diff --git a/refpolicy/Makefile b/refpolicy/Makefile
index 7e6228b..7501870 100644
--- a/refpolicy/Makefile
+++ b/refpolicy/Makefile
@@ -23,11 +23,31 @@
-include build.conf
+# Top level directory - so make can be run from outside 
+# of the tree (if this is overridden on the command line)
+ROOT ?= .
+# Include the local build.conf if it exists, otherwise
+# include the configuration of the root directory.
+ifndef LOCAL_ROOT
+	include $(ROOT)/build.conf
+	include $(LOCAL_ROOT)/build.conf
 # refpolicy version
 VERSION = $(shell cat VERSION)
+TAGS := $(LOCAL_ROOT)/tags
+TMPDIR := $(ROOT)/tmp
+TAGS := $(ROOT)/tags
 # executable paths
 BINDIR := /usr/bin
 SBINDIR := /usr/sbin
@@ -52,38 +72,57 @@ SH ?= sh
 CFLAGS += -Wall
 # policy source layout
-POLDIR := policy
+POLDIR := $(ROOT)/policy
 MODDIR := $(POLDIR)/modules
 FLASKDIR := $(POLDIR)/flask
 SECCLASS := $(FLASKDIR)/security_classes
 ISIDS := $(FLASKDIR)/initial_sids
 AVS := $(FLASKDIR)/access_vectors
+# local source layout
 # policy building support tools
-SUPPORT := support
+SUPPORT := $(ROOT)/support
 GENXML := $(PYTHON) $(SUPPORT)/segenxml.py
 GENDOC := $(PYTHON) $(SUPPORT)/sedoctool.py
 GENPERM := $(PYTHON) $(SUPPORT)/genclassperms.py
-FCSORT := $(SUPPORT)/fc_sort
+FCSORT := $(TMPDIR)/fc_sort
 SETTUN := $(SH) $(SUPPORT)/set_tunables
 # documentation paths
-DOCS = doc
-POLXML = $(DOCS)/policy.xml
+DOCS = $(ROOT)/doc
 XMLDTD = $(DOCS)/policy.dtd
 LAYERXML = metadata.xml
-HTMLDIR = $(DOCS)/html
 DOCTEMPLATE = $(DOCS)/templates
 DOCFILES = $(DOCS)/Makefile.example $(addprefix $(DOCS)/,example.te example.if example.fc)
+ifndef LOCAL_ROOT
+POLXML = $(DOCS)/policy.xml
+HTMLDIR = $(DOCS)/html
+POLXML = $(LOCAL_ROOT)/doc/policy.xml
+HTMLDIR = $(LOCAL_ROOT)/doc/html
 # config file paths
 GLOBALTUN = $(POLDIR)/global_tunables
 GLOBALBOOL = $(POLDIR)/global_booleans
-MOD_CONF = $(POLDIR)/modules.conf
 TUNABLES = $(POLDIR)/tunables.conf
-BOOLEANS = $(POLDIR)/booleans.conf
 ROLEMAP = $(POLDIR)/rolemap
+# local config file paths
+ifndef LOCAL_ROOT
+MOD_CONF = $(POLDIR)/modules.conf
+BOOLEANS = $(POLDIR)/booleans.conf
+MOD_CONF = $(LOCAL_POLDIR)/modules.conf
+BOOLEANS = $(LOCAL_POLDIR)/booleans.conf
 # install paths
 PKGNAME ?= refpolicy-$(VERSION)
@@ -171,7 +210,7 @@ ifeq ($(KV),)
 	KV := $(PV)
-M4SUPPORT = $(wildcard $(POLDIR)/support/*.spt)
+M4SUPPORT = $(wildcard $(POLDIR)/support/*.spt $(LOCAL_POLDIR)/support/*.spt)
 APPCONF := config/appconfig-$(TYPE)
@@ -180,6 +219,9 @@ CONTEXTFILES += $(wildcard $(APPCONF)/*_context*) $(APPCONF)/media
 USER_FILES := $(POLDIR)/users
 ALL_LAYERS := $(filter-out $(MODDIR)/CVS,$(shell find $(wildcard $(MODDIR)/*) -maxdepth 0 -type d))
+LOCAL_LAYERS := $(filter-out $(LOCAL_MODDIR)/CVS,$(shell find $(wildcard $(LOCAL_MODDIR)/*) -maxdepth 0 -type d))
 GENERATED_TE := $(basename $(foreach dir,$(ALL_LAYERS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.te.in)))
 GENERATED_IF := $(basename $(foreach dir,$(ALL_LAYERS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.if.in)))
@@ -198,10 +240,17 @@ MODMOD := module
 # modules.conf setting for unused module
+# test for module overrides from command line
+MOD_TEST = $(filter $(APPS_OFF), $(APPS_ON) $(APPS_MODS))
+MOD_TEST += $(filter $(APPS_MODS), $(APPS_ON))
+ifneq ($(strip $(MOD_TEST)),)
+        $(error Applications must be on, module, or off, and not in more than one list! $(strip $(MOD_TEST)) found in multiple lists!)
 # extract settings from modules.conf
-BASE_MODS := $(addsuffix .te,$(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(MODBASE)") print $$1 }' $(MOD_CONF) 2> /dev/null))
-MOD_MODS := $(addsuffix .te,$(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(MODMOD)") print $$1 }' $(MOD_CONF) 2> /dev/null))
-OFF_MODS := $(addsuffix .te,$(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(MODUNUSED)") print $$1 }' $(MOD_CONF) 2> /dev/null))
+BASE_MODS := $(addsuffix .te,$(sort $(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(MODBASE)") print $$1 }' $(MOD_CONF) 2> /dev/null) $(APPS_ON)))
+MOD_MODS := $(addsuffix .te,$(sort $(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(MODMOD)") print $$1 }' $(MOD_CONF) 2> /dev/null) $(APPS_MODS)))
+OFF_MODS := $(addsuffix .te,$(sort $(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(MODUNUSED)") print $$1 }' $(MOD_CONF) 2> /dev/null) $(APPS_OFF)))
 # filesystems to be labeled
 FILESYSTEMS = $(shell mount | grep -v "context=" | egrep -v '\((|.*,)bind(,.*|)\)' | awk '/(ext[23]| xfs| jfs).*rw/{print $$3}';)
@@ -230,15 +279,17 @@ endef
 ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),y)
-	include Rules.monolithic
+	include $(ROOT)/Rules.monolithic
-	include Rules.modular
+	include $(ROOT)/Rules.modular
 # Generated files
+# NOTE: There is no "local" version of these files.
 $(MODDIR)/kernel/corenetwork.if: $(MODDIR)/kernel/corenetwork.if.m4 $(MODDIR)/kernel/corenetwork.if.in
 	@echo "#" > $@
 	@echo "# This is a generated file!  Instead of modifying this file, the" >> $@
@@ -269,6 +320,13 @@ $(MOD_CONF) $(BOOLEANS): $(POLXML)
+# Generate the fc_sort program
+$(FCSORT) : $(SUPPORT)/fc_sort.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SUPPORT)/fc_sort.c -o $(FCSORT)
 # Documentation generation
@@ -278,36 +336,38 @@ $(MOD_CONF) $(BOOLEANS): $(POLXML)
 # enabled modules.
 $(POLXML): $(DETECTED_MODS:.te=.if) $(foreach dir,$(ALL_LAYERS),$(dir)/$(LAYERXML))
 	@echo "Creating $@"
-	@mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(dir $(POLXML)) || mkdir -p $(dir $(POLXML))
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>' > $@
 	$(verbose) echo '<!DOCTYPE policy SYSTEM "$(notdir $(XMLDTD))">' >> $@
-	$(verbose) $(GENXML) -m $(LAYERXML) -t $(GLOBALTUN) -b $(GLOBALBOOL) -o tmp $(ALL_LAYERS) >> $@
+	$(verbose) $(GENXML) -m $(LAYERXML) -t $(GLOBALTUN) -b $(GLOBALBOOL) -o $(TMPDIR) $(ALL_LAYERS) $(LOCAL_LAYERS) >> $@
 	$(verbose) if test -x $(XMLLINT) && test -f $(XMLDTD); then \
-		$(XMLLINT) --noout --dtdvalid $(XMLDTD) $@ ;\
+		$(XMLLINT) --noout --path $(dir $(XMLDTD)) --dtdvalid $(XMLDTD) $@ ;\
-html tmp/html: $(POLXML)
+html $(TMPDIR)/html: $(POLXML)
 	@echo "Building html interface reference documentation in $(HTMLDIR)"
-	@mkdir -p $(HTMLDIR)
+	@test -d $(HTMLDIR) || mkdir -p $(HTMLDIR)
 	$(verbose) $(GENDOC) -d $(HTMLDIR) -T $(DOCTEMPLATE) -x $(POLXML)
 	$(verbose) cp $(DOCTEMPLATE)/*.css $(HTMLDIR)
-	@touch tmp/html
+	@touch $(TMPDIR)/html
 # Runtime binary policy patching of users
-$(USERPATH)/system.users: $(M4SUPPORT) tmp/generated_definitions.conf $(USER_FILES)
+$(USERPATH)/system.users: $(M4SUPPORT) $(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf $(USER_FILES)
+	@mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	@mkdir -p $(USERPATH)
 	@echo "Installing system.users"
-	@echo "# " > tmp/system.users
-	@echo "# Do not edit this file. " >> tmp/system.users
-	@echo "# This file is replaced on reinstalls of this policy." >> tmp/system.users
-	@echo "# Please edit local.users to make local changes." >> tmp/system.users
-	@echo "#" >> tmp/system.users
+	@echo "# " > $(TMPDIR)/system.users
+	@echo "# Do not edit this file. " >> $(TMPDIR)/system.users
+	@echo "# This file is replaced on reinstalls of this policy." >> $(TMPDIR)/system.users
+	@echo "# Please edit local.users to make local changes." >> $(TMPDIR)/system.users
+	@echo "#" >> $(TMPDIR)/system.users
 	$(verbose) m4 -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) $^ | sed -r -e 's/^[[:blank:]]+//' \
-		-e '/^[[:blank:]]*($$|#)/d' >> tmp/system.users
-	$(verbose) install -m 644 tmp/system.users $@
+		-e '/^[[:blank:]]*($$|#)/d' >> $(TMPDIR)/system.users
+	$(verbose) install -m 644 $(TMPDIR)/system.users $@
 $(USERPATH)/local.users: config/local.users
 	@mkdir -p $(USERPATH)
@@ -321,10 +381,11 @@ $(USERPATH)/local.users: config/local.users
 install-appconfig: $(APPFILES)
 $(INSTALLDIR)/booleans: $(BOOLEANS)
+	@mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	@mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)
 	$(verbose) sed -r -e 's/false/0/g' -e 's/true/1/g' \
-		-e '/^[[:blank:]]*($$|#)/d' $(BOOLEANS) | sort > tmp/booleans
-	$(verbose) install -m 644 tmp/booleans $@
+		-e '/^[[:blank:]]*($$|#)/d' $(BOOLEANS) | sort > $(TMPDIR)/booleans
+	$(verbose) install -m 644 $(TMPDIR)/booleans $@
 $(CONTEXTPATH)/files/media: $(APPCONF)/media
 	@mkdir -p $(CONTEXTPATH)/files/
@@ -366,10 +427,10 @@ $(APPDIR)/users/root: $(APPCONF)/root_default_contexts
 # Install policy headers
-install-headers: doc/policy.xml
+install-headers: $(POLXML)
 	@mkdir -p $(HEADERDIR)
 	@echo "Installing policy headers"
-	$(verbose) install -m 644 tmp/global_{tunables,booleans}.xml $(HEADERDIR)
+	$(verbose) install -m 644 $(TMPDIR)/global_{tunables,booleans}.xml $(HEADERDIR)
 	$(verbose) m4 $(M4PARAM) $(ROLEMAP) > $(HEADERDIR)/$(notdir $(ROLEMAP))
 	$(verbose) mkdir -p $(HEADERDIR)/support
 	$(verbose) install -m 644 $(M4SUPPORT) $(GENXML) $(XMLDTD) $(HEADERDIR)/support
@@ -394,7 +455,7 @@ endif
 # Install policy documentation
-install-docs: tmp/html
+install-docs: $(TMPDIR)/html
 	@mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/html
 	@echo "Installing policy documentation"
 	$(verbose) install -m 644 $(DOCFILES) $(DOCSDIR)
@@ -414,9 +475,10 @@ install-src:
 # Generate tags file
+tags: $(TAGS)
 	@($(CTAGS) --version | grep -q Exuberant) || (echo ERROR: Need exuberant-ctags to function!; exit 1)
-	@LC_ALL=C $(CTAGS) --langdef=te --langmap=te:..te.if.spt \
+	@LC_ALL=C $(CTAGS) -f $(TAGS) --langdef=te --langmap=te:..te.if.spt \
 	 --regex-te='/^type[ \t]+(\w+)(,|;)/\1/t,type/' \
 	 --regex-te='/^typealias[ \t]+\w+[ \t+]+alias[ \t]+(\w+);/\1/t,type/' \
 	 --regex-te='/^attribute[ \t]+(\w+);/\1/a,attribute/' \
@@ -466,12 +528,14 @@ resetlabels:
 bare: clean
 	rm -f $(POLXML)
-	rm -f $(SUPPORT)/*.pyc
-	rm -f $(FCSORT)
 	rm -f $(MOD_CONF)
 	rm -f $(BOOLEANS)
 	rm -fR $(HTMLDIR)
-	rm -f tags
+	rm -f $(TAGS)
+# don't remove these files if we're given a local root
+ifndef LOCAL_ROOT
+	rm -f $(FCSORT)
+	rm -f $(SUPPORT)/*.pyc
 ifneq ($(GENERATED_TE),)
 	rm -f $(GENERATED_TE)
@@ -481,6 +545,7 @@ endif
 ifneq ($(GENERATED_FC),)
 	rm -f $(GENERATED_FC)
 .PHONY: install-src install-appconfig conf html bare tags
diff --git a/refpolicy/Rules.modular b/refpolicy/Rules.modular
index 959cc29..5ac2fe4 100644
--- a/refpolicy/Rules.modular
+++ b/refpolicy/Rules.modular
@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
-BASE_PKG := base.pp
-BASE_FC := base.fc
+BASE_PKG := $(BUILDDIR)/base.pp
+BASE_FC := $(BUILDDIR)/base.fc
+BASE_CONF := $(BUILDDIR)/base.conf
+BASE_MOD := $(TMPDIR)/base.mod
-BASE_SECTIONS := tmp/pre_te_files.conf tmp/generated_definitions.conf tmp/all_interfaces.conf tmp/all_attrs_types.conf $(GLOBALBOOL) $(GLOBALTUN) tmp/only_te_rules.conf tmp/all_post.conf
+BASE_SECTIONS := $(TMPDIR)/pre_te_files.conf $(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_interfaces.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf $(GLOBALBOOL) $(GLOBALTUN) $(TMPDIR)/only_te_rules.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf
@@ -17,15 +19,15 @@ BASE_POST_TE_FILES := $(USER_FILES) $(POLDIR)/constraints
 BASE_FC_FILES := $(BASE_MODS:.te=.fc)
 MOD_MODULES := $(MOD_MODS:.te=.mod)
-MOD_PKGS := $(MOD_MODS:.te=.pp)
+MOD_PKGS := $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(notdir $(MOD_MODS:.te=.pp)))
 # policy packages to install
-INSTPKG := $(addprefix $(MODPKGDIR)/,$(BASE_PKG) $(MOD_PKGS))
+INSTPKG := $(addprefix $(MODPKGDIR)/,$(notdir $(BASE_PKG)) $(MOD_PKGS))
 # search layer dirs for source files
-vpath %.te $(ALL_LAYERS)
-vpath %.if $(ALL_LAYERS)
-vpath %.fc $(ALL_LAYERS)
+vpath %.te $(ALL_LAYERS) $(LOCAL_LAYERS)
+vpath %.if $(ALL_LAYERS) $(LOCAL_LAYERS)
+vpath %.fc $(ALL_LAYERS) $(LOCAL_LAYERS)
@@ -49,13 +51,13 @@ install: $(INSTPKG) $(APPFILES)
 	@echo "Loading configured modules."
-	$(verbose) $(SEMODULE) -s $(NAME) -b $(MODPKGDIR)/$(BASE_PKG) $(foreach mod,$(MOD_PKGS),-i $(MODPKGDIR)/$(mod))
+	$(verbose) $(SEMODULE) -s $(NAME) -b $(MODPKGDIR)/$(notdir $(BASE_PKG)) $(foreach mod,$(MOD_PKGS),-i $(MODPKGDIR)/$(mod))
 # Install policy packages
-$(MODPKGDIR)/%.pp: %.pp
+$(MODPKGDIR)/%.pp: $(BUILDDIR)/%.pp
 	@mkdir -p $(MODPKGDIR)
 	@echo "Installing $(NAME) $(@F) policy package."
 	$(verbose) install -m 0644 $^ $(MODPKGDIR)
@@ -64,28 +66,32 @@ $(MODPKGDIR)/%.pp: %.pp
 # Build module packages
-tmp/%.mod: $(M4SUPPORT) tmp/generated_definitions.conf tmp/all_interfaces.conf %.te
+$(TMPDIR)/%.mod: $(M4SUPPORT) $(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_interfaces.conf %.te
 	@echo "Compliling $(NAME) $(@F) module"
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(call peruser-expansion,$(basename $(@F)),$@.role)
 	$(verbose) m4 $(M4PARAM) -s $^ $@.role > $(@:.mod=.tmp)
 	$(verbose) $(CHECKMODULE) -m $(@:.mod=.tmp) -o $@
-tmp/%.mod.fc: $(M4SUPPORT) %.fc
+$(TMPDIR)/%.mod.fc: $(M4SUPPORT) %.fc
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) m4 $(M4PARAM) $(M4SUPPORT) $^ > $@
-%.pp: tmp/%.mod tmp/%.mod.fc
+$(BUILDDIR)/%.pp: $(TMPDIR)/%.mod $(TMPDIR)/%.mod.fc
 	@echo "Creating $(NAME) $(@F) policy package"
+	@test -d $(BUILDDIR) || mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
 	$(verbose) $(SEMOD_PKG) -o $@ -m $< -f $<.fc
 # Create a base module package
-$(BASE_PKG): tmp/base.mod $(BASE_FC)
 	@echo "Creating $(NAME) base module package"
-	$(verbose) $(SEMOD_PKG) -o $@ -m tmp/base.mod -f $(BASE_FC)
+	@test -d $(BUILDDIR) || mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
+	$(verbose) $(SEMOD_PKG) -o $@ -m $(BASE_MOD) -f $(BASE_FC)
-tmp/base.mod: base.conf
 	@echo "Compiling $(NAME) base module"
 	$(verbose) $(CHECKMODULE) $^ -o $@
@@ -93,22 +99,24 @@ tmp/base.mod: base.conf
 # Construct a base.conf
-base.conf: $(BASE_SECTIONS)
-	@echo "Creating $(NAME) base module base.conf"
+	@echo "Creating $(NAME) base module $(BASE_CONF)"
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
+	@test -d $(dir $(BASE_CONF)) || mkdir -p $(dir $(BASE_CONF))
 # checkpolicy can use the #line directives provided by -s for error reporting:
-	$(verbose) m4 -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) -s $^ > tmp/$@.tmp
-	$(verbose) sed -e /^portcon/d -e /^nodecon/d -e /^netifcon/d < tmp/$@.tmp > $@
+	$(verbose) m4 -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) -s $^ > $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp
+	$(verbose) sed -e /^portcon/d -e /^nodecon/d -e /^netifcon/d < $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp > $@
 # the ordering of these ocontexts matters:
-	$(verbose) grep ^portcon tmp/$@.tmp >> $@ || true
-	$(verbose) grep ^netifcon tmp/$@.tmp >> $@ || true
-	$(verbose) grep ^nodecon tmp/$@.tmp >> $@ || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^portcon $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp >> $@ || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^netifcon $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp >> $@ || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^nodecon $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp >> $@ || true
-tmp/pre_te_files.conf: $(BASE_PRE_TE_FILES)
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+$(TMPDIR)/pre_te_files.conf: $(BASE_PRE_TE_FILES)
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
-tmp/generated_definitions.conf: $(BASE_TE_FILES)
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+$(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf: $(BASE_TE_FILES)
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 # define all available object classes
 	$(verbose) $(GENPERM) $(AVS) $(SECCLASS) > $@
 # per-userdomain templates
@@ -124,81 +132,82 @@ tmp/generated_definitions.conf: $(BASE_TE_FILES)
 	$(verbose) $(SETTUN) $(BOOLEANS) >> $@
-tmp/all_interfaces.conf: $(M4SUPPORT) $(ALL_INTERFACES)
+$(TMPDIR)/all_interfaces.conf: $(M4SUPPORT) $(ALL_INTERFACES)
 ifeq ($(ALL_INTERFACES),)
 	$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(MOD_CONF)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) m4 $^ | sed -e s/dollarsstar/\$$\*/g > $@
-tmp/all_te_files.conf: $(BASE_TE_FILES)
+$(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf: $(BASE_TE_FILES)
 ifeq ($(BASE_TE_FILES),)
 	$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(MOD_CONF)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
 	$(call parse-rolemap,base,$@)
-tmp/post_te_files.conf: $(BASE_POST_TE_FILES)
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+$(TMPDIR)/post_te_files.conf: $(BASE_POST_TE_FILES)
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
 # extract attributes and put them first. extract post te stuff
 # like genfscon and put last.  portcon, nodecon, and netifcon
 # is delayed since they are generated by m4
-tmp/all_attrs_types.conf tmp/only_te_rules.conf tmp/all_post.conf: tmp/all_te_files.conf tmp/post_te_files.conf
-	$(verbose) grep ^attribute tmp/all_te_files.conf > tmp/all_attrs_types.conf || true
-	$(verbose) grep '^type ' tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_attrs_types.conf
-	$(verbose) cat tmp/post_te_files.conf > tmp/all_post.conf
-	$(verbose) grep '^sid ' tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_post.conf || true
-	$(verbose) egrep '^fs_use_(xattr|task|trans)' tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_post.conf || true
-	$(verbose) grep ^genfscon tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_post.conf || true
+$(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf $(TMPDIR)/only_te_rules.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf: $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf $(TMPDIR)/post_te_files.conf
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
+	$(verbose) grep ^attribute $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf > $(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf || true
+	$(verbose) grep '^type ' $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf
+	$(verbose) cat $(TMPDIR)/post_te_files.conf > $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf
+	$(verbose) grep '^sid ' $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf || true
+	$(verbose) egrep '^fs_use_(xattr|task|trans)' $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^genfscon $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf || true
 	$(verbose) sed -r -e /^attribute/d -e '/^type /d' -e /^genfscon/d \
 			-e '/^sid /d' -e '/^fs_use_(xattr|task|trans)/d' \
-			< tmp/all_te_files.conf > tmp/only_te_rules.conf
+			< $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf > $(TMPDIR)/only_te_rules.conf
 # Construct a base.fc
-$(BASE_FC): tmp/$(BASE_FC).tmp $(FCSORT)
+$(BASE_FC): $(TMPDIR)/$(notdir $(BASE_FC)).tmp $(FCSORT)
 	$(verbose) $(FCSORT) $< $@
-tmp/$(BASE_FC).tmp: $(M4SUPPORT) tmp/generated_definitions.conf $(BASE_FC_FILES)
+$(TMPDIR)/$(notdir $(BASE_FC)).tmp: $(M4SUPPORT) $(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf $(BASE_FC_FILES)
 ifeq ($(BASE_FC_FILES),)
 	$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(MOD_CONF)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
 	@echo "Creating $(NAME) base module file contexts."
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) m4 $(M4PARAM) $^ > $@
 # Remove the dontaudit rules from the base.conf
-enableaudit: base.conf
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
-	@echo "Removing dontaudit rules from base.conf"
-	$(verbose) grep -v dontaudit base.conf > tmp/base.audit
-	$(verbose) mv tmp/base.audit base.conf
+enableaudit: $(BASE_CONF)
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
+	@echo "Removing dontaudit rules from $(BASE_CONF)"
+	$(verbose) grep -v dontaudit $(BASE_CONF) > $(TMPDIR)/base.audit
+	$(verbose) mv $(TMPDIR)/base.audit $(BASE_CONF)
 # Appconfig files
-$(APPDIR)/customizable_types: base.conf
+$(APPDIR)/customizable_types: $(BASE_CONF)
 	@mkdir -p $(APPDIR)
-	$(verbose) grep "^type .*customizable" $< | cut -d',' -f1 | cut -d' ' -f2 > tmp/customizable_types
-	$(verbose) install -m 644 tmp/customizable_types $@ 
+	$(verbose) grep "^type .*customizable" $< | cut -d',' -f1 | cut -d' ' -f2 > $(TMPDIR)/customizable_types
+	$(verbose) install -m 644 $(TMPDIR)/customizable_types $@ 
 # Clean the sources
-	rm -f base.conf
-	rm -f *.pp
+	rm -f $(BASE_CONF)
 	rm -f $(BASE_FC)
-	rm -fR tmp
+	rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/*.pp
+	rm -fR $(TMPDIR)
 .PHONY: default all base modules install load clean
diff --git a/refpolicy/Rules.monolithic b/refpolicy/Rules.monolithic
index 3d12093..b345ed4 100644
--- a/refpolicy/Rules.monolithic
+++ b/refpolicy/Rules.monolithic
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
 # Rules and Targets for building monolithic policies
+POLICY_CONF = $(BUILDDIR)/policy.conf
+FC = $(BUILDDIR)/file_contexts
+POLVER = policy.$(PV)
+HOMEDIR_TEMPLATE = $(BUILDDIR)/homedir_template
 # install paths
 HOMEDIRPATH = $(CONTEXTPATH)/files/homedir_template
-FC := file_contexts
-POLVER := policy.$(PV)
 # for monolithic policy use all base and module to create policy
@@ -23,14 +25,12 @@ ALL_FC_FILES := $(ALL_MODULES:.te=.fc)
 POST_TE_FILES := $(USER_FILES) $(POLDIR)/constraints
-POLICY_SECTIONS := tmp/pre_te_files.conf tmp/generated_definitions.conf tmp/all_interfaces.conf tmp/all_attrs_types.conf $(GLOBALBOOL) $(GLOBALTUN) tmp/only_te_rules.conf tmp/all_post.conf
-HOMEDIR_TEMPLATE = homedir_template
+POLICY_SECTIONS := $(TMPDIR)/pre_te_files.conf $(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_interfaces.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf $(GLOBALBOOL) $(GLOBALTUN) $(TMPDIR)/only_te_rules.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf
 # search layer dirs for source files
-vpath %.te $(ALL_LAYERS)
-vpath %.if $(ALL_LAYERS)
-vpath %.fc $(ALL_LAYERS)
+vpath %.te $(ALL_LAYERS) $(LOCAL_LAYERS)
+vpath %.if $(ALL_LAYERS) $(LOCAL_LAYERS)
+vpath %.fc $(ALL_LAYERS) $(LOCAL_LAYERS)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ policy: $(POLVER)
 install: $(LOADPATH) $(FCPATH) $(APPFILES) $(USERPATH)/local.users
-load: tmp/load
+load: $(TMPDIR)/load
 checklabels: $(FCPATH)
 restorelabels: $(FCPATH)
@@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ resetlabels:  $(FCPATH)
 # Build a binary policy locally
-$(POLVER): policy.conf
 	@echo "Compiling $(NAME) $(POLVER)"
 ifneq ($(PV),$(KV))
 	@echo "WARNING: Policy version mismatch!  Is your OUTPUT_POLICY set correctly?"
-	$(verbose) $(CHECKPOLICY) $^ -o $@
+	$(verbose) $(CHECKPOLICY) $^ -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@
 # Install a binary policy
-$(LOADPATH): policy.conf
 	@mkdir -p $(POLICYPATH)
 	@echo "Compiling and installing $(NAME) $(LOADPATH)"
 ifneq ($(PV),$(KV))
@@ -80,32 +80,34 @@ endif
 # Load the binary policy
-reload tmp/load: $(LOADPATH) $(FCPATH) $(APPFILES)
+reload $(TMPDIR)/load: $(LOADPATH) $(FCPATH) $(APPFILES)
 	@echo "Loading $(NAME) $(LOADPATH)"
 	$(verbose) $(LOADPOLICY) -q $(LOADPATH)
-	@touch tmp/load
+	@touch $(TMPDIR)/load
 # Construct a monolithic policy.conf
-policy.conf: $(POLICY_SECTIONS)
-	@echo "Creating $(NAME) policy.conf"
+	@echo "Creating $(NAME) $(@F)"
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
+	@test -d $(BUILDDIR) || mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
 # checkpolicy can use the #line directives provided by -s for error reporting:
-	$(verbose) m4 -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) -s $^ > tmp/$@.tmp
-	$(verbose) sed -e /^portcon/d -e /^nodecon/d -e /^netifcon/d < tmp/$@.tmp > $@
+	$(verbose) m4 -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) -s $^ > $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp
+	$(verbose) sed -e /^portcon/d -e /^nodecon/d -e /^netifcon/d < $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp > $@
 # the ordering of these ocontexts matters:
-	$(verbose) grep ^portcon tmp/$@.tmp >> $@ || true
-	$(verbose) grep ^netifcon tmp/$@.tmp >> $@ || true
-	$(verbose) grep ^nodecon tmp/$@.tmp >> $@ || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^portcon $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp >> $@ || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^netifcon $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp >> $@ || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^nodecon $(TMPDIR)/$(@F).tmp >> $@ || true
-tmp/pre_te_files.conf: $(PRE_TE_FILES)
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+$(TMPDIR)/pre_te_files.conf: $(PRE_TE_FILES)
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
-tmp/generated_definitions.conf: $(ALL_TE_FILES)
+$(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf: $(ALL_LAYERS) $(ALL_TE_FILES)
 # per-userdomain templates:
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) echo "define(\`base_per_userdomain_template',\`" > $@
 	$(verbose) for i in $(patsubst %.te,%,$(notdir $(ALL_MODULES))); do \
 		echo "ifdef(\`""$$i""_per_userdomain_template',\`""$$i""_per_userdomain_template("'$$*'")')" \
@@ -118,64 +120,64 @@ tmp/generated_definitions.conf: $(ALL_TE_FILES)
 	$(verbose) $(SETTUN) $(BOOLEANS) >> $@
-tmp/all_interfaces.conf: $(M4SUPPORT) $(ALL_INTERFACES)
+$(TMPDIR)/all_interfaces.conf: $(M4SUPPORT) $(ALL_INTERFACES)
 ifeq ($(ALL_INTERFACES),)
 	$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(MOD_CONF)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) m4 $^ | sed -e s/dollarsstar/\$$\*/g > $@
-tmp/all_te_files.conf: $(ALL_TE_FILES)
+$(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf: $(ALL_TE_FILES)
 ifeq ($(ALL_TE_FILES),)
 	$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(MOD_CONF)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
 	$(call parse-rolemap,base,$@)
-tmp/post_te_files.conf: $(POST_TE_FILES)
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+$(TMPDIR)/post_te_files.conf: $(POST_TE_FILES)
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
 # extract attributes and put them first. extract post te stuff
 # like genfscon and put last.  portcon, nodecon, and netifcon
 # is delayed since they are generated by m4
-tmp/all_attrs_types.conf tmp/only_te_rules.conf tmp/all_post.conf: tmp/all_te_files.conf tmp/post_te_files.conf
-	$(verbose) grep ^attribute tmp/all_te_files.conf > tmp/all_attrs_types.conf || true
-	$(verbose) grep '^type ' tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_attrs_types.conf
-	$(verbose) cat tmp/post_te_files.conf > tmp/all_post.conf
-	$(verbose) grep '^sid ' tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_post.conf || true
-	$(verbose) egrep '^fs_use_(xattr|task|trans)' tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_post.conf || true
-	$(verbose) grep ^genfscon tmp/all_te_files.conf >> tmp/all_post.conf || true
+$(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf $(TMPDIR)/only_te_rules.conf $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf: $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf $(TMPDIR)/post_te_files.conf
+	$(verbose) grep ^attribute $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf > $(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf || true
+	$(verbose) grep '^type ' $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_attrs_types.conf
+	$(verbose) cat $(TMPDIR)/post_te_files.conf > $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf
+	$(verbose) grep '^sid ' $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf || true
+	$(verbose) egrep '^fs_use_(xattr|task|trans)' $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf || true
+	$(verbose) grep ^genfscon $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf >> $(TMPDIR)/all_post.conf || true
 	$(verbose) sed -r -e /^attribute/d -e '/^type /d' -e /^genfscon/d \
 			-e '/^sid /d' -e '/^fs_use_(xattr|task|trans)/d' \
-			< tmp/all_te_files.conf > tmp/only_te_rules.conf
+			< $(TMPDIR)/all_te_files.conf > $(TMPDIR)/only_te_rules.conf
 # Remove the dontaudit rules from the policy.conf
-enableaudit: policy.conf
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
-	@echo "Removing dontaudit rules from policy.conf"
-	$(verbose) grep -v dontaudit policy.conf > tmp/policy.audit
-	$(verbose) mv tmp/policy.audit policy.conf
+enableaudit: $(POLICY_CONF)
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
+	@echo "Removing dontaudit rules from $(notdir $(POLICY_CONF))"
+	$(verbose) grep -v dontaudit @^ > $(TMPDIR)/policy.audit
+	$(verbose) mv $(TMPDIR)/policy.audit $(POLICY_CONF)
 # Construct file_contexts
-$(FC): tmp/$(FC).tmp $(FCSORT)
+$(FC): $(TMPDIR)/$(notdir $(FC)).tmp $(FCSORT)
 	$(verbose) $(FCSORT) $< $@
 	$(verbose) grep -e HOME -e ROLE $@ > $(HOMEDIR_TEMPLATE)
 	$(verbose) sed -i -e /HOME/d -e /ROLE/d $@
-tmp/$(FC).tmp: $(M4SUPPORT) tmp/generated_definitions.conf $(ALL_FC_FILES)
+$(TMPDIR)/$(notdir $(FC)).tmp: $(M4SUPPORT) $(TMPDIR)/generated_definitions.conf $(ALL_FC_FILES)
 ifeq ($(ALL_FC_FILES),)
 	$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(MOD_CONF)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
 	@echo "Creating $(NAME) file_contexts."
-	@test -d tmp || mkdir -p tmp
+	@test -d $(TMPDIR) || mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
 	$(verbose) m4 $(M4PARAM) $^ > $@
@@ -195,11 +197,11 @@ $(FCPATH): $(FC) $(LOADPATH) $(USERPATH)/system.users
 # Run policy source checks
-check: policy.conf $(FC)
-	$(SECHECK) -s --profile=development --policy=policy.conf --fcfile=$(FC) > $@.res
+check: $(POLICY_CONF) $(FC)
+	$(SECHECK) -s --profile=development --policy=$(POLICY_CONF) --fcfile=$(FC) > $(BUILDDIR)/$@.res
-longcheck: policy.conf $(FC)
-	$(SECHECK) -s --profile=all --policy=policy.conf --fcfile=$(FC) > $@.res
+longcheck: $(POLICY_CONF) $(FC)
+	$(SECHECK) -s --profile=all --policy=$(POLICY_CONF) --fcfile=$(FC) > $(BUILDDIR)/$@.res
@@ -215,11 +217,11 @@ $(APPDIR)/customizable_types: policy.conf
 # Clean the sources
-	rm -f policy.conf
-	rm -f policy.$(PV)
+	rm -f $(POLICY_CONF)
+	rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/policy.$(PV)
 	rm -f $(FC)
 	rm -f *.res
-	rm -fR tmp
+	rm -fR $(TMPDIR)
 .PHONY: default policy install load reload enableaudit checklabels restorelabels relabel check longcheck clean