diff --git a/refpolicy/INSTALL b/refpolicy/INSTALL
index c24ebb2..ac1f6e8 100644
--- a/refpolicy/INSTALL
+++ b/refpolicy/INSTALL
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-To install into /etc/selinux/strict:
+To install Reference Policy sources into /etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy:
 	make install-src
-After install, the old Make targets have been maintained:
+This will back up a pre-existing source policy to the
+/etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy.bak directory.
+After installing the policy sources, the old Make targets have been maintained:
 Local policy development:
@@ -21,3 +24,5 @@ Filesystem labeling:
 	make relabel
 	make checklabels
 	make restorelabels
+See the README for more information on available make targets.
diff --git a/refpolicy/README b/refpolicy/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0896c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refpolicy/README
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+1) Reference Policy make targets:
+General Make targets:
+install-src		Install the policy sources into
+			/etc/selinux/NAME/src/policy, where NAME is defined in
+			the Makefile.  If not defined, the TYPE, as defined in
+			the Makefile, is used.  The default NAME is refpolicy.
+			A pre-existing source policy will be moved to
+			/etc/selinux/NAME/src/policy.bak.
+conf			Regenerate policy.xml, and update/create modules.conf
+			and booleans.conf.  This should be done after adding
+			or removing modules, or after running the bare target.
+			If the configuration files exist, their settings will
+			be preserved.  This must be ran on policy sources that
+			are checked out from the CVS repository before they can
+			be used.
+clean			Delete all temporary files, compiled policies,
+			and file_contexts.  Configuration files are left intact.
+bare			Do the clean make target and also delete configuration
+			files, web page documentation, and policy.xml.
+html			Regenerate policy.xml and create web page documentation
+			in the doc/html directory.
+Make targets specific to modular (loadable modules) policies:
+base			Compile and package the base module.  This is the
+			default target for modular policies.
+modules			Compile and package all Reference Policy modules
+			configured to be built as loadable modules.
+MODULENAME.pp		Compile and package the MODULENAME Reference Policy
+			module.
+Make targets specific to monolithic policies:
+policy			Compile a policy locally for development and testing.
+			This is the default target for monolithic policies.
+install			Compile and install the policy and file contexts.
+load			Compile and install the policy and file contexts, then
+			load the policy.
+enableaudit		Remove all dontaudit rules from policy.conf.
+relabel			Relabel the filesystem.
+checklabels		Check the labels on the filesystem, and report when
+			a file would be relabeled, but do not change its label.
+restorelabels		Relabel the filesystem and report each file that is
+			relabeled.
diff --git a/refpolicy/Rules.modular b/refpolicy/Rules.modular
index 69a1817..450ee7c 100644
--- a/refpolicy/Rules.modular
+++ b/refpolicy/Rules.modular
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ vpath %.fc $(ALL_LAYERS)
 # default action: create all module packages
-default: base modules
+default: base
 base: $(BASE_PKG)