4d9a7e Ensure targeted policy is installed by default

1 file Authored by Ondrej Mosnacek 3 years ago, Committed by zpytela 3 years ago,
    Ensure targeted policy is installed by default
    When installing [a package requiring] selinux-policy/-base/
    rpm-plugin-selinux, selinux-policy-minimum is always chosen (based on
    alphabetical order). This is not desirable and we'd like -targeted to be
    picked as the default choice.
    Since selinux-policy and selinux-policy-base are glued together because
    of rpm-plugins-selinux, just have selinu-policy provide
    selinux-policy-base, use a new metapackage selinux-policy-any to
    represent "any of -targeted, -mls, or -minimum", and have selinux-policy
    require -any.
    Then adding "Suggests: selinux-policy-targeted" to selinux-policy has
    the effect that -targeted is picked by default when any of
    selinux-policy/-base/rpm-plugin-selinux is installed via "dnf install"
    on a clean system.
    This patch combines the ideas of Petr Lautrbach, Vit Mojzis, and myself.
    Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <omosnace@redhat.com>
file modified
+6 -3