Chris PeBenito 0fbfa5
The Makefile targets are:
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policy - compile the policy configuration.
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install - compile and install the policy configuration.
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load    - compile, install, and load the policy configuration.
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relabel - relabel the filesystem.
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check-all - check individual additional policy files in domains/program/unused.
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checkunused/FILE.te - check individual file FILE from domains/program/unused.
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If you have configured MLS into your module, then set MLS=y in the
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Makefile prior to building the policy.  Of course, you must have also
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built checkpolicy with MLS enabled.  
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Three of the configuration files are independent of the particular
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security policy:
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1) flask/security_classes -
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   This file has a simple declaration for each security class.
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   The corresponding symbol definitions are in the automatically
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   generated header file <selinux/flask.h>. 
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2) flask/initial_sids - 
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   This file has a simple declaration for each initial SID.
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   The corresponding symbol definitions are in the automatically
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   generated header file <selinux/flask.h>.
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3) access_vectors - 
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   This file defines the access vectors.  Common prefixes for
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   access vectors may be defined at the beginning of the file.
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   After the common prefixes are defined, an access vector
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   may be defined for each security class.
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   The corresponding symbol definitions are in the automatically
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   generated header file <selinux/av_permissions.h>.
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In addition to being read by the security server, these configuration
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files are used during the kernel build to automatically generate
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symbol definitions used by the kernel for security classes, initial
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SIDs and permissions.  Since the symbol definitions generated from
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these files are used during the kernel build, the values of existing
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security classes and permissions may not be modified by load_policy.
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However, new classes may be appended to the list of classes and new
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permissions may be appended to the list of permissions associated with
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each access vector definition.
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The policy-dependent configuration files are:
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1) tmp/all.te -  
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   This file defines the Type Enforcement (TE) configuration.
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   This file is automatically generated from a collection of files.
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   The macros subdirectory contains a collection of m4 macro definitions
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   used by the TE configuration.  The global_macros.te file contains global 
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   macros used throughout the configuration for common groupings of classes 
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   and permissions and for common sets of rules.  The user_macros.te file
Chris PeBenito 0fbfa5
   contains macros used in defining user domains.  The admin_macros.te file
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   contains macros used in defining admin domains.  The macros/program 
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   subdirectory contains macros that are used to instantiate derived domains
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   for certain programs that encode information about both the calling user
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   domain and the program, permitting the policy to maintain separation 
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   between different instances of the program.
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   The types subdirectory contains several files with declarations for
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   general types (types not associated with a particular domain) and 
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   some rules defining relationships among those types.  Related types 
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   are grouped together into each file in this directory, e.g. all
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   device type declarations are in the device.te file.
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   The domains subdirectory contains several files and directories
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   with declarations and rules for each domain.  User domains are defined in 
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   user.te.  Administrator domains are defined in admin.te.  Domains for 
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   specific programs, including both system daemons and other programs, are 
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   in the .te files within the domains/program subdirectory.  The domains/misc
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   subdirectory is for miscellaneous domains such as the kernel domain and
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   the kernel module loader domain.
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   The assert.te file contains assertions that are checked after evaluating 
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   the entire TE configuration.
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2) rbac - 
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   This file defines the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) configuration.
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3) mls - 
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   This file defines the Multi-Level Security (MLS) configuration.
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4) users -
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   This file defines the users recognized by the security policy.
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5) constraints - 
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   This file defines additional constraints on permissions
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   in the form of boolean expressions that must be satisfied in order
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   for specified permissions to be granted.  These constraints
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   are used to further refine the type enforcement tables and
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   the role allow rules.  Typically, these constraints are used
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   to restrict changes in user identity or role to certain domains.
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6) initial_sid_contexts -
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   This file defines the security context for each initial SID.
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   A security context consists of a user identity, a role, a type and
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   optionally a MLS range if the MLS policy is enabled.  If left unspecified,
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   the high MLS level defaults to the low MLS level.  The syntax of a valid 
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   security context is:
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7) fs_use -
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   This file defines the labeling behavior for inodes in particular
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   filesystem types.  
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8) genfs_contexts -
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   This file defines security contexts for files in filesystems that
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   cannot support persistent label mappings or use one of the fixed
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   labeling schemes specified in fs_use.
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8) net_contexts -
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   This file defines the security contexts of network objects
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   such as ports, interfaces, and nodes.
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9) file_contexts/{types.fc,program/*.fc}
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   These files define the security contexts for persistent files.
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It is possible to test the security server functions on a given policy
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configuration by running the checkpolicy program with the -d option.
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This program is built from the same sources as the security server
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component of the kernel, so it may be used both to verify that a
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policy configuration will load successfully and to determine how the
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security server would respond if it were using that policy
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configuration.  A menu-based interface is provided for calling any of
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the security server functions after the policy is loaded.