e91d87 +- Fixes related to /bin, /sbin

Authored and Committed by Miroslav 13 years ago
    +- Fixes related to  /bin, /sbin
    +- Allow abrt to getattr on blk files
    +- Add type for rhev-agent log file
    +- Fix labeling for /dev/dmfm
    +- Dontaudit wicd leaking
    +- Allow systemd_logind_t to look at process info of apps that exc
    +- Label /etc/locale.conf correctly
    +- Allow user_mail_t to read /dev/random
    +- Allow postfix-smtpd to read MIMEDefang
    +- Add label for /var/log/suphp.log
    +- Allow swat_t to connect and read/write nmbd_t sock_file
    +- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to setattr for /run/user/gdm/dconf
    +- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to change user identity in object contex
    +- More fixes for rhev_agentd_t consolehelper policy
file modified
+1591 -729
file modified
+18 -2