Chris PeBenito |
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Getting Started
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This guide will walk you through the basics of creating a new reference policy
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module. This will also serve as an introduction to the basics concepts and
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philosophy of refpolicy.
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Creating A Module
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Modules are the principal organizing component in refpolicy. A module contains
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the policy for an application or related group of applications, private and shared
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resources, labeling information, and interfaces that allow other modules access
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to the modules resources. The majority of the global policy has been eliminated
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in refpolicy. Certain policy components, like users and object classes, are
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still global in refpolicy, but almost all TE policy is now contained within a
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Let's create a new module called myapp. This is done by creating three files:
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myapp.te, mayapp.fc, and myapp.if. The file myapp.te file will contain all of
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the policy private to this module, including any types or attributes. The file
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myapp.fc file will contain the file context labeling statement for this module.
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Finally, the file myapp.if will contain the interfaces for this module (interfaces
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will be explained below).
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Module TE Policy
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Karl MacMillan |
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First create myapp.te and add the following:
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# Private type declarations
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type myapp_t;
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type myapp_exec_t;
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type myapp_log_t;
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type myapp_tmp_t;
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domain_entry_file(myapp_t, myapp_exec_t)
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This creates all of the types needed for this module, including a type for the
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process, executables, log files, and temporary files. The first thing to notice
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is that there are no attributes applied to any of these types. In refpolicy all
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types and attributes can only be referred to in the module that declares them.
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This means that it is not possible, for example, to directly refer to the domain
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attribute. Instead, macros in other modules are used to declare that a type will
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be used for a certain purpose. These macros will likely use attributes (but not
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necessarily), but it allows the module that declared the attribute to strictly
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control how it can be used. In this example interfaces are used to transform the
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types into a domain, entry file, log file, and temporary file.
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Let's expand this example further by allowing some access for these types. My
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application needs access between it's own types and access to read random numbers.
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The access between private types is written exactly the same way current policy
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rules are written, i.e.:
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allow myapp_t myapp_log_t:file ra_file_perms;
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allow myapp_t myapp_tmp_t:file create_file_perms;
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Karl MacMillan |
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This allows myapp_t to write to it's private types, but it needs to be able to
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create its temporary files in /tmp. This requires a call to the files module.
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Karl MacMillan |
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This call to the files module allows myapp_t to create myapp_tmp_t files in
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the /tmp directory.
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Module FC Policy
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The file contexts file lists files and the labels they should have. Create
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myapp.fc and add the following:
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/usr/bin/myapp -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:myapp_exec_t,s0)
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The gen_context() macro has three parameters, the base SELinux label,
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the MLS sensitivity, and the MCS category set (optional). When compiling a
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module, the macro will add the appropriate MLS/MCS part to the label when needed.
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Module IF Policy
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The interface file creates the macros that other modules will use to gain access
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to my resources. This allows the module that created the type or attribute to
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define appropriate uses. Additionally, it provides a single point for
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documentation. Create myapp.if and add the following:
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Chris PeBenito |
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## <summary>Myapp example policy</summary>
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## <desc>
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## <p>
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## More descriptive text about myapp. The <desc>
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## tag can also use <p>, <ul>, and <ol>
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## html tags for formatting.
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## </p>
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## <p>
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## This policy supports the following myapp features:
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## <ul>
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## <li>Feature A</li>
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## <li>Feature B</li>
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## <li>Feature C</li>
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## </ul>
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## </p>
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## </desc>
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## <summary>
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## Execute a domain transition to run myapp.
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## </summary>
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## <param name="domain">
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## Domain allowed to transition.
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## </param>
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type myapp_t, myapp_exec_t;
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Chris PeBenito |
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allow $1 myapp_t:fd use;
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allow $1 myapp_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
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allow $1 myapp_t:process sigchld;
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## <summary>
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## Read myapp log files.
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## </summary>
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## <param name="domain">
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## Domain allowed to read the log files.
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## </param>
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type myapp_log_t;
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Chris PeBenito |
347f40 |
Chris PeBenito |
347f40 |
Chris PeBenito |
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allow $1 myapp_log_t:file r_file_perms;
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Karl MacMillan |
5ba9f0 |
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The first interface allows other domains to do a domain
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transition to myapp_t, by executing a program labeled myapp_exec_t.
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The second interface allows other domains to read myapp's log files. Myapp's
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log files are in the /var/log directory, so the access to search the /var/log
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directory is also given by the interface. The gen_requires() macro is used to
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support loadable policy modules, and must explicitly list the type and attributes
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used by this interface. If object classes of a userland object manager are used,
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the class and the permissions used by the interface must also be listed.
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Compiling Modules
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Two methods of building modules are supported,
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headers and complete source.
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Current systems, such as Fedora Core 5, which support loadable policy modules
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should compile modules using headers. Using the complete source for building
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modules is only needed if loadable modules are not supported on the system or
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if when doing other modifications to the base policy. Genereally this is only
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suggested for experts.
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Building Using Policy Headers
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When building a loadable policy module, the three module source files need not
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be in a specific directory. A development directory in the user's home directory
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would be sufficient. In this example, lets place it in the policy directory
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in the home directory. The example Makefile should be copied to this directory.
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It is usually located in the /usr/share/doc/PKGNAME directory, where PKGNAME
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is the name of the policy package that has the policy headers.
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$ cp /usr/share/doc/refpolicy-20060307/Makefile.example ~/policy/Makefile
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Alternatively, this can be copied from the Reference Policy source, from the doc
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directory. The Makefile is not required, but will simplify the process.
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Now the policy directory should have the three module source files and Makefile.
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all that needs to be done is to run make, and the policy will be compiled.
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$ make
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Compiling targeted myapp module
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/usr/bin/checkmodule: loading policy configuration from tmp/myapp.tmp
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/usr/bin/checkmodule: policy configuration loaded
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/usr/bin/checkmodule: writing binary representation (version 5) to tmp/myapp.mod
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Creating targeted myapp.pp policy package
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If you do not have the example Makefile, you must tell make where to find the
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policy header's Makefile, by using the -f option. The Makefile for the base
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policy provided by the Linux distribution should be found in the
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/usr/share/selinux/NAME/include directory, where NAME is the name
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of the policy, for example, strict or targeted.
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$ make -f /usr/share/selinux/targeted/include/Makefile
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Compiling targeted myapp module
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/usr/bin/checkmodule: loading policy configuration from tmp/myapp.tmp
Chris PeBenito |
26eac6 |
/usr/bin/checkmodule: policy configuration loaded
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/usr/bin/checkmodule: writing binary representation (version 5) to tmp/myapp.mod
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Creating targeted myapp.pp policy package
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When this succeeds, there will be a myapp.pp policy package that can be inserted
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into the running policy To load the module, you must be running as root, in a
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role allowed to run semodule. Then run semodule -i to insert the module into
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the running policy.
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# semodule -i myapp.pp
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The semodule command will only have messages if there is an error inserting the
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module. If it succeeds, semodule -l should list the myapp module, and the version.
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# semodule -l
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myapp 1.0
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