diff --git a/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.if b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.if
index 8a85ac7..496eb1c 100644
--- a/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.if
+++ b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.if
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## <module name="kernel" layer="kernel">
 ## <summary>
-##	Policy for kernel threads, security interface (selinuxfs),
-##	proc filesystem, sysfs filesystem, and usb device filesystem.
+##	Policy for kernel threads, proc filesystem, 
+##	and unlabeled processes and objects.
 ## </summary>
@@ -153,290 +153,6 @@ define(`kernel_load_module_depend',`
-## <interface name="kernel_get_selinux_enforcement_mode">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allows the caller to get the mode of policy enforcement
-## 		(enforcing or permissive mode).
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type to allow to get the enforcing mode.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read };
-	type security_t;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read };
-## <interface name="kernel_set_enforcement_mode">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allow caller to set the mode of policy enforcement
-## 		(enforcing or permissive mode).
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type to allow to set the enforcement mode.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security setenforce;
-	auditallow $1 security_t:security setenforce;
-	typeattribute $1 can_setenforce;
-	type security_t;
-	attribute can_setenforce;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security setenforce;
-## <interface name="kernel_load_policy">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allow caller to load the policy into the kernel.
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type that will load the policy.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security load_policy;
-	auditallow $1 security_t:security load_policy;
-	typeattribute $1 can_load_policy;
-	type security_t;
-	attribute can_load_policy;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security load_policy;
-## <interface name="kernel_set_boolean">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allow caller to set the state of Booleans to
-## 		enable or disable conditional portions of the policy.
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type allowed to set the Boolean.
-##	</parameter>
-##	<parameter name="booltype" optional="true">
-##		The type of Booleans the caller is allowed to set.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	ifelse(`$2',`',`
-		allow $1 security_t:dir { getattr search read };
-		allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	',`
-		allow $1 $2:dir { getattr search read };
-		allow $1 $2:file { getattr read write };
-	')
-	allow $1 security_t:dir search;
-	allow $1 security_t:security setbool;
-	auditallow $1 security_t:security setbool;
-	type security_t;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security setbool;
-## <interface name="kernel_set_security_parameters">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allow caller to set selinux security parameters.
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type to allow to set security parameters.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security setsecparam;
-	auditallow $1 security_t:security setsecparam;
-	typeattribute $1 can_setsecparam;
-	type security_t;
-	attribute can_setsecparam;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security setsecparam;
-## <interface name="kernel_validate_context">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allows caller to validate security contexts.
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type permitted to validate contexts.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security check_context;
-	type security_t;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security check_context;
-## <interface name="kernel_compute_access_vector">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allows caller to compute an access vector.
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type allowed to compute an access vector.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security compute_av;
-	type security_t;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security compute_av;
-## <interface name="kernel_compute_create_context">
-##	<description>
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security compute_create;
-	type security_t;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security compute_create;
-## <interface name="kernel_compute_relabel_context">
-##	<description>
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type to 
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security compute_relabel;
-	type security_t;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security compute_relabel;
-## <interface name="kernel_compute_reachable_user_contexts">
-##	<description>
-## 		Allows caller to compute possible contexts for a user.
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type allowed to compute user contexts.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
-	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
-	allow $1 security_t:security compute_user;
-	type security_t;
-	class dir { read search getattr };
-	class file { getattr read write };
-	class security compute_user;
 ## <interface name="kernel_read_ring_buffer">
 ##	<description>
 ## 		Allows caller to read the ring buffer.
@@ -547,33 +263,6 @@ define(`kernel_get_sysvipc_info_depend',`
-## <interface name="kernel_get_selinuxfs_mount_point">
-##	<description>
-## 		Gets the caller the mountpoint of the selinuxfs filesystem.
-##	</description>
-##	<parameter name="domain">
-##		The process type requesting the selinuxfs mountpoint.
-##	</parameter>
-## </interface>
-	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
-	allow $1 proc_t:dir search;
-	allow $1 proc_t:{ file lnk_file } read;
-	allow $1 self:dir search;
-	allow $1 self:file { getattr read };
-	type proc_t;
-	class dir search;
-	class lnk_file read;
-	class file { getattr read };
 ## <interface name="kernel_read_system_state">
 ##	<description>
 ## 		Allows caller to read system state information.
diff --git a/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.te b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.te
index 0a582a3..bc938cf 100644
--- a/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.te
+++ b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/kernel.te
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+# Declarations
 # assertion related attributes
 attribute can_load_policy;
 attribute can_setenforce;
@@ -44,16 +49,6 @@ sid sysctl_vm		context_template(system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t,s0)
 sid sysctl_dev		context_template(system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t,s0)
 sid tcp_socket		context_template(system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t,s0)
-# security_t is the target type when checking
-# the permissions in the security class.  It is also
-# applied to selinuxfs inodes.
-type security_t;
-sid security context_template(system_u:object_r:security_t,s0)
-genfscon selinuxfs / context_template(system_u:object_r:security_t,s0)
 # Procfs types
@@ -202,8 +197,8 @@ libs_use_shared_libs(kernel_t)
 neverallow ~can_load_policy security_t:security load_policy;
 neverallow ~can_setenforce security_t:security setenforce;
diff --git a/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/selinux.if b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/selinux.if
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f36172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/selinux.if
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+## <module name="selinux" layer="kernel">
+## <summary>
+##	Policy for kernel security interface, in particular, selinuxfs.
+## </summary>
+## <interface name="selinux_get_fs_mount">
+##	<description>
+## 		Gets the caller the mountpoint of the selinuxfs filesystem.
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type requesting the selinuxfs mountpoint.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	# read /proc/filesystems to see if selinuxfs is supported
+	# then read /proc/self/mount to see where selinuxfs is mounted
+	kernel_read_system_state($1)
+## <interface name="selinux_get_enforce_mode">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allows the caller to get the mode of policy enforcement
+## 		(enforcing or permissive mode).
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type to allow to get the enforcing mode.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read };
+	type security_t;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read };
+## <interface name="selinux_set_enforce_mode">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allow caller to set the mode of policy enforcement
+## 		(enforcing or permissive mode).
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type to allow to set the enforcement mode.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security setenforce;
+	auditallow $1 security_t:security setenforce;
+	typeattribute $1 can_setenforce;
+	type security_t;
+	attribute can_setenforce;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security setenforce;
+## <interface name="selinux_load_policy">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allow caller to load the policy into the kernel.
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type that will load the policy.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security load_policy;
+	auditallow $1 security_t:security load_policy;
+	typeattribute $1 can_load_policy;
+	type security_t;
+	attribute can_load_policy;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security load_policy;
+## <interface name="selinux_set_boolean">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allow caller to set the state of Booleans to
+## 		enable or disable conditional portions of the policy.
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type allowed to set the Boolean.
+##	</parameter>
+##	<parameter name="booltype" optional="true">
+##		The type of Booleans the caller is allowed to set.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	ifelse(`$2',`',`
+		allow $1 security_t:dir { getattr search read };
+		allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	',`
+		allow $1 $2:dir { getattr search read };
+		allow $1 $2:file { getattr read write };
+	')
+	allow $1 security_t:dir search;
+	allow $1 security_t:security setbool;
+	auditallow $1 security_t:security setbool;
+	type security_t;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security setbool;
+## <interface name="selinux_set_parameters">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allow caller to set selinux security parameters.
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type to allow to set security parameters.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security setsecparam;
+	auditallow $1 security_t:security setsecparam;
+	typeattribute $1 can_setsecparam;
+	type security_t;
+	attribute can_setsecparam;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security setsecparam;
+## <interface name="selinux_validate_context">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allows caller to validate security contexts.
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type permitted to validate contexts.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security check_context;
+	type security_t;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security check_context;
+## <interface name="selinux_compute_access_vector">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allows caller to compute an access vector.
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type allowed to compute an access vector.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security compute_av;
+	type security_t;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security compute_av;
+## <interface name="selinux_compute_create_context">
+##	<description>
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security compute_create;
+	type security_t;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security compute_create;
+## <interface name="selinux_compute_relabel_context">
+##	<description>
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type to 
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security compute_relabel;
+	type security_t;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security compute_relabel;
+## <interface name="selinux_compute_user_contexts">
+##	<description>
+## 		Allows caller to compute possible contexts for a user.
+##	</description>
+##	<parameter name="domain">
+##		The process type allowed to compute user contexts.
+##	</parameter>
+## </interface>
+	gen_require(`$0'_depend)
+	allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
+	allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
+	allow $1 security_t:security compute_user;
+	type security_t;
+	class dir { read search getattr };
+	class file { getattr read write };
+	class security compute_user;
+## </module>
diff --git a/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/selinux.te b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/selinux.te
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69f6e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refpolicy/policy/modules/kernel/selinux.te
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Declarations
+# security_t is the target type when checking
+# the permissions in the security class.  It is also
+# applied to selinuxfs inodes.
+type security_t;
+sid security context_template(system_u:object_r:security_t,s0)
+genfscon selinuxfs / context_template(system_u:object_r:security_t,s0)