diff --git a/refpolicy/Makefile b/refpolicy/Makefile
index 967dac2..6f3ac9f 100644
--- a/refpolicy/Makefile
+++ b/refpolicy/Makefile
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 # strict, targeted,
 # strict-mls, targeted-mls,
 # strict-mcs, targeted-mcs
-TYPE = strict
+TYPE = targeted-mcs
 # Policy Name
 # If set, this will be used as the policy
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ NAME = refpolicy
 # for the distribution.
 # redhat, gentoo, debian, and suse are current options.
 # Fedora users should enable redhat.
-#DISTRO = redhat
+DISTRO = redhat
 # Direct admin init
 # Setting this will allow sysadm to directly
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ NAME = refpolicy
 # This is a build option, as role transitions do
 # not work in conditional policy.
 # This option will be impled as y for redhat policies.
 # Build monolithic policy.  Putting n here
 # will build a loadable module policy.
diff --git a/refpolicy/policy/modules.conf b/refpolicy/policy/modules.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e97df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refpolicy/policy/modules.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+# This file contains a listing of available modules.
+# To prevent a module from  being used in policy
+# creation, set the module name to "off".
+# For monolithic policies, modules set to "base" and "module"
+# will be built into the policy.
+# For modular policies, modules set to "base" will be
+# included in the base module.  "module" will be compiled
+# as individual loadable modules.
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: devices
+# Required in base
+# Device nodes and interfaces for many basic system devices.
+devices = base
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: filesystem
+# Required in base
+# Policy for filesystems.
+filesystem = base
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: selinux
+# Required in base
+# Policy for kernel security interface, in particular, selinuxfs.
+selinux = base
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: mls
+# Required in base
+# Multilevel security policy
+mls = base
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: terminal
+# Required in base
+# Policy for terminals.
+terminal = base
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: kernel
+# Required in base
+# Policy for kernel threads, proc filesystem,and unlabeled processes and objects.
+kernel = base
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: corenetwork
+# Required in base
+# Policy controlling access to network objects
+corenetwork = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: corecommands
+# Required in base
+# Core policy for shells, and generic programs
+# in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin.
+corecommands = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: files
+# Required in base
+# Basic filesystem types and interfaces.
+files = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: domain
+# Required in base
+# Core policy for domains.
+domain = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: usermanage
+# Policy for managing user accounts.
+usermanage = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: rpm
+# Policy for the RPM package manager.
+rpm = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: tmpreaper
+# Manage temporary directory sizes and file ages
+tmpreaper = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: kudzu
+# Hardware detection and configuration tools
+kudzu = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: anaconda
+# Policy for the Anaconda installer.
+anaconda = off
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: netutils
+# Network analysis utilities
+netutils = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: acct
+# Berkeley process accounting
+acct = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: sudo
+# Execute a command with a substitute user
+sudo = off
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: firstboot
+# Final system configuration run during the first boot
+# after installation of Red Hat/Fedora systems.
+firstboot = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: su
+# Run shells with substitute user and group
+su = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: quota
+# File system quota management
+quota = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: dmesg
+# Policy for dmesg.
+dmesg = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: logrotate
+# Rotate and archive system logs
+logrotate = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: vpn
+# Virtual Private Networking client
+vpn = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: consoletype
+# Determine of the console connected to the controlling terminal.
+consoletype = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: updfstab
+# Red Hat utility to change /etc/fstab.
+updfstab = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: dmidecode
+# Decode DMI data for x86/ia64 bioses.
+dmidecode = base
+# Layer: admin
+# Module: amanda
+# Automated backup program.
+amanda = base
+# Layer: apps
+# Module: webalizer
+# Web server log analysis
+webalizer = module
+# Layer: apps
+# Module: loadkeys
+# Load keyboard mappings.
+loadkeys = off
+# Layer: apps
+# Module: gpg
+# Policy for GNU Privacy Guard and related programs.
+gpg = off
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: bootloader
+# Policy for the kernel modules, kernel image, and bootloader.
+bootloader = base
+# Layer: kernel
+# Module: storage
+# Policy controlling access to storage devices
+storage = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: portmap
+# RPC port mapping service.
+portmap = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: apm
+# Advanced power management daemon
+apm = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: remotelogin
+# Policy for rshd, rlogind, and telnetd.
+remotelogin = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: rlogin
+# Remote login daemon
+rlogin = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: postfix
+# Postfix email server
+postfix = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: cyrus
+# Cyrus is an IMAP service intended to be run on sealed servers
+cyrus = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: rsync
+# Fast incremental file transfer for synchronization
+rsync = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: ktalk
+# KDE Talk daemon
+ktalk = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: finger
+# Finger user information service.
+finger = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: cron
+# Periodic execution of scheduled commands.
+cron = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: tftp
+# Trivial file transfer protocol daemon
+tftp = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: canna
+# Canna - kana-kanji conversion server
+canna = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: gpm
+# General Purpose Mouse driver
+gpm = off
+# Layer: services
+# Module: nscd
+# Name service cache daemon
+nscd = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: sendmail
+# Policy for sendmail.
+sendmail = off
+# Layer: services
+# Module: stunnel
+# SSL Tunneling Proxy
+stunnel = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: dbus
+# Desktop messaging bus
+dbus = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: ftp
+# File transfer protocol service
+ftp = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: dbskk
+# Dictionary server for the SKK Japanese input method system.
+dbskk = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: tcpd
+# Policy for TCP daemon.
+tcpd = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: radvd
+# IPv6 router advertisement daemon
+radvd = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: rshd
+# Remote shell service.
+rshd = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: sasl
+# SASL authentication server
+sasl = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: postgresql
+# PostgreSQL relational database
+postgresql = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: ntp
+# Network time protocol daemon
+ntp = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: ldap
+# OpenLDAP directory server
+ldap = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: inetd
+# Internet services daemon.
+inetd = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: apache
+# Apache web server
+apache = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: squid
+# Squid caching http proxy server
+squid = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: howl
+# Port of Apple Rendezvous multicast DNS
+howl = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: dictd
+# Dictionary daemon
+dictd = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: kerberos
+# MIT Kerberos admin and KDC
+kerberos = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: radius
+# RADIUS authentication and accounting server.
+radius = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: uucp
+# Unix to Unix Copy
+uucp = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: nis
+# Policy for NIS (YP) servers and clients
+nis = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: dhcp
+# Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server
+dhcp = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: samba
+# SMB and CIFS client/server programs for UNIX and
+# name  Service  Switch  daemon for resolving names
+# from Windows NT servers.
+samba = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: telnet
+# Telnet daemon
+telnet = off
+# Layer: services
+# Module: inn
+# Internet News NNTP server
+inn = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: ssh
+# Secure shell client and server policy.
+ssh = off
+# Layer: services
+# Module: networkmanager
+# Manager for dynamically switching between networks.
+networkmanager = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: xdm
+# X windows login display manager
+xdm = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: arpwatch
+# Ethernet activity monitor.
+arpwatch = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: distcc
+# Distributed compiler daemon
+distcc = off
+# Layer: services
+# Module: mta
+# Policy common to all email tranfer agents.
+mta = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: zebra
+# Zebra border gateway protocol network routing service
+zebra = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: hal
+# Hardware abstraction layer
+hal = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: cpucontrol
+# Services for loading CPU microcode and CPU frequency scaling.
+cpucontrol = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: mysql
+# Policy for MySQL
+mysql = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: cups
+# Common UNIX printing system
+cups = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: bind
+# Berkeley internet name domain DNS server.
+bind = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: snmp
+# Simple network management protocol services
+snmp = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: spamassassin
+# Filter used for removing unsolicited email.
+spamassassin = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: mailman
+# Mailman is for managing electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists
+mailman = module
+# Layer: services
+# Module: lpd
+# Line printer daemon
+lpd = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: privoxy
+# Privacy enhancing web proxy.
+privoxy = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: comsat
+# Comsat, a biff server.
+comsat = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: cvs
+# Concurrent versions system
+cvs = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: ppp
+# Point to Point Protocol daemon creates links in ppp networks
+ppp = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: dovecot
+# Dovecot POP and IMAP mail server
+dovecot = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: bluetooth
+# Bluetooth tools and system services.
+bluetooth = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: pegasus
+# The Open Group Pegasus CIM/WBEM Server.
+pegasus = base
+# Layer: services
+# Module: rpc
+# Remote Procedure Call Daemon for managment of network based process communication
+rpc = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: unconfined
+# The unconfined domain.
+unconfined = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: authlogin
+# Common policy for authentication and user login.
+authlogin = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: selinuxutil
+# Policy for SELinux policy and userland applications.
+selinuxutil = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: getty
+# Policy for getty.
+getty = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: mount
+# Policy for mount.
+mount = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: ipsec
+# TCP/IP encryption
+ipsec = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: locallogin
+# Policy for local logins.
+locallogin = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: logging
+# Policy for the kernel message logger and system logging daemon.
+logging = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: sysnetwork
+# Policy for network configuration: ifconfig and dhcp client.
+sysnetwork = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: fstools
+# Tools for filesystem management, such as mkfs and fsck.
+fstools = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: pcmcia
+# PCMCIA card management services
+pcmcia = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: iptables
+# Policy for iptables.
+iptables = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: userdomain
+# Policy for user domains
+userdomain = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: hotplug
+# Policy for hotplug system, for supporting the
+# connection and disconnection of devices at runtime.
+hotplug = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: clock
+# Policy for reading and setting the hardware clock.
+clock = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: lvm
+# Policy for logical volume management programs.
+lvm = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: modutils
+# Policy for kernel module utilities
+modutils = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: init
+# System initialization programs (init and init scripts).
+init = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: udev
+# Policy for udev.
+udev = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: hostname
+# Policy for changing the system host name.
+hostname = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: raid
+# RAID array management tools
+raid = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: libraries
+# Policy for system libraries.
+libraries = base
+# Layer: system
+# Module: miscfiles
+# Miscelaneous files.
+miscfiles = base