diff --git a/build.conf b/build.conf
index 7ebbb8b..1cd0d66 100644
--- a/build.conf
+++ b/build.conf
@@ -42,26 +42,26 @@ NAME = refpolicy
 # run init scripts, instead of requring run_init.
 # This is a build option, as role transitions do
 # not work in conditional policy.
 # Build monolithic policy.  Putting n here
 # will build a loadable module policy.
 # Number of MLS Sensitivities
 # The sensitivities will be s0 to s(MLS_SENS-1).
 # Dominance will be in increasing numerical order
 # with s0 being lowest.
+MLS_SENS = 16
 # Number of MLS Categories
 # The categories will be c0 to c(MLS_CATS-1).
+MLS_CATS = 256
 # Number of MCS Categories
 # The categories will be c0 to c(MLS_CATS-1).
+MCS_CATS = 256
 # Set this to y to only display status messages
 # during build.
+QUIET = n