* Wed Jan 30 2013 Miroslav Grepl <mgrepl@redhat.com> 3.12.1-9
- boinc_cliean wants also execmem as boinc projecs have
- Allow sa-update to search admin home for /root/.spamassassin
- Allow sa-update to search admin home for /root/.spamassassin
- Allow antivirus domain to read net sysctl
- Dontaudit attempts from thumb_t to connect to ssd
- Dontaudit attempts by readahead to read sock_files
- Dontaudit attempts by readahead to read sock_files
- Create tmpfs file while running as wine as user_tmpfs_t
- Dontaudit attempts by readahead to read sock_files
- libmpg ships badly created librarie