b59190 * Wed Jan 23 2013 Miroslav Grepl <mgrepl@redhat.com> 3.12.1-6

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 12 years ago
    * Wed Jan 23 2013 Miroslav Grepl <mgrepl@redhat.com> 3.12.1-6
    - kde gnomeclock wants to write content to /tmp
    - /usr/libexec/kde4/kcmdatetimehelper attempts to create /root/.kde
    - Allow blueman_t to rwx zero_device_t, for some kind of jre
    - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to rwx zero_device_t, for some kind of jre
    - Ftp full access should be allowed to create directories as well as files
    - Add boolean to allow rsync_full_acces, so that an rsync server can write all
    - over the local machine
    - logrotate needs to rotate logs in openshift directories, needs back port to RHEL6
    - Add missing vpnc_roles type line
    - Allow stapserver to write content in /tmp
    - Allow gnome keyring to create keyrings dir in ~/.local/share
    - Dontaudit thumb drives trying to bind to udp sockets if nis_enabled is turned on
    - Add interface to colord_t dbus_chat to allow it to read remote process state
    - Allow colord_t to read cupsd_t state
    - Add mate-thumbnail-font as thumnailer
    - Allow sectoolm to sys_ptrace since it is looking at other proceses /proc data.
    - Allow qpidd to list /tmp. Needed by ssl
    - Only allow init_t to transition to rsync_t domain, not initrc_t.  This should be b
    - - Added systemd support for ksmtuned
    - Added booleans
    - firewalld seems to be creating mmap files which it needs to execute in /run /tmp a
    - Looks like qpidd_t needs to read /dev/random
    - Lots of probing avc's caused by execugting gpg from staff_t
    - Dontaudit senmail triggering a net_admin avc
    - Change thumb_role to use thumb_run, not sure why we have a thumb_role, needs back
    - Logwatch does access check on mdadm binary
    - Add raid_access_check_mdadm() iterface
file modified
+147547 -54123
file modified
+485 -262
file modified
+41 -1