Chris PeBenito 3865d6
## <module name="hostname" layer="system">
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
## <summary>Policy for changing the system host name.</summary>
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Chris PeBenito 32e53a
## <interface name="hostname_transition">
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	<description>
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##		Execute hostname in the hostname domain.
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##	</description>
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##	<parameter name="domain">
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##		The type of the process performing this action.
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##		Has a sigchld signal backchannel.
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##	</parameter>
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##	<infoflow type="write" weight="10"/>
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## </interface>
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Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow $1 hostname_exec_t:file { getattr read execute };
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow $1 hostname_t:process transition;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	type_transition $1 hostname_exec_t:process hostname_t;
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	dontaudit $1 hostname_t:process { noatsecure siginh rlimitinh };
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Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow $1 hostname_t:fd use;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow hostname_t $1:fd use;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow hostname_t $1:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow hostname_t $1:process sigchld;
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
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Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	type hostname_t, hostname_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	class file { getattr read execute };
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	class process { transition noatsecure siginh rlimitinh sigchld };
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	class fd use;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	class fifo_file rw_file_perms;
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Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
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Chris PeBenito 32e53a
## <interface name="hostname_transition_add_role_use_terminal">
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	<description>
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##		Execute hostname in the hostname domain, and
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##		allow the specified role the hostname domain.
Chris PeBenito 4bf4ed
##		Has a sigchld signal backchannel.
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	</description>
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	<parameter name="domain">
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##		The type of the process performing this action.
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	</parameter>
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	<parameter name="role">
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##		The role to be allowed the hostname domain.
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	</parameter>
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	<parameter name="terminal">
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##		The type of the terminal allow the hostname domain to use.
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	</parameter>
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
##	<infoflow type="write" weight="10"/>
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## </interface>
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Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	role $2 types hostname_t;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow hostname_t $3:chr_file { getattr read write ioctl };
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Chris PeBenito 32e53a
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	type hostname_t;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	class chr_file { getattr read write ioctl };
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Chris PeBenito 32e53a
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
## <interface name="hostname_execute">
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
##     <description>
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
##             Execute hostname in the hostname domain, and
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
##             Has a sigchld signal backchannel.
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
##     </description>
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
##     <parameter name="domain">
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
##             The type of the process performing this action.
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##     </parameter>
Chris PeBenito 3865d6
##     <infoflow type="write" weight="10"/>
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## </interface>
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Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
# hostname_execute(domain)
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	allow $1 hostname_exec_t:file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans };
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	type hostname_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
Chris PeBenito 0c73cd
	class file { getattr read execute execute_no_trans };
Chris PeBenito 15e3d8
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
Chris PeBenito 32e53a
## </module>