Chris PeBenito 696b41
Chris PeBenito 696b41
  require_once ("./");
Chris PeBenito 696b41
Karl MacMillan a585f3
  $page = "index";
Karl MacMillan a585f3
  if ($_GET['page'])
Karl MacMillan a585f3
	$page = $_GET['page'];
Karl MacMillan a585f3
Karl MacMillan a585f3
  #echo "page is $page";
Chris PeBenito 696b41
/* Meh! this is a stupid hack because the stupid template system 
Chris PeBenito 696b41
   doesn't like the { } in policy statements */
Chris PeBenito 696b41
  $smarty->left_delimiter = '
Chris PeBenito 696b41
  $body = @$smarty->fetch("$page.html");
Chris PeBenito 696b41
  $smarty->left_delimiter = '{';
Chris PeBenito 696b41
Chris PeBenito 696b41
  if ($body == NULL) 
Chris PeBenito 696b41
	$body = @$smarty->fetch("index.html");
Chris PeBenito 696b41
Chris PeBenito 696b41
  $smarty->assign("body", $body);
Chris PeBenito 696b41
Chris PeBenito 696b41
  $smarty->display ("outer.html");
Chris PeBenito 696b41
Chris PeBenito 696b41