676f0e - Add back fixes for gnome_role_template()

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 11 years ago
    - Add back fixes for gnome_role_template()
    - Label /usr/sbin/htcacheclean as httpd_exec_t
    - Add missing alias for pegasus_openlmi_service_exec_t
    - Added support for rdisc unit file
    - Added new policy for ninfod
    - Added new policy for openwsman
    - Add antivirus_db_t labeling for /var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs
    - Allow runuser running as logrotate connections to system DBUS
    - Add connectto perm for NM unix stream socket
    - Allow watchdog to be executed from cron
    - Allow cloud_init to transition to rpm_script_t
    - Allow lsmd_plugin_t send system log messages
    - Label /var/log/up2date as rpm_log_t and allow sosreport to manage rpm log/pid/cache files which is a part of ABRT polic
    - Added new capabilities for mip6d policy
    - Label bcache devices as fixed_disk_device_t
    - Allow systemctl running in ipsec_mgmt_t to access /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service
    - label /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service as ipsec_mgmt_unit_file_t
file modified
+29 -16
file modified
+430 -98
file modified
+20 -1