v3/v3_info.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_ocsp.c crypto/x509v3/v3_ocsp.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_akeya.c crypto/x509v3/v3_akeya.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_pmaps.c crypto/x509v3/v3_pmaps.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_pcons.c crypto/x509v3/v3_pcons.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_ncons.c crypto/x509v3/v3_ncons.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_pcia.c crypto/x509v3/v3_pcia.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_pci.c crypto/x509v3/v3_pci.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/pcy_cache.c crypto/x509v3/pcy_cache.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/pcy_map.c crypto/x509v3/pcy_map.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/pcy_lib.c crypto/x509v3/pcy_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_asid.c crypto/x509v3/v3_asid.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/x509v3/v3_addr.c crypto/x509v3/v3_addr.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/conf/conf_err.c crypto/conf/conf_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/conf/conf_lib.c crypto/conf/conf_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/conf/conf_api.c crypto/conf/conf_api.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/conf/conf_def.c crypto/conf/conf_def.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/conf/conf_mod.c crypto/conf/conf_mod.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/conf/conf_mall.c crypto/conf/conf_mall.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/conf/conf_sap.c crypto/conf/conf_sap.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/txt_db/txt_db.c crypto/txt_db/txt_db.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_asn1.c crypto/pkcs7/pk7_asn1.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_lib.c crypto/pkcs7/pk7_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs7/pkcs7err.c crypto/pkcs7/pkcs7err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_doit.c crypto/pkcs7/pk7_doit.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_attr.c crypto/pkcs7/pk7_attr.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_mime.c crypto/pkcs7/pk7_mime.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_add.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_add.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_asn.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_asn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_attr.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_attr.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crpt.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_crpt.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_decr.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_decr.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_init.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_init.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_key.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_key.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_mutl.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_mutl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_utl.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_utl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_npas.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_npas.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/pk12err.c crypto/pkcs12/pk12err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8d.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8d.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8e.c crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8e.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/comp/comp_lib.c crypto/comp/comp_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/comp/comp_err.c crypto/comp/comp_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/comp/c_rle.c crypto/comp/c_rle.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/comp/c_zlib.c crypto/comp/c_zlib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_err.c crypto/engine/eng_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_lib.c crypto/engine/eng_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_list.c crypto/engine/eng_list.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_init.c crypto/engine/eng_init.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.c crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_table.c crypto/engine/eng_table.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_fat.c crypto/engine/eng_fat.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_all.c crypto/engine/eng_all.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_rsa.c crypto/engine/tb_rsa.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_dsa.c crypto/engine/tb_dsa.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_ecdsa.c crypto/engine/tb_ecdsa.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_dh.c crypto/engine/tb_dh.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_ecdh.c crypto/engine/tb_ecdh.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_rand.c crypto/engine/tb_rand.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_store.c crypto/engine/tb_store.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_cipher.c crypto/engine/tb_cipher.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/tb_digest.c crypto/engine/tb_digest.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_openssl.c crypto/engine/eng_openssl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_cnf.c crypto/engine/eng_cnf.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_dyn.c crypto/engine/eng_dyn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/engine/eng_padlock.c crypto/engine/eng_padlock.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_asn.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_asn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_srv.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_srv.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_prn.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_prn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_vfy.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_err.c crypto/ocsp/ocsp_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ui/ui_err.c crypto/ui/ui_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ui/ui_lib.c crypto/ui/ui_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ui/ui_util.c crypto/ui/ui_util.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/ui/ui_compat.c crypto/ui/ui_compat.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/krb5/krb5_asn.c crypto/krb5/krb5_asn.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/store/str_err.c crypto/store/str_err.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/store/str_lib.c crypto/store/str_lib.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/store/str_meth.c crypto/store/str_meth.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/store/str_mem.c crypto/store/str_mem.c
-+install -D $DIR/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-$version/crypto/pqueue/pqueue.c crypto/pqueue/pqueue.c
-+find . -name "*.[ch]" -exec chmod -x {} \;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
-index bb5f6d4..7b8bca5 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
-@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ AuthenticodeVerify (
-     //
-     // Long Form of Length Encoding, only support two bytes.
-     //
--    ContentSize  = (UINTN) (*(SpcIndirectDataContent + 2));
--    ContentSize = (ContentSize << 8) + (UINTN)(*(SpcIndirectDataContent + 3));
-+    ContentSize = (UINTN) (*(UINT8 *)(SpcIndirectDataContent + 2));
-+    ContentSize = (ContentSize << 8) + (UINTN)(*(UINT8 *)(SpcIndirectDataContent + 3));
-     //
-     // Skip the SEQUENCE Tag;
-     //
diff --git a/SOURCES/0051-Fix-typo-from-Ard-s-old-tree-32-bit-ARM-patch.patch b/SOURCES/0051-Fix-typo-from-Ard-s-old-tree-32-bit-ARM-patch.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ebc9e2..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0051-Fix-typo-from-Ard-s-old-tree-32-bit-ARM-patch.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From 14acaa4a3361403e06b284bf8e1e32ad9cec5457 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:48:39 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 51/74] Fix typo from Ard's old tree 32-bit ARM patch.
-We don't need to .data entries; the second one should be .data*.  He's
-since fixed this in his tree, but I'd already pulled it and pushed to
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- elf_arm_efi.lds | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/elf_arm_efi.lds b/elf_arm_efi.lds
-index fd1075d..c5dc298 100644
---- a/elf_arm_efi.lds
-+++ b/elf_arm_efi.lds
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SECTIONS
-    *(.sdata)
-    *(.data)
-    *(.data1)
--   *(.data)
-+   *(.data*)
-    *(.got.plt)
-    *(.got)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0052-Handle-empty-.reloc-section-in-PE-COFF-loader.patch b/SOURCES/0052-Handle-empty-.reloc-section-in-PE-COFF-loader.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d2038fb..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0052-Handle-empty-.reloc-section-in-PE-COFF-loader.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-From 94c9a77f6504170a6bd38b0aa29039208987650e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
-Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:35:38 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 52/74] Handle empty .reloc section in PE/COFF loader
-On archs where no EFI aware objcopy is available, the generated PE/COFF
-header contains a .reloc section which is completely empty. Handle this by
-- returning early from relocate_coff() with EFI_SUCCESS,
-- ignoring discardable sections in the section loader.
-Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
- shim.c | 11 ++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index ea8eba8..1329212 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	}
-+	if (!context->RelocDir->Size)
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	RelocBase = ImageAddress(data, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress);
- 	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(data, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress + context->RelocDir->Size - 1);
-@@ -996,7 +999,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	 * Copy the executable's sections to their desired offsets
- 	 */
- 	Section = context.FirstSection;
--	for (i = 0; i < context.NumberOfSections; i++) {
-+	for (i = 0; i < context.NumberOfSections; i++, Section++) {
-+		if (Section->Characteristics & 0x02000000)
-+			/* section has EFI_IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE attr set */
-+			continue;
- 		size = Section->Misc.VirtualSize;
- 		if (size > Section->SizeOfRawData)
-@@ -1021,8 +1028,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 		if (size < Section->Misc.VirtualSize)
- 			ZeroMem (base + size, Section->Misc.VirtualSize - size);
--		Section += 1;
- 	}
- 	/*
diff --git a/SOURCES/0053-Don-t-name-something-exit.patch b/SOURCES/0053-Don-t-name-something-exit.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d7dd5e5..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0053-Don-t-name-something-exit.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From 32f10548cdf1919103654ab65601c8b15c3976a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 13:26:23 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 53/74] Don't name something exit().
-On aarch64 due to some terrifying include chain we wind up with
-Cryptlib's definition of exit here.  I'm not a glutton for punishment,
-so I'm just changing the name so it's not coliding.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- replacements.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/replacements.c b/replacements.c
-index 5dfa355..f7623d9 100644
---- a/replacements.c
-+++ b/replacements.c
-@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ exit_boot_services(EFI_HANDLE image_key, UINTN map_key)
- }
--exit(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_STATUS ExitStatus,
-+do_exit(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_STATUS ExitStatus,
-      UINTN ExitDataSize, CHAR16 *ExitData)
- {
- 	EFI_STATUS status;
-@@ -206,5 +206,5 @@ hook_system_services(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *local_systab)
- 	 * bootloader and still e.g. start a new one or run an internal
- 	 * shell. */
- 	system_exit = systab->BootServices->Exit;
--	systab->BootServices->Exit = exit;
-+	systab->BootServices->Exit = do_exit;
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0054-Make-sure-we-don-t-try-to-load-a-binary-from-a-diffe.patch b/SOURCES/0054-Make-sure-we-don-t-try-to-load-a-binary-from-a-diffe.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c807b9c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0054-Make-sure-we-don-t-try-to-load-a-binary-from-a-diffe.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-From fa2a35ce78b3dc4e9b29f47a9ebc675a97a9a7c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:39:51 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 54/74] Make sure we don't try to load a binary from a
- different arch.
-Since in theory you could, for example, get an x86_64 binary signed that
-also behaves as an ARM executable, we should be checking this before
-people build on other architectures.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- include/PeImage.h |  1 +
- shim.c            | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
- 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/include/PeImage.h b/include/PeImage.h
-index ec13404..133e11e 100644
---- a/include/PeImage.h
-+++ b/include/PeImage.h
- #define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC             0x0EBC
- #define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_X64             0x8664
-+#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64	   0xaa64
- //
- // EXE file formats
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 1329212..1ec1e11 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -947,6 +947,20 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
-+static const UINT16 machine_type =
-+#if defined(__x86_64__)
-+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-+#elif defined(__arm__)
-+#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || defined(__i686__)
-+#elif defined(__ia64__)
-+#error this architecture is not supported by shim
- /*
-  * Once the image has been loaded it needs to be validated and relocated
-@@ -971,6 +985,11 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 		return efi_status;
- 	}
-+	if (context.PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.Machine != machine_type) {
-+		perror(L"Image is for a different architecture\n");
-+	}
- 	/*
- 	 * We only need to verify the binary if we're in secure mode
- 	 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0055-Actually-refer-to-the-base-relocation-table-of-our-l.patch b/SOURCES/0055-Actually-refer-to-the-base-relocation-table-of-our-l.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 82ec5df..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0055-Actually-refer-to-the-base-relocation-table-of-our-l.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-From a7249a65aff174d2a51d6a7bf77dbbf58744a170 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:34:38 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 55/74] Actually refer to the base relocation table of our
- loaded image.
-Currently when we process base relocations, we get the correct Data
-Directory pointer from the headers (context->RelocDir), and that header
-has been copied into our pristine allocated image when we copied up to
-SizeOfHeaders.  But the data it points to has not been mirrored in to
-the new image, so it is whatever data AllocPool() gave us.
-This patch changes relocate_coff() to refer to the base relocation table
-from the image we loaded from disk, but apply the fixups to the new
-I have no idea how x86_64 worked without this, but I can't make aarch64
-work without it.  I also don't know how Ard or Leif have seen aarch64
-work.  Maybe they haven't?  Leif indicated on irc that they may have
-only tested shim with simple "hello world" applications from gnu-efi;
-they are certainly much less complex than grub.efi, and are generated
-through a different linking process.
-My only theory is that we're getting recycled data there pretty reliably
-that just makes us /not/ process any relocations, but since our
-ImageBase is 0, and I don't think we ever load grub with 0 as its base
-virtual address, that doesn't follow.  I'm open to any other ideas
-anybody has.
-I do know that on x86_64 (and presumably aarch64 as well), we don't
-actually start seeing *symptoms* of this bug until the first chunk[0] of
-94c9a77f is applied[1].  Once that is applied, relocate_coff() starts
-seeing zero[2] for both RelocBase->VirtualAddress and
-RelocBase->SizeOfBlock, because RelocBase is a (generated, relative)
-pointer that only makes sense in the context of the original binary, not
-our partial copy.  Since RelocBase->SizeOfBlock is tested first,
-relocate_base() gives us "Reloc block size is invalid"[3] and returns
-EFI_UNSUPPORTED.  At that point shim exits with an error.
-[0] The second chunk of 94c9a77f patch makes no difference on this
-    issue.
-[1] I don't see why at all.
-[2] Which could really be any value since it's AllocatePool() and not
-    AllocateZeroPool() results, but 0 is all I've observed; I think
-    AllocatePool() has simply never recycled any memory in my test
-    cases.
-[3] which is silent because perror() tries to avoid talking because that
-    has caused much crashing in the past; work needs to go in to 0.9 for
-    this.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 1ec1e11..4b4d31a 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ static void *ImageAddress (void *image, unsigned int size, unsigned int address)
-  * Perform the actual relocation
-  */
- static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
--				 void *data)
-+				 void *orig, void *data)
- {
- 	EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION *RelocBase, *RelocBaseEnd;
- 	UINT64 Adjust;
-@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	UINT32 *Fixup32;
- 	UINT64 *Fixup64;
- 	int size = context->ImageSize;
--	void *ImageEnd = (char *)data + size;
-+	void *ImageEnd = (char *)orig + size;
- #if __LP64__
- 	context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT64)data;
-@@ -140,16 +140,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT32)data;
- #endif
--	if (context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC) {
--		perror(L"Image has no relocation entry\n");
--	}
--	if (!context->RelocDir->Size)
--		return EFI_SUCCESS;
--	RelocBase = ImageAddress(data, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress);
--	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(data, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress + context->RelocDir->Size - 1);
-+	RelocBase = ImageAddress(orig, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress);
-+	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(orig, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress + context->RelocDir->Size - 1);
- 	if (!RelocBase || !RelocBaseEnd) {
- 		perror(L"Reloc table overflows binary\n");
-@@ -170,7 +162,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 		}
- 		RelocEnd = (UINT16 *) ((char *) RelocBase + RelocBase->SizeOfBlock);
--		if ((void *)RelocEnd < data || (void *)RelocEnd > ImageEnd) {
-+		if ((void *)RelocEnd < orig || (void *)RelocEnd > ImageEnd) {
- 			perror(L"Reloc entry overflows binary\n");
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
-@@ -1049,15 +1041,23 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 			ZeroMem (base + size, Section->Misc.VirtualSize - size);
- 	}
--	/*
--	 * Run the relocation fixups
--	 */
--	efi_status = relocate_coff(&context, buffer);
--	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
--		perror(L"Relocation failed: %r\n", efi_status);
-+	if (context.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC) {
-+		perror(L"Image has no relocation entry\n");
- 		FreePool(buffer);
--		return efi_status;
-+	}
-+	if (context.RelocDir->Size) {
-+		/*
-+		 * Run the relocation fixups
-+		 */
-+		efi_status = relocate_coff(&context, data, buffer);
-+		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-+			perror(L"Relocation failed: %r\n", efi_status);
-+			FreePool(buffer);
-+			return efi_status;
-+		}
- 	}
- 	entry_point = ImageAddress(buffer, context.ImageSize, context.EntryPoint);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0056-Make-64-on-32-maybe-work-on-x86_64.patch b/SOURCES/0056-Make-64-on-32-maybe-work-on-x86_64.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 97ad998..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0056-Make-64-on-32-maybe-work-on-x86_64.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-From 750584c207757688cbab47f51a18a33c3e36fb8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:37:35 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 56/74] Make 64-on-32 maybe work on x86_64.
-This is mostly based on a patch (https://github.com/mjg59/shim/issues/30)
-from https://github.com/TBOpen , which refactors our __LP64__
-tests to be tests of the header magic instead.  I've simplified things
-by using what we've pre-loaded into "context" and making some helper
-functions so the conditionals in most of the code say what they do,
-instead of how they work.
-Note that we're only allowing that from in_protocol's loader - that is,
-we'll let 64-bit grub load a 32-bit kernel or 32-bit grub load a 64-bit
-kernel, but 32-bit shim isn't loading a 64-bit grub.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
- 1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 4b4d31a..c1b5c17 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -118,6 +118,106 @@ static void *ImageAddress (void *image, unsigned int size, unsigned int address)
- 	return image + address;
- }
-+/* here's a chart:
-+ *		i686	x86_64	aarch64
-+ *  64-on-64:	nyet	yes	yes
-+ *  64-on-32:	nyet	yes	nyet
-+ *  32-on-32:	yes	yes	no
-+ */
-+static int
-+#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__aarch64__)
-+	return 1;
-+#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i686__)
-+	/* Right now blindly assuming the kernel will correctly detect this
-+	 * and /halt the system/ if you're not really on a 64-bit cpu */
-+	if (in_protocol)
-+		return 1;
-+	return 0;
-+#else /* assuming everything else is 32-bit... */
-+	return 0;
-+static int
-+#if defined(__x86_64__)
-+#if defined(ALLOW_32BIT_KERNEL_ON_X64)
-+	if (in_protocol)
-+		return 1;
-+	return 0;
-+	return 0;
-+#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i686__)
-+	return 1;
-+#elif defined(__arch64__)
-+	return 0;
-+#else /* assuming everything else is 32-bit... */
-+	return 1;
-+static int
-+	/* .Magic is the same offset in all cases */
-+	if (PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.Magic
-+		return 1;
-+	return 0;
-+static const UINT16 machine_type =
-+#if defined(__x86_64__)
-+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-+#elif defined(__arm__)
-+#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || defined(__i686__)
-+#elif defined(__ia64__)
-+#error this architecture is not supported by shim
-+static int
-+	/* If the machine type doesn't match the binary, bail, unless
-+	 * we're in an allowed 64-on-32 scenario */
-+	if (PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.Machine != machine_type) {
-+		if (!(machine_type == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 &&
-+		      PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_X64 &&
-+		      allow_64_bit())) {
-+			return 0;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	/* If it's not a header type we recognize at all, bail */
-+	switch (PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.Magic) {
-+		break;
-+	default:
-+		return 0;
-+	}
-+	/* and now just check for general 64-vs-32 compatibility */
-+	if (image_is_64_bit(PEHdr)) {
-+		if (allow_64_bit())
-+			return 1;
-+	} else {
-+		if (allow_32_bit())
-+			return 1;
-+	}
-+	return 0;
- /*
-  * Perform the actual relocation
-  */
-@@ -134,11 +234,10 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	int size = context->ImageSize;
- 	void *ImageEnd = (char *)orig + size;
--#if __LP64__
--	context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT64)data;
--	context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT32)data;
-+	if (image_is_64_bit(context->PEHdr))
-+		context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT64)(unsigned long)data;
-+	else
-+		context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT32)(unsigned long)data;
- 	RelocBase = ImageAddress(orig, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress);
- 	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(orig, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress + context->RelocDir->Size - 1);
-@@ -157,7 +256,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 		Reloc = (UINT16 *) ((char *) RelocBase + sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION));
- 		if ((RelocBase->SizeOfBlock == 0) || (RelocBase->SizeOfBlock > context->RelocDir->Size)) {
--			perror(L"Reloc block size is invalid\n");
-+			perror(L"Reloc block size %d is invalid\n", RelocBase->SizeOfBlock);
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
-@@ -498,7 +597,7 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
-  * Calculate the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes of a binary
-  */
--static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
-+static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, unsigned int datasize_in,
- 				 UINT8 *sha256hash, UINT8 *sha1hash)
-@@ -572,15 +671,14 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	}
- 	/* Hash end of certificate table to end of image header */
--#if __LP64__
--	hashbase = (char *) &context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1];
--	hashsize = context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders -
--		(int) ((char *) (&context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1]) - data);
--	hashbase = (char *) &context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1];
--	hashsize = context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders -
--		(int) ((char *) (&context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1]) - data);
-+	EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *dd = context->SecDir + 1;
-+	hashbase = (char *)dd;
-+	hashsize = context->SizeOfHeaders - (unsigned long)((char *)dd - data);
-+	if (hashsize > datasize_in) {
-+		perror(L"Data Directory size %d is invalid\n", hashsize);
-+		goto done;
-+	}
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
-@@ -590,11 +688,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	}
- 	/* Sort sections */
--#if __LP64__
--	SumOfBytesHashed = context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
--	SumOfBytesHashed = context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-+	SumOfBytesHashed = context->SizeOfHeaders;
- 	/* Validate section locations and sizes */
- 	for (index = 0, SumOfSectionBytes = 0; index < context->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; index++) {
-@@ -682,14 +776,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, int datasize_in,
- 	/* Hash all remaining data */
- 	if (datasize > SumOfBytesHashed) {
- 		hashbase = data + SumOfBytesHashed;
--		hashsize = (unsigned int)(
--			datasize -
--#if __LP64__
--			context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY].Size -
--			context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY].Size -
--			SumOfBytesHashed);
-+		hashsize = datasize - context->SecDir->Size - SumOfBytesHashed;
- 		if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 		    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
-@@ -843,24 +930,31 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	unsigned long HeaderWithoutDataDir, SectionHeaderOffset, OptHeaderSize;
--	if (datasize < sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)) {
-+	if (datasize < sizeof (PEHdr->Pe32)) {
- 		perror(L"Invalid image\n");
- 	}
- 	if (DosHdr->e_magic == EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
- 		PEHdr = (EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_UNION *)((char *)data + DosHdr->e_lfanew);
--#if __LP64__
--	context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
--	context->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
--	context->ImageSize = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
--	OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64);
--	context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
--	context->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
--	context->ImageSize = (UINT64)PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
--	OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32);
-+	if (!image_is_loadable(PEHdr)) {
-+		perror(L"Platform does not support this image\n");
-+	}
-+	if (image_is_64_bit(PEHdr)) {
-+		context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-+		context->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-+		context->ImageSize = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
-+		OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64);
-+	} else {
-+		context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-+		context->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-+		context->ImageSize = (UINT64)PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
-+		OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32);
-+	}
- 	context->NumberOfSections = PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
- 	if (EFI_IMAGE_NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES < context->NumberOfRvaAndSizes) {
-@@ -908,17 +1002,19 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	}
- 	context->PEHdr = PEHdr;
--#if __LP64__
--	context->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
--	context->EntryPoint = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
--	context->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
--	context->SecDir = (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *) &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
--	context->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
--	context->EntryPoint = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
--	context->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
--	context->SecDir = (EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *) &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
-+	if (image_is_64_bit(PEHdr)) {
-+		context->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
-+		context->EntryPoint = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
-+		context->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
-+		context->SecDir = &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
-+	} else {
-+		context->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
-+		context->EntryPoint = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
-+		context->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
-+		context->SecDir = &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
-+	}
- 	context->FirstSection = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)((char *)PEHdr + PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER));
- 	if (context->ImageSize < context->SizeOfHeaders) {
-@@ -939,21 +1035,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS read_header(void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
- }
--static const UINT16 machine_type =
--#if defined(__x86_64__)
--#elif defined(__aarch64__)
--#elif defined(__arm__)
--#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || defined(__i686__)
--#elif defined(__ia64__)
--#error this architecture is not supported by shim
- /*
-  * Once the image has been loaded it needs to be validated and relocated
-  */
-@@ -977,11 +1058,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 		return efi_status;
- 	}
--	if (context.PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.Machine != machine_type) {
--		perror(L"Image is for a different architecture\n");
--	}
- 	/*
- 	 * We only need to verify the binary if we're in secure mode
- 	 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0057-Validate-computed-hash-bases-hash-sizes-more-thoroug.patch b/SOURCES/0057-Validate-computed-hash-bases-hash-sizes-more-thoroug.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad40eb..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0057-Validate-computed-hash-bases-hash-sizes-more-thoroug.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From f04d50b74770f5c7f7e0a1c3c24b7713fbec0802 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:47:08 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 57/74] Validate computed hash bases/hash sizes more
- thoroughly.
-I screwed one of these up when working on 750584c, and it's a real pain
-to figure out, so that means we should be validating them.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index c1b5c17..cfa90d1 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -593,6 +593,22 @@ static BOOLEAN secure_mode (void)
- 	return TRUE;
- }
-+#define check_size_line(data, datasize_in, hashbase, hashsize, l) ({	\
-+	if ((unsigned long)hashbase >					\
-+			(unsigned long)data + datasize_in) {		\
-+		perror(L"shim.c:%d Invalid hash base 0x%016x\n", l,	\
-+			hashbase);					\
-+		goto done;						\
-+	}								\
-+	if ((unsigned long)hashbase + hashsize >			\
-+			(unsigned long)data + datasize_in) {		\
-+		perror(L"shim.c:%d Invalid hash size 0x%016x\n", l,	\
-+			hashsize);					\
-+		goto done;						\
-+	}								\
-+#define check_size(d,ds,h,hs) check_size_line(d,ds,h,hs,__LINE__)
- /*
-  * Calculate the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes of a binary
-  */
-@@ -650,6 +666,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, unsigned int datasize_in,
- 	hashbase = data;
- 	hashsize = (char *)&context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.CheckSum -
- 		hashbase;
-+	check_size(data, datasize_in, hashbase, hashsize);
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
-@@ -662,6 +679,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, unsigned int datasize_in,
- 	hashbase = (char *)&context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.CheckSum +
- 		sizeof (int);
- 	hashsize = (char *)context->SecDir - hashbase;
-+	check_size(data, datasize_in, hashbase, hashsize);
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
-@@ -679,6 +697,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, unsigned int datasize_in,
- 		goto done;
- 	}
-+	check_size(data, datasize_in, hashbase, hashsize);
- 	if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 	    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
-@@ -763,6 +782,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, unsigned int datasize_in,
- 			goto done;
- 		}
- 		hashsize  = (unsigned int) Section->SizeOfRawData;
-+		check_size(data, datasize_in, hashbase, hashsize);
- 		if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 		    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
-@@ -777,6 +797,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS generate_hash (char *data, unsigned int datasize_in,
- 	if (datasize > SumOfBytesHashed) {
- 		hashbase = data + SumOfBytesHashed;
- 		hashsize = datasize - context->SecDir->Size - SumOfBytesHashed;
-+		check_size(data, datasize_in, hashbase, hashsize);
- 		if (!(Sha256Update(sha256ctx, hashbase, hashsize)) ||
- 		    !(Sha1Update(sha1ctx, hashbase, hashsize))) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0058-Don-t-call-AuthenticodeVerify-if-vendor_cert_size-is.patch b/SOURCES/0058-Don-t-call-AuthenticodeVerify-if-vendor_cert_size-is.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1f939..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0058-Don-t-call-AuthenticodeVerify-if-vendor_cert_size-is.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-From 3d1cdbc4e3815dd8e489b8a9c95e945b67d3a045 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:48:56 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 58/74] Don't call AuthenticodeVerify if vendor_cert_size is 0.
-Actually check the size of our vendor cert quite early, so that there's
-no confusion as to what's going on.
-This isn't strictly necessary, in that in all cases if vendor_cert_size
-is 0, then AuthenticodeVerify -> Pkcs7Verify() -> d2i_X509() will result
-in a NULL "Cert", and it will return FALSE, and we'll reject the
-signature, but better to avoid all that code in the first place.  Belt
-and suspenders and whatnot.
-Based on a patch from https://github.com/TBOpen .
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 9 ++++-----
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index cfa90d1..caa05d8 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -923,14 +923,13 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 			return status;
- 		}
- 		/*
- 		 * And finally, check against shim's built-in key
- 		 */
--		if (AuthenticodeVerify(cert->CertData,
--			       context->SecDir->Size - sizeof(cert->Hdr),
--			       vendor_cert, vendor_cert_size, sha256hash,
--			       SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
-+		if (vendor_cert_size && AuthenticodeVerify(cert->CertData,
-+							context->SecDir->Size - sizeof(cert->Hdr),
-+							vendor_cert, vendor_cert_size, sha256hash,
-+							SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
- 			status = EFI_SUCCESS;
- 			return status;
- 		}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0059-Fix-our-in_protocol-printing.patch b/SOURCES/0059-Fix-our-in_protocol-printing.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6895765..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0059-Fix-our-in_protocol-printing.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From eb72a4c3a1be9a10512886d2c95f9c015b77e15f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:46:01 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 59/74] Fix our "in_protocol" printing.
-When I merged 4bfb13d and fixed the conflicts, I managed to make the
-in_protocol test exactly backwards, so that's why we don't currently see
-error messages.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index caa05d8..7cd4182 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static UINT8 in_protocol;
- #define perror(fmt, ...) ({						\
- 		UINTN __perror_ret = 0;					\
--		if (in_protocol)					\
-+		if (!in_protocol)					\
- 			__perror_ret = Print((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__);	\
- 		__perror_ret;						\
- 	})
diff --git a/SOURCES/0060-Generate-a-sane-PE-header-on-shim-fallback-and-MokMa.patch b/SOURCES/0060-Generate-a-sane-PE-header-on-shim-fallback-and-MokMa.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cef43e7..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0060-Generate-a-sane-PE-header-on-shim-fallback-and-MokMa.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-From 0e7ba5947eb38b79de2051ecf3b95055e620475c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:03:03 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 60/74] Generate a sane PE header on shim, fallback, and
- MokManager.
-It turns out a7249a65 was masking a second problem - on some binaries,
-when we actually don't have any base relocations at all, binutils'
-"objcopy --target efi-app-x86_64" is generating a PE header with a base
-relocations pointer that happily points into the middle of our text
-section.  So with shim processing base relocations correctly, it refuses
-to load those binaries.
-For example, on one binary I just built:
-00000130  00 a0 00 00 0a 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
-which says there's a Base Relocation Table at 0xa000 that's 0xa bytes long.
-That's here:
-0000a000  58 00 29 00 00 00 00 00  48 00 44 00 28 00 50 00 |X.).....H.D.(.P.|
-0000a010  61 00 72 00 74 00 25 00  64 00 2c 00 53 00 69 00 |a.r.t.%.d.,.S.i.|
-0000a020  67 00 25 00 67 00 29 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |g.%.g.).........|
-0000a030  48 00 44 00 28 00 50 00  61 00 72 00 74 00 25 00 |H.D.(.P.a.r.t.%.|
-So the table is:
-0000a000  58 00 29 00 00 00 00 00  48 00                   |X.).....H.      |
-That wouldn't be so bad, except those binaries are MokManager.efi,
-fallback.efi, and shim.efi, and sometimes they're .reloc, which we're
-actually trying to handle correctly now because grub builds with a real
-and valid .reloc table.  So though I didn't think there was any hair
-left on this yak, more shaving ensues.
-With this change, instead of letting objcopy do whatever it likes, we
-switch to "-O binary" and merely link in a header that's appropriate for
-our binaries.  This is the same method Ard wrote for aarch64, and it
-seems to work fine in either place (modulo some minor changes.)
-At some point this should be merged into gnu-efi instead of carrying our
-own crt0-efi-x86_64.S, but that's a less immediate problem.
-I did not need this problem.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- Makefile           |  24 ++++++--
- crt0-efi-x86_64.S  | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- elf_x86_64_efi.lds |  85 +++++++++++++------------
- 3 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 crt0-efi-x86_64.S
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 5bc513c..d5fd55b 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ EFI_PATH	:= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
- LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
- EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi --start-group Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a --end-group $(LIB_GCC) 
--EFI_CRT_OBJS 	= $(EFI_PATH)/crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+EFI_CRT_OBJS	:= crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
-+EFI_CRT_OBJS 	?= $(EFI_PATH)/crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
- EFI_LDS		= elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- DEFAULT_LOADER	:= \\\\grub.efi
-@@ -52,11 +55,11 @@ ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_DBX_FILE), undefined)
- endif
--LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc -T $(EFI_LDS) -shared -Bsymbolic -L$(EFI_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -LCryptlib -LCryptlib/OpenSSL $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
-+LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc -T $(EFI_LDS) -shared -Bsymbolic -L$(EFI_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -LCryptlib -LCryptlib/OpenSSL
- VERSION		= 0.7
--TARGET	= shim.efi MokManager.efi.signed fallback.efi.signed
-+TARGET	+= shim.efi MokManager.efi.signed fallback.efi.signed
- OBJS	= shim.o netboot.o cert.o replacements.o version.o
- KEYS	= shim_cert.h ocsp.* ca.* shim.crt shim.csr shim.p12 shim.pem shim.key shim.cer
- SOURCES	= shim.c shim.h netboot.c include/PeImage.h include/wincert.h include/console.h replacements.c replacements.h version.c version.h
-@@ -94,17 +97,17 @@ shim.o: $(SOURCES) shim_cert.h
- cert.o : cert.S
- 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
--shim.so: $(OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
-+shim.so: $(OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS)
- fallback.o: $(FALLBACK_SRCS)
--fallback.so: $(FALLBACK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
-+fallback.so: $(FALLBACK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS)
- MokManager.o: $(MOK_SOURCES)
--MokManager.so: $(MOK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
-+MokManager.so: $(MOK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS) lib/lib.a
- Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a:
-@@ -128,8 +131,17 @@ SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+FORMAT		:= -O binary
-+SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- FORMAT		?= --target efi-app-$(ARCH)
-+crt0-efi-x86_64.o : crt0-efi-x86_64.S
- %.efi: %.so
- 	$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
- 		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym  -j .rel* \
-diff --git a/crt0-efi-x86_64.S b/crt0-efi-x86_64.S
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..f334a63
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/crt0-efi-x86_64.S
-@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
-+/* crt0-efi-x86_64.S - x86_64 EFI startup code.
-+ *
-+ * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. <pjones@redhat.com>
-+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-+ * are met:
-+ *
-+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-+ *
-+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-+ * distribution.
-+ *
-+ */
-+	.section	.text.head
-+	/*
-+	 * Magic "MZ" signature for PE/COFF
-+	 */
-+	.globl	ImageBase
-+	.ascii	"MZ"
-+	.skip	58				// 'MZ' + pad + offset == 64
-+	.long	pe_header - ImageBase		// Offset to the PE header.
-+	.long	0x0eba1f0e			/* terrifying code */
-+	.long	0xcd09b400			/* terrifying code */
-+	.long	0x4c01b821			/* terrifying code */
-+	.short	0x21cd				/* terrfiying code */
-+	.ascii	"The only winning move is not to play.\r\r\n$" /* DOS text */
-+	.skip	9
-+	.ascii	"PE"
-+	.short 	0
-+	.short	0x8664				// x86_64
-+	.short	1				// nr_sections
-+	.long	0 				// TimeDateStamp
-+	.long	0				// PointerToSymbolTable
-+	.long	0				// NumberOfSymbols
-+	.short	section_table - optional_header	// SizeOfOptionalHeader
-+	.short	0x206				// Characteristics.
-+	.short	0x20b				// PE32+ format
-+	.byte	0x02				// MajorLinkerVersion
-+	.byte	0x18				// MinorLinkerVersion
-+	.long	_edata - _start			// SizeOfCode
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfInitializedData
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfUninitializedData
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase		// AddressOfEntryPoint
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase		// BaseOfCode
-+	.quad	0				// ImageBase
-+	.long	0x20				// SectionAlignment
-+	.long	0x8				// FileAlignment
-+	.short	0				// MajorOperatingSystemVersion
-+	.short	0				// MinorOperatingSystemVersion
-+	.short	0				// MajorImageVersion
-+	.short	0				// MinorImageVersion
-+	.short	0				// MajorSubsystemVersion
-+	.short	0				// MinorSubsystemVersion
-+	.long	0				// Win32VersionValue
-+	.long	_edata - ImageBase		// SizeOfImage
-+	// Everything before the kernel image is considered part of the header
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase		// SizeOfHeaders
-+	.long	0				// CheckSum
-+	.short	EFI_SUBSYSTEM			// Subsystem
-+	.short	0				// DllCharacteristics
-+	.quad	0				// SizeOfStackReserve
-+	.quad	0				// SizeOfStackCommit
-+	.quad	0				// SizeOfHeapReserve
-+	.quad	0				// SizeOfHeapCommit
-+	.long	0				// LoaderFlags
-+	.long	0x10				// NumberOfRvaAndSizes
-+	.quad	0				// ExportTable
-+	.quad	0				// ImportTable
-+	.quad	0				// ResourceTable
-+	.quad	0				// ExceptionTable
-+	.quad	0				// CertificationTable
-+	.quad	0				// BaseRelocationTable
-+	.quad	0				// DebugTable
-+	.quad	0				// ArchTable
-+	.quad	0				// GlobalPointerTable
-+	.quad	0				// .tls
-+	.quad	0				// LoadConfigTable
-+	.quad	0				// BoundImportsTable
-+	.quad	0				// ImportAddressTable
-+	.quad	0				// DelayLoadImportTable
-+	.quad	0				// ClrRuntimeHeader (.cor)
-+	.quad	0				// Reserved
-+	// Section table
-+	.ascii	".text"
-+	.byte	0
-+	.byte	0
-+	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
-+	.long	_edata - _start		// VirtualSize
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase	// VirtualAddress
-+	.long	_edata - _start		// SizeOfRawData
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase	// PointerToRawData
-+	.long	0		// PointerToRelocations (0 for executables)
-+	.long	0		// PointerToLineNumbers (0 for executables)
-+	.short	0		// NumberOfRelocations  (0 for executables)
-+	.short	0		// NumberOfLineNumbers  (0 for executables)
-+	.long	0x60500020	// Characteristics (section flags)
-+	/*
-+	 * The EFI application loader requires a relocation section
-+	 * because EFI applications must be relocatable.  This is a
-+	 * dummy section as far as we are concerned.
-+	 */
-+	.ascii	".reloc"
-+	.byte	0
-+	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
-+	.long	0			// VirtualSize
-+	.long	0			// VirtualAddress
-+	.long	0			// SizeOfRawData
-+	.long	0			// PointerToRawData
-+	.long	0			// PointerToRelocations
-+	.long	0			// PointerToLineNumbers
-+	.short	0			// NumberOfRelocations
-+	.short	0			// NumberOfLineNumbers
-+	.long	0x42100040		// Characteristics (section flags)
-+	/* x86-64 needs this padding here; without it, some machines simply
-+	 * refuse to admit this is an EFI binary.  I'm not really sure why;
-+	 * reading the spec, it's unclear, but you'd expect it would need to
-+	 * be aligned to (1 << FileAlignment), which would mean not having
-+	 * the spacing.
-+	 */
-+	.quad	0
-+	subq $8, %rsp
-+	pushq %rcx
-+	pushq %rdx
-+	lea ImageBase(%rip), %rdi
-+	lea _DYNAMIC(%rip), %rsi
-+	popq %rcx
-+	popq %rdx
-+	pushq %rcx
-+	pushq %rdx
-+	call _relocate
-+	popq %rdi
-+	popq %rsi
-+	call efi_main
-+	addq $8, %rsp
-+  	ret
-diff --git a/elf_x86_64_efi.lds b/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
-index f981102..091187b 100644
---- a/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
-+++ b/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
-@@ -4,63 +4,60 @@ OUTPUT_ARCH(i386:x86-64)
- ENTRY(_start)
- {
--  . = 0;
--  ImageBase = .;
--  .hash : { *(.hash) }	/* this MUST come first! */
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .eh_frame : 
--  { 
--    *(.eh_frame)
--  }
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .text :
--  {
--   *(.text)
--  }
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .reloc :
--  {
--   *(.reloc)
-+  .text 0x0 : {
-+    *(.text.head)
-+    *(.text)
-+    *(.text.*)
-+    *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
-+    *(.srodata)
-+    *(.rodata*)
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _etext = .;
-   }
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .dynamic : { *(.dynamic) }
-   .data :
-   {
--   *(.rodata*)
--   *(.got.plt)
--   *(.got)
--   *(.data*)
--   *(.sdata)
--   /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
--      it all into .data: */
--   *(.sbss)
--   *(.scommon)
--   *(.dynbss)
--   *(.bss)
--   *(COMMON)
--   *(.rel.local)
-+    *(.sdata)
-+    *(.data)
-+    *(.data1)
-+    *(.data.*)
-+    *(.got.plt)
-+    *(.got)
-+    /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
-+     * it all into .data: */
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _bss = .;
-+    *(.sbss)
-+    *(.scommon)
-+    *(.dynbss)
-+    *(.bss)
-+    *(COMMON)
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _bss_end = .;
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
-   .vendor_cert :
-   {
--   *(.vendor_cert)
-+    *(.vendor_cert)
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynamic  : { *(.dynamic) }
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .rela :
--  {
--    *(.rela.data*)
--    *(.rela.got)
--    *(.rela.stab)
--  }
-+  .rela.dyn : { *(.rela.dyn) }
-+  .rela.plt : { *(.rela.plt) }
-+  .rela.got : { *(.rela.got) }
-+  .rela.data : { *(.rela.data) *(.rela.data*) }
-+  _edata = .;
-+  _data_size = . - _etext;
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynsym   : { *(.dynsym) }
-+  .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynstr   : { *(.dynstr) }
-+  .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .ignored.reloc :
-+  /DISCARD/ :
-   {
--    *(.rela.reloc)
-+    *(.rel.reloc)
-     *(.eh_frame)
-     *(.note.GNU-stack)
-   }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0061-Do-the-same-for-ia32.patch b/SOURCES/0061-Do-the-same-for-ia32.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 575a312..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0061-Do-the-same-for-ia32.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-From 6744a7ef8eca44948565c3d1244ec931ed3f6fee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 13:11:11 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 61/74] Do the same for ia32...
-Once again, on ia32 this time, we see:
-00000120  47 84 00 00 0a 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |G...............|
-Which is where the pointer on ia32 for the Base Relocation Table should
-be.  It points to 0x8447, which isn't a particularly reasonable address as
-numbers go, and happens to have this data there:
-00008440  6f 00 6e 00 66 00 69 00  67 00 75 00 72 00 65 00 |o.n.f.i.g.u.r.e.|
-00008450  00 00 49 00 50 00 76 00  36 00 28 00 00 00 2c 00 |..I.P.v.6.(...,.|
-00008460  25 00 73 00 2c 00 00 00  29 00 00 00 25 00 64 00 |%.s.,...)...%.d.|
-00008470  2e 00 25 00 64 00 2e 00  25 00 64 00 2e 00 25 00 |..%.d...%.d...%.|
-00008480  64 00 00 00 44 00 48 00  43 00 50 00 00 00 49 00 |d...D.H.C.P...I.|
-00008490  50 00 76 00 34 00 28 00  00 00 2c 00 25 00 73 00 |P.v.4.(...,.%.s.|
-And so that table is, in theory, this part:
-00008447                       00  67 00 75 00 72 00 65 00 |       .g.u.r.e.|
-00008450  00                                               |.               |
-Which is pretty clearly not a pointer table of any kind.
-So give ia32 the same treatment as x86_64, and now all arches work basically
-the same.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- Makefile         |  22 +++++--
- crt0-efi-ia32.S  | 180 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- elf_ia32_efi.lds |  83 ++++++++++++-------------
- 3 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 crt0-efi-ia32.S
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index d5fd55b..a52984f 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -6,19 +6,25 @@ ARCH		= $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine | cut -f1 -d- | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
- SUBDIRS		= Cryptlib lib
--LIB_PATH	= /usr/lib64
- EFI_INCLUDE	:= /usr/include/efi
- EFI_INCLUDES	= -nostdinc -ICryptlib -ICryptlib/Include -I$(EFI_INCLUDE) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/$(ARCH) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/protocol -Iinclude
--EFI_PATH	:= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
-+LIB_PATH	:= /usr/lib
-+EFI_PATH	:= /usr/lib/gnuefi
-+LIB_PATH	?= /usr/lib64
-+EFI_PATH	?= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
- LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
- EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi --start-group Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a --end-group $(LIB_GCC) 
- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
- EFI_CRT_OBJS	:= crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
-+else ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
-+EFI_CRT_OBJS	:= crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
- EFI_CRT_OBJS 	?= $(EFI_PATH)/crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
- EFI_LDS		= elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- DEFAULT_LOADER	:= \\\\grub.efi
-@@ -137,9 +143,15 @@ SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- endif
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
-+FORMAT		:= -O binary
-+SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- FORMAT		?= --target efi-app-$(ARCH)
--crt0-efi-x86_64.o : crt0-efi-x86_64.S
-+crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o : crt0-efi-$(ARCH).S
- %.efi: %.so
-diff --git a/crt0-efi-ia32.S b/crt0-efi-ia32.S
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..70b5b44
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/crt0-efi-ia32.S
-@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
-+/* crt0-efi-x86_64.S - x86_64 EFI startup code.
-+ *
-+ * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. <pjones@redhat.com>
-+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-+ * are met:
-+ *
-+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-+ *
-+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-+ * distribution.
-+ *
-+ */
-+	.section	.text.head
-+	/*
-+	 * Magic "MZ" signature for PE/COFF
-+	 */
-+	.globl	ImageBase
-+	.ascii	"MZ"
-+	.skip	58				// 'MZ' + pad + offset == 64
-+	.long	pe_header - ImageBase		// Offset to the PE header.
-+	.long	0x0eba1f0e			/* terrifying code */
-+	.long	0xcd09b400			/* terrifying code */
-+	.long	0x4c01b821			/* terrifying code */
-+	.short	0x21cd				/* terrfiying code */
-+	.ascii	"The only winning move is not to play.\r\r\n$" /* DOS text */
-+	.skip	9
-+	.ascii	"PE"
-+	.short 	0
-+	.short	0x014c				// i386
-+	.short	1				// nr_sections
-+	.long	0 				// TimeDateStamp
-+	.long	0				// PointerToSymbolTable
-+	.long	0				// NumberOfSymbols
-+	.short	section_table - optional_header	// SizeOfOptionalHeader
-+	.short	0x306				// Characteristics.
-+	.short	0x10b				// PE32+ format
-+	.byte	0x02				// MajorLinkerVersion
-+	.byte	0x18				// MinorLinkerVersion
-+	.long	_edata - _start			// SizeOfCode
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfInitializedData
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfUninitializedData
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase		// AddressOfEntryPoint
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase		// BaseOfCode
-+	.long	0				// BaseOfData
-+	.long	0				// ImageBase
-+	.long	0x20				// SectionAlignment
-+	.long	0x8				// FileAlignment
-+	.short	0				// MajorOperatingSystemVersion
-+	.short	0				// MinorOperatingSystemVersion
-+	.short	0				// MajorImageVersion
-+	.short	0				// MinorImageVersion
-+	.short	0				// MajorSubsystemVersion
-+	.short	0				// MinorSubsystemVersion
-+	.long	0				// Win32VersionValue
-+	.long	_edata - ImageBase		// SizeOfImage
-+	// Everything before the kernel image is considered part of the header
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase		// SizeOfHeaders
-+	.long	0				// CheckSum
-+	.short	EFI_SUBSYSTEM			// Subsystem
-+	.short	0				// DllCharacteristics
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfStackReserve
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfStackCommit
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfHeapReserve
-+	.long	0				// SizeOfHeapCommit
-+	.long	0				// LoaderFlags
-+	.long	0x10				// NumberOfRvaAndSizes
-+	.quad	0				// ExportTable
-+	.quad	0				// ImportTable
-+	.quad	0				// ResourceTable
-+	.quad	0				// ExceptionTable
-+	.quad	0				// CertificationTable
-+	.quad	0				// BaseRelocationTable
-+	.quad	0				// DebugTable
-+	.quad	0				// ArchTable
-+	.quad	0				// GlobalPointerTable
-+	.quad	0				// .tls
-+	.quad	0				// LoadConfigTable
-+	.quad	0				// BoundImportsTable
-+	.quad	0				// ImportAddressTable
-+	.quad	0				// DelayLoadImportTable
-+	.quad	0				// ClrRuntimeHeader (.cor)
-+	.quad	0				// Reserved
-+	// Section table
-+	.ascii	".text"
-+	.byte	0
-+	.byte	0
-+	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
-+	.long	_edata - _start		// VirtualSize
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase	// VirtualAddress
-+	.long	_edata - _start		// SizeOfRawData
-+	.long	_start - ImageBase	// PointerToRawData
-+	.long	0		// PointerToRelocations (0 for executables)
-+	.long	0		// PointerToLineNumbers (0 for executables)
-+	.short	0		// NumberOfRelocations  (0 for executables)
-+	.short	0		// NumberOfLineNumbers  (0 for executables)
-+	.long	0x60500020	// Characteristics (section flags)
-+	/*
-+	 * The EFI application loader requires a relocation section
-+	 * because EFI applications must be relocatable.  This is a
-+	 * dummy section as far as we are concerned.
-+	 */
-+	.ascii	".reloc"
-+	.byte	0
-+	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
-+	.long	0			// VirtualSize
-+	.long	0			// VirtualAddress
-+	.long	0			// SizeOfRawData
-+	.long	0			// PointerToRawData
-+	.long	0			// PointerToRelocations
-+	.long	0			// PointerToLineNumbers
-+	.short	0			// NumberOfRelocations
-+	.short	0			// NumberOfLineNumbers
-+	.long	0x42100040		// Characteristics (section flags)
-+	/* most if not all ia32 binaries binutils makes seem to have .text
-+	 * starting at 0x400; no reason to assume that's a bad idea. */
-+	.align 1024
-+	pushl %ebp
-+	movl %esp,%ebp
-+	pushl 12(%ebp)			# copy "image" argument
-+	pushl  8(%ebp)			# copy "systab" argument
-+	call 0f
-+0:	popl %eax
-+	movl %eax,%ebx
-+	addl $ImageBase-0b,%eax		# %eax = ldbase
-+	addl $_DYNAMIC-0b,%ebx		# %ebx = _DYNAMIC
-+	pushl %ebx			# pass _DYNAMIC as second argument
-+	pushl %eax			# pass ldbase as first argument
-+	call _relocate
-+	popl %ebx
-+	popl %ebx
-+ 	testl %eax,%eax
-+ 	jne .exit
-+  	call efi_main			# call app with "image" and "systab" argument
-+	leave
-+  	ret
-diff --git a/elf_ia32_efi.lds b/elf_ia32_efi.lds
-index 12d4085..b649e15 100644
---- a/elf_ia32_efi.lds
-+++ b/elf_ia32_efi.lds
-@@ -3,61 +3,56 @@ OUTPUT_ARCH(i386)
- ENTRY(_start)
- {
--  . = 0;
--  ImageBase = .;
--  .hash : { *(.hash) }	/* this MUST come first! */
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .text :
--  {
--   *(.text)
--   *(.text.*)
--   *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
--  }
--  .reloc :
--  {
--   *(.reloc)
-+  .text 0x0 : {
-+    *(.text.head)
-+    *(.text)
-+    *(.text.*)
-+    *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
-+    *(.srodata)
-+    *(.rodata*)
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _etext = .;
-   }
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .dynamic : { *(.dynamic) }
-   .data :
-   {
--   *(.rodata*)
--   *(.data)
--   *(.data1)
--   *(.data.*)
--   *(.sdata)
--   *(.got.plt)
--   *(.got)
--   /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
--      it all into .data: */
--   *(.sbss)
--   *(.scommon)
--   *(.dynbss)
--   *(.bss)
--   *(COMMON)
-+    *(.sdata)
-+    *(.data)
-+    *(.data1)
-+    *(.data.*)
-+    *(.got.plt)
-+    *(.got)
-+    /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
-+     * it all into .data: */
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _bss = .;
-+    *(.sbss)
-+    *(.scommon)
-+    *(.dynbss)
-+    *(.bss)
-+    *(COMMON)
-+    . = ALIGN(16);
-+    _bss_end = .;
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
-   .vendor_cert :
-   {
--   *(.vendor_cert)
-+    *(.vendor_cert)
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynamic  : { *(.dynamic) }
--  . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .rel :
--  {
--    *(.rel.data)
--    *(.rel.data.*)
--    *(.rel.got)
--    *(.rel.stab)
--    *(.data.rel.ro.local)
--    *(.data.rel.local)
--    *(.data.rel.ro)
--    *(.data.rel*)
--  }
-+  .rel.dyn : { *(.rel.dyn) }
-+  .rel.plt : { *(.rel.plt) }
-+  .rel.got : { *(.rel.got) }
-+  .rel.data : { *(.rel.data) *(.rel.data*) }
-+  _edata = .;
-+  _data_size = . - _etext;
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynsym   : { *(.dynsym) }
-+  .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynstr   : { *(.dynstr) }
-+  .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
-   /DISCARD/ :
-   {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0062-Make-list_keys-index-variables-all-be-signed.patch b/SOURCES/0062-Make-list_keys-index-variables-all-be-signed.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c93d5be..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0062-Make-list_keys-index-variables-all-be-signed.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 9db91ca0e1f7ac94871f34f654b41cbb7f9e2da1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 13:19:30 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 62/74] Make list_keys() index variables all be signed.
-We build with -Werror=signed-compare in fedora/rhel rpms, and this
-showed up.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- MokManager.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 50cb9d7..ecbcdd3 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -436,11 +436,11 @@ static void show_mok_info (void *Mok, UINTN MokSize)
- static EFI_STATUS list_keys (void *KeyList, UINTN KeyListSize, CHAR16 *title)
- {
--	UINT32 MokNum = 0;
-+	INTN MokNum = 0;
- 	MokListNode *keys = NULL;
- 	INTN key_num = 0;
- 	CHAR16 **menu_strings;
--	unsigned int i;
-+	int i;
- 	if (KeyListSize < (sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) +
- 			   sizeof(EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA))) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0063-Revert-header-changes.patch b/SOURCES/0063-Revert-header-changes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a70cf7..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0063-Revert-header-changes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
-From c6281c6a195edee611858a8d802ff5f3dee34aa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:47:39 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 63/74] Revert header changes
-Revert "Do the same for ia32..."
-and "Generate a sane PE header on shim, fallback, and MokManager."
-This reverts commit 6744a7ef8eca44948565c3d1244ec931ed3f6fee.
-and commit 0e7ba5947eb38b79de2051ecf3b95055e620475c.
-These are premature and I can do this without such drastic measures.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- Makefile           |  42 +++----------
- crt0-efi-ia32.S    | 180 -----------------------------------------------------
- crt0-efi-x86_64.S  | 177 ----------------------------------------------------
- elf_ia32_efi.lds   |  83 ++++++++++++------------
- elf_x86_64_efi.lds |  85 +++++++++++++------------
- 5 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 470 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 crt0-efi-ia32.S
- delete mode 100644 crt0-efi-x86_64.S
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index a52984f..5bc513c 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -6,25 +6,16 @@ ARCH		= $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine | cut -f1 -d- | sed s,i[3456789]86,ia32,)
- SUBDIRS		= Cryptlib lib
-+LIB_PATH	= /usr/lib64
- EFI_INCLUDE	:= /usr/include/efi
- EFI_INCLUDES	= -nostdinc -ICryptlib -ICryptlib/Include -I$(EFI_INCLUDE) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/$(ARCH) -I$(EFI_INCLUDE)/protocol -Iinclude
--ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
--LIB_PATH	:= /usr/lib
--EFI_PATH	:= /usr/lib/gnuefi
--LIB_PATH	?= /usr/lib64
--EFI_PATH	?= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
-+EFI_PATH	:= /usr/lib64/gnuefi
- LIB_GCC		= $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
- EFI_LIBS	= -lefi -lgnuefi --start-group Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a --end-group $(LIB_GCC) 
--ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
--EFI_CRT_OBJS	:= crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
--else ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
--EFI_CRT_OBJS	:= crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
--EFI_CRT_OBJS 	?= $(EFI_PATH)/crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
-+EFI_CRT_OBJS 	= $(EFI_PATH)/crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o
- EFI_LDS		= elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- DEFAULT_LOADER	:= \\\\grub.efi
-@@ -61,11 +52,11 @@ ifneq ($(origin VENDOR_DBX_FILE), undefined)
- endif
--LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc -T $(EFI_LDS) -shared -Bsymbolic -L$(EFI_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -LCryptlib -LCryptlib/OpenSSL
-+LDFLAGS		= -nostdlib -znocombreloc -T $(EFI_LDS) -shared -Bsymbolic -L$(EFI_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -LCryptlib -LCryptlib/OpenSSL $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
- VERSION		= 0.7
--TARGET	+= shim.efi MokManager.efi.signed fallback.efi.signed
-+TARGET	= shim.efi MokManager.efi.signed fallback.efi.signed
- OBJS	= shim.o netboot.o cert.o replacements.o version.o
- KEYS	= shim_cert.h ocsp.* ca.* shim.crt shim.csr shim.p12 shim.pem shim.key shim.cer
- SOURCES	= shim.c shim.h netboot.c include/PeImage.h include/wincert.h include/console.h replacements.c replacements.h version.c version.h
-@@ -103,17 +94,17 @@ shim.o: $(SOURCES) shim_cert.h
- cert.o : cert.S
- 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
--shim.so: $(OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
-+shim.so: $(OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS)
- fallback.o: $(FALLBACK_SRCS)
--fallback.so: $(FALLBACK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
-+fallback.so: $(FALLBACK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS)
- MokManager.o: $(MOK_SOURCES)
--MokManager.so: $(MOK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a $(EFI_CRT_OBJS)
-+MokManager.so: $(MOK_OBJS) Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a lib/lib.a
- 	$(LD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(EFI_LIBS) lib/lib.a
- Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a:
-@@ -137,23 +128,8 @@ SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- endif
--ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
--FORMAT		:= -O binary
--SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
--ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
--FORMAT		:= -O binary
--SUBSYSTEM	:= 0xa
- FORMAT		?= --target efi-app-$(ARCH)
--crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o : crt0-efi-$(ARCH).S
- %.efi: %.so
- 	$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .sdata -j .data \
- 		-j .dynamic -j .dynsym  -j .rel* \
-diff --git a/crt0-efi-ia32.S b/crt0-efi-ia32.S
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 70b5b44..0000000
---- a/crt0-efi-ia32.S
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
--/* crt0-efi-x86_64.S - x86_64 EFI startup code.
-- *
-- * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. <pjones@redhat.com>
-- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-- * are met:
-- *
-- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- *
-- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-- * distribution.
-- *
-- */
--	.section	.text.head
--	/*
--	 * Magic "MZ" signature for PE/COFF
--	 */
--	.globl	ImageBase
--	.ascii	"MZ"
--	.skip	58				// 'MZ' + pad + offset == 64
--	.long	pe_header - ImageBase		// Offset to the PE header.
--	.long	0x0eba1f0e			/* terrifying code */
--	.long	0xcd09b400			/* terrifying code */
--	.long	0x4c01b821			/* terrifying code */
--	.short	0x21cd				/* terrfiying code */
--	.ascii	"The only winning move is not to play.\r\r\n$" /* DOS text */
--	.skip	9
--	.ascii	"PE"
--	.short 	0
--	.short	0x014c				// i386
--	.short	1				// nr_sections
--	.long	0 				// TimeDateStamp
--	.long	0				// PointerToSymbolTable
--	.long	0				// NumberOfSymbols
--	.short	section_table - optional_header	// SizeOfOptionalHeader
--	.short	0x306				// Characteristics.
--	.short	0x10b				// PE32+ format
--	.byte	0x02				// MajorLinkerVersion
--	.byte	0x18				// MinorLinkerVersion
--	.long	_edata - _start			// SizeOfCode
--	.long	0				// SizeOfInitializedData
--	.long	0				// SizeOfUninitializedData
--	.long	_start - ImageBase		// AddressOfEntryPoint
--	.long	_start - ImageBase		// BaseOfCode
--	.long	0				// BaseOfData
--	.long	0				// ImageBase
--	.long	0x20				// SectionAlignment
--	.long	0x8				// FileAlignment
--	.short	0				// MajorOperatingSystemVersion
--	.short	0				// MinorOperatingSystemVersion
--	.short	0				// MajorImageVersion
--	.short	0				// MinorImageVersion
--	.short	0				// MajorSubsystemVersion
--	.short	0				// MinorSubsystemVersion
--	.long	0				// Win32VersionValue
--	.long	_edata - ImageBase		// SizeOfImage
--	// Everything before the kernel image is considered part of the header
--	.long	_start - ImageBase		// SizeOfHeaders
--	.long	0				// CheckSum
--	.short	EFI_SUBSYSTEM			// Subsystem
--	.short	0				// DllCharacteristics
--	.long	0				// SizeOfStackReserve
--	.long	0				// SizeOfStackCommit
--	.long	0				// SizeOfHeapReserve
--	.long	0				// SizeOfHeapCommit
--	.long	0				// LoaderFlags
--	.long	0x10				// NumberOfRvaAndSizes
--	.quad	0				// ExportTable
--	.quad	0				// ImportTable
--	.quad	0				// ResourceTable
--	.quad	0				// ExceptionTable
--	.quad	0				// CertificationTable
--	.quad	0				// BaseRelocationTable
--	.quad	0				// DebugTable
--	.quad	0				// ArchTable
--	.quad	0				// GlobalPointerTable
--	.quad	0				// .tls
--	.quad	0				// LoadConfigTable
--	.quad	0				// BoundImportsTable
--	.quad	0				// ImportAddressTable
--	.quad	0				// DelayLoadImportTable
--	.quad	0				// ClrRuntimeHeader (.cor)
--	.quad	0				// Reserved
--	// Section table
--	.ascii	".text"
--	.byte	0
--	.byte	0
--	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
--	.long	_edata - _start		// VirtualSize
--	.long	_start - ImageBase	// VirtualAddress
--	.long	_edata - _start		// SizeOfRawData
--	.long	_start - ImageBase	// PointerToRawData
--	.long	0		// PointerToRelocations (0 for executables)
--	.long	0		// PointerToLineNumbers (0 for executables)
--	.short	0		// NumberOfRelocations  (0 for executables)
--	.short	0		// NumberOfLineNumbers  (0 for executables)
--	.long	0x60500020	// Characteristics (section flags)
--	/*
--	 * The EFI application loader requires a relocation section
--	 * because EFI applications must be relocatable.  This is a
--	 * dummy section as far as we are concerned.
--	 */
--	.ascii	".reloc"
--	.byte	0
--	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
--	.long	0			// VirtualSize
--	.long	0			// VirtualAddress
--	.long	0			// SizeOfRawData
--	.long	0			// PointerToRawData
--	.long	0			// PointerToRelocations
--	.long	0			// PointerToLineNumbers
--	.short	0			// NumberOfRelocations
--	.short	0			// NumberOfLineNumbers
--	.long	0x42100040		// Characteristics (section flags)
--	/* most if not all ia32 binaries binutils makes seem to have .text
--	 * starting at 0x400; no reason to assume that's a bad idea. */
--	.align 1024
--	pushl %ebp
--	movl %esp,%ebp
--	pushl 12(%ebp)			# copy "image" argument
--	pushl  8(%ebp)			# copy "systab" argument
--	call 0f
--0:	popl %eax
--	movl %eax,%ebx
--	addl $ImageBase-0b,%eax		# %eax = ldbase
--	addl $_DYNAMIC-0b,%ebx		# %ebx = _DYNAMIC
--	pushl %ebx			# pass _DYNAMIC as second argument
--	pushl %eax			# pass ldbase as first argument
--	call _relocate
--	popl %ebx
--	popl %ebx
-- 	testl %eax,%eax
-- 	jne .exit
--  	call efi_main			# call app with "image" and "systab" argument
--	leave
--  	ret
-diff --git a/crt0-efi-x86_64.S b/crt0-efi-x86_64.S
-deleted file mode 100644
-index f334a63..0000000
---- a/crt0-efi-x86_64.S
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
--/* crt0-efi-x86_64.S - x86_64 EFI startup code.
-- *
-- * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. <pjones@redhat.com>
-- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-- * are met:
-- *
-- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- *
-- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-- * distribution.
-- *
-- */
--	.section	.text.head
--	/*
--	 * Magic "MZ" signature for PE/COFF
--	 */
--	.globl	ImageBase
--	.ascii	"MZ"
--	.skip	58				// 'MZ' + pad + offset == 64
--	.long	pe_header - ImageBase		// Offset to the PE header.
--	.long	0x0eba1f0e			/* terrifying code */
--	.long	0xcd09b400			/* terrifying code */
--	.long	0x4c01b821			/* terrifying code */
--	.short	0x21cd				/* terrfiying code */
--	.ascii	"The only winning move is not to play.\r\r\n$" /* DOS text */
--	.skip	9
--	.ascii	"PE"
--	.short 	0
--	.short	0x8664				// x86_64
--	.short	1				// nr_sections
--	.long	0 				// TimeDateStamp
--	.long	0				// PointerToSymbolTable
--	.long	0				// NumberOfSymbols
--	.short	section_table - optional_header	// SizeOfOptionalHeader
--	.short	0x206				// Characteristics.
--	.short	0x20b				// PE32+ format
--	.byte	0x02				// MajorLinkerVersion
--	.byte	0x18				// MinorLinkerVersion
--	.long	_edata - _start			// SizeOfCode
--	.long	0				// SizeOfInitializedData
--	.long	0				// SizeOfUninitializedData
--	.long	_start - ImageBase		// AddressOfEntryPoint
--	.long	_start - ImageBase		// BaseOfCode
--	.quad	0				// ImageBase
--	.long	0x20				// SectionAlignment
--	.long	0x8				// FileAlignment
--	.short	0				// MajorOperatingSystemVersion
--	.short	0				// MinorOperatingSystemVersion
--	.short	0				// MajorImageVersion
--	.short	0				// MinorImageVersion
--	.short	0				// MajorSubsystemVersion
--	.short	0				// MinorSubsystemVersion
--	.long	0				// Win32VersionValue
--	.long	_edata - ImageBase		// SizeOfImage
--	// Everything before the kernel image is considered part of the header
--	.long	_start - ImageBase		// SizeOfHeaders
--	.long	0				// CheckSum
--	.short	EFI_SUBSYSTEM			// Subsystem
--	.short	0				// DllCharacteristics
--	.quad	0				// SizeOfStackReserve
--	.quad	0				// SizeOfStackCommit
--	.quad	0				// SizeOfHeapReserve
--	.quad	0				// SizeOfHeapCommit
--	.long	0				// LoaderFlags
--	.long	0x10				// NumberOfRvaAndSizes
--	.quad	0				// ExportTable
--	.quad	0				// ImportTable
--	.quad	0				// ResourceTable
--	.quad	0				// ExceptionTable
--	.quad	0				// CertificationTable
--	.quad	0				// BaseRelocationTable
--	.quad	0				// DebugTable
--	.quad	0				// ArchTable
--	.quad	0				// GlobalPointerTable
--	.quad	0				// .tls
--	.quad	0				// LoadConfigTable
--	.quad	0				// BoundImportsTable
--	.quad	0				// ImportAddressTable
--	.quad	0				// DelayLoadImportTable
--	.quad	0				// ClrRuntimeHeader (.cor)
--	.quad	0				// Reserved
--	// Section table
--	.ascii	".text"
--	.byte	0
--	.byte	0
--	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
--	.long	_edata - _start		// VirtualSize
--	.long	_start - ImageBase	// VirtualAddress
--	.long	_edata - _start		// SizeOfRawData
--	.long	_start - ImageBase	// PointerToRawData
--	.long	0		// PointerToRelocations (0 for executables)
--	.long	0		// PointerToLineNumbers (0 for executables)
--	.short	0		// NumberOfRelocations  (0 for executables)
--	.short	0		// NumberOfLineNumbers  (0 for executables)
--	.long	0x60500020	// Characteristics (section flags)
--	/*
--	 * The EFI application loader requires a relocation section
--	 * because EFI applications must be relocatable.  This is a
--	 * dummy section as far as we are concerned.
--	 */
--	.ascii	".reloc"
--	.byte	0
--	.byte	0			// end of 0 padding of section name
--	.long	0			// VirtualSize
--	.long	0			// VirtualAddress
--	.long	0			// SizeOfRawData
--	.long	0			// PointerToRawData
--	.long	0			// PointerToRelocations
--	.long	0			// PointerToLineNumbers
--	.short	0			// NumberOfRelocations
--	.short	0			// NumberOfLineNumbers
--	.long	0x42100040		// Characteristics (section flags)
--	/* x86-64 needs this padding here; without it, some machines simply
--	 * refuse to admit this is an EFI binary.  I'm not really sure why;
--	 * reading the spec, it's unclear, but you'd expect it would need to
--	 * be aligned to (1 << FileAlignment), which would mean not having
--	 * the spacing.
--	 */
--	.quad	0
--	subq $8, %rsp
--	pushq %rcx
--	pushq %rdx
--	lea ImageBase(%rip), %rdi
--	lea _DYNAMIC(%rip), %rsi
--	popq %rcx
--	popq %rdx
--	pushq %rcx
--	pushq %rdx
--	call _relocate
--	popq %rdi
--	popq %rsi
--	call efi_main
--	addq $8, %rsp
--  	ret
-diff --git a/elf_ia32_efi.lds b/elf_ia32_efi.lds
-index b649e15..12d4085 100644
---- a/elf_ia32_efi.lds
-+++ b/elf_ia32_efi.lds
-@@ -3,56 +3,61 @@ OUTPUT_ARCH(i386)
- ENTRY(_start)
- {
--  .text 0x0 : {
--    *(.text.head)
--    *(.text)
--    *(.text.*)
--    *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
--    *(.srodata)
--    *(.rodata*)
--    . = ALIGN(16);
--    _etext = .;
-+  . = 0;
-+  ImageBase = .;
-+  .hash : { *(.hash) }	/* this MUST come first! */
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .text :
-+  {
-+   *(.text)
-+   *(.text.*)
-+   *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
-+  }
-+  .reloc :
-+  {
-+   *(.reloc)
-   }
--  .dynamic : { *(.dynamic) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-   .data :
-   {
--    *(.sdata)
--    *(.data)
--    *(.data1)
--    *(.data.*)
--    *(.got.plt)
--    *(.got)
--    /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
--     * it all into .data: */
--    . = ALIGN(16);
--    _bss = .;
--    *(.sbss)
--    *(.scommon)
--    *(.dynbss)
--    *(.bss)
--    *(COMMON)
--    . = ALIGN(16);
--    _bss_end = .;
-+   *(.rodata*)
-+   *(.data)
-+   *(.data1)
-+   *(.data.*)
-+   *(.sdata)
-+   *(.got.plt)
-+   *(.got)
-+   /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
-+      it all into .data: */
-+   *(.sbss)
-+   *(.scommon)
-+   *(.dynbss)
-+   *(.bss)
-+   *(COMMON)
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
-   .vendor_cert :
-   {
--    *(.vendor_cert)
-+   *(.vendor_cert)
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .rel.dyn : { *(.rel.dyn) }
--  .rel.plt : { *(.rel.plt) }
--  .rel.got : { *(.rel.got) }
--  .rel.data : { *(.rel.data) *(.rel.data*) }
--  _edata = .;
--  _data_size = . - _etext;
-+  .dynamic  : { *(.dynamic) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .rel :
-+  {
-+    *(.rel.data)
-+    *(.rel.data.*)
-+    *(.rel.got)
-+    *(.rel.stab)
-+    *(.data.rel.ro.local)
-+    *(.data.rel.local)
-+    *(.data.rel.ro)
-+    *(.data.rel*)
-+  }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
-+  .dynsym   : { *(.dynsym) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
-+  .dynstr   : { *(.dynstr) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
-   /DISCARD/ :
-   {
-diff --git a/elf_x86_64_efi.lds b/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
-index 091187b..f981102 100644
---- a/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
-+++ b/elf_x86_64_efi.lds
-@@ -4,60 +4,63 @@ OUTPUT_ARCH(i386:x86-64)
- ENTRY(_start)
- {
--  .text 0x0 : {
--    *(.text.head)
--    *(.text)
--    *(.text.*)
--    *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)
--    *(.srodata)
--    *(.rodata*)
--    . = ALIGN(16);
--    _etext = .;
-+  . = 0;
-+  ImageBase = .;
-+  .hash : { *(.hash) }	/* this MUST come first! */
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .eh_frame : 
-+  { 
-+    *(.eh_frame)
-+  }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .text :
-+  {
-+   *(.text)
-+  }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .reloc :
-+  {
-+   *(.reloc)
-   }
--  .dynamic : { *(.dynamic) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-   .data :
-   {
--    *(.sdata)
--    *(.data)
--    *(.data1)
--    *(.data.*)
--    *(.got.plt)
--    *(.got)
--    /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
--     * it all into .data: */
--    . = ALIGN(16);
--    _bss = .;
--    *(.sbss)
--    *(.scommon)
--    *(.dynbss)
--    *(.bss)
--    *(COMMON)
--    . = ALIGN(16);
--    _bss_end = .;
-+   *(.rodata*)
-+   *(.got.plt)
-+   *(.got)
-+   *(.data*)
-+   *(.sdata)
-+   /* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section, so we stick
-+      it all into .data: */
-+   *(.sbss)
-+   *(.scommon)
-+   *(.dynbss)
-+   *(.bss)
-+   *(COMMON)
-+   *(.rel.local)
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
-   .vendor_cert :
-   {
--    *(.vendor_cert)
-+   *(.vendor_cert)
-   }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .rela.dyn : { *(.rela.dyn) }
--  .rela.plt : { *(.rela.plt) }
--  .rela.got : { *(.rela.got) }
--  .rela.data : { *(.rela.data) *(.rela.data*) }
--  _edata = .;
--  _data_size = . - _etext;
-+  .dynamic  : { *(.dynamic) }
-+  . = ALIGN(4096);
-+  .rela :
-+  {
-+    *(.rela.data*)
-+    *(.rela.got)
-+    *(.rela.stab)
-+  }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
-+  .dynsym   : { *(.dynsym) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
-+  .dynstr   : { *(.dynstr) }
-   . = ALIGN(4096);
--  /DISCARD/ :
-+  .ignored.reloc :
-   {
--    *(.rel.reloc)
-+    *(.rela.reloc)
-     *(.eh_frame)
-     *(.note.GNU-stack)
-   }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0064-Actually-find-the-relocations-correctly-and-process-.patch b/SOURCES/0064-Actually-find-the-relocations-correctly-and-process-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e8c05..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0064-Actually-find-the-relocations-correctly-and-process-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-From a846aedd0e9dfe26ca6afaf6a1db8a54c20363c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:52:59 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 64/74] Actually find the relocations correctly and process
- them that way.
-Find the relocations based on the *file* address in the old binary,
-because it's only the same as the virtual address some of the time.
-Also perform some extra validation before processing it, and don't bail
-out in /error/ if both ReloceBase and RelocEnd are null - that condition
-is fine.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
- 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 7cd4182..4baf8b1 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ image_is_loadable(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_UNION *PEHdr)
-  * Perform the actual relocation
-  */
- static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 				 void *orig, void *data)
- {
- 	EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION *RelocBase, *RelocBaseEnd;
-@@ -233,14 +234,46 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 	UINT64 *Fixup64;
- 	int size = context->ImageSize;
- 	void *ImageEnd = (char *)orig + size;
-+	int n = 0;
- 	if (image_is_64_bit(context->PEHdr))
- 		context->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT64)(unsigned long)data;
- 	else
- 		context->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (UINT32)(unsigned long)data;
--	RelocBase = ImageAddress(orig, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress);
--	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(orig, size, context->RelocDir->VirtualAddress + context->RelocDir->Size - 1);
-+	/* Alright, so here's how this works:
-+	 *
-+	 * context->RelocDir gives us two things:
-+	 * - the VA the table of base relocation blocks are (maybe) to be
-+	 *   mapped at (RelocDir->VirtualAddress)
-+	 * - the virtual size (RelocDir->Size)
-+	 *
-+	 * The .reloc section (Section here) gives us some other things:
-+	 * - the name! kind of. (Section->Name)
-+	 * - the virtual size (Section->VirtualSize), which should be the same
-+	 *   as RelocDir->Size
-+	 * - the virtual address (Section->VirtualAddress)
-+	 * - the file section size (Section->SizeOfRawData), which is
-+	 *   a multiple of OptHdr->FileAlignment.  Only useful for image
-+	 *   validation, not really useful for iteration bounds.
-+	 * - the file address (Section->PointerToRawData)
-+	 * - a bunch of stuff we don't use that's 0 in our binaries usually
-+	 * - Flags (Section->Characteristics)
-+	 *
-+	 * and then the thing that's actually at the file address is an array
-+	 * of EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION structs with some values packed behind
-+	 * them.  The SizeOfBlock field of this structure includes the
-+	 * structure itself, and adding it to that structure's address will
-+	 * yield the next entry in the array.
-+	 */
-+	RelocBase = ImageAddress(orig, size, Section->PointerToRawData);
-+	/* RelocBaseEnd here is the address of the first entry /past/ the
-+	 * table.  */
-+	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(orig, size, Section->PointerToRawData +
-+						Section->Misc.VirtualSize);
-+	if (!RelocBase && !RelocBaseEnd)
-+		return EFI_SUCCESS;
- 	if (!RelocBase || !RelocBaseEnd) {
- 		perror(L"Reloc table overflows binary\n");
-@@ -256,19 +289,19 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 		Reloc = (UINT16 *) ((char *) RelocBase + sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION));
- 		if ((RelocBase->SizeOfBlock == 0) || (RelocBase->SizeOfBlock > context->RelocDir->Size)) {
--			perror(L"Reloc block size %d is invalid\n", RelocBase->SizeOfBlock);
-+			perror(L"Reloc %d block size %d is invalid\n", n, RelocBase->SizeOfBlock);
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
- 		RelocEnd = (UINT16 *) ((char *) RelocBase + RelocBase->SizeOfBlock);
- 		if ((void *)RelocEnd < orig || (void *)RelocEnd > ImageEnd) {
--			perror(L"Reloc entry overflows binary\n");
-+			perror(L"Reloc %d entry overflows binary\n", n);
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
- 		FixupBase = ImageAddress(data, size, RelocBase->VirtualAddress);
- 		if (!FixupBase) {
--			perror(L"Invalid fixupbase\n");
-+			perror(L"Reloc %d Invalid fixupbase\n", n);
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
-@@ -317,12 +350,13 @@ static EFI_STATUS relocate_coff (PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *context,
- 				break;
- 			default:
--				perror(L"Unknown relocation\n");
-+				perror(L"Reloc %d Unknown relocation\n", n);
- 				return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 			}
- 			Reloc += 1;
- 		}
- 		RelocBase = (EFI_IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION *) RelocEnd;
-+		n++;
- 	}
- 	return EFI_SUCCESS;
-@@ -1102,15 +1136,21 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	CopyMem(buffer, data, context.SizeOfHeaders);
-+	char *RelocBase, *RelocBaseEnd;
-+	RelocBase = ImageAddress(buffer, datasize,
-+				 context.RelocDir->VirtualAddress);
-+	/* RelocBaseEnd here is the address of the last byte of the table */
-+	RelocBaseEnd = ImageAddress(buffer, datasize,
-+				    context.RelocDir->VirtualAddress +
-+				    context.RelocDir->Size - 1);
- 	/*
- 	 * Copy the executable's sections to their desired offsets
- 	 */
- 	Section = context.FirstSection;
- 	for (i = 0; i < context.NumberOfSections; i++, Section++) {
--		if (Section->Characteristics & 0x02000000)
--			/* section has EFI_IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE attr set */
--			continue;
- 		size = Section->Misc.VirtualSize;
- 		if (size > Section->SizeOfRawData)
-@@ -1118,7 +1158,6 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 		base = ImageAddress (buffer, context.ImageSize, Section->VirtualAddress);
- 		end = ImageAddress (buffer, context.ImageSize, Section->VirtualAddress + size - 1);
- 		if (!base || !end) {
- 			perror(L"Invalid section size\n");
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-@@ -1130,6 +1169,30 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 			return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
- 		}
-+		/* We do want to process .reloc, but it's often marked
-+		 * discardable, so we don't want to memcpy it. */
-+		if (CompareMem(Section->Name, ".reloc\0\0", 8) == 0) {
-+			if (RelocSection) {
-+				perror(L"Image has multiple relocation sections\n");
-+				return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-+			}
-+			/* If it has nonzero sizes, and our bounds check
-+			 * made sense, and the VA and size match RelocDir's
-+			 * versions, then we believe in this section table. */
-+			if (Section->SizeOfRawData &&
-+					Section->Misc.VirtualSize &&
-+					base && end &&
-+					RelocBase == base &&
-+					RelocBaseEnd == end) {
-+				RelocSection = Section;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		if (Section->Characteristics & 0x02000000) {
-+			/* section has EFI_IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE attr set */
-+			continue;
-+		}
- 		if (Section->SizeOfRawData > 0)
- 			CopyMem(base, data + Section->PointerToRawData, size);
-@@ -1143,11 +1206,12 @@ static EFI_STATUS handle_image (void *data, unsigned int datasize,
- 	}
--	if (context.RelocDir->Size) {
-+	if (context.RelocDir->Size && RelocSection) {
- 		/*
- 		 * Run the relocation fixups
- 		 */
--		efi_status = relocate_coff(&context, data, buffer);
-+		efi_status = relocate_coff(&context, RelocSection, data,
-+					   buffer);
- 		if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- 			perror(L"Relocation failed: %r\n", efi_status);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0065-Don-t-append-an-empty-cert-list-to-MokListRT-if-vend.patch b/SOURCES/0065-Don-t-append-an-empty-cert-list-to-MokListRT-if-vend.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b48e8f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0065-Don-t-append-an-empty-cert-list-to-MokListRT-if-vend.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-From f14119502ee3301e1ae80b5ab7fbe1ba46580e23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 22:47:20 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 65/74] Don't append an empty cert list to MokListRT if
- vendor_cert_size is 0.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- shim.c | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index 4baf8b1..a282ee3 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -1698,37 +1698,42 @@ EFI_STATUS mirror_mok_list()
- 	if (efi_status != EFI_SUCCESS)
- 		DataSize = 0;
--	FullDataSize = DataSize
--		     + sizeof (*CertList)
--		     + sizeof (EFI_GUID)
--		     + vendor_cert_size
--		     ;
--	FullData = AllocatePool(FullDataSize);
--	if (!FullData) {
--		perror(L"Failed to allocate space for MokListRT\n");
--	}
--	p = FullData;
-+	if (vendor_cert_size) {
-+		FullDataSize = DataSize
-+			     + sizeof (*CertList)
-+			     + sizeof (EFI_GUID)
-+			     + vendor_cert_size
-+			     ;
-+		FullData = AllocatePool(FullDataSize);
-+		if (!FullData) {
-+			perror(L"Failed to allocate space for MokListRT\n");
-+		}
-+		p = FullData;
--	if (efi_status == EFI_SUCCESS && DataSize > 0) {
--		CopyMem(p, Data, DataSize);
--		p += DataSize;
-+		if (efi_status == EFI_SUCCESS && DataSize > 0) {
-+			CopyMem(p, Data, DataSize);
-+			p += DataSize;
-+		}
-+		CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)p;
-+		p += sizeof (*CertList);
-+		CertData = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)p;
-+		p += sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+		CertList->SignatureType = EFI_CERT_X509_GUID;
-+		CertList->SignatureListSize = vendor_cert_size
-+					      + sizeof (*CertList)
-+					      + sizeof (*CertData)
-+					      -1;
-+		CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
-+		CertList->SignatureSize = vendor_cert_size + sizeof (EFI_GUID);
-+		CertData->SignatureOwner = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
-+		CopyMem(p, vendor_cert, vendor_cert_size);
-+	} else {
-+		FullDataSize = DataSize;
-+		FullData = Data;
- 	}
--	CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *)p;
--	p += sizeof (*CertList);
--	CertData = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *)p;
--	p += sizeof (EFI_GUID);
--	CertList->SignatureType = EFI_CERT_X509_GUID;
--	CertList->SignatureListSize = vendor_cert_size
--				      + sizeof (*CertList)
--				      + sizeof (*CertData)
--				      -1;
--	CertList->SignatureHeaderSize = 0;
--	CertList->SignatureSize = vendor_cert_size + sizeof (EFI_GUID);
--	CertData->SignatureOwner = SHIM_LOCK_GUID;
--	CopyMem(p, vendor_cert, vendor_cert_size);
- 	efi_status = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5, L"MokListRT",
- 				       &shim_lock_guid,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0066-Fix-some-minor-testplan-errors.patch b/SOURCES/0066-Fix-some-minor-testplan-errors.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f304978..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0066-Fix-some-minor-testplan-errors.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From aa818fe639f103d9c40fcbc8342edd82ff5d49d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 23:42:11 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 66/74] Fix some minor testplan errors.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- testplan.txt | 6 ++++--
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/testplan.txt b/testplan.txt
-index 2fbf238..ab88781 100644
---- a/testplan.txt
-+++ b/testplan.txt
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
-         -s -c "Red Hat Test Certificate"
- 6) put pesign-test-app-signed.efi in \EFI\test as grubx64.efi
-    cp /usr/share/pesign-test-app-0.4/pesign-test-app-signed.efi \
--	/boot/efi/EFI/test/test.efi
-+	/boot/efi/EFI/test/grubx64.efi
- 7) sign a copy of grubx64.efi with RHTC and iput it in \EFI\test\ .  Also
-    leave an unsigned copy there:
-     pesign -i /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grubx64.efi \
-@@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
- 12) put shim.efi there as well
-     cp /boot/efi/EFI/test/shim.efi /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
- 13) enroll the current kernel's certificate with mokutil:
--    mokutil --import ~/redhatsecurebootca2.cer
-+    # this should be a /different/ cert than the one signing pesign-test-app.
-+    # for instance use a RHEL cert for p-t-a and a fedora cert+kernel here.
-+    mokutil --import ~/fedora-ca.cer
- 14) put machine in setup mode
- 15) boot to the UEFI shell
- 16) run lockdown.efi from #4:
diff --git a/SOURCES/0067-Don-t-verify-images-with-the-empty-build-key.patch b/SOURCES/0067-Don-t-verify-images-with-the-empty-build-key.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ac183b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0067-Don-t-verify-images-with-the-empty-build-key.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From db43ba5a5fcb88e3b0acac0da5737e499be236a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:13:27 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 67/74] Don't verify images with the empty build key
-We replaced the build key with an empty file while compiling shim
-for our distro. Skip the verification with the empty build key
-since this makes no sense.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- shim.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/shim.c b/shim.c
-index a282ee3..8076caa 100644
---- a/shim.c
-+++ b/shim.c
-@@ -949,7 +949,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS verify_buffer (char *data, int datasize,
- 		/*
- 		 * Check against the shim build key
- 		 */
--		if (AuthenticodeVerify(cert->CertData,
-+		if (sizeof(shim_cert) &&
-+		    AuthenticodeVerify(cert->CertData,
- 			       context->SecDir->Size - sizeof(cert->Hdr),
- 			       shim_cert, sizeof(shim_cert), sha256hash,
- 			       SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0068-Cryptlib-remove-the-unused-files.patch b/SOURCES/0068-Cryptlib-remove-the-unused-files.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1eea2..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0068-Cryptlib-remove-the-unused-files.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1265 +0,0 @@
-From 663a5ca59d8b0037b3d1b445ce93ae3181f03685 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:27:19 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 68/74] Cryptlib: remove the unused files
-I mistakenly added CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c which may make Pkcs7Verify
-always return FALSE. Besides CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c, there are some
-functions we would never use. This commit removes those files to
-avoid any potential trouble.
-Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <glin@suse.com>
- Cryptlib/Makefile                  |   5 +-
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDh.c              | 328 --------------------------------
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDhNull.c          | 156 +++++++++++++++
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c       | 207 --------------------
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c | 100 ----------
- Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExt.c          | 377 -------------------------------------
- Cryptlib/update.sh                 |   5 +-
- 7 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 1020 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDh.c
- create mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDhNull.c
- delete mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
- delete mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
- delete mode 100644 Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExt.c
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Makefile b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-index 73a1e2b..9719a27 100644
---- a/Cryptlib/Makefile
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Makefile
-@@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ OBJS		=   Hash/CryptMd4.o \
- 		    Cipher/CryptArc4.o \
- 		    Rand/CryptRand.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptRsaBasic.o \
--		    Pk/CryptRsaExt.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.o \
--		    Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.o \
--		    Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.o \
--		    Pk/CryptDh.o \
-+		    Pk/CryptDhNull.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptX509.o \
- 		    Pk/CryptAuthenticode.o \
- 		    Pem/CryptPem.o \
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDh.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDh.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 942b3d1..0000000
---- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDh.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
--/** @file
--  Diffie-Hellman Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL.
--Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
--This program and the accompanying materials
--are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
--which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
--#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
--#include <openssl/dh.h>
--  Allocates and Initializes one Diffie-Hellman Context for subsequent use.
--  @return  Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman Context that has been initialized.
--           If the allocations fails, DhNew() returns NULL.
--VOID *
--DhNew (
--  VOID
--  )
--  //
--  // Allocates & Initializes DH Context by OpenSSL DH_new()
--  //
--  return (VOID *) DH_new ();
--  Release the specified DH context.
--  If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in]  DhContext  Pointer to the DH context to be released.
--DhFree (
--  IN  VOID  *DhContext
--  )
--  //
--  // Free OpenSSL DH Context
--  //
--  DH_free ((DH *) DhContext);
--  Generates DH parameter.
--  Given generator g, and length of prime number p in bits, this function generates p,
--  and sets DH context according to value of g and p.
--  Before this function can be invoked, pseudorandom number generator must be correctly
--  initialized by RandomSeed().
--  If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If Prime is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in, out]  DhContext    Pointer to the DH context.
--  @param[in]       Generator    Value of generator.
--  @param[in]       PrimeLength  Length in bits of prime to be generated.
--  @param[out]      Prime        Pointer to the buffer to receive the generated prime number.
--  @retval TRUE   DH pamameter generation succeeded.
--  @retval FALSE  Value of Generator is not supported.
--  @retval FALSE  PRNG fails to generate random prime number with PrimeLength.
--DhGenerateParameter (
--  IN OUT  VOID   *DhContext,
--  IN      UINTN  Generator,
--  IN      UINTN  PrimeLength,
--  OUT     UINT8  *Prime
--  )
--  BOOLEAN RetVal;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (DhContext == NULL || Prime == NULL || PrimeLength > INT_MAX) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (Generator != DH_GENERATOR_2 && Generator != DH_GENERATOR_5) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  RetVal = (BOOLEAN) DH_generate_parameters_ex (DhContext, (UINT32) PrimeLength, (UINT32) Generator, NULL);
--  if (!RetVal) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  BN_bn2bin (((DH *) DhContext)->p, Prime);
--  return TRUE;
--  Sets generator and prime parameters for DH.
--  Given generator g, and prime number p, this function and sets DH
--  context accordingly.
--  If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If Prime is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in, out]  DhContext    Pointer to the DH context.
--  @param[in]       Generator    Value of generator.
--  @param[in]       PrimeLength  Length in bits of prime to be generated.
--  @param[in]       Prime        Pointer to the prime number.
--  @retval TRUE   DH pamameter setting succeeded.
--  @retval FALSE  Value of Generator is not supported.
--  @retval FALSE  Value of Generator is not suitable for the Prime.
--  @retval FALSE  Value of Prime is not a prime number.
--  @retval FALSE  Value of Prime is not a safe prime number.
--DhSetParameter (
--  IN OUT  VOID         *DhContext,
--  IN      UINTN        Generator,
--  IN      UINTN        PrimeLength,
--  IN      CONST UINT8  *Prime
--  )
--  DH      *Dh;
--  BIGNUM  *Bn;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (DhContext == NULL || Prime == NULL || PrimeLength > INT_MAX) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (Generator != DH_GENERATOR_2 && Generator != DH_GENERATOR_5) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  Bn = NULL;
--  Dh = (DH *) DhContext;
--  Dh->g = NULL;
--  Dh->p = BN_new ();
--  if (Dh->p == NULL) {
--    goto Error;
--  }
--  Dh->g = BN_new ();
--  if (Dh->g == NULL) {
--    goto Error;
--  }
--  Bn = BN_bin2bn (Prime, (UINT32) (PrimeLength / 8), Dh->p);
--  if (Bn == NULL) {
--    goto Error;
--  }
--  if (BN_set_word (Dh->g, (UINT32) Generator) == 0) {
--    goto Error;
--  }
--  return TRUE;
--  if (Dh->p != NULL) {
--    BN_free (Dh->p);
--  }
--  if (Dh->g != NULL) {
--    BN_free (Dh->g);
--  }
--  if (Bn != NULL) {
--    BN_free (Bn);
--  }
--  return FALSE;
--  Generates DH public key.
--  This function generates random secret exponent, and computes the public key, which is 
--  returned via parameter PublicKey and PublicKeySize. DH context is updated accordingly.
--  If the PublicKey buffer is too small to hold the public key, FALSE is returned and
--  PublicKeySize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the public key.
--  If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If PublicKeySize is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If PublicKeySize is large enough but PublicKey is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in, out]  DhContext      Pointer to the DH context.
--  @param[out]      PublicKey      Pointer to the buffer to receive generated public key.
--  @param[in, out]  PublicKeySize  On input, the size of PublicKey buffer in bytes.
--                                  On output, the size of data returned in PublicKey buffer in bytes.
--  @retval TRUE   DH public key generation succeeded.
--  @retval FALSE  DH public key generation failed.
--  @retval FALSE  PublicKeySize is not large enough.
--DhGenerateKey (
--  IN OUT  VOID   *DhContext,
--  OUT     UINT8  *PublicKey,
--  IN OUT  UINTN  *PublicKeySize
--  )
--  BOOLEAN RetVal;
--  DH      *Dh;
--  INTN    Size;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (DhContext == NULL || PublicKeySize == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (PublicKey == NULL && *PublicKeySize != 0) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  Dh = (DH *) DhContext;
--  RetVal = (BOOLEAN) DH_generate_key (DhContext);
--  if (RetVal) {
--    Size = BN_num_bytes (Dh->pub_key);
--    if ((Size > 0) && (*PublicKeySize < (UINTN) Size)) {
--      *PublicKeySize = Size;
--      return FALSE;
--    }
--    BN_bn2bin (Dh->pub_key, PublicKey);
--    *PublicKeySize = Size;
--  }
--  return RetVal;
--  Computes exchanged common key.
--  Given peer's public key, this function computes the exchanged common key, based on its own
--  context including value of prime modulus and random secret exponent. 
--  If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If PeerPublicKey is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If KeySize is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If Key is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If KeySize is not large enough, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in, out]  DhContext          Pointer to the DH context.
--  @param[in]       PeerPublicKey      Pointer to the peer's public key.
--  @param[in]       PeerPublicKeySize  Size of peer's public key in bytes.
--  @param[out]      Key                Pointer to the buffer to receive generated key.
--  @param[in, out]  KeySize            On input, the size of Key buffer in bytes.
--                                      On output, the size of data returned in Key buffer in bytes.
--  @retval TRUE   DH exchanged key generation succeeded.
--  @retval FALSE  DH exchanged key generation failed.
--  @retval FALSE  KeySize is not large enough.
--DhComputeKey (
--  IN OUT  VOID         *DhContext,
--  IN      CONST UINT8  *PeerPublicKey,
--  IN      UINTN        PeerPublicKeySize,
--  OUT     UINT8        *Key,
--  IN OUT  UINTN        *KeySize
--  )
--  BIGNUM  *Bn;
--  INTN    Size;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (DhContext == NULL || PeerPublicKey == NULL || KeySize == NULL || Key == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (PeerPublicKeySize > INT_MAX) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  Bn = BN_bin2bn (PeerPublicKey, (UINT32) PeerPublicKeySize, NULL);
--  if (Bn == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  Size = DH_compute_key (Key, Bn, DhContext);
--  if (Size < 0) {
--    BN_free (Bn);
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (*KeySize < (UINTN) Size) {
--    *KeySize = Size;
--    BN_free (Bn);
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  *KeySize = Size;
--  BN_free (Bn);
--  return TRUE;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDhNull.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDhNull.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..35045db
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptDhNull.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
-+/** @file
-+  Diffie-Hellman Wrapper Implementation which does not provide
-+  real capabilities.
-+Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-+This program and the accompanying materials
-+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-+which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
-+#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
-+  Allocates and Initializes one Diffie-Hellman Context for subsequent use.
-+  @return  Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman Context that has been initialized.
-+           If the interface is not supported, DhNew() returns NULL.
-+VOID *
-+DhNew (
-+  VOID
-+  )
-+  return NULL;
-+  Release the specified DH context.
-+  If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().
-+  @param[in]  DhContext  Pointer to the DH context to be released.
-+DhFree (
-+  IN  VOID  *DhContext
-+  )
-+  Generates DH parameter.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in, out]  DhContext    Pointer to the DH context.
-+  @param[in]       Generator    Value of generator.
-+  @param[in]       PrimeLength  Length in bits of prime to be generated.
-+  @param[out]      Prime        Pointer to the buffer to receive the generated prime number.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+DhGenerateParameter (
-+  IN OUT  VOID   *DhContext,
-+  IN      UINTN  Generator,
-+  IN      UINTN  PrimeLength,
-+  OUT     UINT8  *Prime
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-+  Sets generator and prime parameters for DH.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in, out]  DhContext    Pointer to the DH context.
-+  @param[in]       Generator    Value of generator.
-+  @param[in]       PrimeLength  Length in bits of prime to be generated.
-+  @param[in]       Prime        Pointer to the prime number.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+DhSetParameter (
-+  IN OUT  VOID         *DhContext,
-+  IN      UINTN        Generator,
-+  IN      UINTN        PrimeLength,
-+  IN      CONST UINT8  *Prime
-+  )
-+  return FALSE; 
-+  Generates DH public key.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in, out]  DhContext      Pointer to the DH context.
-+  @param[out]      PublicKey      Pointer to the buffer to receive generated public key.
-+  @param[in, out]  PublicKeySize  On input, the size of PublicKey buffer in bytes.
-+                                  On output, the size of data returned in PublicKey buffer in bytes.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+DhGenerateKey (
-+  IN OUT  VOID   *DhContext,
-+  OUT     UINT8  *PublicKey,
-+  IN OUT  UINTN  *PublicKeySize
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-+  Computes exchanged common key.
-+  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
-+  @param[in, out]  DhContext          Pointer to the DH context.
-+  @param[in]       PeerPublicKey      Pointer to the peer's public key.
-+  @param[in]       PeerPublicKeySize  Size of peer's public key in bytes.
-+  @param[out]      Key                Pointer to the buffer to receive generated key.
-+  @param[in, out]  KeySize            On input, the size of Key buffer in bytes.
-+                                      On output, the size of data returned in Key buffer in bytes.
-+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
-+DhComputeKey (
-+  IN OUT  VOID         *DhContext,
-+  IN      CONST UINT8  *PeerPublicKey,
-+  IN      UINTN        PeerPublicKeySize,
-+  OUT     UINT8        *Key,
-+  IN OUT  UINTN        *KeySize
-+  )
-+  return FALSE;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 63fe78f..0000000
---- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
--/** @file
--  PKCS#7 SignedData Sign Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL.
--Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
--This program and the accompanying materials
--are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
--which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
--#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
--#include <openssl/objects.h>
--#include <openssl/x509.h>
--#include <openssl/pkcs7.h>
--  Creates a PKCS#7 signedData as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message
--  Syntax Standard, version 1.5". This interface is only intended to be used for
--  application to perform PKCS#7 functionality validation.
--  @param[in]  PrivateKey       Pointer to the PEM-formatted private key data for
--                               data signing.
--  @param[in]  PrivateKeySize   Size of the PEM private key data in bytes.
--  @param[in]  KeyPassword      NULL-terminated passphrase used for encrypted PEM
--                               key data.
--  @param[in]  InData           Pointer to the content to be signed.
--  @param[in]  InDataSize       Size of InData in bytes.
--  @param[in]  SignCert         Pointer to signer's DER-encoded certificate to sign with.
--  @param[in]  OtherCerts       Pointer to an optional additional set of certificates to
--                               include in the PKCS#7 signedData (e.g. any intermediate
--                               CAs in the chain).
--  @param[out] SignedData       Pointer to output PKCS#7 signedData.
--  @param[out] SignedDataSize   Size of SignedData in bytes.
--  @retval     TRUE             PKCS#7 data signing succeeded.
--  @retval     FALSE            PKCS#7 data signing failed.
--Pkcs7Sign (
--  IN   CONST UINT8  *PrivateKey,
--  IN   UINTN        PrivateKeySize,
--  IN   CONST UINT8  *KeyPassword,
--  IN   UINT8        *InData,
--  IN   UINTN        InDataSize,
--  IN   UINT8        *SignCert,
--  IN   UINT8        *OtherCerts      OPTIONAL,
--  OUT  UINT8        **SignedData,
--  OUT  UINTN        *SignedDataSize
--  )
--  BOOLEAN   Status;
--  EVP_PKEY  *Key;
--  BIO       *DataBio;
--  PKCS7     *Pkcs7;
--  UINT8     *RsaContext;
--  UINT8     *P7Data;
--  UINTN     P7DataSize;
--  UINT8     *Tmp;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (PrivateKey == NULL || KeyPassword == NULL || InData == NULL ||
--    SignCert == NULL || SignedData == NULL || SignedDataSize == NULL || InDataSize > INT_MAX) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  RsaContext = NULL;
--  Key        = NULL;
--  Pkcs7      = NULL;
--  DataBio    = NULL;
--  Status     = FALSE;
--  //
--  // Retrieve RSA private key from PEM data.
--  //
--  Status = RsaGetPrivateKeyFromPem (
--             PrivateKey,
--             PrivateKeySize,
--             (CONST CHAR8 *) KeyPassword,
--             (VOID **) &RsaContext
--             );
--  if (!Status) {
--    return Status;
--  }
--  Status = FALSE;
--  //
--  // Register & Initialize necessary digest algorithms and PRNG for PKCS#7 Handling
--  //
--  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_md5 ()) == 0) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha1 ()) == 0) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  if (EVP_add_digest (EVP_sha256 ()) == 0) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  RandomSeed (NULL, 0);
--  //
--  // Construct OpenSSL EVP_PKEY for private key.
--  //
--  Key = EVP_PKEY_new ();
--  if (Key == NULL) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  Key->save_type = EVP_PKEY_RSA;
--  Key->type      = EVP_PKEY_type (EVP_PKEY_RSA);
--  Key->pkey.rsa  = (RSA *) RsaContext;
--  //
--  // Convert the data to be signed to BIO format. 
--  //
--  DataBio = BIO_new (BIO_s_mem ());
--  if (DataBio == NULL) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  if (BIO_write (DataBio, InData, (int) InDataSize) <= 0) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  //
--  // Create the PKCS#7 signedData structure.
--  //
--  Pkcs7 = PKCS7_sign (
--            (X509 *) SignCert,
--            Key,
--            (STACK_OF(X509) *) OtherCerts,
--            DataBio,
--            );
--  if (Pkcs7 == NULL) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  //
--  // Convert PKCS#7 signedData structure into DER-encoded buffer.
--  //
--  P7DataSize = i2d_PKCS7 (Pkcs7, NULL);
--  if (P7DataSize <= 19) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  P7Data     = malloc (P7DataSize);
--  if (P7Data == NULL) {
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  Tmp        = P7Data;
--  P7DataSize = i2d_PKCS7 (Pkcs7, (unsigned char **) &Tmp);
--  ASSERT (P7DataSize > 19);
--  //
--  // Strip ContentInfo to content only for signeddata. The data be trimmed off
--  // is totally 19 bytes.
--  //
--  *SignedDataSize = P7DataSize - 19;
--  *SignedData     = malloc (*SignedDataSize);
--  if (*SignedData == NULL) {
--    OPENSSL_free (P7Data);
--    goto _Exit;
--  }
--  CopyMem (*SignedData, P7Data + 19, *SignedDataSize);
--  OPENSSL_free (P7Data);
--  Status = TRUE;
--  //
--  // Release Resources
--  //
--  if (RsaContext != NULL) {
--    RsaFree (RsaContext);
--    if (Key != NULL) {
--      Key->pkey.rsa = NULL;
--    }
--  }
--  if (Key != NULL) {
--    EVP_PKEY_free (Key);
--  }
--  if (DataBio != NULL) {
--    BIO_free (DataBio);
--  }
--  if (Pkcs7 != NULL) {
--    PKCS7_free (Pkcs7);
--  }
--  return Status;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 9a4c77a..0000000
---- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
--/** @file
--  PKCS#7 SignedData Verification Wrapper Implementation which does not provide
--  real capabilities.
--Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
--This program and the accompanying materials
--are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
--which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
--#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
--  Get the signer's certificates from PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7:
--  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". The input signed data could be wrapped
--  in a ContentInfo structure.
--  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
--  @param[in]  P7Data       Pointer to the PKCS#7 message to verify.
--  @param[in]  P7Length     Length of the PKCS#7 message in bytes.
--  @param[out] CertStack    Pointer to Signer's certificates retrieved from P7Data.
--                           It's caller's responsiblity to free the buffer.
--  @param[out] StackLength  Length of signer's certificates in bytes.
--  @param[out] TrustedCert  Pointer to a trusted certificate from Signer's certificates.
--                           It's caller's responsiblity to free the buffer.
--  @param[out] CertLength   Length of the trusted certificate in bytes.
--  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
--Pkcs7GetSigners (
--  IN  CONST UINT8  *P7Data,
--  IN  UINTN        P7Length,
--  OUT UINT8        **CertStack,
--  OUT UINTN        *StackLength,
--  OUT UINT8        **TrustedCert,
--  OUT UINTN        *CertLength
--  )
--  return FALSE;
--  Wrap function to use free() to free allocated memory for certificates.
--  If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().
--  @param[in]  Certs        Pointer to the certificates to be freed.
--Pkcs7FreeSigners (
--  IN  UINT8        *Certs
--  )
--  Verifies the validility of a PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7:
--  Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". The input signed data could be wrapped
--  in a ContentInfo structure.
--  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.
--  @param[in]  P7Data       Pointer to the PKCS#7 message to verify.
--  @param[in]  P7Length     Length of the PKCS#7 message in bytes.
--  @param[in]  TrustedCert  Pointer to a trusted/root certificate encoded in DER, which
--                           is used for certificate chain verification.
--  @param[in]  CertLength   Length of the trusted certificate in bytes.
--  @param[in]  InData       Pointer to the content to be verified.
--  @param[in]  DataLength   Length of InData in bytes.
--  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
--Pkcs7Verify (
--  IN  CONST UINT8  *P7Data,
--  IN  UINTN        P7Length,
--  IN  CONST UINT8  *TrustedCert,
--  IN  UINTN        CertLength,
--  IN  CONST UINT8  *InData,
--  IN  UINTN        DataLength
--  )
--  return FALSE;
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExt.c b/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExt.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 5c21d12..0000000
---- a/Cryptlib/Pk/CryptRsaExt.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
--/** @file
--  RSA Asymmetric Cipher Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL.
--  This file implements following APIs which provide more capabilities for RSA:
--  1) RsaGetKey
--  2) RsaGenerateKey
--  3) RsaCheckKey
--  4) RsaPkcs1Sign
--Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
--This program and the accompanying materials
--are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
--which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
--#include "InternalCryptLib.h"
--#include <openssl/rsa.h>
--#include <openssl/err.h>
--#include <openssl/objects.h>
--  Gets the tag-designated RSA key component from the established RSA context.
--  This function retrieves the tag-designated RSA key component from the
--  established RSA context as a non-negative integer (octet string format
--  represented in RSA PKCS#1).
--  If specified key component has not been set or has been cleared, then returned
--  BnSize is set to 0.
--  If the BigNumber buffer is too small to hold the contents of the key, FALSE
--  is returned and BnSize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the key.
--  If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If BnSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If BnSize is large enough but BigNumber is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in, out]  RsaContext  Pointer to RSA context being set.
--  @param[in]       KeyTag      Tag of RSA key component being set.
--  @param[out]      BigNumber   Pointer to octet integer buffer.
--  @param[in, out]  BnSize      On input, the size of big number buffer in bytes.
--                               On output, the size of data returned in big number buffer in bytes.
--  @retval  TRUE   RSA key component was retrieved successfully.
--  @retval  FALSE  Invalid RSA key component tag.
--  @retval  FALSE  BnSize is too small.
--RsaGetKey (
--  IN OUT  VOID         *RsaContext,
--  IN      RSA_KEY_TAG  KeyTag,
--  OUT     UINT8        *BigNumber,
--  IN OUT  UINTN        *BnSize
--  )
--  RSA    *RsaKey;
--  BIGNUM *BnKey;
--  UINTN  Size;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (RsaContext == NULL || BnSize == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  RsaKey  = (RSA *) RsaContext;
--  Size    = *BnSize;
--  *BnSize = 0;
--  switch (KeyTag) {
--  //
--  // RSA Public Modulus (N)
--  //
--  case RsaKeyN:
--    if (RsaKey->n == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->n;
--    break;
--  //
--  // RSA Public Exponent (e)
--  //
--  case RsaKeyE:
--    if (RsaKey->e == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->e;
--    break;
--  //
--  // RSA Private Exponent (d)
--  //
--  case RsaKeyD:
--    if (RsaKey->d == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->d;
--    break;
--  //
--  // RSA Secret Prime Factor of Modulus (p)
--  //
--  case RsaKeyP:
--    if (RsaKey->p == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->p;
--    break;
--  //
--  // RSA Secret Prime Factor of Modules (q)
--  //
--  case RsaKeyQ:
--    if (RsaKey->q == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->q;
--    break;
--  //
--  // p's CRT Exponent (== d mod (p - 1))
--  //
--  case RsaKeyDp:
--    if (RsaKey->dmp1 == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->dmp1;
--    break;
--  //
--  // q's CRT Exponent (== d mod (q - 1))
--  //
--  case RsaKeyDq:
--    if (RsaKey->dmq1 == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->dmq1;
--    break;
--  //
--  // The CRT Coefficient (== 1/q mod p)
--  //
--  case RsaKeyQInv:
--    if (RsaKey->iqmp == NULL) {
--      return TRUE;
--    }
--    BnKey = RsaKey->iqmp;
--    break;
--  default:
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  *BnSize = Size;
--  Size    = BN_num_bytes (BnKey);
--  if (*BnSize < Size) {
--    *BnSize = Size;
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (BigNumber == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  *BnSize = BN_bn2bin (BnKey, BigNumber) ;
--  return TRUE;
--  Generates RSA key components.
--  This function generates RSA key components. It takes RSA public exponent E and
--  length in bits of RSA modulus N as input, and generates all key components.
--  If PublicExponent is NULL, the default RSA public exponent (0x10001) will be used.
--  Before this function can be invoked, pseudorandom number generator must be correctly
--  initialized by RandomSeed().
--  If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in, out]  RsaContext           Pointer to RSA context being set.
--  @param[in]       ModulusLength        Length of RSA modulus N in bits.
--  @param[in]       PublicExponent       Pointer to RSA public exponent.
--  @param[in]       PublicExponentSize   Size of RSA public exponent buffer in bytes. 
--  @retval  TRUE   RSA key component was generated successfully.
--  @retval  FALSE  Invalid RSA key component tag.
--RsaGenerateKey (
--  IN OUT  VOID         *RsaContext,
--  IN      UINTN        ModulusLength,
--  IN      CONST UINT8  *PublicExponent,
--  IN      UINTN        PublicExponentSize
--  )
--  BIGNUM   *KeyE;
--  BOOLEAN  RetVal;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (RsaContext == NULL || ModulusLength > INT_MAX || PublicExponentSize > INT_MAX) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  KeyE = BN_new ();
--  if (KeyE == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  RetVal = FALSE;
--  if (PublicExponent == NULL) {
--    if (BN_set_word (KeyE, 0x10001) == 0) {
--      goto _Exit;
--    }
--  } else {
--    if (BN_bin2bn (PublicExponent, (UINT32) PublicExponentSize, KeyE) == NULL) {
--      goto _Exit;
--    }
--  }
--  if (RSA_generate_key_ex ((RSA *) RsaContext, (UINT32) ModulusLength, KeyE, NULL) == 1) {
--   RetVal = TRUE;
--  }
--  BN_free (KeyE);
--  return RetVal;
--  Validates key components of RSA context.
--  This function validates key compoents of RSA context in following aspects:
--  - Whether p is a prime
--  - Whether q is a prime
--  - Whether n = p * q
--  - Whether d*e = 1  mod lcm(p-1,q-1)
--  If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in]  RsaContext  Pointer to RSA context to check.
--  @retval  TRUE   RSA key components are valid.
--  @retval  FALSE  RSA key components are not valid.
--RsaCheckKey (
--  IN  VOID  *RsaContext
--  )
--  UINTN  Reason;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (RsaContext == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if  (RSA_check_key ((RSA *) RsaContext) != 1) {
--    Reason = ERR_GET_REASON (ERR_peek_last_error ());
--    if (Reason == RSA_R_P_NOT_PRIME ||
--        Reason == RSA_R_Q_NOT_PRIME ||
--        Reason == RSA_R_N_DOES_NOT_EQUAL_P_Q ||
--        Reason == RSA_R_D_E_NOT_CONGRUENT_TO_1) {
--      return FALSE;
--    }
--  }
--  return TRUE;
--  Carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding scheme.
--  This function carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding scheme defined in
--  RSA PKCS#1.
--  If the Signature buffer is too small to hold the contents of signature, FALSE
--  is returned and SigSize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the signature.
--  If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If MessageHash is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  If HashSize is not equal to the size of MD5, SHA-1 or SHA-256 digest, then return FALSE.
--  If SigSize is large enough but Signature is NULL, then return FALSE.
--  @param[in]       RsaContext   Pointer to RSA context for signature generation.
--  @param[in]       MessageHash  Pointer to octet message hash to be signed.
--  @param[in]       HashSize     Size of the message hash in bytes.
--  @param[out]      Signature    Pointer to buffer to receive RSA PKCS1-v1_5 signature.
--  @param[in, out]  SigSize      On input, the size of Signature buffer in bytes.
--                                On output, the size of data returned in Signature buffer in bytes.
--  @retval  TRUE   Signature successfully generated in PKCS1-v1_5.
--  @retval  FALSE  Signature generation failed.
--  @retval  FALSE  SigSize is too small.
--RsaPkcs1Sign (
--  IN      VOID         *RsaContext,
--  IN      CONST UINT8  *MessageHash,
--  IN      UINTN        HashSize,
--  OUT     UINT8        *Signature,
--  IN OUT  UINTN        *SigSize
--  )
--  RSA      *Rsa;
--  UINTN    Size;
--  INT32    DigestType;
--  //
--  // Check input parameters.
--  //
--  if (RsaContext == NULL || MessageHash == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  Rsa = (RSA *) RsaContext;
--  Size = BN_num_bytes (Rsa->n);
--  if (*SigSize < Size) {
--    *SigSize = Size;
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (Signature == NULL) {
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  //
--  // Determine the message digest algorithm according to digest size.
--  //   Only MD5, SHA-1 or SHA-256 algorithm is supported. 
--  //
--  switch (HashSize) {
--  case MD5_DIGEST_SIZE:
--    DigestType = NID_md5;
--    break;
--  case SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE:
--    DigestType = NID_sha1;
--    break;
--  case SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE:
--    DigestType = NID_sha256;
--    break;
--  default:
--    return FALSE;
--  }  
--  return (BOOLEAN) RSA_sign (
--                     DigestType,
--                     MessageHash,
--                     (UINT32) HashSize,
--                     Signature,
--                     (UINT32 *) SigSize,
--                     (RSA *) RsaContext
--                     );
-diff --git a/Cryptlib/update.sh b/Cryptlib/update.sh
-index 57b6631..0e34db9 100755
---- a/Cryptlib/update.sh
-+++ b/Cryptlib/update.sh
-@@ -14,13 +14,10 @@ cp $DIR/Cipher/CryptTdes.c Cipher/CryptTdes.c
- cp $DIR/Cipher/CryptArc4.c Cipher/CryptArc4.c
- cp $DIR/Rand/CryptRand.c Rand/CryptRand.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptRsaBasic.c Pk/CryptRsaBasic.c
--cp $DIR/Pk/CryptRsaExt.c Pk/CryptRsaExt.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c Pk/CryptRsaExtNull.c
--cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c Pk/CryptPkcs7Sign.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c Pk/CryptPkcs7SignNull.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c Pk/CryptPkcs7Verify.c
--cp $DIR/Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c Pk/CryptPkcs7VerifyNull.c
--cp $DIR/Pk/CryptDh.c Pk/CryptDh.c
-+cp $DIR/Pk/CryptDhNull.c Pk/CryptDhNull.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptX509.c Pk/CryptX509.c
- cp $DIR/Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c Pk/CryptAuthenticode.c
- cp $DIR/Pem/CryptPem.c Pem/CryptPem.c
diff --git a/SOURCES/0069-Another-testplan-error.patch b/SOURCES/0069-Another-testplan-error.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e3475b6..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0069-Another-testplan-error.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From a2e66ece4d6b46ba2195cef76913c42177e6b4a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 01:01:17 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 69/74] Another testplan error.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- testplan.txt | 24 +++++++++++-------------
- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/testplan.txt b/testplan.txt
-index ab88781..0b0569e 100644
---- a/testplan.txt
-+++ b/testplan.txt
-@@ -47,27 +47,25 @@ How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
-     fs0:\EFI\test\lockdown.efi
- 17) enable secure boot verification
- 18) verify it can't run other binaries:
--    fs0:\EFI\redhat\grubx64.efi
-+    fs0:\EFI\test\grubx64.efi
-     result should be an error, probably similar to:
-     "fs0:\...\grubx64.efi is not recognized as an internal or external command"
--19) copy test.efi to grubx64.efi:
--    cp \EFI\test\test.efi \EFI\test\grubx64.efi
--20) in the EFI shell, run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
--21) you should see MokManager.  Enroll the certificate you added in #13, and
-+19) in the EFI shell, run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-+20) you should see MokManager.  Enroll the certificate you added in #13, and
-     the system will reboot.
--22) reboot to the UEFI shell and run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-+21) reboot to the UEFI shell and run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-     result: "This is a test application that should be completely safe."
-   If you get the expected result, shim can run things signed by its internal
-   key ring.  Check a box someplace that says it can do that.
--23) from the EFI shell, copy grub to grubx64.efi:
-+22) from the EFI shell, copy grub to grubx64.efi:
-     cp \EFI\test\grub.efi \EFI\test\grubx64.efi
--24) in the EFI shell, run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-+23) in the EFI shell, run fs0:\EFI\test\shim.efi
-     result: this should start grub, which will let you boot a kernel
-   If grub starts, it means shim can run things signed by a key in the system's
-   db.  Check a box someplace that says it can do that.
-   If the kernel boots, it means shim can run things from Mok.  Check a box
-   someplace that says it can do that.
--25) remove all boot entries and the BootOrder variable:
-+24) remove all boot entries and the BootOrder variable:
-     [root@uefi ~]# cd /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/
-     [root@uefi efivars]# rm -vf Boot[0123456789]* BootOrder-*
-     removed ‘Boot0000-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-@@ -76,14 +74,14 @@ How to test a new shim build for RHEL/fedora:
-     removed ‘Boot2001-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-     removed ‘BootOrder-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c’
-     [root@uefi efivars]# 
--27) reboot
--28) the system should run \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI .  If it doesn't, you may just
-+25) reboot
-+26) the system should run \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI .  If it doesn't, you may just
-     have an old machine.  In that case, go to the EFI shell and run:
-     fs0:\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
-   If this works, you should see a bit of output very quickly and then the same
-   thing as #24.  This means shim recognized it was in \EFI\BOOT and ran
-   fallback.efi, which worked.
--29) copy the unsigned grub into place and reboot:
-+27) copy the unsigned grub into place and reboot:
-   cp /boot/efi/EFI/test/grubx64-unsigned.efi /boot/efi/EFI/test/grubx64.efi
--30) reboot again.
-+28) reboot again.
-     result: shim should refuse to load grub.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0070-shim-buffer-overflow-on-ipv6-option-parsing.patch b/SOURCES/0070-shim-buffer-overflow-on-ipv6-option-parsing.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a61889e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0070-shim-buffer-overflow-on-ipv6-option-parsing.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-From e253c2a2c07bc526de1528ed9839b2b584025fa2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Sebastian Krahmer <krahmer@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:55:00 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH 70/74] shim buffer overflow on ipv6 option parsing
- netboot.c | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-index 238937d..f884cba 100644
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -108,29 +108,34 @@ BOOLEAN findNetboot(EFI_HANDLE device)
- static CHAR8 *get_v6_bootfile_url(EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_DHCPV6_PACKET *pkt)
- {
--	void *optr;
--	CHAR8 *url;
--	UINT32 urllen;
-+	void *optr = NULL, *end = NULL;
-+	CHAR8 *url = NULL;
-+	UINT32 urllen = 0;
- 	optr = pkt->DhcpOptions;
-+	end = optr + sizeof(pkt->DhcpOptions);
--	for(;;) {
-+	for (;;) {
- 		option = (EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION *)optr;
- 		if (ntohs(option->OpCode) == 0)
--			return NULL;
-+			break;
- 		if (ntohs(option->OpCode) == 59) {
- 			/* This is the bootfile url option */
- 			urllen = ntohs(option->Length);
--			url = AllocateZeroPool(urllen+1);
-+			if ((void *)(option->Data + urllen) > end)
-+				break;
-+			url = AllocateZeroPool(urllen + 1);
- 			if (!url)
--				return NULL;
-+				break;
- 			memcpy(url, option->Data, urllen);
- 			return url;
- 		}
- 		optr += 4 + ntohs(option->Length);
-+		if (optr + sizeof(EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION) > end)
-+			break;
- 	}
- 	return NULL;
-@@ -156,45 +161,60 @@ static CHAR16 str2ns(CHAR8 *str)
- static CHAR8 *str2ip6(CHAR8 *str)
- {
--        UINT8 i, j, p;
--	size_t len;
--        CHAR8 *a, *b, t;
--        static UINT16 ip[8];
-+	UINT8 i = 0, j = 0, p = 0;
-+	size_t len = 0, dotcount = 0;
-+	enum { MAX_IP6_DOTS = 7 };
-+	CHAR8 *a = NULL, *b = NULL, t = 0;
-+	static UINT16 ip[8];
--        for(i=0; i < 8; i++) {
--                ip[i] = 0;
--        }
--        len = strlen(str);
--        a = b = str;
--        for(i=p=0; i < len; i++, b++) {
--                if (*b != ':')
--                        continue;
--                *b = '\0';
--                ip[p++] = str2ns(a);
--                *b = ':';
--                a = b + 1;
--                if ( *(b+1) == ':' )
--                        break;
--        }
--        a = b = (str + len);
--        for(j=len, p=7; j > i; j--, a--) {
--                if (*a != ':')
--                        continue;
--                t = *b;
--                *b = '\0';
--                ip[p--] = str2ns(a+1);
--                *b = t;
--                b = a;
--        }
--        return (CHAR8 *)ip;
-+	memset(ip, 0, sizeof(ip));
-+	/* Count amount of ':' to prevent overflows.
-+	 * max. count = 7. Returns an invalid ip6 that
-+	 * can be checked against
-+	 */
-+	for (a = str; *a != 0; ++a) {
-+		if (*a == ':')
-+			++dotcount;
-+	}
-+	if (dotcount > MAX_IP6_DOTS)
-+		return (CHAR8 *)ip;
-+	len = strlen(str);
-+	a = b = str;
-+	for (i = p = 0; i < len; i++, b++) {
-+		if (*b != ':')
-+			continue;
-+		*b = '\0';
-+		ip[p++] = str2ns(a);
-+		*b = ':';
-+		a = b + 1;
-+		if (b[1] == ':' )
-+			break;
-+	}
-+	a = b = (str + len);
-+	for (j = len, p = 7; j > i; j--, a--) {
-+		if (*a != ':')
-+			continue;
-+		t = *b;
-+		*b = '\0';
-+		ip[p--] = str2ns(a+1);
-+		*b = t;
-+		b = a;
-+	}
-+	return (CHAR8 *)ip;
- }
- static BOOLEAN extract_tftp_info(CHAR8 *url)
- {
- 	CHAR8 *start, *end;
- 	CHAR8 ip6str[40];
-+	CHAR8 ip6inv[16];
- 	CHAR8 *template = (CHAR8 *)translate_slashes(DEFAULT_LOADER_CHAR);
-+	// to check against str2ip6() errors
-+	memset(ip6inv, 0, sizeof(ip6inv));
- 	if (strncmp((UINT8 *)url, (UINT8 *)"tftp://", 7)) {
- 		Print(L"URLS MUST START WITH tftp://\n");
- 		return FALSE;
-@@ -209,7 +229,7 @@ static BOOLEAN extract_tftp_info(CHAR8 *url)
- 	end = start;
- 	while ((*end != '\0') && (*end != ']')) {
- 		end++;
--		if (end - start > 39) {
-+		if (end - start >= (int)sizeof(ip6str)) {
- 			Print(L"TFTP URL includes malformed IPv6 address\n");
- 			return FALSE;
- 		}
-@@ -218,10 +238,12 @@ static BOOLEAN extract_tftp_info(CHAR8 *url)
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
--	memset(ip6str, 0, 40);
-+	memset(ip6str, 0, sizeof(ip6str));
- 	memcpy(ip6str, start, end - start);
- 	end++;
- 	memcpy(&tftp_addr.v6, str2ip6(ip6str), 16);
-+	if (memcmp(&tftp_addr.v6, ip6inv, sizeof(ip6inv)) == 0)
-+		return FALSE;
- 	full_path = AllocateZeroPool(strlen(end)+strlen(template)+1);
- 	if (!full_path)
- 		return FALSE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0071-OOB-access-when-parsing-MOK-List-Certificates-on-MOK.patch b/SOURCES/0071-OOB-access-when-parsing-MOK-List-Certificates-on-MOK.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 448d03a..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0071-OOB-access-when-parsing-MOK-List-Certificates-on-MOK.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-From 034466b7734a2749346151d903bbd7c8a1288db1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Sebastian Krahmer <krahmer@suse.com>
-Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:23:28 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH 71/74] OOB access when parsing MOK List/Certificates on MOK
- enrollment
- MokManager.c | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index ecbcdd3..4a9b102 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -100,8 +100,18 @@ static UINT32 count_keys(void *Data, UINTN DataSize)
- 	UINTN dbsize = DataSize;
- 	UINT32 MokNum = 0;
-+	void *end = Data + DataSize;
- 	while ((dbsize > 0) && (dbsize >= CertList->SignatureListSize)) {
-+		/* Use ptr arithmetics to ensure bounded access. Do not allow 0
-+		 * SignatureListSize that will cause endless loop.
-+		 */
-+		if ((void *)(CertList + 1) > end || CertList->SignatureListSize == 0) {
-+			console_notify(L"Invalid MOK detected! Ignoring MOK List.");
-+			return 0;
-+		}
- 		if ((CompareGuid (&CertList->SignatureType, &CertType) != 0) &&
- 		    (CompareGuid (&CertList->SignatureType, &HashType) != 0)) {
- 			console_notify(L"Doesn't look like a key or hash");
-@@ -137,6 +147,7 @@ static MokListNode *build_mok_list(UINT32 num, void *Data, UINTN DataSize) {
- 	UINTN dbsize = DataSize;
- 	UINTN count = 0;
-+	void *end = Data + DataSize;
- 	list = AllocatePool(sizeof(MokListNode) * num);
-@@ -146,6 +157,11 @@ static MokListNode *build_mok_list(UINT32 num, void *Data, UINTN DataSize) {
- 	}
- 	while ((dbsize > 0) && (dbsize >= CertList->SignatureListSize)) {
-+		/* CertList out of bounds? */
-+		if ((void *)(CertList + 1) > end || CertList->SignatureListSize == 0) {
-+			FreePool(list);
-+			return NULL;
-+		}
- 		if ((CompareGuid (&CertList->SignatureType, &CertType) != 0) &&
- 		    (CompareGuid (&CertList->SignatureType, &HashType) != 0)) {
- 			dbsize -= CertList->SignatureListSize;
-@@ -165,10 +181,22 @@ static MokListNode *build_mok_list(UINT32 num, void *Data, UINTN DataSize) {
- 		Cert = (EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA *) (((UINT8 *) CertList) +
- 		  sizeof (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST) + CertList->SignatureHeaderSize);
-+		/* Cert out of bounds? */
-+		if ((void *)(Cert + 1) > end || CertList->SignatureSize <= sizeof(EFI_GUID)) {
-+			FreePool(list);
-+			return NULL;
-+		}
- 		list[count].MokSize = CertList->SignatureSize - sizeof(EFI_GUID);
- 		list[count].Mok = (void *)Cert->SignatureData;
- 		list[count].Type = CertList->SignatureType;
-+		/* MOK out of bounds? */
-+		if (list[count].MokSize > end - (void *)list[count].Mok) {
-+			FreePool(list);
-+			return NULL;
-+		}
- 		count++;
- 		dbsize -= CertList->SignatureListSize;
- 		CertList = (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST *) ((UINT8 *) CertList +
-@@ -449,6 +477,8 @@ static EFI_STATUS list_keys (void *KeyList, UINTN KeyListSize, CHAR16 *title)
- 	}
- 	MokNum = count_keys(KeyList, KeyListSize);
-+	if (MokNum == 0)
-+		return 0;
- 	keys = build_mok_list(MokNum, KeyList, KeyListSize);
- 	if (!keys) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0072-Make-another-integer-compare-be-signed-unsigned-safe.patch b/SOURCES/0072-Make-another-integer-compare-be-signed-unsigned-safe.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cb6cb15..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0072-Make-another-integer-compare-be-signed-unsigned-safe.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From c622b677d67ebd88b94f13555b30da80ca74a8c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 13:45:38 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 72/74] Make another integer compare be signed/unsigned safe as
- well.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- MokManager.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/MokManager.c b/MokManager.c
-index 4a9b102..ee29051 100644
---- a/MokManager.c
-+++ b/MokManager.c
-@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ static MokListNode *build_mok_list(UINT32 num, void *Data, UINTN DataSize) {
- 		list[count].Type = CertList->SignatureType;
- 		/* MOK out of bounds? */
--		if (list[count].MokSize > end - (void *)list[count].Mok) {
-+		if (list[count].MokSize > (unsigned long)end -
-+					  (unsigned long)list[count].Mok) {
- 			FreePool(list);
- 			return NULL;
- 		}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0073-Use-Werror-sign-compare.patch b/SOURCES/0073-Use-Werror-sign-compare.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index be6ff0c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0073-Use-Werror-sign-compare.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 6a115d038af259dd5b42f1651193eb0b8a83a5c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 13:50:13 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 73/74] Use -Werror=sign-compare .
-I'm going to have to fix any errors that have this anyway, so may as
-well do it here properly.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- Makefile | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 5bc513c..694480b 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ EFI_LDS		= elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- DEFAULT_LOADER	:= \\\\grub.efi
- CFLAGS		= -ggdb -O0 -fno-stack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic \
- 		  -fshort-wchar -Wall -Wsign-compare -Werror -fno-builtin \
-+		  -Werror=sign-compare \
diff --git a/SOURCES/0074-Correctly-reject-bad-tftp-addresses-earlier-rather-t.patch b/SOURCES/0074-Correctly-reject-bad-tftp-addresses-earlier-rather-t.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dea5584..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0074-Correctly-reject-bad-tftp-addresses-earlier-rather-t.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From c0949c0a7916e81767ab35f67005b80cfb565e2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 15:19:34 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 74/74] Correctly reject bad tftp addresses earlier, rather
- than later.
-This check is for end == NULL but was meant to be *end == '\0'.  Without
-this change, we'll pass a plausibly bad address (i.e. one with no ']' at
-the end) to Mtftp(... READ_FILE ...), which should fail correctly, but
-our error messaging will be inconsistent.
-Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
- netboot.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/netboot.c b/netboot.c
-index f884cba..ad5d37e 100644
---- a/netboot.c
-+++ b/netboot.c
-@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static BOOLEAN extract_tftp_info(CHAR8 *url)
- 			return FALSE;
- 		}
- 	}
--	if (end == '\0') {
-+	if (*end == '\0') {
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/rhtest.cer b/SOURCES/rhtest.cer
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c21c7a..0000000
Binary files a/SOURCES/rhtest.cer and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/SOURCES/shim-find-debuginfo.sh b/SOURCES/shim-find-debuginfo.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ce3d69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/shim-find-debuginfo.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+#find-debuginfo.sh - automagically generate debug info and file list
+#for inclusion in an rpm spec file.
+# Usage: find-debuginfo.sh [--strict-build-id] [-g] [-r]
+#	 		   [-o debugfiles.list]
+#			   [[-l filelist]... [-p 'pattern'] -o debuginfo.list]
+#			   [builddir]
+# The -g flag says to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs or EXEs.
+# The --strict-build-id flag says to exit with failure status if
+# any ELF binary processed fails to contain a build-id note.
+# The -r flag says to use eu-strip --reloc-debug-sections.
+# A single -o switch before any -l or -p switches simply renames
+# the primary output file from debugfiles.list to something else.
+# A -o switch that follows a -p switch or some -l switches produces
+# an additional output file with the debuginfo for the files in
+# the -l filelist file, or whose names match the -p pattern.
+# The -p argument is an grep -E -style regexp matching the a file name,
+# and must not use anchors (^ or $).
+# All file names in switches are relative to builddir (. if not given).
+# With -g arg, pass it to strip on libraries or executables.
+# with -r arg, pass --reloc-debug-sections to eu-strip.
+# Barf on missing build IDs.
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+  case "$1" in
+  --strict-build-id)
+    strict=true
+    ;;
+  -g)
+    strip_g=true
+    ;;
+  -o)
+    if [ -z "${lists[$nout]}" -a -z "${ptns[$nout]}" ]; then
+      out=$2
+    else
+      outs[$nout]=$2
+      ((nout++))
+    fi
+    shift
+    ;;
+  -l)
+    lists[$nout]="${lists[$nout]} $2"
+    shift
+    ;;
+  -p)
+    ptns[$nout]=$2
+    shift
+    ;;
+  -r)
+    strip_r=true
+    ;;
+  *)
+    BUILDDIR=$1
+    shift
+    break
+    ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+while ((i < nout)); do
+  outs[$i]="$BUILDDIR/${outs[$i]}"
+  l=''
+  for f in ${lists[$i]}; do
+    l="$l $BUILDDIR/$f"
+  done
+  lists[$i]=$l
+  ((++i))
+  local g=
+  local r=
+  $strip_r && r=--reloc-debug-sections
+  $strip_g && case "$(file -bi "$2")" in
+  application/x-sharedlib*) g=-g ;;
+  application/x-executable*) g=-g ;;
+  esac
+  eu-strip --remove-comment $r $g -f "$1" "$2" || exit
+  chmod 444 "$1" || exit
+# Make a relative symlink to $1 called $3$2
+shopt -s extglob
+  local t="$1" f="$2" pfx="$3"
+  local fn="${f#/}" tn="${t#/}"
+  local fd td d
+  while fd="${fn%%/*}"; td="${tn%%/*}"; [ "$fd" = "$td" ]; do
+    fn="${fn#*/}"
+    tn="${tn#*/}"
+  done
+  d="${fn%/*}"
+  if [ "$d" != "$fn" ]; then
+    d="${d//+([!\/])/..}"
+    tn="${d}/${tn}"
+  fi
+  mkdir -p "$(dirname "$pfx$f")" && ln -snf "$tn" "$pfx$f"
+# Make a symlink in /usr/lib/debug/$2 to $1
+  local l="/usr/lib/debug$2"
+  local t="$1"
+  echo >> "$LINKSFILE" "$l $t"
+  link_relative "$t" "$l" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
+# Provide .2, .3, ... symlinks to all filename instances of this build-id.
+  local id="$1" file="$2" idfile
+  local n=1
+  while true; do
+    idfile=".build-id/${id:0:2}/${id:2}.$n"
+    [ $# -eq 3 ] && idfile="${idfile}$3"
+    if [ ! -L "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/$idfile" ]; then
+      break
+    fi
+    n=$[$n+1]
+  done
+  debug_link "$file" "/$idfile"
+# Make a build-id symlink for id $1 with suffix $3 to file $2.
+  local id="$1" file="$2"
+  local idfile=".build-id/${id:0:2}/${id:2}"
+  [ $# -eq 3 ] && idfile="${idfile}$3"
+  local root_idfile="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/$idfile"
+  if [ ! -L "$root_idfile" ]; then
+    debug_link "$file" "/$idfile"
+    return
+  fi
+  make_id_dup_link "$@"
+  [ $# -eq 3 ] && return 0
+  local other=$(readlink -m "$root_idfile")
+  other=${other#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+  if cmp -s "$root_idfile" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$file" ||
+     eu-elfcmp -q "$root_idfile" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$file" 2> /dev/null; then
+    # Two copies.  Maybe one has to be setuid or something.
+    echo >&2 "*** WARNING: identical binaries are copied, not linked:"
+    echo >&2 "        $file"
+    echo >&2 "   and  $other"
+  else
+    # This is pathological, break the build.
+    echo >&2 "*** ERROR: same build ID in nonidentical files!"
+    echo >&2 "        $file"
+    echo >&2 "   and  $other"
+    exit 2
+  fi
+  dn=$(dirname "${1#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}")
+  [ "$dn" == "." ] && dn=""
+  bn=$(basename "$1" .so).debug
+  bn=$(basename "$bn" .debug).debug
+  debugdn=${debugdir}${dn}
+  debugfn=${debugdn}/${bn}
+  [ -n "$2" ] && shadowfn=$(basename "$2")
+set -o pipefail
+$strict || strict_error=WARNING
+  nlinks=$1 && shift
+  inum=$1 && shift
+  f=$1 && shift
+  shadow=$1 && shift
+  zf="$f"
+  [ -n "${shadowfn}" ] && zf="${shadowfn}"
+  get_debugfn "$f" "$shadow"
+  [ -f "${debugfn}" ] && return
+  # If this file has multiple links, keep track and make
+  # the corresponding .debug files all links to one file too.
+  if [ $nlinks -gt 1 ]; then
+    eval linked=\$linked_$inum
+    if [ -n "$linked" ]; then
+      eval id=\$linkedid_$inum
+      make_id_dup_link "$id" "$dn/$(basename ${zf})"
+      make_id_dup_link "$id" "/usr/lib/debug$dn/$bn" .debug
+      link=$debugfn
+      get_debugfn "$linked"
+      echo "hard linked $link to $debugfn"
+      mkdir -p "$(dirname "$link")" && ln -nf "$debugfn" "$link"
+      return
+    else
+      eval linked_$inum=\$f
+      echo "file $f has $[$nlinks - 1] other hard links"
+    fi
+  fi
+  echo "extracting debug info from $f"
+  echo /usr/lib/rpm/debugedit -b "$RPM_BUILD_DIR" -d /usr/src/debug \
+			      -i -l "$SOURCEFILE" "$f"
+  id=$(/usr/lib/rpm/debugedit -b "$RPM_BUILD_DIR" -d /usr/src/debug \
+			      -i -l "$SOURCEFILE" "$f") || exit
+  if [ $nlinks -gt 1 ]; then
+    eval linkedid_$inum=\$id
+  fi
+  if [ -z "$id" ]; then
+    echo >&2 "*** ${strict_error}: No build ID note found in $zf"
+    $strict && exit 2
+  fi
+  [ -x /usr/bin/gdb-add-index ] && /usr/bin/gdb-add-index "$zf" > /dev/null 2>&1
+  # A binary already copied into /usr/lib/debug doesn't get stripped,
+  # just has its file names collected and adjusted.
+  case "$dn" in
+  /usr/lib/debug/*)
+    [ -z "$id" ] || make_id_link "$id" "$dn/$(basename $zf)"
+    return ;;
+  esac
+  mkdir -p "${debugdn}"
+  if test -w "$f"; then
+    strip_to_debug "${debugfn}" "$f"
+  else
+    chmod u+w "$f"
+    strip_to_debug "${debugfn}" "$f"
+    chmod u-w "$f"
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$id" ]; then
+    make_id_link "$id" "$dn/$(basename ${zf})"
+    make_id_link "$id" "/usr/lib/debug$dn/$bn" .debug
+  fi
+# Strip ELF binaries
+find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ! -path "${debugdir}/*.debug" -type f \
+     		     \( -perm -0100 -or -perm -0010 -or -perm -0001 \) \
+		     -print |
+file -N -f - | sed -n -e 's/^\(.*\):[ 	]*.*ELF.*, not stripped.*/\1/p' |
+xargs --no-run-if-empty stat -c '%h %D_%i %n' |
+while read nlinks inum f; do
+    handle_single_file $nlinks $inum $f
+done || exit
+find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ! -path "${debugdir}/*.debug" -type f \
+                     -iname '*.efi' -print |
+file -N -f - | sed -n -e 's/^\(.*\):[ 	]*.*PE32.*EFI .*/\1/p' |
+xargs --no-run-if-empty stat -c '%h %D_%i %n' |
+while read nlinks inum f; do
+    [ -f "$f" ] || continue
+    [ -f "${f%%.efi}.so" ] || continue
+    handle_single_file $nlinks $inum ${f%%.efi}.so $f
+done || exit
+# On Aarch64 file tells us "MS-DOS" instead of PE32+.  Why not.
+find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ! -path "${debugdir}/*.debug" -type f \
+                     -iname '*.efi' -print |
+file -N -f - | sed -n -e 's/^\(.*\):[ 	]MS-DOS.*/\1/p' |
+xargs --no-run-if-empty stat -c '%h %D_%i %n' |
+while read nlinks inum f; do
+    [ -f "$f" ] || continue
+    [ -f "${f%%.efi}.so" ] || continue
+    handle_single_file $nlinks $inum ${f%%.efi}.so $f
+done || exit
+# For each symlink whose target has a .debug file,
+# make a .debug symlink to that file.
+find "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" ! -path "${debugdir}/*" -type l -print |
+while read f
+  t=$(readlink -m "$f").debug
+  f=${f#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+  t=${t#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+  if [ -f "$debugdir$t" ]; then
+    echo "symlinked /usr/lib/debug$t to /usr/lib/debug${f}.debug"
+    debug_link "/usr/lib/debug$t" "${f}.debug"
+  fi
+if [ -s "$SOURCEFILE" ]; then
+  mkdir -p "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug"
+  LC_ALL=C sort -z -u "$SOURCEFILE" | grep -E -v -z '(<internal>|<built-in>)$' |
+  (cd "$RPM_BUILD_DIR"; cpio -pd0mL "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug")
+  # stupid cpio creates new directories in mode 0700, fixup
+  find "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src/debug" -type d -print0 |
+  xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 chmod a+rx
+if [ -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib" -o -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/src" ]; then
+  ((nout > 0)) ||
+  test ! -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib" ||
+  (cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib"; find debug -type d) |
+  sed 's,^,%dir /usr/lib/,' >> "$LISTFILE"
+  (cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr"
+   test ! -d lib/debug || find lib/debug ! -type d
+   test ! -d src/debug || find src/debug -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1
+  ) | sed 's,^,/usr/,' >> "$LISTFILE"
+# Append to $1 only the lines from stdin not already in the file.
+  grep -F -f "$1" -x -v >> "$1"
+# Helper to generate list of corresponding .debug files from a file list.
+  local extra="$1"
+  shift
+  sed 's/^%[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_]*([^)]*) *//
+s/^%[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_]* *//
+'"$extra" "$@"
+# Write an output debuginfo file list based on given input file lists.
+  local out="$1"
+  shift
+  test $# -gt 0 || return
+  grep -F -f <(filelist_debugfiles 's,^.*$,/usr/lib/debug&.debug,' "$@") \
+  	-x $LISTFILE >> $out
+  sed -n -f <(filelist_debugfiles 's/[\\.*+#]/\\&/g
+s,^.*$,s# &$##p,p
+s,^.*$,s# /usr/lib/debug&.debug$##p,p
+' "$@") "$LINKSFILE" | append_uniq "$out"
+# Write an output debuginfo file list based on an grep -E -style regexp.
+  local out="$1" ptn="$2"
+  test -n "$ptn" || return
+  grep -E -x -e "$ptn" "$LISTFILE" >> "$out"
+  sed -n -r "\#^$ptn #s/ .*\$//p" "$LINKSFILE" | append_uniq "$out"
+# When given multiple -o switches, split up the output as directed.
+while ((i < nout)); do
+  > ${outs[$i]}
+  filtered_list ${outs[$i]} ${lists[$i]}
+  pattern_list ${outs[$i]} "${ptns[$i]}"
+  grep -Fvx -f ${outs[$i]} "$LISTFILE" > "${LISTFILE}.new"
+  mv "${LISTFILE}.new" "$LISTFILE"
+  ((++i))
+if ((nout > 0)); then
+  # Now add the right %dir lines to each output list.
+  (cd "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"; find usr/lib/debug -type d) |
+  sed 's#^.*$#\\@^/&/@{h;s@^.*$@%dir /&@p;g;}#' |
+  LC_ALL=C sort -ur > "${LISTFILE}.dirs.sed"
+  i=0
+  while ((i < nout)); do
+    sed -n -f "${LISTFILE}.dirs.sed" "${outs[$i]}" | sort -u > "${outs[$i]}.new"
+    cat "${outs[$i]}" >> "${outs[$i]}.new"
+    mv -f "${outs[$i]}.new" "${outs[$i]}"
+    ((++i))
+  done
+  sed -n -f "${LISTFILE}.dirs.sed" "${LISTFILE}" | sort -u > "${LISTFILE}.new"
+  cat "$LISTFILE" >> "${LISTFILE}.new"
+  mv "${LISTFILE}.new" "$LISTFILE"
diff --git a/SPECS/shim.spec b/SPECS/shim.spec
index 1871913..8cc3fb8 100644
--- a/SPECS/shim.spec
+++ b/SPECS/shim.spec
@@ -1,106 +1,25 @@
 Name:           shim
-Version:        0.7
-Release:        8%{?dist}
+Version:        0.9
+Release:        1%{?dist}
 Summary:        First-stage UEFI bootloader
 License:        BSD
 URL:            http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/shim/
 Source0:	https://github.com/mjg59/shim/releases/download/%{version}/shim-%{version}.tar.bz2
 Source1:	securebootca.cer
+# currently here's what's in our dbx: # nothing.
+#Source2:	dbx.esl
+Source3:	shim-find-debuginfo.sh
-# incorporate mokutil for packaging simplicity
-%global mokutilver 0.2.0
-Source2:	https://github.com/lcp/mokutil/archive/mokutil-%{mokutilver}.tar.gz
-# currently here's what's in our dbx:
-# nothing.
-#Source3:	dbx.esl
-Source4:	rhtest.cer
-Patch0001: 0001-fix-verify_mok.patch
-Patch0002: 0002-shim.c-Add-support-for-hashing-relocation-of-32-bit-.patch
-Patch0003: 0003-netboot.h-fix-build-error-on-32-bit-systems.patch
-Patch0004: 0004-properly-compile-OpenSSL-in-32-bit-mode.patch
-Patch0005: 0005-fallback.c-fix-32-bit-compilation.patch
-Patch0006: 0006-fix-fallback.so-build-dependency.patch
-Patch0007: 0007-propagate-some-path-variables.patch
-Patch0008: 0008-allow-32-bit-compilation-with-64-bit-compiler.patch
-Patch0009: 0009-shim-improve-error-messages.patch
-Patch0010: 0010-Clarify-meaning-of-insecure_mode.patch
-Patch0011: 0011-Don-t-hook-system-services-if-shim-has-no-built-in-k.patch
-Patch0012: 0012-Fix-path-generation-for-Dhcpv4-bootloader.patch
-Patch0013: 0013-Lengths-that-might-be-1-can-t-be-unsigned-Peter.patch
-Patch0014: 0014-Fix-wrong-sizeof.patch
-Patch0015: 0015-Initialize-entries-before-we-pass-it-to-another-func.patch
-Patch0016: 0016-Rewrite-directory-traversal-allocation-path-so-cover.patch
-Patch0017: 0017-Error-check-the-right-thing-in-get_variable_attr-whe.patch
-Patch0018: 0018-fallback-For-HD-device-paths-use-just-the-media-node.patch
-Patch0019: 0019-fallback-Attempt-to-re-use-existing-entries-when-pos.patch
-Patch0020: 0020-Add-a-preliminary-test-plan.patch
-Patch0021: 0021-Add-a-failure-case-to-the-test-plan-and-fix-an-order.patch
-Patch0022: 0022-Allow-fallback-to-use-the-system-s-LoadImage-StartIm.patch
-Patch0023: 0023-additional-bounds-checking-on-section-sizes.patch
-Patch0024: 0024-Kees-patch-missed-the-offset-adjustment-to-PEHdr.patch
-Patch0025: 0025-Get-rid-of-SectionCache-in-generate_hash-it-is-unuse.patch
-Patch0026: 0026-fallback-Avoid-duplicate-old-BootOrder.patch
-Patch0027: 0027-fallback-Fix-the-data-size-for-boot-option-compariso.patch
-Patch0028: 0028-fallback-Try-to-boot-the-first-boot-option-anyway.patch
-Patch0029: 0029-Fetch-the-netboot-image-from-the-same-device.patch
-Patch0030: 0030-Check-the-first-4-bytes-of-the-certificate.patch
-Patch0031: 0031-Remove-grubpath-in-generate_path.patch
-Patch0032: 0032-MokManager-delete-the-BS-NV-variables-the-right-way.patch
-Patch0033: 0033-MokManager-handle-the-error-status-from-ReadKeyStrok.patch
-Patch0034: 0034-Exclude-ca.crt-while-signing-EFI-images.patch
-Patch0035: 0035-No-newline-for-console_notify.patch
-Patch0036: 0036-Remove-the-duplicate-calls-in-lib-console.c.patch
-Patch0037: 0037-Silence-the-functions-of-shim-protocol.patch
-Patch0038: 0038-Free-the-string-from-DevicePathToStr.patch
-Patch0039: 0039-Explain-the-logic-in-secure_mode-better.patch
-Patch0040: 0040-Check-the-secure-variables-with-the-lib-functions.patch
-Patch0041: 0041-Make-sure-we-default-to-assuming-we-re-locked-down.patch
-Patch0042: 0042-Simplify-the-checking-of-SB-and-DB-states.patch
-Patch0043: 0043-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8za.patch
-Patch0044: 0044-Replace-build-instructions-in-README-with-something-.patch
-Patch0045: 0045-CryptLib-undefine-va_arg-and-friends-before-redefini.patch
-Patch0046: 0046-unhook_system_services-bail-on-systab-NULL.patch
-Patch0047: 0047-Factor-out-x86-isms-and-add-cross-compile-support.patch
-Patch0048: 0048-Add-support-for-64-bit-ARM-AArch64.patch
-Patch0049: 0049-Add-support-for-32-bit-ARM.patch
-Patch0050: 0050-Update-openssl-to-0.9.8zb.patch
-Patch0051: 0051-Fix-typo-from-Ard-s-old-tree-32-bit-ARM-patch.patch
-Patch0052: 0052-Handle-empty-.reloc-section-in-PE-COFF-loader.patch
-Patch0053: 0053-Don-t-name-something-exit.patch
-Patch0054: 0054-Make-sure-we-don-t-try-to-load-a-binary-from-a-diffe.patch
-Patch0055: 0055-Actually-refer-to-the-base-relocation-table-of-our-l.patch
-Patch0056: 0056-Make-64-on-32-maybe-work-on-x86_64.patch
-Patch0057: 0057-Validate-computed-hash-bases-hash-sizes-more-thoroug.patch
-Patch0058: 0058-Don-t-call-AuthenticodeVerify-if-vendor_cert_size-is.patch
-Patch0059: 0059-Fix-our-in_protocol-printing.patch
-Patch0060: 0060-Generate-a-sane-PE-header-on-shim-fallback-and-MokMa.patch
-Patch0061: 0061-Do-the-same-for-ia32.patch
-Patch0062: 0062-Make-list_keys-index-variables-all-be-signed.patch
-Patch0063: 0063-Revert-header-changes.patch
-Patch0064: 0064-Actually-find-the-relocations-correctly-and-process-.patch
-Patch0065: 0065-Don-t-append-an-empty-cert-list-to-MokListRT-if-vend.patch
-Patch0066: 0066-Fix-some-minor-testplan-errors.patch
-Patch0067: 0067-Don-t-verify-images-with-the-empty-build-key.patch
-Patch0068: 0068-Cryptlib-remove-the-unused-files.patch
-Patch0069: 0069-Another-testplan-error.patch
-Patch0070: 0070-shim-buffer-overflow-on-ipv6-option-parsing.patch
-Patch0071: 0071-OOB-access-when-parsing-MOK-List-Certificates-on-MOK.patch
-Patch0072: 0072-Make-another-integer-compare-be-signed-unsigned-safe.patch
-Patch0073: 0073-Use-Werror-sign-compare.patch
-Patch0074: 0074-Correctly-reject-bad-tftp-addresses-earlier-rather-t.patch
+Patch0001:	0001-Typo-on-aarch64.patch
 BuildRequires: git openssl-devel openssl
 BuildRequires: pesign >= 0.106-1
-BuildRequires: gnu-efi = 3.0u, gnu-efi-devel = 3.0u
+BuildRequires: gnu-efi >= 1:3.0.2, gnu-efi-devel >= 1:3.0.2
 # for xxd
 BuildRequires: vim-common
-# for mokutil's configure
-BuildRequires: autoconf automake
 # Shim uses OpenSSL, but cannot use the system copy as the UEFI ABI is not
 # compatible with SysV (there's no red zone under UEFI) and there isn't a
 # POSIX-style C library.
@@ -110,7 +29,7 @@ Provides: bundled(openssl) = 0.9.8w
 # Shim is only required on platforms implementing the UEFI secure boot
 # protocol. The only one of those we currently wish to support is 64-bit x86.
 # Adding further platforms will require adding appropriate relocation code.
-ExclusiveArch: x86_64
+ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64
 %ifarch x86_64
 %global efiarch x64
@@ -120,12 +39,10 @@ ExclusiveArch: x86_64
 # Figure out the right file path to use
-%if 0%{?rhel}
-%global efidir redhat
-%if 0%{?fedora}
-%global efidir fedora
+%global efidir %(eval echo $(grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | sed -e 's/^ID=//' -e 's/rhel/redhat/'))
+%define debug_package %{nil}
+%global __debug_package 1
 Initial UEFI bootloader that handles chaining to a trusted full bootloader
@@ -138,16 +55,24 @@ Summary: First-stage UEFI bootloader (unsigned data)
 Initial UEFI bootloader that handles chaining to a trusted full bootloader
 under secure boot environments.
-%package -n mokutil
-Summary: Utilities for managing Secure Boot/MoK keys.
+%package -n shim-unsigned-%{efiarch}-debuginfo
+Obsoletes: shim-debuginfo < 0.9
+Summary: Debug information for package %{name}
+Group: Development/Debug
+AutoReqProv: 0
+BuildArch: noarch
-%description -n mokutil
-Utilities for managing the "Machine's Own Keys" list.
+%description -n shim-unsigned-%{efiarch}-debuginfo
+This package provides debug information for package %{name}.
+Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this
+package or when debugging this package.
-%setup -q
-%setup -q -a 2 -D -T
+%setup -n %{name}-%{version}-%{efiarch} -T -c
+cd %{_builddir}
+%{__tar} -xo -f %{SOURCE0}
+mv %{name}-%{version} %{name}-%{version}-%{efiarch}
+%setup -q -D -T -n %{name}-%{version}-%{efiarch}/%{name}-%{version}
 git init
 git config user.email "example@example.com"
 git config user.name "rpmbuild -bp"
@@ -158,45 +83,67 @@ git config --unset user.email
 git config --unset user.name
-%ifarch aarch64
-if [ -f "%{SOURCE4}" ]; then
-if [ -f "%{SOURCE1}" ]; then
 make 'DEFAULT_LOADER=\\\\grub%{efiarch}.efi' ${MAKEFLAGS} shim.efi MokManager.efi fallback.efi
-cd mokutil-%{mokutilver}
-make %{?_smp_mflags}
 pesign -h -P -i shim.efi -h > shim.hash
-install -D -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/
-install -m 0644 shim.efi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/shim.efi
-install -m 0644 shim.hash $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/shim.hash
-install -m 0644 fallback.efi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/fallback.efi
-install -m 0644 MokManager.efi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/MokManager.efi
-cd mokutil-%{mokutilver}
-make PREFIX=%{_prefix} LIBDIR=%{_libdir} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
+install -D -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/%{efiarch}-%{version}-%{release}/
+install -m 0644 shim.hash $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/%{efiarch}-%{version}-%{release}/shim.hash
+for x in shim fallback MokManager ; do
+	install -m 0644 $x.efi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/%{efiarch}-%{version}-%{release}/
+	install -m 0644 $x.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/%{efiarch}-%{version}-%{release}/
+%global __debug_install_post						\
+	bash %{SOURCE3}							\\\
+		%{?_missing_build_ids_terminate_build:--strict-build-id}\\\
+		%{?_find_debuginfo_opts} "%{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir}"	\
+	rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/shim/%{efiarch}-%{version}-%{release}/*.so		\
+	%{nil}
 %files -n shim-unsigned
 %dir %{_datadir}/shim
+%dir %{_datadir}/shim/%{efiarch}-%{version}-%{release}/
-%files -n mokutil
+%files -n shim-unsigned-%{efiarch}-debuginfo -f debugfiles.list
+* Mon Jun 22 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.9-1
+- Update to 0.9-1
+- Fix early call to BS->Exit()
+  Resolves: rhbz#1115843
+- Implement shim on aarch64
+  Resolves: rhbz#1100048
+  Resolves: rhbz#1190191
+* Mon Jun 22 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.7-14
+- Excise mokutil.
+  Related: rhbz#1100048
+* Mon Jun 22 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.7-13
+- Do a build for Aarch64 to make the tree composable.
+  Related: rhbz#1100048
+* Wed Feb 25 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.7-10
+- Fix a couple more minor bugs aavmf has found in fallback.
+  Related: rhbz#1190191
+- Build lib/ with the right CFLAGS
+  Related: rhbz#1190191
+* Tue Feb 24 2015 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.7-9
+- Fix aarch64 section loading.
+  Related: rhbz#1190191
 * Tue Sep 30 2014 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.7-8
+- Build -8 for arm as well.
+  Related: rhbz#1100048
 - out-of-bounds memory read flaw in DHCPv6 packet processing
   Resolves: CVE-2014-3675
 - heap-based buffer overflow flaw in IPv6 address parsing