36d3f3 - Allow $1_sudo_t and $1_su_t open access to user terminals

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 14 years ago
    - Allow $1_sudo_t and $1_su_t open access to user terminals
    - Allow initrc_t to use generic terminals
    - Make Makefile/Rules.modular run sepolgen-ifgen during build to check if files for bugs
    -systemd is going to be useing /run and /run/lock for early bootup files.
    - Fix some comments in rlogin.if
    - Add policy for KDE backlighthelper
    - sssd needs to read ~/.k5login in nfs, cifs or fusefs file systems
    - sssd wants to read .k5login file in users homedir
    - setroubleshoot reads executables to see if they have TEXTREL
    - Add /var/spool/audit support for new version of audit
    - Remove kerberos_connect_524() interface calling
    - Combine kerberos_master_port_t and kerberos_port_t
    - systemd has setup /dev/kmsg as stderr for apps it executes
    - Need these access so that init can impersonate sockets on unix_dgram_socket
file modified
+356 -158
file modified
+17 -1