633767 - Allow collectd to talk to libvirt

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 11 years ago
    - Allow collectd to talk to libvirt
    - Allow chrome_sandbox to use leaked unix_stream_sockets
    - Dontaudit leaks of sockets into chrome_sandbox_t
    - If you create a cups directory in /var/cache then it should be labeled cups_rw_etc_t
    - Run vmtools as unconfined domains
    - Allow snort to manage its log files
    - Allow systemd_cronjob_t to be entered via bin_t
    - Allow procman to list doveconf_etc_t
    - allow keyring daemon to create content in tmpfs directories
    - Add proper labelling for icedtea-web
    - vpnc is creating content in networkmanager var run directory
    - unconfined_service should be allowed to transition to rpm_script_t
    - Allow couchdb to listen on port 6984
    - Dontaudit attempts by unpriv user domain to write to /run/mount directory, caused by running mount command
    - Allow systemd-logind to setup user tmpfs directories
    - Add additional fixes for systemd_networkd_t
    - Allow systemd-logind to manage user_tmpfs_t
    - Allow systemd-logind to mount /run/user/1000 to get gdm working
file modified
+177 -150
file modified
+76 -46
file modified
+21 -1