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 * Smarty plugin
Chris PeBenito 696b41
 * @package Smarty
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 * @subpackage plugins
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 * write out a file to disk
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Chris PeBenito 696b41
 * @param string $filename
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 * @param string $contents
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 * @param boolean $create_dirs
Chris PeBenito 696b41
 * @return boolean
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Chris PeBenito 696b41
function smarty_core_write_file($params, &$smarty)
Chris PeBenito 696b41
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    $_dirname = dirname($params['filename']);
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    if ($params['create_dirs']) {
Chris PeBenito 696b41
        $_params = array('dir' => $_dirname);
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        require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.create_dir_structure.php');
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        smarty_core_create_dir_structure($_params, $smarty);
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    // write to tmp file, then rename it to avoid
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    // file locking race condition
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    $_tmp_file = tempnam($_dirname, 'wrt');
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    if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) {
Chris PeBenito 696b41
        $_tmp_file = $_dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid('wrt');
Chris PeBenito 696b41
        if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) {
Chris PeBenito 696b41
            $smarty->trigger_error("problem writing temporary file '$_tmp_file'");
Chris PeBenito 696b41
            return false;
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    fwrite($fd, $params['contents']);
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    // Delete the file if it allready exists (this is needed on Win,
Chris PeBenito 696b41
    // because it cannot overwrite files with rename()
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    if (file_exists($params['filename'])) {
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Chris PeBenito 696b41
    @rename($_tmp_file, $params['filename']);
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    @chmod($params['filename'], $smarty->_file_perms);
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    return true;
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/* vim: set expandtab: */
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