Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# Declarations
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 452399
attribute ssh_server;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# Type for the ssh-agent executable.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
type ssh_agent_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# ssh client executable.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
type ssh_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
type ssh_keygen_t;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
type ssh_keygen_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
role system_r types ssh_keygen_t;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 80436b
Chris PeBenito 80436b
# CJP: commenting this out until typeattribute works in a conditional
Chris PeBenito 80436b
#	tunable_policy(`run_ssh_inetd',`
Chris PeBenito 80436b
Chris PeBenito 80436b
#	',`
Chris PeBenito 80436b
#		init_daemon_domain(sshd_t,sshd_exec_t)
Chris PeBenito 80436b
#	')
Chris PeBenito 80436b
Chris PeBenito 80436b
	# These rules should match the else block
Chris PeBenito 80436b
	# of the run_ssh_inetd tunable directly above
Chris PeBenito 80436b
Chris PeBenito 80436b
Chris PeBenito 80436b
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
type sshd_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
type sshd_key_t;
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
type sshd_tmp_t;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# sshd local policy
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# sshd_t is the domain for the sshd program.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
# so a tunnel can point to another ssh tunnel
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
allow sshd_t self:tcp_socket { acceptfrom connectto recvfrom };
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow sshd_t sshd_tmp_t:dir create_dir_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow sshd_t sshd_tmp_t:file create_file_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow sshd_t sshd_tmp_t:sock_file create_file_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
files_create_tmp_files(sshd_t, sshd_tmp_t, { dir file sock_file })
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# for X forwarding
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
# Allow checking users mail at login
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
		domain_trans(sshd_t, xauth_exec_t, userdomain)
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# Relabel and access ptys created by sshd
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# ioctl is necessary for logout() processing for utmp entry and for w to
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# display the tty.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# some versions of sshd on the new SE Linux require setattr
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	allow sshd_t ptyfile:chr_file { relabelto read write getattr ioctl setattr };
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# inheriting stream sockets is needed for "ssh host command" as no pty
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# is allocated
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	allow userdomain sshd_t:unix_stream_socket rw_stream_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
		domain_trans(sshd_t, xauth_exec_t, unpriv_userdomain)
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# Relabel and access ptys created by sshd
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# ioctl is necessary for logout() processing for utmp entry and for w to
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# display the tty.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# some versions of sshd on the new SE Linux require setattr
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	allow sshd_t userpty_type:chr_file { relabelto read write getattr ioctl setattr };
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# inheriting stream sockets is needed for "ssh host command" as no pty
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# is allocated
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	allow userdomain sshd_t:unix_stream_socket rw_stream_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# for when the network connection breaks after running newrole -r sysadm_r
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
dontaudit sshd_t sysadm_devpts_t:chr_file setattr;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito ab940a
Chris PeBenito ab940a
allow sshd_t rpm_script_t:fd use;
Chris PeBenito ab940a
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
') dnl endif TODO
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# sshd_extern local policy
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# sshd_extern_t is the domain for ssh from outside our network
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
domain_trans(sshd_extern_t, shell_exec_t, user_mini_domain)
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# Signal the user domains.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow sshd_extern_t user_mini_domain:process signal;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
ifdef(`xauth.te', `
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
domain_trans(sshd_extern_t, xauth_exec_t, user_mini_domain)
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# Relabel and access ptys created by sshd
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# ioctl is necessary for logout() processing for utmp entry and for w to
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# display the tty.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# some versions of sshd on the new SE Linux require setattr
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow sshd_extern_t user_mini_domain:chr_file { relabelto read write getattr ioctl setattr };
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# inheriting stream sockets is needed for "ssh host command" as no pty
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# is allocated
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow user_mini_domain sshd_extern_t:unix_stream_socket rw_stream_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
		domain_trans(inetd_t, sshd_exec_t, sshd_extern_t)
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
		domain_trans(initrc_t, sshd_exec_t, sshd_extern_t)
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	# These rules should match the else block
Chris PeBenito 9ccd96
	# of the run_ssh_inetd tunable directly above
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
	domain_trans(initrc_t, sshd_exec_t, sshd_extern_t)
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
ifdef(`direct_sysadm_daemon', `
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# Direct execution by sysadm_r.
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
domain_auto_trans(sysadm_t, sshd_exec_t, sshd_t)
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
role_transition sysadm_r sshd_exec_t system_r;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# for port forwarding
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow userdomain sshd_t:tcp_socket { connectto recvfrom };
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow sshd_t userdomain:tcp_socket { acceptfrom recvfrom };
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow userdomain kernel_t:tcp_socket recvfrom;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow sshd_t kernel_t:tcp_socket recvfrom;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
') dnl endif TODO
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# ssh_keygen local policy
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# ssh_keygen_t is the type of the ssh-keygen program when run at install time
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
# and by sysadm_t
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
dontaudit ssh_keygen_t self:capability sys_tty_config;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow ssh_keygen_t self:process { sigchld sigkill sigstop signull signal };
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow ssh_keygen_t self:unix_stream_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow ssh_keygen_t sshd_key_t:file create_file_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito ab940a
Chris PeBenito ab940a
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow ssh_keygen_t proc_t:dir r_dir_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
allow ssh_keygen_t proc_t:lnk_file read;
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
ifdef(`targeted_policy', `
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
optional_policy(`rhgb.te', `
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
optional_policy(`udev.te', `
Chris PeBenito 0404a3
Chris PeBenito 0404a3