2d6801 - Modify xdm_write_home to allow create files/links in /root with xdm_home_t

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 11 years ago
    - Modify xdm_write_home to allow create files/links in /root with xdm_home_t
    - Add more fixes for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/XorgWithoutRootRights
    - Add xserver_dbus_chat() interface
    - Add sysnet_filetrans_named_content_ifconfig() interface
    - Change userdom_use_user_inherited_ttys to userdom_use_user_ttys for systemd-tty-
    - Turn on cron_userdomain_transition by default for now. Until we get a fix for #1
    - Allow lscpu running as rhsmcertd_t to read sysinfo
    - Allow virt domains to read network state
    - Added pcp rules
    - Allow ctdbd to connect own ports
    - Fix samba_export_all_rw booleanto cover also non security dirs
    - Allow swift to exec rpm in swift_t and allow to create tmp files/dirs
    - Allow neutron to create /run/netns with correct labeling
    - Allow to run ip cmd in neutron_t domain
    - Allow rpm_script_t to dbus chat also with systemd-located
    - Fix ipa_stream_connect_otpd()
file modified
+74 -32
file modified
+95 -52
file modified
+19 -1