37f102 * Fri Jun 09 2023 Zdenek Pytela <zpytela@redhat.com> - 38.16-1

Authored and Committed by Zdenek Pytela 2 years ago
    * Fri Jun 09 2023 Zdenek Pytela <zpytela@redhat.com> - 38.16-1
    - Add support for the systemd-pstore service
    - Allow kdumpctl_t to execmem
    - Update sendmail policy module for opensmtpd
    - Allow nagios-mail-plugin exec postfix master
    - Allow subscription-manager execute ip
    - Allow ssh client connect with a user dbus instance
    - Add support for ksshaskpass
    - Allow rhsmcertd file transition in /run also for socket files
    - Allow keyutils_dns_resolver_t execute keyutils_dns_resolver_exec_t
    - Allow plymouthd read/write X server miscellaneous devices
    - Allow systemd-sleep read udev pid files
    - Allow exim read network sysctls
    - Allow sendmail request load module
    - Allow named map its conf files
    - Allow squid map its cache files
    - Allow NetworkManager_dispatcher_dhclient_t to execute shells without a domain transition
file modified
+20 -2
file modified
+2 -2