Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito edf241
policy_module(gpg, 1.0.2)
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
# Declarations
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
# Type for gpg or pgp executables.
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
type gpg_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
type gpg_helper_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
# Type for the gpg-agent executable.
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
type gpg_agent_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
# type for the pinentry executable
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
type pinentry_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 8fd367
Chris PeBenito b2b38c
Chris PeBenito a1fcff
Chris PeBenito a1fcff
allow sysadm_gpg_t { home_root_t user_home_dir_type }:dir search;
Chris PeBenito a1fcff
allow sysadm_gpg_t ptyfile:chr_file rw_file_perms;
Chris PeBenito a1fcff