254b15 - init calling needs to be optional in domain.te

Authored and Committed by Miroslav Grepl 11 years ago
    - init calling needs to be optional in domain.te
    - Allow docker and mount on devpts chr_file
    - Allow docker to transition to unconfined_t if boolean set
    - Label also /usr/libexec/WebKitPluginProcess as mozilla_plugin_exec_t
    - Fix type in docker.te
    - Add mozilla_plugin_exec_t labeling for /usr/lib/firefox/plugin-contai
    - Allow docker to use the network and build images
    - Allow docker to read selinux files for labeling, and mount on devpts
    - Allow domains that transition to svirt_sandbox to send it signals
    - Allow docker to transition to unconfined_t if boolean set
file modified
+390 -730
file modified
+62 -27
file modified
+13 -1