07e568 * Fri Jan 24 2020 Zdenek Pytela <zpytela@redhat.com> - 3.14.5-21

Authored and Committed by Zdenek Pytela 5 years ago
    * Fri Jan 24 2020 Zdenek Pytela <zpytela@redhat.com> - 3.14.5-21
    - Dontaudit timedatex_t read file_contexts_t and validate security contexts
    - Make stratisd_t domain unconfined for now.
    - stratisd_t policy updates.
    - Label /var/spool/plymouth/boot.log as plymouthd_var_log_t
    - Label /stratis as stratisd_data_t
    - Allow opafm_t to create and use netlink rdma sockets.
    - Allow stratisd_t domain to read/write fixed disk devices and removable devices.
    - Added macro for stratisd to chat over dbus
    - Add dac_override capability to stratisd_t domain
    - Allow init_t set the nice level of all domains BZ(1778088)
    - Allow userdomain to chat with stratisd over dbus.
file modified
+2 -0
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+16 -3
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+3 -3