e0bfe2 Use RPM's build conditionals to control which policy types to build

1 file Authored by Ondrej Mosnáček 9 months ago, Committed by zpytela 9 months ago,
    Use RPM's build conditionals to control which policy types to build
    Instead of plain macros, use `%bcond ...` and `%{with ...}`, which will
    allow controlling which policy types to build using the --with/--without
    command-line arguments when calling `rpmbuild` or `mock`.
    See also:
    Note that the BUILD_DOC macro is removed without replacement as it's
    unused. (The builds of the -doc and -devel subpackages overlap too much
    for the macro to be useful, anyway.)
    Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnáček <omosnacek@gmail.com>
file modified
+12 -18