d7f0c3 - New access needed to allow docker + lxc +SELinux to work together

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 11 years ago
    - New access needed to allow docker + lxc +SELinux to work together
    - Allow apache to write to the owncloud data directory in /var/www/html...
    - Cleanup sandbox X AVC's
    - Allow consolekit to create log dir
    - Add support for icinga CGI scripts
    - Add support for icinga
    - Allow kdumpctl_t to create kdump lock file
    - Allow kdump to create lnk lock file
    - Allow ABRT write core_pattern
    - Allwo ABRT to read core_pattern
    - Add policy for Geoclue. Geoclue is a D-Bus service that provides location information
    - Allow nscd_t block_suspen capability
    - Allow unconfined domain types to manage own transient unit file
    - Allow systemd domains to handle transient init unit files
    - No longer need the rpm_script_roles line since rpm_transition_script now does this for us
    - Add/fix interfaces for usermodehelper_t
    - Add interfaces to handle transient
    - Fixes for new usermodehelper and proc_securit_t types
file modified
+153 -39
file modified
+500 -140
file modified
+21 -1