diff --git a/refpolicy/doc/templates/global_bool_list.html b/refpolicy/doc/templates/global_bool_list.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4272ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refpolicy/doc/templates/global_bool_list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<h3>Global booleans:</h3>
+[[for bool in booleans]]
+<div id="interfacesmall">
+Name: [[bool['bool_name']]]<p/>
+Default Value: [[bool['def_val']]]<p/>
diff --git a/refpolicy/doc/templates/global_tun_list.html b/refpolicy/doc/templates/global_tun_list.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a8c62e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refpolicy/doc/templates/global_tun_list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<h3>Global tunables:</h3>
+[[for tun in tunables]]
+<div id="interfacesmall">
+Name: [[tun['tun_name']]]<p/>
+Default Value: [[tun['def_val']]]<p/>
diff --git a/refpolicy/doc/templates/menu.html b/refpolicy/doc/templates/menu.html
index 7a903a3..6d2cce3 100644
--- a/refpolicy/doc/templates/menu.html
+++ b/refpolicy/doc/templates/menu.html
@@ -10,9 +10,13 @@
+	<a href="global_booleans.html">*&nbsp;Global&nbsp;Booleans&nbsp;</a>
+	<br/><p/>
+	<a href="global_tunables.html">*&nbsp;Global&nbsp;Tunables&nbsp;</a>
+	<p/><br/><p/>
 	<a href="index.html">*&nbsp;Layer Index</a>
-	<a href="interfaces.html">*&nbsp;Interface Index</a>
+	<a href="interfaces.html">*&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Index</a>
-	<a href="templates.html">*&nbsp;Template Index</a>
+	<a href="templates.html">*&nbsp;Template&nbsp;Index</a>
diff --git a/refpolicy/support/sedoctool.py b/refpolicy/support/sedoctool.py
index 5e7bf83..d0d981b 100755
--- a/refpolicy/support/sedoctool.py
+++ b/refpolicy/support/sedoctool.py
@@ -184,7 +184,20 @@ def temp_cmp(a, b):
 	return cmp(a["template_name"], b["template_name"])
+def tun_cmp(a, b):
+	"""
+	Compares two tunables.
+	"""
+	return cmp(a["tun_name"], b["tun_name"])
+def bool_cmp(a, b):
+	"""
+	Compares two booleans.
+	"""
+	return cmp(a["bool_name"], b["bool_name"])
 def gen_doc_menu(mod_layer, module_list):
 	Generates the HTML document menu.
@@ -277,6 +290,12 @@ def gen_docs(doc, working_dir, templatedir):
 		templistfile = open(templatedir + "/temp_list.html", "r")
 		templistdata = templistfile.read()
+		boollistfile = open(templatedir + "/global_bool_list.html", "r")
+		boollistdata = boollistfile.read()
+		boollistfile.close()
+		tunlistfile = open(templatedir + "/global_tun_list.html", "r")
+		tunlistdata = tunlistfile.read()
+		tunlistfile.close()
 		error("Could not open templates")
@@ -504,40 +523,86 @@ def gen_docs(doc, working_dir, templatedir):
-		menu = gen_doc_menu(None, module_list)
-		menu_args = { "menulist" : menu,
-			      "mod_layer" : None }
-		menu_tpl = pyplate.Template(menudata)
-		menu_buf = menu_tpl.execute_string(menu_args)
+	menu = gen_doc_menu(None, module_list)
+	menu_args = { "menulist" : menu,
+		      "mod_layer" : None }
+	menu_tpl = pyplate.Template(menudata)
+	menu_buf = menu_tpl.execute_string(menu_args)
-		#build the interface index
-		all_interfaces.sort(int_cmp)
-		interface_tpl = pyplate.Template(intlistdata)
-		interface_buf = interface_tpl.execute_string({"interfaces" : all_interfaces})
-		int_file = "interfaces.html"
-		int_fh = open(int_file, "w")
-		body_tpl = pyplate.Template(bodydata)
+	#build the interface index
+	all_interfaces.sort(int_cmp)
+	interface_tpl = pyplate.Template(intlistdata)
+	interface_buf = interface_tpl.execute_string({"interfaces" : all_interfaces})
+	int_file = "interfaces.html"
+	int_fh = open(int_file, "w")
+	body_tpl = pyplate.Template(bodydata)
-		body_args = { "menu" : menu_buf, 
-			      "content" : interface_buf }
+	body_args = { "menu" : menu_buf, 
+		      "content" : interface_buf }
-		body_tpl.execute(int_fh, body_args)
-		int_fh.close()
+	body_tpl.execute(int_fh, body_args)
+	int_fh.close()
-		#build the template index
-		all_templates.sort(temp_cmp)
-		template_tpl = pyplate.Template(templistdata)
-		template_buf = template_tpl.execute_string({"templates" : all_templates})
-		temp_file = "templates.html"
-		temp_fh = open(temp_file, "w")
-		body_tpl = pyplate.Template(bodydata)
+	#build the template index
+	all_templates.sort(temp_cmp)
+	template_tpl = pyplate.Template(templistdata)
+	template_buf = template_tpl.execute_string({"templates" : all_templates})
+	temp_file = "templates.html"
+	temp_fh = open(temp_file, "w")
+	body_tpl = pyplate.Template(bodydata)
+	body_args = { "menu" : menu_buf, 
+		      "content" : template_buf }
+	body_tpl.execute(temp_fh, body_args)
+	temp_fh.close()
+	#build the global tunable index
+	global_tun_buf = []
+	for tunable in doc.getElementsByTagName("tunable"):
+		if tunable.parentNode.nodeName == "policy":
+			tunable_name = tunable.getAttribute("name")
+			default_value = tunable.getAttribute("dftval")
+			global_tun_buf.append( { "tun_name" : tunable_name,
+						"def_val" : default_value } )
+	global_tun_buf.sort(tun_cmp)
+	global_tun_tpl = pyplate.Template(tunlistdata)
+	global_tun_buf = global_tun_tpl.execute_string({"tunables" : global_tun_buf})
+	global_tun_file = "global_tunables.html"
+	global_tun_fh = open(global_tun_file, "w")
+	body_tpl = pyplate.Template(bodydata)
+	body_args = { "menu" : menu_buf,
+		      "content" : global_tun_buf }
+	body_tpl.execute(global_tun_fh, body_args)
+	global_tun_fh.close()
+	#build the global boolean index
+	global_bool_buf = []
+	for boolean in doc.getElementsByTagName("boolean"):
+		if boolean.parentNode.nodeName == "policy":
+			bool_name = boolean.getAttribute("name")
+			default_value = boolean.getAttribute("dftval")
+			global_bool_buf.append( { "bool_name" : bool_name,
+						"def_val" : default_value } )
+	global_bool_buf.sort(bool_cmp)
+	global_bool_tpl = pyplate.Template(boollistdata)
+	global_bool_buf = global_bool_tpl.execute_string({"booleans" : global_bool_buf})
+	global_bool_file = "global_booleans.html"
+	global_bool_fh = open(global_bool_file, "w")
+	body_tpl = pyplate.Template(bodydata)
+	body_args = { "menu" : menu_buf,
+		      "content" : global_bool_buf }
+	body_tpl.execute(global_bool_fh, body_args)
+	global_bool_fh.close()
-		body_args = { "menu" : menu_buf, 
-			      "content" : template_buf }
-		body_tpl.execute(temp_fh, body_args)
-		temp_fh.close()
 def error(error):