Chris PeBenito 0fbfa5
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Chris PeBenito 0fbfa5
# User configuration.
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# This file defines each user recognized by the system security policy.
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# Only the user identities defined in this file may be used as the
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# user attribute in a security context.
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# Each user has a set of roles that may be entered by processes
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# with the users identity.  The syntax of a user declaration is:
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# 	user username roles role_set [ level default_level range allowed_range ] level s0 range s0;
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# The MLS default level and allowed range should only be specified if 
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# MLS was enabled in the policy.
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# system_u is the user identity for system processes and objects.
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# There should be no corresponding Unix user identity for system_u,
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# and a user process should never be assigned the system_u user
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# identity.
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user system_u roles system_r;
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# user_u is a generic user identity for Linux users who have no
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# SELinux user identity defined.  The modified daemons will use
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# this user identity in the security context if there is no matching
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# SELinux user identity for a Linux user.  If you do not want to
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# permit any access to such users, then remove this entry.
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Chris PeBenito 0fbfa5
user user_u roles { user_r }; 
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# The following users correspond to Unix identities.
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# These identities are typically assigned as the user attribute
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# when login starts the user shell.  Users with access to the sysadm_r
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# role should use the staff_r role instead of the user_r role when
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# not in the sysadm_r.
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# The sysadm_r user also needs to be permitted system_r if we are to allow
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# direct execution of daemons
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user root roles { sysadm_r staff_r secadm_r ifdef(`direct_sysadm_daemon', `system_r') };
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Chris PeBenito 0fbfa5
# sample for administrative user
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#user jadmin roles { staff_r sysadm_r ifdef(`direct_sysadm_daemon', `system_r') };
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Chris PeBenito 0fbfa5
# sample for regular user
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#user jdoe roles { user_r };
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# The following users correspond to special Unix identities
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Chris PeBenito cff75c
ifdef(`nx_server.te', `
Chris PeBenito cff75c
user nx roles nx_server_r;
Chris PeBenito cff75c