diff --git a/selinux-policy.spec b/selinux-policy.spec
index cab1618..d5a613c 100644
--- a/selinux-policy.spec
+++ b/selinux-policy.spec
@@ -342,58 +342,6 @@ mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/selinux/ \
 #install -m 644 -p %{SOURCE101} %{buildroot}/%{_unitdir}/ \
 #ln -s ../selinux-factory-reset@.service %{buildroot}/%{_unitdir}/basic.target.wants/selinux-factory-reset@%1.service
-# Make sure the config is consistent with what packages are installed in the system
-# this covers cases when system is installed with selinux-policy-{mls,minimal}
-# or selinux-policy-{targeted,mls,minimal} where switched but the machine has not
-# been rebooted yet.
-# The macro should be called at the beginning of "post" (to make sure load_policy does not fail)
-# and in "posttrans" (to make sure that the store is consistent when all package transitions are done)
-# Parameter determines the policy type to be set in case of miss-configuration (if backup value is not usable)
-# Steps:
-# * load values from config and its backup
-# * check whether SELINUXTYPE from backup is usable and make sure that it's set in the config if so
-# * use "targeted" if it's being installed and BACKUP_SELINUXTYPE cannot be used
-# * check whether SELINUXTYPE in the config is usable and change it to newly installed policy if it isn't
-%define checkConfigConsistency() \
-. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
-if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/.config_backup ]; then \
-     . %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/.config_backup; \
-else \
-     BACKUP_SELINUXTYPE=targeted; \
-fi; \
-if ls %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/$BACKUP_SELINUXTYPE/policy/policy.* &>/dev/null; then \
-     if [ "$BACKUP_SELINUXTYPE" != "$SELINUXTYPE" ]; then \
-          sed -i 's/^SELINUXTYPE=.*/SELINUXTYPE='"$BACKUP_SELINUXTYPE"'/g' %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
-     fi; \
-elif [ "%1" = "targeted" ]; then \
-     if [ "%1" != "$SELINUXTYPE" ]; then \
-          sed -i 's/^SELINUXTYPE=.*/SELINUXTYPE=%1/g' %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
-     fi; \
-elif ! ls  %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/$SELINUXTYPE/policy/policy.* &>/dev/null; then \
-     if [ "%1" != "$SELINUXTYPE" ]; then \
-          sed -i 's/^SELINUXTYPE=.*/SELINUXTYPE=%1/g' %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
-     fi; \
-# Create hidden backup of /etc/selinux/config and prepend BACKUP_ to names
-# of variables inside so that they are easy to use later
-# This should be done in "pretrans" because config content can change during RPM operations
-# The macro has to be used in a script slot with "-p <lua>"
-%define backupConfigLua() \
-local sysconfdir = rpm.expand("%{_sysconfdir}") \
-local config_file = sysconfdir .. "/selinux/config" \
-local config_backup = sysconfdir .. "/selinux/.config_backup" \
-os.remove(config_backup) \
-if posix.stat(config_file) then \
-    local f = assert(io.open(config_file, "r"), "Failed to read " .. config_file) \
-    local content = f:read("*all") \
-    f:close() \
-    local backup = content:gsub("SELINUX", "BACKUP_SELINUX") \
-    local bf = assert(io.open(config_backup, "w"), "Failed to open " .. config_backup) \
-    bf:write(backup) \
-    bf:close() \
@@ -553,20 +501,13 @@ Conflicts: container-selinux < 2:1.12.1-22
 %description targeted
 SELinux Reference policy targeted base module.
-%pretrans targeted -p <lua>
 %pre targeted
 %preInstall targeted
 %post targeted
-%checkConfigConsistency targeted
 %postInstall $1 targeted
 exit 0
-%posttrans targeted
-%checkConfigConsistency targeted
 %postun targeted
 if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
     source /etc/selinux/config
@@ -632,9 +573,6 @@ Conflicts: container-selinux <= 1.9.0-9
 %description minimum
 SELinux Reference policy minimum base module.
-%pretrans minimum -p <lua>
 %pre minimum
 %preInstall minimum
 if [ $1 -ne 1 ]; then
@@ -642,7 +580,6 @@ if [ $1 -ne 1 ]; then
 %post minimum
-%checkConfigConsistency minimum
 contribpackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/modules-contrib.lst`
 basepackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/modules-base.lst`
 if [ ! -d /var/lib/selinux/minimum/active/modules/disabled ]; then
@@ -674,9 +611,6 @@ done
 exit 0
-%posttrans minimum
-%checkConfigConsistency minimum
 %postun minimum
 if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
     source /etc/selinux/config
@@ -734,20 +668,13 @@ Conflicts: container-selinux <= 1.9.0-9
 %description mls 
 SELinux Reference policy mls base module.
-%pretrans mls -p <lua>
 %pre mls 
 %preInstall mls
 %post mls 
-%checkConfigConsistency mls
 %postInstall $1 mls
 exit 0
-%posttrans mls
-%checkConfigConsistency mls
 %postun mls
 if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
     source /etc/selinux/config