diff --git a/refpolicy/policy/modules/system/modutils.te b/refpolicy/policy/modules/system/modutils.te
index 6a05a66..0a01207 100644
--- a/refpolicy/policy/modules/system/modutils.te
+++ b/refpolicy/policy/modules/system/modutils.te
@@ -17,12 +17,47 @@ files_make_file(modules_dep_t)
 type insmod_t;
 role system_r types insmod_t;
 type insmod_exec_t;
+type depmod_t;
+role system_r types depmod_t;
+type depmod_exec_t;
+type update_modules_t;
+role system_r types update_modules_t;
+type update_modules_exec_t;
+# insmod local policy
+allow insmod_t insmod_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans };
+# Read module config and dependency information
+allow insmod_t { modules_conf_t modules_dep_t }:file { getattr read };
+# read modules
+allow insmod_t modules_object_t:dir { getattr search read };
+allow insmod_t modules_object_t:file { getattr read };
+allow insmod_t self:capability { dac_override net_raw sys_tty_config };
+allow insmod_t self:process { execmem sigchld sigkill sigstop signull signal };
+allow insmod_t self:udp_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown };
+allow insmod_t self:rawip_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown };
 # Rules for /proc/sys/kernel/tainted
@@ -39,6 +74,8 @@ filesystem_read_persistent_filesystem_stats(insmod_t)
@@ -51,21 +88,23 @@ corecommands_execute_shell(insmod_t)
-allow insmod_t insmod_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans };
-# Read module config and dependency information
-allow insmod_t { modules_conf_t modules_dep_t }:file { getattr read };
-# read modules
-allow insmod_t modules_object_t:dir { getattr search read };
-allow insmod_t modules_object_t:file { getattr read };
-allow insmod_t self:process { execmem sigchld sigkill sigstop signull signal };
+# Conditional policy logic
-allow insmod_t self:udp_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown };
-allow insmod_t self:unix_dgram_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown };
-allow insmod_t self:unix_stream_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown listen accept };
-allow insmod_t self:rawip_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown };
+optional mount { mount_transition_depend }
+ifopt (consoletype) { insmod_mount_optional_policy }
+') dnl end monolithic_policy
@@ -74,13 +113,10 @@ allow insmod_t self:rawip_socket { create ioctl read getattr write setattr appen
-allow insmod_t self:capability { dac_override net_raw sys_tty_config };
 # for loading modules at boot time
 allow insmod_t { init_t initrc_t }:fd use;
 allow insmod_t initrc_t:fifo_file { getattr read write };
-allow insmod_t usr_t:file { getattr read };
 allow insmod_t lib_t:file { getattr read };
 allow insmod_t { var_t var_log_t }:dir search;
@@ -95,18 +131,12 @@ allow insmod_t xserver_log_t:file getattr;
 allow insmod_t sysfs_t:dir search;
-allow insmod_t { usbfs_t usbdevfs_t }:dir search;
-allow insmod_t { usbfs_t usbdevfs_t }:filesystem mount;
+allow insmod_t usbfs_t:dir search;
+allow insmod_t usbfs_t:filesystem mount;
 allow insmod_t { initrc_devpts_t admin_tty_type }:chr_file { getattr read write };
 allow insmod_t devpts_t:dir { getattr search };
-ifdef(`mount.te', `
-# Run mount in the mount_t domain.
-domain_auto_trans(insmod_t, mount_exec_t, mount_t)
 # for when /var is not mounted early in the boot
 dontaudit insmod_t file_t:dir search;
@@ -114,3 +144,122 @@ dontaudit insmod_t file_t:dir search;
 dontaudit insmod_t var_run_t:dir search;
 ') dnl if TODO_list
+# depmod local policy
+allow depmod_t depmod_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans };
+# Read conf.modules.
+allow depmod_t modules_conf_t:file { getattr read };
+# Read module objects.
+allow depmod_t modules_object_t:dir { getattr search read };
+allow depmod_t modules_object_t:{ file lnk_file } { getattr read };
+# Create modules.dep.
+allow depmod_t modules_object_t:dir { read getattr lock search ioctl add_name remove_name write };
+allow depmod_t modules_dep_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename };
+type_transition depmod_t modules_object_t:file modules_dep_t;
+r_dir_file(depmod_t, src_t)
+domain_auto_trans(initrc_t, depmod_exec_t, depmod_t)
+allow depmod_t { bin_t sbin_t }:dir search;
+domain_auto_trans(sysadm_t, depmod_exec_t, depmod_t)
+# Inherit and use descriptors from init and login programs.
+allow depmod_t { init_t privfd }:fd use;
+# read system.map
+allow depmod_t boot_t:file { getattr read };
+# Access terminals.
+allow depmod_t { initrc_devpts_t admin_tty_type }:chr_file rw_file_perms;
+ifdef(`gnome-pty-helper.te', `allow depmod_t sysadm_gph_t:fd use;')
+# Read System.map from home directories.
+allow depmod_t { home_root_t staff_home_dir_t sysadm_home_dir_t }:dir r_dir_perms;
+r_dir_file(depmod_t, { staff_home_t sysadm_home_t })
+') dnl end ifdef TODO
+# update-modules local policy
+allow update_modules_t self:fifo_file { getattr read write };
+allow update_modules_t modules_dep_t:file { getattr read write };
+allow update_modules_t insmod_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans };
+allow update_modules_t update_modules_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans };
+allow update_modules_t modules_object_t:dir { read getattr lock search ioctl add_name remove_name write };
+allow update_modules_t modules_conf_t:file { create ioctl read getattr lock write setattr append link unlink rename };
+type_transition update_modules_t modules_object_t:file modules_conf_t;
+allow update_modules_t depmod_exec_t:file { getattr read execute };
+type_transition update_modules_t depmod_exec_t:process depmod_t;
+role sysadm_r types update_modules_t;
+domain_auto_trans({ initrc_t sysadm_t }, update_modules_exec_t, update_modules_t)
+allow update_modules_t privfd:fd use;
+allow update_modules_t init_t:fd use;
+allow update_modules_t { initrc_devpts_t admin_tty_type }:chr_file rw_file_perms;
+allow update_modules_t devpts_t:dir search;
+dontaudit update_modules_t sysadm_home_dir_t:dir search;
+allow update_modules_t lib_t:file { getattr read };
+file_type_auto_trans(update_modules_t, etc_t, modules_conf_t, file)
+') dnl endif TODO