diff --git a/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.if.in b/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.if.in
index a24cfb0..7dfaa8d 100644
--- a/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.if.in
+++ b/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.if.in
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@
 ##	Define type to be a network port type
 ##	</p>
 ##	<p>
-##	This is a template to support third party modules
-##	and its use is not allowed in upstream reference
-##	policy.
+##	This is for supporting third party modules and its
+##	use is not allowed in upstream reference policy.
 ##	</p>
 ## </desc>
 ## <param name="domain">
@@ -40,9 +39,8 @@ interface(`corenet_port',`
 ##	Define network type to be a reserved port (lt 1024)
 ##	</p>
 ##	<p>
-##	This is a template to support third party modules
-##	and its use is not allowed in upstream reference
-##	policy.
+##	This is for supporting third party modules and its
+##	use is not allowed in upstream reference policy.
 ##	</p>
 ## </desc>
 ## <param name="domain">
@@ -68,9 +66,8 @@ interface(`corenet_reserved_port',`
 ##	Define network type to be a rpc port ( 512 lt PORT lt 1024)
 ##	</p>
 ##	<p>
-##	This is a template to support third party modules
-##	and its use is not allowed in upstream reference
-##	policy.
+##	This is for supporting third party modules and its
+##	use is not allowed in upstream reference policy.
 ##	</p>
 ## </desc>
 ## <param name="domain">
@@ -89,6 +86,60 @@ interface(`corenet_rpc_port',`
 ## <summary>
+##	Define type to be a network client packet type
+## </summary>
+## <desc>
+##	<p>
+##	Define type to be a network client packet type
+##	</p>
+##	<p>
+##	This is for supporting third party modules and its
+##	use is not allowed in upstream reference policy.
+##	</p>
+## </desc>
+## <param name="domain">
+##	<summary>
+##	Type to be used for a network client packet.
+##	</summary>
+## </param>
+	gen_require(`
+		attribute packet_type, client_packet_type;
+	')
+	typeattribute $1 client_packet_type, packet_type;
+## <summary>
+##	Define type to be a network server packet type
+## </summary>
+## <desc>
+##	<p>
+##	Define type to be a network server packet type
+##	</p>
+##	<p>
+##	This is for supporting third party modules and its
+##	use is not allowed in upstream reference policy.
+##	</p>
+## </desc>
+## <param name="domain">
+##	<summary>
+##	Type to be used for a network server packet.
+##	</summary>
+## </param>
+	gen_require(`
+		attribute packet_type, server_packet_type;
+	')
+	typeattribute $1 server_packet_type, packet_type;
+## <summary>
 ##	Send and receive TCP network traffic on the generic interfaces.
 ## </summary>
 ## <param name="domain">
diff --git a/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.te.in b/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.te.in
index 8b6ee1b..a181185 100644
--- a/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.te.in
+++ b/policy/modules/kernel/corenetwork.te.in
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@