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#  Author: Donald Miner <>
Chris PeBenito 95db42
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# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Tresys Technology, LLC
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#      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
Chris PeBenito 95db42
#      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
Chris PeBenito 95db42
#      the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
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	This script generates XML documentation information for layers specified
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	by the user.
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import sys
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import os
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import glob
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import re
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# Default values of command line arguments:
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directory = "./"
Chris PeBenito 95db42
warn = False
Chris PeBenito 95db42
meta = "metadata"
Chris PeBenito 95db42
layers = []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
tunable_files = []
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bool_files = []
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# Pre compiled regular expressions:
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# Matches either an interface or a template declaration. Will give the tuple:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
#	("interface" or "template", name)
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# Some examples:
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#	"interface(`kernel_read_system_state',`"
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#	 -> ("interface", "kernel_read_system_state")
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#	"template(`base_user_template',`"
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#	 -> ("template", "base_user_template")
Chris PeBenito 585076
INTERFACE = re.compile("^\s*(interface|template)\(`(\w*)'")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
# Matches either a gen_bool or a gen_tunable statement. Will give the tuple:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
#	("tunable" or "bool", name, "true" or "false")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
# Some examples:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
#	"gen_bool(secure_mode, false)"
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
#	 -> ("bool", "secure_mode", "false")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
#	"gen_tunable(allow_kerberos, false)"
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
#	 -> ("tunable", "allow_kerberos", "false")
Chris PeBenito 585076
BOOLEAN = re.compile("^\s*gen_(tunable|bool)\(\s*(\w*)\s*,\s*(true|false)\s*\)")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
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# Matches a XML comment in the policy, which is defined as any line starting
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#  with two # and at least one character of white space. Will give the single
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#  valued tuple:
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#	("comment")
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# Some Examples:
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#	"## <summary>"
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#	 -> ("<summary>")
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#	"##		The domain allowed access.	"
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#	 -> ("The domain allowed access.")
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XML_COMMENT = re.compile("^##\s+(.*?)\s*$")
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def getModuleXML(file_name):
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	Returns the XML data for a module in a list, one line per list item.
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	# Try to open the file, if it cant, just ignore it.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		module_file = open(file_name, "r")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		module_code = module_file.readlines()
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		warning("cannot open file %s for read, skipping" % file_name)
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		return []
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
	module_buf = []
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Chris PeBenito e81f02
	# Infer the module name, which is the base of the file name.
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	module_buf.append("<module name=\"%s\" filename=\"%s\">\n" 
Chris PeBenito 585076
		% (os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file_name)[-1])[0], file_name))
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	temp_buf = []
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	interface = None
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	# finding_header is a flag to denote whether we are still looking
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	#  for the XML documentation at the head of the file.
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	finding_header = True
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Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	# Get rid of whitespace at top of file
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	while(module_code and module_code[0].isspace()):
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		module_code = module_code[1:]
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	# Go line by line and figure out what to do with it.
Chris PeBenito 585076
	line_num = 0
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	for line in module_code:
Chris PeBenito 585076
		line_num += 1
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		if finding_header:
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			# If there is a XML comment, add it to the temp buffer.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			comment = XML_COMMENT.match(line)
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			if comment:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				temp_buf.append( + "\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
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			# Once a line that is not an XML comment is reached,
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			#  either put the XML out to module buffer as the
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			#  module's documentation, or attribute it to an
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			#  interface/template.
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			elif temp_buf:
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				finding_header = False
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				interface = INTERFACE.match(line)
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				if not interface:
Chris PeBenito f8838e
					module_buf += temp_buf
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
					temp_buf = []
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
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		# Skip over empty lines
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		if line.isspace():
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		# Grab a comment and add it to the temprorary buffer, if it
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		#  is there.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		comment = XML_COMMENT.match(line)
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		if comment:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			temp_buf.append( + "\n")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		# Grab the interface information. This is only not true when
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		#  the interface is at the top of the file and there is no
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		#  documentation for the module.
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		if not interface:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			interface = INTERFACE.match(line)
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		if interface:
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			# Add the opening tag for the interface/template
Chris PeBenito 585076
			groups = interface.groups()
Chris PeBenito 585076
			module_buf.append("<%s name=\"%s\" lineno=\"%s\">\n" % (groups[0], groups[1], line_num))
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			# Add all the comments attributed to this interface to
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			#  the module buffer.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			if temp_buf:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				module_buf += temp_buf
Chris PeBenito e81f02
				temp_buf = []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			# Add default summaries and parameters so that the
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			#  DTD is happy.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				module_buf.append("Summary is missing!\n")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				module_buf.append("<param name=\"?\">\n")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				module_buf.append("Parameter descriptions are missing!\n")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito e694b5
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			# Close the interface/template tag.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			module_buf.append("</%s>\n" %
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			interface = None
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	# If the file just had a header, add the comments to the module buffer.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	if finding_header:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		module_buf += temp_buf
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	# Otherwise there are some lingering XML comments at the bottom, warn
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	#  the user.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	elif temp_buf:
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		warning("orphan XML comments at bottom of file %s" % file_name)
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	return module_buf
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
def getLayerXML(directory):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	Returns the XML documentation for a layer.
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	layer_buf = []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# Infer the layer name from the directory name.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	layer_buf.append("<layer name=\"%s\">\n" % os.path.basename(directory))
Chris PeBenito 95db42
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	# Try to open the metadata file for this directory and if it exists,
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# append the contents to the buffer.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		layer_meta = open(directory+"/"+meta, "r")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		layer_buf += layer_meta.readlines()
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		warning("cannot open file %s for read, assuming no data"\
Chris PeBenito 95db42
			% meta)
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# For each module file in the layer, add its XML.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	for module in glob.glob("%s/*.if" % directory):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		layer_buf += getModuleXML(module)
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	return layer_buf
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Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
def getTunableXML(file_name, kind):
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Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	Return all the XML for the tunables/bools in the file specified.
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# Try to open the file, if it cant, just ignore it.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		tunable_file = open(file_name, "r")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		tunable_code = tunable_file.readlines()
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		warning("cannot open file %s for read, skipping" % file_name)
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		return []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	tunable_buf = []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	temp_buf = []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# Find tunables and booleans line by line and use the comments above
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# them.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	for line in tunable_code:
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		# If it is an XML comment, add it to the buffer and go on.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		comment = XML_COMMENT.match(line)
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		if comment:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
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		# Get the boolean/tunable data.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		boolean = BOOLEAN.match(line)
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		# If we reach a boolean/tunable declaration, attribute all XML
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		#  in the temp buffer to it and add XML to the tunable buffer.
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		if boolean:
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			# If there is a gen_bool in a tunable file or a
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			# gen_tunable in a boolean file, error and exit.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			if != kind:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				error("%s in a %s file." % (, kind))
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			tunable_buf.append("<%s name=\"%s\" dftval=\"%s\">\n" % boolean.groups())
Chris PeBenito 95db42
			tunable_buf += temp_buf
Chris PeBenito 95db42
			temp_buf = []
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
			tunable_buf.append("</%s>\n" %
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# If there are XML comments at the end of the file, they arn't
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# attributed to anything. These are ignored.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	if len(temp_buf):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		warning("orphan XML comments at bottom of file %s" % file_name)
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	return tunable_buf
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
def getPolicyXML(directory):
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	Return the compelete reference policy XML documentation through a list,
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	one line per item.
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	# Keep track of original path so that it will change back at the end.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	old_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
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	# Attempt to change directory into the policy directory. If it doesn't
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# exist just return an empty documentation.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		warning("cannot change directory to %s, ignoring"\
Chris PeBenito 95db42
			% directory)
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		return []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	policy_buf = []
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# Add to the XML each layer specified by the user.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	for layer in layers:
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		policy_buf += getLayerXML(layer)
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Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	# Add to the XML each tunable file specified by the user.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	for tunable_file in tunable_files:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		policy_buf += getTunableXML(tunable_file, "tunable")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	# Add to the XML each bool file specified by the user.
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	for bool_file in bool_files:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		policy_buf += getTunableXML(bool_file, "bool")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	# Return to old directory.
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		error("cannot change directory to %s" % old_dir)
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	return policy_buf
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
def usage():
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
	Displays a message describing the proper usage of this script.
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	sys.stdout.write("usage: %s [-w] [-d directory] [-m file] "\
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		% sys.argv[0])
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
	sys.stdout.write("layerdirectory [layerdirectory...]\n\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
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	sys.stdout.write("-w --warn		--	"+\
Chris PeBenito 95db42
				"show warnings\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	sys.stdout.write("-m --meta <file>	--	"+\
Chris PeBenito 95db42
				"the filename of the metadata in each layer\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	sys.stdout.write("-d --directory <dir>	--	"+\
Chris PeBenito 95db42
				"directory where the layers are\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
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	sys.stdout.write("-t --tunable <file>	--	"+\
Chris PeBenito 95db42
				"A file containing tunable declarations\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	sys.stdout.write("-b --bool <file>      --      "+\
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
				"A file containing bool declarations\n")
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 95db42
def warning(description):
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
	Warns the user of a non-critical error.
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	if warn:
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		sys.stderr.write("%s: " % sys.argv[0] )
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		sys.stderr.write("warning: " + description + "\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
def error(description):
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
	Describes an error and exists the program.
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	sys.stderr.write("%s: " % sys.argv[0] )
Chris PeBenito 95db42
        sys.stderr.write("error: " + description + "\n")
Chris PeBenito 95db42
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
# Check that there are command line arguments.
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if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
# Parse the command line arguments
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for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	if sys.argv[i-1] in ("-d", "--directory", "-m", "--meta",\
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
					"-t", "--tunable", "-b", "--bool"):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	elif sys.argv[i] in ("-w", "--warn"):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		warn = True
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	elif sys.argv[i] in ("-d", "--directory"):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		if i < len(sys.argv)-1:
Chris PeBenito 95db42
			directory = sys.argv[i+1]
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	elif sys.argv[i] in ("-m", "--meta"):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		if i < len(sys.argv)-1:
Chris PeBenito 95db42
			meta = sys.argv[i+1]
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
	elif sys.argv[i] in ("-t", "--tunable"):
Chris PeBenito 95db42
		if i < len(sys.argv)-1:
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
	elif sys.argv[i] in ("-b", "--bool"):
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
		if i < len(sys.argv)-1:
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
Chris PeBenito 4f9f30
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Chris PeBenito 95db42
Chris PeBenito 95db42
# Generate the XML and output it to a file
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lines = getPolicyXML(directory)
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for s in lines:
Chris PeBenito 95db42