d98054 - Update to upstream

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 14 years ago
    - Update to upstream
    - Fixes for systemd policy
    - Fixes for passenger policy
    - Allow staff users to run mysqld in the staff_t domain, akonadi needs this
    - Add bin_t label for /usr/share/kde4/apps/kajongg/kajongg.py
    - auth_use_nsswitch does not need avahi to read passwords,needed for resolving data
    - Dontaudit (xdm_t) gok attempting to list contents of /var/account
    - Telepathy domains need to read urand
    - Need interface to getattr all file classes in a mock library for setroubleshoot
file modified
+771 -322
file modified
+11 -0